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. A Scimtific Model of Prediction based on benfi'c l malefi.c analysis of plan'ets l bhaaas as Per Hindu astrolog



I have been studying and practising astrology for the -by last three decades. I was trained direcily Late Daivagna Ratna and Vidya Visaradha Sri Divakaruni Venkata Subbarao and by my beloved father Late Sri Pemmaraju Venkata Rao. I have also been trained rather indirectly by Sri B.V. Raman, the famous Indian Astrologer, by studying all his astrological books antl magazines.My non-professionaland research oriented scientific bent of mind has prompted me to present a new book on Astrology giving a methodology for the Benefic and Malefic percentage analysis of planets, influencing a horoscope and thereby proceeding further to analyse the benefic and malefic percentage of bhavas and planetary periods resulting in suitable predictions. After studying various texts of astrolory and based on my experience, I have picked up and chosen what I have considered best for presenting this new approach of analysis of benefic and malefic tendencies of planets and bhavas. I have enumerated the predictions of various ascendants and various planets in different rasis, bhavas and their lordship results in different bhavas, in a novel way under different topics of body, health, temperament and personality, courag;, education, houses and landed property, happinels, children, diseases, enemies, debts, marriagl and marital relationship, longevity, prosperity, profession, gains and income, losses and expenditure giving the benefic and malefic results separately, sinee marry


people are interested to know their future in these iopict generally and it will be easy to refer to the pirticular topic as per their interest. Of course' these predictions will be available in many standard text books on astrology,though I have added some from my but the predictionsare not availableunder experience, different topics in any astrological text book for easy reference ai I have presented' I have also preferred to presentingmy approach' give a Model Horoscope I hope that this book will make a useful addition to the existing literature on predictive astrology' I find now a days that a lot of literate and'scientific community are taking a good deal of interest in studying astrology.As such I look forward to the prospect of this book being received with interest and approbation by the students as well as scholars in the subject, particularly the scientific astrologers. for improvement I will be thankful if any suggestions and any mistakes detected during the course of study are communicated to me so that they may be incorporated in my future endeavours' I take this opportunity of expressingmy thanks to my blessed son, Sri P.V. Kamesh, in computerising this scheme of analysis and predictions and my many friends for their valuable suggestions' My special thanks are to my wife, P. Bharati, for assistance in preparing the data with her astrological knowledge and to Sri Nair for typing the manuscript. I am greatly indebted to Dr. A.N. Kapoor for patiently going ihrough the entire book and improve its presentation. Sastry, My thanks are to my closefriend, Dr. Y.V.S.R. Engg.,Delhi Collegeof Engg',Delhi, who Prof. of Mec-h. had helped in liaisoning with the publishers.My thanks Motilal Banarsidass are also to Sri N.P. Jain of Messrs. Publishers for taking personal interest in publishing



the book. Lastly my sincere prayers are to Sri Shirdi ffi Saibana for his constantguidance in the form of visions i in my astrological research pursuits and to our family Dieties Lord Venkateswaia and Alivelu Manga. f 7-f -383/6TVinayanagar,


Hyderabad-sOoosg, INDLA. Phone:453021O email:; pwra1ru du@hotmail. com ; pwrayudu@yahoo.comi pwrayudu@rediffmail. com ; pvrrayudu@chequemall. com . website : http : / /www. loudoun-net. com/kamesh / rayudu. html




Planets are positioned in different Rasis (signs) and Bhavas (houses) with respect to a particular ascendant at the particular time of birth. Accordingly, each planet is subjected to many influences as per its placemetrt in a particular rasi and bhava with respect to the placement of other planets. As such, the benefic and malefic tendencies of each planet differ in each horoscope. For example, the benefic or malefic tendency of a planet may differ as per its placement in exaltation/debilitation rasi, own rasi/star, friendly/ enemy rasi/star, different bhavas as per its own lordship and as per its associations and aspects by other friendly/enemy planets etc. Each of these placements, aspects, associations are not of equaL importance and they are to be considered giving different weightages for each type of influence. Similarly each bhava is also subjected to influence of different planets. In this book, a methodology is given to evolve the benefic and malefic percentage of a planet and bhavas in a horoscope considering all the influences that they would be subjected to along with suitable weightages for each type of influence. The predictions of all planets as per their benefic or malefic tendencies with respect to their placement in different rasis and bhavas are enumerated separately under different topics of body, health, temperament and personality, wealth, courage, education, houses and landed property, happiness, children, diseases, enemies, debts, marriage and marital relationship, longevity, prosperity, profess-




ion, gains and income, Iossesand expenditure. Once each planet and bhava are analyseil for its benefic and malefic percentage for a particular horoscope,the predictionson all important aspectsof life can be given as per the concernedruling main, sub and interperiod planets. The tables of the periods of the ruling main, sub and interperiod planets from the time of birth are calculated as per the Vimsottari Dasa systemof Hindu astrology. The complete scheme of analysing the planets and bhavasfor a particular horoscopealong with broad life predictions for each bhava and yearly predictions for the current ruling main, sub and interperiod planets, is computerised. A model horoscopein this respect is also given for ready interpretation of this new methodology.

Prcface Abstract I: CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Funtlamentals Some Exaltationand Stars, Ownerships, Planetary Signs Debilitation and Functional Temporary Permanent, RelationshiPs Planetay Planets andMalefic NaturalBenefic LordshipBeneficandMaleficPlanetsfor DifferentAscendants Bhavas for Different Planets Karaka of Planets Aspects and Numbersfor Planets Colours Jewels, Deities, II: CHAPTER OFPLANETS AND MALEFICANALYSIS BENNFIC 'u'; Analysis ,$ Benefic il t il il'
D [r

ifr I

2 3

5 6 ,

I I 10 11

Analysis Malefic for Weightages andMalefic Benefic Lordship Ascendants Different

III fi'cuarrnn T'



rn, CHAPTER IV BROAD LIFE PREDICTIONS Predictions of DifferentAscendants


L7 l8 l8 2T 23 30 30 31

Body Health Ternperamentand personality Broad Life Predictions First Bhava Body, Health, Temperament and personality SecondBhava Wealth,Speech, Family, Face,Eyes,Food Third Bhava Courage,youngerBrothers and Sisters.

,Throat, Arms,Shoulders, Commufiications, Relatives, gf Friends Fourth Bhava Education, Houses, Landedproperty, Conveyances, Mother,Chest, Heart,General Happiness g2 Fifth Bhava Children, Wisdom,Intelligence, Stomach BB SixthBhava Diseases, Enemies, Debts 83 Seventh BhavaMarriage, Wife/Husband, Maritalrelationship,Businesspartnershipg4 EighthBhava Longevity, g4 Legacies, Secret Organs Ninth Bhava Prosperity, Father,Devotion to preceptors, Gods andReligious LongJourneys, Hips,Thighs Ab TenthBhava Profession, Status and position, Respect, Travels Life andActivity, Knees, Back 85 Eleventh BhavaGainsand Income, Elder Brothers and Sisters, g6 Calves oflegs TwelfthBhava Losses andExpenditure, Moksha (Enlightenment),, Foreign Travels, Sexual Enjoyment, Confinement or Imprisonment, Teeth 96 CHAPTER V YEABLYPREDICTIONS

39 Predictions of Differentplanets InfluencingDifferentBhavas 40 FirstBhava personality 40 Body, Health, Temperament'and Second Bhava Wealth 50


Third Bhava Fourth Bhava

Courage and LandedProperty Education, Houses, Happiness Conveyances, Children Fifth Bhava Enemies, Debts Diseases, Sixth Bhava andMaritalRelationship SeventhBhava Marriage Longevity Eighth Bhava Prosperity Ninth Bhava Profession Tenth Bhava andIncome Eleventh Bhava Gains andExpenditure Twelfth Bhava Losses


57 68 70 79 82 85 91 100 10? 114 114 t22. 130 158 167 170 178 181 203 205 209 215 216 221 228 252 26r 272 283 283 286 290 292 295 302 308 312 313 3r9

Preilictions of Different Planetsin Different Rasis Body Health Temperamentand Personality Wealth Courage Education Landed Property and MeansofConveyance Houses, Happiness Children Diseases Enemies Debts Marriageand Marital Relationship Longevitl' Prosperity Profession Gainsand Income Lossesand Expenditure Predictlons of Different BhavaLords ln Different Bhavas As First Bhava Lord in different Bhavas r As SecondBhava Lord in different Bhavas As Thirds Bhava Lord in different Bhavas '' As Fourth Bhava Lord in different Bhavas As Fifth Bhava Lord in different Bhavas As Sixth Bhava Lord in difTerentBhavas As SeventhBhava Lord in different Bhavas As Eighth Bhava Lord in different Bhavas i As Ninth Bhava Lord in different Bhavas As Tenth Bhava Lord in different Bhavas

r7u As Eleventh Bhava Lord in different Bhavas As Twelfth Bhava Lord in different Bhavas Predictions of Influence ofDifferent Other BhavaLords on DifferentBhavas As different BhavaLords influencingFirst Bhava As different BhavaLords influencing SecondBhava As different BhavaLords influencingThird Bhava As different BhavaLords influencing Fourth Bhava As different BhavaLords influencing Fifth Bhava As different Bhava Lords influencing Sixth BhaVa As different Bhava Lords influencing SeventhBhava As different Bhava Lords influencing Eighth Bhava As different BhavaLords influencingNinth Bhava As different BhavaLords influencingTenth Bhava As different BhavaLords influencing EleventhBhava As different Bhava Lords influencing Twelfth Bhava CHAPTER VI MODEL HOROSCOPE Introduction Basic Birth Data Planetary Information, Rasi and NavamsaCharts Cuspand Bhava Degrees and BhavaChart PlanetaryRelationship-Permanent and Functional Vimsottaridasa Tables,Planetsin Main periods. Sub Periodsand Inter Periods Natural and Lordship Benefics and Malefies Benefic and Malefic Analysis of Planets Broad Life Predictions General Characteristicsof Libra Ascendant Analysis of Bhavas Major Significator Planets for Various Bhavas


323 327

333 333 336 339 341 351 354 361 364 366 371 375 378

383 384 385 386 388 389 389 391 89r 898 399 400 M

Contents YearlyPredictions MainPeriodof Saturn in MainPericdof Saturn of Venus Subperiod ofVenusand ofJupiterin the Subperiod Interperiod MainPeriodof Saturn . Interperiod ofVenusand ofSaturnin the Subperiod MainPeriodof Saturn ofVenusand ofMercuryin theSubperiod Interperiod MainPeriodof Saturn ofVenusand ofKetu in the Subperiod Interperiod MainPeriodof Saturn ; S Inilex


405 406 4t4 418 427 427 437 439



Astrology is a science as well as an art. It is true that the astrological predictions simply cdnnot be based. r u p o ns t r i c t m a t h e m a t i c a l c a l c u l a t i o n s a n d a n a l y s i s ,b u t a certain amount of intuitive capacity must be brought to bear upon such attempts. Nevertheless, this science has been most wonderfully cultivated by many of the astrologers for a long time, resulting in many calculations for Varga charts, Shadbala strengths of planets, Astakavarga predictions etc. Simultaneously, many predictions have also been enumerated simply on the basis of Rasi chart and sometimes couplecl with Navamsa chart. It was felt that neither the predictions based on the elaborate calculations nor based on the cursory look at the Rasi chart, resulted in any real fruitful predictions. It has also been felt that it woulcl not be really easy using the various calculations and rules of all Varga charts, Shadbala strengths of planets, inter-dependence of planets etc., in interpreiing the predictions. In view of the above, a via-media solution was found for ease of predictions by mathematically analysing the percentage benefic and malefic tendencies of eactr planet in a horoscope considering the various influences it was subjected to, giving suitable weightages for each type of influence The Rasi. Navamsa and Bhava charts are taken for this purpose of calculations, though the inclusion of other Varga charts

a Horoscoqe Howto Read'

may give better planetary analysis.Once the planets are analysedfor their percentagebenefic and malefic nature,the twelve bhavascan also be analysedfor their percentage benfic and malefic tendencies with respectto the different planetsinfluencing the bhavas. the benefic or malefic predictions of the Subsequently, ruling main planets, sub-planets and inter-planets can be given on the basis of under the eircumstances their position in Rasi, Bhava and Lordship as per the standard norms laid down and the results are to be attributed to one's own social, environmental, economic/cultural circumstances.Of course,the transit may be subsequently results of the planets (Gochara) coupledas given in any standardtext book on astrology. The calculations for preparing the Rasi, Navamsa and Bhava charts and Vimsottari Dasas of planets are not dealt with, since these are given in all standard astrologicalbooks. Bhava chart is to be prepared as per the procedure given by Sri Satyacharyain ancient texts on astrology. SOME FUNDAMENTALS The fundamentals used in the analysis of planets and bhavasare given below for ready reference: Planetary Ownerships,Stars,Exaltation and Debilitation Signs
Exaltation sign Debilitation sign Libra


Aries Kritlika Uttara Utarashadha Cancer Rohini Hasta Sravana .Taurus


Introduct'i,on Planet Own house Slars Exaltation sign Capricorn Debilitation sign Cancer


Aries Scorpio

Mrigasira Chitra Dhanistha Aslesha Jyeshtha Revati

Mercury Gemini




Sagittarius Pisces

Punarvasu Cancer Vishakha Poorvabhadrapada Bharani Pisces Poorvaphalguni Poorvashadha Pushya Libra Anuradha Uttarabhadrapada Ardra Taurus Svati Shatabhisha Asvini Scorpio Magha Moola


Taurus Libra



Capricorn Aquarius








PermanentPlanetaryRelationships The natural or permanent relationships of planets towardseach other is given below:
Planet Friend Neutral Enemy

Sun Mars

Moon, Mars, Jupiter Sun,Moon, Jupiter

Mercury Venus, Saturn, Ketu, Rahu MarS, Jupiter, Saturn

Saturn, Venus, Ketu, Rahu Mercury Moon

Mercury Sun,Venus, Ketu, Rahu

How to Read a Horoscopc Ptaiet Friend Neutral Enemy

Jupiter Sun, Moon,Mars Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Moon Mercury,Saturn, Ketu, Rahu Venus,Mercury, Ketu,Rahu Venus,Saturn, Mercury,Rahu Venus,Satum, Ketu,Rahu Sun, Mercury

Ketu, Saturn, Rahu Jupiter Mars, Jupiter Jupiter Mars, Jupiter Mars, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Satum

Venus Mercury, Sun Moon, Mars Sun,Moon, Sun,Moon Sun,Moon Ketu Rahu,

Temporary Planetary Relationships Planets are said to become friends and enemies temporarily due to their position from each other in the horoscope. Planets which occupy the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, llth, and 12th places from one to the other become friends. Planets in other places.from one to another are temporary enemies. Functional Planetary Relationships permanent and The combined influence of the functional determine will relationships temporary relationship of planets as follows: Friend Permanenl Friend Permanent Neutral Neutral Enemy Permanent Enemy Permanenl Friend = BeslFriend + Temporary Enemy = Neutral + Temporary EnemY - EnemY + TemPorary Friend - Friend + TemPorary Friend = Neutral + Temporary Enemy = BitterEnemy + Temporary


Natural Benefic Planets Jupiter. Venus, Waxing Moon (from Bth tithi of Shukla Paksha i.e. briglit half of lunar month upto Bth tithi of dark half), Mercury alone or when associated with natural benefic planets. Note: 8th tithi in bright half = longitude of Sun longitude of Moon is between 84 to 96 degrees (increasingdistance). 8th tithi in dark half = decreasingdistance between Sun and Moon after Moon reaches180degreesfrom Sun i.e. 96 to 84 degrees. Natural Malefic Planets Mars Saturn,Sun, Waning Moon (from Bth tithi of dark half to Bth tithi of bright hal0, Mercury when associ.ated with natural malefic planets,Rahu and Ketu. Lordship Benefic and Malefic Planets for Different Ascendants
benelic planets Ascendant Lordship
Aries Moon,Mars, Sun,Waning Venus Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury Sun,Mars,Saturn, alonecr withnatural beneticor Venus,Rahu malefic, Waxing& WaningMoon, aloneor with Saturn,Mercury natural beneficor malefic. Venus. Rahu. Ketu Sun,Waxing& WaningMoon, Mars,Jupiter, Salurn,Ketu Saturn, Sun, Mais,Jupiter, aloneor with nalural Mercurv Ketu benefiqormalefic, aloneor wilh Saturn,Me/cury or malelic, naturalbenefic Venus,Rahu,Ketu WaningMoon,Mars,Satum, Mercuryalone or with natural Venus beneficor malefic,

Lordship nalelic planeb

WaxingMoon,Saturn,Mercury aloneor withnatural beneficor malefic. Venus,Rahu,Ketu Waxing & WaningMoon, Juoiter, Ketu Sun,Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, aloneor with Mercury natural benelic Jupiler, Saturn, Mercury aloneor wilh natural Venus,Rahu benelicor malefic, Waring& WaningMoon,Jupiter, Satum, Mercuryaloneor with naturalbenelicor malefic.Venus.Ketu Sun,Waxing & WaningMoon, Mars,Jupiter, Salum,Mercury alone or with naturalbenefic Sun,WaxingMoon,Jupiter, Rahu.Ketu







6 Ascendant Scorpio
Lordship benelic planets

How to Read a Horoscope Lordship malefic planets Mercury aloneor withnatural Venus.Fahu beneficormalefic. Waxing Moon, Jupiter, & VJaning Mercury alone, Venus Saturn, Moon, Mars. Jupiter, Sun,Waxing Mercurvaloneor withnatural Ketu benefiior malefic Waxing& Waning Moon,Mars, Jupiter, Mercury aloneor with natural benefic or malefic, Rahu Salum,Mercury Sun,Jupiter, aloneor wilh nalural benefic. Venus

Moon, Sun,Waxing & Waning Mars,Jupiler, Kelu Saturn, Mercury aloneor withnalura, malefic. Rahu.Ketu

Sagittarius Sun,Mars,Jupiler,Saturn,


WaningMoon,Mars,Saturn, Mercury aloneor withnatural Venus,Rahu benefic or malefic, Sun,Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury aloneor withnatural benelicormalefic, Venus, Ketu Waxing& WaningMoon,Mars, Jupiler,Mercury aloneor wilh natural malefic, Rahu,Ketu



Note: Some of the planets are both lordship benefic and malefic since one lordship is for a benefic house and the other is for malefic house such as Jupiter for Leo Ascendant is benefic lord for 5th house and malefic lord for 8th house.

Karaka Planetsfor Different Bhavas I bhava - Sun II bhava - Jupiter III bhava - Mars - Moon,Mercury,Venus,Jupiter, Mars Mhava V bhava - Jupiter VI bhava - Mars,Saturn VII bhava - Venus VIII bhava - Satuln IX bhava - Sun,Jupiter X bhava - Sun,N{ercury, Jupiter, Saturn XI XII bhava.- Jupiter bhava - Saturn


& il .'

Aspectsof Planets All planets aspectthe 7th bhava counted from their positions. In addition, Saturn aspects 3rd agd l0th bhavas,Mars aspects4th and Bth bhavas and Jupiter aspects 5th and gth bhavas counted from their positions. Deities,Jewels,Coloursand Numbersfor Planets The following are the Deities, Jewels, Colours and to Numbers which should be used for different planet's the strengthen the benefic tendencies or to lessen malefic tendenciesof the planets during their periods:
Planet Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Ketu Mercury Venus Deity Jewel

CopperColour White Deep red Dark Yellow Dark Deep red Green Variegated colours

1 and4 2 andT 9 I 3 8 9 5

Ruby Siva Pearl Parvati Subrahmanya Coral Gomed Adishesha Topaz Brahma VenkateshwaraSapphire Cat'seye Ganesha Emerald Vishnu Diamond Lakshmi


Benefic and Malefic Analysis of Planets

Planets as per their disposition in a horoscope are subjected to various influences. As given in Chapter I, the planets are identified in various situations in a horoscope. Suitable weightages are given to every particular type of situation. Net weightage and percentage of benefic and malefic tendencies of each planet is calculated. The following are the various types of benefic and malefic situations and influences that the planets are subjected to in a horoscope. The suggested weightage points are given in brackets for each situation. Aspects and associations of planets are taken from Rasi chart. Positioning of planets in bhavas is taken from Bhava chart. BENEFIC ANALYSIS natural benefic (1) lordship benefic (1) in own sign (2) in exaltation (3)

If If If If

If debilitated retrograde (3) If in functional friend's sign (1) If in lordship benefic's sign (2) If in natural benefic's sign (1)


Haw to Read a Horoscope

if in functional friend's star (1) If in own star (2) If in lordship benefic'sstar (2) I f i n n a t u r a lb e n e f i cs t a r( l ) If functional f r i e n d o f a s c e n d a nlto r d ( 2 ) If in association with functional friend (1) , (2) in If association with lordship benefic If in association with natural benefic (1) If aspected by functional friend (1) If aspected by lordship benefic(2) Ifaspected by natural benefic(l) (1) A s n a t u r a l m a l e f i c i n 3 r d .6 t h , l O t h o r l l t h b h a v a s As natural benefic not in 12thbhava(1) As lordship beneflcnot tn 6th, 8th, or l2th bhavas (2) As Vargottamai.e. samehouseln Rasi and Navamsa charts (3) In exaltationin Navamsa chart (3) In own sign in Navamsachart (2) In functional friend's sign in Navamsachart (1). MALEFIC ANALYSIS If natural malefic (1) If lordship malefic (1) If in debilitation (2) If exalted retrograde (2) If in functional enemy'ssign (1) If in lordship malefic'ssign(1) If in natural maleflc's sign ( I ) If in-functionalenemy'sstar (l) If in natural malefic's star (l) If in lordship malefic's star (2) If functional enemy of ascendantlord (2) If in associationwith funetional enemy (1) If in assoeiationwith lordship malefic (2)


of Planets Beneficand Malefic Ana|Esis


If in association with natural malefic (1) If aspected by functional enemy (l) If aspected by lordship malefic (2) If natural malefic (2) As natural rnalefic not in 3rd, 6th, loth or I lth bhavas ( 1) As natural benefic in l2th bhava (l) As lordship benefic in 6th, 8th or l2th bhavas (2) As lordship malefic not in 6th, 8th or l2th bhavas (2) If ln debilitation in Navarnsa chart (2) If in functional enemy's sign in Navamsa chart (l) LORDSHIP NbNNN'TCAND IITALEFIC IVEIGIITAGES I'OR DIFFDRENT ASCENDANI'S The weightages for lordship benefic and malefic planets for different Ascendants are given as follows: "8" represents the lordship benefic and "M" represents the lordship malefic. Weightages are suggestedin the brackets.

Gemini Sun Waxing Moon Waning Moon Mars Sthlord B(1) 4th lord M(1) 4th lord B(1) lst lord B(2) 8th lord M(0)
4th lord B(1) 3rd lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 7lh lord B(1) 12th lorcl M(0). 3rd lord M(1) 2nd lord B(1) 2nd lord 8(1) 6lh lord M(1) 1lth lord M(1) 7lh lod M(1) l0th lord M(1) 2nd lord B(1) lst lord B(2) lst lord B(2) sth lod B(1) 10th lord B(1) 6h lod M(1) 9lh lotd B(1)

lst lord B(2) 12th lord M(1)

12th lord M(1) 11th lord M(1)

12th lord 11th lord M(1) M(1) 4th lord B(1) gth lod B(1) sth lord 3rd lord B(1) 8lh lord M(1) tltr lord


.9th lord 8th lord M(1) B(1) 1zthlord 11th lord M(1) M(0)


?tt lord M(1)

8ttt lord M(1)

Aries Saturn 10th lord B(1) 1lth lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 6th lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 6th lord M(1) 2nd lord B(1) 7th lord M(1) 6th lord M(1) 12th lord M(0)

How to Read a Horoscope Taurus

9th lord B(1) 10th lord B(1) 2nd lord B(1) 5th lord B(1) 2nd lord B(1) 5th lord B(1) lst lord B(21 6th lord M(o) 5th lord B(1) 11th lord M(1) Gemini 8th lord M(1) 9th lord B(1) lst lord B(2) 4th lord M(1) lst lord B(2) 4th lord B(1) l2th lord M(0) 5th lord B(1) 4th lord B(1) l Oih lord B(1) Cancer 7th lord B(1) 8th lord M(1) 12th lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 12th lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 11th lord M(1) 4th lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 9th lord B(1) Leo 6th lord M(1) 7th lord B(1) 11thlord M(1) Virgo 5th lord B(1) 6th lord M(1) 1Oth lord M(1)

Mercury aloneor with natural benefic Mercury aloneor with natural malefic Venus

2nd lord lst lord B(1) B(2) 11lh lord 10th lord M(1) M(1) 2nd lord lst lord B(1) B(2) 10th lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) gth lord B(1) 2nd lord B(1) l


2nd lord lst lord B(1) B(2) 8th lord M(1) 7th lord B(1)



Sun 11thlord M(1) 10th lord M(1) 10lhlord B(1) 2nd lord B(1) 7th lord B(1) Jupiter 3rd lord M(1) 6th lord M(1)

1Othlord B(1) 9th lord B(1) 9th lord B(1) lsl lord B(2) 6th lord M(0) 2nd lord B(1) Sth lord B(1)

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius pisces

9th lord B(1) 8th lord M(0) 8th lord M(0) 12th lord M(0) Sth lord B(1) lst lord B(2) 4th lord M(1) 8th lord M(0) 7th lord M(1) 7th lord B(1) 1lth lord M(1) 4th lord B(1) 12th lord M(1) 3d lord M(1) 7th lord B(1) 6th lord M(1)

Waxing Moon Waning Moon Mars .

6th lord 5th lord M(1) B(t) 6th lord M(1) 5th lord B(1)

'lOth lord gth lord B(1) B(1) 3rd lord M(1) 2nd lord B(1)

11th lord 1Othlord M(1) M(1) 2nd lord lst lord B(1) B(2)

Benefic and Malefic Analgsis of Planets Libra

Saturn 4th lord B(1) 5th lord B(1) gth lord B(1) 12th lord M(0) 9th lord B(1) 12th lord M(0) lst lord B(2) 8th lord M(0) Rahu 12thlord M(1) 6th lord M(1)


Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

3rd lord B(1) 4th lord B(1) 8th lord M(1) 11lh lord M(1) 8th lord M(1) 11th lord M(1) 12th lord M(1) 7th lord M(1) 1 1th lord M(1) sth lord B(1) 2nd lord B(1) 3rd lord M(1) 7th lord M(1) 1Othlord M(1) 7th lord B(1) 1Othlord B(1) 11th lord M(1) 6th lord M(1) 1Oth lord B(1) 4th lord B(1) lst lord B(2) 2nd lord B(1) 6th lord M(1) gth lord B(1) 6th lord M(1) 9th lord B(1) 10th lord B(1) 5th lord B(1) gth lord B(1) 3rd lord M(1) 12thlord M(0) 1st lord B(2) sth lord B(1) 8th lord M(1) 5th lord B(1) 8th lord M(1) 9th lord B(1) 4th lord M(1) 8th lord M(1) 11thlord M(1) 12th lord M(1) 4th lord M(1) 7th lord M(1) 4th lord B(1) 7th lord B(1) 8th lord M(1) 3rd lord M(1) 7th lord B(1)

Mercury a l o n eo r with natural benefic Mercury a l o n eo r with natural malelic Venus


2nd lord lst lord B(2) B(1)


Benefic and Malefic AnalYsis

of Bhavas
There are twelve bhavas representing various aspects of life. Each bhava is subjected to the influence planets. The benefic and malefic of different planets are already calculated as given percentages of in Chapter II. The planets influencing the bhavas along with the weightages are as follows: Planets in the bhava (1) Lord of the bhava (1) Planets aspecting the bhava (1/2) Cusp star lord of the bhava (U2) Planets associated with the bhava lord (1/2) Planets aspecting the bhava lord (18) Karakas of the bhava (1/2). The net weightages and the final benefic and malefic percentages for each bhava are calculated. The Bhava chart is considered for these purposes' For example, if two planets aspect the bhava having benefic 4 points and malefic 2 points, the weightage for the condition of "Planets aspecting the bhava" would be benefic 2 points and malefic 1 point because only a weightage of Ll2 is to be taken. Similarly, the


How to Read a Horoscone

weightages for other conditions are found and the net weightages and percentage benefic and malefic are calculated for each bhava. Knowing the planets which influence each bhava, a list of planets signifying diffdrent bhavas can be made.


Broad Life Predictions

Broad life predictions, which may, broadly cover the general pattern on different aspects of life, can be given based on the benefic and malefic analysis of different bhavas. Ifthe benefic percentage ofa bhava is or more, it can be taken that the results of that \Oo/c' bhava would give benefic results. If the malefic percentage of bhava is 55Vo or more, results of that particular bhava would be malefic in general. If the and55Vo, malefic percentage of a bhava is between 50Vo the results of that bhava *ould be moderate. It should be appreciated that even if the benefic percentage of a particular bhava is 70% or so, the effects of that bhava 6.e.7O out would result in a benefic way only upto TOVo of malefic results may occur. of 100 points) and still SOVo Similarly, if the malefic percentage of a bhava is70Vo,it does not mean that the aspects of that bhava would be still 30% benefic results totally malefic or bad in "life; may happen. For examplc, if the percentage of the tenth bhava is 70Vo benefic. it can be taken that the conditions of Profession, Respect etc. pertaining to the significations of the tenth bhava would be definitely very good in life in general. Similarly, if the seventh bhava percentage is 7O% malefic, it can be considered that in general the aspects relating to marriage, marital relationship and partnership in life would not go very smooth. Similarly, all other aspects of life are to be understood.


How to Read.a Horoscope

the general eharacteristics of each Ascenclant with respectto the aspectsof body,health and temperament and personalityand the benefic,malefic and moderate predictions of each bhava are given. The study of the Model'Horoscope given in Chapter VI will throw more light in understandingwhile giving broad life predictions. PREDICTIONS OF DIFFERENT ASCENDANTS (LAGNAS) (I) BODY (A) Aries Ascendant You may be of middle stature with round eyeswhich may be slightly copper ioloured. you may have a shnrp sight. Your face a9d neck may be long. your head may be broad at the t6mples and narrow at chin. you may havebrown or light dark and eurly hair. There may be a mark or scar on the head or may have well set teeth. You are likely to have prominent veins or marks of wound on your body. your build may be slender. You may generally possessperfect contours. You may have weak kneesand nails. (B) Taurus Ascendant You may be short, often tending towards corpulence or stoutness.You may have broad beautiful face with large eyes,ears and thick lips. your body build may be of squaretype. You may havefull forehead.your hands and thighs may be plump and broad. There may be some mark on the back or sides. you may have an agreeableappearance. (C) Gemini Ascendant You may be often tall and straight in stature. you may.havea thin and well-developedface. you may have a broad forehead with clear eyes. you may haue a prominent but a bit snubbed nose. you may have a

Broad Li.fe Predi,cttotts


depression near the chin. You may be weak. you may have curly hair. You are likely to have fair, handsome a n d a g r e e a b l ea p p e a r a n c e . (D) Cancer Ascendant You may be middle sized and may not be very tall. Your complexion may be white. You may have a full and long face with a nose snubbed to some extent. your Chest may be lvide and broad. You are likely to have long arms. (E) Leo Ascendant You may have majestic and magnetic, appearanpe probably r,vithan average height. You may have a large and oval face with yellowish eye balls and prominent chin. You may have a thoughtful countenance. your shoulders may be broad. The upper part of your body may be better formed. (F) Virgo Ascendant You may be middle sized with drooping shoulders and arms and prominent chest. You may have a good forehead with straight nose and massive cheek. you may be weak also. (G) Libra Ascendant You may have middle sized stature or sometimes tall and lean body. You may have a handsome appearance with broad face and fine eyes. Your features may be regular with broad chest and prominent nose. you may have a youthful appearance. (H) Scorpio Ascendant You may have a handsome appearance wiilr talt figure, broad eyes and forehead and curly hair. your bones will be well-developed. You may have prominent brorvs. You will have youthful appearance. you may have fierce and big eyes. You may have a broad chest


a HoroscoPe How to Ro-ad

and round thighs, knees and calves. You maY have a fish line on the sole of feet. (I) SagittariusAscendant -You may be generally'inclined towards corpulence or stoutness.You will be usually good looking with almond eyes,brown hair, well-proportionedteeth and fullnessof figure. You may hav6 a large head and neck with prominent nose and ears. You may have bent shotrlders.You rnay have good fleshy arms with bad nails.You are likely to havebig teeth and lower lip' (J) Caprieorn Ascendant You may be tall and lean. You may have stiff hair on the eye biows and the chest.You may have a big head with fairly broad face and large teeth sometimes protruding outsidethe lips. You may have a big mouth' iiclined to stoop.Your body may be thin and Yo,, "." You may have a prominent nose' You may not fleshy. present an uncouth/awkwardappearance' You may iravegood eyes.The lower part of your body below the compared to the upper waist may be underdeveloped half. You maYhave a thin waist. (K) Aquarius Ascendant . You may be generally tall and lean with handsome countenance and attractive' appearance and elegant Your lips may be flushy and cheeksmay be disposition. broad. You may have prominent temples and buttocks' You may have a weak chest and you may have -a tendency to stooping.You may have a large face, neck, back, stomach,waist, thighs and feet. Your ears may be large with hair. Your Uody may be large with rough hair. You may have prominent veins' (L) PiscesAscendant You may be stout and of middle sized height' You may be inctined towards corpulence or stoutness'You

Br oud Ltf e Pr edictrnns


may have a fine body with large head, lustrous face, prominent nose, beautiful eyes and proportionate limbs. (II) HEALTH (A) Aries Ascendant You may have a hot constitution. You may suffer from diseasespertaining to the head. You are likely to have mental affliction and derangement of brain' You may have unpleasantsight seeing.You may be occasionally subjected to hot complaints, piles and the like' You must avoid enterprises obviously involving any serious risks. You may have bad nails and marks of wound on your body (B) Taurus Ascendant , Your physical and mental endurances are noteworthy. You may generally suffer from nervous complainti. you will have good memory and powers of and may fall a prey imagination.You will be passignate good digestive have will You to Jexual diseases. powers. (C)Gemini Ascendent You may have sudden nervous breakdowns.You must be cautious in moving with opposite sex. Your mind will be often consciousof your own depravity. (D)rCancer Ascendnnt You may be nervous. You may have strong emotions and psychictendencies. (E) Leo Ascendant You are likety to suffer from nervous troubles' You may suffer from hunger and thirst or diseases arising therefrom. You may have mental and dental ailments'


How to Read a Horoscope

(F) Virgo Ascendant You may be emotionaland impulsive.You are liable to suffer from nervous breakdowns or paralysis.You will have a speculative turn of mind. (G)Libra Ascendant You will have a sensualdisposition.You will suffer in some limb. You may get setbacksin health due to slight causes but you will easily recover. (H) ScorpioAscendant You will be impulsive. You are inclined to sensual things. Your constitution rvill be hot and you will be liable to suffer from piles. You may be sickly during childhood. (I) SagittariusAscendant You may be impulsive. You will have phlegmatic temperament. You will exercisestrict control over your food and drinks and in regardto your relationswith the opposite sex. You must be careful about your lungs. You are liable to suffer from rheumatic pains and the like. You may have bad nails. (J) CapricornAscendant You may be nervous and weak minded. You will suffer from diseasesarising out of 'vata' (wind). You rvill be allergic to winter and cold. You may have generallygoodstamina. (K) Aquarilrs Ascendant You may be peevish and liable to sufier from colic pains. You may have chest pain and the like. You should always be kept happy in life b5' your rnarried partner otherwise your health may suffer. You may have prominent veins. You may indulge in sinful acts for the sake of others' married partners.

Broad"I'tfe Pred;i,ctton's


(L) PiscesAscendant You may be restless, (III) TEMPERAMENT AND PER.SONALITY (A) Aries Ascendant You may be proud, heroic, active, aggressive and always on the move or fond of walking' You may have a certain amount of independent thinking, reasoning faculty. You may be ambitious and enterprising. You will be capable and will have the ability to plan. You will not like to be guided by others. You will not be slave to laws of convention or those arbitrarily estabtished.You will be fond of hot food and vegetables and will eat quickly and sparingly.You will be amorous by disposition and fond of opposite sex. You will be intense when interested and vehement when excited. You will be quick tempered. You will have your own ideas of right and wrong. You will be strongly bent upon educational pursuits. You will be rather stubborn but often frank. You will resent imposition and are You will have a practical ideal. liable to go to extrernes. You will resort to falsehood in speech. You will be afraid of water. You will be fickleminded sometimes. You will have sudden outbursts of temper but will be and sensitive. easily pleased. You will be courageous You will need a certain amount of cajolery and sycophancyto raise you to action. You will become a pioneer and be martial in spirit' You will love beauty, art and elegance. (B) Taurus Ascendant You will be self-reliant and will have a great deal of .endurance and latent power and energy- You will generally resemble the bull in your behaviour towards new people if you are not listened to properly. You will rhaveyour own principles and ways besides a piereing tintellect. You will put your ideas to practice. You will rbe fond of pleasures, beauty and music. You will be


How to Read a Horoscope

bound by sentimentalitybut will appreciatetruth. You will have a magneticpersonality. You may be obstinate, proud and ambitious. You will have a remarkable ability to commit to memory. You will have business knack and a surpassingintuition. You may be easily accessable to adulation. You will be affectionateand stubborn,unreasonable loving.You may be sometimes and prejudiced. You will walk sportingly.You will be fond of women and will have a spirit of sacrifice.You , shall put in hard labour. You will often think that you are born to exercise authority ove.r others and in a senseyou are right. You are liable to extremes.You will be jealous. You will be slow to anger but when provokedyou will be furious like a bull. (C)Gemini Ascendant You will have sweetspeech. You will be learned and jocular. You will be clever and possess inherent and literary ability. You will do best in conversational where there is much activity. You will be occupations nervous, restless. You will be fond of writing and reading. You will be ingenious,quickwitted,vivacious and inconsistent. You will have a wavering mind. You will be active in motion. You will have to develop a bit of self-control.You are liable to fraud and deception. You will have a characteristic nature of trickerv and deceit. (D) CancerAscendant You will walk swiftly and not in a straightline.You will be intelligent and fond of astrology or you may be an astrologer. Your mind will be intuitional, perceptive and imaginative. You will be bright and extremely Your economical frugal and equally industrious. nature will often take,the form of miserliness.You may have . sympathy and you may be a coward. You will like pleasures.Your emotions will be strong and you will have psychictendencies. You will be much attachedto children. You will be famous. Your extreme

Broad. Life Predictions


s e n s i t i v e n e s sw i l l r e n d e r y o u n e r v o u s a n d q u e e r . Y o u will be receptive to new ideas. You will adapt yourself to any environment. Your mind will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. You will be . ou can c a u t i o u s . Y o u w i l l b e d e s i r o u s o f p o s s e s s i o n sY best take up occupations of fluctuating nature. You will be very talkative, self-reliant, honest and unbending. You will be extremely sensitive, inquisitive, nervous and restless. You woulC like to live near water. You will have many friends and you will be attached to them. You can be brought down by persuasion. You will have reputation aS a lover of justice and fairplay. (E) Leo Ascendant You will be proud, ambitious as well as avaricious. You will be warm-hearted. You will be of sacrificing spirit. You will be bold and respectfirl in temperament. You will possessthe knack of adapting to any condition of life. You will have a liking for art and music. You will have cheerful and unimpulsive temperament. You will be sensitive. You will have a fixed determination but will get unjustifiably into a bad temper at the slightest provocation but the anger will be quickly pacified. You will have faith and you will be sincere in affection. You will hold a grudge long. You will be an independent thinker. You will stick to orthodoxical principles in religion but be preferably tolerant towards other's precepts and practices. You will be generally misunderstood by your superiors and bosses. You will get on well with women. You will be fond of forests and mountains. You will be courageous and heroic and capable of prevailing upon others. You will be a lover of fine arts and literature and possess a c e r t a i n a m o u n t o f p h i l o s o p h i c a l k n o w l e d g e .Y o u w i l l b e a voraciousreader. You will lack a natural policy. (F) Virgo Ascendant You will speak slowly and truthfully. You will exhibit intelligence and memory when quite young. You will be


How to Read a Horoscope

clever in arts and crafts and you will also exhibit'taste in art and literature. You will be fond of female c o m p a n y ,Y o u w i l l b e d i s c r i m i n a t i n ga n d e m o t i o n a l a n d w i l l b e c a r r i e d a w a y b y i m p u l s e s .Y o u w i l l b e with intelligence r e l i g i o u s .l e a r n e d a n d d i s c r i m i n a t i n g and have a good memory. You can judge things at a glance. You will be careful about your own interests. Y o u w i l l b e p r u d e n t , e c o n o m i c a l ,d i p l o m a t i c , a n d shreivd.You will have a speculativeturn of mind. You will love music and fine arts. You will acquire much power and influence over other people. (G)Libra Ascendant You will be idealistic, quickwitted, vindictive, forceful and positive. You will be a keen observer of human nature. You will have sensualdisposition.You will have keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of your own views. You will love justice, peace,order and you will be an agreeableperson.You will be intelligent, clean, very active and devoted to g o d sa n d b r a h m i n s .Y o u w i l l b e a m b i t i o u s Y . ou will be firm in convictionsand unmovedby mean motives.You to feelingsof others.You will be somewhatsusceptible will be more of an idealist than a realist and often upon schemeslike building castlesin the corrtemplate air. You will be clever in purchase and sale of goods. You will be skilful and act impartially as arbitrator. You will not be sensitiveto what others say about you. You will exert tremendousinfluence over the masses as political leaders and religious reformers. Sometimes your zeal and enthusiasmmay go to such a high pitch that you will force your views upon others of opposite thought, not realising the baneful after-effectsof such a practice. You will not hesitate to sacrifice even your living at the altar of freedomand fairplay.You will love excitement.You rvill not be easily amenableto reason. You will be great a lover of music. You will have special liking for trust and honesty.

Broad Ll,fePredictions (H) Scorpio Ascendant


You may be cruelly inclined. You will be sarcastic and impulsive. You will appreciate luxury but be frugal. You will never speak rvithout weighing each and every word. You will be silent and dignified. You will set at naught conventional habits and customs. You will be extremely fickle-minded. You will love much excitement. You will "invite friendship. You will be a good correspondent. You can become an expert musician if you care to practise. You may be proficient in fine arts, dancing and thr: like. You will vehemently uphold your views but nevertheless will not clash with those holding opposite views. You will be inclined to sensual things but you may control your sensuaJ pleasures. You ma5' be fond of writing. You will often rely too much on your own intelligence. You will have a youthful appearance and a generous disposition. You will be interested in occult forms of study. You will have a subtle mind. You will be influenced with difficulty. You may be often brutal. You will possess gift and enterprise. You will be keenly fond of contest. (I) Sagittarius Ascendant You will be active and engaged in work. You will have inclination for philosophy and occult studies and you can acquire great mastery in these subjects. You rvill be prone to be misunderstood by others unintentionally on account of your haste in conversation. You will never think of schernes to disturb the progress of others. You will hate all external shorv. You will be god-fearing, honest, humble and free from hypocrisy. You will have strict control over your food and drinks and in regard to your relationship with the opposite sex. You will be brilliant. You will have affable and winning manners. You will be too You will be of a pure heart. conventional and sometines business-like also. You will be too callous and enthttsiastic. You will be prompt and will uphold orthodox views. You will be at times


How to Read a HoroscoPe

r e s t l e s sa n d o v e r a n x i o u s .Y o u w i l l b e h u m a n e ' a n d somewhat impulsive. You will be enterprising, sympathetic and loving. You will possess good . ou will be f o r e s i g h tY . o u w i l l b e e l o q u e n ti n s p e e c h Y You may for others. prepared to sacrifice religious and round be brought cannot You be inimical to relations. persuasion only. prevailed by upon by force but can be You will overpowerYourenemies. (J) CapricornAscendant You will make a big showof being religiousthough in reality you may not be so religious. You will be self willed, secretive, cunning and determined. You will and have the knack to adapt to different circumstances generosity sympathy, of be full will You environments. and philanthrophy. You will be a chatterbox and will have little or no control over your tongue.You will be noted for your perseverenceand strong mindedness. You will be capable of much endeavour.You will be industrious.You will be modest,liberal and sometimes vindictive. You may not.easily get on well with your partner. You may be cruel, avaricious, indolent and devoid of shame.You will be fond of walking.You may be an expert in poetry. You may lack confidence and become fautty. You will have great aspirationsin life your funds even if you were to be and cannotecqnomise under the influence of adversity. You will take great interest in literature. You will accept advice.You will be gentlemanly in businesstransactions.You will be stoical to the miseriesof life. You may be interestedin scienceand education.You would like to have a tot of of an invincible bigotry show. You will be possessed before which sober counselswill be of no avail. You will be nervousand weak minded. You will dodgeyour married partner and children. (K) Aquarius Ascendant You will be capable of putting hard labour or trying journeys.You may becomea teacher, writer or lecturer.

Life Pred,tctt'ons Broad,


You will be highly intelligent.with winning manners and elegantdisposition.You will havesomethingsubtle in you which will endear you to all you come in contact You will wiin. you will be prone to be misunderstood. your due to life family not have sufficient happinessin betray partner. will You short temper of your married the interestsof even your enemieswhen trust is placed in you. You will be capable of acquiring very fine education. You will be devoted to your partner' You will soon make friends. You will be clever in attacking others.You should alwaysbe kept happy in life by your partner otherwise you may feel very unhappy.You will be peevishand when provokedyou will rise like a bullOogUut your anger will be soon subsided.You will b.e puie in heart and will always be inclined to help bthers. You may be timid and funky and at times cowardly also. You may indulge in sinful acts for the sakeof others' partners.You will be shy to exhibit your talents before a new audience but your conversation will be the most interestingand highly instructive'You may specialise in subjectslike astrology.You may be avaricious.You will be fond of scentsand flowers.You may be reserved. You will be generous and highly alwaysbent upon helping others.You will sympathetic, good memory and will be capable of dealing a have to your humanitarian doctrines' Your owing facts with greatness may come u'hen you are quite young' literary to estimateyour capacitywell. You be able not will You will have intuition. You will be a good judge of character.You may have good organisingcapacity. (L) PiscesAscendant You will be attached to your partner. You will be You will fond of clothes.You may lack self-confidence. be just in your dealings and will be afraid of transgressinglaws of truth. You will be under the influence of your married partner. Though generally dependent upon others you will still bear a mark of You will be reserved in your your own independence.


How to Read a Horoscope

manners. You will be rigid in observance of orthodoxical principles and can forego anything but your orthodoxy. You will overcome your enemies. you will be learned and grateful. you will be liable to draw premature conclusions on any matter. you will be god fearing and extremely superstitiousand religiour. iou may drink water frequenily and in large qtraniities. you will be proud of your educational and other attainments. You will be ambitious to exercise authority over others. you may be stubborn, restless and rather timid. You will be physically receptive ancl stoical. You may be fond of history, antiquaiian talks and mythological masterpieces. you will be frugal in spending. BROAD LIFE PREDICTIONS (I) FIRST BHAVA Body, Health, Temperament and personalitv If Benefic: You may have good body structure. you are likely to maintain good health. your temperament and personality will be affable. lf Maleflc: Your body structure may not be good. you may suffer from ill health. You may not have a goocl temperament or a pleasing personality. lf Moderate: You are likely to have medium body structure. you may not expect very good health. your temperament and personality may be of moderate nature.

Broad Life Predictions


we auh, r, ":'Ji:""ff I:
lf Benefic:


Eye s, Fo o d

You are likely to be wealthy. you can speak well. You will have a good family. you may have a fair face with good eyes. You can expect to enjoy good foocl. lf Malefi,c: You may not be wealthy. your speech may not be good. You may have a troubled family. your face ancl eyes may not be attractive. you may not be able to enjoy good food. : lf Moderate: ' You are not likely to be very wealthy. you may be moderate in your speech. you may have a limited family. Your face and eyes may be alright. you may not enjoy very good food. (III) TIIIRD BHAVA Courage, Younger Brothers asd Sisters, Throat, Arms, Shoulders, Communications, Relatives, Friends

good. You will have good throat, arms and shoulders. You will maintain good communicationswith others. You may have friends and relatives. If Matefic: You may not be nay not have younger brothers and sisters or your relations with tfem may not be good.There may be problems in your throat, arms and may not be good at communicating with others. you may not have many friends and relatives.

If tsenefic: you may have younger You will be courageous. brothers and sisters or your relations rviththemmaybe


How to Read a HoroscoPe

lf Moderate: You may not be very courageous. You may not younger brothers and sisters or you may have moderate relationship with them. Your throat, and shoulders may not give you much problems' communicating skills may be satisfactory' You have limited friends and relatives' (IV) FOURTII BHAVA Education, Houses, Landed Property' Conveyance' Mother, Chest, Heart, General Happiness

have only arms Your may

If Benefic: houses, Y o u w i l l g e t g o o d e d u c a t i o n .Y o u w i l l p o s s e s s a good have will You landed property and conveyance. problems' give not will mother. Your chest and heart You will enjoy good general happiness. If lulalefzc: You may not get good education or there may be breaks in your education. You may not acquire many houses, tanaed property and conveyance' Your mother may suffer ill health or your relations with her may not be good. Yottr chest and heart may cause worry to you' You may not have general happiness. lf Moderate: You may not be highly educated. Your acquisition of houses, landed property and conveyance may be limited. You may maintain moderate relationship with your mother or she may not maintaiu good health' Your chest may not give you much problem and the functioning of your heart may be satisfactory. You may not expect general haPPiness

Broad Life Predictions

(V) FIFTH BHAVA Children, Wisdom,Intelligence,Stomaeh If Benefic: You may have children. You will be endowed with good wisdom and intelligence. Your stomach will function well. If MaLefrc: You may not have children or may havefew children. Your wisdom and intelligencemay be misdirected.You are likely to have stomachproblems. If Mod.erate: You may have limited children. Your wisdom and intelligence may be satisfactory.Your stomach may function in a moderate fashion. (VI) SIXTH BIIAVA Diseases, Enemies,Debts If Benefic: You will not suffer from diseases. You will not have enemies or you will conquer over your enemies.You will not be indebted. If Matefic: You may suffer from diseases: Your enemies are likely to have a sway over you. You may incur debts. If Moderate: ' Your djseasesmay not give you much trouble. You may have limited enemiesor you may be able to deal with your enemies. Your debts may be moderate and under control.


How to Read a Horoscope

(VII}SEVENTH BHAVA Marriage, WifefiIusband, Marital Relationship, Business Partnership lf Benefic: You will have a good partner. You will enjoy good marital relatipnship. Your business partnership will fructify. lf Matefi,c: You may not have a very compatible partner and you may suffer from matrimonial happiness.You may lose in your businesspartnership. lf Modnrate Your partner may be just normal and your marital relationship may be satisfactory. You may have moderate successin your businesspartnership. ffIII) EIGHTH BHAVA Longevity, Legacies,Secret Organs If Bennfi*: You can expect a long life. You may inherit legacies. You may not have problems with your secret organs. .lf Malefic: You may not expect a very long life. You may not inherit much legacies.Your secret organs may give you problems. lf Moderate: You may have a normal life span. You may inherit legacies of moderate nature. You may have to guard againstdiseasesofyour secret organs.

