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Dedication First of all, we would like to dedicate this research paper to God, who was always on our side whenever we need him, for giving us strength and for making this research possible. To our dearest research teacher, Ms. Ana Marie Z. Alcantara, who had been our source of knowledge and inspiration. She had given us the support, advice and determination that we were looking for while making this research study. Without their help, we would not have made this research study possible. We dedicate this to our respective parents for motivating us to study this research study carefully. We thank them for being their in hard times that we have encountered and for giving the support that we need. Finally, to each one of us in our group for making this research study possible. The cooperation that we have shown to everyone really helped us to do this study positively.

The Researchers

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Time management begins with proper planning and needs practice and other guidance along the way. Due to a lot of duties that a student, employee or worker undergo, time management is the best solution to their hectic and unmanageable schedules. This needs to have a simple to do list, daily/weekly planner or long term planner. This helps in postponing unnecessary activities, using free time wisely, and prioritizing what is really necessary.

Many people nowadays dont know how to balance their time. Some people tend to forget the distinction between their working time and their leisure time. We wanted to know what the major interests of the respondents are, what activity do they indulge themselves all the time, and how do they balance their weekly schedules.

Hypothetically speaking, time management results to a lot of advantages. However, to prove this, there are a lot of questions and deeper research in order to justify this research study.

Statement of the Problem This research was conducted to know the ADVANTAGES OF TIME MANAGEMENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL OF QUEZON CITY SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013. Specifically, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1) How the respondents profile be described in terms of: a. Year level b. Interests 2) How effective is time management to the respondents? 3) How often do the respondents plan their schedules? 4) What are the advantages of time management as perceived by the students?

Significance of the Study We, the researchers, conducted this research study about the advantages of time management to the high school students of Holy Family School. The outcome of this research study will provide the students information about managing time effectively so that they could be used wisely. This may help the students to set their goals and targets everyday. This is made for the students to strive hard to complete their tasks ahead of deadlines. This will benefit to the students for them to identify their task that they are responsible of doing. This is made to share our knowledge and some skills about time managing to the students and for us to influence the students to focus

on certain things that they have in their minds and to avoid destructions. This is also made for the students to be more organized, to be more productive, and to be more responsible in doing out their tasks. Lastly, this is made for the students to make the right choices in doing their tasks.

Scope The study covers the high school students of Holy Family School year 2012-2013, who have experienced the advantages of applying time management to their study habits. The objective of the study is to encourage the students to frequently use time management in their daily lives.

Delimitation The study is limited to the high school students only. Elementary students, teachers, staff nor people from other schools will not be included in the study. It focuses only on the advantages of time management and will exclude the disadvantages of time management.

The advantages like getting things done faster, better quality of work, having quality time with your loved ones and such should only occur within the school year 2012-2013. This excludes the time scheme of a persons daily life. This study will cover only the benefits made by the use of time management to the lives of the respondents and not to the environment.

Research Paradigm

INPUT Respondents profile Effectiveness of time management to the respondents Planning of time schedule Advantages time management of


OUTPUT Advantages time management of

Definition of Terms

1) Circumstances -

a condition, fact, or event accompanying,

conditioning, or determining another : an essential or inevitable concomitant 2) Interests - participation in advantage and responsibility 3) Leisure time - time free from work or duties 4) Priorities - something given special attention 5) Time management - act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.

Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Related Literature Foreign In accordance with Dr. Helke Bruch and Dr. Sumantra Ghoshal, Harvard Business Review (2002) for 10 years researchers studied the behavior of busy managers in nearly a dozen large companies. Their findings on managerial behavior showed that fully 90% of managers squander their time in all sorts of ineffective activities. In other words, a mere 10% of managers spend their time in a committed, purposeful, and reflective manner. In TIME Magazine (2004), on a typical day, office workers are interrupted about seven times an hour, which adds up to 56 interruptions a day, 80% of which are considered trivial, according to time-management experts. According to Wall Street Journal (2006) About 24% of companies have had employee emails subpoenaed by a court or regulator, up from 20% two years ago, and 15% have gone to court to defend against lawsuits triggered by an employee email, up from 13%. 92% of studied respondents say they make or take work related

communications outside of the office, including during vacations. Nearly three-fourths says they stay "switched on" during weekends, and a fifth have interrupted a date for work reasons. In addition to that, the So many reasons to neaten up..(2006) said that 43% of Americans categorize themselves as disorganized, and 21% have missed vital work deadlines. Nearly half say

disorganization causes them to work late at least 2 or times each week. Prof. Robinson, (2006-2007) made a research and said that using time-diary studies, people claiming to work 60 to 69 hours per week clocked an average of 52.6 hours, while those who believed they worked 70-, 80-hour or greater weeks totaled 58.8 hours. The (2007) said that the personal internet use (34%), socializing with co-workers (20.3%) and conducting personal business (17%) are the leading time-wasting activities. Employee reasons why: 18%: Not enough work 14%: Hours are too long 12%: Hours are too long 11%: Lack of challenging work The Siren Song of Multitasking (2007) made a test by opening screens on desktops, putting files on the desk, and coworkers all distracted workers so that only 55% of work was resumed

immediately. Productivity in the business sector has been increasing by only 3% since 2000. The Office Team (2007) surveys on employees that spend an average of 36 minutes per day at work on personal tasks. By gender, men take 44 minutes and women 29 minutes, with the 18-34 year old group using the most time. Meanwhile, Tom Pisello Organizations (2008) lose

around $1,250 per user in annual productivity because of time spent dealing with spam, $1,800 unnecessary emails from co-

workers, $2,100 - $4,100 due to poorly written communications.

According to 3 Key Components to Effective Time Management, Philphott (2009), lifestyles may vary there is an overall need for just about everyone to develop some sort of time management skills. From the important matters concerning your business to managing a household there will always be multiple tasks needing to be completed. So he came up with three key components to effective time management task listing, task prioritization, and task scheduling. In addition to that, the Participatory Marketing Network and Pace University's Lubin School of Business IDM Lab (2009) proclaimed that e-mail was the activity that college students were least likely to give up for a week. Results stated that 26% was allotted for checking,

reading and sending emails. 26% for text messaging, 5% for watching TV, 11% for talking on the phone, 9% for visiting social networking sites, 7% for reading magazines, and 6% for visiting websites other than social networks. In Robert Half Technology (2009), the CIOs were polled on company policy regarding use of social networking. 54% were strictly prohibited in all use, 19% permit site visits for business purposes only, 16% allow limited personal use, and 10% do not place any controls on personal use. The Nielsen Co. (2009) had a survey and said that the American teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 2008---almost 80 messages a day, more than double the average of a year earlier.

Erin Gifford (2009) stated that 62% of at-work email users check work email over the weekend, and 19% check it five or more times in a weekend. More than 50% said they check it on vacation, with the highest amount coming from mobile device users at 78%.

Urban Mobility Report, Texas Transportation Institute (2009) said that the number of hours annually that the average traveler found himself or herself in rush-hour traffice jams grew to 36 hours in 2007,

as compared with 14 in 1982. In most big cities, prime-time congestion takes up 3 hours in the morning and evening. In Psychonomic Bulletin and Review (2010), about 2.5% of subjects can multitask without performing worse at either task, in controlled studies. These are being dubbed "supertaskers." The Robert Half Technology Survey, Spring (2011), chief

Information Officers (CIOs) were surveyed about their companies' policies regarding the use of social media in the workplace. 31% prohibited it completely. 51% allowed it for business purposes. 14% permitted it for limited personal use. 04% gave users unlimited access for personal use. Science Magazine (2011) said that the world's capability for storing, communicating and computing information has grown at least 23% annually since 1986 and the average person in 2007

was transmitting the information equivalent of six newspapers each day and receiving 174 newspapers of data (much of that reflected in video and photos).

