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International Journal of Bio-Technology

and Research (IJBTR)

ISSN 2249-6858
Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, 7-12
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.



Assistant Professor, Army Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
HOD, LAD college for women, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


We live in a world where very few people are able to maintain their peace of mind; most of us are overburdened
with stress of different kinds. In such a situation there is a need for detachment. Detachment from the things that aggravate
stress, hence peace of mind is essential. Stress affects us in ways that are not harmful to our mental well-being but our
physical health too. Day by day, more and more people, not just in our country are realizing the importance of massages
and therapies for a healthy life. “Anything in life is possible. What the mind can conceive the body can achieve it”. So
Age cannot deny a person’s fitness level. A well maintained body is extremely essential to live a good life. In order to
relive the stress here are different types of therapies available at various Spas.

KEYWORDS: Radiance Therapy, Breath Therapy, Soft Tissue Therapy, Foot Zone Therapy, Underwater Massage
Therapy, Mud Bath Therapy

The objectives behind the research article are to enable the client to know the different types of Spa therapies,
their importance which will enable them to know the need for the spa therapy to relive their stress and keep mind, body and
spirit in sync.

Introduction Radiance Therapy

It is important to access the energy within you as an individual, to become more connected with yourself, the
unifying part of you that transcends ego and personality and physical body. Connecting with inner light has been the goal
of sages, yogis, and mystics throughout millennia. The Radiance therapy is useful tool for one’s own spiritual awakening
and growing awareness of energy. The physical body benefits from it too. In hands on session, the client lies fully clothed
on the massage table. The massager places his/her hands on the chakra positions, attuning each chakra to the spark inside
it. A session lasts for about 50 minutes. Few people fall asleep, some feel energy moving through their bodies, and others
report deep meditative visions. At the end of the session they can rest a little longer or get up and continue their day. The
Radiance Technique helps release stress and physical pain and encourages body’s natural healing process.

Radiant support is also offered to events, people or places one chooses. The massager connects them to pure light
energy; there is no need to receive conscious permission from the recipients to do the work. (Although it makes a nice gift
to anyone who is open to it).

Many people suggest it to friends and family who are going through a difficult time. The recipient does not need
to be aware the process is happening, and will not be outwardly affected by this. People have found these sessions useful
while preparing for or writing exams, undergoing stressful interviews or meetings and even when celebrating special
8 Sonal Karnik & Sunita Borkar

Animals and humans appreciate The Radiance Therapy during surgery and also while preparing for transition.If a
family is going through tough time, Radiant Light will be apt for all members of the family, together and individually, over
a period of time, to help everyone get more centered and in the light consciously or unconsciously.

Breathe Therapy

Wintergative Breath Therapy uses a wonderful tool for self –exploration called conscious connected Breathing.
This is a simple and gentle yet powerful technique which allows you to access, release and integrate memories, emotions
and patterns stored in your body, mind and soul that hinder your full potential , physically, emotionally and mentally.

The Breath Therapist

Is a guide to a client’s journey, who will skillfully manoeuvre through the surfacing material, witness and
validate your experience, help the client to stay present and maintain your mental clarity. A skilled breath therapist may
also use various psychotherapeutic integration tools (eg Counseling, Family Dynamics, Inner Child Work, Psychic
Surgery, past life Healing etc).


Integrative Breath Therapy has an innate self-regulatory mechanism. Your subconscious and “Inner Healer”
decides what is appropriate and safe for you to experience right now and how much to release. All one has to do is trust the
breath and to engage in the process. It will take the client where he wants to go; it will bring up what is more important for
you in this moment, enabling you to take your next step towards becoming more whole and happy.

After discussing with the needs with the breath therapist, the session itself will be done sitting up in a chair or
lying down. Having been guided through a relaxation sequence, you consciously connect your breathing so that there are
no pauses between inhale and exhale, yet full. Slowly one is guided to find your own rhythm, probably faster and fuller
than used to be. Every breathing session has its own cycle, which includes an activation phase, an expression phase where
we work with the material that is surfacing and an Integration phase .The length of a “breathe” is generally 1 to 1.5 hour,
full session usually lasts for 2 hours.