Broad, Life Predzctions (IX) NINTH BIIAVA Prosperity,Father, Devotionto Godsand Religious Preceptors, Long Journeys,Hips, Thighs


lf Benefic: You will have good prosperity. Your father will be well-Blaced.You may be devoted to gods or religious preceptors. You may go on long journeys.Your hips and thighs will be strong. If Malefic: You may not expect overall good prosperity. You may not have a highly prosperousfather. You may not be You may not interestedin gods or religious preceptors. often have long journeys. You may suffer in your hips and thighs. lf Moderate: You may expect overall good prosperity.Your father may be moderately placed in life. You may take some interest in gods or religious preceptors. You may sometimesgo on long journeys. Your hips and thighs may not give problems. (X) TENTH BHAVA Profession, Statusand Position,Respect, Travels,Life and Activity, Knees,Back If Benefic: You will have a good profession.Your status and position will grow. You will be respected.You can expect good travels. Your life and activity will be jubiliant. You will havestrongkneesand back. If MaLefic: You may not have a very good profession.You may not expect very good status and position.You may not be respected. You may not expect good travels. Your


How to Read o"HoroscoPe

life and activity may not be very good. Your knees and back may be weak. lf Moderate: Your profession may be satisfactory. You may have normal status and position. You may command moderate respect. You may have travels Your life and activity may hot be very jubiliant. Your knees and back may not give you much Probem. (XI) ELEVENTH BIIAVA Gains and Income, Elder Brothers and Sisters, Calvesof Legs If Beneftc: ,You will have good gains and income. You may have elder brothers and sisters or your relation with them may be good.You will have strong calves of the legs' lf Malflc: You.maynot expectmuch gains and income.You may not have elder brothers and sisters or you may not maintain good relations with them. The calves of your legs may be weak. lf Mod"erate.' You can expect moderate gains and income.You may have etder brothers and sisters or you may maintain moderate relationship with them' The calves of your legs may not give Problems. (XII) T\ilELFTH BHAVA LossesaryilExpenditure, Moksha (Enlightenment), Foreign Travels, Sexual Enjoyment, Confinement or ImPrisonment,Teeth If Bertcflc: Your expenditure may be for good causes'You may

Broad Ltfe Predi,ctzons


not have much losses.You ean expect to attain Moksha (entightenment). You will undertake foreign travels. You will have good sexual enjoyment. You may not suffer from confinement or imprisonrnent. Your teeth .will be strong. \f Matefic: You may incur heavy expenditure and suffer losses or your expenditure may not be for good causes.You may not get Moksha (enlightenment). You may not undertake foreign travels. You may not expect to have very good sexual enjoyment. You may suffer from confinement or imprisonment. Your tBeth may give problems If Moderate: You may have tolerable expenditure and losses.You may expect to get Moksha (enlightenment). You may have a chance of foreign travels. Your sexual enjoyment may be normal. There may be a chance of being confined or imprisoned. You may face decay of your teeth.


Yearly Predictions
As per the degrees of the positioning of Moon in a particular Rasi Chart at the time of birth,.the balance of period of the particular planet ruling at the time of birth ean be calculated. As per the Vimsottari Dasa the subsequentruling periods of main planets, System, periods of sub-planetsin the periods of main planets and the inter-periods in the periods of sub-planetscan be calculated for the cycle of 120years. planets for different bhavas are The signifigant -Chapter III and since each bhava known from represents certain main aspects of life such as body, health, wealth, houses, children, diseases, marriage, prosperity, profession,gains etc., the planets signifying the main aspects of life ean be found. Accordingly, the results of the ruling planets can be enumerated on different aspects of life in relation to their positioning in a particular Rasi, Bhava and Lordship of Bhavas. or more benefic, the If the ruling main planet is 507o per planet the as the circumstances results of benefic can be taken in general. a horoscope of its situation in that the extent of it should be remembered However, limited only to would be or malefic results the benefic given. percentage or malefic of benefic the extent of the During the sub-period of a planet in the main period of another planet, the net percentageofthe sub-period is considered taking the average of the benefic and malefic percentages of the main and sub-period planets. The original benefic and maleflc percentage of

40 '

yow ta ReadaHoroscove

the sub-period planet should not be taken, since the sub-period plariet would be under the influence of the main period planet. Similarly, the inter-period benefic and malefic percentage is worked out taking the average of the benefic and malefic percentages of the main period planet, sub-period planet and the interperiod planet. The results of the sub-period planets and the interperiod pldnets are given similar to the results of the main period planets as per their significations of different life aspects. The predictions can be based broadly only on what all the planets can give under the circumstances in which they are situated in a horoscope depending on the extent of their percentage benefic and malefic influences. The predictions should be picked up judiciously, deligently, cautiously and intelligently pertaining to one's own social, environmental, economical and cultural circumstances.. The different types of predictions, given 'by all planets, based on their different situations are enumerated under the benefic and malefic categories separately so that the predictions can be picked up easily depending on the benefic or malefic nature of the planets. The Model Horoscope given in Chapter VI would give an indication of the type of predictions. PREDICTIONS OF DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING DIFFERENT BHAVAS (I) bIFFEREIVT PLANETS INFLUENCING


Sun, if Benefi.i: Your body appearancemay be expectedto be of a stately and dignified stature. You may have good appearance and noblenessof figure. You are likely to improve your complexion.

Yearly Predicttons


Sun, if Malefi.c: You may not have a stately and dignified body You may lose lustre of your body. You are appearance. likely to lose your hair, tending towards baldness or you may have scanty hair op the head. Mars,if Benefic: You are likely to have youthful body figure. Mars,tf MaLefzc: You may have scars or eruptions on the bo<iy.You may becomestout and may not look very tall. Mercury,if Benefic: You will be endowed with a good body and complexion. Mercury,if MaLefic: t h i n w i t h p r o m i n e n tv e i n s . Y o u r b o d ym a yb e c o m e tf Benefic: Jupi,ter, 'will have magnetic appearance, good body, You abundant life force, attractive and adorable face. You will practise exercisesthat build up your constitution and health.You may improveyour complexion. Ju,piter,i,fMaLefzc: You inay not have a good body and sufficient life force. Your appearance may not be majestic and attractive. Your body may become fat leading to You may also developa belly. corpulence. Venu.s, zf Benefic: You will have magnetic power and handsome You may improve complexion. appearance.


How-to Read, o Horoscope

Venlts,if Malefi.c: You may not have magnetic personality. There may be somedefect in your eyes. Satut'n, if Benefi.c: You may be good looking. Satult4 if Matefic: You are likely to have a weak emaciated body. You may have defective teeth. You are likely to have hard limbs.Your complexionmay be reduced. Rahu, if Benefi,c: You are likely to have a good body. Rahu,if Malefic: You may have a weak and thin body and your complexionmay not be fair. Ketu, if Benefic: You may have a good figure. Ketu, tf Ma\eflc: You may not have a good figure and your complexion may be reduced. Moon, if Benefi.c: You will have attractive youthful appearance with slender and well-shaped body.You will have good eyes and hair. You may have greater delicay of body. Your complexionwill improve. Moon, if Malefir: Your body is likely to be'a little stout.

Yearlg Pred'i.ctions


Health Sun, if Beneftc: You will have a good constitution with satisfactory immunity. You will tend to be well-supportedby good health and vitality. Your health will also improve' Sun, tf MaLefi'c: You are likely to have bilious excitement and some ailment in head due to bile. Your body may be of hot constitution and it may be burning sensation' Your blood may becomeimpure and there may be itches and inflammations over the body. You may suffer from eye and skin trouble, heart diseasesor fevers.There may. be no bodily happinessand you may expect general ill health. Mars,if Benefic: You wiil have goodhealth. Mars,if Malefic: You may be prone to cuts,hurts, burns and accidents on your body. You may have heated constitution and theie may be eruptions or boils or scars on your body' of stomach'eye' throat or teeth' There may be diseases You may have bilious complaints, impurity of blood, fevers and excessivethirst. There may be fracture of bonesor injury to marrow.Abuse of physical resources may lead to your ill health. Mercury,if Benefic: You will have good physical activity and your health will be normal. Mercury,if Mal'efic: You may get nervous troubles and a sort of headache. You are likely to have eye, throat, skin or mental troubles. Your health may suffer from gastric,bilious or phlegmatic comPlaints.

How to Read a Horoscope

Jupiter, if Beneflc: You will have good health. You may practise exerciSesthat build-up your constitution and health. You will have abundantlife force. Jupiter, if Matefic: Your body may becomecorpulent and stout leading health cbmplications. Your self-indulgence to especiallyin regard to gluttony may effect your health. You are likely to suffer from impure blood, intestinal diseases, ear troubles, giddiness, fainting or indigestion. Your composition may be of phlegmatic nature. Venus,if Benefic: Your health will improve and your body will get energised. Venus.if Matefic: You may suffer from gastric and phlematic complaints.You may have low vitality. You may suffer from anaemia,kidney or urinary distress,eye disease, rickets or diabeties.Your cheeksmay get affected. Saturn, if Beneftc: You will be strong-minded and will maintain good health. Saturn, if Malefic: You may be sickly. Your health may be reduced due to cerebral complaints,pains, rheumatism,colic pains, overheat, fatigue, general debility, injury to body, stonesin gall bladder or spinal cord troubles.You may suffer from gastric complaints.Your body may be weak and emaciated. Rahu, if Bencfic: You will have good health.



Ralru, if Malefic: Your You may be attacked by contagiousdiseases. body may become emaciated. Your health may be generally unsatisfactory calling for treatment other than normal medical methods. You may suffer from of head or in the upper part ofyour body. You diseases may be sickly and suffer ill health. Ketu, tf Benefic: You will maintain goodhealth. Ketu, i.fMalefirc: You may suffer from diseasesof chronic and acute nature. You may have a emaciated figure and weak constitution.You may get great perspiration.You may suffer from piles or fever.You are likely to get boils on your body due to extreme heat, nervousnesswhich keeps you restless and worried and you may also have ill health due to morbid imaginations. Moon, tf Benefic: good health You will have general bodily happiness, and strong constitution. You will have tranquility of mind. Moon, if Malefic: 'You are likely to have hysterical tendencies, considerable restlessness, eye diseases, urinary 'troubles, weak constitution, defect in the ear, mental disease, drowsiness, diseases of lungs, impurity of blood, asthmaor skin diseases. and Personality Temperament Sun, if Benefic: You will have a steadyand fixed temperament.You will be of Satwika temperament, having pure thoughts and inclined to acts of religious merit. You will be selfYou will have a strong moral reliant, noble, courageous.


How to Read a Horoscope

nature. You are likely to be independent,learned and chivalrous. You may be fond of power and daring deeds. You will add respect to your personality and have positive motives.You will have a strong will. You are determined and not easily moved by your own resolve.Your tendency is for an easy goilg life. you will have satisfactorygood relationship with higher officials.You will be fond of reputation, authority, and position.You will havepersonalmagnetism. You would like to be illustrious. You would like to have psychic development. Sun, if Malefic: You are likely to be carelessof reputation and will neglectpersonalcredit or respect.You are likely to be c a p r i c i o u sY . o u w i l l n o t b e c o m b a t i v eY . ou may not be pioneering.You will be emotional,fiery in nature and of angry temperament. You will be boastful and proud. You may be without mercy with a not forgiving disposition. You are likely to have a cruel nature. Mars, if Benefic: persistent,endurant and You will have independent, courageoustemperament.You will be selGconfident, enterprising,practical, active, ambitious,aspiring and constructive. You are likely to be fond of liberty, journey and wandering. Your personality will be handsomeand of youthful appearanceso that you will appearyounger than your actual age.You will be fond of commanding respect and influence. You are mentally powerful. You will have organisingcapacity and executive ability and leadership over labourers. You will have zeal and enthusiasm. Mars, if Malefic: You are likely to be fiery, hot, impatient, extravagant and violent. You will be of Tamasikatemperament, that is, greedy, lustful, and full of anger, intent upon harming others.You may be capricious.You may have

Yearfu Predictr,ons


pilfering habits. You are likely to be low minded, rash, wicked, destructive and hard hearted. you may indulge in cruel acts. You are likely to be fond of wandering. You may not feel happy. Mercury, if Benefi,c: You will be cheeful, humorous,learned,intellectual. dexterous. You may be fond of fun, imitating others in speech and dress. You will be of Rajasika temperament fond of pleasures of the senses, decoration, money and a gay tife. You will have a refined taste. You will like to have a psychological development.Adaptability is your striking feature. you would like to do virtuous acts and be popular. you are. well-informed with studious habits and fertile imagination.You are fond of friends. You will like to support your relatives and you are attached to your partner. You are economicaland prudent.euicknessof wit and mental ingenuitywill be stronglymarked. Mercury, if Maleflc: You may be cunning and in the habit of speaking with double meaning.You are likely to be nervous. Jupiter, if Benefic: You will have a magnetic personality. you rvill be of Satwika temperament, that is, you will have pure thoughtsand will be inclined to acts of religious merit. You will have optimistic spirit, jovial disposition, pleasant manners and a pleasing personality. you would like to execute any work after mature deliberation, that is, after considerimg pros ancl cons. You will be wise, mild, knowledgeable,charitable, diplomatic.You will like to commandrespect. Jup'iter,tf Malefic: You may be sagacious. You may be self-indulgent especially in regard to gluttony.


How to Read q Horoscope

Venus,if Benefic: You will be ambitious,bold, practical, affectionate, You will. have a intelligent, poetical and perseverance. personality. of attracting Power pleasingand charming generally be will You otherswill be an important asset. to and responsive liked, being of cheerful temperament liking for scents will have emotionalside of nature.You and flowers. You are likely to be fond of dress of various colours. You will be of Rajasikatemperament, money and gay life. You fond of pleasuresof the senses, going type. and accommodating will be easy Venus,tf Malefic: You are likely to be lazy, syeophantand you will try You may for pleasure. You may not be courageous. commit sins,not being able to control passions. Saturn, if Beneftc: Your dispositionwill Your moral stability is an asset. be .calm. You will be strong-minded, exploring, rnethodical, industrious and self-confident.You will have much consideration for the welfare of others. You may be thrifty. Satun4 tf Maleft.c: You are likely to have a perverted mind with bad tyrannical,cunning, You may be evil-natured, thoughts. passionate. would like to copy You lazy and unclean, habits. You may and customs foreign and imitate quarrel with your friends. You may have a wandering nature. You may be harsh, hard-hearted,despondent, conservativeand stubborn.You will have a Tamasika temperament,greedy,lustful and full of anger.You may resort to mean acts and gambling. Rahu, if Benefic: You will be obliging, sympathetic, courageous, adventurous and inventive. You will like to be an executive.

Yearly Predictions


Rah,u, if Maleftc: You may be cruel, wicked, hypocritical, irreligious, violent and corrupt. You would like to leave the house and travel aimlessly. You may quarrel and develop misunderstanding with relatives and friends. Ketu, r,fBenefi,c: You will be charming, diplomatic, philosophical and industrious. You are fond of religious resignation. You are likely to have artistic taste, spiritual imitation, sectarian principles. You may have'psychic powers. Ketu, if Malefic: You will be of a proud temperament. You are likely to be selfish, avaricious and voluptous. You may be quarrelsome. You may have vicious tendencies and secret intrigues. You may be a back-biter. Moon, if Benefic: You will have a Satwika temperament, that is, pure thoughts and inclined to acts of religious merit. You will be fancifttl, intelligent, soft-spoken and having discrimination. You are likely to be clever, romantic and popular. You will have strength of mind and polite manners. You will have a good personality and attractive appearance. You rvill be fond of aesthetic pleasures. You will have a fertile imagination. You may be an idealist. Moon, tf Malefi,c: You may be warring, shV, stubborn, fickle minded, hysterical. You may never be steady, having considerable restlessnessand a worried mind.


Hou to Read. a Horoscope

(II) DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING SECONDBHAVA Wealth Sun, if Benefi,c: You will get wealth by inheritance, acquisition of landed properties,vehicles and will have fair chance of'gain of rvealth from dealing in copper, gold or metals. You may earn from industrious eifbrts through governmentservice.There is a likelihood of getting wealth from good businessthrough fair means. You may get money from acquisition of a new job. you may gain through government or by holding a responsibleposition.You will have steadyfortune and will be wealthy. You will have patrimony. you can expect to gain in wealth by dealing in fuel, wool. gold, fire, medicines,forests,mountainsand weapons, hills, open places,skins, shrines,silh cloth, wheat and by working as goldsmith, money lender, chemist, druggist,doctor and through your courage,will power, self-reliance, political power or positions of authority. Yod may get wealth from eastern direction. Sun, if Malefic: You are liable to financial penalty or confiscationof your losseswill occur by property by the government. offending authorities. You may lose money from prosecutions and through cattle and destruction of property etc. You are inclined to waste your wealth throughyour extravagant and impulsive expenses. Mars, if Benefi,c: You will increase in your wealth by gains through you -"y gut dealing in iron, steel,timber or chemicals. you will own moneyfrom promotion in your profession. houses, conveyance and landed property. you can expect money from your brothers and sisters you are likely to get wealth by your dealings connectedwith poisonousgases,fires, military operations,weaponsof



offence and defence, woollen shawls, blood, deserts, mountains, forests, sulphur, gold, copper, sapphire, corals,burning gases, fire places,engines,cook rooms/ kitchens. chemical laboratories. boilers, mines, minerals and ores, gold fields, armoury, arms and weaponsl .a n d s o r t o b a c c o . Y o u c a n e x p e c tt o e a r n a s warrior, chemist,druggist,engineer or by dealing wifh cattle or may be connectedwith dairy products. Your independence, persistence, organising capacity, executiveability, enduranceand physicalstrength will get you good wealth. You can expect to gain wealth from southern direction. Mars, if Malefic: You may have loss of wealth by theft and loss of property. Mercury, i,f Benefi,c: You may get wealthy by dint of your intelligence and gains through teaching, writing or by commissions, advertising, stationery or books. You may become wealthy bJ' dealing in mercantile activity, trade, imports and exports,industries,architecture,weaving, vegetation, base metals,betel leaves,edible oils, nuts, limestone, green grams, emerald, lead, oilseeds or alloys. You may get money by being an accountant, rnathematician,orator, bookseller, publisher, broker, poet or through your shrewdness and intellect. You can expect wealth ftom your maternal uncles, maternal grandfatheror paternal relatives.You may gain wealth from commerce,aerial and landed journeys,churches, parks. gamblingdens or from the professionof schools, a doctor or tradesman.Your wealth may come from n o r t h e r nd i r e c t i o n . Mercury, r.fltIalefic: You may not get wealthy by dint of your intelligence and gains through teaching,writing or by commissions, advertising, stationery or books. You may not become


How to Read.a Horoscope

wealthy by dealing in mercantile activity, trade, imports and exports,industries,architecture,weaving, vegetation, base metals,betel leaves,edible oils, nuts, limestone, green grams, emerald, lead, oilseeds or alloys.-Youmay not get money by being an accountant, mathematician,orator, bookseller, publisher, broker, poet or through your shrewdness and intellect.You may not expect wealth from your,maternal uncles,maternal glandfather or paternal relatives. You may not gain wealth from commerce,aerial and landed journeys, churches, schools, parks, gambling dens or the profession of a doctor or tradesman. Your wealth may not comefrom northern direction. Juptter,If Benefic: You will get wealth through essence of your knowledge,wisdom, intellect and education.You may acquire silver and topaz. You may get wealth from children, sons,grandsons, learned men, grandfatheror your position through as minister or adviser.You may wealthy by dealing with banks, insurance become quick silver, tin or scriptures, benzoin, compAnies, cardomoms.Your wealth will increase by possessing buildings and vehicles.You will engage lands, estates, in trade, commerce, good business and successful career and becomewealthythrough your perseverance and vitality. .In general your financial position will improve. You can expect wealth from north-eastern direction. Jupiter, r.fMalefi,c: You will keep your finances at a low ebb. You are inclined to sacrificeyour wealth for the goodof others. Yenus,tf Beneflc: You will get wealth due to favour from ladies, higher officials or artists: You will purchasejewels.You may run hotels and gain from metals (silver, lead) or from other peoples' wealth. You will have inheritance,



You are likely to become cars,houses. luxuries,estates, wealthy as a singer, musician, actor, botanist or artist or through marriageand partner in life. You can expect to gain in wealth by dealing in pearls, toilets, meats, intoxicating drinks, vehicles, sugarcane, industry, trade, chemicals,medicines,wool, silk, cotton, luxury articles, perfumes, musical instruments, authorship or through your perseverance and vitality. You may get wealth from south-easterndirection. Venus, if Malefic: You may not get wealth due to favour from ladies, higher officials or artists. You may not purchasejewelsYou may not run hotels and gain from metals (silver, lead) or from other people'swealth. You may not have You are not cars,houses. inheritance,luxuries, estates, likely to become wealthy being a singer, musician, actor, botanist or artist or through marriage and partner in life. You may not expect to gain in wealth by dealing in pearls, toilets, meats, intoxications drinks, vehicles, sugarcane, industry, trade, chemicals, medicines,wool, silk, cotton, luxury articles, perfumes, musical instruments authorship or through your perseveranceand vitality. You may not get wealth from direction. south-eastern if Beneflc: Satum,, You will gain wealth by success in estate, mines, investment, coal, lead or refrigeration. You may get pots,woollen wealth by dealing in gambling,oils, seeds, fabrics, iron, cereals, atmosphere,air, mountains, hills, forest regions, saphire, elderly people, black grain, bricklaying, negroes, barley, astringent, jails, architecture or vehicles. You can expect gains in wealth from western direction. Satu,ttt,tf Malefrc: You may be bereft of property and conveyance. You may not inherit property and may lose ancestral


How to Read aHoroscope

property. You may land in troubles from houses and vehicles.You nay have to put in uphill struggle with maximum labour and minimum wages for getting money.There may be lossof wealth and lack of money. Raltu,tf Benefic: You will gain in wealth through friends and business. You will try to save money.You may get wealth from foreign travels, maternal grandfather, females, You may gain by dealing christiansor mohammedans. in stones. mud, liquid sediments, radio or aerial You may get wealth as a traveller,inventor, navigation. lecturer, goldsmith, aviator, astrologer, scientist or hunter or by dealing in pumps. You can expect to get direction. wealth from south-rvestern Rahu,if Malefic: You may suffer loss of ancestral property. You may have financial strain and you may not be very rvealthy. Ketu, if Benefic: You may accumulate wealth by dealing with fire, flame or mining. You may gain in wealth from friends and through your literary genuis, astrologyor artistic taste.You can expectmoneyfrom paternal grandfather. Ketu, i,fMalefic: You may be deprived of wealth due to loss of property ancestral Moon,if Benefic:
You will have access to wealth and good earnings. You will have increase of property and gains in all undertakings. Ypu will obtain money through females and mother. You will gain through social life. You will be endowed with landed property, house, conveyance and vehicles. You will have increase in income and earnings. You will have larger profits. You may get wealth by working as a seaman, travelling agent,

Yearly Predtctions


navigator or by dealing in cultivation, pearls, gems, milk, juicy articles, vegetation,watery places, bathrooms, blood, li'quids or water journeys. You may become wealthy by your intelligence and vital energy. You may expect wealth by dealing in textiles, chemicals (fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals), alcohol, sugarcane, silver, sweet things, barley or wheat. You can expect money from north-eastern direction. Moon, if Malefi,c: You may spend away your wealth. Your financial variable. position may be somewhat (III) DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING THIRD BHAVA Courage Sun, if Benefi,c: You will be courageousdue to your self-relianee, powerful vitality, vrill power and authoritative and fiery nature. You will get victory over enemies. You will indulge in acts of bravery and commandrespect. Sun, if Maleftc: You may be timid and anxious. Mars,tf Beneft,c: You will be very bold and adventurous due to your endurance, physical strength, mental power and prowess.You will be warlike and manly. You will be victoriousover your enemies. tf Malefi,c: Mo,rs, You may sometimes suffer from thoughts of suicide due to your timid mentality. Mercury, i,f Beneflc: When once a work is undertaken, you will do it to


Hou to Read a Horoscope

finish and will never be discouraged. You will be brave and powerful with your power ofspeech and eloquence. Mercury, tf MaLefic: You may be anxiousand not bold. Jupiter, if Benefic: You will get gains through your courage having mental calibre and leadership. Jupi.ter,if Malefic: You may not have courage, mental calibre and leadership. Venus,if Benefic: You will have courage through your good-mental quality. Venu,s, if Malefic: You may not have courage through your mental quality. Satunt, if Benefi.c: You will be valorous and succeedin litigation and gain victory over your enemies. Satun, if Malefic: You may not be valorous and may not succeedin litigation nor have victory over your enemies. Rahu, if Benefic: You will be courageous like a lion due to your violent and adventurousnature. Rahu, if Malefic: You will be brave for outwardappearance.

Yearly Predictians


Ketu, i.f Benefic: You will be adventurous, courageous and will have m u c h f i g h t i n gs t a m i n a . Ketu, if Malefic: You may not be adventurous,courageousand may not have much fighting stamina. Moon, i.f Benefic: You will be strong,powerful and more courageous. Moorr,i,fMatefic: You may not be strong,powerful and courageous. (IV) DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING FOI.]RTHBHAVA Education Sun, if Bene.fic: You may have interest in occult and philosophicai. studies.political scienceor metaphysics. You may have proficiency in mathematics.You are likely to have poetical instincts. You may have education connected with chemistry,drugs,mountainsand hills, forests,fuel, s k i n s ,w o o l ,w e a p o n ss , i l k c l o t h ,f i r e o r m e d i c i n e . Sun, if MaLefic: You may not be successfulin your attempts to get , oliticalscience, education connected w i t h p h i l o s o p h yp metaphysics, mathematics, poetry, chemistry, drugs, mountainsand hills, forests,fuel, skins;wool, weapons, s i l k c l o t h ,f i r e o r m e d i c i n e . Mars,i.fBene.fic: Y o u m a y g e t e d u c a t i o nc o n n e c t e d w i t h l o g i c ,b o i l e r s , mines, minerals and ores, gold field, armoury, army, weapons,lands or organizing and executive capacity. You may also have an inclination to get educated in


How-to Reud a Horoscope

fields connected with fires, military operations, weaponsof offenceand defence,chemistry,drugs,gold, copppr, surgery, burning gases, dentists, fire places, engineering. engines, iron and steel or chemical laboratories. Mars, if Malefic: You may not be successfulin education connected with fires, weapons, engineering, chemistry, drugs, mines,surgery,iron and steel or chemicallaboratories Mercury,if Benefic: You will be successful in your educationalpursuits. You are inclined to pursue literary may have taste for music and for other fine arts. you may have proficiency in astrology. Your educationmay lead you to shine well as an educationaistor diplomat. you may be educated in fields connected rvith science, research, inspection of accounts, atomic energy, mathematics, electrical/electronic engineering, currency, alloys, water r.eservoirs,poetry, business management, mercantile journalism, activity, commerce, weaving, aerial and land journeys or vegetation. Mercury,if Malefic: You may not be successful in your education connected with science,research, accounts,business management, mathematics,engineering,commerce or journalism. Jupiter, if Benefic: You will be well-read and will have acquisition of new will make great philosophicaland spiritual advancementy . ou will have success in education connected with Vedas, Vedantas,legal affairs, diplomacy,proficiency in arts and sciences, law, philosophy, asceticism,bankers,



philanthrophists,restaurants,hotels, insurance,travel or researchand academicinstitutions. Jup'iter,if Malefic: You may not be successfulin education connected with arts and sciences, law, banks,insurance,research, travels, restaurants, philosophy or academic institutions. VentJs, if Benefic: You will be learned and successful in your educationalpursuits.You will acquire new knowledge. Y o u a r e l i k e l y t o b e i n t e r e s t e di n m u s i c .y o u m a y b e fond of scientific may be successfulin education connected with poetical faculty, singers, musicians, dl'ess, fine arts, actors, artists, botanists, authorship, rains, dancings, lakes. sugarcane,trade, medicine,wool, silk or cotton,computers. Venttrs, if Malefic: You may not expect to be successful in education in the fields of fine arts, scientific studies, poetical faculty,botany,medicine,sugarcane or trade. Satur"n,if Benefic: You may get education connectedlvith mines, oils, woollen fabrics, architectural skill, iron, lead, atmosphere, air, mountains, hills, forests. mass leadership or labour. Saturn; if Malefzc: You may have interrupted and incompleteeducation You rnayhave failure in your may not be successful in your attemptsto get education c o n n e c t e dw i t h m i n e s , o i l s , a r c h i t e c t u r a ls k i l l , i r o n . lead, m.ass leadership,labour, atmosphere, mountains, woollen fabrics or forests.

Hotato Read a Horoscope

Ralu.r,if Benefic: you You may be proficient in European languages. are likely to have good may have education connected with lecturers, inventors, aviators, scientists. astrologers, radio, aerial psychologists navigation, or metaphysical studies. Ralru. zfMalefic: You may not expect to be successfulin the fields of education connected with inventors, aviators, scientists, radio, aerial navigation, psychology or metaphysical studies. Ketu. if Benefic: You may have artistic taste. You may be a literary genius. You may be good at may get educationconnectedwith philosophyor mining. Ketu, if Malefic: You may have breaks in your educational career. You may not get education connected with artistic taste,literary pursuits,philosophyor mining. Moon,i,fBeneftc: You will get high education.You may be interested your in political science, psychology or metaphysics. education may prepare you to become seamen, travelling agents or navigators.You may be successful in educationconnectedwith water, cultivation,pearls, gems, vegetation,watery places, psycho-physiological consciousness, watery substances, lakes, sea, textiles, chemicals,pharmaceuticals, sugarc ane or agriculture. Moon,if MaLefic: You may not get education connected with watery substances, agriculture,textiles, sugarcane, chemicals, pharmaceuticals,travel agentsor navigation.

Yearlg Predictions . Houses,LandedPropertyand Conveyance


Sun, if Benefic: You may purchase landed property, vehicles. you may inherit property.You will gain through will get patrimony (from father). you may acquire properties from your potitical power and position and authority. Sun, if Malefic: You may have loss of property. you may spend away your paternal property. Mars,if Benefic: you will own You will have means of conveyance. houses.You will gain from landed property. you will have interest in acquiring lands. Mars,if Malefic: You may get loss of property due to theft, fire etc. You may not be hAppy on account of may land in litigation problemsabout property. Mercury, if Benefi,c: You will gain from landed property and estate Mercu.ry,i,f Malefzc: You may have no fixed may ever change the car. Jupi.ter, if Benefic: You will have successful will be in p o s s e s s i oo nf b u i l d i n g s , v e h i c l e se t c .y o u w i l l g a i n f r o m lands.You will havegoodconveyance. Jup'iter,i.fMalefic: you may not be You may not have successful estates. in possesionof buildings, vehicles etc. you may not havegoodconveyance.


How to Read a Horoscope

Venus.if Benefic: You will easily get inheritance. You will possess estates and own cars. You will have acquisition of houseand vehicles. Venus.if Malefic: You may not easily get inheritance. You may not possess estates and own csrs; You may not have acquisitionof houseand vehicles. Saturn, i.fBenefic: Y o u w i l l h a v ec o n v e y a n c e . Saturn,if Malefic: You may not inherit any property.You may be bereft You may have troubles of property and conveyance. from houses and vehicles. You are likely to lose ancestralproperty. Rahu.If Benefic: You may not have lossof ancestralproperty. Rahu. if Malefic: You may have lossof ancestralproperty Ketu. r.fBenefic: You may not be deprived of property and there may not be lossof property. Ketu. iJ'Malefic: You may be deprived of property and there may be l o s so f p r o p e r t y . Moon.if Benefzc: You will inherit. You will gain from wet land. You buildings,vehiclesetc. will possess

Yearlg Predicttons


Moon, if Malefic: You may not inherit. You may not gain from wet land. You may not possess buildings.vehiclesetc. Happiness Sun,if Benefic: You will get reputation and respectfrom government by getting promotions and acquisition of higher status. You will have access to comforts and rejoicings at h o m e .Y o u w i l l g e t l a n d e d p r o p e r t i e sa n d v e h i c l e sa n d gains from estate.You may inherit property also. you will be successfulin foreign countries.You will have good entertainment. You will realise your ambitions a n d f u l f i l n e s s o f d e e d s .Y o u w i l l g o o n a p i l g r i m a g e . You will get happiness from father. You witl have a u t h o r i t y a n d p o s i t i o n w i t h p o l i t i c a l p o w e r .Y o u w i l l visit places of worship. You will have good relations with governmentand officials.You will be happy. Sun,if Malefic: You may have obstacles and troubles in life. you may have blood pressure.Your domestic environment may n o t b e g o o d . Y o u r s u c c e s si n p o l i t i c a l f i e l d m a y b e difficult. You may have quarrels lvith relatives and friends. You may have loss of property. You may get into difficulties. You may have mental worry. You may be bothered about the illness of your mother. You may be devoid of much happiness and may become philosophical. Mars, if Benefic: You will have means of conveyance. You will have success in political life. You will get gains from landed you p r o p e r t y .Y o u w i l l h a v e m a t r i m o n i a l h a p p i n e s s . will get comforts.You will get happinessfrom mother, brothers and sisters. You will have organizing and executive ability on account of your commanding, independent leadership qualities. You will have physical strength and mental power. You may acquire


How to Reada Horoscope have youthful

gold. sapphire and corals. You will appearance. You will be happy.

Mars, if Maleflc: You may own houses but will not be happy on that aecount. You may have a sickly mother. You may lose friends and relatives. You may have disputes in family. You may lose wealth and property due to theft, fire and litigation. There may be danger to your parents and danger to you during journeys. You may be uncomfortable. You may get chest pain. You may have much distress of mind and you may be unhappy. Mercury, i,f Benefic: You will have robust health. You will ltave success in your educational pursuits. You will be learned and held in great esteem. You will have a good mother and bring happiness to her. You will gain new friends. You will command good conveyance, material comforts and you. will gain from landed properties. You will get promotion in profession or gains in profession. You will have prosperity and happiness in domestic life. You will get happiness from relatives. You will have princely appearance. You will acquire emerald. You will have good education with your intellect, wisdom a n d s h r e w d n e s s .Y o u w i l l h a v e p o w e r o f s p e e c h a n d eloquence. You will have good enjoyments. You will possess or live in palatial buildings. You will have good your maternal uncles, maternal relations with grandfather and paternal relatives and you may gain from them. You will be good at poetry and may become a good poet. You will be happy. Mercury. zf MaLefic: You may be cut off from relations. You may have an unhappy mother. Jupiter, if Benefic: have You will




YearlE Pred'i,cti,ons


buildings, successfui estate and gains from lands. You will be wealthy. You will have successin education and you will be well-read. You will be a founder of some charitable institution. You will have a good mother and friends. You will get fame and prosperity. You will lead a comfortable life. You will enjoy favour of the ruling c l a s s .Y o u w i l l b e a t e r r o r t o y o u r e n e m i e s . Y o u w i l l b e religiousty inclined. You will be fortunate and have a peaceful dotnestic respected. You will environment and great spiritual advancement. You will get gains from parents. You will get happiness in respect of mother, friends, servairts, partner and agricultural produce. You will have a happy end. Jupiter, tf Maleflc: You may have impediment or delay in birth children. You may suffer distress due to enemies'


Ventls, of Benefic: You will be learned and successful in educational pursuits. You will have an affectionate mother. You will be loved by relatives and friends. You will aquire, vehicles, property and cattle. You will have perfect domestic harmony. You will get friendship with good people and gain through them. You will have good ornaments and clothes. You will be successful in the fulfilment of desires. You rvill get good position and become famous and popular. You will lead a comfortable life. You will easily get inheritance. You will get plenty of milk and milky products. You will be respected. Venus, if Maleftc: You may not be learned and successful in educational pursuits. You may not have an affectionate mother. You may not be loved by relatives and friends. You may not acquire houses, vehicles, property and cattle. You may not have perfect domestic harmony. You may not have friendship with good people and gain


How to Read aHoroscope

through them. You may not have good ornaments and clothes.You may not be successful in the fulfilment of desires. You may not get good position or become famous and popular..You may not lead a comfortable life. You may not easily get inheritance. You may not get plenty of milk and milky products. You may not be respected. Satunrt,if Beneflc: You will have good patrimony.You will succeedin foreign countries.You will have vehicles.You will gain through oilseeds or black grains.You may get treasure. Satun4 if Malefic: There may be ill health of your mother or you may be separated from her. You may suffer sudden loss of ancestral property. You may have failure in educational pursuits. You may be bereft of property and conveyance.You may have troubles from houses and vehicles. You may get distress due to partner, children and servants. You may be disliked by relaiives. You may develop enmity with politicians. You may get misfortune in own land and voyage to distant places.You may be constantlyworried and may have no peace of mind. You may be devoid of happiness.You may have a secluded life., if Berwfic: You may gain through low-bornpeople. Rahu, if MaLefic: Your educational pursuits may not go smooth.You may be in a subordinate position. You may lose ancestral property. You may quarrel with friends. There may be ill health of your mother. You may have to undertake tedious journeys. There may be no happihess from brothers and friends. You may have adverse effects in respect of happiness from mother,

Pred,rrtt'ons Yea,rLU


father or partner' You may be subject to fraud or be guilty of fr-audulentactions.There ntay be impediments you may have little vou may be constanilyworried. happiness. Ketu, If Baneftc: There may not be ill health of your mother' You may not have failure in educational career' There may not be domestic quarrels. You may not have loss of ancestral property. You may not be deceivedby friends' You may not have misery and unhappiness' Ketu, tf Malefic: There may be ill health of your mother' You may have failure in educational career' There may be domestic quarrels. You may have loss of ancestral property. *ou may be deceived by friends' You may have misery and unhaPPiness. Moon, if Benefic: You will inherit landed property and possess buildings and vehicles.You will gain from wet lands' You wiil have good perfumes and dress' You will get high education. You will be wealthy' You will have go-odf.i"ttds and mother. You will derive happiness Irom relatives.Yott may becomeimportant as a ruler or leader. You will gain through parents'You will have a popular, happy domestic life. You will be successful, all' You by helped cneeifut and contented'You will be happiness' with will enjoy life. You will be endowed Moorr,if Matefic: You may be separatedfrom mother or there may be health of your mothei. You may have ill and difficulties. You may be subjected disappointments to tfreft and fraud. You may be extravagant' You may not be happYmentallY.


How to Read, a Horoscope

(v)D IFFE *"

Nc rNG Hrl;.,filf,RrJ"LUE

Sum,i,fBenefic: You will gain through children. Sun, if Malefic: You may be deprived of children or may have few children. There may be difficulties during child birth. There may be illness of children. you may havetrouble with children. Mars, if Benefic: You may have issuesor there may not be danger to glilg birth or surgicalaid may not be used during birth. There may not be danger of injury to the "tritO first child. It may not be miserable for your children. you may not have misfortunes through children or disputes with children. Mars, tf Malefic: You may not have issues or there may be danger to child birth or surgical aid may be used auring child birth. There may be dangerof injury to first child. your children may not be comfortable. you may have misfortunes through children or disputeswith children. Mercury,if Benefic: You will have good and intelligent children. There will be a number of children Mercury,iJ'Matefic: You may not have good and intelligent children. There may not be a number of children.

Yearla Pred"icti,ons


Jupiter, if Benefic: There will be a number of children and they will be good.You will be happy with your children. Juptter,if Malef"tc: You may have grief through partial sterility and you may have few children. You may have limited arumber of sons and suffer for want of sons. You may have in respectof children. unhappiness Venus,if Benefi.c: You will have beautiful children. You will get happiness through your offspring. There will pe prosperityof children Vent6, if Malefic There may be birth of daughters. You may have few sonsand more of female children. Satu:wt,tf Benefic: You may have children. You may not get a still born child or there might not be premature death of a child. There may not be abortions or ill health of children or their death. You may not adopt a child. You may not suffer for want of sons. You may not have troubles connectedwith children. Saturtt, i,f Matefic: You may nnt have children. You may get a still born child or there might be premature death of a child. There may be abortions or ill health of children or their death. You may adopt a child. You may suffer for want of sons. You may have troubles connected with children. Raltu, if Benefi,c: You may not lose a number of children. You may not suffer from ill health of children or abortions.

How to Read a Horoscope

Rahu, if Malefic: You may lose a number of children. You may suffer from ill health of children or abortions. Ketu, tf Benefic: There may not be lossof children. You may not suffer from ill health or abortions. Ketu, i.fMalefic: There may be loss of children. You may suffer from ill health or abortions. Moon,if Benefic: You will havehappiness f r o m c h i l d r e n .O n e o f y o u r children may becomefamous.You will enjoy lif'e in the companyof children. You may have sonsand daughters. Moon,if Malefic: You may have only daughteror many daughters. (VI) DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING SIXTH BHAVA Diseases Sun, if Benefic: You will be strong and healthy. You will have good digestivepower.You will enjoy well balancedhealth. Sun, if Malefic: You may have heart trouble or chest pain. You may have weaknessand organic troubles. You may have long artd troublesome illness. You may suffer from fever, eyesight,accidentsdue to fire, palpitation, sun stroke,excessive heat,skin diseases, stomachdisorders or dislocation of bones. You may have troubles from pitta (bile) and a little of vata (wind). You may have troubles from weaponsor danger from poison.There is a likelihood of evil influenceof evil spirits.

Yearly Predtcttons


Mars,if Benefic: You will have gooddigestivepowersand rich blood. : Mars,tf MaLefic: You may have boils and wounds due to impurity of blood. You may have fever, inflammationsor injuries. You may also undergooperation.You may have bilious brought by extreme diseases complaints,skin diseases, heat in body, blood pressure, sore eye, disease in stomach,decline of majja in bones or diseasesabove the neck. Mercury, if Benefi,c: You will study hygiene and may take preveritive not to get diseases. measures Mercury, if Malefic: You may overwork and get into ill health. You may have mental troubles and chance of nervous breakdown. You may suffer from stomach trouble or disease on tips of fingers. You may get diseases connected with mostly vata (wind), a little of pitta (bile) and stillness of kapha (phelgm).You may have typhoid, shivering fever, diseasesin eye, throat and nose, skin diseasesor itches. Your liver and digestive organs may be effected.You may suffer from consumption. Jupiter, i,f Benefle: You will maintain good health and may not fall sick. You may gain during unhealthy periods. If indisposed you will be well-attended. Ju,piter,if Maleflc: Your health may suffer through overindulgence.You may have low digestive power. You may lack in vitality and potency. You may have weaknessof body and suffer ilt health. You may suffer from fever, gulma (diseasein


How to Read,a Horoscope

kidney), fainting, ear diseases due to fury of kapha (phelgm) dosha, diabetes, excessive eating and drinking, vata (wind) diseasesor diseasesconnected with inability to think or remember. Ventts,i,f Benefic: You will avoid excessesand can maintain good health. Yenus,{ Maleflc: You may suffer from secretailments or ulcers.your you health may be affectedby too much of indulgence. may suffer from skin diseases, diseases connectedwith fury of phelgm and 'wind', V diseases,weakness, diseasesin private organs, fading away of luster in body, swelling of body, nervous diseases, blood poisoning, lvatery diseases(swelling, dropsy, water in head,indigestion, water in body),extreme heat in body, fits and swoons,or diseases in face or urinary organs. Saturtt, i,fBenefic: You will maintain gooddigestivepower. Satur-n,if Malefic: You may have sicknessthrough privation or neglect. You may have illness and operation. you may suffer from hysteria,ulcers,rvounds or diseases arising out of imbalance of 'wind'. You may suffer from spleen trouble,, diseases caused by vata (wind) and kapha (phlbgm), diseases in legs, weakness due to overexertion,pains in stomach, mental worry, varicose veins or more of vata (wind) and little of pitta (bile). You may Worry a great deal and suffer from chronic melancholia that may sometimesgrow into insanity. Your spinal coiumn may require special care. you miy have more thirst and aversionto eat or drink. you may have pain in all parts of body.Your diseases may be of hidden nature and may not be easily diagnosed.

Yearlg Pred"icti,ons


Rahu, i.f Benefic: You will have physical and mental stamina. Rahu, if MaLefic: You may suffer from colic pains, heart trouble or diseasesof stomach and abdomen side of belly. you may have health troubles connected with uterus (for females).Your body may become may have difficulty in breathing or extreme heat in body. You may suffer from vishama vyadhi (many diseases comingtogether)or diseases in feet. your diseases may be of a hidden type, not susceptible to easydiagnosis. Ketu, if Benefic: You will be bestowedwith good health. Ketu, if MaLefic: You may have trouble in eye.Your teeth may become you may suffer from weak. You may harreanal diseases, fever and some complaints which cannot be cured by medicines. Your body may become weak and emaciated.There may be boils due to heat. you may suffer physical ailments or nervousnesswhich will keep you restlessand worried. You may have stomach ailments.You may have weak constitution. Moon, if Benefic: You may not have stomach troubles. you may not you may not have have curious and incurable diseases. stonein the bladder. There may not be any danger from lung troubles. You may not suffur from dysentry, dyspepsia(indigestion,sluggishdigestivepower), colic pains,general debility and impaired eyesight. you may not have increase in sleep. You may not suffer from watery diseases (swelling, dropsy, water in head), glandular swellings, ulcers, vomiting, diseases in kidneys,diarrhoea,want of blood in body, poisoningof blood and consequentdiseases, thirst, soresand boils,


How to Read a Horoscope

diseasesconnected with more vata (wind) and a little kapha(phelgm)or emaciation. Moon,if MaLefic: You may have stomach troubles. You may have a curious disease.You may have stoue in the bladder. There may be danger from lung troubles. You may suffer from dysentery, dyspepsia (indigestion, sluggish digestive powers), colic pains, general debility or You may have increasein sleep.You impaired eyesight. may suffer from watery diseases (swelling, dropsy, water in head), glandular swellings, ulcers, vomiting, diseasesin kidneys,diarrhoea, want of blood in body, poisoning of blood and consequent diseases,thirst, sores and boils, diseases, connected with more vata (wind) and a little kapha(phelgm)or emaciation. Enemies Sun,if Benefic: You will be a terror to enemiesdue to your courage. You will have victory over your enemies.You may have few enemies. Sun, if Maleflc: You may have misunderstanding with your father, 'governmentand officials. Due to your fiery nature you may develop enmity with others. You may be worlied by enemies though you may vanquish them subsequently. if Benefic: Mars, You will defeat your enemies and gain victory. Mars, tf Mateflc: You may have constant pinpricks from enemies.You may be much troubled by enemies.

Yearlg Predictions Mercury,i,f Benefic: You may be a terror to enemies and there may not be any enemies. Mercury, i,f Malefic: You may have many irksome occasions on account of disputes,petty quarrels and labour troubles. Jupiter, i.f Benefi.c: You will have successover enemiesand overpower them. You will be free from enemies.You will have victory in elections. Jupiter, i.f Malefic: You may be feared and dreadedby enemies. Ventls,if Benefi.c: You will overpower enemies and destroy them. you may not have any enemies. You will win in election. VenLls, i,fMalefic: You may give rise to enmities with persons of . oppositesex.You may have a number of enemies. Saturn, if Beneflc: You will triumph over enemies and you will get victory over them Saturn, if Malefic: You may be quarrelsome. You -may have troubles through subordinates and labour. you may suffer at the handsof enemies. Rahu, i,f Benefic: your enemiesand get success You will overcome over them. You may not have any enemies.


Howto Read a Horoscope

RaLtu, if Malefic: You may be oppressed and troubled by enemies. Ketu, if Benefzc: You will be much liked by relatives. Ketu, if MaLefic: You may be oppressed by opponents. Moon,if Benefic: You may not have many foes. There may not be pressuresfrom enmity and troubles from enemies.You may not suffer from treachery. Moon, if Matefic: You may have many foes. There may be pressures from enmity and troubles from enemies.You may suffer from treachery. Debts Sun, tf Benefic: You may not lose patrimony and get indebted. You may not expect to obtain debts from governmentand officials, as in the form of house building loans. You may not also get into debts due to father. Sun, if Malefic: You may lose patrimony and get indebted.You may expect to obtain debts from governmentand officials, may be in the form of house building loans. You may also get into debts due to father. Mars, tf Benefzc: You may not have heavy expenditure of money and loss through animals and poultry and land in debts. You may not be indebted due to brothers and sisters.

YearlE Predtctions


You may expect to get money as debt from your brothers and sisters.
Mars, if Malefic: You may have heavy expenditure of money and through animals and poultry and land in debts. may be indebted due to brothers and sisters. you not expect to get money as debt from your brothers sisters.

loss you may and

Mercury, if Benefic: You may get debt from maternal uncles, maternal grandfather and paternal relatives but you may not be indebted due to them. Mercury,if Malefic: You may not get debt from maternal uncles,maternal grandfather and paternal relatives and you m4y be indebted due to them also. Jupiter, if Benefic: You may not get into debt due to children, sons, grandsonsand may not expect to get moneyfrom learned men as debt. Jupiter, if Maleflc: You may get into debt due to children, sons, grandsons and grarrdfather. you may expect to get moneyfrom learned men as debt. Venuq if Benefic: You may not get indebted due to partner and children. You may not get debt to acquirevehicles. VenLLs, if Malefic: You may get indebted due to partner and children. You may get debt to acquirevehicles.


How to Read q Horoscope

Satu,rn,if Bene.ftc: You may not be indebted due to loss through animals and poultry. You may not incur debt due to servants. if MaLef'tc: Sa/r.+rn, You may be indebted due to loss through animals and poultry. You may not incur debt due to servants. Rahu, if Benefic: You may not incur debt due to maternal grandfather and due to intrigues with low class people. Your materialistictendenciesmay not lead you into debt. Rahu, if MaLefic: You may incur debt due to maternal grandfatherand due to intrigues with low class people. Your materialistictendenciesmay also lead you into debt. Ketu, tf Benefi,c: You may not land in debt due to paternal grandfather and due to bankruptcy. Ketu, if Malefi,c: You may land in debt due to paternal grandfather and due to bankruptcy. Moon,if Benefic: You may not get pressure from creditors and bankYou may not have loss of money and get into debt. You may not incur debt due to your mother. Moon,tf Malefic: You may get pressurefrom creditors and bank. You may have loss of money and get into debt. You may incur debt due to your mother.

YearlyPredictions (VII) DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING SEVENTH BHAVA Marriage and Marital Relationship


Sun,if Benefic: You will have successafter marriage.You will gain through partner. Sun, if Malefic: You may have late and delayed marriage with some trouble. You may not have good morals. You may be submissiveto your partner. The temperamentof your partner may not be good.There may be illness of your partner. Your matrimonial happinessmay suffer. you maybe henpecked. Mars, i,f Benefi,c: You may not have two life partners. You may not have trouble with your partner. There may not be ill you health of your partner. You may not be henpecked. may not have an aggressiveand combative partner. Your married life may not have clashes and tensions and you may not be disturbed due to matrimonial unhappiness. Your partner may not be fond of change and travel. You may not be submissiveto your married partner. Mars, if Malefic: You may have two life partners. You may have trouble with your partner. There may be ill health of your partner. You may be henpecked.You may have an aggressiveand combative partner. Your married life may have clashes and tensions and you may be disturbed due to matrimonial unhappiness. your partner may be fond of changeand travel. you may be submissive to your married partner.


Hou to Read a Horoscone

Mercury,tf Benefic: You may have an early marriage. Your partner may be good looking. You may gain through your partner. Your marliage rnay be with a wealthy person. Your partner may be more intelligent and sht'ewd,younger 1uL" place and may be employed.Your marriage ma5'; through advertisement. rJ'Malefic: Mercury, You may have unsettled wedded life. Jupiter, tf Beneflc: You will have a good virtuous, good looking and chastepartner. Your pat'tnerwill be well-behavedand truthful. You will gain through your partner. You will havea happy partner. if Matefic: Jup'i.ter, You may be lustful and inclined to have liaisons. Venus,i,f Benefic: You will have a happy marriage and domestic harmony with a loving and devoted partner. You will get a good beautiful partner. You will have stability in marriage.Both you and your partner will be successful You will have and distinguished in your occupations. goodmarital relations. Ventls,if Malefzc: You may be passionate. You may be fond of pleasures. Your partner may suffer ill health sometimes. Saturn, if Benefic: You will have a You will be steadyin your affections. stablemarriage.