Related Studies Foreign The Microsoft Survey (2005) people actually use 60% or less of available work time. When more than 38,000 people in 200 countries were queried about individual productivity, it showed that even though they were physically at work five days a week, they were only productively using three days. In Houston Chronic Le (2006) study last fall by Basex, a New York research firm, found that office distractions ate up 2.1 hours a day for the average worker. Another study found that employees devoted an average of 11 minutes to a project before being distracted.

Researchers Gloria Mark and Victor Gonsalez of the University of California, Irvine, found that once interrupted, it takes workers 25 minutes to return to the original task, if they return at all. People switch activities, such as making a call, speaking with someone in their cubicle or working on a document, every three minutes on average, Mark said.

In AOL, Opinion Research Corp., study (2007), they conducted a study on what people do at work and found out that 15% of Americans say they are addicted to email, 59% of those using portable devices check email as it arrives, 43% of users sleep near their email unit to hear incoming messages, 40% consider email accessibility when they plan a trip, 83% check their email once a day while on vacation, and 43% check their email first thing every morning.

The study by Dr. Gary Small (2008), UCLA scientists have discovered that for computer-knowledgeable middle-aged and older adults, searching on the Internet triggers key centers in the brain that control decision-making and complex reasoning. This is compared with older adults without Internet search experience. It is also more brain stimulating than just reading.

American Time Use Survey (2009) said that the average American, age 15 and older, spent 3 hours and 11 minutes a day working in 2009, 17 minutes less than in 2007. With that extra time they watched more TV (+12 minutes, to 2 hours and 49 minutes a day) and slept more (+6 minutes, to 8 hours and 40 minutes a day). There was no change in time devoted to volunteering, exercise, and learning.

Stanford Report (2009) study by Clifford Nass, Eyal Ophir & Anthony Wagner People who regularly juggle several streams of electronic information do not pay attention, control their memories, or switch from one task to another as well as those who prefer to focus on one thing at a time. Heavy media multitaskers are paying a big price. Survey for American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Arizona Republic (2011) said that 35% of drivers said they have used text messaging while driving in the last month, 67% said they talked on a cell phone while driving in the past month, 1/3 of these said they use the cell phone regularly, 95% of drivers consider text messaging as a serious threat, and 88% feel that cell phone use while driving is a serious threat.


Research Design

This research study used descriptive method that aims to know the advantages of time management to the high school students of Holy Family School based on the observed situations and factual information of the respondents.

Respondents The respondents of the study were eighty (80) students from the High School department of Holy Family School during school year 2012-2013. 20 copies of the questionnaire were given to each year level and they cooperated well. The researchers believe that these students have the capacity and knowledge to comply fully. The researchers conducted interviews to gain an intense study on the said paper for assurance of their opinions and answers.

Sampling Technique The present study deals on the effects of time management to the high school students of Holy Family School. In order to get the insights of the students regarding the study, the researchers used the Pure Random Sampling. In the form of lottery, we picked twenty (20) respondents in each batch. The respondents had an equal chance of being selected thats why we chose this kind of sampling.

Instruments Used Questionnaires were used to gather the data and information from the respondents that are prerequisite to the conducted study. It is used in order for the researchers to have more information about their study for a better and easier understanding of the reasons and effects of the Time Management of the High School students. It is also used for the convenience of gathering the ideas and knowledge that the respondents can attribute to the researchers study.

Construction and Validation of Instruments The research formulated the concept of their study through reading articles, studies, and literatures about their research topic. The researched, too, sought the help of the internet for more ideas. From these, they were able to determine the indicators, variable, and structure. The researchers grafted the questionnaire and presented it to their teachers for some comments and suggestions. The researchers considered all these as they made changes in the initial draft. Afterwards, they presented it again to their teachers, and in return, gave them assurance that their questionnaire has improved.

