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The Seventh House: About You

11 Comments Astrology Houses

How to Interpret Your Own Seventh House Summary of the Steps: Its Easy! In order to help you understand the nature of your Relationship karma, we will walk you through a few steps. First, you will learn which Sign your 7th House is in as well as how that particular Sign affects your relationships, partnerships and other 7th house indicators, such as business, status, marriage and moral conduct. Then, we will get more specific about your 7th House by examining any planets which may be placed in your 7th House. In addition, we will consider where the ruler of your 7th House is placed. This will all be very easy to do as we will go step by step. Finally, we will test your knowledge with a Quiz using Oprah Winfreys chart.

First, you need to know what your 6th House sign is. To do this: 1. Log into Astroved 2. Run the Chart Report 3. On the chart, it will indicate your 7th House with the number 7 in the box. The blue letters in the same box indicate the Sign. For your reference the abbreviated sign names are listed below. Symbol Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi Sign Name Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Now that you know which sign your 7th House is, please read the description for the Sign that rules your 7th House of Relationships. This description offers you general inclinations you will have due to this Sign ruling your 7th House. As you read the description, also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this piece of information in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your 7th House karma. As always, there are many factors which influence your chart, your karma/dharma and your life, including the condition of the planet ruling a house, the condition of planets in a house and what Dasha (planetary) period you are currently running. Still, even some basic information may help your Self-Discovery about relationships in your life. Find your 7th House below and note the Ruling Planet. Seventh House Aries Ruling Planet Mars Relationship Nature With Mars also owning the 2nd house, there can be money issues in the marriage or partnership. Challenges with marriage and money issues. May be possessive, however, will have orientation toward productive partnerships. May experience issues of betrayal and abandonment in relationships or make sacrifices for partner. Will be drawn into relationships to resolve karmas through strong attractions. Likely to work with spouse (Mercury also owns 10th house of career), also to work in business partnerships. Some ability for public success and good relationship with public. Must attend to needs. Partner/spouse can be very emotional, emotive, high intelligence. Both partner and self very relational, high desire for relationship. Powerful, successful spouse though can be overbearing. Sun creates challenges for marriage and other relationships. Needs others to help give confidence. Desire for an intelligent, conversant partner/spouse. Interested in their cultural background. Has natural ability for verbal communication with others. Financial and status gain through marriage. Income and financial affairs are linked to partnerships with Venus also ruling the 2nd house of Finances/Wealth. Passionate, fulfills agreements, enjoys luxuries, wants the finest. Mars rules the 12th as well, so brings a range of 12th house potentialities to relationships/marriage: loss, abandonment, enlightenment, and dispensation of debt. Powerful passions. Marriage/partnership can bring power and prestige (since Jupiter













Scorpio Sagittarius

Mars Jupiter

also owns the 10th house). Can meet partner/spouse through the career. Strong ability to give through career in noble way. Relationships may improve status. Capricorn Saturn Marriage can bring sense of restriction, likely to someone older or with older viewpoint and strong-willed. Can be loss of status or controversy regarding spouse. Vulnerable. Must guard against coldness. Relationships improve over time with more trust. Because Saturn also rules the 7th house, spouse/partners will have range of 7th house traits: competitive, enmity, or could be a healer and bring healing to the relationship. Must confront insecurities in partnerships. Drawn to someone like his or her mother (Jupiter owns 4th house as well). Partners/marriage brings 4th house comforts. Must remain true about what feels good and what doesnt in relationships and not pick romantic partners who do not give respect.





Once you have identified which sign is your 7th house, the next step in understanding aspects of your Relationship house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. To do this, run the Chart Report on Astroved. Examine your 7th House and note any planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 7th House to see how they affect your 7th house indicators. Planet in the 7th House Sun General Effect Late marriage, enjoys travel and foreign things, wealth through partner. Powerful partner. Must guard against arguing. Likes to take the lead. Good looking with very attractive partner, passionate, successful, sociable. Good for creative / arts businesses. Gives affection easily. Negative Effect Can incur scandal through relationship, loose moral conduct. Headaches. Sexual excess, aimless, jealous. Back trouble.


Mars Mercury

Slender, tension in married life, passionate, Rash, argumentative, intelligent, stubborn and idiosyncratic. promiscuity. Sloppy Powerful, controlling mate. Persuasive, business practices. goal-oriented. Intelligent, youthful, attractive partner. Short-tempered. Mentally Literary talent and success, diplomatic, unstable mate. Skin attractive spouse, wise, widely respected, ailments. wealthy, adroit business skills and success,

interest in the occult (astronomy, astrology and math). Good sense of humor. Jupiter Supportive, prosperous partner, happiness from children, diplomatic, well educated, fame. Can attract and keep good partners. Good for legal transactions and contracts. Partner lacks recognition for works or incurs legal problems. Wasteful. Weight problems.


Beautiful, refined partner; happy marriage. Sexual excess, low moral Individual will be passionate, sensual. conduct, poor grooming. Good business skills. Marriage later in life and/or to a much Intestinal (colon) older spouse. Diplomatic, political success problems, sickly mate, well traveled, ambitious. Practical, loneliness in marriage. detached. Relationships improve over time. Over-bearing spouse. Spouse/partners from foreign culture, Spouse has reproductive brave, life lesson focus on learning to work ailments. Over indulgence in partnership. Not favorable for lasting in food, blood sugar union. ailments. Adultery. Passionate, spiritual partner If 7th house is Scorpio, Ketu is exalted, bringing out most benefic indicators of Ketu (e.g. Loose morals, sickly enlightenment). As with Rahu, greatest life partner. Tired. lessons, challenges, and growth come through relationships. Enjoys making spiritual journeys.