Satumt,if Malefic: You may have more than one partner or one marriage or you are likely to have a late marriage.Your partner may not be good looking.Your marriage may be with one, quite advancedin age.There is a probability of a sickly partner. You may be immoral and fond of others. You may be subjected to distress and humiliation on accountof personsof oppositesex. You may have an unhappymarriage. RaLru, if Benefic: You may not have loss of partner. You may not have troubles from female agency. You may not have separation from partner and relations. You may not suffer in family affairs and your conjugal happiness may not be impaired. Your partner may not suffer from illness.You may not have adversevitality. Rahu, if Maleflc: You may face loss or ill health of partner. You may have troubles from female agency. You may have separationfrom partner and relations.You may suffer in family affairs and your conjugal happinessmay be impaired. You may haveadversevitality. Ketu, if Benefic: You may not be passionate and may not have connectionswith unworthy persons.There may not be dangeror ill health to your partner. You may not suffer from separation from your partner. Your partner may not be sickly or uneven-tempered. You may not have loss of vitality. You may get a shrewdpartner. You may n o t h a v ea n u n h a p p ym a r r i a g e . Ketu, if MaLefic: You may be passionateand may have connections with unworthy persons.There may be danger to your partner or your partner may suffer from ill health. You may suffer separation from your partner. Your partner


w to Read,a Horoscope

may be sickly or uneven-tempered.You may have loss of vitality. You may not get a shrewd partner. You may have an unhappy marriage. Moon, if Bertefic: You may have an early marriage. You will have a good looking and handsome partner with good personality. You will have a happy marriage. You will have short jourheys and honeymoon. Moon, if Mal.efrn: You may be strongly sexed and nay run after and be attached to other persons.You may be subservient to your partner's wishes.Your partner may be sickly. Your partner may be fond of change and travel. You may be fond ofother persons. (VIID DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING EIGHTH BIIAVA Longevity Su,n,if Benefic: Your strength of tissuesand recuperative power will improve your vitality and contribute to your long life. Sun, if Malefic: You may have sickly constitution with complaints in eyes,sores in the face and head, imperfect secretion of . bile, dental problems or ailments of private parts. You may have a violent end or you may end by self sacrifice. You may be worried. You may not have a very long span of life. Nlars,tf Bencft,c: You may not have a bad eyesight. You may not be liable to suffer from piles or fistula. You may not suffer from diseases arising out of impurity of blood, high fever, rupture of veins and arteries, decomposition of

YearlE Predictions


you may marrow,haemorrageor muscularrheumatism. have a long life. Mars,if Maleflc: You may have a bad eyesight. You are liable to suffer from piles or fistula. You may suffer from diseases arising out of impurity of blood, high fever, rupture of veins and arteries, decomposition of marrow, haemorrage or muscular rheumatism. You may not have a very long life-span. Mercury, if Beneftc: You may be long-lived. Mercury,if MaLeftc: You may have a weak constitution. You may suffer from nervous breakdown and diseases connectedwith brain, thyroid glands or nervous systemsand you may not be very long-lived. Jupiter, if Benefic: You will live long. Jupiter, i.f MaLefic: You may have colic pains. You may suffer from lever troubles, abscess,undiagnosedor concealed diseases thereby curtailing your length of life. Venuq if Benefi.c: You may not have diseasesof urinary tract and you may not have trouble in mind. You may not suffer from muscularrheumatism.You may havea long life. Venw, if Maleftc: You may have diseases of urinary tract and you may have trouble in mind. You may suffer from muscular rheumatism.You may not have a very long life.


How to Read a Horoscope

Satu.nt, tf Benefi,c: You will have good digestive parts and you will have a long life. Satum, if Malef,c:

You may be a drunkard. You may have ill health and may suffer from colic pains, danger from poisons, stomach diseases,ulcers, lung asthma, consumpticin, disorders,spleen troubles or diseasesof private parts or piles. You may have chronic and undiagnosed disease.You may have fear of drowning. You may have a slow death eventhoughhaving a very good span of life. Rahu, if Benefic: You may not have ill health and suffer from diseases 'wind', ailments of stomach, arising out of imbalanceof of glandsand their imperfect functioning, enlargements infirmity of limb, undiagnoseddiseasesof private parts, mental disorders,smallpox,blood poisoningor malaria leadingto a life long adversitY. Rahu, r,fMatefic: You may have ill health and suffer from diseases 'wind', ailmentsof stomach, arising out of imbalanceof enlargementof glands and their imperfect functioning, of private parts, diseases infirmity of limb, undiagnosed poisoning or malaria mental disorders,smallpox,blood leading to a life long adversitY. Ketu,if Benefi.c: You may be long-lived. Ketu, if MaLefic: You may have ill health and you may suffer from piles and anal complaints,wounds,stomachdisorders. You may also suffer from diseasesdue to disorders in the excretory system,those due to a life of profilgacy smallpox, blood poisoning or malaria, and excesses,

YearlE Predict'i.ons


becoming an adversefactor of longevity. Moon,if Benefic: You will have a goodlongevity. Moon, if Maleflc: You may be slender and unhealthy.You may suffer from defective vision, mental torture, physical ailments, respiratory troubles, asthma, diseases connectedwith nervoussystemand heart depriving you of a long life. (IX) DIFFEhENT PLANETS INFLUENCING NINTH BHAVA Prosperity Sun,tf Beneflc: You will be well-read and learned in sol.arsciepces, poetry, music, esoteric or occult subjects.You will be attracted by sublime phenomena and you will be religiously inclined. You will have connections with colleges or legal departments. You will carry out research. You will gain through travels and will be You will do meritoriousdeeds and successful overseas. be successfulin your attempts.You will have dutiful children. You will have self-acquired property and wealth in many lands. You will be a successful agriculturist. You will be respectedby superiors. You will have the comfort of servants and means of You will have baths in sacred rivers. You conveyance. will be sincere, self-reliant, devoted, ambitious, enterprising, intelligent and chivalrous. You will construct water tanks, gardens etc. You will get help from patrimonial side. You may have materialistic tendencies. You will be a person of thought and action. You will be charitable, godly, lucky and successful.Yor.l will have personal magnetism, vitality, recuperative power, courage,reputation, authority and position. You


a HoroscoPe How to Read'

will have good connections with governmerit and officials. You will get felicitations. You will get prosperity from father. You will acquire gold. You will Le benefited from the easterndirection. You will help others.You will have a long life. Sun, if Malefr.c: You may have little patrimony and disagreement with your father. You may lack harmonious relations with your partner. You may do much travelling. Your health may be indifferent. Your father's longevity may not be very good. You may be inimical or hostile towardsfather or spiritual preceptors.You may change your faith. You may suffer from glandular disease. Mars,r,fBenefic: You will be successfulas a trader, naval merchant, or in fields connected leader or commander-in-chief with international trade or requiring organizing and executive capacity. You will get prosperity from brothers.You will have high power and authority.You You will be endowedwith will get powerful supporters. children. Your power and prestige will increase'You will do good actions. You will be self-made and You enterprising.You will have wealth and happiness. will be powerful. Mars,if Malefic: You may have loss from agriculture.You may have a dependent life. You may perform cruel acts. Your You relationshipwith brothersmay not be harmonious. or a sickly public. have may You may be hated by the of health ill be may shortltempered father. There get may You brother. You may acquire corals. prosperityfrom southerndirection. Mgrcury, tf Benef'tc: You will be studious, scientific-minded and highly educated. You will be a lover of music and literature'



You will do virtuous acts. You may be write books or work in -diplomatic service. You will have a high position in iife. You will be popular, wellilnown and iespected by public. You will be endowed with chiidren and wealth. You will have a fortunate father' You may engagein trade and commerce.You will have successin long journeys and tife in foreign places. You wilt be successful in all kinds of work. You will have happiness and prosperity. You may acquire emerald' You may get property from maternal uncles, maternal grandfather and paternal relations. You will have currency. You may get prosperity 'from northern direction. Mercu:ry,if Malefic: You may be licentious. Your actions maY not be commendable. Jrtpi,ter,if Benefic: You will have good children. You will have a longlived and fortunate father. You will be successful in your undertakings.You witl occupy high position in life Ls adviser or minister or consultant. You will have assoeiation with learned men and worship gods and brahmins. You may have associationswith foreigners dlso. You will be performing religious austerities. You will aequire wealth. You witl get reputation and will be famous. You will have correct intuition and clear thought. You will have good travels. You may become a strong leader. You will possessgood knowledge and wisdom. You may acquire topaz and silver. You may get or sons, grandsons, children properity from grandfather. You may get prosperity from north-eastern direction. Ju.piter, if Malefi.c: You may not have good children. You may not have a long-lived and fortunate father. You may not be successful in your undertakings. You may not.occupy


How to Read a Horoscope

high position in life as adviser or minister or with learned consultant.You may not have association men and worship godsand brahmins.You may not have association with foreigners also. You may not be performing religious austerities. You may not gain wealth. You may not get reputation and may not be famous.You may not have correct intuition and clear thought. You may not have good travels. You may not become a strong leader. You may not possessgood knowledgeand wisdom.You may not aquire topaz and silver.You may not get prosperityfrom sons,grandsons, children or grandfather. You may not get prosperity direction. from north-eastern Venus,if Benefic: You will get prosperityfrom your partner in life. You will have luxury articles, perfumes, maidservants, pleasantjourneys and happiness. You will be endowed good children. You will get higher with the birth of good in music and fine arts. You education.You will be will be successfulin foreign lands. You may become head of an infantry army or occupy a high position and honour.You will be hospitableto guestsand brahmins. You will have happinessin respect of partner, sons, and friends.You will be wealthy.You will rise in life by dint of your own efforts. You will command respect. You will receive favours from government.You will You will be learned and ,havepopularity and comforts. good reputation and have to truth. You will stick 'fortune. You may acquire diamonds.You may get your prosperityfrom southerndirection. i,f Malef,c: Yen7.ts, You may not get prosperityfrom your partner in life. You may not have luxury articles, perfumes, maidservants,pleasant journeys and happiness.You may not have birth of good children. You may not get higher education.You may not be good in music and fine arts. You may not be successfulin foreign lands.

Yearlg Predictioris


You may not become head of an infantry army or occupy a high position and honour. You may not be hospitable to guests and brahmins. You may not have happinessin respect of partner, sons,and friends. You may not be wealthy. You may not rise life by dint of your own efforts. You may not commandrespect. You You may not may not receive favoursfrom government. have popularity and comforts.You may not be learned and stick to truth. You may not have good reputation and fortune. You may not acquire diamonds.You may not get your prosperityfrom southerndirection. Saturn, if Beneftc: You will be a founder of charitable institutions.You will be thrifty in domestic life. You will renovate . ou will get Y o u w i l l b e f o n d o f o c c u l ts t u d i e s Y temples. legal success. You will be successful in geology, You will be minerology,occult subjectsor metaphysics. rich and happy. You will also get happiness from turn of mind. c h i l d r e n .Y o u w i l l h a v e a p h i l o s o p h i c a l emerald.You may get prosperity from You may possess westerndirection. Satun4 if Malefic: You may suffer from misfortunesand loss of wealth. You may suffer in You may have domesticunhappiness. respect of brothers and there may be ill health of brothers. You may be bereft of fortune, wealth and father and you may have no happinessin respect of them. You may have detached attachment.You may cause distress to others. You may be oppressed by enemies. You may live at a place other than your homeland.You may suffer from scandals. Rahu, if Benefic: You will be materialistic.You will undertakeforeign travels. You may get prosperity from maternal grandfather. You will have increase of self-earned wealth. You will do acts of religious merit. You will


How to Read a Horoscope.

have love for your brother. You will get worldly properties, name, fame, wealth and splendour. you will have power, position, political success, fixity of purpose.You will be intelligent and will not abandon work. You may get your prosperity from south-western direction. Rahu, if Maleflc: You may have loss of ancestral wealth. you may not be fortunate in respect of your children. you may opposeyour father. You may not have much happiness. You may be a puppet in the hands of your marriage partner. You may have emaciated waist. you may have an unfortunate father. You may gain from non-Hindus. Ketu. i.f Benefic: You may have prosperity from paternal grandfather. You will have children and good partner. you will be wealthy. You will visit holy places. you will gain from non-Hindus. Ketu, if Malefi.c: You may suffer in respect of your father and there may be danger to father. You may have adverse factor in respect of brothers. You may be involved in cruelty, mean acts and criminal tendencies. you may have malicious inclinations and uneven temper. you may be a religious hypocrite. You may have pain particularly in arms. Moon, if Benefic: You may get prosperity from mother. you will have good children. You will gain in wealth and you will have perfect contentment.You will be a builder of charitable institutions. You will get success agriculture and you will be successfulin your undertakings. you will be endowed with property, sons, friends, relations. You will do meritorious deeds.You will possesslands and jewels. You are inclined to travel and make long

Yewlg Predictions


voyages.You may live in foreign lands. You will have romantic and fanciful mind. You will get good dreams and psychicexperiences. You will be very popular with ladies.You will be fond of foreign places.You will pay homageto elderly people.You will be a lover of fiction. You will get good reputation. You will be happy. You will have vital energy.You may acquire silver. You may get prosperity from western direction. Maon, i.f Malefic: You may not get property from mother. You may not have several good children. You may not gain wealth and you may not have perfect contentment.You may not be the builder of charitable institutions.You may not get success in agriculture and you may not be successful in your undertakings. You may not be endowed with property, sons, friends, relations. You may not do meritorious deeds. You may not possess lands and jewels. You are not inclined to travel and make long voyages.You may not live in foreign lands. You nray not have romantic and fanciful mind. You may not get good dreams and psychic experiences. You may not be very popular with ladies.You may not be fond of foreign places. You may not pay homage to elderly people.You may not be a lover of fiction. You may not get good reputation. You will not be happy. You may not have vital energy. You may not acquire silver. You may not get prosperity from western direction.

(x) D IFFE"" NcrNG il$$lfr Tffi#"LUE

Professioir Sun, if Beneftc: You will get position of authority and status.You will becomehead of small society or village. You will have successin political life and business.You will have successfulmilitary career. You will found institutions. You may be employed in government service. You will


How to Read a Horoscope

be successfulin all that you undertake. you may get promotion.You may acquire a new job, You may be a lnusician, artist, politician, bankworker, industrialist, jeweller, financiar or actuary millowner, manufacturer, (registrar, accountant).You may be connected with occupationsinvolving children, authority, dignitaries or government. You may be a theatre owner or manager. Sun, if Malefic: You may not get position of authority and m a y n o t b e c o m eh e a d o f a s m a l l s o c i e t yo r v i l l a g e .y o u you may not have success in political life and business. may not have successfulmilitary career. You may not found institutions. You may not be employed in governmentservice.You may not be successfulin all that you undertake. You may not get promotion. you may not acquire a new job. You may not be a musician, artist, politician, bankworker,industrialist, millowner, jeweller, financiar or actuary(registrar, manufacturer, accountant). You may not be connected with occupationsinvolving children, authority, dignitaries or government. You may be a theatre owner or manager. Mars,if Benefic: You will be a good agriculturist. You will gain in professionor business.You will occupy good position in life. You will gain through fine arts. You will own estates. You will have work connected with fires, copper, factories or red things and may get promotion. You may be in military or police s e r v i c e .Y o u w i l l b e a s k i l l e d s c i e n t i s to r t e c h n i c i a n patronisedby rulers or government.You may become head of society,colony or town. You may be a salesman, metallurgist, soldier, politician, bank worker, insurance worker, actuary, industrialist, mill owner, manufacturer,commander-in-chief, logician,organiser, executive,fireman, warrior, military operator, chemist,

Yearly Predict'ions


druggist, surgeon, dentist, or e n g i n e e r . Y o u w i l l h a v e work connectedwith boilers, m i n e s . m i n e r a l s a n d o r e s , gold, copper, armoury, army, weapons of defence and , l a n d s ,b u r n i n g g a s e siron offence, and steel, fire places o r c h e m i c a ll a b o r a t o r i e s .
Mars, if MaLefi.c: You may not be a good agriculturist. You may not gain in profession or business. You may not occupy a good position in life. You may not gain through fine arts. You may not own estates. You may have work connected with fires, copper, factories or red things and commodities. You may not get promotion. You may not be in military or police service. You may not be a skilled scientist or technician patronised by rulers or government. You may not become head of society, colony or town. You may not be a salesman, politician, soldier, bank worker, metallurgist, insurance worker, actuary, industrialist, mill owner, manufacturer, commander-in-chief, logician, organiser, executive, fireman, warrior, military operator, chemist, druggist, surgeon, dentist, engineer or cook. You may not have work connected with boilers, mines, anc minerals and ores, gold, copper, armoury, army weapons of defence and offence, lands, burning gases, iron and steel, fire places or chemical laboratories. Mercury, if Benefic: You will succeed in long journeys. You will take additional charge of duties. You may be engaged in public life. You may work as reporter, electrician or in r a i l w a y s . Y o u w i l l s u c c e e di n p r o f e s s i o na n d b u s i n e s s . You will get promotion. You will get involved in religious activity and spiritual evolution. You will have success in education. You will be interested in research or antiquities. You may be a copyist or proof reader. Your profession may be connected with currency, alloys, water reservoirs, poetry, authorship, mercantile activity, trade and trading association,


How to Read.a Horoscope

commerce, aerial and land journeys, weaving, vegetation, inferior or base metals, accounts,schools, parks, science, research, inspectign of accounts, business management, atomic energ/, mathematics, electrical/electronic engineering, documentation and recording and all jobs with such work, teaching, writing, radio or communication media. you may be a journalist, accountant, mathematician, grator, iublic speaker, ambassador,bookseller, merchant, pubiisher, stationer, grocer, printer, manufacturing representative, architect, correspondent, interpreter, reporter, historian, scientist, philosopher, doctor, astronomer, psychologist, psychoanalyst, judge or lawyer. Mercury, i.fMalefic: You may not succeed in long journeys. you may not get additional charge of duties. you may not be engaged in public life. You may work as reporter, electrici-arior in railways. You may not succeed in profession and business. You niay not get promotion. you may get involved in religious activity and spiritual evohiti6n. You may not have success in education. you may not be interested in research and antiquities. you may not be a copyist or proof reader. your profession may not be connected with currency, alloys, water reservoirs, poetry, authorship, mercantile activity, trade and trading association, commerce, aerial and land journeys, weaving, vegetation,inferior or base metals. accounts, schools,parks, science,research,inspection of accounts, business management, atomic L.r.rgy, mathematics, electrical/electronic engineering, documentation and recording and all lous i'itrr suJtr work, teaching,writing, radio or communication media. You may not be a journalist, hawker, accountant, mathematician, orator, public speaker, ambassador, bookseller, merchant, publishei, stationer, gro".., printer, manufacturer's rep.resentative, arJtritect. correspondent, interpreter, reporter, historian,

YearLU Predicti,ons


scientist, philosopher, doctor, astronomer,psychologist, psychoanalyst,judge or lawyer. Jupiter, if Benefi.c: You will have good relations with higher officials. You will do meritorious deeds. You may become head of a village. You will command many servants.You will get timely promotion. You will be a good agriculturist. You will get success in business. You will be a high official in government. You will head research, academic and educational institution. You will have political life. You will be a sportsperson.Your work will be connected with Vedas, Vedangas,legal affairs, diplomacy, arts and science, philosophy, asceticism, restaurants, hotels, travel, research, law and academic. affairs. You may be preceptor, minister, lawyer, banker, philanthrophist, counsellor, lecturer, publisher, writer, astrologer, travel agent, priest and temple trustee, official, cashier, philosopher, literateur, grocer, tobacconist,historian, mathematician,scientist, doctor, psychoanalyst astronomer,psychologist, or judge. Ju.pi.ter,i,f Malefic: You may not have good relations with higher officials. You may not do meritorious deeds. You may not become head of a village. You may not command many servants.You may not get timely promotion, You may not be a good agriculturist. You may not get successin business.You may not be a high official in government. You may not head some research, academic or educational institution. You may not have political life. You may not be a sportsperson. Your work may not be connected with Vedas, Vedangas, legal affairs, diplomacy, arts and science, philosophy, asceticism, restaurants, travel, research, law or academic matters. You may not be preceptor, minister, lawyer, banker, philanthropist, counsellor, lecturer, publisher, writer, astrologer, travel agent, priest and temple trustee, offrcial, cashier, philosopher,


How to Rcad a Horoscope

grocer, literateur. tobacconist. historian, 'mathematician, scientist, doctor, astronomer, psychologist. psychoanalyst or judge. Ventls,i,f Benefic: You may be a lawyer or skilled trader. you will have healing power. You will profit from cosmetics or articles used by women. You will act in accordance with scriptures in your doings. you will not rub on anybody's wrong side. You will gain through music and jewellery. You will be popular. you will have work connected with poetical faculty, dress, fine arts, authorship, dancing, lakes, water, wind, sugarcane industry, medicine, silk or cotton. you may be a botanist, singer, musician, actor, artist, poet, cinema artist, dancer cosmetician, beautician, dealer in furnishings and furniture, entertainer of all kinds, coffee planter, tea estate owner, social secretary, photographer, engraver, cartoonist, dramatist or embroiderer. You may be engagedin work connected with silks and expensivetextiles, perfumes,furniture making, fancy aricles, ladies articles or objects of art and fashion,computers. Vgnus,i.f Malefic: You may not be a lawyer or skilled trader. you may not have healing power. You may not profit from cosmeticsor articles used by women. you may not act in accordance with scripturesin your may rub on wrong side. You may not gain through music or jewellery. You may not be popular. you may not have work connectedwith poetical faculty, dress,fine arts, authorship, dancings, lakes, water. wind, sugarcane i n d u s t r y ,m e d i c i n e ,s i l k o r c o t t o n . y o u m a y n o t b e a botanist, singer, musician, actor, artist, poet, cinema a r t i s t , d a n c e r , c o s m e t i c i a n ,b e a u t i c i a n , d e a l e r , i n furnishings and furnitures, entertainer of all kinds, coffee planter, tea estate. owner, social secretary, photographer, engraver, connected with silks and

Yearlu Predicti,ons


expensive textiles, perfumes, furniture making, fancy articles, ladies articles or objects of art and fashion. computers. Satut'n,if Beneftc: You will be a great worker. you will be a good farmer. You will have professionalsuccess and you will get promotions. You will be successful ln your undertakings.You will get position of authority. you will have work connectedwith agriculture or products derived from the bowels of earth such as minerals, oils e t c .Y o u w i l l o c c t r p y a h i g h p o s i t i o ni n I i f e . y o u w i l l b e head of an institutionor at the helm of affairs in the sphere of your activity. You rvill get speedypromoti.on t o h i g h l e v e l . Y o u w i l l b e h e a d o f r e l i g i o u si n s t i t u t i o n . You rvill becomea ruler or minister. you u,ill work for down-trodden m a s s e sY . ou will be judiciousand work in the capacity of a judge. You will become ascetic in later life. Your work may be connected with oils, woollen fabrics, architecture, iron, Iead, atmosphere, air, nrountains,hills, forest regions, coal and fuel of evcry kind, petrol, real estate business, leather goods, farm or factory labour. You may be miner, craftiman, arcliitect, bui lding philosopher, contractor, agriculturist, artisan, mechanic, compositor, mill worker, brick layer or massleader. Satunt, if Malefic: You may not be a great worker. you may not be a good farmer. You mal' not have professional success and you may not get promotions. you may not be successful in your undertakings. you may not get position of authority. You may have works connected with agriculture or productsderived from the bowels of earth such as minerals, oils etc. you may not occupy a high position in life. You may not be head of an institution or at the helm of affairs in the sphere of your activity. You may not get speedy promotion to a high level. You may not head a religious institution. you may not become a ruler or minister. you may not work


Hott; to Read a Horoscope

for down-troddenmasses. You may not be judicious and work in the capacity of a judge. You may not become ascetic in later [ife. Your work may not be connected with oils, woollen fabricq architecture, iron, lead, atmosphere,air, mountains,hills, forest regions, coal and fuel of every kind, petrol, real estate business, leather goods,farm or factory labour. You may not be a miner, craftman, architect, building contractor, philosopher, agriculturist, artisan, mechanic, compositor,mill worker or mass leader. You may be industrious and yet get financial loss in business.You may have sudden reversals and adversary results. Ultimately you may becomesanyasi as you may not own anything. Rohu, if Beruefic: You will be engagedin work for others. You will have power and position. You will succeed in your undertakings. You will have connections with nonHindus and gain from them. You will be engaged in music, literature or poetry. You will be skilled as a creatlve writer or artist. You will have work connected with radio, aerial navigation, metaphysical sciences, water or general staff in offices and government and business organisations. You may become a lecturer, inventor, aviator, scientist,astrologeror psychologist. Ralut, tf Malefic: You may engagein work for others. You may not have power and position. You may not succeed in your undertakings. You may not have work connected with non-Hindus and gain from them. You may not be engagedin music, literature or poetry. You may not be skilled as a creative writer or artist. You may not have work connected with radio, . aerial navigation, metaphysicalsciences,waters or general staff in offices and government and business organisations.You may not become a lecturer, inventor, aviator, scientist, astrologer or psychologist.

Yearly Pred,icttotts


Ketu, if Benefic: You will have work eonnectedwith scriptures. you will be good in mechanics.You will do highly intelligent work. You will become spiritual and work for poorer classes. You will have power. You may be a philosopher. You may have work connected witn mining, astrology,artistic taste, literary genius, waten or general staff in officesand governmentand business organisations. Ketu, tf Malefic: You may not have work connectedwith scriptures. You may not be good in mechanics.You may not do highly intelligent work. You may not become spiritu'al and may not work for poorer classes. You may not have p o w e r . Y o u m a y n o t b e a p h i l o s o p h e r .Y o u m a y n o t have work connected with mining, astrology,artistic taste, literary genius, water or general staff in offices and governmentand businessorganisations. Moon,if Benefic: You will have position. You will get promotion in professionor gains in business. You will be successful in your undertakings.You will have work connected with government.You will be skilled in the arts. you will be a trustee of religious or social will involve in public life. You will changebusinessor profession.You will become popular. you may have work connected with water, cultivation, pearls, gems, vegetation, watery places, psycho-physiological consciousness, watery substances, lakes, sea, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, sugarcane, agriculture, travelling and all travelling requisites, plastics or catering. You may become a seaman, travel agent, navigator,sailor, nurse, liquor dealer, laundry owner, confectioner, dairy owner,obstetrician, politician, bank worker, insurance worker, industrialist, mill owner or manufacturer.


How to Read a Horoscope

Moon,if Itlalefic: You may not have any position. You may not get p r o m o t i o ni n p r o f e s s i o n . ou may o r g a i n s i n b u s i n e c sY not be successfulin your undertakings.Yott nral' not You may not be have work connectedwith government. s k i l l e d i n t h e a r t s .Y o u m a y n o t b e a t r u s t e eo f r e l i g i o u s or social institutions. You may not invoh'e in public You life. You may not change businessor profe-ssion. popular. You may not have work may not Lrecome connected with water, cultivation, pearls, gems, vegetation, watery places, psycho-physiological w,a t e r y s u b s t a n c e sl,a k e s ,s e a , t e x t i l e s , consciousness s u g a r c a n e ,a g r i c u l t u r e , chemicals,pharmaceuticals, travelling and all travellrng requisites,plastics, or c a t e r i n g . Y o u m a y b e c o m e a s e a m a n .t r a v e l a g e n t , navigator,sailor, nurse, liquor dealer, laundry o\\:ner, , o l i t i c i a n ,b a n k c o n f e c t i o n e rd , a i r l ' o w n e r .o b s t e t r i c i a np worker, insurance worker, industrialist, mill owner or You may be unstable. manufacturer. (XI) DIFFERENT PLANETS INFLUENCING EI,EVENTH BHAVA Gainsand Income Sun, if Benefic: You will fulfil your ambitions and desires.You will h a v e c o n n e c t i o nw i t h p e o p l e i n p o w e r . Y o u w i l l h a v e permanerrt f r i e n d s . Y o u w i l l h a v e s o c i a l s u c c e s sa n d good business.You will possessmany means of conveyance. You will be wealthy. You will get success u'ithout effort. Your wealth will be through fair means. You will get reputation. You will have great success and position. You will gain from sei'eral sources and government service.You will attain general prosperity. You will have happy domestic life. You will be endowedwith the birth of good children. You will get good servants Others will be jealous of you. You will have the capacity to befriend and you will have one powerful friend. You will get enjoyment from your

Yearly Predictions


married partner. You will becomeequivalentto a king. You will-acquire a job. You will do many auspicious deeds. You will be respectful, loyal, honest, hopefut, principled, learned, famous,and strong.You will have profound insight. You will possess permanent ftiends. You rvill be long-lived. You will gain through your courage, reputation, authority, position, government officials, father, kings or statesman.You may gain from dealings in hills, forests, capital towns, fuel, wools, weapons, silk cloth, gold or medicines.You may gain as a doctor. You will gain from the easterndirection. Sun, zf Malefic: You may have many political enemies. You tunfriendly with politicians. You may be devoid of friends. You may have stomachtroubles. Mars, i,f Benefic: You will be learned and educated. You will get gains through agricultural operationsand business.You witl have property and wealth. You will have good income. You will be influential, crafty, commanding, courageous, religious and pushing. You will have prosperity and happiness. There will be much inflow of money. You will get promotion. You will be wellinformed. You will be self-made.You will have a few r e l i a b l e f r i e n d s . Y o u r i n c o m e w i l l i n c r e a s e .Y o u w i l l gain from your elder brothers. You witl possess property. You will progressand prosper.You will gain from brothers. You will gain by dealing in fire places. mines, minerals or armoury. You may gain by workrng in police department or army. You will gain by your organising and executive capacity, persistence and leadership. You may expect to gain from the southern direction. Mars,if Maleftc: You may have an angry temper and curtail matrimonial happiness. You may have heavy expenditure.


How to Read a Horoscope

Mercury, if Benef'tc: You will be wealthy and happy. You will have mathematicalfaculty. You may a good astrologer.You will have manlr friends among famous men. You will possess many lands. You will be logical and scientific. You will succeed in trade. There will be influx of You will lead a prosperousand wealth in large-scale. contentedlife. You will do virtuous deeds and will be You will be truthfulland You will be famous. respected. You will you r.r'illhave a number of obedient servants. be endowedwith various worldly comforts.You will get happinessin respectof children. You will triumph over enemies.You u'ill own much property. You will have increased wealth. You will have many acquaintances but only a few permanent friends. You will associate You will be generousand charitable. with youngsters. . ouwill be good a n d r e s p e c t e dY You will be prosperous in mathematics or astrology. You will gain from dealings connected with commerce.chenristry,green g r a m s ,e m e r a l d , l e a d , o i l s e e d s ,e d i b l e o i l s , i n t e l l e c t , , o w e r o f s p e e c ha n d e l o q u e l l c e , e d u c a t i o na , uthorshipp currency or palatial'buildings.You may gain as doctor or tradesperson.You may gain also from maternal uncles, maternal grandfather and paternal relations. You may gain from the northern direction. Mercury,i.fMaLefic: You may not be wealthy and happl'. You may not have mathematical faculty. You may not be a good astrologor. You may not have many friends among many lands.You may famousmen. You may not possess not be logical and scientific. You may not succeedin trade. There may not be influx of wealth in Iargc scale, and contentedlife. You You may not lead a prosperous may not do virtuous deeds and may not be respected. You may not be famous.You may not be truthful and you may not have a number of obedient servants.You You may not be endowedwith variousworldly comforts. may not get happinessin respect of children. You may



not triumph over enemies. You may not own much property. You may not have increased wealth. You may not have many acquaintances.You may not associate with yougsters. You may not be generous and charitable. You may not be prosperous and respected. You may not be good in mathematics or astrology. You may not gain from dealings connected with commerce, chemistry, green grams, emerald, lead, oilseeds, edible oils, intellect, education, authorship,power of speech and eloquence,currency or palatial buildings.You may not gain as doctor or tradesperson. You may not gain 'grandfather and from maternal uncles, maternal paternal relations. You may not gain from the northern direction. Jupiter, if Benefic: You will be a lover of music. You will be wealthy. You will have accumulated funds. You will do good deeds. You will have many friends. You will have gain and accumulation of wealth. You will have birth of good etc. children. You will acquire good house,conveyance You will be respectedby people in high position and authority. You will have a large income. You will have servants. You will have good friends. You will gain You will realise your ambitions. through social success. You will learn music and master it. You will enjoy all comforts. You will be well-placed in life. You will be able, statesmanly, god-fearing, charitable, influential, philanthrophic, famous, bold and full of knowledge, intellect and education. You will get topaz and silver. You will gain from children. You may gain as minister and adviser and from insurance companies. You may gain from the north-easterndirection. Jttpiter, tf Malefi,c: You may have a limited number of children. You may not have high education. You may face obstruction in inflow of wealth.


How to Read u Horoscope

'Venu,s, tf Benefic: You will You will have good means of conveyance. get riches and immense will You friends. many .have . ou will leada luxurious g r e a tc o m f o r t s a n d h a p p i n e s sY life. You will go on a journey to distant places.You will gain through business. You will have good gain of money. You will have the requisites of comforts.You lands and gain in agriculture.You will gain will possess after marriage.You will get good servants'You will get You will be very influential, learned, social success. wealthy, successful,popular and very rich. You will gain from your partner in life. You may gain from your dealings in vehicles, sugarcane, industry' trade, c h e m i c a l s ,m e d i c i n e s ,w o o l s , s i l k o r l u x u r y a r t i c l e s , computers. You rtiay gain from the south-eastern direction. Vernts,tf MaLefic: You may not have good conveyance'You may not have many friends. You may not get immense riches You may not lead a and great comfortsand happiness. journey to distant go on a luxurious life. You may not You may gain business. through places. You may not not have may gain You good of money. not have You of comforts. requisites pleasuresof the bed and the may gain You in agriculture. possess lands and may not get good servants' not may gain You after marriage. not You may not be very You may not get social success. popular and succcessful, influential, learned, wealthy, partner your in life. gain from very rich: You may not vehicles, your in gain dealings from You may not sugarcane, industry, trade, chemicals, medicines, wools, silk.or luxury articles,computers.You may not direction. gain from the south-eastern

YearlE Predicttons

Saturn, if Benefic: Y o u w i l l b e l e a r n e d , f e a r e d a n d r e s p e c t e d .Y o u w i l l be very wealthy. You will have much landed property and conveyance. You will get political respect and s u c c e s s .Y o u w i l l h a v e i n c r e a s e d i n c o r n e a n d g a i n o f wealth. You will attain position of authority. Yotr lvill succeed in your undertakings. You will lead a p r o s p e r o u sl i f e . Y o u w i l l h a v e h a p p i n e s sa l l r o u n d . Y o u will engage in trade or commerce. You may earn from artisanship. You will have select friends mostly elders. Your hopes will be fulfilled. You will own lancls. Yott will get promotion. You will command authority. You will be influential, strong and industrious. You may gain from servants and elderly people. You may gaip from dealing in hills, folest regions, irott, pt'isous or black grams. You may acquire sapphire. You may gain from the rvestern direction. Saturrr, tf Matefic: You may have interlupted education. You may srtffer ill health. You may htive an adverse effect in respect of happiness of brothers, sorls and your married partner. There may be obstacles in your education. There may be danger to your elder brother. Rahu, if Benefic: You will be wealthy. You will be influential among lower castes. You will have children. You will be a good agriculturist. You will gain from business. You will succeed in your prot'ession. You will travel a lot. You will have a large retinue. Y-ou will be famous both in your own and opposite camp. You lvill engage in trade and business or perseveringly apply to the work undertaken. You will gain from non-Hindus. You will gain from good advice tendered from others. You will be heroic in strife and overcome your enemies. You will be happy, respected, intelligent, industrious and


How to Read a Horoscope

courageous. Your health will be generally good. You gain will from materialists, foreign travels and maternal grandfather. You may gain from southw e s t e r nd i r e c t i o n . Rahu., if Malefic: You may have a limited number of children. You may have inclination to appropriate other peoples'wealth. You are likely to get diseases of ear. Ketu, if Benefic: You will be wealthy. You will gain in all your attempts.You will have increased earnings.You will get success over your enemies.You will perform good deeds and command respect. You will engage perserveringlyin work. You will be humorous,witty, intelligent, influential, popular, famous, luxurious, learned, contended and industrious. You will have a excellent position for inflow of money. You may gain from dealingsconnectedwith fire, flame or mining. You can expect to gain from your paternal grandfather. Ketu, if Malefic: You may not have good children and you may have a limited number of children. You may suffer from ailments of stomach and anal diseases. Your children ma5'bea sourceof worry to you. Moon,tf Benefic: good You will have many friends. You will possess lands. You will attain great position.You u'ill be liked and helped by fair sex. You will give donations.You will get gains in business.You will have increased wealth.You will have lucky children. You will have servants.You will be clever in governmentwork. You will gain through social life. You will gain from agriculture. You will realise your ambitions.You will powerful, philanthrophic, polite, helpful, be

Yearly Predr,ct'ions


influential, cultured, charitable, popular. famous, prosperous and well-informed. You will gain through politics.You will have many friends but only a few most reliable permanent friends. You will have literary or artistic taste.You will get great reputation.You will get . o u w i l l b e a p e r s o n o f p r i n c i p l e s .Y o u e a s j ' s u c c e s sY will get general prosperity and happiness.Your mind will be closely and perseveringly devoted to work in hand. You will be wealthy. You will get sons and daughters.You will have yearning (earnestdeslre) fcr You will gain foreign lands. You will be wide-arvake. from your mother, intelligence and vital energy. You may gain from your dealings connected with watery substances, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals., sugarcane,rice, wheat, agriculttrre, pearls or silver. direction. You may get your gainsfrom north-western Moon,if Malefic: You may not have many children. You may not enjoy. You may not be intelligent. You may suffer in matters of health. (XII) DIFFERENT PI,ANETS INFLUENCING TWELFTH BTIAVA and ExPenditure Losses Sun,if Benefic: You will be ceremonialminded and lover of esoteric and occult knowledge.You will rise in religious m a t t e r s .Y o u w i l l h a v e a l i b e r a l o u t l o o k a n d s p e n d money on benefic objects.You will vanquish your e n e m i e s .Y o u w i l l s u c c e e di n t h e f i e l d s o f m e d i c i n e , with hospitals, , ssociation c h e m i s t r y ,o c c u l t s c i e n c e s a prisonsor sanitoriums.You will be self-sacrificing. Sun, i,f Malefr,c: You may be unsuccessfulin work. You may fatl in career. You may be poor. You may have disputes with


Howto Reud o"Horoscof)e

father. There may be loss of wealth. you may have wanderings and tedious journeys. you mai have financial strairr,You may get loss of energyand vitality. You may be bereft of wealth and happinessin respect of children and also suffer. you may be deviod of strength. You may have sor.rorvs. tou may separate from your partner, relativesor may land in disputes.You may prefer to lead a secludetllifl. you may get loss in foreign land. There may be danger to children. You may travel much. you may have impedimentsin rvork connectedwith gover.r-"nt. you may be troubled by may have disputes rvith parents.Your wealth may be spent on fines oi -uy be confiscated by the government. ihere may be loss of wealth through tax raids, government enactments or confiscations. You may not be straight-forward. Mars, if Benefic: You will be active. you rvill have good habits. Good things will happen to brothers. Mars,if Malefic: You may be unsuccessful, poor, unpopular, stumbling,dishonest, evil-mindedand treacheroui.yo,, m a y h a v e i n c e n d i a r yh a b i t s .y o u m a y c o n t a c td i s e a s e s . You may be prone to suffering. you are liable to be defraudedand subjectedto may have to face unseen may suffer eye disease. You may do cruel acts. you may separate from your partner. You may develop mean tenclencies and criminal acts. You may have loss of wealth and consequent grief. you may face destruction of your undertakings.You may fall from grace. you may get indebted and run into an overclraft accou't. you are liable to criminal case and suffer confinement. you may have adverse matrimonial happiness. you may have loss of money due to dancing gir1s.Vou may hav! expensive litigations and dangerous enemies. your

Yearly Predi,cttons


money may be lost through ransom: cheating and srvindlers. You may meet with accidents. You ma5'lose popularityand your career may deteriorate. You may l a n d i n d a n g e r ,i n j u r y a n d s c a n d a l . You may visit jails o r y o u a r e l i a b l e t o b e i m p r i s o n e d .Y o u m a y h a v e t o f a c ed i f f i c u l t i e s . Mercury, if Benefic: Y o u w i l l b e c o m ep h i l o s o p h i c a li . n t e l l i g e n to . bliging, gifted, and religiously inclined. You will have a p l e a s i n gp e r s o n a l i t y . Y o u w i l l s p e a ks w e e t l y .Y o u w i l l s p e n do n g o o dd e e d s . Y o u w i l l a c q u i r en e r vs k i l l s . Mercury,if Malefic: Y o u m a y h a v e l i n r i t e d p r o g e n y .Y o u m a y b e l a c k i n g in opportunity. \'ou nray have loss of rvealth and comforts. You nray fall from high position. Your enterprises may end in frustration. You may suffer h u m i l i a t i o n . S u c c e s sm a y n o l b e a c h i e v e d .Y o u a r e l i k e l y t o i n v e s tr e c k l e s s l v i n s h a r e st ,r a d b a n d b u s i n e s s . Y o u r m o t h e rm a y f a c ed a n g e r . Y o u m a yh a v el o s s e s due . t o f a r n i l l ' l i t i g a t i o n s .Y o u r w e a l t h m a y d w i n d l e . Y o u may b'e worried, adulterous, capricious, way'vrard, n a r r o w - m i n d e d , p a s s i o n a t e ,d e s p o n d e n t , d e v o i d o f learning, hard-hearted,indolent. You may be fond of occult and secret acts and unusual thoughts.You may e n t e r i n t o p e t t y q u a r r e l sa n d s a n d a l sY . ou may suffer i n i t i a l i t y .Y o u m a y h a v em e n t a l d e l u s i o n s and worries. There may be danger to your maternal uncle. You may be poor. Jupiter, i,fBenefic: Y o u w i l l b e h o n e s ta n d p a y t a x e sa n d t o l l s p r o p e r l y . Y o u r v i l l g a i n t h r o u g hl a r v ,m e d i c i n e so , c c u l ts u b j e c t so r s e r v i c e i n p u b l i c i n s t i t u t i o n s .Y o u w i l l v i s i t h o s p i t a l s and asylums. You will have connections with foreigners.You will be pious and in the end of life you will attain Moksha(enlightenment). You will be devoid


How to Read,a Horoscope

of attachment.You will be inclined to asceticism in later life. You will have artistic will travel a lot. You will be elegant in will 'get happiness on account of children. you will be you religiously inclined to chastity and benevolence. will accumulate money. You will have good wealth, children and profession. Jupiter, if Malefic: You may have a limited number of children or you will be deprived of children. you may have enlargementof spleen. You may have evil tendencies and scandals.You may have a deprived, poor, fallen, struggling and lascivious life. You may be hated by others. You may have loss of wealth. you may be of a wanderingnature. Peoplemay harbour enmity towards you. You may be sinful in your conduct. you may engagein service of others.You may have hypocritical show of religious fervour. You may be indolent and lazy.Your businessmay be poor and may suffer loss of children. You may becomesadist. Venus,tf Benefic: You will have increaseof wealth. you will get good sexual bliss. You will be economicaland save money. You will be well up in amorousarts but indolent and lead a happy-go-lucky life. You will triumph over your enemies.You will have a good partner, marriage and pleasures. You will gain through public and charitable institutions.You will enjoy peaceful life in seclusion. You will have romantic life. You will investigate secret arts. Venuq if Malefic: You may not have a good career. You may have unworthy performance. You may have immoral tendencies. You may be low minded, miserly, obscure, licentious,unprincipled, fond of sexual pleasures,liar,

Yearly Predi,ct'ions


unhappy, pretentious and indolent. .You may have increasedexpenses. You may have weak eyes.You may lose relatives. You may suffer in your love affairs. your health may suffer. Satu:wt, if Benefic: You will be learned in occult scienee.You will be dexterous. You will be attracted towards yoga in later tife. You will have less expenditure and will have good longevity. Satu:r:rt, if Malefic: Your business may fail and your debts may mount. You may land in litigation and loss of prestige.You may have life in a seculded place. You may have to face danger of imprisonment.You may be involved in secret inimica[ activities. You may have downfall, loss, accidents and injury. You may suffer from secret sorrows.You may have disappointments in love affairs. You may have dissatisfactionin sexual life. You may waste money for nasty purposes.You may have a weak constitution and your vision may be defective. There may be itl health to your children. You may have misery, untold calamity and hardships.You may enter upon a vicious code of conduct.You may commit sins. You may be deformed. You may have many enemies. You may get loss of wealth. You may lose may be separated from family. You may suffer from criminal prosecutions and displeasure from elders. You may suffer in public estimation due to your low conduct or you may be demotedin career or meet with frustration in business enterprises. You may have heavy expenditure. You may have premature decay of teeth. You may suffer from infirmity of limb. Your maternal uncle may suffer. You may be impudent and indigent. You may be devoid of intelligence.You may be oppressed by enemies.


How to Read a Horoscope


be sainily you win have flre

You may not of humility but be courageous. appearance be vt'andering and may may not u'ealth. You loss of have not be subjected family. You may from be separated not . ou may not o r p u n i s h m e n t sY to criminal prosecutions may not have misery. You and unhappiness have incur heavy-expenditure. may not You health. adverse You may not get trouble in the region of heart. You may not become antagonisticto gentlemen. You may not wander a great deal. You may not fall from high position.You may not have unfavourable pleasuresof the bed. You may not suffer loss of limbs through You may not have limited progeny. voilent accidents. Rahu.if Malefic: of Y o u m a y b e s a i n t l y .Y o u m a y h a v e t h e a p p e a r a n e e . ou may have loss of h u m i l i t y b u t b e c o u r a g e o u sY ' e separated w e a l t h .Y o u m a y b e w a n d e r i n ga n d m a 1 b from your family. You may be subjected to criminal prosecutions or punishments. You may have unhappinessand misery.You may have adversehealth. You may incur heavyexpenditure.You may get trouble to in the region of heart. You may becomeantagonistic gentlemen.You ma1'wandera great deal. You nray fall from high positiorr. You nlay have unfavourable p l e a s u r e so f t h e b e d . Y o u m a y s u f f e r l o s s o f l i m b s through violent accidents. You may have limited j'. progen
, i

Ketu, if Benefic: You may be a traveller. You rvill perform journey to You d i s t a n tp l a c e s .Y o u r ' , ' i l lb e v i c t o r i o u si n d i s p u t e s . will get happinessfrom maternal uncle Ketu, if Malefic: Y o u m a y b e c a p r i c i o u s l.i c e n t i o u sa n d w o r r i e d . Y o u may have unsettled mind. You may have foreign

YearlE Predictions


residence. You may be attracted to servile classes. You may have loss of wealth. You may suffer from ill health. You may land in misfortunes, criminal acts and prosecutions, miseries and sorrows. You may indulge secretly in sinful acts. You may incur expenditure on unworthy objects. You may expend away money saved. You may be worried. You may have ailments of feet, in regions of navel and anus and in eye. You may be weak but voluptuous. Your conjugal happiness may be impaired. You may act contrary to advice. You may have mental disturbances and wandering habits. You may reside abroad. You may work amidst servile classes. Moon, i,f Benefic: You will have a good mother. You will go on a journey to distant places. You will speak softly. You will control your senses.You will be merciful. You will be fond of occult subjects. You will gain through hospitals or isolated positions. You will make voyages. You will be romantic. Moon, if Malefic: You may have loss of wealth. You may spend much. You may have liberal outlook. You may have ill health, misery, disgrace, defeat, loss of happiness, loss of power, infirmity of some limb, eye sight, undignified position in life, humiliation, ill repute, defective organ, mean behaviour, indiscreet love affairs or an obscure life. Your wealth may be lost through tax raids, government enactments or confiscations. You may have obstacles in all your undertakings. You may be deceived by trusted colleagues. Your mother may have ill health. You may be narrow-minded, solitary, indolent, much worried or proud. Your company may c o n s i s to f l o w c l a s sp e r s o n s .


How to Read a Horoscoqe

PREDICTIONSOF DIFFERENT PLANETS in Different Rasis (I) BODY Sun in Different Rasis Bei,ng'i,nAnes, Sun tf Bencfrc: You can expect to have strong bones. Betng in Tau,nts, Sun if Ben'eftc: Your nose may be prominent. Behg in Cancer,Suntf Benefic: You may have good appearance. in Leo, Sun if Malefic: Bei,ng You may have tender, weak and effiminate body. Being tn, Sun tf Ben'efi.c: You may have a fully developed body with broad cheeks. in Aquanus, Sunif Benefic: Ber,ng You may have medium height. Mars in Different Rasis in Anes,Mars if MaLefic': Ber,ng You may have scars on the body and consequently may not look fair. inTau,rus,Mars i,fMalefic: Your body may be rough. Being in Gemint, Mo,rstf Benefr.c: You may have a well built middle stature with attractive appearance.



Being in Gemini, Mars efMaleft.c: You are likely to be peevish. Being in Le,o,Marsif Beneftc: You may have a strong body. Beiny in Leo, Mars if Matefic: You may have a peevishbody. Being i'n libra, Mars if Benefic: You may have a systematicallybuilt tall body with a fair and swarthycomplexionand goodappearance. Being in Libra, Mars i,f Malefi,c: You may have a defect in some limb. Being in Scorpto,Mars i,f Benefic: You may have middle stature. Mars i,fMalefi,c: Being i.n Scorpi,o, On your body you may have marks of wounds or those causedby fire. Being in Aquarhrc, Mars if Maleflc: You are likely to have rough hair on your body and you may not be pleasingin your appearance. Mo,rstf Beneflc: Being in Pisces, You may have fair complexion. Mercury in Different Rasis Being in Ari,es,Mercurg tf Benefi.c: You may have middle stature. Being in Tauru,sMercury if Benefic: You will be well-built.



to Read a Horoscope

Being i,n Gemtni, Mercury if Benefic: You may be tall. Being tn Leo,Mercuryr.fBeneflc: You may be tall. in Libra, Mercuryi,fBenefic: You may have fair complexion and sanguine disposition. Mercuryif Beneftc: Being tn Scorpto, You may have curly hair. Being tn Sagittarius,Mercuryif Benefic: You are likely to havetall well-built body structure. Betngzn Capricorn,Mercuryif Malefi'c: You may have a low status. Being i,n Aquarius, MercurEif Benefic: Your structuremay be of middle nature. Jupiter in Different Rasis Bei.ngin Aries,Jupiter tf Matefi.c: Your body may bear scarsof wounds. Betng in Taurus, Jupiter, if Benefic: . Y o u m a yb e h a n d s o m e . Jupiter zf Malefic: Being tn Taunt^s, You may have stout and large body. Jupiter tf Benefic: Being in Gemrnt,, You may havetall well-built body. Jupiter if Mateflc: Being zn Cancer, You may have swarthy complexion. :

Yearly Predictions


Being tn Cancer,Jupi,tertf Benefi'c: You may be handsome. Being in Leo, Jupi,terif Benefic: You may have a tall strong and compactbody with a appearance. commanding Being inVi,rgo, Jupiter t'f Benefic: You are likely to have middle stature. i,n Li,bra,Juptter if Beneftc: Ber,ng You can expect and attractive. You may be handsome to have a strong body. Jupiter if Benefic: Being a Scorpro, You may have majestic appearance with a tall wellbuilt and strong body. Jupiter if Maleft'c: Being in Scorpzo, You may have a stight hunchback. Being in Sagittarhrc,Jupztert'f Benefic: You may be handsome. Bei,ngin Capricom,,Juptter if Malefic: You may have a weak body. Jupiter if Bencfic: Betng in Pisces, medium height. may be of You Juptter if Matefic: Being in Pisces, You may be stout. Venus in Different Rasis Betng in Taunts, Venusif Beneflc: You may be strong and well-built with a handsome and pleasing countenanceand fair complexion.


