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I. Bottom line of photosynthesis

Redox reactions Autotrophs Chloroplast structure Overview of photosynthesis

II. The details of photosynthesis

Light Reactions Dark Reactions (AKA Calvin Cycle) But first...


How do we KNOW the photosynthesis equation?

Cyanobacteria- photosynthetic prokaryotes

Photosynthetic ANIMALS?

Leaf Anatomy

Stomata ( little mouths ) Allow Gas Exchange

Photosynthesis uses the visible spectrum of light

The visible spectrum

Chlorophyll is excited by light energy

Both chlorophyll and heme are composed of PORPHYRIN rings- highly reactive organic ring structures capable of producing free radicals.

Chemiosmosis Powers ATP Synthase

Chemiosmosis is like hydroelectric power

The Calvin Cycle

Photosynthesis: A Summary

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