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BODDINGTON DHS P&C AGENDA MONDAY 25 MARCH 2013 Present: Apologies: Gemma, Helen, Haggis Confirmation of previous minutes

s from 18 February 2013 Business arising from previous minutes: Waiting on Feedback from Student Council in regards to a Smarter uniform. New Aboriginal Indigenous Ed Officer (AIEO) to be appointed. Still waiting on applications to close for Chaplains position. Before and after school care is being looked at/into by the Day Care centre. NAB Introducer Programme. Do we want someone from NAB to do a presentation to our group? Fundraising suggestions discussed. To be taken to a further meeting. Correspondence In Invite to a P&C workshop in Narrogin, Monday 8 April 6-9pm. Correspondence Out Letter to taxation dept. re: paperwork for Denise and Marie Thompson. P&C Newsletter. Letter of donation request to Newmont Social Club. Letter to Newmont for Haggis to get time off work for P&C related event. Applications to Shire for voting sausage sizzle & Music Festival hamburger stall. Treasurers Report Sam School Council Report ??? Principals Report Lee Canteen and Uniform Shop Report Jodie & Tawnee/Kelly & Mana Fundraising Update Jenny and Nicky GENERAL BUSINESS We have our Facebook page up and running. There is some more work to do but thanks to Gemma Neveu so far. Any suggestions or comments please feel free to email Gemma? Thanks Jenny and Nicky for all of the hard work put into fundraising. Great turnout to the fundraising meeting held on th Wednesday morning and evening on 6 March. Thanks to all of you who came along. Thankyou Haggis for purchasing BBQ equipment. (Total spent $?? ) Haggis is on holidays and was yet to pass on receipts to me. He has been doing a lucky numbers raffle at the mine wet mess weekly and has raised in excess of $700- for the P&C. This amount is to come off of all of the BBQ purchase/equipment. Will update you all when I have the final figures. Just now need to sort out a home to keep all of our equipment. Presently scattered! Thankyou Haggis, Monale, Keren, Christine, Gardenia for manning our sausage sizzle on the voting day. We made an approximate profit of $550-. Thankyou to Jodie, Jeremy and Haggis for taking charge of the hamburger and drinks stall at the music festival. Helpers on the evening were Hayley Hannah and Alison. Thanks so much. Total profit also approximately $550-. Thanks Tess for running the crche at our last meeting. We have paid $53- to renew Tesss WWC check. We will continue to use Tess for meetings. Comments?
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Michelle has a list of names for parents that have put their hand up to be a P&C parent rep for one of their childs classes. Please see list. Does anyone else want to put their name down? Where do we go from here? Michelle ordered presents for the Mothers Day stall to be held at the beginning of MAY. Total purchase price $801.22. Michelle purchased shelving for the uniform shop. Looks great, heaps more room. Cost $198-. Interschool Swimming Carnival bus update. Trusted Trolley discussion/update. Gardenia (BFSG) Car Park update Active Kids programme Vinn will explain to the group what this programme is and what it involves. Surplus large sized A line skirts in uniform shop. Should we write-off and give to op shop? Michelle spoke to Helen Colson in regards to a possible mining company sponsorship. Helen was to get back to Michelle with details? Our meeting for next term..EVENING??

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