Administration and Retrieval The researchers computed the number of questionnaires to be given among the respondents for each year level. Each section is assigned to one researcher who would distribute and collect the questionnaires.


This chapter presents the results of the study made to identify the advantages of time management of the high school students of Holy Family School of Quezon City.

Table 1 Time Allotment

STATEMENT RESPONSE Where do you usually spend your time? Academics Co-curricular activities Going out friends Gadgets

F 12 22 with 15 31

% 15 27.5 18.7 5 38.7 5

Table 1 shows the time allotment of the high school students in different activities that they engage in their daily lives. This shows that twelve or 15 percent of the students spend their time on focusing on academics. The majority of our respondents spend their time in using gadgets which occupied the 38.75 percent of the students response. Twenty-two or 27.5 percent are from the co-curricular activities and the remaining fifteen or 18.75 percent come from going out with friends. These children usually allot their time in using their gadgets for they gain knowledge and entertainment from these. They merely allot time in their academics due to the influence of mass media and the modern world. Table 2 Opinion on Time Management

STATEMENT RESPONSE What do you feel about having your time management? Comfortable Pressured Satisfied Others Table 2 presents the opinions

F 31 24 25 0

% 38.7 5 30 31.2 5 0

of the students on time

management in terms of frequency and percentage distribution.

This shows that thirty-one or 38.75 percent, which covers the majority of the responses are comfortable in having their time managed. The least, twenty-four or 30 percent, are pressured when it come to managing their time. The students are comfortable with time management because they get a lot of advantages from it and it lessens the possibility of being stressed, especially that they are still teenagers.

Table 3 Planning a Daily Schedule

STATEMENT RESPONSE How do you often plan your daily schedule? Always Sometimes Seldom Never

F 10 43 21 6

% 12.5 53.7 5 26.2 5 7.5

Table 3 explains how often the students plan their daily schedule in terns of frequency and percentage distribution. It shows that the minority of the respondents never plan their daily schedule, which occupied the six or 7.5 percent of the responses. Forty-three or 53.75 percent of them sometimes plan their daily schedules. There is roughly a half distribution in planning their daily schedule. Twenty-one or 26.25 percent seldom plan their schedule while ten or 12.5 percent always planned to plan their schedule. Considering that they are still students, they have their own errands to make and have their own ways of spending their leisure time. They sometimes plan their daily schedule when they are sure with the flow of the activity and there are no other interruptions to be made.
No 13%

Table 4 Usefulness of Daily Schedule Do you think having a daily schedule is helpful?
Yes 87%

Table 4 shows the usefulness of daily schedule to the students in terms of percentage distribution. The graph explains that 87 percent of them think that having a daily schedule is helpful. The remaining 13 percent think that it is not helpful to have time a daily schedule. Majority of the students have been guided by a schedule in their everyday lives. It serves as a guide for them on what to do and what to accomplish to a certain period of time. Minority of them negated No

because of the things that will take over while they are following their schedule, like being pressured.

Yes 65%

Table 5

Satisfaction with daily schedule Do you feel satisfied with your daily schedule?

Table 5 shows if the students are satisfied with their daily schedule in terms of percentage distribution. 65 percent of the respondents are satisfied with their daily schedule. The maintaining 35 percent are not satisfied with their daily schedule. Almost all the respondents are satisfied because they can clearly follow each and every thing that is in the list of their schedule and they are able to do it with no pressure. While some of them are not satisfied because of unfinished tasks and the lack of quality time.

Table 6 Advantages of time management STATEMENT RESPONSE What advantages can you get from Developing responsibility time management? Choose 4 answers. Avoiding too much stress Avoiding procrastination F 60 % 18.7 5 19.0 6 5.63 12.5 15.3 1 5 12.5 11.2 5

61 18

Doing things ahead of time 40 More time to sleep well, eat right, and exercise regularly 49 Will help me in my college life Knowledge on prioritizing Get more quality time 16 40 36

Table 6 presents the advantages of time management to the students in terms of frequency and percentage distribution. This shows that forty or 12.5 percent of the students think that doing things ahead of time is one of the advantages of time management. The same result of percentage appeared in the knowledge on prioritizing. The majority of our respondents choose avoiding too much stress as one of the advantages of time management which occupied sixty-one or 19.06 percent of the students responses.

