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CHAPTER 8READING ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES SQ3R SQ3R is a study system developed by Francis Robinson.

SQ3R is the acronym for survey, question, read, recite, and review which are the five stages a student will move through when appropriately studying a text. SURVEYthe first stage of SQ3R 1. Skim the chapter elements of Chapter 8 to answer the following questions: a. What is the chapter title? _________________________________________________________________ b. What are the first and second level headings (including those in question form)? ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ c. What are the key terms you need to know for this chapter? _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ a. What are some significant words that are in boldface, italics, underlined, in larger fonts, bullet points, or boxed texts, and why are they in this arrangement of type? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

2. Answer the following questions in complete sentences: a. Name three approaches that will help you read and comprehend math and science texts.

b. Name three approaches that will help you read and comprehend social science texts.

c. Describe three types of charts and the information they often present.

d. Briefly describe each of the following elements that help you understand a literary work: setting, character, theme, point of view, and imagery.

3. Are there words you do not recognize? If so, go to the glossary or index (also known as the back matter for SQ3R) and look those words up. Write the word(s) and the definition(s) below.

QUESTIONthe second stage of SQ3R 1. What do you know about the topics of looking for themes and understanding literary elements?

2. Using one of Blooms verbs level 4 or higher (p195), write one question for each chapter heading (for chapter 8, there should be 4 level one headings). Try using a different verb for each question.

READthe third stage of SQ3Rto be completed only AFTER you have actually read the chapter. 1. What is the main idea for each topicthere are four in Chapter 8?

2. How do you prioritize your reading assignments?

RECITEthe fourth stage of SQ3R 1. Create a way to teach someone two of the topics from Chapter 8your choice, but take this seriously.

REVIEWthe final stage of SQ3R 1. Summarize the main ideas for Chapter 8 in your own words.

2. Write three questions you have regarding topics in Chapter 8.

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