An Open Letter To Filipinos

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An Open Letter to Filipinos Dear Juan dela Cruz, Hey, there!

You probably dont know me nor do you know what I am. Yeah, I get that a lot. Boom is the name, freelancer-slash-writer-slash-intellectual-badass. Dont fret, I am one of you. I also am a citizen of this value-laden bloom-field where the influences of the West harmonize with the rich archaic heritage of the natives. Many great words have been spoken about you so as discriminating ones. It will not, however, hinder me from writing these words that may both please some and raise anger from others. First of all, I would like to start by saying that I admire how you come up with your own way of time. I like it how you say that you are to meet at seven but all of you meet an hour or more than the agreed time. I also like how you say that you are on your way yet youve just woken up from a good nights rest. It also fascinates me how you come up with portmanteaus and tend to make it last as long as the persons involved build up a chemistry. It makes me smile when I learn how you made such combined names as KimErald, CharDawn, MyrVes and KathNiel that is perhaps one of the most talked about love team of todays epoch. What amazes me is how you manage to make giant wooden spoons and forks and hang them on you kitchen walls but never use it. You love making it as ornaments to embellish your houses and dont even think of how people are going to react to it. Also, it is really interesting how you put a family riff between the sister of your president and hoops superstar over numerous national concerns like the dispute with a nearby province, suicide of a student from what is considered your national university and the low quality of life in your jurisdiction. It is also inspiring how you still smile in the midst of everything that youve been through. Youve experience how it feels like when being poured over by heavy rains and how it feels feeling your house getting blown by the harsh western wind. Your lives have been wasted yet you still have the guts to give the world a placid smile and not a bitter frown. I also look up to how your people sacrificed their lives in order to save you from slavery and dictatorship. This is a living testimony of sheer patriotism and love of country. I just hope that the rest of the world look more into your highs and not criticize your lows. To you, my brethren, I give my boisterous applause for in spite of everything that come your way, you are still trying to strive hard in order to reach greater heights. You still push yourself to be the best of what you can be and still want to be on top of the world. Just continue to pray and never forget of the Lord Almighty. With this, I commend you for your ways and Gods blessing go with you!



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