There is an almost equal distribution of the advantages of time management. 5 percent or 16 of the respondents think that it will help them in their college life while 5.63 percent or 18 respondents think that it helps them in avoiding procrastination. Most of the students want a stress-free life and they also become responsible teenagers because of handling their time and schedule efficiently. Chapter 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS

This study attempted to determine the advantages of time management to the high school students of Holy Family School. It also included conclusions, and recommendations, derived from the study.

Summary of Findings Based on the results presented in the preceding chapter, the significant findings of the study were as follows. 1) 38.75% of the respondents spend their time in using gadgets while 15% of them spend their time on focusing on academics. 2) The majority of the respondents feel comfortable in having their own time management.


More than half of the respondents sometimes plan their daily schedule due to other personal and academic activities.


87% of the respondents say that having time management is helpful at all times because it serves as a guide for them on what to do and what to accomplish to a certain period of time.


65% of the respondents are satisfied with their daily schedule. The maintaining 35% are not satisfied with their daily schedule.


The leading advantages of time management are avoiding too much stress and developing responsibility.

Conclusions Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions can be made: 1) school Considering the generation today, most of the high students focus on gadgets and other means of

technology. They usually give themselves a break after going home from school by surfing the internet, playing through their gadgets, and other forms of entertainment. They also focus in their curricular activities which give them enjoyment in spite of the academically related activities that they do in school. Even though most of the high school students are influenced by social media and technologies, some of them still focus on academics

for them to surpass the following years ahead in the high school level. 2) management The three most evident advantages of time are avoiding too much stress, developing

responsibility, and having more time to sleep well, eat right, and exercise regularly. These advantages lead to the students feeling of fulfillment and the feeling of being productive. Always being ahead because of having proper time management is the reason why majority of the respondents say that they feel comfortable whenever they have planned their daily schedule. 3) Majority of the students affirmed that having a daily schedule is helpful because it helps them to determine the things that need to be done, the things they need to prioritize, and the right things to do on a given time. Contrary to that, the respondents set their schedules not often, but sometimes only due to a lot of activities and errands that they have to do and due to unplanned situations that come along that would affect much in their schedules that they have made.

Recommendations Based from the findings and the conclusions, the following recommendations are feasible:


People with professions who have a fixed schedule must often set their own way of time management. This will help them in accomplishing the tasks ahead of the deadline, especially to those who have work in companies or schools. This will help them to report on time and discuss efficiently.


In planning a schedule, one must have knowledge on prioritizing to avoid any overlapping of activities and to avoid stress.


It is best to set a schedule if a persons willing enough to do it. It makes no sense if they make one and yet they do not follow most in their list. It would be better to set it on someones own perspective than imitating others because it will make someone feel comfortable in doing every activity than being pressured.


Make adjustments or have enough leisure time in your schedule in case of having emergencies in order to avoid stressing over the current schedule.


Spend time wisely and dont do things that arent included on the said schedule.


To avoid cramming, it is best to do an assigned task once it is given. This is applicable mostly to students especially when it is the week before their exams when it is the coming of a lot of deadlines of their projects in different subjects.


Prioritize works to ensure in directing effort to what matters.

Bibliography Key Organization Systems. (Author not stated). Time Management Statistics. Retrieve 10 October 2012 from

Appendix (Questionnaire) We, Amirah Banda, Kim Bringas, Angeline De Leon, Jian Ferrer, and Lean Profeta, of IV- San Jose would like to conduct this survey about the advantages of time management to the high school students of Holy Family School.