How to Read a.Horoscope

Betng in Gernini, Venus i.fBenefic: You may be handsome. Bei.ngin Cancer,Venus i,f Benefic: You may have a strong and good looking body. Being in Leo, Vents if Benefic: You may have fair complexion. Betngin Ltbra, Verutsif Benefic: You may be handsome. Being in Scorpio,Venus if Beneflc: You may have broad features. Being in Scorpio,Venusif Malefic: You may be short-statured. Bei,ngin Sagittarius, Venusi,f Benefic: You may have tall and well-developedbody with handsome appearance. Being in Ca,pncont,Ventn i,fBenefi,c: You may be good looking. Being tn Capricorvt,Venusif Malefic: You may have a weak body. Venusi,f Benefic: Being i.nAquari'u,s, You may have handsome appearance with middle stature. Saturn in Different Rasis B eing in Taunn, Satum, if lllal.efi.c : You may not be of fair complexion.

Pred.ictions \"",


Betng in Cancer, Saturn if Benefic: You may be cheerful and good looking. Being in Cancer, Satum'if Malefic: There may be spacein between your teeth. Leo, Satwvt if Beneflc: Being 'i,n You may be of middle stature. B eing i,n Vtrgo, Satulrtt if Malefi.c:. Your complexion may not be fair. : B eing tn libro" Satwrl if B ert'eflc You may be tall, fair and handsome. Bei,ngin Capncont', Soturvl if Malefic: You may have a,peevish bodY. Being tn Aquarius, Satunt,if Malefic: You are likely to have indolent and inactive eyes. Moon in Differcnt Rasis Bang in Arics,Moonif Bencfic: You may have round eyesand goodcomplexion. Being in Arics, Moqn'if Mal'eftc: Your thighs may be large and your hair may not be good. BetngtnTaatts, Moonif Benef,c: You may have broad chest, plenty of curly hair and adorable looks. Bemq inTo:u,nts,Moonif lfialefic: You may have large thighs and hips. Your waist, feet, Shoulders, knees, and face may be broad with thick neck. There may be some mark on one side of the body.


How to Readcr noror"oO!

Your eyes may be like that of a bull. You may have a gait like that of a goose. Betng in Gemzni, Moon r,fBenefic: You may have curly hair, broad limbs and dark eyes. tn Gemini, Moon if Malefi,c: You may have prominent nose and veins on the body. Being in Cancer, Moon if Benefic: You may be of middle stature. Being in Cancer, Moon if Mal,efic: You are likely to be a bit stout with a thick neck. Being in Leo, Moon if Benefic: You may have a dignified look. You may be a blonde. Bei,ngin Leo, Moon if Matef"tc: You may have large and broad face and cheeks. Your bones may be thick. You are likely to have very light and scanty hair on the body. Your throat may be large. You may have eyes with yellowish tinge and not very large. Bei.nginVirgo, Moon if Benefic: You may have soft and adorable body with almond eyes a4d modest gait and lovely complexion. tseing in'Virgo, Moon if Male.fic: You are likely to have sunken shoulders and arms. Being in Libro, Moon if Benefic: You may be tall and your eyes may be beautiful. 'Being in Libra, Moon tf Matefic: You may have a hard and thin body with raised nose,

\ YearlyPredictions


small chin and nails, rough thighs and calves and big belly. Your limbs may be deformed and your veins may be prominent. B'in Scorpio, Moon if B enefic: You may have broad eyes. Being in Scorpict, Moon if Malefi,c: You may have round shanks and thighs with wide chest. Your complexion may be brown. There may marks of wound or those caused by fire on the body. Bezng i,n Sagittarius, Moonif Benefi.c: You may have strong well-built body with round eyes and long arms. Being in Sagi,ttarius, Moan if Malefic: You niay have a bent body. You are likely to have broad face, large teeth, indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and arms, broad cheek and waist,high shoulders, large neck and prominent throat. Being i.n Capricorn,, Moon i,f Benefi,c: Your body may be lean and tall. You may have good eyes and slender waist. Being r.n Capricorn, Moon if Malefic: Your eyes and veins may be prominent. You may have large neck and round calves. Being in Aquarius, Moon if Benefic: Your body may be muscular and tall. You may be beautiful minded. Betng zn Aquarius, Moonif Maleflc: You may have a large head, face and waist. Your neck may be of camel type. Your skin may be rough with hair. You may have large teeth, big buttocks and


How to Read a Horoscope

thighs. Your belly may be low. You may have a prominent nose, dry skin, large hands and feet, poor eyes. Moon,if Benefic: Being in Pisces, You may have a perfect, bright and handsomebody. Moon if Malefi.c: Bang 'in Pisces, Your head may be large and your nose may be long. (II) HEALTH Sun in Different Rasis Bei,ngin Anes,Sun if Benefic: You may have strong bones. Being in Anes,Sun if Matefic: You may be impulsive and phlegmatic. Your health may causetroubles due to too much heat, excessof bile or blood disorders. Being inTaunts, Sunif Bencfi,c: You wilt be capable of bearing much physicalstress and strain like a bull. : Being inTaunts, Suni.f Mo.Iefic: You may suffer from diseases of mouth and eyes. Being in Gemini, Sun i.f Benefic: You will be assimilativeand maintain goodhealth. Being zn Gemini, Suni,f Maleftc: You may have setbacks in health giving rise to mental worries. Bei.ngin Cancer, Sun if Malnfic: You may suffer from imbalance of bile and phlegm in the body. You may not be capable of continuous hard

Yearly Predi,cti,ons


work and easily tired. Constipation may bother you. You may be sickly. Betng in Leo. Sun if Benefic: You will be strong,deep and will havemuch stamina. Being inVirgo, Sun if Matefic: You may continuously suffer from serious physical diseases. You may not have much physical and mental stamina. Your health may be affected. you may have a tender, weak and effiminate (feminine, delicate) body. Being i.n Libra, Sun if MaLefic: Due to your loose morals and being a drunkard, you may spoil your health. Bei.ngin Sagittari.tts,Sun if Benefi.c: You will have much stamina and you will maintain goodhealth. Being i.n Capricorn, Sun i.f Benefic: Your digestive powers are good. Being in Capricortt, Sun if Malefic: You may have much stamina. Being i,n Aquarius, Sun tf Benefi,c: You will have goodstamina. Bei,ng in Aquari,us, Sunif Malefic: You may be mentally worried. You are liable to heart diseases. Being in P'isces, Sun i,fMalefic: Your health may be affected due to diseaseof private parts.


Howto Read a Horoscope Mars in Different Rasis

Bei.ngin Anes, Mars if Benefic: You will be havingmuch stamina. Being in Anes, Mars if Malefic: You may have scarson the body. Being in Gemini, Marsif Benefic: You can put up much severestrain due to your bodily vigour and strength. Being in Gemini, Mars if Malefic: You may be peevish Bei.ngin Cancer, Mars if Malefici You may get ailments every now and then. In addition you may be worried due to some chronic ailment. You may have defectivesight.You will be soft and suffer from ill health. Being in Leo, Marsif Benefic: You will be capable of putting up hard labour due to your strongbody and great stamina. Bei,ngtrt Leo, Mars if Malefic: You may be peevish and worried by mental troubles. complaints. You may suffer from stomach Belng in Virgo, Mars if Malefic: You are likely to havetroubles in digestiveorgans. Being zn Libra, Mars tf Maleftc: You may have somedefectin limbs. Betngi,n,Scorpio,Mars if Maldfic: You may suffer from poison (like food poisoning).

Yearlg Predicttons


You may may have marks of wounds or those caused by fire on your body. Bei,ng tn Aquamus, Mars if MaLefi'c: You may have danger in water. Mars tf Mal'efic: Betng tn Pi.sces, You may have ailments in the body and colic pains (pains in the bowels). MercurY in Different Rasis Bezng in Geminz, Mercurg if MaLeflc: You are liable to throat and bronchial troubles. Being tn Cancer, Mercury t'f Malefic: You may be liable to suffer from consumption. Being tnVrgo, Mercury if Benefic: You will have undisturbed health. Being inVirgo, MercurE if MaLeficl You may suffer from dyspeptic troubles (indigestion) due to your not having self-control. You may develop morbid imaginations and consequently suffer ill health. Being in Scorpio,Mercury if Malefic: You are liable to diseases of generative organs due to your incentive to indulgence. Being in Capncorn, Mercury if MaLefic: Your mind feels cramped and you may have ill health. Being in Ptsces,Mercury if Malefic: You are liable to suffer from nervous breakdown due to mental derangement. You may suffer from dysentry.


How to Read.a Horoscope

Jupiter in Different Rasis Betngin Aries,Jupiter if Benefic: You will have much stamina. Beingin Aries, Jupiter if Matefic: Your body may bear scarsof wounds. Being 'in Taur-u"s, Jupiter if Benefic: You will be free from diseases and healthy. Bei,ngin Cancer,Jupiter if Benefic: You will be strong and will have much stamina havinggoodqualities ofhead and heart. Being tn Virgo, Jupiter i,fMatefic: You may have symptoms of nervous troubles and diseases. You may havebodily ill health. Being in, Li'bra, Jupiter tf Malefic: You may suffer ill health due to your lust and exhaustionfrom overactivity. Being tn Scorpio, Jupiter if Benefic: You will maintain good health being mentally calm and happy. Being zn Scorpio,Jupi.terif Malefi,c: You may suffer from somechronic ailment. Bei,ngin Sagittarius,Jupzterif Malefic: You may have weak constitution. Betng in Co,pri,corn, Jupi.terif Matefi,c: You may have a weak body without having much stamina or virility.

Yearly Predictions


Beongi.n Aquari,us,Juptter if MaLefic: , You may suffer from a chronic ailment. You have a tendencyfor consumptionwhich may lead you to some kind of ill health. Venus in Different Rasis Bei,ngtn Ari,es,Venus i.f Malefi.c: You in many problems with your health due to being too indulgent and having many vices or bad qualities.You may becomenight blind in your old age. Being in Taunts, Venusif Malefi.c: You may develop symptoms of some ill troubles.


Venus if Benefi,c: Bei,ngin Cantcer, You will get some mental ease in the end in spite of your ill health problems. Betng in Cancer, Venusi,f Maleftc: You may not have much stamina or power of resistance and you may suffer from chronic ailments indulgencewith drinks. due to excessive Being in Leo, Venus if Benefic: You are not much worried and your health may improve. Bei,ngtn Leo, Venus tf Mal,efi,c: You may have trouble from fires, poisons and hurts. You may suffer from mental disorder, mental disease and sorrow. You are not likely to have much stamina. Bei,ngin Vtrgo, Venus i,fMalefic: You may have mental unrest. You are likely to be liable for troubles relating to nervous breakdown. You may develop symptomsof arthritis.


How to Rea.d a Horoscope

Beongtn Scorpio, Venus tf Malefic: Your private parts may be subjected to some diseases. You may have mental affliction and imbalance and suffer from some hidden diseases. Being in Capncorn, Venus i! Malefi.c: Your body may be weak and you may have heart disease. Being i.n Aquanus, Venus i.f Malefi.c: You may be uneasy due to ailments and agitated in mind. Verus if MateJic: Bei.ngtn Ptsces, You may have dyspeptic difficulties (indigestion). Saturn in Different Rasis Bei,ng'i,nTaunts, Saturn i,f Matefic: Ygu are likely to catch contagious disease. Being tn Cancer, Satunt.if Malefic: You may suffer sickness. You are liable to physical diseases and mental afflictions. Your teeth may not be good and you nlay develop space between the teeth. 'Malefi,c: ln Leo, Satum, if Your body may be affected due to hard labour. You may suffer badly from mental worries. Bei,ngin Scorpio, Saturn if Malefic: You may have some chronic ailment. You may suffer from poison or fire. Being in Caprzcorn, Saturrt, tf Malefic: You may be peevish.

Yearly Predictr,ons


Being in Aquanus, Sattwrr i'fBenefzc: You will be strong. Moon in Different Rasis Beongin Anes, Moon t'f Beneft'c: You will have physical and mental happiness. Being in Anes, Moon tf Malefi,c: You may have sores in the head, weak knees, bad nails. Your veins may be prominent. There may be marks of wounds or boils on the body. Being tn Tauru.s, Moon if Beneflc: You will have mental and physical happiness Being in Taunts, Moon if Malefic: You may suffer from phlegmatic afflictions Being in Gemint, Moon i'f MaLef"tc: You may have prominent veins on the body. Being in Leo, Moon tf MaLefic: You may have colic troubles, mental anxiety and deformed body. You may suffer from hunger, thirst, stomach troubles and pain in teeth. Being ut,Vi,r'go,Moon i,f Malefr'c: You may have soft body with phlegmatic nature. You may suffer fiom mental and physical restlessness. Being in Scorpto, Moon if Malefi'c: You may suffer from much mental uneasiness. You may have marks of wounds or those caused by fire on your body. You may suffer from poison (like food poisoning).


How to Reud a Horoscooe

Bei.ngi.n,ilIoon if Matefic: You may have disfigured nails and arms. Being tn Capricor"n, Moon if Matefia: You may be afraid of cold. (III) TEMPERAMEI{T AND PERSONALTTY Sun in Different Rasis Bei,ngin Ari,es,Sun if Benefi,c: Your ambitious nature coupled with your intelligence, courage and initiative will make you active and pioneering, leading to a famous and powerful marked personality. you will be fond of travelling generallytowardseasterndirection. Being in Ari,es,Sun i.fMalefic: You may not control your sensesand behave in a irritable and impulsive fashion. Due to youn timid you may not be able to act in a reliable way tende.ncies, and you may become lazy and inactive. Being in Taunts, Sun if Benefic: You will becomeself-confident and clever in dealine with others due to your originality and intelligencl alongwith your tactful sociableand reflectivenature. Being inTaurus, Suni.f Malefic: You will becomesluggishand will not act quickly in attendingto an occasion. Being tn Gemini,Sunif Benefic: Through your critical, assimilative,intelligent and clever tendencieswith good memory you will become scholarlyand developgoodinterest in music and other fine arts. Your polite and courteous nature along with your tendency to speak in an agreeablemanner will give you liberal outlook in dealing with others and will



also help you in developing friendship with your bosses. You will have a happy and cheerful temperament. Being in Gemini, Sun tf Matefic: You may not be original in your thinking and actions and you are likely to behave in a shy and reserved fashion. Sun tf Beneftc: Betng'in Ca:ncer, You will have a gay and happy frame of mind leading to quick actions.You will be fond of taking interest in working with othersand you would like to travel. Being'in Cancer,Sun if Malefi,c: Due to your sharp and cruel temper you are likely to opposeyour own people particularly your father, uncle etc. You may be usually worried, sorrowful and unhappyleadingto laziness. Betngtn Leo, Sunif Beneflc: Your strong, independent and enthusiastic nature endowed with qualities of leadership and intelligence will give you good organisingcapacity and talents for propaganda. You will overcomeyour enemieswith your courage.Your humanitarian and generouspersonality will lead you to a righteousconduct.You will become famous. You are likely to be fond of meat dishes, forests,mountains,cows and cattle. Bei,ng'i,n Leo, Sun i,fMatefic: Your proud tenrperament is likely to make you stubborn,cruel and at times violent. You will be fond of roamingabout in solitary places. inVirgo, Sun if Benefic: Bei,ng Your reasoning faculty and lucid comprehension along with good memory, general intelligence, well-


Howto Read aHoroscope

read and scholarly tendencieswill help your interests in writing, painting, poetry, mathematics, literature, songs or music. You will be soft and humble with endearing speech. You are likely to pay homage to religious preceptors and engagein serving others and becomelearned in religiouscircles. Being inVirgo, Sun tf MaLefic: You may develop misunderstanding with relatives and friends due to your shy and reserved nature and due to your lacking in flattery and adulation. You may have a tender personality. Beingin Libra, Sun if Benefic: You will be frank and you are likely to be popular. Being in Libra, Sun if Ma.Iefi.c: You are likely to resort to all kinds of underhandand low dealings such as smuggling or other unfair practicesfor earning lnoneydue to your base,wicked, pompousnature and loose morals. You may not have due to your arrogance and lack the required tactfulness submissiveness. You may and sometimes of enthusiasm be fond of talking volubly and travelling. You may becomea drunkard. Being in Scorpzo, Sun if Benefic: Y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o r e a l i s em a n y o f y o u r a m b i t i o n s and desires such as starting of new schemes and military ability and surgical skill through enterprises, your adventurous, dexterous, learned and bold approach. Being tn Scorpio,Sun if Maleflc: Your fiery temperament along with your cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, impulsive nature may make you avaricious, quarrelsome and very vindictive to strike your opponent in a subtle and secret manner.

133 YearlgPredi.ctions . You may become idiotic and inactive. You are likely to be fond of travelling in hilly tracts and countries. Being in, Sun tf Beneftc: Due to your reliable and intelligent tendenciesyou will be efficient in using arms and executing good deeds. You are tikely to be religious and devoted to gods. You may oblige your kith and kin, You will be happyand popular. Betng in, Sun if Malefic: and obstinate. You may becomeshort-tempered Being in Capncom,,Suntf Benefic: You will be pushing and active in executingany work with an obliging and firm commitrnent.You are likely to be humorous, affable and prudent. You will be fond of walking and travelling. : B etng'in Capncort, Sun if Malefi.c You may develop misunderstanding with your own people and friends due to your mean-minded,stubborn, miserly, boring and meddlesome temperament. You will be envious of prosperity of others.You want to get money from others by unfair means and low acts. You may not have mental stability. You may remain ignorant without learning. You may be fond of roaming about near hills and forest regions. Betngin Aquarius, Sunif Beneftc: You may acquire rare faculties and will develop selfesteem. Being in Aquarhrc. Sunif Malefi,c: You may not expect good friends due to your being backbiting, stubborn, meanminded, not even-tempered, not straight forward and irrelevant talk. You are likely to worry and feel unhappy.


How to Read a Horoscope'inPisces, Sun if Benefic: Due to your intelligent, religious and peaceful temperamentyou will have good friends and affection from relatives and people. You may be loved by persons. You will be famous Betngi,n Pisces, Sun if Matefic: You may be uneventful and prodigal. You are likely to be liable to scandals. Mars in Different Rasis Bei.ngin Aries, Mars if Benefic: You may becomea leader of a section of an army or head of an institution by being endowed with a heroic spirit and fine martial qualities and becauseof your organisingcapacity and commandingactive, powerful, pioneering courageous and able may your reputationand respectdue to your social, increase mathematical, statesrnanly,frank, generous, truthful and careful nature. You may be fond of walking and travelling. Being in Aries,Mars if Male.fic: Instead of becominga hero you may be quarrelsome due to your vague and cruel imaginationsand due to your being too sensual.You may not be economicalin your domesticdealings. Betng infaurus, Mars if Benefic: Your personality will be well-groomedand you will you succeedin all struggleby destroying your enemies. good will be at magic and sportsand fond of songsand music. You will be respectedby elders and rulers or the governrnentand envied by many. Being in Tauruq lvlarsif Malefzc: Due to your sinful, adulterous,loose, unprincipled and animal instinct you may be influenced by others

Yearlg Predictr,oits


and may be fond of others' may become aqtagonistic to your friends because of your stubborn, selfish, cruel, rash, cunning and hard-hearted nature you may be timid. and due to your harsh speech. Being in Gemini, Mars r,fBenefic: You may be good at poetr.y, dancing,.singing and music due to your refined taste and scientific, learned, quick and ingenuous skill. you can be better off in military strategy due to your ambitious, fearless. diplornaticand detectivetemperament. you may oblige your sonsand friends. Being in Gemini, Mars if Matefic: You may be without friends becauseof your rash, tactlessand miserly may be unhappy and subservient. Being inVirgo, Mars if Benefi,c: Your self-confidence,affable and posiiive approach and pleasingand soft speechwill enableyou tolhdress meetings and deliver lectures. you may be ceremonial minded and religrous. you may be fond of sex and singing due to your clever artisanship. you will be learned and respected by my be fond of baths and fragrant applications. Being inVirgo, Iulars if Malefic: You may not be able to discriminate between good and bad being clouded by your revengeful, conceited, boastful, explosive, pretentious and deceptive temperament.Being timid you mdy fear may imitate others. Being i,n Libra, Mars if Beneflc: - Being kind, gentle and affable, you will love your family. Due to ambition, selflconfidence, perceptive faculties, foresight and materialistic and hoieful


How to Read a HoroscoPe

temperamentyou may become businesslike.Yott will have a goodappearance. Bei,ngin l)bra, Mars if Malefi.c: with cousins, You may develop misunderstandings brothers and friends due to your boastful, cunning, warlike and easily ruffled temperament. You may be timid and deceived by others. You may waste your money over wine and other vices. You may be fond of flight. You are likely to be talkative. Mars if Benefic: Being in Scorpio, for your clever, You will be respectedby government positive tenacious memory. tendencies and diplomatic, Being in, Scorpio,Mars i,fMalefic: You may indulge in sinful acts and in harming your opponents by your malicious, aggressive, proud, haughty and vindictive nature. You will be fond of giving fights. Mars if Benefi.c: Bei,ngin Sagi,ttari,lts, Being open, frank, statesmanly,exacting and a good citizen you may realise all your hopes and desiresand Being court friendship from political or royal sources. fearless, you may a good fighter. You are likely to be pleasure-lovingand becomefamous. Bei,ngin.Sagittari,us, Marsif Maleflc: You may have many enemies due to . your conservative, severe, indifferent, quarrelsome, your harsh uncontrolled temperamentand because -evil of to extremes and irrtentions. You speech,liability may dependon others. Being tn Capncorn, Mars if Malefi,c: Being brave, industrious, indefatigable, penetrative, independent, wise and tactful you will be victorious in

YearlE Predr,cttons


your undertakings.You will be generous,respected, influential, courteousand will patroniseyour relations. and famous.You may succeedin You will be successful battlesand military skill due to your gallant nature. Betng in Aquariu,s,Mars rf Beneflc: Your conventional,meditative and free thinking will give you a forgiving and forgetting temperament. You will be independentand combative. Bei,ngLnAquarhn, Mars if Malefi.c: You may not get any respectbecauseof your wicked, impulsive, controversial, untruthful and envious nature. You may behave unpleasantlytowards mother and servants. You may be fond of drinking and You may be a liar. You may not w a n d e r i n ga i m l e s s l y . pleasing appearance. You may develop an have a unhappymood. ln Pisces, Mars if Benefi,c: Bei,ng You will be well-knownand acquire great reputation and respect as a learned man due to your faithful, fearless and sharp-tempered exacting, wilful, personality. Mars if Malefic: Being in Ptsces, Being crooked and uncertain in your views and you temperament, feelingsand due to your antogonistic may not have many friends and may insult your seniors. become sterile and restless Being passionateyou n"lay and suff'erfrom sorrows. Mercury in Different Rasis Bei.ngin Aries, Mercurg if Benefic: Due to religiousness, intelligence and great endurance and due to diplomatic and clever nature, you will succeedin your social activities.You may be fond of music and dance.


How to Rea"d a Horoscope

Being in Aries,Mercury if Malefic: You may develop quarrelsome disposition due to your obstinate. unscrupulous, idiotic, antagonistic, impulsive tendencies. you may have ihievistr tendenciesbeing a liar and due to greedy, deceitful, untruthful and cunning nature: yeu may be fond of gambling and may swindle away your may have faith in God. you may be swerving from rectitude. Being 'in Tauruq Mercury if Benef.ic: You will become famous and learned due to your clever, logical perserveringand practical disposiiion. You will be liberal and generous in giving. bhysical exercises.dress, ornaments and flowers witt attract y o u . Y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o p a r t i c i p a t ei n a n y o c c a s i o n g i v i n gy o u r o p i n i o n a n d a c c e p t i n g a d v i c ea s w e l l . y o u r endearingspeechand jocular nature will be liked. Being in Taurus, Mercuryif Mateftc: You rvill be fond of a showyand obstinatetype. you may be fond of sensualpleasures. Being i,n, Gemini, Mercury If Benefic You will be actively'engagedin work through your cultured, tactful, dexterous,inventive,studioush"-bit.. You will be good at describing things due to your eloquent and su'eet speech. you will be humorous, generousand comfortable and fond of fine arts. you will havewinning manners. Being in Gem,ini., Mercury if Malefi,c: Due to your boastful nature you may become argumentative at tirnes. you may be lazy. physical labour may attract you. Belng in Cancer,Mercury if Benefic: You will be able to engdgein various works with your diplomatic, discreet, flexible, intelligent, very nature. You will be witty in your talks. you"itiu* mav



developstrongpersonallove for women/men and songs. You may be religious. Betng zn Cancer,Mercurytf Malefic: You wiJl developenmity with your own people due to your speculative, restless, unchaste and uneven temperament. You may have a low stature. Being inLeo, Mercury if Benefi,c: You will become famous due to your independent thinking, good memory,positivewill, goodcourage.You m a y b e s u c c e s s f u la s a n o r a t o r . Y o u w o u l d l i k e t o confess your deeds. You rnay show dexterity in fine arts. Bei,ng zn Leo,Mercury tf Malefi,c: You may not be able to do good actionsdue to idiotic, proud, lazy, boastful,impulsive, unwise and untruthful tendencies.You may be fond of others and would like travelling in hilly and mountainous tracts. Being inVtrgo, Mercuryif Benefic: You will be endowedwith many good qualities such as intelligence, learning, ingenuity, intuition, eloquence, forgiveness,virtuous and refined nature, subtlity, cleverness and good manners. You may undertake charitable works due to your religious and sociabletemperament.You will be fearlessin debates due to good logical or argumentativeability and sweet s p e e c hY . o u w i l l b e o f a h a p p yd i s p o s i t i o n . Bei.ngin Vi.rgo,Mercurg if Malefi,c: You are likely to have morbid imaginations due to your irritable tendency and lack of self-control.Your sexualvigour may not be upto the mark. Bei,ngin Libra, Mercury tf Benefic: You will respectyour seniorsand will be a good host being of agreeable,courteous,philosophical,faithfut,


How to Read a Horoscone

cremonial-mindedand sociable nature. Your material tendencies may be marked due to your hopeful dispositionand perceptiveand discreet faculties. You will be goodat speechand may be devotionalto gods. Being in Libra, Mercury if Malefi,c: Your love for friends may be pretentious. You may be economicaland frugal in your spending.You may be inclined to excesses. Being in Scorp'io, Mercury if Benefic: . You may be fond of good food, drinks and betting because of your materialistic outlook. You may be s u b t l ea n d b o l d . Being in Scorpio, Mercuryif Malefic: You may indulge in unfair practices due to your crafty, malicious, selfish, indiscreet, reckless, untruthful and unwisetendencies. You may be harsh in dealing with others and earn hatred of people and relations. You may not have much faith in God. you may have incentive to indulgence and thievish tendencies. Being in Sagittari,us, Mercuryif Benefic: You will be liked be king or government, respected by polished society and will be well-versedin writing and penmanship becauseof your being just, learned executive, diplomatic, capable, virtuous, charitable, intelligent, well-informed,generous,courteous,clever in speech and taste in sciences. You are fond of rneetinglearned and religiouspeople and travelling in easternregions.You may devoteyour time to religious affairs or teaching and may worship holy men. Your courage will give you an inclination in martial enterprisesand great exhilaration.

Yearlg Predtctions


Benzgin Sagittanua, Mercur! t'f Matefic: You may be cunning, vigorous, superstitious and rash. Betng'in Capncorn,Merany tf Benefic: Being inventive, active, economical and good in crafts you may have business tendencies.You would like to dream about pleasures and enjoyments.You may have business tendencies. Your selfless nature You may may lead you towards Godly contemplations. Your enemies have patronageof kings or government. will be destroyedby you. Bei,ngin Ca,pncort4Mercury t'f MaLefi'c: You may not be endowedwith outstandingqualities. Being inconsistent, restless, suspicious, drudging, unintelligent, apprehensive and untruthful you may have to put much physical labour. You may be fond of backbiting and have a cunning and cruel temperament. You rnay not bother to dress well. Your mind may feel cramped. Benefic:. Mercury r'f Being i,, 'of acquiring all sorts of fond You may be paraphernalia, indulging in a pleasuresomelif'e and inferior artisanship. You will be frank, sociable and scholarly.You may get goodname and fame. Mercuryi.fMatefi'c: Being in Aquo,ri,us, You may have little enjoymentsin your life and your enemiesmay trouble you due to your licentious,proud, unfortunate, unclean, not eloquent or intelligent and timid personality. zn Pisies,Mercuryif Benefic: Due to your good deeds and clever mental and may be artisanshipyou may excel your colleagues liked by others.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Pisces. Mercury i,fMalefic: You may quarrel with relatives due to your mental derangement, litigation, nervous breakdown and failure in attempts.You may not be very learned in arts and literature. You may not be firm in religious matters. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Aries, Jupiter i,f Benefic: You will be endowed with many qualities such as sympathy, patience, generosity, courteousness, firmness, love of grandeur, and discipline. You will have forgiving, harmonious, prudent and refined temperament. You will be powerful. Betngin Tauruq Jupiter if Benefie: You will be liked by all and get respectfrom friends and enemies as well due to stately, elegant, just, diplomatic and creative abilities. Your liberal, sympathetic and courteous nature may promote a sacrificingspirit. You are fond of self-importance and s e l f - g r a t i f i c a t i o n .Y o u . m a y d o h o m a g e t o g o d s , brahminsand cows.You may becomepopular. Being in Taurus, Jupiter if Malefic: You may be despotic(tyrannical,absolutein power). Being in Gemini, Jupiter if Benefic: You will deligently engage in work and be respected by seniorsas well as relatives due to your benevolent, sagacious, diplomatic,elegant, inventive,religious,very activenature and due to your goodmemory. Bei.ngin Gem'ini,Jupiter if Malefic: You may be afraid of rulers or government. Being'in Cancer,Jupiter i.fBenefic: You will oblige people and will be recognisedfor

Yearly Predictions


your truth and righteous conduct because of your humanitarian work and dignified, faithful, strong and religious and sweettemperament. Being in Cancer,Jupiter if Malefic: Y o u a r e i n c l i n e d t o s o c i a lg o s s i p . Bei,ng tn Leo,lupiter if Benefic: You will have a good magnanimous personality and commanding appearance.You will be noted for your good acts and will be respected by rulers or government due to your ambitious, active, prudent, generous, broad-minded, virtuous and harmonious temperament. You are fond of forts, forests and mountainousregions.You will be a loving friend. you may becomefamous. Being 'i.n Leo, Jupiter i,fMalefzc: You are likely to get easily offended. tnVirgo, Jupiter if Benefic: You will be good in execution of work due to your endurance,fixed determinationand.ambitiousnature. You will be religious,virtuous, courteous, affectionate and lovable.You may be fond of scentsand flowers. 'inVirgo, Jupi,tertf Malefic: Bei,ng You may developmisunderstandings amongrelatives due to your bombastic and selfish nature. you would like to have stoical resignation and live in foreign countries. Bei.ngin Libra, Jupi.tertf Benefic: You will have a pleasing and attractive personality endowed with free, open-minded, courteous, unassuming, religious will be strong, able and competent.Your actionswill be good and you will be a hospitablehost.You may be devotedto gods.

144 Ber,ng ln Ltbra, Jupiter if Maleft'c:

How to Read a HoroscoPe

You may have a tendency to create factions in societies and families due to selfish, lustful active interest in perverted social reforms. You may lead a dissoluteand shamefullife residing in desolateplaces or living at a place other than homeland' Jupiter if Benefic: Beingin Scorpio, personality - You will have a strongand overpowering forgiving ideals, exalted mainers, with elegant generous' clever, be will You temperanient. minded. cerentonial and conventional J'uPiterif Maleflc: Being in Scorpi,o, You may have to labour hard due to your serious, exacting,selfish, impudent,proud, and jealous nature' You miy show pretentions in religious matters'-You and your moral contactmay not be of may be passionate be vindictive at times' high order. You ma1' if Benefic: Jupr'ter Beingin Sagittari'tt's, You will have extrenle executiveability due to your influential, noble, noteworthy, trustworthy, openminded and generousnature. You may be poetic and artistic.You ire likely to oblige others.You are fond of visiting holy places. Being in Sagittarius, Jupt'terif Malefic: You may like to live at many placesother than your homeland. Beingin Capncorn,Jupiter if Malefic: You may have little senseof love for your people due avariciousacts' to your tactless,irritable, inconsistent, Your religious contactmay be at its lowestebb and you may attack sacred institutions due to your irreligious You may be disgraceful.You are likely to tendencies. have low traits of character' You may be timid,

Predt'ctt'ons Yeo:rlA


than melancholic and would like to live at a Place other vour native one. Betng r,nAquunus, Jupiter tf Benefic: compassionate, sympathetic, amenable' Being prudent, active ancl humanitarian you will become and. meditative develop may You poputar. you may you do Whatever ittitosopttical temperament. be acting intentionallY. Betng i,n Aquanus, Juptter in MaLefi'c: controversial, speculative, melancholic' Being of and avaricious you may not b-ehard-hearted clreamyl You a noble temperament. You may be a back-bitter' of'low people and may have may prefe, [h" " o m p a n y liaison with a related Person' Being tn Pisces,JuPiter t'f Beneflc: You will be good in execution of work and in dealing and political others having enterprising with much quiet and Jiptomu"y, fixed determination others' You by overpowered stimina. You cannot be vain' be not will You *itt n" respected by friends' Venus in Different Rasis Ber,ngin Anes, Venus t'f Benefic: You will be praised by friends, as well as by enemies easy for your active, mutable, artistic, idealist and up picking of fond going temperament. You will be acquaintance with noble personages' Yenus r'fMaleJic: Betng tn At't'es. qualities' You may have loose morals, vices,and bad to your due litigation into You may quarrel or enter prudent' greedy, licentious, extravagant, disgraceful' You itt"f igio'"t, setfish and too indulgent temperament' fond be may You sorrowful' -"v 6" fictle-minded and and of having liaisons with others' life partners, forests


How to Read,a Horoscope

mountains.You may not be large-heartedand you are likely to be cruel at heart. you may be volulble in speechbut not reliable. you may have thievish mental attitude. You may bring discredit to your family. Being 'in Taunts, Venusif Benefic: You will be noted for your many virtues. you will help and maintain your relations and will be obliging good people through your independent, fearless, elegant and generousnature. you will be sensational and lead a life of great easeand indulgencein company of beautiful persons and joy through associationwith them. You would be travelling on seas to foreign countries particularly to southern regions. you will have an agreeable will be fond of nature;goodclothes,scentsand flowers. Being inTaunn, Ventn if Malefic: you will be fond of the You are likely to be sensual. companyof a large number of are liable to showsomesymptoms of ill health troubles. Being in Gemini, Venus if Benefic: You will be loved and respected by others due to your gentle, kind, generous,logical, affectionateand just tendencies. You will control yourself and not indulge in loose life. you may be devotedto gods and brahmins. Being i.n Gemini, Ventn if Malefi.c: You are likely to be over-sexed. Being in Cancer,Venusif Benefic: Your personality wiil be good looking, strong, amorous, tactful and soft. you will be religiously inclined. You may havesomemental easeat the end.



Being in Cancer, Venus if Malefic: You may have disturbance in your good work and discontent with your relations due to your emotional, timid, haughty, inconsistent, sensitive and light character.

Being in Leo, Yenustf Benefi,c: You are liked by your religious preceptors and brahmins. You will not be of much worried type. You will be fond of relativesand you would like to do good to othersand oblige.You may be attractedby fair sex. Being in Ino, Ventn if Malefi,c: you may be attractedby others and Being passionate you may derive pleasures and may be subservientto others. You may be premature to conclusionsdue to your conceited, emotional, jealous, licentious and haughty temperament.You may be wayward and in exile go on aimless wanderings in deserts and avoid detectionby law. You may have a stigmaon self-respect due to mean fellows and with an inclination to conceal your true identity you may show superior airs and use foul language. Being 'in Virgo, Venusif Benefi,c: You will be c!ever and agile. Your temperamentwill be humble and soft. inVirgo, Venusif Malefi,c: You may serve others and indulge in low acts due to your petty minded, licentious and sensitivecharacter. Being unscrupulousand mean you may execute illicit love.You may be talking unnecessarily. Betngin Libra, Venusif Beneftc: You will be liked and respectedby societyand state due to your statesmanly, generous, philosophical,


How to Read aHoroscoPe

intuitive faculties.You will be clever in defendingand protecting your interest and active in work even in difficult times through your strong and fearless nature. You may be devotionalto gods and brahmins.You will get good reputation and becomefamous.You will have personality. a handsome t Betngin Libra, Venusif Matefic: You may be passionateand extremely sensual and proud. You may be inclined to live at placesother than your native land. Being in Scorpto,Venusif Benefic: You may be of independentnature. You are likely to be artistic. Bei.ngin Scorpio,Ven'ust'f Malefic: You may bring discredit to your family due to your mean, unjust, proud, haughty,wicked, irreligious and envious nature. You may not be good tempered:You 'may be intent on damagingthe name of others and againstrelatives. showingvengeance Being tn Sagittariu,s,Yenusif Beneflc: Being religious, philosophical, powerful, generous, chivalrous,frank and clever you will be respectedby people and society.You will be fond of recitation of secret writings and you rvill be fond of dressing up nicely.You will give regardto holy people and ascetics. Venusif MaLeflc: Betng in Sagr,ttari,u"s, You may be impertinent, rude and of meddling temperament. if Benefi,c: Bezngin Capriconc,Venu's good looking personality. Your You will have a ambitious nature will lead you to become powerful,

Yearlg Predictions


industrious and subtle.You will be fbnd of discussions with learned people. You may be fond of sweatingfor others. Betng tn Capri'cortt,Ventls tf MaLefic: Due to your unprincipled, immoral, ddulterous nature you may be fond of mean persons.You may be attached to an unworthy or elderly person or you may be under considerable influence of your partner or other person. You may develop perverted ideas of social or retigious reforms. You may be rash, unwise' You may be greedy and cunning in deceivingothers by speaking liei for monetary gain. You are likely to be boastful.You may not be sexuallyvirile. Betng in Aquanus, Venust'f Benefi'c: You will be liked by all due to your amusing, handsome,affable, persuasive, witty, chaste and calm personalitY. if MaLefic: Being i,n Aquadus, VenA)s You may not care for a well-groomedappearanceand prefer to remain unclean without bothering to take baths. You may be persistently engagedin work which may not yield the desired results. You may be attracted to any person. You may be timid and effeminate (feminine type). t'f Beneft.c: Venu,s Being i,n Pisces, You will be endowed with many good qualities and will be much respected for being witty, tactful, popular, just,, modest,refined and clever. You will do acts of charity and generositY.


How to Read a Horoscope

Saturn in Different Rasis Being'in Artes,Saturn if Benefic: You will be fond of travelling. Bei,ng'in Aties, Satunt if Malefic: You may developmisunderstandings amongrelatives and friends and may not perform good acts but rather commit sinful acts because of being resentful, cruel, fraudulent. immoral, boastful, quarrelsome.You are likely to be gl<lomy, mischievous. sharp tempered,fiery, impudent, envious and deceitful. You may have to labour hard due to your peevish,ignorant and idiotic nature. Being perverse you may like to wander aimlessly. Bezng inTaunts, Satuttt, if Benefic: You will be successfullyengaged in a' variety of works due to your powerful, clever, and persuasive temperament. B eing in Taunn, Satumt.if Malefic: You may have bad friends,and may be attachedto an undesirableor elderly person due to your unrighteous conduct and deceitful and irreligious temperament. You may do obscuresinful acts.You may be logical in your arguments. Betngin Gemini,Saturn if Beneftc: you witt get respect and reputation from rulers or governmentand you will exceedyour sphere of work due to your great humanitarian rvork and due to your original, subtle, ingenious, strategic, logical, industrious and active nature. You may be fond of outdoorsports. Being in Gemi.rn, Satum,tf Malefic: You may not be good tempered due to your narrow minded, wicked, hypocritical, speculative, secretive.

Yearlg Predtcti,ons


and mean tendencies. You may be shameless, miserable and not benevolently inclined. You may deceive others and harbour ill feelings. You may receive at times insulting treatment.You may be a liar. as a lunatic. You may behavesometimes B eing in Cancer, Satumt,i.f B enefic: You will have a good looking and soft personality. You are fond of associatingwith important people and enjoying luxuries at the cost ofothers. Being in Cancer,Satunrif Malefic: You may not be good-temperedbecause of your selfish, cunning, deceitful, malicious and stubborn nature. You will be slow and dull and always restless. You may be unsuccessful. Being in Leo, Satu,rttif Benefic: You will be clever in reading and writing. B eing in Leo, Satunl if Matef"t c: good-tempered You will not be due to being obstinate,stubborn, conflicting and not noble. You may be engaged in mean acts and be condemned for evil actions due to your menial mentality and full of latent anger. Being in Vtrgo,Satu,wlif Benefic: You wil oblige others by doing good to others. You will be inclined to enjoy the hospitality of others. You will earn, save and be far sighted and reputed. Being in Virgo, Saturn if Malefic: You may not engage in productive work due to your malicious, erratic, unscrupulous nature. You may be shameless,narrow-minded and conservative.You may not be clever as an artisan and you may have bad liaisons without shame.


How to Read a Horoscope

Beingtn Liibra,Satw'n if Benefi'c: You vrill have sound judgement due to your independent, prominent, tactful and powerful temperament and personality. You will be self conceited. You will be respected and will become famous. Being in Ltbra, Satuttt if Malefic: with personsof loose You may be fond of associating You may morals. You may be proud and antagonistic. to others. be subservient Saturn't'fBenefic: Being in Scorpio, You witl have adventurous and very active and fame You will get self-respect temperament. Being in Scorpio,Saturn i'f Malefic: You will be disliked and hated due to your rash, reserved, indifferent, merciless,mean, self-conceited, violent, and unscrupulousnature. You are inclined to appropriate other peoples' property. You may suffer many sorrowsbut outwardly you may appear as if you are enjoying life. You may be vain, cruel, envious, avariciousand of fiery temper. You may be opposedto others. Being in Sagtttanus,Satum if Benefic: pushful, artful, courteous, faithful, Being philosophical, religious and due to your righteous conductyou will be clever in dealing with others. You may not be very talkative. Being in Sagi.ttanus.Satumt,ifMalefr'c: Your personality will be cunning, apparently generousand pretentious. Being zn Caprtcortt,Saturnif Benefic: You will have ret'lective, intelleetual and cautious. personality.

Predtctions YearLE


Being in Caprtcorn,Saturn if Malefic: You may be melancholic, selfish, suspicious, revengefuland greedy.You are likely to be of peevish type. Being in Aquarius, Saturn i,fBenefic: You will be able to imitate variety of works being practical. able, ingenious, and intellectual. You are likely to be reflective and diplomatic. You may be philosophical, strong, and very truthful and prudent (cautious). Being in Aquartus, Satuwttf Malefi.c: You may have bad friends being conceited, fiery tempered, deceitful, and addicted to wine and other vices. You may outwardly talk of philosophy and religion. Saturn tf Benefi,c: Being in Pisces, Y o u w i l l b e e n d o w e dw i t h m a n y g o o dq u a l i t i e s .Y o u will be clever, pushful, gifted, good diplomat and have good manners.You will command respect and trust in government. Saturn if Mate.fic: Being in Pisces, You may be indifferent towards sectarianrestraints and observations due to your severe, malicious, untrustworthyand schemingnature.You may be sober. type. You may be of a disguising Moonin Different Rasis Being in Anes,Moonif Eenefr.c: Your ambitious nature will make you valiant, enterprising, dexterous,versatile and quick to decide and act,'-leadingto your popularity, self-respectand perfect contentment. You will be of a loving temperament and fond of travelling. You may like vegetablediet.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Aries, Moon if Malefic: You may behave idiosyncratically due to your impulsive, irritable, haughty.inflexible, fickle-minded and war like temperament. You are likely to be fond of others and you may be under the influence of your partner. You may be liable to hydrophobia (fear of water). You would like to live in a luxurious. sensual manner. BezngtnTaunts, Moon if Benefic: You will be popular, famous and respecteddue to your liberal, powerful, ability to command,influential, patient, generous-in-giving qualities and sound judgement. You will be handsome and will have a beautiful gait. You may be a will be of happytemperament. Bei.ngin Taun+s,Moon if Malefic: You may be influenced by others and be fond of other sex due to your passionate, luxurious and sensual nature. You may have a wavering mind being inconsistent.You are likely to be lazy. you may be a voraciouseater. tn, Moon if Benefic: You will be learned in scripturesand fond of music due to your creative, intelligent, well-read, persuasive and poetic tendencies.Being clever, witty, dexterous, subtle and humorous you will be a powerful speaker. You may be endowed with qualities of a thoughtful reader. You will be fond of enjoying luxuries. you are likely to have adorable and attractivelooks. Bei.ngin Gemini, Moon if Malefic: You may be over-sexed and well up in amorousacts. You may be fond of others and under the influence of your partner.

Yearly Predictions


Bei,ngin Cancer, Moon i,f Beneftc: You will be fond of good dwelling places, tanks, rivers, sea side and flowers and travelling. you may develop a love for astrology due to your piercing, meditative. conventional and wise nature. you are Iikely to have a kind, good, grateful, cautious and charming personality. You will be of frugal (economical type). Being in Cancer, Moon i.f Malefi,c: You may be sensitive having too much of imagination. You may be amorous, impetuous (hasty, vehement. passionate). Betng in Leo, Moon if Benefi.c: Being bold, ambitious, proud, steady. and sharp temper you will be able to engage in varied work. you will have a dignified look and aristocratic style with your liberal and generous temperament. you may be fond of towns and forests. Being in Leo, Moon if Malefic: You are likely to be unhappy due to your irritable, haughty and settled views. You may not get on well with women. You may be inl'luenced by your mother. you may be fond of meat and frequenting forests and hills. in Virgo, Moon if Benefic: You would like to be engaged in the work of others. You may be attracted towards astrology having clairvoyant (power of seeing things not present to the senses)tendencies. You may be skilled irr arts like music and dancing due to your perseverence, intelligent and acute insight. you are Iikely to have a scheming, attractive and modest life. you will be forgiving, compassionate and learned and would like to stick to truth and purity. You are likely to be a good conversationalist with sweet speech. you may be affluent.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Virgo,Moonif Malefic: because Y o u m a y b e m e n t a l l ya n d p h y s i c a l l yr e s t l e s s and enemies of your being pensive, worried by may You swindlers and conceited in self-estimation. fond of others. Beingin Ltbra, Moon if Benefic: You will be engagedin work and be business'like due to your clever, capable, intelligent, foreseeing, mutable, and aspiring nature. You will have an amicable, just, principled, idealistic and obliging personality. You may developinterest in arts. Being in, Libra, Moonif Malefic: . ou maydevelop You may be proudand intoxicatedY thievish cruelty, of acts towards inclinations partnersothers' with probable liaisons disposition, You may not have much faith in religion. You may be and not ambitious. avaracious Moonif Benefic: Being zn Scorp'io, You will be clever, frank open-minded,and straight forward. Being in Scropio,Moon i'f Malefic: You may have an intent on harming opponentsdue to your cruel, malicious, impetuous, obstinate, and vindictive nature. You may be fond of giving a fight. You may indulge in sinful acts due to being immoral' Your liberty and honour may be at a risk. You may be unhappy being agitated due to much mental You may be afraid of political heads. uneasiness. Betngin Sagittaruts,Moonif Benefic: You may be well up in artisan'swork and be skilled in finance. You will b9 courageousand inflexible to threats.You would like to stay near sea coast,river or water. You will have deep and inventive intellect

Yearly Predtctions


coupled with good speech and upright, ceremonial and reflective mentality. You will be of grateful disposition, affectionate with relations. Betng in SagittariLls, Moon t'f Malefic: You would like to be showy. You may have a tendencyto yield to praise. Bei,ng in Capri,corrL, Moon if Benefic: You may be a connoisseur of singing due to being poetic, clever, sagacious, and quick in perception. You will become famous because of your virtuous, active, crafty, strategic, liberal, cool tempered and religious ' nature. You will like to stick to truth. You will be attached to partner and children. Being 'in Capricorn, Moon if Malefic: Being selfish you may have a tendency to become a miser. You may be cruel-hearted, base, rnean, s h a m e l e s s ,i n c o n s i s t e n t , u n s c r u p u l o u s , a n d m e r c i l e s s . You may be fond of wandering and having contact with low persons. You may be afraid of colds. Being tn Aquarius, Moon tf Benefic: You will be fond of arts and you are likely to be clever in artisanship due to your artistic state. You will be beautiful minded with inoffensive, energetic, mystical, grateful, intentional p ersonality. Betng in Aquarrus, Moon if Malefic: You may have misunderstandings among relatives, good people, and enemies due to your adulterous, wicked, indolent, hypocritical and ill-tempered nature' Your emotions may be esoteric (secret) due to your strange brain. Yott may be liable to fraud and deception. You are likely to be a drunkard. You may be afraid of political authorities. You may be suffering from sorrows.


Ho'w to Read a Horoscone

Beingin Pisces, Moon if Benefic: You will have a good reputation for being learned. steady.simple. adventurous,religious, good-tempered and generousand being a connoisseurof singing.You will be interestedin countriesand productsbeyondthe sea and inclined to travel by water. You will get authority if engagedin works of arts, artisanship or craftE.You will be fond of reciting religious texts and moral codes. You will have easy accessto anything coveted without effort. You will be fond of your ( partners and children. You will annihilate your enemies.You may be spiritually inclined later in life. You will lead a comfortablelife. in Pisces. Ber,ng Moontf Malefic: You may be under the influence of your partner. You may be subservientto other sex and attachedto many young persons due to your loose morals. You may be inclined to get into a bad temper. (IV) WEAI,TH " Sun in Different Rasis

Being in Anes, Sun if Benefic: You will get ornaments. You will be wealthy. Beingin Aries, Sun if Malefic: You may not be wealthy. Bei,ng tnTturus, Sunif Benefic: You will get landed property. You will succeed in buying, selling or trading in cloth and scentedthings. You will improveyour wealth. Being in Gemini,Sunif Benefic: Though you are liberal in dealing with others your acquisitionof wealth is good.

Yearlg Predictions


Being 'in Caneer,Sun if Benefic: You will have wealth through progress in land, housingand agriculture. Being in Cancer,Sun if Matefic: You may not be wealthy. Being in Leo, Sun if Benefic: You will have houses, gardens,wells and you will be rich. You may get wealth through dealings connected with forests,mountains, cows and catile. Being in Leo. Sun if Matefic: You may be poor. Being i,n Virgo, Sun if Ma,l.efic: You may lose wealth through catile and houses. Being in Libra, Sun if Benefic: You will get wealth through trade connected with liquors, intoxicants,iron etc. Being in Libra, Sun if Malefi.c: You may resort to all kinds of low and underhand dealings such as smuggling of gold or other unfair practices.There may be loss of are likely to be reduced to povertydue to heavyexpenditure. Being in Scorpio, Sun if Benefic: You may get wealth from lands and houses and bv dealing in poison or poisonous drugs. Being in Sagi,ttarius, Sun if Benefic: You will have accumulationof wealth through good inheritanceand unexpected gifts. Being in Capncorn, Sun if Malefic: You want to appropriate other people's money by


How to Read a HoroscoPe

unfairneans.Youmaytrytoearnmoneybymeansnot loss of u"tv .o-nlendable. You may lose money through patrimony cattle and lands. There may be loss of tror'ttu, and loss of wealth. Being in Aquanu.s, San if Mal"efic: Therenraybelossofland,cattleandpropertyand you may be devoid of wealth' Betng in Pisces,Sun if Benefic: persons by whom You will get wealth due to love with much money by earn may, vor, *itt bJ favoureii. You the wa.t3r goods-across or products dealing in aqueous acqulre may You water' connected with or -tnuv pearl a being bv wealthv become o. ;;";il merchant. Mars in Different Rasis Betng t'n Ar"tes,Mars if Benefic: wealthy' You will get successin trade and become Betng r,nTauns, Mars if Benefi'c: lands' You will gain in rvealth by good produce from Betng in Taunt"s, Mars if Malefic: You maY not be wealthY' Being in Gemi'nt, Mars if Benefic: precious You will have access to great wealth of through wealthy stones and metals. You shall become every in and agricultural success and success in work resPect. Being in Cancer, Mars if Benefic: You will be rich and wealthy' Being tn Cancer, Mars if Malefi'c: You will not have wealth'

Predictions YearLE


Bei,ngtn Leo.Mars if Benefic: You will get wealth through increasein housesand Iands. Bei,ngin Leo, Marsi,fMalefic: You may be devoid of wealth. BetngtnVirgo, Mars tf Benefi,c: You will be wealthy. Being in Li,bra,Mars if Benefic: wealth. You will have self-acquired Being r.nLibra, Mars if MaLefic: You may lose wealth and mortgage your landed property. Mars if Benefic: Being in Scorpio, You will have increasein wealth. Mars t'f Benefzc: Being in Sagi,ttat'tus, You are likely to get wealth from political or royal sources. Being tn Capncorn,Mars if Benefic: There will be increasein your wealth. Bei.ngin Aquarius, Mansif Malefic: You rnay have loss of wealth by gambling and speculation because of your own malice and dishonesty. Mars tf Benefr'c: Being tn Pisces, You can expect wealth through bumper crop in lands and increasein houses.


