01 Gmul5063 2012 List of Topics For Individual Assignment

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e are two norms which a decision-making body must follow. Both are expressed in Latin maxims but are in essence very simple principles; audi alteram partem which means that the person concerned must be heard before a decision is taken; and the second principle is nemo judex in causa sua which means a person will not judge a case in which he is himself interested. Discuss the principles of natural justice based on audi alteram partem and nemo judex in causa sua. TOPIC 2: Whistle blowing is justified in situations in which companies take actions that are illegal or unethical. Whistle blowing is justified because society benefits from the activity. Whistle blowing is a selfless act. There are numerous examples in the literature of individuals whose careers ended in ruin because they chose to act ethically and "blow the whistle" on their employer's illegal or unethical activities. Discuss moral and ethical issues surrounding whistle blowing. TOPIC 3: Discuss on how the sale of goods law provide protection in a contract of sale of goods. TOPIC 4: Dayakuasa Pte. Ltd (Dayakuasa) was incorporated on 5 January 2009. Dayakuasas business is importing and exporting processed food between Malaysia and Brunei. Amir, Nina and Aby are the directors of Dayakuasa since January 2009. On Dayakuasas behalf Amir arranged the purchase of a land on Langkawi Island at a price of RM300, 000.00. Unknown to the company, Amir has received a secret commission of RM55, 000.00 from the landlord in order to

procure the lands transaction. When Dayakuasa discovered about the secret commission paid to Amir, Dayakuasa accused Amir had breached his duty as a director. Meanwhile, Siti one of the shareholder of Dayakuasa wants to know about the concept of separate legal entity. Advise Dayakuasa about the action can be taken against Amir and advise Siti on the concept of separate legal entity once the company is formed. Support your discussion with statutory provisions and decided cases. TOPIC 5: i. The Industrial Court as an avenue for remedy on unfair dismissal and trade dispute settlement. ii. Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony. Discuss. TOPIC 6: Malaysian consumers are getting smarter. With the increasing purchasing power among Malaysians, more and more consumers are becoming wiser in accounting for every single sen spent. This conclusion is derived from the increasing number of cases heard by the Malaysian Consumer Claims Tribunal. More people are turning to the tribunal for help as they are more aware of its effectiveness and their right as consumers. Do you agree that the Consumer Claims Tribunal seems to be the best alternative for consumers to file claims? Do you think that Consumer Protection Act 1999 adequately protect Malaysian consumer?
Pengguna di Malaysia semakin bijak. Dengan kuasa beli yang semakin meningkat di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, lebih ramai pengguna menjadi lebih bijak dalam bidang perakaunan untuk setiap sen yang dibelanjakan. Kesimpulan ini diperolehi daripada peningkatan bilangan kes-kes yang didengar oleh Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia. Lebih ramai orang beralih kepada tribunal untuk mendapatkan bantuan kerana mereka lebih mengetahui keberkesanan dan hak mereka sebagai pengguna. Adakah anda bersetuju bahawa Pengguna Tribunal Tuntutan seolah-olah

menjadi alternatif terbaik untuk pengguna tuntutan fail? Adakah anda berfikir bahawa Akta Perlindungan Pengguna 1999 yang mencukupi untuk melindungi pengguna Malaysia?

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