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St. Luke Byzantine Catholic Church

Parish Administrator: Fr. Deacon Nicholas Szilagye, MD Sacramental Minister: Rev. Fr. Thomas Bailey, OSB

Liturgy Schedule:
Flowery Sunday March 23 (Vespers) 4:30pm March 24 (Procession with Palms and the Divine Liturgy) 9:30am
Intention: Parishioners of St. Lukes

Mystery of Confession Available after Sunday Liturgy upon Request. Panachida Please contact Deacon Nicholas to have a Panachida offered for a deceased loved one.

March 24 (Orthodox Vespers) 5:00pm St. Basil Orthodox Church (KCK) Holy Week See Special Schedule Thomas Sunday April 6 (Vespers) 4:30pm April 7 (Divine Liturgy) 9:30am
Intention: Parishioners of St. Lukes

Donations Last Weeks Collection: $310.00 Avg. Monthly Expenses: $1300.00

Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women April 13 (Vespers) 4:30pm April 14 (Divine Liturgy) 9:30am
Intention: Parishioners of St. Lukes

Sunday of the Healing of the Paralytic April 20 (Vespers) 4:30pm April 21 (Divine Liturgy) 9:30am
Intention: Parishioners of St. Lukes

11413 Chicago Street Sugar Creek, Missouri 64054 (816) 231-7100 A Parish of the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma

Saint of the Week: St. John Climacus (March 30) St. John gave himself over to the ascetical life from his early youth. Experienced both in the solitary life of the hermit and in the communal life of cenobitic monasticism, he was appointed Abbot of the Monastery at Mount Sinai and wrote a book containing thirty homilies on virtue. Each homily deals with one virtue, and progressing from those that deal with holy and righteous activitypraxis unto those that deal with divine visiontheoria, they raise a man up as though by means of steps unto the height of Heaven. For this cause his work is called "The Ladder of Divine Ascent." The day he was made Abbot of Sinai, the Prophet Moses was seen giving commands to those who served at table. Saint John reposed in 603, at eighty years of age. Troparion With the rivers of your tears, you have made the barren desert fertile. Through sighs of sorrow from deep within you, your labors have borne fruit a hundred-fold. By your miracles you have become a light, shining upon the world. O John, our Holy Father, pray to Christ our God, to save our souls.

Orthodox Sunday If you are interested in attending the Vespers of Orthodoxy with our Orthodox Brothers and Sisters, a reminder that the Liturgy will be at St. Basils Orthodox Church at 5:00pm on Sunday, March 24. St. Basils is located in Kansas City, KS at 9302 Riverview Ave. Thank You A special word of thanks to Pete, Rusty, Harry, Linda, and Kathy for their work in helping to clean the Church and hall last Saturday in preparation for Pascha. Liturgy Intentions If anyone wishes to have a Divine Liturgy offered for someone (either living or deceased), please contact Fr. Thomas. The Sunday Liturgy will continue to be offered for the People of the Parish when there are not other requested intentions.

Holy Week 2013

Flowery Sunday, March 24 Divine Liturgy @ 9:30am Monday, March 25 (Annunciation) Vesperal Divine Liturgy @ 7:30pm Holy Wednesday, March 27 Pre-sanctified Liturgy and Mystery of Anointing at 7:30pm Holy Thursday, March 28 Vesperal Divine Liturgy @ 6:00pm Matins of the 12 Gospels following Divine Liturgy Good and Holy Friday, March 29 Burial Vespers @ 6:00pm Followed by Jerusalem Matins Holy Saturday, March 30 Tomb Lamentations @ 11:30pm Followed by Paschal Matins Blessing of Easter Baskets Holy Pascha, March 31 Divine Liturgy @ 11:00am Blessing of Easter Baskets

St. Luke Byzantine Catholic Church

11413 Chicago Street Sugar Creek, Missouri 64054 www. (816) 231-7100

Your Faith is Heralded Throughout the World (Romans 1:8)

In the current issue of Horizons (March 3, 2013), there is an article entitled, Choosing Life over Death, Faith over Fear. (p. 6) The article celebrates the installation of a new Pantocrator icon in St. Marys Church, it is part of an ongoing process to revitalize the parish. They recognized that they were a small and aging community and began discerning if they wanted to enliven the parish or allow it to be closed. The parish chose to invest its time and efforts into life and faith. There are some recognizable similarities between St. Marys and St. Lukes. Though we dont believe we came to a conscious decision of faith and life, our commitment to maintain the parish without a resident pastor is evidence of our choice. We have focused our attention on beautifying the Church building, e.g. repainting and adding new icons, as well as reaching out to the KC-area community, e.g. Year of Faith talk and attending Vespers on the Sunday of Orthodoxy with the local Orthodox Christians. The people of St. Luke parish are faithful Christians with a commitment to spreading the Gospel message and our liturgical traditions. We are working to build the Kingdom of God on earth in our small part of Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas, however, to-date it has been ad hoc. Perhaps it is time for us to come together and develop a strategic plan on how we wish to proceed as a parish. After Pascha, when things have settled a bit, we will have a parish meeting after Liturgy on Sunday, April 14. We can discuss if we want to have a strategic focus for the parish, brainstorm possibilities, and look at our financial situation. We encourage everyone to attend. Fr. Deacon Nicholas Szilagye Rev. Fr. Thomas Bailey, OSB

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