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It'll All Be Revealed It was a quiet day until the doorbell rang. I ran to the door, opening it cautiously.

A boy was standing outside, a collected look on his face. "What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised. "I need your help with something," he replied. I stared at him, and then into theh house. " can't come in," I said nervously. "I know." He glanced at his watch. "Let's go to Dream Tea. The bus comes in five minutes. I'll meet you at the stop." "Wait!" I exclaimed as he turned to leave. I definitely didn't want to go anywhere with him. "What's going on?" "It's nothing bad," he promised. "It'll all be revealed later..." And with that, he left. I grabbed my buspass and debit card and slipped on a sweater. I didn't usually ask questions, but going to Dream Tea with him? Something was going on. I ran out the door, shutting it behind me. One Week Later... Sara rolled out of bed, groaning. It was a sunny Tuesday morning. Or maybe it was noon. Sara hadn't bothered to look at the time. She stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Her brothers had eaten most of the leftover takeout from dinner last night, but there was still a bit of stir-fried vegetables left. She poured it into a bowl and shoved it into the microwave. It wasn't much, but it would have to do for the day. Her parents were at work and her brothers were out being social. The microwaved beeped, and simultaneously her phone buzzed. She took out the sitr-fry and sat down at the table. Pulling out her phone, she read the text as she ate the stir-fry. Morning :) Do me a favor and go to McDonalds. The bus comes at 10:40. When you get there, go to the corner table we usually sit at. And please, whatever you do, don't ask any questions. I promise it'll all be revealed. <3Will Sara stared down at her now empty bowl. McDonalds? She was too poor to buy a soft drink. Nevertheless, she couldn't help feeling happy as she ran out the door. If it involved her boyfriend, it had to be good. The smell of fast food wafted into Sara's nose as she entered the restaurant. Heading over the the corner table, she noticed a takeout bag sitting on it with a note next to it.

Sara: You made it! Alright, listen up. You'll need all your strength for what's going to happen today, and I know whatever leftovers you ate is not going to be enough. You need some filling, unhealthy fast food. Eat it up, and don't feel guilty. It'll be revealed later. <3-Will Sara opened the bag to find a box of hotcakes, hashbrowns, and a cup of orange juice. This is some breakfast... Sara didn't usually eat much for breakfast. She looked around the restaurant for any signs of Will. He was nowhere to be seen. Reluctantly, she picked up a fork and ate every bite. It was warm and delicious, much better than the leftover sitr-fry. As she reached her hand into the bag for a napkin, her fingers closed over a piece of paper. She pulled it out curiously and unfolded it. You better have finished it all! You really need to eat proper breakfast more often. Alright, next head over to your favourite hangout spot with your friends. No need to take a bus this time, you know it's just a short walk away! Do I need to ask twice? <3-Will Sara didn't think twice before tossing out her trash and running out the door. She knew exactly where Will wanted her to go. Hurrying across the street, she pushed open the glass door of the beautiful little shop. "Sara!" three voices cheered as she entered the shop. Her three best friends, Shelly, Sophie, and Sasha (yes, all their names started with S. It was a best friend thing.) were sitting inside. "Hey guys," Sara started hesitantly. "Whatever you do, don't ask any questions" She sat down with her friends. "How come I wasn't invited?" "But you were," Sasha pointed out. The smile on her face told Sara that they were clearly in on whatever Will was doing. The cashier girl walked over and handed her a pink beverage. Sara picked it up. It was Sakura, her favourite. She stuck in a straw and took a long sip. It had no tapioca, only lychee jelly. Just the way she liked it. "I can't get over SNSD's new music video," Shelly groaned. "They're too perf for words." "Ugh, I can't." Sasha flailed her arms in defeat. "They have officially broken the perfectness meter." Sara laughed. She and her friends all shared a love for Kpop. SNSD was one of their favourite groups. The four girl emersed into a vivid conversation that Sara knew no one would be able to understand except for them. She loved her friends so much. They were all so alike and different at the same time. About an hour later, Sophie nudged her. "I almost forgot." She handed Sara an envelope. "Open it." Sara tore the top open and carefully removed a note.