Integrative breath therapy improves ones physical, emotional, mental well-being .It also facilitates spiritual
opening and soul connection bringing you in touch of which you really are your divine core. After the session the client
will feel relaxed and relived, as if he/she is able to offload extra baggage. The release is permanent and the transformation
through breath work is profound and easy.

Soft Tissue Therapy

A soft Tissue Massage therapy aims to alleviate aches, pains and injuries that are attributed to the body’s soft
tissues. It is designed to help people who have sustained injury to their muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues.
This Therapy is generally focused on the problem area, as opposed to working on the entire body. Depending on the injury
the appointments are schedule two or three times in a week which may be anywhere between 15 to 60 minutes

Postural and Functional Assessments

Clients presenting with a specific complaint will generally undergo a number of assessments that each provide
information about the soft tissue status of the client. These assessments are conducted according to presenting signs and
symptoms, which the purpose helping to identify the most likely causes of pain or injury. They may include assessment of
posture, biomechanics, range of motion and the nervous system, among others.
SPA Relaxing Therapies and its Importance 9

Treatment Strategies

The specific treatment application of ach, pain or injury will be solely reliant on the conclusions reached by the
assessments. Any number of treatment techniques may be used to achieve optimal treatment results.

• Manual techniques: Soft tissue Technique, where an osteopathic physician applies firm, direct pressure to relax
hypertonic muscles and stretch tight fascial structures.
• Stretching: Static stretching attempts to alleviate excessively hypertonic (tight) muscles.
• Exercise Prescription: Dysfunctional soft tissues are either too short and tight or too long and weak .Depending
on assessments findings, some clients may be required to undertake a series of exercises, to strengthen, or simply
to “switch –on “particular exercises or muscle groups

Injuries that respond well to soft tissue therapy include whiplash; low back pain tendinitis, ankle sprains, and
pulled muscles. In some cases treatment is covered by insurance.

Soft Tissue therapy is effective in alleviating many symptoms associated with a wide range of medical
conditions, and it can improve the performance of the client’s muscles, circulatory system, joints and immune system. It
also has a wide variety of mental benefits, including the ability to induce a very relaxed state of mind.

Foot Zone Therapy

Foot zone therapy is an ancient and complex alternative therapy based on the principles that human feet are the
signal to the rest of our body. It is an ancient form of reflexology, which is based on the study of how signals flow through
the body from brain to feet. Every organ and cell has representative point on the feet. When pressure is applied, the brain
sends a signal to the corresponding part of the body to facilitate healing and restore balance .Foot zone therapy is
appropriate for all age groups.

Foot zone therapy is about changing your focus from illness to wellness .It is about taking more personal
responsibility for your own health and well-being. In today’s world one is overloaded with environmental toxins, stress,
poor food choices and an overload of sensory information that bombards us constantly.

The benefits include increased circulation, renewing of the cell systems, and rejuvenation of the immune system,
bringing balance back to the body, assisting with appropriate digestion, improved sleep, and faster recoveries from injuries,
increased energy, improved mood and overall relaxation.

Much before the symptoms of a medical problem set in, there are imbalances in the body that can be detected and
is known as sub-clinical illness with foot zone therapy these imbalances can be corrected before any further deterioration
of health. There are many benefits of zone therapy which include, correction of the imbalances of hormones, detoxification
of organs and glands, improved circulation and greater oxygen flow in the body, increase in energy levels, relaxation and
well-being and pain relief. In also provides relief in conditions like arthritis, back pain, neck pain, migraine, stress, blood
circulation problems, digestive disorders, urinary problems, menstrual cramps.

