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Wisconsin Georgetown



DO NOW Fill in the blanks in the article below, then read the rest using Find It; Own It. Answer the questions that follow.
In your article yesterday, you learned that the streets of New York City in the 19th century were ______________. There was trash everywhere and it smelled _____________. Doctors and scientists believed that so many people were dying because of poisonous ___________, caused by filth, unclean water, and bad sanitation.
By the end of the 19th century, cities had been cleaned up to try to stop diseases, but people kept dying of typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, and many other illnesses. If filthy environments were not causing diseases alone, what was? This is when Germ Theory was developed. Scientists realized that humans themselves were responsible for the spread of sickness! Diseases could be passed from human to human through bacteria called germs. Initially, doctors were skeptical that organisms as tiny as bacteria could cause such terrible and widespread diseases, but many scientific experiments supported Germ Theory. Doctors started focusing less on the environment, and more on educating individuals on their roles in the prevention of disease and contagiousness.

1. Doctors realized that unclean environments alone were not causing diseases because a. People stopped getting spreading infectious diseases b. After cities were cleaned, people kept dying c. Bacteria are responsible for the spread of disease 2. After the development of Germ Theory, which of the following would doctors most likely do to try to stop the spread of disease a. Purify water in a city using special filters b. Put up signs in all public restrooms instructing people to wash their hands after using the bathroom c. Pay sanitation workers more money to pick up trash on all the street
3. What is something you do when you are sick or if you are trying not to get sick, that supports Germ Theory? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __


Wisconsin Georgetown



This poem is short, For many are dead, But it burns, pains and kills, Deadly and vicious, Death is not a step backward, It is the only way to go, The last account, I'm burning, it's happening, I won't stay for long, But tell the scientists it's The rats, not the air, and warn people not to go I've researched myself, Proof is in my science shed... Please, i won't stay long, Blood is coughed and trouble breathing, Spread the News! Please as my last request, It must be told... Cholera is a kille.. r... Viraj Bhanshaly

1. Read all poems T W ICE 2. Read the first time without taking notes 3. Read the second time INT ERACTIVELY a. Mark and annotate figurative language/poetic devices b. Mark and annotate all imagery c. Make note of rhyme scheme d. Use all other interactive reading strategies
1. What is the main idea of this poem? a. Cholera is a terrible and deadly disease b. Rats are causing cholera c. Death is better than living with cholera d. This is a short poem 2. The author uses imagery in this poem in order to a. Convince readers to escape from the disease b. Convince readers she is dying from cholera c. Illustrate how awful the disease of cholera is d. There is not much imagery in this poem


Wisconsin Georgetown



George Francis O'Neill To the Editor of the American In reply to Dr. Park of the Board of Health I will state that I am not with the typhoid patients. There is nobody on this island that has typhoid. There was never any effort by the Board authority to do anything for me except to cast me on the island and keep me a prisoner without being sick nor needing medical treatment. When I first came here they took two blood cultures, and feces went down three times per week, say Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, respectively, until the latter part of June. After that they only got the feces once a week, which was on Wednesday. Now they have given me a record for nearly a year for three times a week. When I first came here I was so nervous and almost prostrated with grief and trouble. My eyes began to twitch, and the left eyelid became paralyzed and would not move. It remained in that condition for six months. There was an eye specialist [who] visited the island three and four times a week. He was never asked to visit me. I did not even get a cover for my eye. I had to hold my hand on it whilst going about at night and tie a bandage on it. However, my eye got better thanks to the Almighty God and no thanks in spite of the medical staff. Dr. Wilson ordered me urotropin. I got that on and off for a year. Sometimes they had it, and sometimes they did not. I took the urotropin for about three months all told during the whole year. If I should have continued [it], it would certainly have killed me for it was very severe. Everyone knows who is acquainted in any kind of medicine that it's used for kidney trouble. When in January [1908] they were about to discharge me, when the resident physician came to me and asked me where was I going when I got out of here, naturally I said to N.Y., so there was a stop put to my getting out of here. Then the supervising nurse told me I was a hopeless case, and if I'd write to Dr. Darlington and tell him I'd go to my sisters in Connecticut. Now I have no sister in that state or any other in the U.S. Then in April a friend of mine went to Dr. Darlington and asked him when I was to get away. He replied "That woman is all right now, and she is a very expensive woman, but I cannot let her go myself. The Board has to sit. Come around Saturday." When he did, Dr. Darlington told this man "I've nothing more to do with this woman. Go to Dr. Studdiford." He went to that doctor, and he said "I cannot let that woman go, and all the people that she gave the typhoid to and so many deaths occurred in the families she was with." Dr. Studdiford said to this man "Go and ask Mary Mallon and enveigle her to have an operation performed to have her gallbladder removed. I'll have the best surgeon in town to do the cutting." I said "No. No knife will be put on me. I've nothing the matter with my


Wisconsin Georgetown



gallbladder." Dr. Wilson asked me the very same question. I also told him no. Then he replied "It might not do you any good." Also the supervising nurse asked me to have an operation performed. I also told her no, and she made the remark "Would it not be better for you to have it done than remain here?" I told her no. There is a visiting doctor who came here in October. He did take quite an interest in me. He really thought I liked it here, that I did not care for my freedom. He asked me if I'd take some medicine if he brought it to me. I said I would, so he brought me some Anti Autotox and some pills then. Dr. Wilson had already ordered me brewer's yeast. At first I would not take it, for I'm a little afraid of the people, and I have a good right for when I came to the Department they said they were in my [intestinal] tract. Later another said they were in the muscles of my bowels. And latterly they thought of the gallbladder. I have been in fact a peep show for everybody. Even the interns had to come to see me and ask about the facts already known to the whole wide world. The tuberculosis men would say "There she is, the kidnapped woman." Dr. Park has had me illustrated in Chicago. I wonder how the said Dr. William H. Park would like to be insulted and put in the Journal and call him or his wife Typhoid William Park.

1. Which word in the first paragraphs best illustrates Mary Mallons emotions? a. Prisoner b. First c. Culture d. Typhoid 2. Which of the following is the best explanation for the cause of Marys eye trouble? a. She did not have a cover for her eye b. She had typhoid c. The doctor would not help her d. She was in an anxious and depressed state 3. Which perspective is this article written in? a. First person b. Second person


Wisconsin Georgetown



c. Third person limited d. Third person omniscient 4. How is this letter organized? a. The narrator explains her complaints in the order that they affected her b. The narrator explains a problem then elaborates on it c. The narrator asks a question then answers it by describing her complaints d. The narrator provides two sides of an argument 5. Why does the urotropin not work? a. Because she used it on and off b. Because she only used it for a year c. Because it is not meant to be used for her eye d. Because it is not meant to be used on a typhoid patient 6. According to paragraph 4, what does discharge most likely mean? a. Remain b. release c. abandon d. deceive 7. Use the chart below to explain one instance in which Mary is treated unfairly and Marys response to that treatment Instance where Mary is treated unfairly Marys response to the unfair treatment


Wisconsin Georgetown



A viral sniff

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