Name (optional) ______________________ _______________


1) Where do you usually spend your time? a. Academics b. Co-curricular activities c. Going out with friends d. Gadgets

2) What do you feel about having your own time management? a. Comfortable b. Pressured

c. Satisfies d. Others, please specify ______________________

3) How do you often plan your daily schedule? Always Never Sometimes Seldom

4) Do you think having a daily schedule is helpful? Yes No

5) Do you feel satisfied with your daily schedule? Yes No

6) What advantages can you get from time management? Please check 4 answers. ___ Developing responsibility ___ Avoiding too much stress ___ Avoiding procrastination ___ Doing things ahead of time ___ More time to sleep well, eat right, and exercise regularly

___ Will help me in my college life ___ Knowledge on prioritizing ___ Get more quality time

CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Amirah Eloise M. Banda Nickname: Ama Age: 16 Birthday: March 5, 1996 Address: Blk 6 Lot 20-A Ambuklao St., Napocor Village, Tandang Sora, Quezon City Religion: Roman Catholic E-mail: Hobbies: Reading books Skills: Photography Club: Earth Savers Club

Awards: Best in Handwriting (Kinder 1-Grade 1) Included in the Top 10 (Grade 1-4th year) Best in Attendance (Grade 6) Best Director (1st year) 2nd place Chorale Elocution (2nd year) 2nd place Speech Marketing (3rd year) 3rd place Movie/Video Making Contest (4th year) Achievements: Being a fourth year student in Holy Family School Motto: Everybody wants to be happy and no one wants to be in pain but you cant have a little rainbow without a little rain. Ambition: To be a chemical engineer or photographer Name: Kim Alexi H. Bringas Nickname: Kim Age: 17 Birthday: January 26, 1996 Address: 4 Road 32, Project 6, Quezon City Religion: Roman Catholic E-mail: Hobbies: Eating Skills: Communication skills Club: Softball Club Awards: Best in Arts and Math (Grade 6) Achievements: Ive reached the last year in high school.

Motto: Time is gold Ambition: To be a psychologist or an ambassador

Name: Mary Angeline G. De Leon Nickname: Anj Age: 16 Birthday: December 17, 1996 Address: 5 Maimpok St., Sikatuna Village, Quezon City Religion: Roman Catholic E-mail: Hobbies: playing the guitar, sleeping, and reading Skills: Communication skills Club: Softball Club

Awards: Most Punctual (Kinder 2) Loyalty Award (Grade 6) Darts Champion (4th year) Achievements: Got into high school and passed DLSU Motto: Today You are You, that is truer than true. There is no alive Youer than You. Ambition: To be a lawyer

Name: Jeshua Angela M. Ferrer Nickname: Jian Age: 16 Birthday: October 11, 1996 Address: 14 Mahusay Street, UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City Religion: Christian E-mail: Hobbies: Playing ukulele and piano, listening to Christian

music/religious, and do covers

Skills: Singing, dancing, and playing sports Club: Familian Spikers Awards: 2nd place Solo Piano (Elementary) 2nd place Volleyball 2012 (QCAA) 2nd place Quartet (4th year) Sportsfest Champion (2nd, 3rd, and 4th year) Achievements: Played volleyball for my school (representative), expressed my talents by joining competitions, and learned to love other as I love myself Motto: Gods got my back Ambition: To be a musician or singer

Name: Lean Lyn F. Profeta Nickname: Lean Age: 15 Birthday: June 20, 1997 Address: Blk 15 Sugartowne Subdivision, Batasan Hills, Quezon City Religion: Roman Catholic

E-mail: Hobbies: Studying Skills: Cooking Club: Softball Club Awards: 2nd place Chorale Elocution (2nd year) Cheer dance Champion (4th year) 3rd Place Movie/Video Making Contest (4th year) Achievements: Being an elementary graduate Motto: Everything starts with failure but ends with success. Ambition: To be an interior designer

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