How to Read a Horoscope

Mars t'f Matefic: Betngut, Pisces, You may suffer loss of wealth due to your own deceitfulconduct. Mercury in Different Rasis Betng tn Aries,Mercury if Beneflc: You may get wealth through cultivation dnd conveyance. Being tn Aries, Mercury if MaLefic: You may be devoid of wealth. Bezngln Taurus, Mercury tf Benefi'c: You will have plenty of money and you will be wealthy. Being in Gemini,Mercuryif Beneflc: You will be wealthy. Being r,nCancer,Merany if Malefi'c: You may have loss of money due to enmity with partner or other persons.You may lose wealth through loss ofland and failure ofcrops. Mercuryif Benefic: Betngin Leo, You can expect acquisition of wealth from various countries. Being in Leo;MercuryzfMaleft'c: You are likely to be poor Betng in Libra, Mercury if Benefic: Y o u w i l l g a i n i n w e a l t h b y s p e n d i n gd i s c r i m i n a t e l y on projects undertaken by You. Mercury i'fBenefi'c: Being in Scorpio, You are likely to be rich.

YearlE Pred'i,ctions


Being i,n Aquarius, Mercury if Benefic: You will have access to good wealth. Being i,n Aquarius, Nlerculy i.fMaleflc: You may acquire some wealth by means,not above board. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Artes,Jupiter if Benefic: You will be wealthy. Bei,ngin Taurus, Juptter tf Benefi,c: You will have acquisition of wealth by gain ih agriculture and increase in land. You will have v a l u a b l ep o s s e s s i o n s . Being i.n Gemini, Jupiter if Benefic: Being wealthy you will keep part of your money in deposits. Being tn Cance7Jupi.terif Benefic: You will get wealth from unexpectedsources and without effort. Being in Leo,Jupiter if Benefic: You will get wealth from gain of lands and much agriculturalproduce. Being i.n Virgo, Jupiter if Benefic: You will gain in wealth from your connection with theatres,films etc. BetnginVirgo, Jupiter i,J Malefi,c: You may expectloss of wealth. Being in Libra, Jupi,terif Benefic: You may gain in wealth from your with theatres, films etc.


aHoroscoPe Howto Read

Jupiter if Beneflc: Being tn Scotpio, You may becomewealthyby acquisitionof new lands and estates. Betng tn Sagrttanus,Jupiter tf Beneftc: You will be wealthy due to pretty inheritance' Jupiter t'f MaLefic: Being tn Caprt'corn, You may lose your wealth through loss of property' Jupiter if Benefi'c: Being in Pi'sces, You will be very wealthy through good inheritance and acquisitionof ProPertY. Venus in Different Rasis rn Anes, Verutsif Ben'efic: You rvill becomewealthy by your good earnings' tn Anes,Venusif Malefic: You may lose wealth as a result of quarrels or litigations on account of attachmentto a person' if Benefic: Being r.nTaunts, Vent+s You will become wealthy due to gains from agriculture. Being r.nGemini, Venusif Ben'efic: You may gain territory and becomewealthy' Cancer,Venusif Maleflc: i:n, You may not be rvealthyand you are inclined to seek moneyfrom others. tf Ben'efic: Ve'nus Betng in L,eo, You can expectto get wealth from ladies'

Predicttons ,YearLE Betng inVi,rgo, Venusif MaLefi.c: You may lose wealth a-ndmortgageyour property.


Being tn libra, Venusif Benefic: You will have gain of wealth from royal patronageor government or by dealing in vehicles. Bei,ngin Scorpio,Vents if Maleftc: You will have loss of wealth. Bezngin Sagittori,us,Venust'f Benefic: ' You will get wealth through your righteousand good conduct. i'f MaLefic: Being in Capri,corn,Venu"s You may gain money by deceiving others and by speakinglies. i,f Beneflc: Being in Pisces,Venu,s You will gain moneyand becomewealthy. Saturn in Different Rasis Betng in Aries,Saturn tf Maleflc: You may be poor. : B eing in Taunts, Satum, if B enefi,c and gains You may becomewealthy through success in your agricultural operations. B etng tn Taunrc, Saturn r,fMalefic: You may be devoid of wealth. Being tn Cancer, Satwvt,if lvIalefic: You may be poor. Betng i,n,Virgo, Satu,rnif Malefic: You may not be wealthy.


Howto Read a Horoscopr)

Being tn Libra, Satur"nif Beneftc: You will be rich and you can bank upon hoarded (amassed) money. Satuntif Malefic: Being tn Scorpio. You are inclined to appropriate other peoples' property. Betng in Capncor'n,Satum, tf Benefic: You will havegains in wealth. Being m Aquarius, Saturrt if Benefi,c: You will be wealthy. Bei,ng ln Pisces, Saturn if Benefic: You will have wealth. Moon in Different Rasis in Anes,Moon if Benefic: You will gain wealth and becomewealthy. Bei.ngtn Taurus, Moon r,fBenefic: You will have collection of enormouswealth and you will be rich. Betngin Gemtni,Moon if Beneflc: You will acquire much immovable and movable property and becomewealthy. in Cance7Moon r.fBenefic: You will have good dwelling. You will get unexpected treasures. You will be rich through immovableprgrperty. You will be wealthy. Being in Leo,Moon tf Benefi.c: You will get wealth from unexpected sources.

YearLy Predicti,ons


Being in Libra, Moon i.f Benefi,c: You will gain wealth and becomewealthy. Being 'in Scorpio, Moon i,f Benefic: You will become rich and wealthy by being a businessperson with a flourishing trade of your own and earning moneyby underhandmeans. Betng tn Scorpio, Moontf Malefic: You may lose wealth. Being tn Sagittarius, Moon if Benefi,c: You will have good inheritance. You will geJ unexpected gifts and there will be accumulation of wealth. You may gain money through help from women or your married partner. 'Being in Capri,conr,Moon i,f Benefic: You will increase in wealth through lands, houses and success in every new enterprise.

Bei,ng in Aquanus, Moonif Malefic: You may be poor and there may be destruction of property.'in Pisces, Moon if Benefi,c: You may get sudden wealth from burried treasure or you may inherit. You may get money by dealing with countries and in products beyond sea. ff) COURAGE Sun in Different Rasis Betngtn Aries,Sunif Beneflc: You will be courageous and powerful. You will be a warrior.


How to Read a HoroscoPe

Bei,ngin Aries. Sun if Malefi'c: Y o u m a yb e t i m i d . Betng in Gemini, Sun r'fMalefic: You may be shy and reserved Being in Leo, Sun'if Benefic: You will be courageous. B eing tn Leo, Sun if Maleft'c: will be devalued. Goodeffectsof your courage Sun zf Matefic: Bei,ngtn Vr.rgo, You may be shy and reserved. Sun i,fBenefic: Being'i,n Scorpio, and courageous. You will be bold, adventurous Being in Scorpio,Sun r'fMaleflc: Your couragemay be devalued. Sun if Beneflc: Being in Capri,com', You will be pushful and firm. tn Capncorn,Sun if Malefi'c: Bei,ng You may be timid and may not have much stamina. Mars in Different Rasis Being ln Aries,Mars if Benefic: You will be courageous having commanding, powerful'andcombativetendencies. Being in Leo, Marstf Benefic: You will be combative. inVtrgo, Mars if Benefic: Bezng You may be explosive.

Pred.tcttons YearLy Betngr,nVtrgo,Mars tf Malefi'c: You may not be courageous. Being in Ltbra, Mars tf Beneflc: You may be warlike Being tn Sagtttarius,Mars t'f Benefic: You will be fearless. Being in Aquanu.s,Mors t'f Benefi'c: You will be combative. Mercury in Different Rasis t'f Benefic: Mercut"y Being tn Scotpio, Vou will be bold. Being tn Sagittarurc,Mercuryt'f Benefi,c: Y o u w i l l h a v ec o u r a g e . Betngln Capdcot'n,Mercuryif MaLefic: aPPrehensive. You may be alwaYs Jupiter in Different Rasis


Betngin Aries,Jupite.rif Benefr.c: You will be powerful and will overcomeothers with youl valour. Jupiter r'fMatefic: Being in Capri.corn, Y o u m a yb e t i m i d . Venus in Different Rasis Bei,ngin Libra, Yenus zf Benefic: You will be courageous. Being in Sagtttarun, Yenustf Ben'eft'c: You will be powerful.


How to Read,a Horoscope

Being in Capricom,,Venw i.fBenefic: You will be powerful. Being in Capncorn, Venu,s if Malefic: You may be alwaysapprehensive. Bei.ngin Aquarius, Venusif Malefic: You may be timid. Saturn in Different Rasis Bei,ngin Taurus, Saturn if Benefic: You will be powerful. Bei.ngin Li,bra,Satur.n if Benefic: You will be powerful. Moon in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Moon if Benefic: You will be valiant, courageous and warlike. Being'in Cancer,Moon if Benefi,c: You will be powerful. Being in Leo,Moon if Benefic: You will be bold. (VI) EDUCATION Sun in Different Rasis Being in Tauru4 Sun if Benefic: You may be interested in music and singing. Bei.ngi,n Gemint, Sun if Benefic: You may receivegoodeducationand you will have an inclination to be itlterested in music and such other fine arts, astronomyand grammar.

Yearly Predicti,ons


Being in Vi.rgo,Sun if Beneflc: You will be clever in writing, painting, poetry, mathematics.You will be well-read a n d w i l l r e c e i v e good education. You will be fond of literature, songs andmusic. Betngm Sagi.ttaruts, Sunof Benefi,c: You may be interestedin music.You w i l l b e c l e v e r i n using arms. Your educationmay lead you to become a goodphysicianor artisan or well up in arts and crafts, a pearl merchant. Being in P'isces, Sun tf Benefic:
You may get education which will help you to earn' money,by dealing in aqueous products or goods across the .water or anything connected with water or as a pearl merchant. Mars in Different Rasis Being in At tes,Mars if Benefic: Your education may give you commanding and organising capacity. You may be a mathematician. Your education may be connected with defence department, medical, sanitation, hygiene. surgery or electrical/ electronic engineering. Being tn Taurus, Mars tf Benefi.c: You will have ability in magic and sports. You will be fond of songs and music. You may get education connected with surgery or highway engineering. Being i,n Gemini, Mars if Benefi,c: You will be scientific and learned. You may be skilled in music. You may be clever in poetry, dancing, singing, music or be a connoisseur of those requiring mechanical dexerity. You will be clever in military strategy. You may get education leading to become a detective. You may become an aeronautical engineering student.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Cancer,Mars if Benef"tc: You may get education for proficiency in agriculture, medicine and surgery.Your educationmay lead you to work in defence department and in the fields connected with sanitation, hygiene and hydraulic engineering. Being in Leo, Marsif Benefic: You will have a tendency to occultism, astrology, astronomy, mathematics. You will have taste in fine arts. Your education may be connected with defence department,medicine,sanitation,hygiene,surgery and engineering. electrical/electronic Being inVirgo, Mars if Benefic: You will have successful termination of your educational pursuits. You will have a scientific enterprise.You will be clever in artisanship.You may be learned in highwayengineering. Bei.ngzn Libra, Mars if Benefic: You may get educationsuitable to becomebusiness like. You may expect to be educated in aeronautical engineering or surgery. Being in Scorpio,Mars if Benefic: . You may get education to become a good business person with a flourishing trade of your own. You may be interested in education connected with medicine, surgery,hygiene,sanitation or hydraulic engineering. Betngin Sagittarius, Marsif Benefic: Your education may be connected with defence department,medicine, surgery,hygiene, sanitation or electrical/electronic engineering.

Pred'zctt'ons, YearLE


Berng in Capricorn, Mars t'f Benefzc: Your educationmay be in highwayengineeringor for militaryskills. Betng in Aquanu.s,Mors t'f Benefi'c: You will be well-versed in dialects' You may be educated in the field connected with aeronautical engineering. Mars t'f Benefic: Bezngin Ptsces, get education in medicine, surgery' You may sanitation, hyEiene, defence department, hydraulic engineering. MercurY in Different Rasis r,nAnes, Mercury if Benefr,c: Bei.ttg You will be fond of music and dance' You will be well up i'n cartography, drawing or painting' Your with cattle and cultivation. educationmay be connected Being zn Gemirn,Mercuryif Benefic: . You will have taste for literature, arts and sciences' You may be a musician besides being clever in fine arts. Being in Cancer,Mercuryif Benefic: Your education may give you gaius from water arld with water or goods also productsof water or connected acrossseas. Being onI'eo, Mercuryr'fBenefzc: You will have goodprogressirr knowledge' inVt'rgo, MercurEif Benefzc: Ber,ng You will be proficient in sciences,arts and crafts' Your educationmay lead you to becomea priest, author or literary critic.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Libra, Mercury if Benefi,c: You will get education for business, science or literature. Being in Sagittarius, Merctlry if Benefic: Y o u w i l l h a v e l i k i n g f o r s c i e n c e s .y o u w i l l b e successful in your educationto becomewell-versedin writing and penmenshipand you will devoteyour time to religiousaffairs or teaching. Being in Capricor-n, Mercuryi,fBenefic: You may get education connected with trades in tanneries,leather goodsor glassware. Being in Aquarius, Mercuryif Benefic: You will be proficient in inferior artsmanship. you may be interested in sciences and literature. your educationmay lead to a career of employment. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Jupi.terif Benefic: Your education may lead you to becomehead of an army or sectionof an army. Being inTauns, Jupi,teri.fBenefic: Your educationmay help you to establishbusiness. Bei,ngin Gem,ini,Jupiter if Benefic: You will be clever in arts and may becomea poet throughyour educationalpursuits. Being'in Cancer,Jupiter if Benefic: You will be learned.You may studyjournalism. Being in Leo,Jupiter if Beneftc: Due to your educationyou may become head of an army or sectionof an army or an institution.

Yearly Predictions Bei,ng tnVirgo, Jupiter if Benefic: You may be educatedin arts and crafts.


Being in Libra, Jupiter if Benefi,c: You will be engagedin the pursuit of learning. you may get educationconnected with theatresand films. Being'in Scorp,io, Jupiter if Benefic: You may be educatedin literature leadingto become a scholarand an author. Bei,ngin Sagittari'us, Jupiter if Benefic: Your education may give you extreme executive ability to becomea professoror religiouspreceptor. Being in Aquatiuq Jupiter if Benefic: You will be learned Being 'i,nPi,sces, Ju"piterif Benefi,c: You will have great education and gain from exhibition of knowledge. You will be learned and good in dealing with matters of educational and mililary strategy. Venus in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Venusif Benefic: You will be proficient in music, art and poetry. you may be educatedin surgery. Bei,ng in'Tauru,s,Venusif Benefic: You will have taste in dancing,music,poetry or art. Being in Gemini',Venu,s tf Benefic: You will love fine arts, logic, writing, arts and sciences.


How to Read a Iloroscope

Venusif Benefic: Being in Ca,ncer, You may be educatedto becomea physician. Being in Virgo, Venus if Benefic: Y o u w i l l b e a c o n n o i s s e uo rf arts. Being'i.nL'i.bra,Ventn i,f Benefic: Your interest may be in poetry. Venusif Benefic: Being in Scorpio, You may get educatedin surgery or art. peing in Sagittanus, Venustf Beneflc: Y o u w i l l b e l e a r n e d i n p h i l o s o p h i c a ls t u d i e s .Y o u may be interestedin recitation of sacredwritings. i,fBenefic: Being in Capricorn, Venu,s progress You will have in general education. Beirig ln,Venusif Bene.fic: You will have love for Christian or Islamic literature and its studies. Saturn in Different Rasis Being inTau:nts, Saturn if Benefic: You will have educationconnectedwith agricultural operations. Beingtn Gemini, Saturn if Benefic: You will have taste for chemical and mechanical sciences and logic. if Benefic: Being tn Leo, Satu,m, You will be clever in reading and writing. You may get medical education.Your educationmay lead you to ealn by service.



Being in Vtrgo, Satutn if Benefic: Your education may lead you to work as police -- E officer or to work in deience department. Bein.g in L,ibra, Saturn if Benefi,c: You will get education to do business. Being in Sagittarius, Satumt if Benefic: You will have inclination to study philosophical and religious treatises. you will have good tnowteale of Shastras (Standard Hindu books). Being in Capricorn, Saturn, i,f Benefic: You will be learned Being in pisces, Saturn if Benefic: Your education may lead you to become a diplomat. Moon in Different Rasis Being in Tan+rus, Moon if Benefic: You may get education to become a physician. Being in Gemi,ni, Moon if Benefi,c: You will have progress in education of a poetic, scientific and literary type. Being in Cancer, IWoonif Benefic: You may have love for astrology. you education leading to become a scientist.

may get

d an c e .

Being inVirgo, Moon i,f Benefi,c: - You may be attracted towards astrology and will be skilled in arts like music and

Bei,ngin Li:bra, Moonif Benefic: You will have love for arts and social sciences. you


How to Read a HoroscoPe

may be scientific. Your education may be in literature urrd .ontt"cted with businessand also may lead you to becomea physician. Moon if Benefi'c: Being in Scorpr'o, Your education may help you to become a business person. Being tn Sagi'ttarius,Moon if Beneflc: You will be skilled in fine arts and well up in artisan's work. Moon if Benefic: Being in Co.pncont', of singing' You will be a connoisseur if Benefic: Being in Aquanu's,-Moon art and clever in artisanship, of You will be fond and literature. science, Moon t'fBenefic: Betngin Pisces, Youwitlbeinterestedinartsorcraftsandliterature' You will be reciting religious texts and moral codes' You may be a conuoisseur of singing' You may be scientific. (VII) HOUSES, LANDED PROPERTYAND MEANS OF CONVEYANCE Sun in Different Rasis inTaunn, Sunzf Benefic: Ber,ng You will have increasein landed property and gains from them. Beingin Cancer,Sun if Beneftc: You will have progressin lands and agriculttrreand increasein houses.

Yearly Predi,ctzons


Betng in Leo, Sun i,f Ben,efic: You rvill have your own house. Being in Scorpio,Stm if Benefic: You vrill gain from land and houses. Being in Aquafiu"s, Sun if MaIeJic: You may have lossof property and lands. I[ars in Different Rasis Being in Taunlq Mars if Benefic: You will get good pi'odrrcefrom lands. Being i,n Gemini, Mars if Benefic: Y o u w i l l g e t g o o d a g r . i c u l t u r a ls u c c e s s . Being in Leo, Mars if Benefic: T h e r e w i l l b e i n c r e a s e i n h o u s e sa n d l a n c l s . Betng in Libra, Mars if Malefic: You nray mortgage your landed property. Being in Pisces,Mars if Benqfic: You will get btrmper crops from lands and you will have inclease of houses. Mercury in Different Rasis Being in Anes, Mercury if Benefi,c: You will get gains from cultivation and you will have meansofconveyance. Being in, Cancer, Mercury if NIalefic: You may have loss of lands and failure of crops. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in'Iaurus, Jupiter i.f Benefic: You will get gains in agriculture and you will have


How to Read a HoroscoPe

increasein lands.You will get valuable possessions. Betngin Leo,Jupiter t'f Benefic: You will have gains of land and much agricultural produce. Juptter t'fBenefic: Being tn Scotpio, You will acquire new lands and estates. Jupiter if Malefi'c: in Capricomr,, Ber,ng You may get loss of ProPertY. JuPiter if Benefic: Being in Pisces, You will have requisition of property. Venus in Different Rasis Being in Taunt's, Venus tf Benefi'c: You will gain from agriculture. Being in Geminz,Ventn if Benefic: You will have gain of territorY. Being tn Vtrgo, Venus if Malefic: You may mortgage YourProPerties. Being in Libra, Venus if Benefic: vehicles. You will possess Rasis . Saturn in Different B eing in Taurus, Saturn if Benefic: You will have success and gains in agricultural operations. Being in Scorpio,Saturn if Malefic: You will be inclined to appropriate property of other people.

Yearlg Predictions Moon in Different Rasis


Being tn Gemini, Moon tf Benefi,c: You will be acquiring much immovableand movable properties. Being in Cancer,Moon if Benefic: You will be fond of good dwelling. Being tn, Moontf Malefic: You may ha're destruction of property. ' (VIII) HAPPINESS Sun in Different Rasis

Being i;n Artes, Sun if Benefic: You will have pleasuretrips and will get happiness from partner, children and friends. There will be acquisition of power and will get political success. There will be birth of children. you will be famous. Being in Aries,Sun if Matefic: You may suffer disappointments and frustrations in career. Being in Taunts, Sun if Benefic: You will be respectedby relatives and people. you will have increased landed property. you will get happy meals. You will be famous amongrelations and friends. Being in Gemi,ni, Sun if Benefic: You will be always happy and cheerful. you will receivegood education. Being i.n Gemini, Sun if Matefi.c: You may have mental worries.

182 Being tn Cancer, Sun tf Benefi'c:

a HoroscoDe How to Rea.d

l a n d s ,h o u s e sa n d w e a l t h .Y o u You will getincreased from Y .o u w i l l g e t a p p r e c i a t i o n w i l l h a v em a n ) ' s e r v a n t s bosses.You will perform auspicious events in the h o u s e . Y o u w i l l g e t p o l i t i c a l s u c c e s s .Y o u w i l l b e happy and gay.You rvill have happinessof n-rind. alwa5'5 Betngtn Cancer,Sun r,fMalefic: You may not have verj' agreeablepartner. You may usuallyhave a worried life. Bei,ng in Leo, Sun if Benefzc: You will have high You will get respectfrom bosses. p o s s e s sh o u s e s a n d p o s i t i o n . You will status and gardens. There will be birth of children.You will be famous. inVirgo, Sun,if Benefic: Bei,ng Y o u r v i l l g e t g o o d e d u c a t i o na n d w i l l b e l e a r n e d i n r e l i g i o u sl o r e . Being i.n Virgo, Sun if ItIalefic: Y o u m a 1 'h a v e l o s s e si n c a t t l e , w e a l t l t a n d h o u s e s . You may developenmitl'u'ith friends and relatives. Being in.Libra, Sun if Malefic: You may not get name and fame. You ma5' have i n l i f e . Y o u m a y i n c u r h e a v ye x p e n d i t u r e . frustrations You ar likely to suffer at the hands of government. You ma5h ' ave Ioss T h e r e m a y b e i n c r e a s eo f e n e m i e s . in o f w e a l t h a n d b r o t h e r s .Y o u m a y f a c e o b s t r u c t i o n s You may your efforts attd failures in any undertakings. life. and complicated h a v em i s e r a b l e Sun. zf Ben'efic: Beingin Scorpi.o, g a i n l a n d s ,h o u s ea n d w e a l t h .Y o u w i l l u ' i l l f r o n r You of mental desires. You will fulfilment succeed in y o u r things. a m b itious r e a l i s em a n yo f

Yearlg Predictions


Bei,ng'inScotpto,Sun if Malefic: There may be no achievementof ambitions.You may not have much conjugalhappiness. Bei.ngin Sagittarius, Str"n if Benefr.c: You will be respected by all clans and unions of people and also by government. You will succeedin all your undertakings. You will destory your enemies and get supreme satisfaction everywhere. You will be popular and will enjoy all-round happiness. Being in Capri,corrz, Sun if Beneflc: You will get name and self respect. Being in Caprilcortl,Sun i.f Malefic: You may prove a bad tradesperson.You may be devoid of wealth and support from the relations.There may be loss of house,cattle, lands,and wealth. You may develop enmity with friends. There may be loss of patrimony.You may be unhappy when other people get success and prosper. You may generally lead an unhappylife. Being in Aquanus,Sunif Beneflc: You will get self-esteem. Betng in Aquarius, Su,n if Matefic: You may be unlucky and unsuccessful. You may not expect happiness from sons. You may be devoid of wealth. You may enter into disputes. You may have separation from your partner. There may be lossesin your lands, cattle and property. You may have mental worries. Being in Pisces, Sun if Benefic: You u'ill have good friends and you will annihilate your enemies.You will get affection from relatives and people. You will derive happiness from partner,


How to Reada Horoscope

children and friends. You will have good children and servants. There will be auspicious celebrations in your h o u s e .Y o u w i l l h a v e s m o o t h s a i l i n g i n e v e r y w a y . y o u will be wealthy and peaceful. You will be respected among relations. in Pisces, Sun if Malefic: You are liable to be involved in scandals. Mars in Different Rasis in Anes, Mars i,f Beneflc: You will be rich, commanding and powerful. you will get excessive wealth and gains. You will have increase in reputation and respect. You will get much gains and fame. You will be respected by government. If engaged in trade, you will get successtherein. Being'inTaunts, Mars if Benefic: Your enemies will be destroyed. You will get success in all your struggles and get respected from elders and rulers. You will have good produce from lands. Being 'in Taunn, Mars if Malefic: You may not have a stable position in life. you may be antagonistic of friends. Being i,n Gemi:ni, Mars if Benefic: You will be learned and skilled in music. you will have aceess to great wealth and precious stones. you will have success in agriculture in every work. you will have children. You will be a connoissuer of poetry, dancing and singing and music. Bei,ng in Gemtni,, Mars if Matefi.c: You may be unhappy. Being in Cancer, Mars if Benefic: You will be wealthy. You will

have medical and,

Yearly Predi,ct'i,ons


surgical proficiency. You will gain from agriculture. You may get a government scholarship. in Cancer, Mars if MaLefic: You may have danger from enemies and rulers. You may have litigation problems and loss of honour and reputation. You may suffer from domestic disharmony. You may have misunderstanding among brothers and close lelatives. Being in Leo, Mars if Benefic: You will be victorious. You may become an author. Y o u w i l l b e h a p p y a n d s u c c e s s f u la l l t h r o u g h . Y o u w i l l get material gains thr-ough fine arts. You will harre i n c r e a s e i n h o u s e ,g r a i n s a n d l a n d s . . Being in Leo, Mars if Malefi,c: You may be extravagant. You may have few children. You may be restless and may have little happiness from your partner. You may be devoid of wealth. Being inVi:rgo, Mars it Benefic: You will undertake scientific enterprises and get b e n e f i c i a l r e s u l t s . Y o u w i l l h a v e s u c c e s s f u lt e r m i n a t i o n of educational pursuits. You will get happiness from relatives and friends. You will have children. You will be wealthy. Betng zn Virgo, Mars if Malefrt: You may get troubles in your marital life. You may fear your opponents. You may incur heavy expenditure. Being in Libra, tWars if Benefic: You will have self-earned wealth. Being i.n Ltbra, Mars i,f MaLefic: You may have miserable life. You may land in misunderstandings with cousins and brothers. There


Howto Read a Horoscope

m a y b e i l l h e a l t ho f y o u r m a r r i e d p a r t n e ra n d c h i l d r e n . You ma1' get loss of wealth and gains. you may mortgage your landed property. you may be antagonistic to friends. Being in Scorpio,Itlarsif Benefic: You will have great strides in life. There will be ' increasein your may becomehead of some department or institution or a business man with a flourishingtrade of your own. you will be respectedby government. You will havegood earnings. Being i.n Sagittatiu,s, Mars if Benefic: You will be may become a minister. T h e r e w i l l b e d e s t r u c t i o no f y o u r e n e m i e s .y o u w i l l r e a l i s e a l l y o u r h o p e s a n d d e s i r e s .y o u w i l l o c c u p y a high positionin a large institution. Being in Sagittari.u,s, Mars if Malefic: You may have many may have few children. You may be quarrelsome and enter into litigation problems.Your wealth and happinessmay be lesiened due to your uncontrolled temper. you may attain happinessand comfort only after hard labour. Being ht,Capticont, Mars if Benefic: You will be rich. you will attain high political p o s i t i o n o r b e c o m et h e h e a d o f a s e c t i o no f a a r m y o r department or institution. you may succeedin batiles and get respectedfor your military skills. you will be v j c t o r i o u s i n y o u r u n d e r t a k i n g sy . ou may have many s o n s .Y o u w i l l b e i n f l u e n t i a l ,s u c c e s s f ua l nd respected. Y o u w i l l h a v e m u c h p a r a p h e r n a l i ay . ou maygain from quadrupeds. There ivill be increasein your wealth. Being in Aquariu,s, Mars if Benefic: You will be well-versed in dialects.

YearlA PredLcti.ons

187 i.n Aquarius, Mars if MaLefi.c: You may be unhappy, nriserable and poor. You may face great hardships and difficulties. You may have immediate misunderstandings with rulers and superiors in office. You may get into unpleasantries towards motlier and servants. You may be affected u'ith sorrows. There may be loss of noney in gambling or s p e c u l a t i o n .Y o u m a y b e d e v o i d o f r e s p e c t . Being iti, P;tsces,Mars if Benefic: You will have much u'ealth and bumper crops in lands. There will be prosperity and increase in house and business. You wjll get general success and happiness. You rvill be respected as a learned man. You will occupy a good position in lifc with great reputation. Betng 'in Puces, Illars r,fMale.fic: You may land in troubles in love affairs. You may have few children. You nra1,suffer sorrows from many e n e n r i e s .Y o u m a y n o t p r o s p e r w e l l i n l i f e . Y o u m a y suffer loss of wealth due to your own deceitful conduct. Mercury in Different Rasis Being in Aties, Mercut-y i,f Benefic: You will perform religious and social work. You will get married. You will have the favour of rulers or government. You will gairr fronr cultivation, cattle, p r e c i o u s s t o n e s a n d c o n v e y a n c e .Y o u w i l l b e h a p p l ' . Being i,rtArteq, IlLercury tf l\l.aletic: You may not have a good-married partner. You may labour hard but lose wealth. You may incur debts.You m a 1 ' h a v et o l i v e i n c o n f i n e n r e n t .Y o u n a y b e p o o r . Being in Tann'u"s, Mercury if Benefic: You may become a minister. You may have children. You will bc wealthv with ornaments. You will be.


How to Readq Horoscope

getting titles and names. you will have authority over men. There will be good conjugal happiness. you will enjoy great happiness. Being tn Gemini, Mercury if Benefic: You will get happiness from your partner and childlen. There will be marriage ceremonies and recitation of sacred scriptures in your house. you will have successful termination of educational career. There will be acquisition of fame and wealth. you will be comfortable and lead a happy life. Being in Cancer, Mercury if Benefic: You will gain from water and also products of water or connected with water or goods across the seas. Being in Cancer, Mercury if Maleflc: You may suffer from degradation, fines, imprisonments, and penalties. you may have loss of lands and there may be failure of crops. you may enter into enmity with all. You may be disliked by relations. You may antagonise your own people and lose money due to enmity with your married partner. you may be restless. Being in Leo, Mercury if Benefic: You will have a remunerative profession. There will be elevation in your position. you will acquire wealth from various countries. you will get progress in knowledge and great reputation. you will be married. Being in Leo, Mercurg if Malefic: You may have few children. you may be antagonistic to your brother or family. you may not have good partner and happiness thereby. you may be poor. Being inVirgo, Merc&ry i.f Benefic: You will be favoured by your king or government.

Yeartg Pred,tctions


There will be marriage in your house. You will get unexpected gains. You will be learned and proficient in sciences, arts and crafts. You will occupy a senior position. You will lead a happy life. Bei,ng in Li,bra, Mercury if Malefic: There will be great works published in your name. You will have the favour of wealthy and educated people without efforts. You will have leadership over men. Mercury if Malefic: Being in Scorpr.o, There may be separation from your married partner and children. You may have mental troubles. You ma! expect losses from merchandise. You may lose your reputation and power. Your financial returns may not be in proportion to the labour and effort put in. You may not have a goodfmarried partner. Being zn Sagittanuq Mercury if Benefic: You witl be respected by polished society. You will get success in eduation. You will be liked by government or king. You may devote your time to religious affairs or teaching. You will be famous. MercurE r'f Benefic: in Capri,cot:zt', in trade and you may start be successful will You get patronage of kings or will You also. business 4ew government. There will be destruction of your foes and enemies. You will get general successin life. Being in Capticorn, Merutra if MaLefic: You may be poor and indebted. You may have to put in much physical labour. You may be separated from relations. Various difficulties may oppress you. Your mind may feel cramped.


How to RecLd u Horoscope

Being in Aquanus, Mercuryif Benefic: You will have rapid strides in life. There will be a c q u i s i t i o no f p a r a p h e r a l i a .Y o u w i l l h a v e a c c e s st o goods and much wealth. You lvill indulge in a pleasuresome life. You will get good name and become famous. Being tn Aquatiuq Mercurg if Malefi.c: You may.not have a congenialmarried partner. You may incur debts.You may have little enjoymentin life. Y o u m a yb e o p p r e s s e d by enemies. Mercury i.fBenefic: Being in Ptsces, p a r t n e r .Y o u w i l l e x c e l Y o u w i l l h a v ea g o o d - m a r r i e d yourcolleagues i n r e n d e r i n gs e r v i c et o y o u r b o s s . Being tn Ptsces, Mercury i,fMatefic: You may get trouble from thieves.You may quarrel with your relatives and there may be destruction of relafions.You may have failure in attempts.You may not be happy in respect of children atleast for sometime. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Anes, Jupiter tf Benefic: You will acquire landed property and you will be wealthy. You will have a happy marriage. You will ^succeed in all undertakingsand litigations.You will be powerful and elevated to responsible office. You will g e t g r e a tr e s p e c tf r o m p e o p l e . Y o u w i l l b e b l e s s e dw i t h several sons and good servants. You will overcome others with your valour. You will do daring degds which bring you name and fame. Beingin Anes, Jupzteri.fMalef'tc: You may have heavyexpenditureand many enemies.

Yearly Pred,tctirns


Being inTaur-rts, Jupiter t'f Benefr'c: in lands n ,c r e a e Y o u w i l l h a v ev a l u a b l ep o s s e s s i o n is will ha're You wealth' of and cattle and acquisition and gain trade in will You accessto new territories. as well as friends by agriculture.You witl be respected You children' good dutiful and eiemies. You will have will be well-read. You will be inclined to selfgratification. You will pay-homage to gods, brahmins ind cows.You will be popular and happy' i'f MaLefic: BetnginTaurus, Jupr'ter You may be extravagant. Jupiter i,f Benefic: Betngtn Gemt'ni, You will be scholarly and learned' You will be by seniors as well as relations' You will get respecte<l for looa ,o"r and friends. You will hav6 the necessities will Yo' Iomfortable living with good food and clothes. keep part of your money in deposits' There will be urlrpi.iorr. celebrationsin the famity' You may become adviserof a ministerJupiter if Maleflc: Being in Gemt'nt,, There may be separationfrom married partner' You may suffer ioss of children, brothers and cousins' You *uy f"ut from rulers or government' You may have mentaI uneasiness. Bei,ngtn Cancer,Jup+terif Beneflc: You will have political success'You can expect promotionsand you may get into exaltedpositions'You iitf acquire wealth from unexpected sources and without efforts. You rvill have journalistic success. There wilt be perfect harmony in domestic life' You p r e c i o u sj e r v e l l e r y a n d w i l l b e e n d o w e d will possess of life. you will have a good-married comforh ihe with p".i"". and children. You will earn a good name and fame.


How to Read a Horoscope

' Berng in eancer, Jupiter i,f Malefi.c: You may be inclined to social gossip. Being in Leo'.Jttpiter ij Benefic: You will have harmonious surroundings. you will get respect from rulers or government. you will gain from agricultural produce and lands. you will be ambitious and realise your own desires. you will be devoted to gods. You will get happiness from partner and children. You will become head of an army or section of army or institution. You will be happy and famous. Being in Leo, Jupiter if Malefic: You may incur enmities which may last long. Being in Virgo. Jupiter if Benefic: You will have a beautiful married partner and good children and friends..You will gain money from arts, crafts or work connected with them. you will get all comforts of life. You may rise to a high position such as that of a minister. You will be learned Being in Virgo, Jupiter if Malefic: You may develop misunderstandings among relatives. You may expect destruction of your properties. You may have separation from your married partner. Being in Libra, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have comfortable living. you will be liked by others. You will get good children and friends. you will attain a high position in life. you will be wealthv and happy Being in Li.bra, Jupiter if Malefic: You may have a desolute and shameful life. you may reside in desolate places. you may have to face difficulties and troubles.

Yearly Pred,ictions Being in Scorpio, Jupiter i,f Beneflc:


You will acquire new lands and estates.You will engageyourself in religious worship and philosophical discourses. You will occupya respectableposition.You will be mentally calm. You will have undisturbed progress and happiness. Being in Scorpio,Jupiter if Malefr,c: Your reputation may be at stake. You may not have many children. You may have to labour hard. Being in Sagittaritrc, Jupiter if Benefzc: You will have children and much wealth. You will succeedin every undertaking.You will acquire pretty inheritance. You will have great friends. You would occupy a high position.You will visit holy places.You good houses. will possess You will be influential. You will get wide-spread fame and perfect happiness. Bei,ngin Capncom,,Jupiter i,fMalefic: You may expect ill health of children and your married partner. You may have loss of property, reputation and self-respect.You may be liabte to prosecutionand imprisonment.You may have to face numerousenemies.You may have to put in much hard labour for no financial returns. You may have little m o n e ya n d l i t t l e h a p p i n e s s . Bei,ngin Aquarius, Jupiter if Benefi,c: You will become head of your group. You will be muchrespected. Bei,ngin Aquarius, Jupiter if Malefi,c: You may have to face many hardships.You may have to put in much unproductive labour. You may suffer loss of wealth.You may havebad luck.


How to Read oHoroscoPe

Jupiter if Benefic: Being in Pisces, You will get good inheritance. You will have great education. You will gain from your exhibition of knowledge. You will be respected by friendc. You cannot be over-poweredby others. You will occupy a good position in your life and you will be well off. You will get requisition of property. You will have a general and happiness.You will get name and fame. success Venus in Different Rasis Being rn Aries,Venus if Bertzftc: You will reside in palatial buildings. You will have You will wear acquaintance with noble personages. You will be child. of be birth will good clothes.There will have You enemies' as well as praised by friends fame. of good earning and sPread Being in Anes,Venusif Matefic: You may be extravagant.You may enter into quarrels and litigations. You may be unhappy. i'f Beneflc: Being tnTaunt's, Venu,s You will have a life of great ease.You will gain from agriculture.You will be respectedby governmentand you. g.oup of people whom you head. You will be wealthy, famous and enjoy much happiness' Being in Gemini, Venu'stf Benefl'c: You will gain.vehiiles.You will be loved by others. You will devote your time to gods and brahmins. You will get children. There will be harmony with your married partner. You witl have an increase in reputation Being in Cancer,Vertusif Benefic: You will be the chief person in your group.You will be religiously inclined. You will get all the desirable necessitiesfor comfort.


YearIE Predictions


Bei,ngin Cancer, Venusif Malefi'c: There may be destructionof your property. You may with your relations.There may be develop cliscontent You may lose wealth. increaseof enemies. Being rn Leo, Venuszf Benefic: You will get money from women. You will have an' excellent partner. You will be married in a high family. You will be liked by religious preceptorsand brahmins. You will have unusualhaPPiness. Betngtn Leo, Venustf Maleflc: You may have few children. Your better half or child may be sick.You may undertakeaimlesswanderings.' Being tn Virgo, Venust'f Benefic: You will be a scholar. Betng rn Vzrgo,Venusif lvlalefic: You may quarrel with your partner and there may be separation.You may mortgageyour property. You may expect separationfrom your relations and friends' You miy not have much luxuries. You may be unsuccessful and unhappy. Beingin Libra, Venusif Benefi'c: You will gain wealth from royal partronage or government.You will get all comfortsand enjoyments in life. You will have a successfulmarriage and there will be matrimonial felicity. You will be respected.You will get a good name due to devotion to gods and brahmins.You will be well-liked by the societyand the state. You will possessvehicles. You will get great reputation.You will be wealthY. Verutsi'f Beneft'c: tn Scorpro, Bei,ng You witl attain good position. You will succeed in defeating your opponents.


How to Read o Horoscope

Being tn Scorpio,Venusif Malefi.c: You may be disappointed in love. You may have many miseries and troubles. You may get loss of wealth and property. Being in Sagi,tto,ri,'us, Venusif Benefic: You will be fond of religious and philosophical studies. You will get successin any undertaking. You will have the necessitiesand comforts. You will rise to high position.You will be respected.You will acquire wealth.You will have much name and fame. Being in Capricorrt,Venus i,f Bencfic: You will get freedomfrom domesticworries.You will have discussionswith learned people. There will be progressin general education.You will succeedin all endeavours. You will be powerful. Being tn Capri.corrt,Venusif Malefic: You may be always apprehensive.Your efforts may end in-frustrations. Being tn Aquorius, Venusif Berwftc: There will be acquisitionof fresh property,land and houses.You will get unexpected gains. You will be liked by all. You will attain honours. Being tn Aquarius,Verutsif Malefic: You may be antagonistic to your children and seniors. You may be agitatedin mind. Saturn in Different Rasis Betngin Aries,Saturn if MaLefic: in You may get uncxpectedlosses,disappointmentS every undertaking.You may be misunderstoodamong relatives and friends. There may be increase of enemies.You may wander aimlessly.



Bei.ngin, Taurtts, Satum, if Benefi,c: You will succeedand gain in agricultural operations. You rvill have great income.You will be successful and powerful. Being r.nTaurus,Saturn if MaLefzc: You may have bad friends. .You are tikely to be insulted.You may be devoid of wealth. Being in Gernini,Satum,i,f Benefic: you will profit in Your serviceswill be recognised. speculationand trade. You will get respectfrom rulers or government.You will occupy a good position with large staff under you. You will attainpolitical success. You will get reputation and fame.You will be enclowed with much general happiness. Bei,ngin Gemini, Satunv if Malefi.c: You may receive at times insulting treatment. you may incur debts.You may not get much happinessfrom children. Being'i.nCancer,Satum,i.fBenefi,c: You will associatewith important people. you will attain a good position in life. Being in Cancer,Satunr,if Matefic: You may have few children. you may get miseries and calamities.There may be family strife and increase of enemies.You may get trouble from relatives and you may be opposed to your relations. you may not get much happiness from your children. you may be unsuccessfuland poor. Bei.ngin Lco, Satulrl if Malnfi,c: You may get disappointments and unrest. you may misappropriate money and consequenily you may be prosecuted.You may be hated by all. you may have few

How to Read aHoroscoqe


you may not children. You may be without relations or may be You your relations' with be on loving terms happin-ess' conjugal in lack you may without partner or to you' You Y;; children will be a source of trouble may be unfortunate. tf Benefic: Being znVirgo, Satu.'rtt' You You may head an institution with a large staff' get will *itf U" ellvated to an exalted position' You You will favours from royal or governmentalsource' fame You will have an established succeedin business. and reputation.You wilt make inventions' Being in Yirgo, Satunt'i,f Mal"efic: may get You may not engagein productive work' You not be may You fittfe frapiiness fioil yout children' healthY. Betngin Libra, Satwn' t'f Benefic: like' You You will be a founder of institutions or the occupya will You concerns' rvill establishnew business place the in respected be will senior position and advances' ;;;;; you reside.You will rise in life as age rich' You will be famousand Satum' if Benefzc: Being in ScorPio, and fame' You will get self-respect : Saturn if Malefi'c B etng tn,Sc.orpio, You are liable to suffer confinement and sorrows' you may travehealt'expenditure' You may be disliked fi"t"a by all. iou *"y lose your prestige' There ""4 and dimage to vour propertl' and ;;; ;;';bsiiuction YPu maYbe unhaPPY' poisessions. Betng t'n Sagittantn, Saturrtif Bennfic: Youwi|'Isucceedinphilosophicalandreligious in house' studies.There will be auspiciousoccasions

Yearlg Predicttons


You will have illustrious children who will bring credit to you. You may becomehead or leader.of a village or town. You will have mental peace and happiness. Being tn Sagittamts, Satu,ntif Malefic: You may enter into troubles with your' married partner. Betng in Capncont, Satutnif Bencfic: There wilt be harmony and felicity in domestic life' You will gain wealth and business. There will be increase in lands. You will develop friendship with You will be learned' great and illustrious personages. Being tn Aquorits, Satuntt'f Benefic: You will succeed in litigations. You will acquire mueh wealth. You will occupy a good position in life' You will attain mental haPPiness. Being tn Aquo'ritrc,Saturnif Malefi.c: You may have bad friends. Bei,nginPisces,Satuntif Berwfic: You will have a good-married partner. You will go on pilgrimage to sacred shrines and holy places.You will cttief and get respect from your friends and i"**" relatives. You will have good children. You may become the head of an institution, village or town' You will command respect and trust in government' You will be happy. Betng in Pisces,Satum, r,fMaleflc: You may suffer from sorrows,misery and unrest' Moon in Different Rasis Being in Anes, Moon'if Ben'ef,c: You will get self-respect. You will gain in wealth' You will have several children. You will have physical

200 and mental contentment. happiness. You

Hou to Reada HoroscoPe will have perfect

Being in Aries,Moon if Maleftc:: You may have subordinate position. You may be devoid ofhappiness from brothers. Being i,nTaurus, Moontf Benefic: You will have great strides in life. You will have increase in name and fame. You will have physical and mental happiness. You will be respected. You will be lucky and popular. You will be happy in the middle and old age. Being tn Taunts, Moon if Malefic: You may have love intrigues. You may have more daughters than sons. in Gemin'i, Moon if Benefic: You will be well-read an.d you will have good progress in education. You will acquire much property. luxuries. will enjoy You immovable Bei,ngi,n Cancer, Moon if Benefic: You wilt be wealthy and will have much immovable property. You will succeed in litigation. You will find unexpected treasures. You will have a comfortable house. You may become a minister. You will be prosperous. Betng in'Cancer, Moon if lvlalefic: You may undertake unprofitable voyages. You may go through a cycle of waxing and waning in your career. Betng in Leo, Moon if Benefr"c: You will have progress in your education. You will get much gains from unexpected sources.




Bem,gtn Leo, Moon i.f MaLefi,c: You may have few children. You may suffer from mental anxiety. BeinginVtrgo, Moonif Beneftc: You will be skilled in arts like music and dancing. You will be affluent. You will lead a comfortable and prosperouslife. BeinginVirgo, Moontf Malefic: You may have many daughters.You will get worries from enemies and swindlers. You may suffer from Your mother may be mental and physical restlessness. ilr. Bei,ngin Libra, Moon if Benefi,c: You will get reveranceand respectfrom learned and holy people. You will be wealthy. You will have increase in friends. You will visit holy places and o f e n e m i e sY . ou will Therewill be destruction shrines. You will be prosperous. realise your schemes. Moontf Malefzc: Being r,nLr,bra, You may be neglected by kinsmen. You may be devoid of relations or you may not have good relations with them. You may suffer financial penalty at the hands of government. Moonif Benefic: Beingi,n Scorpio, You will be wealthy. You will be head of some department or institution or a businessmanwith a flourishing'tradeof your own. You will be respectedby government. Moon if MaLefic: ,Betngin Scorpio, You may have loss of wealth. Your liberty and honour may be at risk. You may get much mental uneasiness, You may be isolated from parents or

How to Read a Horoscope

preceptors. You may have fear from political heads. There will be destruction of relatives. You will get disappointments in every respect. There may be abortionsbefore the birth of your children. You may be unhappy. Moonif Benefi'c:' Being tn Sagittari.u,s, You will be skilled in fine arts. You will have a happy marriage and will have many children. You will get good inheritance and unexpected gifts. You may become an author. You will have domestic happiness and felicity. There will be celebration of happy wealth. functions.You will accumulate Moonif Benefi.c: Being m, Capri,corrt, go on pilgrimage to holy places. You will You will succeedin litigations.There will be increasein lands, houses and wealth. You will get successin every new enterprise.You will becomefamous. Betng in Aquariu,s,Moon if Malefi,c: There may be destruction of your property. You may be afraid of political authority. You may get mental may develop enemies. You from worries among relatives and enemies.You misunderstandings You may may get sudden elevationsand depressions. incur enmity with good people. You may suffer from You may be poor. sorrows. Moonif Bend'c: Being in Pisces, You will take charge of fresh office. You will be annihilating enemies. You will have many children. You will get authority if engagedin works of arts and of singing.You will lead crafts.You vvill be connoisseur a comfortablelife. You will get inheritance or sudden or buried wealth or treasure.

Yearlg Pred:i'ctions


(IX) CHILDREN Sun in Different Rasis Sunr'f Berrcft'c: Betngin Arin's, You maYhave birth of children' Being tn I*o, Sun i'f Benefi'c: get You may have birth of children and sons'You will respectamongchildren. Betngtn Aquanus, Sunif MaLefic: You may have no happinessfrom children' Sun if Benefi'c: r,Betngin Pisces, childien' happy good and You will have Mars in Different Rasis Mats t'f Beneflc: Betngin Gemtni,, You may have several children and you will oblige children. Being in I*o, Marstf ltlalefic: You may have few children and only a few sons' cf Benefic: Betngtn Virgo, Ma'rs with manYsons' blessed You maYbe Betng tn, Sagittariils, Marsif MaLefic: You maYhave few children' Marst'f Beneflc: Being in Caprt'cortt, You may get children. Mercury in bifferent Rasis Mercury if Ben'$c: Being rn Taun'+s, You maYhave children.


How to Read a Horoscope

Beingin Gemini., Mercuryif Benefi,c: You may have twin children. Being in Leo,Mercury if Matefic: You may have few children. you may have adverse factor in respectof issues. Being in Libra, Mercuryi.fBenefic: You will be attachedto children. in Pisces, Mercury if Matefi,c: You will be happy in respect of children at least for sometime. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being tn Leo,Jupi,tertf Benefi.c: You will have happiness from children. Being in Vi.rgo, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have goodchildren. Venus in Different Rasis Being zn Aries, Venus tf Benefic: There may be birth of a child. Being in Ca:ncer, Vents if Benefic: Y o u m a y h a v ec h i l d r e n . Being in I*o, Venu,s if Malefic: You may have few children. Being in Gem,ini, Ventn if Malefic: You may not get much happinessfrom children. Betng in Virgo, Venus i,fMatefic: You may have little happiness from children.

Yearly Predi,cttons


Being in Sagittarius. Venusif Benefic: You will have illustrious children who will bring credit to you. Being in Aries, Ventn r,fBenefic: You may have children. if Malefi,c: Being in Virgo, Venu,s than sons. You are likely to have more daughters Venusif Benefic: Betngin Pisces, You will be fond of children. (X) DISEASES Sun in Different Rasis Being in Anes,Sun if MaLefic: You may be phlegmatic.You may have too much of of bile and blood disorders. heat.You may have excess Sun tf Benefi,c: Betngtn Ari,es, You will have strongboues. BetngtnTaurus, Sun r,fMalefic: of mouth and eyes. You may suffer from diseases Being 'i,nYirgo, Sun if Malefic: Your health You may suffer from physical diseases. physical and yet have much may may be affected, 5'ou m e n t a ls t a m i n a . Sun if Benefr,c: Betngin Ca.pricor'n, povrers will be good. Your digest,ive Being in Aquadus, Sun if Benefic: You will have great stamina.

