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Sentence Connectors

_______________. SC, _______________. _______________; SC, _______________. ______________. ___, SC, ____________.


SENTENCE CONNECTORS at first 1. At first, Wegener's claim attracted little interest, but after his second book many of the world's top experts on geology gradually began to agree with him. 2. He worked in Russia for two years. Then, he was appointed to work in China. 3. In early times natural plant products were used; later, a great variety of synthetic substances became available. 4. The author points out that most people are resistant to being managed. Afterwards, he gives an attractive solution. 5. The epidemic broke out in a small village. Subsequently, it spread to the whole area. 6. Ill go and visit her in the hospital this evening. Meanwhile, let me send her a bunch of flowers. 7. I have to hand in the report next week. In the meantime, Ill try to find out more about the company. 8. They worked on the experiment for a long time; but, at last, they were able to obtain significant results.


then later


subsequently meanwhile in the meantime at last


on the other hand

however in contrast

9. Australia has much land relative to its population. On the other hand, Japan has little land relative to its population. 10. The first part of the play was rather boring. However, the second part was a really stimulating. 11. At room temperature, unsaturated fats are usually liquid. In contrast, saturated fats are solid.


however nevertheless nonetheless even so yet


12. The novel is 720 pages long. However, it reads more quickly than many shorter ones. 13. I can't say I'm convinced that he is right. Nevertheless, his book is well worth reading. 14. Its a difficult race. Nonetheless, about 1,000 athletes participate every year. 15. Accidents are rare in this part of the plant. Even so, there should be stricter safety regulations. 16. Zambia's people have a literacy rate of 78%, which is high compared with many poor African countries. Yet, it has only one library, one university and no television stations. 17. I hadnt seen her for 15 years. Still, I recognized her immediately when I saw her. 18. She no longer had the support of the committee. Therefore, she decided to resign. 19. For many centuries most people thought the world was flat. As a result, they presumed that if one sailed to the edge of the world one would fall off into space. th 20. Following the September 11 terrorist attacks security checks at airports in particular increased. Consequently, many people were reluctant to travel by air. 21. During World War II, German submarines began to sink British ships far faster than it could be replaced. As a consequence, Britain came close to defeat. 22. No two volcanoes are alike. Thus, each needs to be studied separately so that its warning signals can be recognized. 23. Science is now largely dominated by the interests of the industrial world. Hence, it hardly deserves the name science. 24. The plan for a bridge across the river has proved unpopular. Accordingly, they are trying to find an alternative project.


therefore as a result


as a consequence






25. I hope the weather improves. Otherwise, well have to cancel the match.





in addition

besides also whats more

26. David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of the state of Israel, was a notable orator and prolific writer. Moreover, he was a serious student of the Bible and philosophy. 27. The new service will be considerably more expensive. Furthermore, it will only be available in certain areas. 28. Farmers in the region respect Mr. Smithsonian. Further, they know they can trust him. 29. An explorer attempting to cross the Arctic has to cope with bitterly cold temperatures. In addition, he has to battle with the strong tidal pull on the ice. 30. I dont want to go shopping with you. Besides, I havent got any money. 31. I think I will accept the offer because it is a first class hospital. Also, the situation appeals to me. 32. The economic news from Europe was particularly disappointing in the first half of the year. Whats more, recent surveys from the region imply little prospect of improvement in the near future. 33. There are several reasons why the Industrial Revolution started in Britain rather than in France. First / Firstly / First of all / In the first place / To begin with, Britain had the money to finance the larger enterprises. Second / Secondly / In the second place, Englands supremacy on the seas had encouraged commerce and thus, indirectly, industry. Third / Thirdly / In the third place, there was a new rich class in England, a merchant class, which was ready to devote itself to industry. 34. The country is confronting three major problems. First / Firstly / First of all / In the first place / To begin with, there is the inflation problem to be dealt with. Second / Secondly / In the second place, the rate of unemployment is very high. Finally / Lastly / Last of all, the country is faced with the threat of civil war.


first firstly first of all in the first place to begin with second secondly in the second place third thirdly in the third place finally lastly last of all


for example

for instance

35. In this book Wellington is described as a great general but he is also shown to have some human weaknesses. For example, the writer talks about Wellington's vanity and his unattractive lack of generosity in sharing the credit for his victories. 36. Contrary to expectations, more people are now leaving many of the worlds largest urban areas than are moving in. For instance, the population of Sao Paulo was expected to reach 24 million by the year 2005, but fewer than 18 million live there now. 37. The world's nuclear industry has continued to decline since the 1980s; in particular, this is true of the fifteen countries of the European Union. th 38. Following the September 11 terrorist attacks stringent security measures were taken; particularly, security checks at airports were increased. 39. Alsace is one of the most densely populated regions of France, specifically in the Rhine plain. 40. The nutrients that foods supply are essential nutrients. That is, they are needed from outside the body. 41. Ill deal with the second issue first. That is to say, the changes needed to the curriculum. 42. All our sources of power are natural. In other words, all our power is based on the control of natural sources. 43. High inflation usually leads to high interest rates; likewise, interest rates decline when inflation is low. 44. Photographers require short exposures to capture fast-moving objects. Similarly, chemists need short laser pulses to study rapid reactions. 45. The whole of society may suffer if its government is attacked; in the same way, the entire body is harmed if the brain is damaged.


in particular




that is that is to say in other words


likewise similarly

in the same way


in fact


as a matter of fact


46. Deflation isnt necessarily a bad thing. In fact, productivity driven deflation is beneficial. 47. I havent seen him for almost 15 years. Indeed, I cant even remember what he looks like. 48. He is certainly a fine musician. As a matter of fact, I regard him as one of the greatest violinists of our time. 49. Im not looking forward to working under him. Actually, Im already scanning the newspapers for job opportunities. 50. The risk of infection hasnt diminished at all; on the contrary, it has increased.


on the contrary



51. We can buy a small house with the money. Alternatively, we can buy a brand new car.

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