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espite a disappointing loss in the Republican primaries of 2008, Willard Mitt Romney has come back into the political realm with full force. Since the onset of the 2012 Republican primaries in January 2012, Romney has garnered a strong support system from Americans across the nation. Romney was born on March 12, 1947, in Detroit, Mich., to George W. and Lenore Romney. Romney was raised a fifth-generation member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Although Romney has not been a politican as long as his competitors, he has an impressive amount of experience. He earned a bachelors degree in English from Brigham Young University in 1971 and was valedictorian of his class. After serving as a Mormon missionary for over two years, Romney attended Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School, where he earned Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration degrees in 1975. Romney continued to develop his knowledge of business in the private sector. From 1977 to 1984, he worked for Bain & Company, a management consultant group that helps large companies such as Dominos Pizza reconstruct their businesses. In 1984, Romney co-founded Bain Capital, a management and financial services company. In 2002, Romney was appointed president of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee, helped the organization reorganize their efforts and ensured that the Winter Olympic Games were successfully facilitated. For his efforts with the Winter Olympic Games, Romney received the inaugural Truce Ideal Award in 2004. The Republican candidate has received four honorary doctorates. These include an Honorary Doctor of Business from the University of Utah, an Honorary Doctor of Law from Bentley College, an Honorary Doctor of Public Administration from Suffolk University Law School and an Honorary Doctor of Public Service from Hillsdale College. In addition, Romney shared the Canterbury Medal from The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty with his wife in 2008 for their dedication to religious faith throughout the presidential campaign. A man of strong faith, Romney remains an enthusiastic follower of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has served as a member of his local lay clergy as well as ward bishop for Belmont, Mass., in the 1980s. As a church leader, Romney took a hands-on role with the community. He performed maintenence tasks, visited the sick and counseled troubled church members. From Jan. 2, 2003, to Jan. 4, 2007, Romney served as the 70th governor of Massachusetts. Without raising taxes or borrowing funds, Romney removed a $3 billion deficit that had once plagued the Massachusetts economy. Shortly after the end of his term as governor, Romney announced his candidacy for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. After an unsuccessful campaign, Romney endorsed Republican candidate, John McCain. In April 2011, Romney stepped forth again as a Republican presidential primary candidate. Currently, he is campaigning across the country in an attempt to run against President Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. Some of Romneys major platforms include increasing the quality of education, reforming healthcare through the private sector and creating jobs through free enterprise. Romney lives in Belmont, Mass., with his wife Ann Davies Romney. They have five children: Taggart, age 42; Matthew, age 41; Joshua, age 37; Benjamin, age 34; and Craig, age 31.

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