How to Rea.da Horoscope

Bei'ngin Aquariu,s,Suni.f Malefic: You will not have much stamina. You are liable to heart troubles. Beingin Pisces, Sun if Malefic: You may get diseases of private parts. Mars in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Mars i.f Benefic: You will have much staminq. Being in Gemini,Mars if Benefic: You will have much bodily vigour and strength. Bezngin Cancer,Mars if Benefic: You will have goodhealth. Being in Cancer,Mars if Malefic: Y9u may have ill health and defectivesight.You may be worried due to chronic ailments. Betng in L,eo, Mars if Benefic: You will have a strongbody. Being tn Leo,Mars tf Matefic: You may have stomach troubles. Bet'nginYirgo, Mars i.f lulalefic: You may get troubles of digestive organs. Being in Libra, Mars if Matefic: Yorr may have somedefectin limbs. Being tn Scorpio, Mars tf Matefic: You may have marks of wound or those causedby fire

Yearly Predicttons


on body. You may suffer from poison (like blood poisoning). Marsif MaLefic: Bei,ngin Sagi.ttanLrs, You may have marks of woundson body. Mars if MaLefi,c: Being in Ptsces, You may suffer from ailments of body MercurYin Different Rasis Being inVirgo, Mercuryzf Benefi'c: You will have undisturbed health. Betngtn Virgo, Mercurytf Malefic: You may have dyspepticdifficulties (indigestion). Mercuryif Malefic: Being ur Pi,sces, You may have dysentery, nervous breakdown or mental derangement. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Anes,Jupiter if Benefic: You will have much stamina. Being in Aries,Jupiter if Malefic: Your body may bear scarsof wounds. Juptter zfBenefic: Being in Tantnts, You will have good from diseases. be free You will health. Being tn Yirgo, Jupiter if Mdlefxc: You may have bodily ill health. You may have of nervoustroubles and diseases. symptoms Betngin Sagittartus.Jupiter t'f Malefic: You may have a weak constittttion.

,':.T. r ,
208 Howto Read a Horoscope

Being in Capncottt.Jupiter if Malefic: You may not have much staminaor virility. Venus in Different Rasis Betng in Aries, Venus if Malefic: You may becomenight blind in old age. Being in Cancer,Ventn if Matefi,c: and much stamina. You will have power of resistance Being in Leo, Vents if Malefi.c: You may suffer from mental diseasesand sorrows. Being inVirgo, VenuszfMalefic: You may have troubles in generative organs often leading to surgical operation.You may have symptoms of arthritis. You may have troubles related to nervous breakdown. Beini in Scorpio,Venusif Malefi.c: You may suffer from diseases of or hidden diseases. Being'in Pisces, Venusif Malefic: You may have dyspepticdifficulties (indigestion). Saturn in Different Rasis Being in Cancer,Satum, if MaLefic: You may have physical diseases and mental afflictions. Being i,n Scorpio, Saturn if Malefi.c: You may suffer from poison or fire (like burns or food poisoning). You may have depletion of energy arising out of chronic ailment.

YearlyPredictions Moon in Different Rasis


Moonif Malefi,c: Bei,ngtn, You may have sores in head. You may have weak knees and bad nails. Your hair may not be good' You may have prominent veins. You may have marks of wound or boils on the bodY. Being inTaunts, Moonif Malefic: You may have phlegmatic afflictions. Being in I'eo, Moon t'f Malefic: You may suffer from hunger, thirst and stomach troubles. You may have pain in teethBeing in Virgo, Moon if Malefi'c: You may be Phlegmatic. Betng in Libra, Moon if Malefi'c: You may have sickly constitution with prominent veins. Moon if Malefi'c: Being in Scotpi'o, on your body marks of wound or those have You may firebY connected (XI) ENEMIES ; Rasis Different in Sun Sun i'fMatefic: Betng in Ar-tes, You may have quarrels amongfriends and relatives' Bei.ngrn Taunts, Sun if Benefic: You may not have many enemies. You will have friendship with bosses. Betng inTaunA, Sunif Mal'efi'c: You may have enmity or hatred of women'


Howto Read aHoroscope

Bei,ngi,n Cancer,Sun if MaLefic: You may oppose your own people, particularly your father or uncle. Being tn Leo,Sun tf Benefic: You will annihilate your enemies. Being in Libro, Sun if Matefic: You may always be troubled by enemies. Being in Scorpio,Sun if Bencftc: You will strike your enemy in a subtle and secret m a n n e rl i k e a s c o r p i o n . Being in Scorpio,Sun if MaLefic: You may be quarrelsome and develop enemies. Being in Sagittanus, Sun if Benefic: You will destroyyour enemies. Being in Capncomr,Sun if lulaleftc: You may develop misunderstandings among your ownpeople. Being in Aquariu,s,SrLnif Mal,efic: You may have disputes. Being tn Pisces, Sun if Benefic: You will annihilate a host of your enemies. Mars in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Mars ufMatefic: You may be quarrelsome and may have enemies. Being lnTaunts, Mars rf Benffic: You will destroy your enemies.

Yearly Predtctions


Betng in Tau,nts, Marstf Maleft,c: to friends. You may be antagonistic Mars tf Malefic: Bei,ngi,n Gemzni,, You may be without friends. Being zn Cancer, Mars tf MaLefi.c: You may have danger from enemiesand rulers. You may have litigation problems. You may develop amongbrothers and close relatives. misunderstandings You may be without friends. inVirgo, Marsif MaLeflc: You may fear your opponents. Being in Ltbra, Mars zfMaLefi.c: You may be antagonisticto friends. Being i,n Scorpto,Mars tf Benefic: You may be intent on harming your opponents. Bei,ngtn Sagittanus, Mars tf Benefic: There will be destructionof your enemies. Bei,ngin Sagittan"s, Mars if MaLefic: You may have many foes.You may get into litigation problems. Betng zn Aquanus, Mars if MaLefi,c: You may have misunderstandings with rulers and immediate superiors in your office. Marsif Malefi.c: Being in Pisces, You may have lnany enemies.


How to Read a Horoscope

Mercury in Different Rasis Bei.ngin Arizs,Mercury if Malnfi'c: You may have a quarrelsome disposition which may develop enemies. Being inTo,unts, Mercury if Ben'efi,c: You will have friends amongwomen of eminence. Itlercury if Malefi'c: BetrWin Carvcer, You may be disliked by relations. Vou may be antagonisticto your own PeoPle. Beirq in Aquarius, Mercungi'f Malefrc: by your enemies. You may be oppressed Mercury if Malefic: Being'in Pisces, You may have fear from thieves. There may be destruction of relations and you may have quarrels with relatives.You may enter into Iitigation problems. JuPiter in Different Rasis Being in Arizs, Jupiter if Benzfr'c: in all litigations You will have success Betng ut Tauw4 JuPiter if Benefic: You will get respect from friends as well as foes. Betng 'i.nLeo,Jupiter if Malzflc: Your enmities may last long. BeinginVirgo, Jupiter if Molefr'c: with relatives. You may have misunderstandings s Being in Capicom., Jupter if lilalzfic: There may be springing up of numerous enemies. You are liable 'to prosecution and incarceration (imprisonment).

YearLA Predt'ctiotts


Venus in Different Rasis Bei,ngi,n Cancer, Verutsif Malefi'c: There may be increase in number clfenemies Being tnVirgo, Venus i'f Matefi'c: You may have quarrels with partner. if Benefic: Being in Scorpio,Verw"s You will succeedin defeating your opponents. Being in Scorpio,Vemtsif Matefi,c: You may have vengeanceagainst relatives. You may, by favouring a lady, oppose or enter into litigation with another party and thereby damageyour property. Ber,ngin Aquarius, Venu,st'f Maleflc: You may be antagonisticto your children and seniors (father etc.). Saturn in Different Rasis Being in Arips,Sotum, if Malefi.c: You may have misunderstandings among relatives and friends. There may be increase in number of enemies. You may be quarrelsome. You may have no friends. Bei,ngtn Cancer, Satunt,if Malefic: There may be increase of enemies. You may have trouble from relatives. ' if Malefic: Betng in I*o, Satu'ttt, You may be hated by all. You may be without relatives or you may not be on loving terms with them. You may have trouble from your sons. if Malefi'c: Beingiin Libra, Satu'rzt You may be antagonisticand develop enemies.


How to Readq Horoscope

Being in Scorpio, Satunt if Malefic: You may be disliked and hated by all. Betng in Sagittaritts, Satunt if Malefic: You ma5'have troubles with your married partner. Betng in Aquanuq Satunt,if Maleflc: You may have bad friends. Moon in Different Rasis Being in Cancer, Moon if Benefi.c: You will have successin litigation. Being in Lect,Moon tf MaLefic: You may not get on well with women. Being in Virgo, Moon if Maleflc: You may have worries from enemies. Betng in Li.bra, Moon if Benefic: You will have increase of friends. There rvill be destruction of enemies. in Libra, Moon i,f Malefic: You may not be on good terms with relations. : Bein,g in Scorpto, Moon tf Bervefoc: You will be intent on harming opponents. Bezngin Sagittarius, Moon if Benef.c: You will be inflexible to threats. Betng tn Aqucinus, Moon tf Malefic: You may have fear from political authoritS'. You may have mental worries from enemies. You ma1' hsvs misunderstandings among relations and enemies. You

Yearly Pred,icttoru


may be liable to fraud and deception' You may incur enmity of good people. Moonif Beneflc: in Pisces, You will annihilate enemies. (XII) DEBTS Mercury in Different Rasis Betng in Scorpio,Mercury if Malefic: You may be indebted. Mars in Different Rasis Being i.nVirgo, Mars if Malefic: You may incur heavyexPenditure. Jupiter in Different Rasis Betngin Artes,Jupiter tf Malefi'c: You may have much expenditure. Being in Taunts, Jupiter if Malefic: You may be extravagant. Venus in Different Rasis Being in.Virgo, Venusif Maleftc: You may mortgageyour ProPertY. Being m, Scorpto,Venusi'f Malefic: You may get into debts. Saturn in Different Rasis Being tn Gemipi, Sotunt'if Malefi'c: You may incur debts. Bei.ngi.n Scotpi,o,Satum'if Mal'efi'c: You may suffer heavy exPenditure.


How to Read,aHoroscoPe

(XIII) MARRIAGE AND MARITAL RELATIONSHIP Sun in Different Rasis B etng in Ari,es,Sun tf B ercfi'c: You will have happiness due to your married partner. You will have companyof beautiful and lovely women. BetrvginTaunts, Sunif Malefic: You may not be an ardent lover of your married partner. B eing in Cancer, Sun if Malefic: You may not have a very agreeablemarried partner' Being tn Scorpio,Sun t'f MaLefic: You may not have much conjugal happiness. B etng in Aq'u,arits, Sun if Matefic: You may have separationfrom your married partner' Being ut, Pisces,Sun if Benefl'c: You will have happinessfrom your married partner' Mars in Different Rasis Being inTaunts, Marsif MaLefic: You may be under the influence of women. You may not be attachedto your life partner. Being in I'eo,Mars if Malefic: You may have little happiness from your married partner. Bei,nginVi,rgo, Mars i'fBencfic: You may have general love for the oppositesex'

YearlgPredictions ln Libra, Mars if Beneft'c: Ber,ng You will love your familY.


Being tnLibra, Marsif Maleflc: You may have contacts with persons of other sex or may be under their influence. Mercury in Different Rasis Being i,nTaurus, Mercury i'f MaLefi,c: You are likely to have contact with'handsome young persons. i,n Gemirn, Mercury t'f Benefic: You will get happinessfrom your married partner. Bei.ngi,n Gemlni',Mercury tf Malefr'c: You may not have marital. happiness Bei,ngin Cancer,Mercury tf Malefi'c: You may lose money due to enmity of your married partner. Being tn Leo,Mercury t'f Beneft'c: You are likely to have early marriage, Betngin Leo,Mercury if MaLefuc: You may be subservientto womdn.You may be fond of other persons. You may not have a good married partner or you may not have happinessthrough your married partner. You may be desirous of company of sex. opposite Mercuryt'f MaLefic: Being i,nVr,rgo, You sexualvigour may be lessthan normal. Being in Libra, Mercury if Benefic: You wilt be attachedto your married partner.


How to Read a Horoscope

Jupiter in Different Rasis Being i,n Gemini, Jupiter if Malefic: There may be separationfrom your married partner. Being'in Cancer,Jupiter if Beneflc: partner. You will have a good-married Being i.n Virgo,Jupiter i,fBenefic: You will have a beautiful married partner. Beong in, Scorpio, Jupiter if Malefic: You nray have sensual passions and you may be subservient to personsofopposite sex. Being in Aquanu,s, Jupiter if Malefic: You may have illicit contactwith a relation. Venus in Different Rasis Being in, Aties, Venus i.fBenefic: You will have happy marital relations. Being tn Aries, Venusif Malefic: You may have relation with others. You may be confined due to a woman.You may enter into quarrels or litigations on accountof attachmentto a woman and lose wealth as a result thereof. Being in, Taunts, Venttsif Malefic: You will have companyof beautiful personsand you will get joy through associationwith them. You may have companyof a large number of persons. Bezng in Gemini, Venusif Benefzc: You will have good harmony with your partner. you will have a check over your inclination to indulge in looselife.


YearLE Predictions Being i,n Getmnt, VenusofMalefi,c: You may be over-sensual.



Bei,ng on Cancer,Yenustf Malefic: You may not have good-maritalrelationship. Betng in Leo, \lenus tf Benefic: Y o u w i l l h a v e a n e x c e l l e n tp a r t n e r a n d y o u w i l l b e married in high family. Being'in Leo, Venustf Malefic: You may be attracted by fair sex. Your better-half may be sick. You may adore ladies and deriye pleasures. Being in Virgo, Venus if Malefic: You may long for love affairs. Being in Ltbra, Venu,s i,f Benefi.c: You will have a successful marriageand matrimonial . felicity. Being in Li.bra,Venusif MaLefic: You will have a period of extreme sensualityand you will be passionate. zn Scoryio,Venusi,fMalefic: Bein"g You will get disappointments in love.You may enter into enmity with a woman of loose character.You may favour a lady. 'Being i,n Capncorn, Venusif Malefic: You will be unde? considerable influence of your married partner or other woman. Being in Aquarius, Venusif Malefic: You may be attached to another person. You may


How to Rea.ilaHoroscope

have stray connections with Servile persons. You may be attachedto an unworthy person or you may be under considerable influence of your married partner or other person. Saturn in Different Rasis B eing in Tau,ns, Satu'rytif Mal'efi.c: You may be constantly attached to other person. You may be a favourite of undesirable or elderly person. B eingi.n Leo, Satu'rtt if MaLefr'c: You may not have a partner or you may be lacking conjugal happiness. Being in Libra, Saturn if Malefic: You will be fond of associationwith personsof loose morals and you may be subservientto others. if ialefic: Being in Sagittariu,s,Satu:rut with jrour partner. into trouble You may land Bei,ngtn Aquarhrc, Satutuif Maleflc: You may be addicted to other persons.You may enter into adultery with others. Saturn'if MaLefic: Being in Pisces, You will have a good Partner. Moon in Different Rasis Moon if Maleflc: Being tn Ari,es, 'of your married You will be under the influence partner. Being in Gemzni,Moon if Malefic: You may be oversexed and under the influence of your partner.

Yearlg Predictions


Being inLibra, Moonif Malefi'c: You will love other persons and may have probable illicit connectionswith others. Mooni,f Benefic: Being in Sagr,tto,ri,1ts, You will have a happy marriage. You will receive happinessfrorn your married partner. Bei,ngin Capncort, Moonif Malefi,c: You may have probable connections with other person. Being zn Aquarhrc, Moon if Malefi'c: You may not have good conduct. Moon if Maleflc: Belng in Pisces, You may be attached to many young persons. You may be subservient to fair sex. You may have loose morals. You may be under the influence of your partner. (xry) LoNGEVTTY Sun in Different Rasis Betng in, Aries, Su'nif Ben'efic: You will have strong bones. Being in Aries,Sun if Maleftc: Your heatttr may be in trouble due to too much heat, excessofbile or blood disorders. B eing in Taun*s, Sun ii B enefic: You will be capable of bearing much physical stress and strain like a bull. BeirWinTo,urtts, Sunif Matefic: You may suffer from disease of mouth and eyes.


How to Reada Horoscope

Being tn Gem,tnqSun if Malefic: You may have set-backs in health giving rise to mental worries. Being in Cancer, Sun if Bene.fic: Y o u w i l l h a v e h a p p i n e s so f m i n d . Being in Cancer, Sun i.f lvIalefic: You may be sickly and suffer from constipation, imbalance of bile and phlegm in the body. Being in Leo, Sun if Benefic: You will be strong and will have much stamina. Being in Virgo, Sun if Malefic: You may have a tender, weak, and'effeminate body. You may not have much physical and mental stamina. Your health may be affected. You may continuously suffer from some physical disease. ' Being in Libra, Sun if Malefic: You may be a drunkard and may have loose morals affecting your longevity. Being r,n Sagi,ttanu,s, Sun if Beneftc: You will have a fully developed body, much stamina and good health, Ieading to good longevity. Being in Capncorn, Su,ntf Benefic: Your digestive powers will be good and will give you good longevity. if MaLefic: Being in Capncorn, SLLa You may not have much stamina and may suffer from diseases leading to some kind of troubles and you may not have very long life.

Yearlg Predi,ctr,ons


Being in Aquarius, Sun if Benefic: You will have great stamina. Being in Aquariu.s,Suruif Malefic: You are liable to heart troubles and mental worries. Being in Pisces, Sun if MaLefic: You may have diseaseof private parts. Mars in Different Rasis Being 'in Anes, Mars if Benefic: You will have much stamina. Being in Gemini, Marstf Benefic: You will have good bodily vigour and can put up with severestrain. Being in Cancer,Mars if Benefic: Y o u w i l l h a v eg o o dh e a l t h . in Cancer,Marsif MaLefi,c: You may have ill health with defective sight. you may be worried due to somechronic ailment. Being tn Leo, Marsif Benefic: You will have strongbody and great stamina. Being in Leo, Marsif Malefi,c: You may have stomach troubles and you may be Z worried by mental complaints. Being in Aquanus, Mors if Malefic: You may face dangerin water. Being in Pisces, Marsif Malefic: You may have ailments of body.


How to Read aHoroscoPe

Mercury in Different Rasis

if Maleft'c: Mercu:rg Being in Gernr'ni', You are liable to throat and bronchial troubles' i,fMalefic: Betng tn Cancer,Mercu:ra and you may be consumption to You are liable restless. Being r,nYirgo,Mercuryif Ben'eftc: You will have undisturbed health. i,fMaleflc: Bethgi,nYirgo, Mercu'ry You may get into indigestion problem. Betngtn Libra, Mercuryif Malefi,c: You may have inclination to excesses. Being tn Scorpio,Mercury if Maleft'c: Yciu are liable to diseaseof generativeorgans'You may have general debilitY. Mercury if Malefic: Betng in Pisces, You may suffer from dysentery,mental derailment or nervousbreakdownJuPiter in Different Rasis Being i,n Aries, JuPi,terif Malefic: . You may have wounds on body. Being in Taunrc, JuPiter t'f Benefic: You will be free from diseases. Beingin Gemini,Jttpiter if Benefic: You will be well-built.

Yearly Predict'ions


Being in Gem'i,ni., Jupi,teri,fMalefic: You may have mental uneasiness. Being tn Leo, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have strong and compact body with much stamina. Bei.nginVirgo, Jupiter if Malefi.c: You may have bodity ill health and symptoms of nervoustroubles. Bei.ngin Libra, Jupi.terif Benefic: You will be having a strong health. Being in Scorpio,Jupi.ter if Benefic: You will be well-built and mentallycalm and happy. Betngin Scorpio,Jttpiter i.fMaleftc: You may suffer from some chronic ailment. Being i,n Sagittarius, Juptter tf Malefic: You may have weak constitution. Being in Caprtcorrt,Juptter i,f Malefic: You may have a weak body and may not have much staminaand virility. Venus in Different Rasis Being tn Taunts, Venusif Benefic: You will have a well-built and strongbody. Bging in Taurus, Venuszf Malefic: You may have symptomsof some troubles due to ill health. Being m, Cancer, Venusi.fMalefic: You may suffer from chronic ailments, caused by


How to Read a Horoscove

indulgencein drinks. You may not have much excessive power of resistance. and stamina Being i,n Leo, Venus if MaLefic: You may not have much stamina. Being inVirgo, Venus if Malefi,c: You may often get troubles in generative organs, leading to surgical operations. You may develop symptoms of arthritis. You may have troubles relating to nervousbreakdown and mental unrest. Venu'st'f Malefic: Being i,n Scorp'i,o, You may suffer from diseasesof private parts or from somehidden diseases. Being in Caprtcottt, Venusif Matefic: You may have a weak body and you may suffer from heart disease. Venus if Malefi'c: Bei,ngin Pisces, You may have dyspeptic difficulties (indigestion). Saturn in Different Rasis Satu'wtif MaLefic: in Tau,nts, You may get into contagiousdisease. Being in Cancer,Satuntif Malefic: You may have physical disease and afflictions. You may alwaysbe restless. mental

i,fMaleflc: Satumt. Betngin Scorpio, You may suffer from fire or poison (such as burn or food poisoning).You may have depletion of energies arising out of a chronic ailment. Being in Pisces,Satumt t'f Beneftc: You will have a good end to life and peaceful death.

Yearlg Predtcttons


Moon in Different Rasis Betng in Anes, Moon zf Matefic: You may have sores in head, weak knees, bad nails and boils on body. Being in Taurus, Moon i,f MaLefi,c: You may have phlegmatic afflictions. Being z'rt, Leo, Moon i,f Malefic: You may have deformed body and pain in teeth. Bei.nginYirgo, Moontf MaLefic: You may have soft body with phlematic composition and mental physical restlessness. Bei.ngi.n Li,bra, Mooni.f Malefic: You may be thin with deformed limbs and sickly constitution. Bezng i,n Scorpio,Moon i,f MaLefic: You may have wounds caused by fire on body. You may suffer from poison (like food poisoning). Being in Sagi.ttarit-ts, Moon tf Benefic: You will have well-built and strong body. Being ln Capri,corn, Moon if MaLefic: You may have a lean body. Being in Aquanus, Moon i,f Malefic: You may be inclined to drink wine. Betng in Pisces,Moon i,f Benefi,c: You will have a perfect build and bright body.

How to Read a Horoscope

ffv) PROSPERITY Sun in Different Rasis Betngtn Artes,Sun if Benefic: You will be wealthy and famous.You will be capable of rising to the highestpinnacle of leadership.You will gain from cattle and gold. You will progressin your career. You will acquire ornaments. You will have happiness due to partner, children and friends. You will havepleasuretrips and picnic parties.You will get birth of children. You wilt have much respectfrom high personages. You witl get power and political success. Betng ut, Anes, Sun if Malefic: You may not be rich. You may suffer from disappointmentsand frustrations in career. You may quarrel with friends and relatives. Betng tn Taurus, Sun if Benefi.c: You will have happy meals and delicious drinks. You will gain from landed property and wealth' You will get respectfrom relatives and people.You will succeedin selling and trading in cloth or scentedthings. buying, , You will be an expert of music or singing.You will be capableof bearing much physicalstressand strain.You will be clever in dealing with others.You will not have many enemies. You will improve your landed properties. You will be famous among relations and friends. Being in Taunts, Sun if MaLefic: The You may have enmity or hatred of other persons. your prosperity will be good effects regarding devalued. Being tn Gemini,Suntf Benefic: You wjll be scholarly.You will be alwayshappy and cheerful.You will rqceivegood edueation.You will be learned and fond of astrology.You will be wealthy. You

Yearlg Predi,cti,ons


will get respect from educationists. You will develop friendship with superiors. Being tn Cancer,Sun zf Benefzc: You will have many servants. You will get appreciation from bosses.You will have hairpinessof mind. You will perform auspiciouseventsin the house. You will progress in your lands and agriculture. You will get political success. You will be always gay and happv. B'in Ca:n cer, Sun if MaLffic: You may usually have a worried life. You may not be rich. Your married partner may not be an agreeable person. Betng 'i.nLeo, Sun zf Benefic: You will have organising capacity and talent for propaganda. You will You will get respect from bosses. attain high statusand position.You will possess houses, gardensand wells. There will be birth of children. You will have favourable relatives. You will be endowed with intelligence.You will be rich. You will annihilate your enemies.You will be respectedby your children. Being in Leo, Sun if MaLefic: You may frequent solitary places. You may not be very rich. Betng inVirgo, Sunif Beneflc: You will be well-read, scholarly and will receive good education. You will be intelligent. You will pay homageto religious preceptorsand you will be efficient in servingothers.You will be learned in religious lore. Being 'in Yirgo, Sun if Malefic: You may have lossesin cattle and wealth. You may develop enmity with relatives and friends. You may


How to Read a lloroscoPe

have misunderstandingswith the nearest and dearest people. Being tn Libra, Sun if Ben'efi'c: You will engage in trade pertaining to liquor or intoxicantsand you will get money. Bezngzn Li,bra, Sun t'f Malefic: You may not get name and fame. You may meet with many frustrations in life. Your expenditure may be You heavy.You may suffer at the hands of governtnent. may have loss of wealth. There may be increase of enemies.You may lose your brothers. There may be destruction of all efforts and failure in any undertakings. You may have a miserable and complicated life. You may be always troubled by enemiesand reducedto PovertY. Sun if Benefi,c: Being in Scorp'i'o, You will have successin the later half of life. You will be very learned. You may earn from poison or poisonousdrugs.You will gain from lands, housesand wealth. You will fulfil your mental desires.You will start new schemesand enterprisesand realise many of your anrbitions. if Mal .efic: Being tn Scotpto,Sutt" There may be no achievementof your ambitions in -your first half when the pace of progressmay be very slow.Ydu may not have much conjugalhappiness. Being in Sagittanus, Surl i'f Benefic: You will be rich and respectedby all clans,unions of people and also by government.You will be happy, popular and intelligent.You will be clever in the use of arms.You may be a goodphysicianor artisanor well up in arts and crafts. You will succeed in all your undertakings. You will have supreme satisfaction in every way and all-round happiness.

Yearlg Predictioru


Being in Capncorrl,Sun if Benefi,c: and name. You will get self-respect Berngtn Capnco'ftt,Suntf MaLefi,c: You may not be very You may prove a bad tradesman. learned. You may be devoid of help and support from your relatives.You may engagein a variety of work and You may have earn by means, not very commendable. loss of house, cattle, lands and wealth. You may develop enmity with friends. You may have loss of patrimony. You may have misunderstandingswith your own people.You may not be very rich. Su,ntf Benefi.c: Bei,ngi,n Aquari,us, You will have self-esteemand great stamina with rare faculties. Being in Aquarius,Sun if Malefi.c: You may have no happinessfrom children. You may be devoid of wealth. You may always get mentally worried. You may have loss of married partner, wealth, lands, cattle and property. You may be unsuccessful, poor, unlucky and unhappy. Sunif Benef'tc: Being in Pisces, You may become a pearl merchant. You will be peaceful and wealthy. You will have good friends and you will be them. You will gain money and comforts due to love with ladies by whom you will be favoured. You will be intelligent and annihilate your enemies.You will earn name and fame.You will have good children and servants. You may earn much money products in aqueous or goods across the by dealing water. You will get with water or anything connected people. You will have and affection from relatives partner, friends. You will and children happiness of gelebrations. You will be respected conduct auspicious by relations. There will be smooth sailing in every sphere of your activity.

How to Read a Horoscope

Ber.ngin Pisces, Sun if Malefic: You are liable to scandals. You uneventful life. Mars in Different Rasis

may lead


Betng irr Artes, Mars if Beneftc: You will have organising capacity. You will gain in wealth. You rvill have increase of reputation and respect. You will own cattle. You will succeed in trade. You will be commanding, powerful and rich. You will have much gain and fame. Being tn Taunn, Mars tf Benefic: You will succeed in all your struggles. You will be respected by elders and rulers. You will get good produce from lands. You will be envied by many. Being tnTaurus, Mars tf MaLefic: You may not have a stable position in life. You may hot have several children. You may be antagonistic to friends. You may not be wealthy. Betng tn Gemirn, Mars tf Benefic: You will have a loving family. You will be learned. You will have access to great wealth and precious stones. You will get agricultural success. You will get success in work and in every respect. You will have children. Being in Gernini, Mars if Matefic: You may be without friends and you may be unhappy. Being i:n Cancer, Mars-if Beneftc: You will be intelligent and rvealthy. You will have medical and surgical proficiency. You will gain from agriculture. You may get a government sholarship in your childhood or be supported by someone other than your family.

Predi,cti,ons YewLA


Bei,ngin Cancer,Mars if Malefic: You may get danger from enemies and rulers. You may land in litigation problems.You may lose honour and reputation. There may be domestic disharmony. amongbrothers and You may have misunderstandings closerelatives.You may be without friends. Being in Leo, Mars r.fBeneftc: You will be happy and successfulall through. You will get material gains through fine arts. You will have grains and lands. increasein houses, Being in Leo,Mars tf Malefic: You may have few children. You may be extravagent. You may be restless.You may be devoid of wealth. You may get Iittle happinessfrom your married partner. Being tnVirgo, Marsif Benefic: You will be self-confident. You will undertake scientific enterprise and get beneficial results. You will have successfuleducational pursuits. You will be learned and be respected by others. You will have children. You will be wealthy. Bei,ngin Vtrgo, Mars tf Malefi.c: You may fear your You may incur heavy expenditure.. opponents. Being i,n Ltbra, Mars i,f Beneftc: wealth. You will have self-earned Betngin Libra, Mars if Malefic: You may have loss of wealth and grains and you may mortgageyour landed property. Your married partner or children may have ill health. You may lead a miserable life. You rnay develop misunderstandings with your cousins and brothers.You may waste money over wine and other vices.


How to Read a Horoscope

Beong in Scorpio, Mars if Benefic: You will become head of some department or institution or a businessman with a flourishingtrade of your own. You will be respected by government.You will be rich. Being on Sagittariw, Marsi,f Benefi.c: You may become a minister. You will have earnings from political success. You will be famous.You will d e s t r o yy o u r e n e m i e s .Y o u w i l l r e a l i s e a l l y o u r h o p e s and desires. You will occupy a high position in government or large institution. You will attain happiness. Belngin Sagtttanus, Mars if MaLeflc: You may have many foes. You may have litigation problems.You may have few children. Your wealth and happinessmay be lesseneddue to your uncontrolled temper. Bei,ngi.n Capdcorn, Marsif Benefic: You will be rich, you will attain high political position. You will have many sons. You will be successful and respected. You will get success in battles and be respected for your military skill. You will gain from quadrapeds. You will have increase in wealth. You will be equal to a king. You may become head of a section of an army or department or institution. You will be victorious in all your undertakings. You will havemuch paraphernalia. Betng i.n Aquanus, Man's tf Malefic: You may be unhappy, miserable, poor and afflicted with sorrowsand great hardships and difficulties. You may have misunderstanding with rulers and immediate superiors in office. You may not be wealthy. You may lose moneyby gamblingor speculationdue to your own malice and dishonesty.



Being in Pisces, Mars zf Benefic: You will have general success and happiness. You will have wealth. You will get bumper crops in your lands. There will be prosperity and increase of b u s i n e s s .Y o u w i l l g e t g r e a t r e p u t a t i o n . Y o u w i l l o c c u p y a goodposition in life. You will be well-known' Being tn Ptsces,Mars if MaLefic: You may have few children. You may be restless. You may have many enemies. You may suffer deep sorrows. You may suffer loss of wealth due to your own deceitful conduct. You may have few sons who may not be intelligent. You nay not progress well in Iife. MercurY in Different Rasis Bei,ngtrt Artes, Mercury i,f Benefic: You will have marriage, if not married. You will get favours from rulers or government. You will gain from cultivation, cattle, precious stones, conveyances and you will get happiness through them. Being in Aties, Mercury if MaLefic: You may not have a good married partner. You may have loss of wealth. You may incur debts. You may have to live in confinement. Being in Taunts, MercurY if Benefic: You may become a minister. You will have children. You u'ill be well-read. You will get titles and names' You will have great happiness. You wilt acquire ornaments. You will have authority over men. You may have sons. You will get plenty of money. You will have good conjugal happiness. Being in Geminz, Mercury tf Benefic: You will get happiness from your partner and children. There will be marriage ceremonies in your house. You will be comfortable. You will have access to


How to Read a Horoscope

treasures. You will have acquisition of fame and wealth.You will lead a happy and comfortablelife. Being in Cancer,Mercurytf Benefi,c: You will do trade in pearls.You will gain from water and also from products of water or connected with water or goodsacrossseas. Bei,ngin Cancer,Mercury if Malefi,c: You may suffer fines, imprisonmentsand penalties. You may have loss of lands and failure of crops. You may developenmity with all. You may be restless.You may lose money due to enmity with your partner or other persons. tn Leo,Mercury if Benef"tc: You will have remunerativeprofession. You will get elevationin your career.You will acquire wealth from various sources.You will get married, if not married, You will get great reputationand fame. Being tn Leo,Mercury i,fMalefic: You may be poor. You may have few children. You may not have good-married partner or happiness throughyour partner. You may not have issues. BetnginVtrgo, Mercurytf Benefic: You will have most auspiciousand happy period of life. You will get favour from kings or the government. You will be admired. There will be marriage in the house.You will have increasein intelligence.You will get unexpectedgains. You will be learned. You will occupya senior position. Being i.nLibra, Mercury if Benefic: There will be great works published in your name. You will get favour of wealthy and educated people without efforts. You will have leadership over men. You will be inclined to have businessat various places and



in different directions. You will be attached to your married partner and children. Metrcury if Malefi.c: Betngi,n Scorpto, You may have separationfrom your married partner and children. You may have mental troubles.You may have loss fr6rn merchandise.You may have loss of reputation and power. Yog-may not have a good partner or you may be attached to'6nother unworthy person. Your financial returns may not be in proportion to labour and effort put in. You may not get approbation o f g o o dp e o p l e . Being tn Sagittaruts,Mercuryif Benefi.c: You will be respectedby polished society.You will be learned and succeed in education. You will be famous.You may occupyan eminent position.You may becomea minister or priest. You will be well-versedin writing and penmanship.You will be liked by king or government. Being in Capricortt, Meratry if Benefi,c: You will get successin trade. You will start new businesslike enterprises in tanneries, leather goods, glassware etc. You will get patronage of kings or government. You will be able to destroyyour foes and in life. You will havegeneral success enemies. Bei,ngtn Capncorn, Mercury if ItlaLefi.c: You may be a debtor. You may be restless,poor and oppressed by various difficulties. You may be separatedfrom relations. Being in Aquari.rn,Mercurgzf Benefic: You will be famous.You will make great strides in life. You will be a scholar.You will have acquisition of paraphernalia.You will have accessto good food and much wealth. You will get good name and fame.

How to Read a Horoscope

Bezngin Aquadu,s,Mercu,rg it MaLeflc: You may not have a congenialmarried partner. you may incur debts. You may be oppressedby enemies. You may have little enjoymentin life. Bei,ng in Pisces, Mercuryif Benefic: You will excel your colleaguesin rendering service to your master.You will have a good married partner. You will do good deedsliked by all. Belng in Pisces, Mercurg if Malefic: You may land in litigations.You may have quarrels with your relations.You may have mental derangement due to your failure in attempts.You may not be happy in respectof children at leastfor sometime. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Aries, Jupi.terif Benefic: You will be powerful and wealthy. You will have many children. You will have happy will acquire landed property. You will have general you will be prosperityand success in all undertakings. elevated to a responsible office or you will be appointedas a trustee.You will get great respect from your people. You may becomethe head of an army or sectionof an army. You u'ill be blessedwith a partner and children. You will have good servants. You will be daring in deeds which will bring you name and fame. You will overcome others with your valour. If not in army, you may command a dominating position in an in.stitution Being in Anes, Jupiter if Malefic: You may have heavy expenditure. You may have m a n ye n e m i e s . Bei.nginTauru4 Jupiter if Benefic: You will have acquisition of wealth. you will

Yearly Predicti.ons


establishyour businesson a firm will gain in trade and agriculture.You will have increasein lands and cattle. You will have dutiful will be intelligent and popular. You will have valuable possessions.'in Tauntq Jupiter tf Maleftc: You may be extravagant. Bei.ngi,n Gemtni, Jupiter if Benefic: You will be scholarly and learned. you will be comfortable.You will be respectedby seniors as well as relatives. You will be very intelligent and happy. You will have sonsand friends. You will have gooclfood and good clothes and have the necessities for comfortableliving. You will keep part of your money in deposit. You will celebrate many occasionsin your family. You may become a minister, or adviser or counsellor. Being tn Gem'ini,Jupi,teri.fMalefic: Your partner or sweetheart may have ill health. you may have loss of children, brothers and cousins. you may have mental uneasiness. Being'in Cancer,Jupiter if Beneflc: you will get You will have much political success. promotion and rise to an exalted may be engagedin national service. You may expect wealth from unexpectedsourcesand without will get journalistic success. You may become minister of education or lands. You will have perfect harmony in domestic life. You will be well-read and intelligent. You will have a good-marriedpartner and sons. you will be endowed with comforts of life. You will earn a good name and fame for your magnificient deeds. Being in Cancer,Ju,piterif Malefic: You may be inclined to social gossip.

How to Read a Horoscope

Being tn Leo,Jupi'tert'f Benefi,c: You will be intelligent and respectedby rulers or the government. You will gain in lands and much agricultural produce.You will realise your desiresand ambitions.You will be learned and famous.You will get happinessfrom your married partner and children. You may becomehead of an army, sectionof an army or institution. Being in Leo, Jupiter if Malefic: Your enmities may last long. BetnginVirgo, Jupiter if Benefic: You will be fortunate. You will have a beautiful married partner. You will be learned. You will have all the comfortsof life. You will get good sonsand friends. You will gain money from your erudition, arts and crafts or work connectedwith them. You may rise to a high positionsuch as that of a minister or counsellor. Being inVi.rgo, Jupiter if Maleflc: There may be destruction of your properties. You may have loss of wealth. You may land in with relatives. misunderstandings tn Libra, Jupiter tf Benefic: Ber,ng You will have comfortable living. You will be wealthy and happy. You will liked by others.You will have several good sons and friends. You may gain money in work connectedwith theatres or films. You will attain high positionin life. Being in Ltbra, Jupiter if Malefi'c: You may reside in desolateplaces.You may lead a dissolute and shameful life. You may have to face difficulties and troubles.

Yearlg Predicti,ons


Being in Scorp'io, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have mental calmnessand happiness.You will have acquisition of new lands and estates. You will get undisturbed progress. You will get happinessfrom your. married partner. You will occupy a respectable position. If following a literary line you would be a scholarand an author. tn Scorpio,Jupiter if MaLeftc: Bei,ng Your reputation may be at stake. You may not have many children. Being tn Sagtttarurc,Jup'iterr.fBeneflc: You will have much wealth. You will get many sonS. You will succeed in every undertaking.You will get widespread fame and perfect happiness.You will get pretty inheritance. You will be rich and influential. You may be a big zamindar.You will have good houses. You will occupy a high position such as that of a chieftan or minister. You may become a professor or religiouspreceptor. Being in Capricorn, Jupiter if Maleft.c: You may be disgraceful and unhappy. You may have illness of children. Your partner may be sick. You may have loss of property, reputation and self-respect.You may be liable to prosecutionsand imprisonment.You may have upspringing of numerous enemies. Being in Aquunu.s,Jupiter if Beneftc: You will be learned. You will becomehead of your group.You will get much respect. Being in Aquari,us,Jupiter if Malefic: You may have bad luck. You may have to face many hardships.You may have loss of wealth. You may not be intelligent. You may destroy your wealth or lessen your wealth by your speech.

How to Read a.Horoscope

Juptter if Benefic: tn Ptsces, good inheritance. You will get great get You will great education. You will gain from name and your You will have requisition knowledge. exhibition of general successand happiness.You of property and will be learned and respectedby your friends.You will earn praise, name and fame for your work and conduct. You will be very wealthy. You may become a minister or head of a sectionof an army.In other words,you will occupya goodposition in life and will be well off. Venus in Different Rasis if Bencfi,c: Being in Anes, Venu,s You will reside in palatial buildings. You will be wear goodclothes.You will spread your fame.You will There will be birth of a child. You be much respected. will be praised by friends as well as enemies.You will occupya goodposition in life. in Aries,VentrciI Malefic: You may be extravagant.You may have quarrels or you will enter into litigations on account of attachnrent to a woman and lose wealth as a part thereof. You may bring discredit to your family. Being zn Taurus Venusif Benzfic: You will have a life of great ease and indulgence. You will You will have enjoymentof mrrch happiness. realise all ambitions of material life. You will get redemptionfrom debts.You will earn from agriculture, cows and you will be wealthy.You will be learned and famous. You will be respected by the king or the government or your group ofpeople whom you head. zf Bencfi,c: Being tn Gemi,niVenu,s You will be learned You will be rich and respected. and intelligent. You will gain territory and vehicles. You will have increase of reputation. You will get



mental peace. There will be harmony with your married partner. You will be loved by others. You will b e w e l l u p i n a r t s a n d s c i e n c e s .Y o u w i l l b e c o m e wealthy. Betngin Cancer,Venusif Benefic: You may have children. You will be strong and, b e c o m et h e c h i e f p e r s o n i n y o u r g r o u p . Y o u w i l l b e having all the desirable necessitiesfor comforts. You will have somemental easein the end. Bei.ngin Cancer, Venusi.fMalefic: You may suffer from grief and terror. Your property may be destroyed.You may have loss of wealth. Ybu may by sorrowful and unhappy. Being in Leo, Venus i.f Benefic: You will get money through women. You will have excellent married partner. You will get unusual happiness.You will not have much worries. You will have happiness and money from ladies. You will be married in high family. in Leo, Venusif Malefic: You may have few children. You will have troubles from fires, poisonsand hurts. There may be sicknessof your better half or a child. You may get sorrows. Bei,ng znV'i,rgo, Venusif Benefic: You will be good at arts. You will be respectedas a scholarin religious congress at holy places. Bei.ngzn Virgo, Venusi.fMalefi.c: You may be unhappy and unsuceessful. You may have quarrels with your married partner or separation from your partner. You may mortgage your property and may not have mental rest. You may be separated f,rom your relatives and friends. You may have much

How to Read a Horoscope

grief and sorrow. You may be poor and may not have much happiness or luxuries. Being in Libra, Venus i.f Benefic: You will get great reputation. you will gain wealth from royal patrcnage or the will have matrimonial felility. You will be respected, strong, learned and very wealthy. You will get good name due to your devotion to gods and brahmins. you will be liked by society and the state and become will possess vehicles. Being in Scorpio,Venusif Benefic: You will attain good position. you will succeed in defeatingyour opponents. Being in Scorpio,Vents if Matnfic: You may have many miseries and troubles. you may get loss of wealth and property. you may be poor and indebted. You may, by favouring a lady, opposeor enter irrto litigation with another party and thereby damage your own property and you may bring discredit to your family. Being i,n Sagttto,, Venu"s if Benefic: You will have much name and fame. you will get success in your undertakings. You will have general prosperity. You will be powerful and respected. you will earn wealth. You will have the necessities for comforts due to your righteous and good actions. you will rise to high position such as that of a minister. you will possess cows.You will be respected by people and society. Being in Capricont, Verutsif Berwftc: You will be powerful. You wilt have progress in general education and you will be learned. you will have freedom from domestic worries. you will succeed in all your endeavours.

Yewlg Predictions


Being in Cap'ricortt,Verntsif Malefi,c: You may be very sorrowful. your efforts may end in frustrations. Bei.ngin Aquarins, Venusif Benefic: You will have acquisition of fresh property, lands and houses. You will get honours and unexpectedgains. You will be liked by all. Betng in Aquarius, Venustf Malefic: You may be antagonisticto your children and seniors (father etc.).You may be agitated in mind. you may be persistently engaged in work which may not yield the desired results. Being tn P,isces, Venusif Benefic: You will be learned and popular. you will be powerful and much will be exalted to you will high political power and have great success. get promotion to a responsible office. you will have perfect happiness in domestic life and there will be smooth sailing in every respeet. you will be very famous. You will be engaged in big projects. you rvill be very wealthy. You will defeat your will be favourite of the king or the government. you will occupyan eminent position. Saturn in Different Rasis Being in Arizs, Saturni.f Malefic: You may have unexpected losses. you may have disappointments in Bvery undertaking. you may develop misunderstandings among relatives and friends. There may be increase of may not perform good acts but rather commit sinf'ul acts. You may be unfortunate and sorrowful. Being in Taunts, Satum, if Benefi,c: You will follow a career of service. you will be


a HoroscoPe Howto Read

You in a variety of work and will be successful. engaged great will have You will gain in agricultural operations. income and access to things desired. You will be powerful. zf Malefi'c: Being in Taurus, Satur"n You may be devoid of wealth. You may have bad friends.You may be insulted. : B eing in Gemini,,Saturn tf B enefic You will get profits Your serviceswill be recognised. in speculationand trade. You will be respectedfrom rulers or the government. You will have political successand reputation. You will have much general You will occupya good position with a large happiness. staff under you. Bemg tn Gemi,ni,Saturn tf MaLefic: Y o u m a y b e m i s e r a b l e .Y o u m a y b e a c c u s e di n a criminal act. You may incur debts. You may not get from children. much happiness if Benefic: Being tn Cancer,Satun't, and attain a good position in intelligent You will be at the cost of others.The luxuries life. You will enjoy your better than the first one part life will be of middle one third. third or last Being in Cancer,Saturn,r.fMalefic: You niay be poor. You may have few children. You may have miseries and calamities.There may be family You may get troubles s t r i f e a n d i n c r e a s eo f e n e m i e s . from relatives.You may ahvaysbe restless.You may not get much happinessfrom children. Being in Leo,Satum if Matefic: You may have You may have a period of uneasiness. and unrest.You may be hated by all. disappointments

Yearly Predtcti,ons


You may be without relatives. You may be without your Your . partner or you may be lacking conjugalhappiness. children may be a sourceof trouble to you. : B eing tn Vtg o, Satum, tf B enefi'c You will head an institution with a large staff such as a police officer or work in defence department. You will be elevated to an exalted position. You will get You will royal favour. You will have businesssuccess. have establishment of fame and success. if Maleflc: Being in Virgo, Satu,rn, You may not be wealthy. You may not engage in productive work. You may get little happiness from children. Being en Libra, Satum, if Benefic: You will be rich and famous. You will be powerful and respected. You will establish fresh branches of your businessconcern.You will get great honour and respect. You will occupy a senior position among people and will be respectedin a village or town where you reside. You will be very rich-equal to a king. You will earn money and respect by touring or contacts with foreign countries. You will rise in life as age advances. Bei,ngtn l)bra, Satum,if Malefic: You may be antagonistic and develop enemies. You may be fond of association with persons of loose morals. Satuntt'f Malefi'c: Being in Scorpto, You may suffer from poison or fire (burns or food poisoning).You may have many sorrows.You may have heavy expenditure. You may suffer from confinement. You may be disliked and hated by all. You may get loss of prestige, self-respect and fame. There may be destruction or damageto property and possessions.

How to Read aHoroscope

Being in Sagittarhts, Satulzl if Benefic: You will succeed in philosophical and religious studies. There will be auspicious occasions like marriage ceremoniesat home. you will get happiness and mental will have illuJtrious children who will bring credit to you. you will enjoy wealth particularly in the last one third part of life. You may become head or leader of a village or town, section of an army or have many employeesunder you. Being in Sagittari,u,s, Satu.t:rt if Malefic: You may have trouble with your partner. Being in Capri.cont,Satumt, i.f Benefic: You will be intelligent. you will have harmony and felicity in your domesticlife. you will have increise in lands and wealth and business. you will develop friendship with great and illustrious personages. Being in Aquariuq Saturnif Benefi,c: You will succeedin litigation. you will have mental hapoinessand acquisitionof wealth. you will be strong and happy.You will initiate a variety of wii be wealthy.You will occupya good position in life. Being in Aquariu,s,Saturnif Malefi.c: You may be addicted to wine and other vices. you may have bad friends. Betngin'P'i,sces, Saturn if Benefic: You will be happy. you will have a good married partner. You may be a goodjeweller or diplomat. you will be a chief among friends and will have good children. You may become head of an institution, village or town. you will commandrespect and trust in government.You will be wealthy.



Moon in Different Rasis Being in Aries, Moon i,f Benefic: You will have self-respect. You will have physical and mental happiness. You will gain in wealth. you may have several children. You will have perfect contentment. Being in Aries, Moon if Malefic: You may be in a subordinate position. you may be devoid ofhappiness from brother. Being 'in Taurus, Moon if Benefic: You will be happy in middle age and otd age. yo'u will make great strides in life. You will be rich, respected, lucky and popular. You will have increase of fame and name. You will have collection of enormous wealth. You will get mental and physical happiness. You will enjoy well. Being in Tauncq Moon if Malefic: You may have a wavering mind. you may have love intrigues. Being in Gemini, Moon i,f Benefic: You will be well-read and will progress in education. You will acquire much immovable and movable properties. You will enjoy luxuries. you will be intelligent. Bei,ng in Cancer, Moon i,f Benefic: You will be wealthy and powerful. you will have much immovable property. You may become a scientist. You will succeed in litigation. You will get unexpected findings of treasure. You will be prosperous. you will have a comfortable house. You may become minister.


How to Read aHoroscope

Being in Cancer,Moon if MaLefic: There may be a cycle of waxing and waning in your career. You may undertake unprofitable voyages. Being in Leo,Moonif Benefic: You will have progress in eduoation. You will get much gains from unexpectedsources. Being in Leo, Moon if Malefic: You may be inclined to be unhappy.You may have a few children. You may have mental anxiety. Being inVtrgo, Moon if Benefic: You will be intelligent an-d comfortable. Being in Virgo, Moon if Malefi.c: You may have worries from enemies and swindlers. You may suffer from mental and physical restlessness. You may have more daughtersthan sons. Being in liibra, Moon.if Benefic: You will get reverenceand respectfrom learned and holy people. You will be wealthy. You will have increasein friends.You will gain wealth. Being in Li,bra,Moon if Malefic: You may suffer from financial penalty at the hands of government. You will be devoid of relativesor you may not have good terms with them. Being in Scorpio,Moon if Benefi,c: You will be head of some department or institution. You may be a businessperson with a flourishing trade of your own. You will be rich and respected by government.

Yearly Predicttons


Being i,n Scorpio,Moon if MaLefic: You may have loss of wealth. Your honour may be at You risk and you may have much mental uneasiness. You respect. in every disappointments to face have may gain means. underhand money by may Moon if Benefi.e: Being in Sagi,ttari'LLs, You will have a happy marriage.You will have many children. You will get good inheritanceand unexpected gifts. You will get help from your married partner and women.You will have domestichappinessand felicity. There will be celebrationsof happy functions.You will have accumulation of wealth and there will be undisturbedprogressof normal private affairs. in Capncomt,Moon i,f Benefi'c: You will succeedin litigation. There will be increase in lands and houses.You will be ever attachedto your married partner and children. You will get successin every new enterprise. IVoontf MaLefic: in Aquari,us, Bei,ng There may be destructionof property.You may have mental worries from enemies. You may have with relations and friends. You may misunderstandings suffer sorrows and you may be poor. Moon if Benefic: Being in Pi.sces, You will take charge of a fresh office. You will have easy accessto anything coveted without effort. You may b e a d e a l e r i n p e a r l s .Y o u w i l l a n n i h i l a t ey o u r e n e m i e s . You will get good reputation. You will have many in works of children. You will get authority if engaged arts, artisanshipor crafts.You will be learned.You will lead a comfortable life. You will be happy. You may inherit or get all of a suddenburied wealth or treasure.


