Coffman To Paterson Re Carmel PRA Response 032013 PDF

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5m FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90045 T: (310) 981-2000 F: (310) 337-0837


March 20, 2013 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Ms. Paterson Seb Re:
Further Response to Public Records Act Request Received March 4, 2013 Client Matter: CA200-001

Dear Ms. Paterson: This firm represents the City of Carmel-By-the-Sea (City) and provides a further response to your request for information dated Saturday, March 2, 2013 and received by the City on Monday, March 4; 2013. The City considers your request pursuant to the California Public Records Act ("PRA"), California Government Code section 6250 et seq.. This response supplements the preliminary response sent to you on March 12, 2013, which met the City's requirement to provide a response within ten days from receipt of the request. This supplemental response is sent on the authority of the City Clerk, Heidi Burch. Set forth below is the specific request contained in your emailed request, and the City's further responses thereto: Request: Please itemize the following checks from the City's February 2013 Check Register. 125839 2/5/2013 KENNEDY, ARCHER & HARRAY $ 775.50 01 61051 0002 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125839 2/5/2013 KENNEDY, ARCHER & HARRAY $ 470.00 01 61051 0002 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125839 2/5/2013 KENNEDY, ARCHER & HARRAY $ 5,277.98 01 61051 0040 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125962 2/26/2013 KENNEDY, ARCHER & HARRAY $ 8,771.40 01 61051 0040 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125962 2/26/2013 KENNEDY, ARCHER & HARRAY $470.00 01 61051 0002 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Vendor Total----->$ 15,764.88 125894 2/15/2013 MONTEREY BAY PLANNING SERVICES$ 9,061.45 01 61051 0040 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Vendor Total----->$ 9,061.45


Los Angeles I San Francisco I Fresno I San Diego www

Ms. Paterson March 20,2013 Page2 125851 2/5/2013 PERRY & FREEMAN LAW OFFCE $ 1,150.00 01 61051 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Vendor Total----->$ 1,150.00 125854 2/5/2013 SEDWAY CONSULTING INC$ 5,950.00 01 61051 0040 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Vendor Total----->$ 5,950.00 City's Response to Request: The California Public Records Act provides that public agencies are required to allow access to "any writing[ s] containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics." Cal. Gov. Code, 6252(e). Your request asks the City to "itemize" the specified checks from the City's publicly posted Check Register. Please note that the City does not maintain public records that itemize its checks. Therefore, there are no public records that are responsive to your request. Please be advised that every effort has been made to identify public records that fall within the scope of your request. The City is committed to assisting members of the public in responding to requests submitted pursuant to the PRA. If you have additional information identifying documents that would be public records subject to disclosure under the PRA, please do not hesitate to contact City Clerk Heidi Burch at, or by telephone at (831) 620-2000. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have questions about any of the foregoing responses, please contact me at (415) 512-3013. Sincerely, LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE

.J~tC#t---1leather R. Coffman JST/HRC/in cc: Susan Paul (via e-mail) J. Scott Tiedemann (via e-mail)


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