To help you determine whether your 7th House will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 7th House Sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more tendencies toward the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs. As a rule of thumb, no planet is favorable in the 7th house, unless it is in its own sign. 7th House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Moon Sun Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn

Moon Saturn Sun Moon

Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus

Moon Mercury

Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

Venus Saturn Jupiter Mercury Mars Moon Jupiter

The final step in understanding your personal 7th House is to examine where your 7th Houses Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2. Now, look again at your Chart Report. In what Sign is your Planetary Ruler of your 7th House placed? For instance, you may find that you have a Gemini 7th House. Geminis ruling planet is Mercury. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Mercury is placed. Perhaps your Mercury is in your 10th House. The placement of your 7th House planetary ruler will tell you how your Relationship karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 7th House planet is Mercury and placed in your 10th House (Career) of Virgo, you may partner with your spouse in your career and/or your partner has a public career. Keep in mind that as the planets have a range of values, so do placement of planets in the houses. Below are some indications of each House: Planet that rules the 7th House is How your Relationship Karma is Shaped in your 1st House May travel often. Marriage or business partnership brings great sense of self, purpose and fulfillment. Mate/partner is very mature, stable, Can marry someone known from early years of life. If afflicted, can be promiscuous. Wealth comes through marriage (by virtue of association), partner is well spoken, family-oriented. Able to manage money well. Must guard against overindulgence. Strong voice, make impression on thers. Driven, ambitious,

2nd House 3rd House

adventuresome spouse with likely bent for the arts. Mate may have challenges settling down. Brings luck to brothers. 4th House Educated, blessed. Happy, fortunate marriage with good children and material comforts. Business partnerships could favor real estate. Does well to do humanitarian actions. Very favorable for a happy marriage with deep love and affection, deep soul connection with mate. Happy relationships with children. Strong character. Potential for high financial status. Spouse can be a healer, attract jealousy (competitiveness from others). Depending on chart and the individuals practices, mate can be sickly or become like an enemy. Charismatic personality draws many suitors, well educated. Powerful mate/partners. Loyal, bold. Very persuasive. Wealthy partner. Spouse has strong interest in the occult and learns money through unearned sources (e.g. inheritance, lottery). Must guard against anxiety. Accomplished spouse who supports/inspires dharma. Marriage brings good fortune. Could be involved with father-in-law for business. Has ambition. Mate and partners are important part of your career success. They are also very career-driven, have public careers. Can bring career abroad and/or with foreign interests. Can attract helpful people. Spouse can bring wealth to the marriage, favors daughters, and good fortune in speculative ventures especially through associations of the mate. Influential on many. Partner can be spiritual and/or come from foreign culture. Can also indicate loss or unhappiness in partnership. Must not waste time.

5th House

6th House 7th House 8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House 12th House

By means of another example, if your Seventh House is Libra, then your planetary ruler is Venus. When you look at your chart, you see that Venus is placed in your 9th House of Sagittarius. Therefore, in this lifetime, your primary 7th house karma may be to receive good fortune and support from your spouse for your dharma.

At this point, you now have an understanding of: 1. 2. 3. 4. What sign rules your 7th House What planets, if any, are in your 7th house; What planet rules your 7th house; In which house your ruling 7th house planet is placed in your chart.

This will give you a good basic comprehension of which signs and planets are influencing your relationships and partnerships. If you have 2 or more planets in your 7th House, look to

which of the planets are weak and causing you difficulties based on the descriptions of the planets above. Then remedy that planet! When Relationship Karma Become Active Happiness in relationships, and finding and keeping the right mate are generally an on-going value for most of us. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are most pronounced, or when past life credits become particularly activated. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 7th house issues, run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your 7th House or in the 7th House, this will be a time of increased focus on 7th house conditions. If the planet is good for you, look for new or improved relationships and business opportunities. If it is unfavorable, then there can be, for example, marriage or relationship difficulties.




What Can I do About my 7th House Afflictions? There are several options to remedy ill effects of the planets affecting your seventh house. Mantras: There are secret mantras to help appease a planet that is destined to cause you problems. The powerful and secret mantra to improve your 7th house affairs can be found on the Personal Transformation Video for Level 7. There are also planetary remedies you can do based upon your newfound analysis. First, to strengthen your seventh house, you can chant the mantra of the planet that rules your seventh house. The mantras for each house can be found on the Astroved site. Astroved is unique in that it also offers Virtual Poojas that combine Mantra and Visual depictions of the planets. This is another powerful way to win the grace of a planet that is not in your favor. Click hereto try a virtual pooja now for free. Alternative Ways to Propitiate a Planet You can propitiate a planet on the day of your 7th house ruler. For instance if Mars is the ruler of your 7th House (i.e. Gemini or Virgo), then on Wednesday, the day ruled by Mars, you can try fasting during daylight hours, but eat before sunrise and after sundown or remain vegetarian the entire day.

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