How to Read,a Horoscope

(xvr) PR0FESSTON Sun in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Sun if Benefic: You may be a warrior or connectedwith manufacture of or trade in arms. you wiil be capable of rising to the highest pinnacle of leadership. you will have piogress in career. ' Being in Arizs,Sun if Matefic: You may have frustrations in career. Being 'in Taunts, Sun i.fBeneftc: You will succeedin buying, selling or trade in cloth and scentedthings. you will be a connoisseur of music and singing. Bei.ngin Gemini, Sun if Benefic: You may be an astronomer,grammarian, musician or fine art expert. Being in Cancer,Sun if Benefi.c: You will be engagedin work of others. you may a politician. Being in Leo, Sun if Benefic: You will be a organiseror propagandist. you may be fond of rvork connected with forests, mountains and cowsand cattle. Being inVirgo, Sunif Benefi.c: You may be a writer, painter, poet, mathematician. You may be fond of literature,songsand music. Betng in Libra, Sun if Benefi.c: You may be engagedin trade pertaining to liquor or intoxicants and you will get money from them.,

Yearlg Predictiotts


Betng in Li,bra, Sun if Malefic: You may be a smuggler. You may earn by dealing in base metals such as iron.

Sun if Benefic: Betng tn Scorp'io, You may be a surgeon.You may work in military department.You may earn from dealings with poison and poisonousdrugs. Being in Sagi,ttarius, Sun tf Benefic: You may be a musician.You may a good artisan or well up in arts and crafts. You may become a good physician. Being in Capncorn, Sun if Malefi.c: You may prove a bad tradesperson. Being 'in P'isces, Sun tf Benefic: You may be a pearl merchant. You can earn much money by dealing in aqueousproducts or goods across water or anything connectedwith water. Mars in Different Rasis i-

Bein.gin Ari,es,Mars if Bewfic: You will be an organiser.andcommander.You may be mathematician. You may become a leader of a sectionof army or head of an institution. Being inTaurtts, Mars if Benefic: You may be a singer or musician. Being m,,Mo,rstf Benefi,c: You may be a scientist, musician, diplomat, detective or agriculturist. You will succeedin every respect. You will deal in work connected with precious stones and metals. You may become an artisan requiring mechanical dexterity. You may be a military strategist.


How to Read a HoroscoPe

Being in Cancer, Marsif Benefic: You may be agriculturist,surgeonor doctor. Being tn Leo,Mars if Benefi,c: You may be occulist. astrologer oI' astronomer or Your,work may be connectedwith fine mathematician. in work. arts.You will be persevering Mars i.fBencfic: Being inY'i,rgo, You may be scientistor your work may be connected with a scientificenterprise. Being in Sagittantts, Marsif Benefic: You may occupy a high position in government or large institution. Being in Capncorn,Mars if Benefic: You may work in military. You may be head of an army departmentor institution. Being in Aquaduq Mars if Malefic: You may have misunderstandings with your immediatesuperiorsin office or rulers or government. Berngtn Puces,Mars tf Benefic: will increase. Your business Mercury in Different Rasis Being in Anes, Mercury r,fBenefic: You will have work connected with agriculture, cattle or precious stones.You may be a musician or dancer. Betng i,n Taurtts, Mercury i'fBenefic: You may a minister or musician.You may have work ornaments connectedwith physical exercises,dresses, or flowers.

YearlE Predi,ctr,ons


Bei.ngzn Gemint, MerctnEtf Benefic: You will have work connectedwith literature, arts or sciences. You may be a musician or a goodgrarnmarian.'i.n Cancer, Mercury tf Benefi.c: You may be a singer.You will be engaged in various works. You will have work connectedwith water and also products of water or connectedwith goods across the sea.'inIno, Mercury tf Benefic: You will have a remunerative profession.You may have work connectedwith various countries.You may be a mountaineer. Being inVirgo, Mercury i,fBenefic: You may an author, priest, astronomer or literary critic. You may work with your proficiencyin sciences, arts or crafts.You will occupya senior position. Bezngin Libra, Mercury i.f Benefic: You will have businessin various placesin different directions. Bei.ngtn Scorpto,Mercury i,f Benefic: You will have work connected with sciences.You may be an executive. You may occupy an eminent position. You may become a priest or a minister or a writer or religious teacher. Bei.ngin Capncottt, Met"curyi,f Benefrc: You will earn in trade. You may have inception of new businesslike enterprises in tanneries. leather goodsor glassware. You will have business tendencies. Being in Aquan'us, Mercury i,f Benefic: You will have a career of employment.You may be an artisan.


How to Rea.daHoroscope

Being in Pisces. Mercury if Benefzc: You may be martial artsman. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Aries,Juptter if Benefic: You will have success in your undertakings. You will be elevated to a responsible position or office or be appointed as a trustee. You may be head of army or section of an army. If not in army, you may command a dominating position in an institution. Being in Taurus, Jupiter if Benefic: You will establish business on a firm foundation. You will gain in trade. You may be an agriculturist. Being in. Gemini, Jupiter tf Benefi.c: You rvill deligently engagein work. You may be an a r t i s to r s c i e n t i s t . Being in'Cancer,Jupiter if Benefi,c: You may be a politician or you will have political success. You will get promotions. You will go to an exalted position. You may be a journalist. You may becomea minister of educationor lands. Being in Leo,Jupiter i.f Benefic: You may be musicianor head of an army or sectionof an army or an institution. You may have work connectedwith forts, forestsor mountain regions. BetnginVirgo, Jupiter if Benefic: You will be clever in execution of works. You will have work connected with scents,flowers, arts or crafts. You will get high position in life. You may become minister or counsellor.

Yearly Predi,cttons


Being in Libra, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have work connectedwith theatresor films. You will attain high position in life. Bei,ngin ScorpzqJupi,terif Beneft'c: You will occupya respectableposition.If following a literary line, you will be a scholar or author. Being in Sagtttarius, Juptter tf Benefi'c: You may be minister. You may become a poet, professoror religiouspreceptor. Bei,ngin Aquo,rius,Juptter tf Beneflc: You may be philosopher.You may become head of your group. Being tn Aquarius, Jupiter if Malefic: You will put in much unproductivelabour connected with water or artisanship. Being tn Pxces,Jupiter zf Ben'eftc: You will have determination in execution of work. You may be minister or head of a section of an army. You will have good position in life. You may have educational service or you may become a military strategist. Venus in Different Rasis Ventrctf Beneftc: Betng in Ari,es, You will occupya goodposition in life. Betng in Tauntq Venustf Benefic: You will have work connectedwith agriculture,cows, cattle, scents or flowers. You may be the head of a group.


Hoto to R"ead a Horoscope

Bein4 in, Verw"sif Benzfic: You will work in arts, sciences, music, dancing, writing or painting. Being inVirgo, Verutsi,f Benefi,c: You will be an expert in arts and a scholar in religious congress. Bei,ng d,n Lihra, Venus if Benefi.c: poet or philosopher. You may be statesman, Beh4 in So,gittaritn,Yerurcif Benefic: You may be a philosopher.You will have success in your undertakings. You will rise to high position such as that of a minister. Bei,ngii Capricorn, Vemts if Bencfic: You will get successin all endeavours. Venusif Benefic: Bei.ngi.n Aqu,aritts, You will have work connected with Christian or Islamic literature. BeiW inPisces, Venus if Bencfic: You will have high political power. You will get promotiori to responsible office. Saturn in Different Rasis BeiW i.n Arics, Satumtif Malefic: You may have to labour hard. Bei,n4inTaunts, Satunr,if Benefic: You will be engaged in a variety of work. You will have work connectedwith agricultural operations. B eiW i.n Gemi,ni,Satuttt if Bencfic: Your selices will be recognised.You will get profits



in speculation or trade. You will have political success. You will have work connected with chemical and mechanical sciences. You may a logician. You will occupy a good position with a large staff under you. Betng in Cancer, Saturn if Beneflc: You will attain a good position in life. B eing tn Leo, Satu,rtt tf B enefic: You may be a writer. You may have work connected with water. Being i,n Vr.rgo, Saturn if Benefic: may be the head of an institution with a large You'such as police officer or work in defence staff department. You will have public life. You will be elevated to an exalted position. You will become an inventor. Being in Virgo, Saturn zf Malefi'c: You may engage in unproductive work. B etng in Ltbra, Satu"m' if B eneft'c: If proprietor of a business concern, you will establish fresh branches. You will occupy a senior position among people and will be respected in your village or town. Being tn Scorpio, Satum' if Mateftc: You may be hated by your suPeriors. Being in Sagittanus, Saturn t'f Beneft'c: You may be a philosopher. You may become head of village or town or section of army or have many employees under you. in Capricorrr, Saturn i'f Benefi'c: You will have gains from business.


How to Reld a Horoscope

Being in Aquarhn, Satuntif Benefic: You will initiate a variety of work. You will occupy a goodpositionin life. Becngin Pisces, Satum, i.fBenefzc: You will be a gooddiplomat. llloon in Different Rasis Being in Ari,es, Moon if Mal,efic: You may have a subordinate position. Bemg tn Cancer,Moonif Bencfic: You may be a scientist or minister. Being'in Leo,Moon if Benefic: You will engagein varied work. Bei,n4in Virgo, Moon if Benefi.c: You may be an astrologer, clairvoyant,musician or dancer.You may be engagedin other people'swork. Bei.ngi.nliAra, Moonif Benefic: You will have work connectedwith arts. iSeingzn Scorpio, Moon if Benefic: You will be head of some department or institution. You may be a businessmanwith a flourishing trade of your own. Being in Sagzttanus,Mooni,f Benefic: You will have work connected with fine arts and literature. You may be an author. You may be well versed in artisan work. Being in Capncom,,Moon i,f Benef'tc: You will have success in every new enterprise.

Yeorly Predicti,ons


Being in Aquarius, Moon if Benefic: You may be an artist or artisan. inPisces, Moonif Benefic: You will take charge of a fresh office. You may a singer. You will serve the government. You may get authority if engaged in works of arts, artisanship or crafts. You may deal with countries and in products beyondthe seas. (XVII) GAINS AND INCOME Sun in Different Rasis Betng'i,nAries,Sunif Benef"tc: You witl gain due to cattle and gold. Being in Aries,Sun il Maleyic: You may not be rich. Being in Taurus, Sun if Benefic: You will gain from landed property and wealth. You will succeed in buying, selling or trading in cloth or scented things. You will have increase in landed properties. Being in Gemini,, Suni,f Benefi,c: You will be wealthy and liberal in dealings with others. Being in Cancer, Swt if Bm,efic: You will have increase in lands, housesand wealth. There will be progressin lands and agriculture. Beury in Cancer, Sun i,f lul.alefi,c: You may not be rich. Being inI*o, Sunif Ben*fic: You will have house,gardens and wells. You will be


How to Read aHoroscoPe

rich. You will be fond of forests' mountains and cows and cattle. Bei,ngtn Leo, Sun r'fMaLefic: You may be poor. Bei,ngin Virgo, Sun t'f Malefi'c: You may lose in cattle,wealth and house. Being tn Li,bra, Sun i,f Benefi'c: You will gain in trade pertaining to liquors or intoxicants. You will earn living by dealing in iron, steel etc. Being in Libra, Sun if Malefic: You may resort to all kinds of underhand dealings such as smugglingof gold or other unfair practicesfor earning money.You may have heary expenditure'You may be reduced to PovertY. Sun if Beneflc: Being in Scorpco, You may earn from poison or poisonousdrugs' You will gain from lands, housesand wealth. Being in Sagittaritts, Sttn r'fBenefi'c: Y o u w i l l b e c o m er i c h . Being in Capricon't,Sun if Malefic: You may prove to be a bad tradesman'You may not be rich. You want to appropriateother people'smoney by unfair means. You may earn by means not very commendable.You may have loss of house, cattle, lands, wealth and PatrimonY. Sun lf Banefic: Betng zn Aquariu.s, gain being a pearl merchant' You may by You may due to love with persons by comforts gain money ind You can earn money by you favoured' be will itto*

Yearlg Predictions


de'aling in aqueous products or goods acrossthe water or anything connectedwith water. Being in Aquanus, Sunif Maleflc: You may be poor and devoid of wealth. You may have loss of married partner, wealth, land, cattle and property. Mars in Different Rasis Being in Arics, Mars tf Benefi,c: You will gain wealth. You will be owner of cattle. If engaged in trade you will gain therein. There will be much gains in general Being tnTauntq Mars i,f Beneftc: You will gain from good produce from lands. Being in To,uttts, Mars if Malefic: You may not be wealthy. Berng in Gemini, Mars if Benefic: You will have accessto great wealth, precious stones, metals and agricultural success.You will succeed in rvork in every respect. Mars tf Beneft.c: Being in, Ca:ncer, You will be wealthy. You will gain from agriculture. You will earn through boats, ships, and goods transported by them. You may get. government scholarship. Betng tn Cancer, Marsif Malefic: There may be lack of wealth. Betng in I*o, Mars r,fBenefic: You will gain through your taste in fine arts and materials. You will have increase in lands, grains and lands.

264 Being tn Leo,Mars i,fMaLefic: You may be devoid of wealth.

a HoroscoPe Howto Rea'd

Being tnVtrgo, Mars t'f Benefr,c: You wiit be wealthy and will have children. Betng in Vtrgo, Mars if Malefic: You may have heavy expenditure. Belng in Libra, Mars i,f Bencfic: You will have self-earnedwealth. Bezngtn libra, Mars if Maleflc: You may have loss of wealth and grains and you may mortgageyour landed property. You may waste money and you will be under their over wine and women/men influence. Mars if Benefi'c: Being in Scorp'io, You will have increasein wealth and good earnings. You will have a businesswith a flourishing trade of your own.You will be rich. Being in Sagtttari,us,Morsif Matefi'c: Your wealth may be reduced uncontrolledtemper. to your


Being in Capncom', Mars if Benefic: You You will be rich. You will gain frcm quadrapeds. will have increase in wealth. You will have much paraphernalia. Bei.ngin Aquanuq Mors if Malefic: You may lose money in gamblingor speculationdrie to your own m'aliceand dishonesty. Mars i.f Bencflc: Being in Pisces, You will have much wealth. You will have prosperity

\ YearlgPredi.ctr.ons o f h o u s ea n d b u s i n e s s . and increase Mercury in Different Rasis Mercury if Benefic: B'elngwv Ari,es, gain from cultivation,cattle,preciousstones You will .r4eans of conveyance. and Mercurytf MaLeflc: Being.i,nArzes, You may be devoid of wealth. You may labour hard but lose wealth. B eing'i,nTaurus, Mercury i,f B en'efic: You. will have plenty of money and you will be wealthy. Bei,ngin Gemini, Mercury if Benefic: You will be wealthy. Being in Cancer, Merany tf Benefic: You will gain from water and also productsof water or connectedwith water or goodsacrossseas. Being in Cancer,Mercurytf Malefic: You may have loss of land and failure of crops. You may be speculativeand may lose money.You will have loss of money due to enmity with your married partner or other persons. Being in Leo,Mercury tf Beneftc: You will be wealthy. Being zn Leo,Mercury tf Malefic: You may be poor. Being tn Lr,bra,Mercury if Beneft.c: You will be intent upon earning money. 265


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Scorpio,Mercu,ryif Benefic: You will have riches. Being in Scorpio,Mercury i.fMaleftc: You may lose from merchandise. You may be without wealth and be indebted. Being in Capricorrt, Mercury if Benefic: You.will have success in trade. Betngrn Capncottt,Mercuryif Malefic: You may be poor and indebted. Being in Aquarius, Mercury if Benefic: You will have access to goodand much wealth. Being in Aquari.u,s, Mercury i.fMalefic: You may acquire some wealth by means not above board,but incur debts. Jupitcr in Different Rasis Being ln Arips, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have acquisition of landed property. You will succeedin all undertakings. Being in Aries,Juprter if Malefic: You maf incur heavyexpenditure. B eing'in Taunts, Jupiter if B enefic : You will have acquisitionof wealth. You will gain in trade and agriculture.You will have increasein lands and cattle.You will be wealthy.You will havevaluable possessions. Being in Tau,nts, Jupiter if Matefic: You may be extravagant.



Being in Gemini, Jupiter if Be:nefic: You will have the necessities for comfortable living. You will keep part of your money in your deposits. Betng ln Cancer, Jupiter if Benefi.c: You will have much political success. You will get promotion. You will have acquisition of wealth from unexpected sources and without effort. You will be wealthy. Leo, Jupr.ter if Beneft'c: Betng i:n, You will have much agricultural produce and gain of lands. Betng inVi,rgo, Jr,tpiter if Benefic: You will gain by your arts, crafts or works connected with them. Betng in Vtrgo, Jupiter if Malefic: You may have loss of wealth. Bei:ngin libra, Jupr.ter if Benefic: You may gain money connected with theatre or films. Betng in Scorpio, Jupiter r'f Benefic: You will have acquisition of new lands and estates. Being in Sagittarins, Jupiter if Benefic: You will have much wealth. You will succeed in your undertakings. You will get inheritance. You will be rich and wealthy. Being in Capncorn, Ju,piter t'f MaLefic: You may have low financial returns and you may have little money.


How to Reqd a Horoscope

Be'tngin Aquarius, Jupiter if ldalefic: You may destroy your wealth or lessen your income by your speech. Being in Pisces, Jupi,terif Benefi,c: You will have good will gain from exhibition of knowledge. you will have requisition of property. Venus in Difrerent Rasis Berng in Ari?s, Ventn if Bencfic: You will have good earnings. Being in Ari,es, Venus if Malefic: You may lose wealth on account of attachment to a Being inTaunts, Venusif,Benefic: You will gain from agriculture.and cows. Bang in Gemini, Venu"s if Bencfic: . gain You will have of territory and wiil be wealthy Being'i,nLeo, Venu,s if Berufic: You will gain moneyfrom ladies. Being in Virgo, Venuslf Matefzc: You may be poor. ' Being i.n Libra, Venus if Benefic: You will have gain of wealth from royal patronage or government.You will have comforts and conveyances. You will be wealthy. ; Being i.n,Scorpio,Vents if Malnfic: You may have loss of we4ith and property by

Yearly Predtcti.ons


favouring a lady and opposinganother party thereby. Betng zn Sagi,ttanus,Venusif Benefic: You will have successin your undertakings.You will be wealthy. Bei.ngin Capncortl.,Venusi.f Benefi.c: You will succeedin all your endeavours. Betng tn Aquants, Yenustf Berwfic: You will have acquisition of fresh property, lands and houses.You will get unexpectedgains. Venus i.f Bennfic: Betng in Pisces, You will get promotion to responsible office. You You will have high political power and great success. will be wealthy. You will gain money and respect fr_om good folk. Saturn in Different Rasis B ei,ngin Tannt+s,Satu,m,i.f B enfi.c : You will get success and gain in agricultural operations. You will have much prospects from the cattle and other domestic animals. You will have great to things desired. income and access B eing tn Taurus, Satu.,rnif Matefic: You may be devoid of wealth. Being in Gemin| Satunt,tf Beneflc: You will make profits in speculationand trade. Being in Gemini, Saturrt i.fMalefic: You may incur debts. if Malzflc : B ei.ngi,n Vi,rgo, Satu,rvv You may not engagein productive work.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Li.bra,Saturn if Benefi.c: You will be rich. You will establishfresh branchesof business. Satumr,ifMaLefi.c: Being in Scorpio, You may suffer heavy expenditure. Satut'nif Benefic: Beingin Sagi,ttanus, You will enjoy wealth particularly in the last one third part of life, when you will be much respected. Being in Capricont, Satunt if Beneflc: You will gain in wealth and business. Bei,ngin Aquari,us,Saturn,tf Benefic: You will succeed in litigation. You will acquisitionof wealth. Moon in Different Rasis Moon if Benefic: Bei,ngin, gain wealth. You will Being tn Taunt"s,Moon if Benefic: You will collect enormous wealth and you will be rich. Being'in Gemini,Moon zf Benefic: You will acquire much immovable and movable properties. Being'in Cancer,Moon tf Benefi'c: You will have much immovable property. You will get unexpected finding of treasure. You will be wealthy.



in Leo,Moon if Benefic: sources. You will get gain much from unexpected Being in Li,bra,Moon if Benefi.c: You will gain in wealth. Bei,ngrn libra, Moon if Matefic: You may lose through women. You may suffer financial penalty at the hands of government. Being 'i,nScorpio,Moon if Berwfi.c: You will be rich and wealthy.You will be a business personwith a flourishingtrade of your own. tn Scorpzo, Moonif Malefrc: Bei,ng You may gain money by underhand means.You may have loss of wealth. Being in Sagi,ttarius,Mooni.f Benefic: You will get good inheritance and unexpectedgifts. You will get help from women and your married partner. You will have accumulationof wealth. Moon if Benefic: Betngln Ca.pncomt, You will have increasein lands, housesand wealth. You will succeed in every respect from a new enterprise. Bei,ngi,n Aquanuq Moon i.fMaLefic: There may be destruction of property and you may be poor. in Pkces,Moon tf Beneftc: You may inherit or get sudden buried wealth or treasure. You will gain from your interest in countries and products beyond sea.


How to Read u Horoscope

AND EXPENDITURE ffVIII) LOSSES Sun in Different Rasis Betng in Artes,Sun i.f Malefic: You may suffer disappointments and frustrations in your career. You may quarrel with friends and relations.You may have enmity of or be hated by other persons.. You may reside in foreign countries. Being inTauns, Sunif Malefic: - You may have enmity of or be hated by women. Bei,ngtn Gemini, Sun i,fMatefic: ' You may have set-backs in health which may give rise to mental worries. Sun if Maleflc: Being in Ca,ncer, You may oppose your own people particularly your father and uncle. You may be frequenting solitary places. You may be travellingto foreign countries. Being in Virgo, Sun if Matefic: Ypu may have lossesin cattle, wealth and houses. You may develop enmity with relatives and friends. You may have misunderstandingswith the nearest and dearestpeople. Being wt Libra, Sun r.fMaleftc: You may not get name and fame. You may meet with many frustrations in life. Your expenditure may be heavy.You may be hostile and may suffer at the hands of government.You will lose wealth. There may be increase of enemies and loss of brothers and fame. There may be destruction of all your affairs and failure in any undertaking.You may expect illness of brothers and friends.You may lead a miserableand complicated life. You may be alwaystroubled by enemies. You may be reduced to poverty.

YearIE Predtctions


Berng tn Scorpio,Sun tf Matefic: You may not achieve your ambitions.Mostly in the first half of your life your progressmay be very slow. You may not have much conjugal happiness.You are likely to be hurt by fire, weaponsor poison.You may be travelling through hilly tracks and countries. m, Capncom,,Sunof Maleflc: You may prove to be a bad tradesman.You may be devoid of help and support from your relations. You may be always roaming about near mountains and forests. You may suffer loss of house,cattle, lands and wealth. You may develop enmity with friends and misunderstandings amongyour own people.There may be lossof patrimony. Being in Aquanus, Sun if Malefi.c: You may not have happinessfrom children. You may be devoid of wealth. You may land in disputesand may be always having mental worries. You may expect loss of your married partner, land, cattle and property. Being in Pi.sces, Sun zf Malefic: You are liable to scandals. Mars in Different Rasis Bei.ngin Artes, Mars if Benefic: You may gain in wealth and you will be economical in domesticdealings Being tn Gemini, Mars if Benefic: You will have access to wealth Betng tn Gemtni' Mars if Malefi,c: You may be miserly.


How to Read.aHoroscope

BeiW in Cantu, Mars if Benefi'c: . You witl be wealthy. You will voyages.

have travel and

BeiW in Cancer, Mars if Maleflc: There may be a cycle of good wealth and lack of wealth. You may have alternate sufferings from ailments. BeirW in Le,o,Mars if Benefit: You will be generous and fond of roaming in forest regions.You will get material gains. BeiW inlzo, Marsif Matefic: You may be miserly and devoid of wealth. BeitW in'Vi,rgo, Mars if Bencfi.c: You will be wealthy Beirq i.nVirgo, Marsif Malnfi'c: liou may incur heaw expenditure. ' Being inLiAra, Marsif Benzfic: You will be wealthy and fond of travelling by air. BeinA in Libra, Nlarsif Malcfic: You may have loss of wealth and you may mortgage your landed property. You may waste money over wine and vices and may be under their influence. Being in Scorpin,Mws if Benfic: You will get good earnings.' BeiW in,Marsif Benefic: You will be earning from political sources.

Yearlg Predictions


Bei,ngin Sagtttarius, Marsif Malefic: Your wealth and happiness may be reduced due to your uncontrolled temPer. Being tn Capncortt',Mors if Ben'efic: You will have increasein wealth. Being in Aquamt's, Mars zf Malefic: You may be poor and lose money by gambling or speculation due to own malice and dishonesty.You may be fond of wandering. Being tn Pisces,Mars tf Benefzc: You will have much wealth. Being in Pisces,Morsi,f MaLefic: You may live at a place other than your own land. You may suffer loss of wealth due to your own deceitful conduct. Mercury in Different Rasis if Benef'tc: Mercu"rE Being in Ari,es, You will get gains. Bei,ngin Aries,Mercu,ryif Malefic: You may be devoid of wealth and may incur debts' You may have to live in confinement. i'f Beneflc: Bei,ngtn Gemiri, Mercu"ry You will have acquisition of wealth. if Malefi'c: Being i.n Gemini, Merputry You may have loss pf lands and money due to enmity with your partner. You may live at a place other than your homeland.


How to Read.a Iiloroscope

Being in Leo, Mercury if Benetic: You will acquire wealth from various countries. BeiW inI*o, Meranry if Malefic: Ydu may be travelling in hilly and mountainous tracts. Being inLibrq lulercu;ry i.f Bencfi.c: You will be frugal and gconomical.You will spend discriminately on projects for gain of wealth. Being in Scorpin,Mercuril if Matefi.c: You may get lossesfrom merchandise.You may have loss of reputation and power. BeiW in Capri,comt, Mercuryif Benzfi,c: You will be economical. BeitW in Capricort, Mercury if Malefic: You may be poor and indebted. Being in Aquanus, Mercury if Benefi,c: You will have accessto wealth Being in Aquarius, Mercury if Mal.efi,c: You may-incur debts. Jupiter in Different Rasis Being in Arins,Jupiterif Berrcfic: You will be generous and succeed in all your undertakingsand litigations.You will acquire landed property. BeiW in Arics, Jupiter if Maleft.c: You may have heavy expenditure.

Yearly Predictions


Betng in To,uns, JuPiter if Benefi'c: You witl have acquisition of wealth and gains in' trade and agriculture. You will get income from lands' valuable things' You will be liberal. You will possess Being inTaunt4 Jupt'terif Malefr'c: You may be extravagant' r.fBennfic: Being ut Gemini, Jt't'pi'ter your money in safe deposits' part of You witl keep if Benefic: i,n Cancer, Ju,Ptter Bei,ng You will acquire wealth without unexpectedsources. efforts fro-m

Betngin Leo,Jupi'ter t'fBeneflc: You will be generous and prudent. You will gain lands. You will be fond of forts, forests and mountain regions. Being inVtrgo, Jupiter if Benef"t'c: You will gain money from artF, crafts or work connectedwith them. Being inVirgo, JrtPiter i'f Matefi,c: You may have residence in foreign countries' You may expect destruction of your properties and loss of wealth. Betng tn Libra, Ju'Piterif Benefic: You will be weatthy and may'gain money by dealing in theatres, films etc. tn Libra, Jupt'ter t'fMatefi'c: You may reside in desolate places and at a place other than your homeland. You may land in great diffic ulties and troubles.


How to Read a Horoscope

Jupiter tf Benefi,c: Being in Scorpi,o, You may acquire new lands and estates.You will be generous. Being tn Sagittams, Jupiter tf Benefi.c: You will get a pretty inheritance and will become rich. Being ht,,Jttpiter if Maleftc: You may live at places other than your homeland. Being in Capri.carn,Jupiter if lulalefi.c: You may have loss of property, reputation and selfrespect. You are liable to prosecutions and imprisonment. You may have to put in much hard labour for low financial returns. You may live at a place other than your native land. Bei,ngin Acquaritrc, Ju,piter if Malefic: You may have loss of wealth and many hardships. You are likely to destroy your wealth or reduce your income by your speech. Ju,pitu if Benzfi.c: Being in Pisces, You will acquire property and you will become wealthy. Venus in Different Rasis Being tn Artes,Vents if Bencfic: Yqu will get good earnings. Beirq ht, Arics, Venus if lllalefi,c: You may be extravagant. 'B Vqrus if enefie: B eing'in T ann:us, Y.ou will travel on seas to foreign eountries particularly southern side. You will get redemption of

YeartgPred'ictinns debts and You will become wealthy' Being in Gemini, Vemtsif Ben'efi'c: You will become wealthY'


Vennsif Malefi'c: Being in Ca:n'cer, others and You may be inclined to seek money from you may have loss of wealth' B eing tn Virgo, Yqws if Malefrc: you may You may mortgage your property and becomePoor. B eing in Libra, Yem* if Beneflc: You will be generous' B einOin Libra, Vervusif Malefu : place other than You may be inclined to live at a your native landif Maleftc: Bem,gin ScorPin,Vernts property' You may You may have loss of wealth and party and oppose or enter i"io fitigttion with another ifr".eUv damage your own property' Being in Sagittarius, Venus if Benefic: You will become wealthy' Being in Capicortr,Ven'tts if Benzfi'c: Youwillsucceedinallyourundertakirrgsand endeavours. if Malefu: Being tn CaPncorr, Ven:u's Your efforts may end in frustrations' B etW in Aqtntius, Yenus if B errcfin: You will acquire fresh ProPertY'


How to Read a Horoscope

Being'i.n Pisces, Venusif Benefu: You will do acts of charity and generosity and you will be vzealthy. Saturn in Different Rasis Being tn Aries,Saturtt if Benefic: You will be fond of travelling. Being in Aries,Satum, if Malefic: You may be wandering aimlessly. B eing in Taurus, Satu,rtt,if B enefi,c : You will get goodincgme. Being inTaurws, Satmn,if Malefic: You may be devoid of wealth. Being tn Gemini,Satumi,f Malefic: You may not be.benevolenily inclined and you.may be accused in criminal may incur debis. Being in Cancer,Satun, if Malefic: - You may be poor and may have to take recourse to begging. Being in Virgo, Satum if lulalefic: You may not engageyourself in productive work and will not becomewealthy. Bei.ngin Libra, Satum, if Benefic: You will be travelling in countries inhabited by Christiansand Muslims. Bei,ng in Scorpio, Satum.if Malefic: You are liable to suffer confinement or physical chastisement or reprimands. you may suffei ir""uy expenditure.

YearlyPredi,ctions Being in Sagittariu,s,Satunr if Malefi.c: You may be apparenflygenerous. Being in Ca.pricom,Satumt. if Benefic: You will gain wealth. Belng in Capricor-n,Saturn,if Matefic: You may be prudent. Being in Aquarhrc, Saturn if Benefic: You will have acquisitionof wealth.


Being in,Satunr if Malefi.c: You may be addicted to wine and vicesancllose your wealth. illoon in Different Rasis Bei.ngi,n.Aries,Moon i.f Benefic: You will be fond of travelling. you will gain in wealth. B eing'in Taunt s, Moon if B enefic: You will be liberal, rich and wealthy. Being i.n Gemini, Moon i,f Benefi,c: You will acquire property. Being in Cancer,Moon if Benefic: You will be fond of will be frugal and you will add to your wealth. Being tn Cancer,Moon if Matefic: you may _- You may undertake unprofitable voyages. live at a place other than ybur native homJ land.


How to Read oHoroscoPe

Being rn Leo,Moon if Benefi,c: You will be tiberal and generous in giving. You will get much gains. Being in I'eo, Moon if Malefic: You may be frequenting forests and hills. Betngi,nLtAra,Moonif Beneflc: You may gain in wealth. Being in LtAra, Moon if Malefic: You may lose through women. You may suffer financial penalty at the hands of government. Moonif Bencfic: Being in Scorpio, You may gain money by underhand means and becomewealthy. Moon if luIalefi.c: Being in Scorpt'o, You may lose Your wealth. Being m Saqittorhts, Moonif Benefic: You will have accumulation of wealth' Being in Capncont, Moonif Ben'efic: You will be liberal Moon if Malefic: Bei,ngr,nCa,pncont', You may be wandering aimlesslYBeing in Aquanus, Moonif Malefic: There may be destruction of your property and you may becomepoorMoan if Benfic: BeirWin Pisces, get sudden wealth. You will be inclined to may You You will be interested in countries and water. travel by

( t I I

Yearlg Pred,icti,ons


products beyond sea. You will be generousin giving. You may be spiritually inclined later in life. PREDICTIONSOF DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDS IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS (I) AS FIRST BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Temperamentand Personality As first Lordi.nfirst bhaua:lf Benefic You may live by your own exertionsand independent spirit. As fr.rst Lordin first bh,aua: lf Malefic You may not live by your own exertions and independentspirit. As first tord ii second.bhaua: lf Benefic You will have good character. You will be respectable and generous hearted and well-disposed. You will gladly discharge your duties towards kith and kin. You will be ambitious dnd blessed with forethought.You may have prominent eyes. As first lord in secondbltaua:If Malefi,c You may not have goodtemperament. You may not be respectable and generous hearted and well-disposed. You may not gladly discharge your duties towards kith and kin. You may not be ambitious and blessed with forethought.You may not have prominent eyes. As first Lordin third bhatsa: lf Benefic You are highly courageous, respectable,intelligent and happy. You may be famous as a physician or mathematician.


How to Read a Horoscope

As fr,rsttord in ttnrd bhaua:If Malefi,c You may not be highly courageous,respeetable, intelligent and happy. You may not be famous as a physicianor mathematician. As fi.rst Lordin fourthbhoua: If Benefic. You will be materialistic.You will behavewell and becomefamous.You may have a fair looking and wellbuilt personality. As first Lordi.nfotnth. bhaua:If Malefzc You may not be materialistic. You may not behave well and become famous. You may not have a fair lookingand well-built personality. lf Benefic As fi.rst Lordi,nfifth, bh,aua: You will be in the good grace of rulers and political parties.You may propitiate deities. As fr.rstlord in flfthbhaua: If Malefi.c You may be of sharp, temperament. You may be subservientand serving others. If Benefic As ftrst Lordin sirth bhatsa: You are courageous,respectable, intelligent and happy. in sirth bhaua: If Maleflc As first Lord" respectable,intelligent You may not be courageous, and happy bhaua:If Benefic As first \ord in setsenth You may spend most of your time in travelling in foreign countries. You may lead a licentious life. Later in life you may become detached from worldly affairs and try to lead an asceticlife.



As first lord in seuenthbhaua: If Malefic You may not spend most of your time in travelling in foreign countries. You may not lead a licentious life. Later in life you may not become detached from worldly affairs or try to lead an asceticlife. As fi,rst Lordin ei.ghthbhaoa: If Benefic You will be learned and interestedin will take pride in helping others. You will have a number of friends. You are religiouslyinclined. As first Lordin ei.ghthbhaua:If Malefic you may You are likely to have gamblingtendencies. always think of evil things. As first Lordtn ninthbhaua: If Benefic You will protect others.You are religious and would like to do righteous acts.You can expect to become a good orator. As first Lordin ntnth bhaua:If Malefic You mhy not protect others.You may not be religious and would not like to do righteous acts. you can not expect to become a good orator. As fi.rst Lordin tenth blnua: If Benefic You may be materialistic, well-built, fair looking. You will become famous by your good can expect to be honoured by eminent men. you may perform religious deeds. As first Lordin tenth bh.aua: If Malefic You may not be materialistic,well-built, fair looking. You may not become famous by your good behaviour. You can not expect to be honoured by emihent men. You may not perform religious deeds.

How to Read aHoroscope

As first Lordin eleuenthbhaua:lf Be'nefic Your character will be good.You will be respectable with generous heart and good disposition. You will gladly dischargeyour duties towards your kith and kin. You will be fond of ambition.You will be blessedwith forethought.You may have prominent eyes. lf Malefi.c As firstLordin eLeuenthbho.aa: Your temperament may not be good. You may not be respectable with generous heart and good disposition. You may not gladly dischargeyour duties towards your kith and kin. You will not be fond of ambition. You may not be blessed with forethought. You may not have prominent eyes. As first Lordin twelfthbhaaa: If Benefic You wiil be learned and interested in occultism. You will take pride in helping others. You are religiously inclined and emotionallybalanced.You dedicate your life for public weal and you will have a number of friends. As fzrstLordin twetfthblwua: lf Maleft.c You may roam about in exile. (II) AS SECONDBIIAVA LOBD IN DIFFERETTIT BHAVAS Wealth in first bhaua!If Benefic As second.Lord You will earn wealth by your own effort, intelligence and learning or you will get inherited wealth. As secondLordin first bhaua:If Malefic You may earn wealth by your^ own exertions and generallyby manual labour.

Yearly Predict'ions


As secondLordinsecondbhaoa: If Benefic You will be able to earn considerable fortune through business or other occupations. Riches will be acquired without efforts. You will be pretty rich and will have much wealth with steady fortune. You will spendmoneyon moral purposes. As second, Lordin secondbhmsa:If MaLefic Ancestral wealth will be spent rather wasted on extravagant purposes. You may earn wealth by selfexertion. You will sustain losses.You will be bad in savingmoney. As secondLordi,n third blmua: If Benefic You may get wealth and be benefited by your coborns and by learning fine arts viz. music and dancing and by travels and journeys. As secondlord in thi,rd bhaua: If Malefic You may lose wealth through relatives, co-borns and by being addicted to luxuries. As secondLord, in fourth bltaaa: lf B enefic Unexpected wealth may come from mining, lottery, competitions or unexpected sources. You may get wealth by earning as an automobile dealer or agent or an agriculturist or landlord or commissionagent. you may be benefited from your mother, maternal grandfather and inheritance. You will be highly frugal in dealing with money and will spend money for your own happiness.You may get wealth through house, landed property or vehicles. As second, Lord, in fourth bhat:a:If Malefi.c You may lose through maternal uncles,dealership or agency.You may not have wealth through house,landed property or vehicles.

How to Read a Horoscope

As secondtord in fifth bhaua:If Benefic You may have unexpected wealth through lotteries, speculation,chance games or the favour of rulers or ancestral properties. You may get wealth through children. As secondLordin fifih blnua: lf Malefic You may not spend money even on children. You may not get wealth through children. As secondtord,i,n sirthbhana: lf Benefic You can expect wealth from enemies and broker's business. As secondtordin sirthbhaua: if Maleftc: You may amass wealth through blackmarketing, 'dissimulation deceit, and by creating misunderstandings and troubles between friends and relatives and through questionable and suspicious dealingsand you may land in troubles be sentenced for suchcrimes.You may losewealth from relatives. As secondLordin seuenthbha,ua: If Beneflc You will gain wealth after marriage and also may be benefited by eontact with women. You may undertake journeys to foreign countries,do businessand become wealthy. There will be influx of money from foreign sources. If Malefic As secondlordi,nseoenthbhaua: ' You are likely to wastemuch of your wealth on the gratification of sensesand sicknessof wife etc. If Benefi.c As secondlord i.n ei.ghthbhnna: You will have influx of wdalth from legacies.You can expect to gain wealth from enemies.

Yearlg Predictions


As second lord i.n er'ghth bhaua: lf Malefic You are likely to have loss of inherited or accumulated wealth. There will hardly be any earnings' As second Lord t'n nintlt' bhaua: If B enefic You will have good inheritance and wealth from, father. You may possess wealth by dealing in voyages and shipping. You can also expect benefits of wealth from different sources. As second Lord in nt'nth bhat'a: If Malefi'c You may not have good inheritance and wealth from father. You may possess wealth by dealing in voyages and shipping. You can also expect benefits of wealth from different sources. As second lord in tenth bhaua: lf Beneftc You will get wealth from profession, eminent people and government favours. You will do business or take to agriculture and also engage yourself in philosophical lJctures and dissertations and will take to a number of useful avocations and thereby benefit financially. As second Lordt'n tentLt'bhaua: If Maleftc You may get loss of wealth from profession, business etc. You may earn by your own exertions. lf Benefic As second Lord in eLeuenthbLt'aua: You will get wealth by lending money or as a banker or by running a boarding house. You can also expect money from different means. in eLeuenthbhaua: If MaLefic As secondLord' You may earn wealth by unscrupulous means. intweLfthbhaua: If Benefic As secondLord. You can expect to gain wealth by dealing with churches and servants.


Howto Readafloroscope

As second.lord in twelfth bhansa: If Malefic You may lose wealth by offending airthorities and through governmental executions, fines and penalties. Your wealth may be lost by dealing with sources connectedwith churches.You are likely to gain money from unscrupulous means and illegal gratifications. You may be indebted sometimes. (III) AS THIRD BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Courage As third Lordin'first bhaua: lf Benefic You will be brave and courageous. You will vanquish your enemies. As third Lardin first blraua:If Malefic You may becomevindictive. As thirdlwd in seconfi,blwua: If Benefic You may not be unscrupulousor like mean deeds. As third lord i.n secondblwn:a:If Malefic You may be unscrupulousand like mean deeds. As third Lordin thirdbhaua: lf Benefic You will be brave. As third Lordin third bhaua:If MaLefic You may not be brave. As th.ird lord in.fourth bhau a: If Benefic You may be brave. As third" fourth, bthans a: lf Matefic You may not be brave.

Yearly Predtcti,ons


As th.irdLordin fiftlt.bhaua:lf Benefzc You may be courageous. As thzrd Lordin fi.fth.bhaua:lf Malefr,c You may not be brave. ire si,rthbhaua: If Benefic As tlu,rdLord You may not be tormented by enemies.You may not be deceitful. As third Lordi.n strth bhaua: If Malefi.c You may be tormented by enemies. You may be deceitful. bLtaua: lf Benefic As thtrd Lordi,n seuenth You will be brave. bhaua:If Malefic As third Lordin setsenth You may not be brave. As third Lordtn eighthbhaua:lf Benefi.c You may be brave. As third lord i,n eighth bhaua:If Malefic You may not be brave. As tlu,rd Lordin nintlr bhaua: lf B enefic You will be brave. As third Lordin ninth bhaua:lf Malefic You may not be brave. As thtrd lord in tenth bhaua:If Benefic You will be brave. in tenth bha'oa: If Mateflc As thi.rd.lord, You may not be brave.


How to Rea.dafroroscope

As third Imd in eleuenthbhaua:If Benefic You may not becomevindictive. As tltird lord in eLeuenth bhaua:lf MaLefic You rhaybecomevindictive. As third lord in twelfth bhaoa:If Benzfic You may not be brave. As thirdLord in twelfthbhaua: If Malefic You may be brave. (IV) AS FOURTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Education .: As fourXh Lord, in first bhaua:lf B enefic You will be highly learned. As fourth lord in fi.rst btuaua: If Malefic You will be afraid to speakin public assemblies. As fourihLord,i,n se:cond.bhaua: If Benefic get You will education. As fourth Lord blnua: If MaLefic in second" may have problemsin your educationalpursuits. You As fourth Lordin third bhnua:If Benefic You may progressin your educationsatisfactorily. As fourth Lordin third bltaua:If MaLefic You may not progress in your satisfactorily


If Benzftc As fourth Lordin fourth blt;olua: You may be religiously inclined. You will have good education.



If Malefic As fourth lord i.nfou,rth bh,aua: You may not be religiously inclined. You may not havegood education. As fourth Lord. in fifth bhnua:If Benefic Your educationwill be successful As fourth Lordi.nfifttt bhanta: lf Malefic Your educationmay not be successful. As fourthlordi.n sirthbhaaa: lf Benefi.c You may not have obstructions in your education. As fourttt, Lord, zn strth bhaua: If Matefic You may have obstructionsin your education. As fourth lord in seuenthbhaua: If Benef'tc You will have goodeducation,hoV be abroad. As fourth Lordtn sepenthbltaua: If MaLefic You may not havegood educationabroad. As fourth,Lordin ei.ghthbh,aoa: If Benefic Your educational pursuits may not be spoiled. As fourth. Lordin etgh,thbhaoa: If MaLefic Your educationalpursuits may be spoiled. As fourth Lord" i.n ni.nth bhaoa: If Benefic You may get education in far off places. As fourth Lordin nintll bhaua: lf Malefic You may not get education in far off places. As fourth,Lordtn tenthbhaua: If Benefic Your education will help you in your profession.


How to Read" a Horoscope

As fourth Lordi,n tenth bhaua:If Malefi.c Your educationmay not help you in your profession. As fourth Lordi.n eleuenthbhaua:If Benefle You will get gains from good education. As fourth lord"i,n eleuenthbhnua:If Malefic You may not get gainsfrom goodeducation. As fourth Lordin twelfth bhaua:If Benefi,c You may go to long distances- may be foreign - for education. As fourth,lord i.n twelfth bhaua:If Maleflc You may have loss of education. Houses, LandedProperties, Meansof Conveyance As fourth Lordi.nfi,rst bhaua:If B enefi.c You may not be likely to lose inherited wealth. As fourttt, Lordin first bhnua:lf Malefic You are likely to lose inherited wealth. As fourthlord in secondbhnua: lf Benefi,c You may inherit property from maternal grand father. As fourtlt Lordin second" blnua: If Malefic You may not inherit property from maternal grand father. Asfourth lord in third bhaua:If Beruefic You will acquire wealth by self-effort. Asfourth, Lordi,n tlnrd bhaaa:If Malefi.c You may not acquire wealth by self-effort.

Yearlg Predi,ctioru


As fourth lord in fourth blwaa: If Berwfic You will be rich. As fourth Lordin fotnth bhnua:lf Malefi,c You may not be rich. As four-thlordin fifthbhaoa: If Benefic You will become rich by self-effort and acquire vehicles. As fourth \ord in fifth bhaua:If Malefic You may not become rich by self-effort and acquire vehicles. As fourth lord, i,n si.rth bltaua: If Benefic There may not be obstructionto acquire properties, housesand vehicles. As fourth Lord, in sinthbhaua:If Malefic There may be obstruction to your properties,housesand vehicles. As fourtllLord in seuenthbhaua: lf Beneflc You will commandhousesand lands. As fourth lord" in seuenth bhaua:lf Malefic You may not commandhousesand lands. As fourth, Lordin etghthbh,aua: lf Benzfic You are not likely to lose landed properties and you may not have to lose in litigations. As fourthlordin eigllthbhaua:If Malefic You are likely to lose landed propertiesand you may have to lose in litigations.



How to Read a.Horoscope

As fourth lord in ninth bhnua:If Benefic You will be generally fortunate,having happinessin regard to properties. As fourth lord in nznth bhaua:If Malefic You may not be generally fortunate in having happiness in regard to properties. . As fourth lord in tenth bhaua:If Benefic You will have all comforts through houses,.landed propertiesand vehicles. As fourth Lordin tenth bltaua: If Malefic You may not have all comforts throueh houses. landed propertiesand vehicles. As fourth lord in eleuenthbhaua:If Benefic You will be successfulin selling and buying lar-tds and cattle. As fourth Lordin eleuenth bhaua:If Malefic You may not be successfulin selling and buying lands and cattle. As fourth Lordin twelfth bhansa: If Benefic You may not be deprivedof properties. As fourth Lordin twelfth bhaua:tf Malefic You will be deprived of properties. Happiness As fourth Lord" in flrst bhaua:lf Benefic You will be highly learned. As fourtlt.lord in first bhaua:If Malefic You are likely to lose inherited wealth.

YearLE Predi,ctions


Asfourthlord in secondbhauq: If Benefic You will inherit property from maternalgrandfather. You will be highly fortunateand happy. As fourth Lordin secondbhaua:If Malefi,c You may not inherit property from maternal grandfather. You may not be highly fortunate and happv. As fourth Lord, i.n thtrd, bhaua:lf Benefic You will acquire wealth through self-effort. As fouftll Lordin tltird bltaua: If Malefic You may suffer from machinations from relatives. You may be sickly. As fourth Lordtn fourth bhaua:If Benefic Y o u w i l l b e r e l i g i o u s l yi n c l i n e d . Y o u w i l l b e r i c h respectedand happy. As fourthlord in fourthbhaua: If Malefi.c You may not be religiously inclined. you may not be rich, respectedand happy. As fourth lord in fifth bhaua:If Benefi.c You will be lovedand respected b y o t h e r s .y o u w i l l becomerich by self-effort. You will acquirevehicles. As fourth Lordtn fifth bltaua:If MaLeflc You may not be loved and respectedby others. you may not becomerich by self-effort. You may not acquire vehicles. As foutth Lordtn sirth bhaua:If Benefic You may not always be roaming may not be short-tempered and may not have dissimulating habits.


How to Reada Horoscope

As fourth Lordin sixth bhaua:If Malefic You may be may be shorttemperedand may have dissimulatinghabits. As foufth lord. in seuenthbhaua: If Benefic You will command housesand will be generallyhappy. As four-thlord in seuenthbhaua: lf Malefic You may not commandhousesand may not be generallyhappy. As four-th lord in eighth bltatsa: If Benefic You may not be likely to lose landed property or to face litigation. You may have satisfactionrn sex life. Your father may not suffer ill health. you may be comfortable. As fourth tord in eigLtth bhaua:lf Matefic You are likely to lose landed property or to face litigation. You may suffer in sex life. your father mav have ill health. You rnay not be comfortable. ' As fourth Lordin ninth bhaua:lf Benefic You will be generally fortunate in finding happiness with regard to father and properties. As fourth ntnth bhaua:If Malefic You may not be generally fortunate in finding happinessin regard to father and properties. As fourth lord in tenth bhaua:lf Benefic you will vanquish You will have political success. your enemiesand make your personalityfelt by others. You may be an expert chemist. As fourth lord in tenth bhaua:tf Malefi,c You will have possiblelossof reputation.



As fourthLordin eleuenthbhaua: If Benefic You will be self-made.You will be successful in selling and buying cattle and lands. As four-th.Lord. tn eLeaenth bhaua: If Matefic You may not be self-made. You may not be successful in selling and buying cattle and lands. As fourth Lord. ontwelfttt bhaua:If Benefi,c You may not have ill health. You may not have bad finances and generally uncomfortable existence.You may not be deprived of property and happiness. As fourth Lordi.n twelfth bh,aua: If Malefic You may have ill health sometimes.You may have bad finances and generally uncomfortable existence. You may be deprived of property and happiness. (V) AS FIFTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Children As fifth lord"in first bhaua:lf Benefic You may have a few children. As fifth Lordin first bh,aua: If Malefic You may not have issues or may have limited children or develop misunderstandings with your children. As fifth Lordin secondbhaua:If Benefic You will be blessedwith well-behaved children. As fift.h Lordtn secondbhaua:lf ltlalefr,c You may have family troubles and misunderstandings with your children. As f"tfttt. Lordtn third bhaua:If Beneftc You may have birth of goodchildren.


How to Read" a Horoscope

As fifth lord in thi.rd bhaua:If Malefic You may have ill health of children or misunder_ standing with them. A fl.fth Lordi.nfourth bhaua:lf Benefic i You may have a few children apd one of them may live by agriculture. Ars fi.fthlord infourthbhaua: If Malefic You may not have many children. There may be separationfrom children. As fifth lord" i,nfifth bhaua:If Benefic You may have children. As fifth Lordin fifth bhaua:If Malefic Your children may be limited or suffer ill health. As fifth Lordin sirth bhaua:If Benefic Issuesmay be born and you may not have to adopt one from maternal uncle's line. you may not have enmity with children. As flfthlord in sirthbhaua: If Matefic Issuesmay not be born and you may have to adopt one from maternal uncle'sline or you may have limited children or enmity with your children. As fifth Lordin seuenthblnua:If Benefic You may have children. your children may live abroad and attain distinction, wealth and fame. you will be benefitfed by your childrens' trip to and . resldencern tbreign countries. As fi.fth lord in seuenthbhaua:tf Malefic You may have ill health of children and one of them may suffer abroad even though they might attain name and fame.Misfortunes may befall on your children.