Hey bbg <3 What is this, like the 3520486th time we've hung out here? Bbt is the bestest drink ever ;; We're so glad you pulled out enough effort to be here today. If you had stayed at home, the whole day would have been ruined >: But remember, no questions. It'll all be revealed later. Anyway, we love you to death (maybe bit more than we should) and we hope you have a great day! Too bad you can't stay longer, but you gotta leave. Get to sg, and it'll be clear what to do when you get there. Don't worry about us, just go! Love, your three bffs, Shel, Sash, and Soph Sara tried not to cry as she walked out the door, her friends waving goodbye behind her. She bussed to Century Park and then hopped on the LRT. Sitting down on the cushy blue seat, she stared out the window as the houses whizzed by. She still had no idea what was going on. A gentle tone sounded as a voice came out of the speakers. "Next stop: Southgate Station." The door opened and Sara stepped out. She rode the escalator up to the pedway and pushed the door open. Then she crossed the pedway and headed down the stairs to the mall. As she entered the mall, Sara looked around. What was she supposed to do here? She walked through the mall, looking out for any hints. A few frustrated minutes later, she turned around to leave, only to crash into a boy standing right behind her. "...Harris?" The boy looked down at her, blinking. "How long have you been here?" "Since you got here," he replied casually. Sara rolled her eyes. "So what now?" she asked. "Shopping," he informed her, gesturing at the shops. "We are in a mall, after all." He began to walk away and she hurried after him. "But I'm poor!" she protested. "We all are," he replied without stopping. "Now let's go." She reluctantly followed him through the mall. They didn't buy much, but it was fun all the same. They went to American Eagle and Stitches, and she dragged him into Bath and Body Works. Finally, he lead her to the food court. Sara's hands flew to her mouth as she saw a tray of food from Koryo Korean BBQ on a table. A placecard labeled SARA in big capital letters sat beside it. "Korean food!" she squeaked. "Just eat it," Harris said, rolling his eyes. "It's not like I get any." She thrust the tray toward him. "Here," she offered, flustered. "You can have it. I'm not that hungry." He took the tray and set it back down on the table. "Don`t even think about it," he retorted. "You're going to eat every bite, and you're going to like it." He pulled out his phone and cleared his throat. "Here is some Korean food. I know you love it. Remember, don't feel guilty and don't ask questions. It'll all be revealed at a later time." He put his phone

away and gestured to the food. Sara scooped a forkful of barbecue beef into her mouth. It was hot, spicy, and delicious. She finished it quickly, not wanting to keep Harris waiting. As she stood up to put the tray away, Harris held up his hand. "Allow me," he said, taking the tray. Sara detected a hint of sarcasm, but there wasn't any resent in his eyes. Same old Harris. He returned to the table and sat down, looking at her as if he was unsure what to say. "Are you going to tell me what's going on yet?" she asked. "Nope," he replied simply. "But it won't be long now." He glanced at his watch, and then back at her. "Gotta go," he said. "Go to..." He pulled out his phone again. "Le Chateau. The leftmost changeroom." He flicked his hand in a half-wave and walked away. Blinking, Sara headed out of the food court and towards her next destination. Le Chateau had all the prettiest formal clothes. A lot of Sara's friends shopped here for clothes to wear for all sorts of social events. It was just too bad Sara had no social life. Then she remembered all the mysterious things that were going on. My friends are obviously up to something. As she entered the changeroom, she saw the shopping bag hanging on the hook, with a piece of paper taped to it that said "Open Me". Sara opened the bag. Inside was a breathtakingly beautiful dress. It was a gorgeous shade of purple with a silky sequined skirt made of layers of tulle. The thin transparent spaghetti straps made it look strapless but still would keep it from falling. Sara put down the dress and pulled out a pair of glittery purple ballet flats that matched the dress. Trying to ease the shock, Sara took a deep breath. What is all this? She reached into the bag once more and pulled out a receipt. The ink had been covered with whiteout and had been written over with black sharpie. "It's all payed for :)" it said. She turned it over to see a message on the back. Do not freak out. Seriously. It's all okay, I promise. You're almost there! Just a little more to go. Tired yet? Don't be! What's waiting for you next is the highlight of the day. Put the dress and shoes on and walk out. (Don't worry about people judging you, just get outta there quick!) You'll see a jacket on the bench outside. (It's okay, it's Sophie's. We just borrowed it) Put it on and head out to the bus station. Hop on the 41 and take it to Karen's house. I promise it'll all be revealed then. Good luck! <3-Will Sara felt odd putting on the dress and the shoes, and even odder walking out of the store without paying. But nevertheless, she picked up Sophie's jacket, which was indeed on the bench outside, and ran down to the bus station. The 41 had already pulled up to it's stop, and Sara hurried on, flashing her bus pass at the driver. The doors closed and the bus pulled away. As it rumbled down the road, Sara fingered the dress's soft material. How much could this have cost? She pushed the thought out of her head and pressed her face to