Under Water Massage Therapy

The essence of Hydro massage is to apply massage techniques to human body, thermally, mechanically or
chemically with the use of water, which can be mineral or any other. For underwater Massage the bath is equipped with a
powerful pump and pressure regulator with a pressure gauge which shows the pressure of massage jet. The patient lies in
10 Sonal Karnik & Sunita Borkar

the warm water which in itself is sufficient to give a pleasant and relaxed feeling of well being. The use of hot water for the
body is to make feel less tense and stressful. The things that matter during the massage are:

Water Temperature

The temperature of the water in the tub should be 360C.The temperature of the pressurized steam is adjustable.
The water temperature is precisely measured by a built-in thermometer. Pressure Control: Pressure is controlled by
manometer Treatment Positions: When massaging the back, the client is always lying on their back side. In this position,
the hips, knees are slightly bent, and the head and neck on a support. This has all the relaxation of a bath combined with the
benefits of trained therapist to ease out your body into a state of balance and harmony.

Mud Bath

Mud bath is a detox therapy, which has become extremely popular around the globe. Mud baths are ancient
treatments that are rooted in tradition dating all the way back to the days of Cleopatra, who used mud from the Dead Sea to
absorb the natural ingredients from mud.

While these treatments are fun and are used today more for a relaxing and luxurious experience, the practice has
actually been used for centuries throughout Europe to treat rheumatism and various skin conditions. The use of natural
occurring mud baths to help with these ailments is known as fangotheraphy, which belongs to the wider spectrum of
balenotheraphy. While mud baths are an excellent therapeutic treatment for a variety of ailments and diseases, their most
popular benefit is the one that on the skin. Mud baths are use as it reduces pain, improves complexion, reduces wrinkles,
cures arthritis, kidney diseases and as treatments for urinary system.

Application of Mud Bath

First the mud is prepared by soaking in water .Then the mud is applied to the full body either in sitting or lying
down position. Mud is kept for 45 to 60 minutes and ideally be exposed to sun light, at least intermittently. Remember that
the head should always be covered when exposing the body to sunlight. Afterwards, the person should be thoroughly
washed with cold to lukewarm water. Dry the person quickly and transfer to a warm bed.

Regular mud baths may be considered as natural beauty treatment procedure as it also helps in improving skin
complexion and reducing spots and patches, possibly the result of some skin disorder like chickenpox or small pox. Mud
baths are useful in many diseases such as Psoriasis, Uticaria, leucoderma, leprosy and other allergic conditions.

Types of Mud

Mud found in different parts of the world. Mud composition varies with the place of origin. Firstly mineral
constituents of mud vary with the kind of rocks found in the region and the process of soil formation .Secondly mud
property is influenced by kind of flora and fauna of the region. Therefore it is essential to learn about properties of mud
before utilizing benefits. It is important to note that before using any type of mud, it should be dried powdered and sieved
to remove any type of impurities such as stone grass, etc. The different types of mud used are Black mud, Mud from Dead
Sea and Moor Mud.


Stress affects an individual in many ways that are harmful to our mental well-being but our physical health too.
Thus different healing therapies can be used by an individual that helps to focus on your- all round being, by applying
these relaxation therapies which are not just good for outer appearance but also great for your inner peace. Radiance
SPA Relaxing Therapies and its Importance 11

therapy is found useful while preparing for or writing exams, undergoing stressful interviews or meetings and even
celebrating special events. With Foot zone therapy imbalances in the body can be corrected before any further
deterioration in health. This includes correction of hormones, detoxification of organs and glands, improved circulation and
greater energy flow in the body, increase in the levels of relaxation and general well-being and pain relief. Hydro massage
therapy helps to relax muscles, increase blood circulation, and relive muscular pain and tension. Thus, depending upon the
needs of the individual and the type of stress each Spa therapy can be used by an individual in different types of spa which
will enable an individual health and wellness.


1. Claude Holistic Healer, August pp6, 7 Spa Veda 2012

2. Najma H.Dohadwala Yoga Instructor August pp22-23 Spa Veda 2012

3. Dave Rodricks soft tissue therapist pp12-13 October Spa Veda 2012

4. Rashmi Jain Foot zone therapist pp14-15 October Spa Veda 2012

5. Bryan Scavo underwater Massage therapist pp 16-17-September Spa Veda 2012.

6. Harsha Bhadra pp22, 23, 25 –December Spa Veda 2012

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