the window. I don't know what's going on, but there'll be a lot of people to repay afterwards. The bus turned onto a small street and Sara pushed the red stop button. A ding sounded and she stood up, waiting for the bus to stop. Calling a thank you to the driver, she stepped off onto the sidewalk. The bus drove away and Sara looked around. She had been to Karen's (another one of her friends) house a few times before, but it was all still unfamiliar. Sara walked down the sidewalk, looking around. It was a quiet afternoon, and there wasn't a person to be seen, although Sara didn't doubt for a minute that she was surrounded by hiding friends. She reached Karen's house and climbed the steps to the door. Not knowing what to expect, she rang the doorbell. Karen appeared at the door, a smile on her face. "Hey. Come in." Sara noticed that Karen didn't mention her formal attire. "Don't worry about your shoes," she said as Sara began to take off her ballet flats. "But they're dirty." Sara picked the shoes, looking up at Karen. She took the shoes from her, turning them over. Sara realized there was a layer of plastic lining the soles. "Will thought of everything," Karen explained, peeling off the plastic. "There. Good as new." She handed the shoes back to her and she slipped them on. "Now come on." She led her down the hall to the kitchen. A chair was placed in the centre of the floor, facing away from the table, which had a large cloth bag sitting on it. "Sit," she instructed, gesturing the chair. "And don't ask any questions." Sara obligued, staying still as Karen rummaged through the bag. She felt her run a hairbrush through her long black hair. "What are you doing?" she couldn't help but ask. "No questions," she said, continuing to brush her hair. Sara shut her eyes. She had no idea where this way going, but it was Karen, and she trusted her. A few minutes later, Karen stepped around her and held a mirror in front of her face. "You like?" Sara stared at her reflection. Her hair looked like nothing she would ever wear normally. The usual pin straight hairdo had turned into well-balanced waves that framed her face beautifully. "Oh my goodness," she squeaked. "It's so perfect. How'd you do it?" "Well, it wasn't easy," Karen laughed. "A few hours of Youtube tutorials and praticing did the trick though." Sara sniffled. She had to admit, she looked beyond gorgeeous now. But...for what? "Alright," said Karen. "You ready for this?" Sara stared at her with wide eyes, unsure what to say. Karen walked over to the glass sliding doors that led to the backyard. She pulled back the curtains and sunlight streamed in. Standing on the back porch were Sophie, Shelly, Sasha, Harris, many of their other friends, and of course, Will. All the girls, like Sara, were dressed in glamorous dresses, and the boys were wearing dress shirts and ties, some with tuzxedos. Sara's hands flew to her mouth. "W-what is this?" she gasped. But Karen was already gone. Will walked up

and slid open the door. "Surprise," he said, smiling from ear to ear. "What is this?" she whispered again. "Did you check your Facebook today?" he asked, laughing. She shook her head and pulled out her phone. Facebook? She opend the notification tab. "72 friends posted on your timeline" it said. 72 friends?! Clicking her profile, she scrolled through the posts. "Happy birthday Sara!" "HBD!" "OMG HAPPY BDAY SARAA!!!" "happy bday <3" She stared at the posts, then at Will. "Wait a second," she began. "It's not my birthday!" "Yes it is," Will replied. Sara shook her head. "No, it's not," she objected. "My birthday is tomorrow!" "No, it's today," said Will. "It's most definitely today." Sara opened her calendar app, staring at the date. It was her birthday today. "But come I didn't know about this?" she sputtered. Will embraced her in a hug. "Because you're a forgetful derp," he whispered. "And I love you." Sara hugged him back, barely noticing Sophie, Shelly, and Sasha fangirling in the background. "Well," he said after pulling away. "Let's go." He took her hand and led her out the door. Her best friends nearly tackled her as she stepped outside. "I can't believe you forgot your birthday!" Sophie laughed. "Oh well, at least you were surprised. "Harris was convinced it wouldn't work," sniffed Sasha. "Harris is a loser," scoffed Shelly. "He's never right." "You're all just lucky that I'm so unsuspecting," Sara laughed. "You all look amazing times ten thousand, by the way." Shelly was wearing a red strapless dress with a swirly silk skirt, Sophie was wearing a summery white dress adorned with beaded purple flowers, and Sasha was wearing a sky blue chiffon dress complete with a pretty blue necklace. "No way man," Shelly countered. "You obvs look the best." "We should know," laughed Sasha. "We picked out you dress." Sara hugged her, overwhelmed by everything. "You guys are the best." She shook her head as she ran her hands over the skirt her dress. "I don't deserve this at all." "Shaddap," Sophie smacked her gently on the arm. "It's your birthday. You don't not deserve anything." "I hope you won't be going on about this for the rest of the day," said a voice behind them. Sara turned around the see Karen standing there, proudly surveying the party. Sara noticed that she was also dressed up. She was wearing a pretty white fairy dress with a glitter dusted tulle skirt. "Your dress is so pretty!" she exclaimed. "Thanks," Karen replied. "Yours too." "I'll pay you all back for this day," said Sara. "For the McDonalds, the bubble

tea, the dress, everything." "No way." Will walked up to them. "This is your birthday present." "Because we couldn't think of anything better," said Sasha sheepishly. "But we will!" Sophie put in. "Eventually." Sara shook her head. "No way," she objected. "This is way more than enough." She looked around the yard. Music was blasting from an iPod speaker, people were laughing and talking and eating food that was spread out on a table. She shook her head again. This is really happening... "I have the best friends in the world," she murmured to herself. She shut her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again. Then she joined her friends and stayed with them until the sun went down.

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