Yearlg Predi,ctions


As fi,fthLordin eigltthbhansa: If Benefie . ' There may not be suffering in family or ill health of children or abortion to wife. you may not develop misunderstandings with children. As fifth lord in eighih bhaua:tf Malefic There may be suffering in family or ill health of children or abortions to wife. you may develop misunderstandings with children. As fifth lord in ninth bhaua:If Benefi.c One of your children may attain distinction as orator or as author. As fi,fth Lordin ninth bhaua:If Malefi.c One of your children may not attain distinction as orator or as author. As fi.fth Lordi.n tenth bhaua:If Beneflc One of your children may becomegem of your family. You will receivejoy from children. As fifth Lordin tentLt, bhaua:If Matefic One of your children may not becomegem of your family. You may not be receipent of joy from children. As fi,fth lord in eleuenthbhaua:If B enefic You may have children and you will get gains and benefitsthrough them. As fifth lord,in eleuenthbhaua:If Matefic You may have misunderstandings with your children. As fifth lord in twelfth bhaaa:If Benefic You may be much attachedto your mav not have misunderstandings with your children.


How to Read a Horoscof,e

.Asfi.fth Lordin twelfth bhaua:lf Malefic You may not be much attachedto your children. you may have misunderstandings with your children. (VI) AS SIXTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Diseases As strth first bhaua:If Benefic You may not suffer from diseases.You may not have sharp attacks of ill health. You may not suffer from boils and fevers. As sirtlt. Lord, i.n first bhaua:If Malefic You may suffer from diseasessometimes. You may haveattacksof ill health.You may suffer from boils and fevers. As sirth lord,in secondbhaua:If Benefic You may not have defective vision. You may not stammer. You may not suffer from dental and eye troubles. As sinth lord in secondbhaua:lf Malefi,c You may have defective vision. You may stammer. You may suffer from dental and eye troubles. As si.rthlord in thirdbhaua: If Benefic You may not have ear complaints.You may not have injuries to neck and you may not suffer from throat complaints. As strth Lord, in third.bhaua:If Malefic You may have ear complaints. You may have injuries to neck and you may suffer from throat complaints. As sirth Lordtn fourth bhatsa: If Benefic Your health may not be in jeopardy.

Yearly Predictions


As sirth lord in fourth bhaua:If Malefic Your health may be in jeopardy sometimes. As sirth Lordi.nfifth bhaua:lf Benefic Your children may not suffer ill health. As si.rth, Lordin fifih bhaua:If Malefic Your children may have ill health sometimes. As sirth.lnrd in sirthbhaua: If Benefi.c You will not generallyhave any major diseases. As sirthLordtn sirthbhaua:If Malefic You may suffer from ill health sometimes As sirth Lordi.n seuenthbhaua:If BeneJic Your wife may not suffer ill health. You may not fall ill. As sirth Lordin seuenthbhaua:If Malefic Your wife.maysuffer ill health. You may fall ill. As sisth Lordin eighth bhaua:If Benefi,c You may get redemptiorr from ailments and suffering. As sirth Lord in eishth bhaua.i.: If Malefic You may suffer from fevers or watery diseases. . As sirthLord i,n ninthbhaua: If Benefic You may not suffer from diseases. As sirtlr. lmd in ninth.bhaua: If Malefic You may suffer from diseases sometimes. As sirth, Lordin tenth bhau a: If B enefic You may not suffer from diseases.


How to Read a Horoscope

lf Malefi.c As sirth Lordin tenth bh.aua: You may suffer from diseasessometimes. bhaua:lf Benefr.c As sirth lord in eleuentlt, You may not suffer from diseases. lf Malefic As sirth lord in eleuenth.blnaa: You may suffer from diseasessometimes. As sirth lord i.ntweLfthbhaua:If Benefic You may not have colic cliseases. in twetftlt.bhaua:lf Malefic As sirth lord, Y o u m a y h a v ec o l i c d i s e a s e s . Enemies As sirth Lordinfirst bhaua:lf Benefic You may not have troubles from machinations of a n d y o u m a y n o t b e v e x e db y e n e m i e s . enemies As si,rthLordin first bttatsa:If Malefic You may have troubles from machinations of enemiesand you may be vexed by enemies. As sirth lord in secondbhaua:lf Benefic You may gain from enemies. As sirth"Lordin secondbhaua:lf Malefec You may have loss of money from enemies.Your relativesand friends may turn into bitter enemies. in thi,rd bhaua:If Benefic As strth,lord, You may not have enmity or misunderstandings with your brothers. Your maternal uncle^may not work againstyour interests.

Yeurly Predtcti,ons


As sirth Lordin third bhaua:If MaLefi.c You may have enmity or misunderstandingswith your brothers. Your maternal uncle may work against your interests. Lordznfourth bhaua:lf Benefi.c As si.rth, You may not quarrel with your mother.You may not have trouble with your servants. You may not be troubled by relatives. Your properties may not be auctionedor lost to enemies As strth four-th bhaua: If Malefic You may quarrel with your mother. You may have trouble with your servants.You may be troubled by relatives. Your properties may be auctionedor lost to enemies. As strth Lordi.nfi.fth bhaua:If B enefi.c You may not have enmity with your children. As szrth lord znfifttt. bltaua: If Malefic You may have enmity with your children. As strth tord in sr.rthbltaua: If Benefic You may not have enemies. As si,rthLordin sirth bhaua:If Malefi,c There may be increaseof enmity with your kith and kin. As si.rthLordtn seuenth bhaua:If Benefic You will be free from troubles from enemies. As sirth Lordin seuenthbhaua:lf Malefi.c You may have misunderstandings or quarrels with partner. You may havetrouble from enemies.



Hout to Read.a, Horoscope

lf Beruefic As sirth Lordin eight bhatsa: You may not have enemies. lf Malefi.c As sirth Lordi,n eighth bh.aua: You may have enemies. As si,xthLordin ninth bhaua:lf Benefic You may benefit from cousins. As sinth lord,in ninth bhaua:tf Malific You may have misunderstandingsbetween you and your father. You may have danger from your cousins. If Benefic As sirth Lordin tenth btwnsa: You may not have formidable enemies and may not be vexedby enemies. in tenth bhaua:If Matefic As sirtlt, Lord, ' You may have formidable enemies and may be vexed by enemies. tn eleuenthbhaua:If Benefic As si.rthLord, You will conquer your enemies and overcome all opposition. bhaua:If Malefi,c As si,rthLordin eLeuenth get displeasureof your own elder brother. You may As sirth Lordi,n tw elfth bhaua:If Benefic You will not have any untoward-thingsfrom enemies. in twelfth bhatsa: If Matefi.c As sirth tord. You may have losses and destructions in your and you may suffer troubles. enemies'hands



Debts As sixth lord tn first bhaua:If Benefic You may not land in debts due to losses by theft, poverty, sharp attacks of misfortune and financial losses. As si,rthLordin first bhaua:lf Malefzc You may land in debts due to lossesby theft, poverty, sharp attacksof misfortune and financial losses. As sirth Lordtn secondbhaua:lf Benefi,c You may not incur debts due to loss of money from enemies. As sirth Lordi.n secondbltaua: lf MaLefi,c You may incur debts due to loss of money from enemies. If Benefi.c As si,rthLordi.nfonrth bh"aua: Your ancestral property may not be involved in debts. lf Malefi.c As sirth Lordtn fourth bh.aua: Your ancestral property may be involved in debts. As strth Lordin fifth bltaua: If Benefi.c You may not be in debt due to children. As sirth Lordin fi.fth bttaua:If Malefrc . You may get into debts due to children. bhaua:If Benefic As sirtlt Lordi.n si,rth, You may not have debts. If Maleflc in si,xth bh.aua: As si.rth Lord, You may be in debt.


aHoroscoPe Howto Read

If Benefi'c As sirthlord tn seuenthbhaua: You may not get into debt due to partner. As sirth Lordin seuenthbltaoa: If Malefcc You maVget into debt due to partner. As sirth Lordin eigh'thbhaua:If Beneflc You may not have debts due to loss of money or diseases: If Malefic As sirthlordi.n etglt'thbhatsa: You may have debts due to loss of money or diseases sometimes. in ninth bhaua:If Benefi'c As sirth Lord, get benefits from cousinsYou may lordi.n ntnthbltaua: If Maleftc As sr,rtlt You may be involved in debts due to losses, litigations. pecuniary troubles and due to father losing property sometimes a: If B enefic As sirth lord tn tenth bhau You may not have debtsdue to low life. If Benefic in twelft,hbh,aua: As sirth Lord, You may not have debts. lf MaLefic As sirthlord in twelftlt'bhaua: You may incur lossesand get indebted sometimes. (VII) AS SEVENTH BHAVA LORD IN DIF-FERENT BHAVAS Marriage and Marital Relationship As seuenthLordin fi,rst bhaua:If B eneflc You may marry someone you have known since


YearlyPredr.cti,ons '


childhood or one who has been brought up in the same place. Your partner may be a stable and mature person. As seuenthlnrd in fi'rst bhaua: If Malefic You may be sensual.You may travel frequently. As seuenthLordt'n secondbhaua:lf Benefic You will get wealth from women or through marriage. lf Malef'tc As seuenthlordr,nsecondbh,aua: You may have a wavering mind and may be inclined sensually. Lordin tlt'ird bhaua: If Benefic As seuenth, You may not indulge in adulterY. Lordin third bhaua: If Malefic As setlenth, You may be sensual. If B enefic As seuenth lord in fourth bh,apa: happy married partner and lucky You witl have a comforts. and with many children As seuenthLordin fourth blt'aua:If Maleflc Your domestic harmony may be spoiled through an immature partner. Your partner's temperament may not be very good. Lordin fifth bhaua: lf B enefic As seuenth, You may have an early mamiage. Your partner may hail from an affluent and rvell-to-do family. Your partner will be mature and an advantageto you. As seuentltLordtnfifthbhaua: If Malefic You may not have an early marriage. Your partner may not hail from an affluent and well-to-do family' Your partner may not be mature and an advantage to you.

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a.HoroscoPe How to Rea.d.

As seuenthlordin sirthbhaua: If Benefic You may marry a cousinsuch as an uncle'sdaughter. in si'rth bhaua:If Malefic As seuenthford" You may have two marriages with both partners living. You may not have marital happiness. Your partner may be sickly and jealous by nature, denying you happinessfrom marriage.You may desert or lose married partner through someindiscreet act. If Benefic in setsenthbhaua: As seuentlt,lord You will have a charming and magnetic personality and you will be soughtafter for alliance. Your partner will be just and honourable person, coming from a family of reputation and social standing.Your marriage may take place early in life. You will have a very favourable partner who will be beautiful with good socialbackground. bhaua:If Malefic Lordin seuenth As seuenth You may have lonely life devoid of marriage or the marriage negotiations may fail or there may be loss through marriage. As seuenthlord in eighth bhaua:If Beneftc Your marriage.maytake place with relative or your partner may be a rich Person. ' If Malefic As seuenthLordin eighth bhatsa: You are likely to have a sickly and ill-tempered life and separation. partner leadingto estrangement tbrd in ninth bhaua:If Benefic As seuenth You will get an accomplished partner who will enableyou to lead a righteouslife.

Yearlg Predtcttons


As seuenth Lordin ninth bltaua: If Malefi'c Your married partner may drag you from the righteous course of life and you waste away your wealth and suffer penury. As seuenthLordi,n tenth bltaua: If B enefic You will get a devoted and faithful life partner. Your partner may also be employed and contribute to your income or may help you in advancementof your career. lord in tenth bhaoa: If Malefi'c As setsenth Your partner may be avaricious and overambitious but without sufficient capacity and consequently your career may suffer and deteriorate. If B eneflc bhansa: enth Lordin eLeuenth, As seu Your partner may hail from a rich background or bring in much wealth. bltaua: If MaLefi'c Als seuenthlord in eletsenth You may have more than one marriage or you may associatewith others of opposite sex. a: If B enefi,c As seoenthLordin twetfth blt'au than one marriage' There more You may not have of your partner. Your or separation may not be death partner may not hail from a low family. You may not dream of opposite sex and may marry. You may not be lacking in marital happiness. If Malefi'c As seuenthLordin twelfrh bh'aua: You may have more than one marriage. There may be separation from your partner. Your partner may hail from a low family. You may dream of opposite sex but may never marry. You may be lacking in marital happiness.


Howto Read a Horoscope

OIII) AS EIGHTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Longevity As eightlr. lord in fi.rst bhaua:lf B enefi,c You may not suffer bodily complaintssuch as disease and disfiguration. Your constitution may not be weak. You may have bodily comforts. As eighth lord i.nfirst bhaua:If MaLefic You may suffer bodily complaints. Your constitution may be weak.You may haveno bodily comforts. As etghthLordinsecondbh.aua: lf Beneftc You may not suffer severe illness. You may not have eye and tooth trouble. As eighth,Iord i.nsecondbhaua:If Matefic You may suffer illness. You may have eye and tooth troubles. As eighth lord i.n third bhaua:If Benefic Your ears may not cause problems. You may not suffer from mental anguishand hallucinations. As eighth Lord" in third bhaua:lf Malefic Your ears may causeproblems.You may suffer from mental anguishand hallucinationssometimes As eighth Lordin fourth. bhaua:If B enefic Your mental peacemay not shatter. As eighth tord in fourtlt bltatsa:lf Male.fic Your mental peacemay shattersometimes. As ei.ghtlt. Lordin fi.fth bhatsa: If B enefic You may not suffer much bodily ill health. You may

Yearlg Pred'ictions


not have nervous debility or breakdown or mental aberrations. As ei.glt th tord i,nfiflh bLt au a. If Malefic You may suffer bodily ill health. You may have nervous debility or breakdown or mental aberrations sometimes. As ei.ghth Lord i.n sirth bltaua: If Benefic You may not suffer ill health. As ei.ghtlt.lordi.n si,rthbhaua: lf Malefic You may suffer ill health sometimes As eigh,thLord i,n seuenth b'lmua: If Benefic You may not suff'er from diseases. As erghth,Iord in seuenth bhaua: lf MaLefic You may suffer from diseases sometimes. As eightlt,Lordinfluenctng eighth bltaua: lf Benefic You may have good life span. As eightltlord influencing eighth bh,aua:If Matefic You may not have very good long life span. (Ix) AS NINTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Prosperity As ninth, Lord in first bhaua: If Benefi,c You will become self-made and earn much money through own efforts. You will acquire nleans of conveyance. wealth, riches and every kind of comfort. You will inherit paternal property and will build it up with own efforts as well. You will work in top levels of government service and occupy a post equivalent to king or minister and you will get position of authority


How to Read a Horoscope

and power. Many of your relatives will depend on your hospitalityfor their living and shelter.You will become famous both for your generous instincts and achievementsin career. You will be fortunate with You will lead a happy life. riches and happiness. As ntnth lord in fi.rst bhaua:If Malefi'c You may get results contrary to your expectations. You may suffer penury and instead of maintaining others you may be forced to depend on others. bhaua:if Benefic i.n secdnd, As ninth Lord, Your father will be rich and influential and you will acquire wealth from him. You will get unlimited wealth through family businessor property. You will eat very good food and enjoy a luxurious life. You will have many relatives who will hold you in regard and affection. Your face gets a radiant glow and you will have eloquentspeech. As ninth Lordin secondbhaua:lf Malefic You may ruin and.destroy your paternal property. Your resources and inheritance may dwindle on account of family squabbles.You may suffer disgrace and humiliation. As nr.nthlord in third bhaua:if Benefic You will make your fortune through writing, and oratorial abilities. Your father may be a speeches man of moderatemeans.You will advanceyour fortune Your brothers will prosper.You through your co-borns. will have an inclination for writing on religion and spirituality. You may earn through music and musical instruments.You will make many trips abroad as well as to holy spots and pilgrim centres. You will go to foreign lands where you will serve the government or the ruler.

Yearly Predictions As ntnth lord in thi.rd bhaua: If Malefic


You may land in trouble through your writings which You may be forced may be irrational and even obscene. to sell your paternal property because of troubles occuring through your writings. Your fortune may be mediocre. As ntnth l,ordin fourth bhaua:If Benefic You will have vast landed properties and beautiful bungalows. You will earn through estate and land dealings. Your mother will be a rich and fortunate woman.You will inherit father's immovableproperties. You will become a president or ruler of a country or head of a centre of learning or research. in fourthbhaua: If MaLefi,c As ninth Lord, Your early You may have any domesticunhappiness. life may be crossed by miseries due to hard-hearted father or disharmony between parents. Your mother may be living separatelyfrom your father.Good results will be experiencedto a lesserscale. in all respects As ninth lord i.nfifth bhaua:If Benefzc You will have a prosperousand famousfather. Your children may also be fortunate in life and enjoy success and distinction. You will experience great clarity of thought and consequenttranquillity. Your father will help you with money and in other ways also to advance your career and interests. Your children will distinguish themselvesin academicsand bring much happiness to you. Your children may become very famous and earn governmental patronage. Your children will also prospervery well and enjoy all kinds of luxuries. As ntnth Lordin fifth bhaua:If Maleflc You may not have a prosperous and famous father. Your children may not also be fortunate in life and and distinction.You may not experience enjoy success


Hou to Read u Horoscope

great clarity of thought and consequenttranquillity. Your father may not help you with money and in other l ways also to advanceyour career and interests.Your children may not distinguishthemselvesin academics nor bring much happinessto you. Your children may not become very famous and ehrn governmental patronage.Your children may not'also prosper very well and enjoy all kinds of luxuries. . As ntnth Lordi.n strth bhaua:If Benefi,c You may gain wealth through successfultermination of father'slegal problemsand by way of compensation, costs, etc. You will get generally good results in all respects.You will earn well and advance in career. Your father'shealth will improve.You may get a post of judicial or similar officer.You will have many servants and men at your beck and call. You will inherit landed property. You may profit through royalty on books and through legal bequests. in sirthbharsa:lf Malefic As nintlt"Lord You may have sickly father or your father may suffer. You may contract debts and be drawn into litigation. As ninth lord in seoenthbhaua:If Benefic You may go abroad and prosper there. Your father may also prosper in foreign lands. You will get a noble and lucky married partner. You may seek spiritual guidanceand fulfilment abroad. You will earn wealth in foreign lands.You will be sent abroad on diplomatic and similar assignments.You will be born in a prosperousfamily. You will get all sorts of luxurious conrforts. You will get every kind of enjoyment. You will earn landed property and earn through women abroad. Fortune booms after marriage; your partner will be a rich and noble person, hailing from a respectablefamily.

Yearlg Predi.cti,ons


If MaLefzc in se',*enthbhaua: As ninth Lord, Your father may meet with his suffering abroad. Your partner may be sickly, although gracious and gentle. You may have to defray expenses on account of liabilities and litigations,even thoughearningwell. lf Benefi.c As ni,nthlord zn eigtLthbhaua: You may inherit substantial paternal property. Your father may leave you a large inheritance. As ninth Lordin eighth bhaua:If Malefic but also lose You nray not only suffer bereavements your wealth and lands.You may wander aimlesslyltom place to place and suffer hunger and thirst. Your father' may suffer ill health. You may suffer poverty and heavy responsibility due to father's separation..'You may abandontraditions or damagereligious institutionsand trusts set up by the family. As ninthlord tn ni,nth bltaua:If Benefi,c You will have a long-lived and prosperous father. You will be r.eligiouslyinclined and charitable. You wili travel abroad and earn money and distinction thereby. You will be lucky. You may marry a very eligible and good-natured partner. You will invest wisely in father's business and expand it beyond expectations.You lvill earn wealth. You may win in. Your electionsand becomea great political personage. father may becomefamousin foreign lands.You will be pious and dutiful towards your parents. If MaLetic As ninthlord in ni,nth.blraua: You may indulge in vile acts. You may suffer from stomachcomplaints.You may lose your parents or be separatedfrom them As nu'fthLordin,tenthbhaua: lf Benefic You will become very famous and powerful. You will


How to Read a Horoscope

be generousand occupy posts of authority. You will earn much wealth and acquire every kind of comfort and luxury. Your meansof livelihood will be righteous and you will be a law-abidingcitizen. You will become renowned for your learning. You will get settled in your career and will lead a very successful life. You will do charitable deeds such as building rest-housesand hospitals. You will earn wealth through your serviceto government. You will be honouredmanytimes. As ninth,lord in tenth bhaoa:If MaLefi.c you may earn You may lose your job. If in profession, people the wrath of and be forced to close down your practice.You may lead an unrighteouslife and seek to earn through illegal and shady means.You may lose your property and may suffer punishmentby the ruler or the government. As ninthlord tn eleoenthbhaua: If Benefi,c rich. You will have powerful You will be exceedingly and influential friends. Your father will be a wellknown and well-placed man. You will prosper in the family business. As ninth lord in eteoenthbhaua:If Malefic Your unfaithful friends may destroy your wealth through selfish schemingand fraud. If Benefic As ni,ntlt.lord, in twetfth blwnsa: pure You will lead a and honest life. You will be sp.irituallyinclined and spend your wealth in charity. You will be religiousand noble but alwaysin want. As ntnth,lord in twelfth bhnua:If MaLeflc You may have a poor background. You may suffer much and may have to work very hard in lifu and even then successmay not come to you. Your father may leave you penniless or your father may live far away from you. You may lose money by foolishly investing it.



You may be robbed of your money.You may lose your cattle, pets and also your servantsand workers. (X) AS TENTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Profession As tenth Lordm,first bhaua:lf Benefi.c You will You will live by sheer dint of perseverance. be self-employed or pursue a profession of independence.You will become very famous and a pioneer in your field of work. You will found a public institution and be engagedin social projects and will be renowned. You will occupy top position in government and exercise much power and authority. You will be noble and engageyourself in charitable person. deeds.You will be a just and peace-loving If Maleflc As tenthLord tn fi:r'stbh,atsa: You may suffer disgraceand humiliation. If Beneftc As tenthlord, in second,bhaua: You will be fortunate.You will rise well in life and make lots of money. You may engage in family trade and develop it. You may prosper in catering and restaurant business.You will earn riches. Your fame for your riches will spread widely. You may work for the government in an influencial job with many servants at your beck and call. Your power and authority will have no limit. If Malefzc As tenthLordin secondbhaua: You may suffer from losses and be responsible for You may be beset with winding up the family business. variouskinds of troubles and loseyour money. As tenth,Lordtn th.ird bhaua:If B enefic You may have to travel constantly on short journeys. You may be a speaker or writer of celebrity. Your


How to Reud a Horoscope

your career. brothersmay be instrumentalin advancing Your prosperity will boom.You will becorne famous as a bold writer. You will rise swiftly in your career with frequent promotions.You will acquire ntusical talent and become famous in this field. You may work for newspapers or publishinghouses. As tenth Lordin tLti,rd If Matefic bh,aua: Your rise in life may be slow and you may be beset with obstacles. Rivalry betweenyour brothersmay lead to reversals,obstacles etc. in your career. You may have a mediocreperiod. You may wander aimlessly. As tenth Lordin fourth, bhaua:If Benefic You may engage in agricultural pursuits or in dealings with immovable properties. You may wield great political authority as a president or head of a government. Your income may be from lands and buildings.You may head an educationalinstitution or a researchorganisation. As tenth Lordin fourth bhaua:If Malefic You may be forced to take to a life of servitude.You may take wrong decisions which may affect your reputationadversely. As tenth lord in ftfth bhaoa:If tsenefuc You may shine well as a broker and engage in s p e c u l a t i o n a n d s i m i l a r b u s i n e s s .Y o u m a y l e a d a simple and pious life of prayers and pious activities. You may becomethe head of an orphanageor remand house.You nray rise to the rank of a minister.You may even become ruler of a country and may'be elected to office. You may innovate many reforms helpful to socrety. As tenth lord in foft,tt. bhaua:lf Malefic You may not attain a high position of the rank of a minister but may be a mere member of the assembly.

Yearly Predictions


Good l'esultsregardingyour professionmay be greafly reduced.

As tentLt Lord i,n sirthbhaua: If Benefic You may have an occupation bearing on judiciary, prisons or hospitals. You will hold a post of authority. You may be a court official. You may become a high court or supreme court judge. You may become a skilled surgeon or physician also. As tenth lord in sixthbhaua: lf Malefic You may suffer disgrace in your career. You may be exposed to criminal action and face imprisonment. As terutlzLord in seuenth bh.aua:If Bertefic You will get a mature married partner who will assist you in your work. You will travel abroad on diplomatic missions. You will be known for your skill in undertaking and achieving your objectives. you will make profits through partnerships and cooperative ventures. You will work abroad where you will get distinction and recognition. Your work may be connected with means of conveyance.You may work as pilot. You may work for railways or in automobile companies. As tenth lord in seuenth bhaua: lf Malefic You may follow a profession that may not fetch much money and as a consequenceyou may suffer penury. As tenth iord in eigllth bhaua: If Benefi,c You may occupy a high office in your field but only for a short period. You may become a mystic or spiritual teacher. You may be suspended and then reinstated. As tenth Lord" in eighth bhaua: lf Matefic You may have criminal propensities and commit offences. You may lose your job in humiliating


How to Read a HoroscoPe

You may hold low jobs or take a career circumstances. connectedwith crimes. You may spoil your agricultural income. If Benefic As tenth Lordin ninth bhatsa: You will be a spiritual stalwart and will be a beacon light to spiritual seekers. You will be generally fortunate and well-to-do. You may follow a hereditary professionor that of a preacher,teacher or healer. You witt Oo many charitable deeds. Yqu will lead a life of righteousness.You will earn through fair means. You miy embark on a spiritual sadhana (exercise to attain peifection). You rnay work as government officer or take up medical profession. You may work as an auditoi and banker in government or in some big undertaking. You may go abroad and do research.You may be head of industrial or other concern' employing labour. lf Malefi'c As lentlt,Lord in runtlt blt'o'ua: in a low position. work to You may be forced As tenth Lordin tenth bhaua:If Benefi,c You will achieve distinction in your profession but only after a hard struggle.You will'acquire power' status and eminence. There will be many people working under you, who will respectyour word as law. You witt do charitabte deeds' You will found institutions relating to your field. m tentlt' bhaua:lf Malefir As tenth Lord, You may suffer poverty. You may lose your job and drift about in misery. If Ben'efi'c As tenthtord tn eleuenth'bhaoa: You will engage in riches. immense You wilt earn give to many employment will You meritorious deeds. and enterprises business many will have people. You have will You successful. out will turn att iour ventures

Yearly Predicti,ans


many men at your command. You will be a popular figure in social circles. You may earn through trade in sea products, milk or restaurants.Your income may come from woollen factories, match industries, gold market or chemicals. You may earn as a great intellectual and thinker. You may head many institutions of learning as a chairman or trustee or you may be a newspapermagnateor prosperouspublisher. As tenth lord in eleuenthbh,aua: lf Maleflc Your friends may turn out enemies and cause you every sort of hardship and worry. You may have professional losses.You may have moderate success and wealth As tenth Lordi.n twelfth bhnua:If Beneftc You may becomea spiritual seeker.You may head a medical institution or a prison or a remand house. You may pursueyour spiritual inclinationswith zeal. As tenth Lordi,n tw eLfthbhaua:If Maleftc You may have to work in a far-off place. You may indulge in nefarious activities. You may suffer humiliation. You may lose your job and if in business, losses may accrueto you. You may haveunconventional profession and people may revile at you. You may wander aimlessly. (XI) AS ELEVENTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Gains and fncome As eleuenthlord i.nfirst bhaua:lf Benefic You will be born in a rich family. You will earn much wealth. As elet:enthLordi.nfirst bhaua:If Malefic You may lose elder brother or develop misunderstandingwith him.

How to Read a Horoscope

lf Benefic in secondbhaua: As eleuenthtord You will earn through commercial concerns and Your businesswith friends will bring bankingbusiness. good profits. If Malefzc in second,blwua: As eleuenth,Lord. You may suffer losses on account of friends in business. lord, tn tlurd"bhaua:lf Beneft.c As eLeuenth be a concert singer or musician and may You may thereby. earn You will gain through brothers, many friends and helpful neighbours. lord in thi.rdbhaua:lf Malefic As etreuenth 'You may get contrary results regarding your gains. As eleuenthLordi.nfourth bltaua: If B enefic You will profit through landed estates,rentals and products of earth. You will get comfort and enjoy all joys in life. You will be renownedfor your learning and scholarship of various subjects. You will have ,a devotedand charmingpartner. tord in fourth bhaua:lf Malefic As eleuenth, You may not profit through landed estates,rentals and products of earth. You may not get comfort and enjoy all joys in life. You may not be renownedfor your You may learning and scholarshipof various subjects. not havea devotedand charmingpartner. a: lf B enefic As eleu fiftlt. bhats You may have children who will come up in life. You will be pious and observe many resolves and vows which will enhanceyour prosperity.You will indulge in speculationand gain money.



As eleuenthLord. in fifth bhaua:If Malefic You may be a gamblerand you may indulge in foolish ventures. As eleuenthLordin si.rthbhaua:lf Benefic You may gain money through maternal relatives, litigation or running nursing homes. As eleuenth. Lordin sirth bhaua:lf Malefic You may lose through maternal relatives, litigation etc. As eletsentLt lord in seuenthbhaua: If Benefic You may marry only once, n.,ia rictr and influential person.You may prosper in foreign countries. As eleoenthlord in seuenthbhaua:If Malefzc You may engagein immoral activities. As eLeuenth Lord, in ei.ghth bhaua:If Benefic You may be rich at birth and you may not suffer many calamities and lose money. You may not suffer from thieves,cheats and swindlers. As eleaenthLordin eighthblnaa: If Malefic Though rich at birth you may suffer calamities and lose money. You may suffer from thieves, cheats and swindlers. As eleuenthlord in ninth bhaua:If Benefic You will inherit large paternal fortune and will be lucky in life. You will possessmany houses,means of conveyance and every kind of luxury. You will set up charitable institutions. As eleuenthlord in ninth bhaua: lf Matefic You may not inherit large paternal fortune and may not be lucky in life. You may not possess many houses,


How to Read aHoroscoPe

meansof conveyanceand every kind of luxury. You may not set up charitable institutions. As eleoenthlord zn tenth bhaua:lf B eneflc You will prosper well in business and make good profits. Your elder brother may also help you in your business.You will earn some prize money for original contribution to the subject ofyour study or profession' a: If MaLeflc enth lord in tenth bh'au As el,eu You may not prosper well in businessand make good profits. Your elder brother may not help you in your business. You may not earn some prize money for original contribution to the subject of your study or profession. As elet:enthtord i,n eleoenthbhnt:a:If Benefic You will have many friends and elder brothers who will help you throughout your life. You will have a happy life with partner, house,children and comforts.. As elnuenthtord in eleuenthblwna: If Malefic You may not have many friends and elder brothers to help you throughout your life. You may not have a happy life with partner, house,children and comforts. a : lf B eneflc Lordin tw elfth bhnts As eletsenth You may not suffer lossesin business.You may not incur much expenditure on account of illness of elder brother. You may not have to pay fines and penalties frequently and may not be burdened with many domesticresponsibilities. As eleuenthLordtn tw elfth bhnta: If MaLeflc You may suffer losses in business. You may incur much expenditure on account of illness of elder brother. You may have to pay fines and penalties frequently and may be burdened with many domestic responsibilities.

Predlrctrons Yearlg


(XII) AS TWELFTH BHAVA LORD IN DIFFERENT BHAVAS Lossesand ExPenditure As twelfth Lordin first bhnsa: If Benefic You will be generally travelling about' Evil effects will be reduced. Even if you lose money you will try to work hard and regain it. If Mateflc As twetftlt'lord i'n first bha:tsa: You may be imprisoned. You may be living--abroad' You may be miserly. You may be hated by all' You may Ue aeuoia of inteltigence and grow dull. You may have a weak constitution wittr a feeble mind' You may lose affection of others. You may lose your wealth throirgh You may be associatedwith evil ,t ort-rigrtted schemes. persons and addicted to bad habits' bhatsa:If Bencflc As twelfth lord'tn second' loss' You may not get financial You may not suffer You may eat timely activities. involved in nefarious may not be poor' eyesight good Your food. meals and lack of harmony' by marked be Your family tife may not There may quarrelling' gossiping and You may not be may not You family' the in not be constant bickerings You indiscretions' many commit be ill-tempered and throat' or tongue of may not have some ailment -You may not live at others' expense.You may not be lacking domesticPeace. As tw elfih Lordt'n second bhm:a: If Mateflc You may suffer financial loss. You may get involved in nefarious activities. You may not eat timely rneals ana Sooa food. Your eyesight may be poor' Your family tife iray be marked by lack of harmony' You may be There may be constant iossiping and quarrelling. you may be ill-tempered and family. in the [i.r,"ii"i. You may have some indiscretions. commit many may live at others' You throat. or ailment of tongue


How to Read aHoroscope

expense. You may be lackingdomesticpeace. As twelftLt, Lordi.n third bhaua:If BeneJic You may not be timid and quiet. You may not have loss of brother or your brother may not take to evil course and face hardships.You may not be shabbily dressed.You may not have ear ailments. you may not have to spend much money on younger may not be unsuccessful as writer. You may not work in job and earn very little. somecommonplace , As twelft,Lt Lord. in third,bhaua:lf Maleflc You may be timid and quiet. you may have a loss of brother or your brother may take to evil course and you may face hardships. You may be shabbily dressed. h a v ee a r a i l m e n t s . Y o u m a y h a v et o s p e n dm u c h m o n e y on younger brothers. You may be unsuccessfulas writer. You may work in some commonplacejob and earn very little. As twelftLtLordin fourth bhaua:If Benefic You may own your own conveyance but it may give trouble. You may have to undertake lot of journeys within the country.You may facetroubles but overcome them. Adverseindicationswill be mitigated. As twelfth Lordi.nfour-thbhaua:lf Malefi.c Your mother may suffer crisis in life and may have unhappy days. You may have unnecessaryworry and mental restlessness. You may develop enmities with your relatives.You may be living abroad. you may be sufferingfrom constantharassment from your landlord. you may Your residence m a y b e i n a n o r d i n a r yh o u s e . have troubles on accountof your properties which may get lost or be destroyed. As tweLfth, Lordin fi.fth bhaua:lf Benefi,c You will be religiously inclined. you may undertake pilgrimages.



As tw elfth lord in fifth bhaua:If Malefic You may have either difficulty to beget progeny or u n h a p p i n e s sa n d p a i n f r o m c h i l d r e n . y o u m a y h a v e loss of children or your children may may be weak-minded and may suffer mental aberrations sometimes. you may feel that you are miserable.You may not succeedin agriculture as your your friends crops may suffer from pests and diseases. you. may desert You may lose association of an influential person. Your father may pass through difficulties while you yourself may rousethe wrath of a powerful person.You may face troubles in your work or occupation.Your life may be disrupted due to political disturbances. As twelfth lord in sirtlt. bhaua:If Benefi,c Y o u w i l l b e h a p p y a n d p r o s p e r o u sy . ou will enjoy tnany comforts. You will possess a healthy and h a n d s o m ep h y s i q u e .Y o u w i l l v a n q u i s hy o u r e n e m i e s . You may involve in litigation which may cometo an end to your advantage.You will be happy with joyous festivites. You will becomefortunate in all walks ofllife. You will get much wealth. You will marry a noble and good person. Your children will be a source of happiness to you. As twelfth lord, in si,rth, bhaua:If Maleflc You may be sufferingunhappiness on accountof your children. You may hate your mother. you may be illtempered. Your immoral tendencies may land you in distress. As twelft,hLordin seuentLt bhaua:lf Benefic You will have acquisition of money. your partner may be surviving. As tweLft,hLord in seuenthbltaua: lf Malefic Your married partner may come from a poor family. Your married life may be unhappy and may end in


How to Read a HoroscoPe

separation.Later on you may take to asceticism.You may be weak in health and suffer from phlegmatic troubles. You may be without learning or property. Your partner may have to face some danger or the other. You may face some ill health. Your partner may get tired and live abroad. You may wander aimles.sly, may lack physical comforts. You may be beset with sorrows and ailments. Your married life may be marred with slanderoustalk. As twelfth eighth bhaua:If B enefic You will be rich and cblebrated. You {vill enjoy luxurious life with many servants waiting on you. You will get a legacy. You will be interested in occult subjects and devoted to Lord Vishnu. You will be righteous,famous and a good speaker,being endowed with good qualities of head and heart. You will have you may land in sometroubles.You luck but sometimes in your generally You will succeed happiness. have will be. coming slowly. may results ventures though place in will take celebrations Marriage and happy your house.Much money and authority will be secured. If Malef't'c As twelfih lord m eighthbhatsa: You may not be rich and celebrated.You may not enjoy luxurious life with many servantswaiting on you. You may not get legacy.You may not be interested in occult subjects and devotedto Lord Vishnu. You may not be righteous, famous and a good speaker though endowed with good qualities of head and heart. You may have luck but sometimesyou may land in some troubles. You may not generally have happiness.You may succeedin your venturesthough resultsmay come slowly. Marriage and happy celebrationsmay not take place in your house.Much money and authority may not be secured. As twelfthlord in ninthbhaoa: If Beneflc You may reside abroad and prosper well. You may

Yearlg Predtcttons


acquire much property in foreign lands. You will be honest, generous and large-hearted. You will be interested in physical culture. You will have a steady career. You will develop interest in piety and lead a virtuous life. in ninth, bhaua:If Malefic As twelfth Lord. You may not have any spiritual leaning.You may not like your partner sometimes. You may have with father. You may have loss of job misunderstanding and luck. Your maternal property may be on a low keel, As twelfth Lordi,n tenth bhaua:If Beneflc You will spend money on charitable purposes.You will be detachedand developspirituality. As twelfth Lordin tenth bhaua:If Malefi'c You will have to work hard and undertake tedious journeys for your occupation.You may be a jailor or doctor or you may work in cemetry and such places. You may spend moneyon agricultural pursuits in which you may not make profits. You may have no happiness or physical comfortsfrom your children. Your paternal property may slip out of your hands or get spoiled through fire or other accidents.You may be dreaded for your evil powers. bhaua:If Benefic As twelfth Lordi.n eLeuenth You may earn well by trading in pearls, rubies and other precious stones.You may spend much money on religious and charitable deeds even at the cost of your ownwell-being. bhaua:If Malefzc As twelftlt,Lordin eLeuenth yourselfin business but do not make You may engage much profit. Your trade may bring in much lossesto you. You may land in loss in business due to misunderstandingswith elder brother or partners who are in the business. You may have few friends and


How to Read,a Horoscope

many enemies. You may be troubled by extravagant brothers and your funds may dwindle on this account. You may get loss of money through theft, fire or accident.You may have financial setbacks. As twetfth,Lord, in twelfth bhaua:If Benefzc You will spend much on religiods and righteous purposes.You will have good will enjoy pleasuresof touch, You may be engagedin agriculture and generally get favourable results. you may reside abroad. You will have delightful journeys. you will have general good fortune. you may have a good father to take care of your wants and to spend any amount of money. You will have much wealth. you will do honourable expenditure. you will be religiously inclined. You will feed many holy men and seet theii company. You will always be engaged in spiritual thoughtsand will lead a comfortablelife. As twelfth.lordin twelfth bltaua:If Malefic You may be restlessand always roaming about. you may leave the country for fear of the law or life. you may lead vagrant life as an incognito,you may eke out your livelihood through serving in low position. you may spend money in illegal or may expendyour wealth on illegal gratifications, races. gambling or other vices. your earning may get dissipatedin many ways.You will ger loss of prestige. You may have untoward expenditure.Though born in an illustrious family you may becomeobscureand may take to evil ways and lead an uncomfortable existence.

Predi.ctions YearLE


PREDICTIONSOF INFLUBNCE OF DIFFERENT OTHER BHAVA LORDSON DIFFERENT BHAVAS (I) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUBNCING FIRST BHAVA Temperament and Personality Note: For the Influenceof a BhavaLord on the SameBhava. seethe Previous Section. As secondLordinfluencing fi.rst bhaua:If Benefi.c You will be consciousof time senseand will try to completeyour works on time. You would like to earn by own effort and exertionsthrough your intelligence an.d learning. As secondlord znfluenctng first bhaua:If Malefic You may develop misunderstandings with your own people.You may not be able to control your passions. As thi.rd lord influenci.ngfi,rst bhaua:If Benefic Due to your bold nature you want to stand on your own feet and earn livelihood by self-exertion. You are likely to become an expert in fine arts. As tlnrd lord influencing first bhaua: If Malefic You may become vindictive sometimes. You may be sickly.You may be servingothers. Asfourth Lordi,nfluencrng fi,rst bhaua:If Benefic You will be learned. As fourth lord influenctng fi.rst bLtaua: If Malefi.c You will be scared to face public and address meetings.


How to Reada Horoscope

As fifth Lordtnfluencing first bhaua:If Benefic You may take to somereligious or asceticorder. you may commanda number of servants.Temperamentally you would like to behavein such a manner as to make othersfeel happy. As fifthLord influencingfirst bltaua:If MaLefic You may develop a tendencyto talk evil about one person to another person and thereby land with many enemies. As si,rthlord influenciW firit bltaua: lf Benefic You will have a commanding personality. As si.rthLordinfluencing first bhaua:If Matefic You may suffer from may not have a good temp'erament. As seuenth lord influencingfirst bhnua:If Benefic You will be capable of weighing pros and cons throughyour intelligencewhile underiakingany job. As seuenthlord influencing flrst bhaua: If Matefic You will be fond of travelling. you are likely to be sensual. As eighth Lordinfluencing first bhaua:If Benefic Your constitutionmay not be weak and you may not -behavioural suffer from bodily complaints. your pattern may not lead to the displeasure of your sup'eriors and higher ups. As eighth Lordinfluencing first bhaua:If Malefic Your constitution may be weak and you may suffer from bodily complaints.your behaviouial pattern may lead to the displeasure of your superiors anA frigtrer ups.



As ninthlord i,nfluencingfirst bhaua: If Benefi,c You will be a self-made person earning money through your own efforts. Due to your generous instinctsyou will becomefamous. As ninthLord ftrst bltaua:If Maleflc You may not be a self-madeperson earning money through your own efforts. Iri spite of your generous instincts you may not becomefamous. As tenthLordi.nfluencing firstbh,aua:If Berufic perseverance will lead you to rise in life Your your self-employment or independent through profession.You may become an establishedfigure in your field of work. Due to your noble natureyou may be engagedin social projects and charitable deeds and becomerenowned. As tenthlord,i.nfluenctngfirst bhaua:If Malefin Your perseverance may not lead you to rise in life 'self-employment through your or independent profession. You may not become an establishedfigure in your field of work. In spite of your noble nature you may not be engagedin social projects and charitable deedsnor becomerenowned. As eleuenthlord tnfluenctng ftrst bhaua:If Bencfic You will have good relations with brothers.You will lead a happy and prosperous life. As eleuenthLordinfluencing first bhaua:If MaLef-tc You may not have good relations with brothers. You may not lead a very happy and prosperous life. As tweLfih Lordinfluencing first bhaua: If Benefi.c You will talk nicely and sweetly and you are likely to have a handsomeand charming personality.


How to Reud a Horoscope

As twelfth lord influencingfirst bhaua:lf Malefic You may lack intelligence and beconie dull due to your weak constitution and feeble mind. you will be generally roaming about.may be to far-off are likely to be miserly and short-sightedthereby developing hatred of others. (II) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINI.'LUENCING SECOND BHAVA Wealth As first lord influencing second" bhaua:If Benefic Y o u a r e l i k e l y t o b e w e a l t h yb e c a u s e of more gains, your forethoughtand your ambitious natur.e. you will be well-disposed with money.There will be gains from business. You lvill not experiencefinancial stress. As first lord in,fluencingsecondbhaua: If Malefic Y o u a r e l i k e l y t o l o s ew e a l t h b e c a u s e o f b e i n gt e a s e d or worried by enemies,being generous hearted and gladly dischargingyour duties towards your kith and kin. As thi.rdlord influenci,ng secondbhaua: If Benefic You will get wealth with effort. you may make advanceson the wealth of others. There will be a likelihood of gettingwealth from the sources pertaining to your brothers and sisters. As third lord influencing second bhaua:If Malefic You may lose your rvealth by your mean and unscrupulous deeds. As fout-thlord influencr,ng secondbhaua:lf Benefic You may inherit property from maternal grand_ father'sside. You may earn wealth by your courageous nature and also by your successin selling and buying lands.You will be highly fortunate.



As fourth Lordinfluencing seconfl" bhaua,: If Malefic You may not inherit property from maternal grandfather'sside. You may not earn wealth by your courageous nature and also by your successin selling and buying lands.You may not be highly fortunate. As fi.fth Lordinflu,encingsecond, bhaua:If Benefi,c You will have aquisition of riches and gains from business. You may get money from a new job. You may gain in your rvealth from government or king, children, speculation. Being learned, a good astrologer and author you may get your riches. As ftfth lord i,nfluenci;ng secondbh,aua: If Malefi.c You are likely to lose your wealth through business, reversesin official life, misunderstandings, government displeasure,family troubles, speculationand cousins. Your generousnature will also give you some lossesin your wealth. As si.rthlord influencing second bhaua: If B enefic You may becomewealthy through your enemies and sometimeswhile suffering from diseases. You may get money by doing service and by getting loans. As si.rth Lordtnfluencing secondbhaua:If Malefic You may lose wealth through enemiesor by spending on your diseases. You are likely to spendyour wealth to clear your debts. As seuenth lor d influencing second bhaua: lf B enefic You may get wealth from women or through marriage or by marrying a working person.Your partner may be from a rich family and may bring in much wealth to you. You are likely to succeedin good business partnership and gain in wealth. There is also a likelihood of gaining in wealth through agencyin distant lands.The relations of your partner may also help you in your wealth.


Hoto to Read a HoroscoPe

secondbhaua: If Mal'eflc As seuenthlord inf'Luenctng Your wealth may be reduced through women or through your marriage. You may earn your rvealth through unfair means. You will be inclined to be sensual and spend your money. Your partnership may alsogive you somelossesin your wealth. business If Bencfic As eightlllord tnfluenctngsecondbhnua: You are likely to get legacies. If lvlalefzc As eightlt,Lordinfluenci,ngsecondbha:ua: You may lose wealth through troubles and problems of ali sorts including ill health. Your business may suffer lossesand run into debts and you may lose your wealth. As ninth lord i,nfluencuq second bhaua: If B enefi'c You may acquire wealth from your rich and influential father. You are likely to get wealth through your family businessor propertY. If Malefic secondbhotsa: As ninth Lordinfluerzctng property and lose You may ruin or destroy paternal wealth. Your resourcesand inheritance may dwindle and litigation. on accountof family squabbles If Benefic As tenthlord"influenctngsecond'blt'aua: job and earn money. influential work in an You may your ventttres all and businesses many You may have you may be consequently and successful may turn out a lot of and make well in life may rise You wealthy. wealth. If MaIeJ'ic As tenthlord,lnfluencmg second'bhaua: You may lose wealth from family misunderstandings and various kinds of troubles. You may suffer losses and may be responsiblefor winding up the business.

Yearlg Predi,ctions


As eleu enth lord influencing second bhau a : If B ene.fic You may earn and get wealth through commercial concerns and banking business. your business with friends may bring gooclprofits. you may expect to get wealth from elder brothers and sisters. you m1y acqiriremuch property and earn large sumsof money. As eleuenthLord influencing secondbhan,a: If Matefic You may suffer loss of wealth through domestic bickerings and on account of friends. your elder brothers and si.sters also may cause some loss to your wealth. As twelfth lord influencingsecond" bhaua: If Beneflc You will have financial stability. you may earn well by trading in pearls, rubies and other pr"ciou, stones or you may acquire such precious stones. you will spendyour money for good causes. The evil indications of'financiallosseswill be greaily reduced. As tw elfth lord influencing seco,itdbhau a: lf Maleftc Your funds may dwindle on accountof troubles from your may engagein business but will not make much profit. you may take loans ancl get involved in 4efarious activity and lose may suffer financial losses.


Courage As first Lordinfluencing thirdbhaua: If Benefic You will be highly courageous. As forst lord i.nfluencingtlirdbhaua: If Malefi,c You may not be courageous. As secondlord influenci.ngtWrdbhaua: If Benefic You will be brave.


How to Read aHoroscoPe

Lordinfluenctng thi'rd bhaua: If Mal'efic As second You maYnot be brave. As fourthlord' influenctng thirdbhn:oa: lf Benefr'c You may be brave. As fourthlord' znfluencingttnrdbtnnta: If Malefi'c You may not be brave. As fi.fth tord i.nfluenctng thir d' blna a : If B enefic You will have courage due to strong mental personalitY. If Malef,c As frfih lord influenci'ng third, bhanta: You may not have courage due to weak mental personality. As si,rthlord influencing third bhaua: If Benefl'c You may not lose self-confidence' As sirth Lordtnflu,encingthird blnn:a: If Maleflc You may lose self-confidence. influencing third blwta: If Ben'eflc As seuenthLmd' You may not lose courage. Lordtnflucncing tlurd bhnoa: If Maleflc As setsenth You may lose courage. As etghtttlmdinfluenctng tlnrdblwuo: If Beneftt You may not be beset by alt sorts of fears and mental anguish. As etghttl lvrd' influencing thnd bhnua: If Malefrc You may be beset by all sorts of fears and mental anguish.

Yearlg Pred'i,ctions


As ni.nth,Iord influ,enctngthird bharsa: If Benefic You will be brave. As ninth, Lordinfluencing third bhnua: If Malefic You may not be brave. As tenth lord ffiuencing third, bhansa: If Beneftt You may not becometimid. As tenth Lordinfluencing third bhatsa: If MaLefic You may become timid due to your suffering from mental aberrations. As eleuenthlord influencing thirdblwua: If Berufic You will be brave. As elets enth,Iord influencing th,ird bhaaa: If Malefi.c You may be timid. As tw elfilt, Lordinflucnci.n4 third bho,ts a: If B encfic quiet. You may not be timid and As tw elfth Lordinfhrcnci.n4third, bhaoa:lf Malefw You will be timid and quiet. (IV) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING FOURTH BHAVA Education As flrst lord influcncing fourth bha,ua:If Bettefic You will have acquaintance with learned men and discussionswith them. You will get good education. Asfirst Lordinfluencing fou,rth blnua: If Malefic You may not have acquaintance with learned men and discussions with them. You may not get good education.


How to Read a Horoscope

bhaua: If Benefic As secondLordi.nfluenci,ng fou.rttt" You may learn or be interestedin fine arts, music or dancing. As secondLora influenc'tng fourthbhaua: If Malefic You may not learn or be interestedin fine arts,music or dancing. As tWrd lord i.nfluencingfourth, bhaua:lf Benefzc You may be learned or interested in science or politics. As third lord i,nfl,uencing fourth bhaua: If Maleftc You may not be learned or interested in scienceor politics. As fi,fth Lordit'tfl,uerccing fourlh bhaua:lf Benefic education. You will have successful As fift,h Lordinfluencrngfour-thbhaua:lf MaLefic You may not have successfuleducation As sirth lord influenring fourth bhaua:If Benefic You may not have breaks in education and you may not fail in examinations. As szrth lord influencingfout'th bhaua:If Malefic You may have breaks in education and you may fail in exfrninations. lord influencingfourth,bhaua:If Benefic As seuenth You will have the benefit of high academic qualification. Your education.may begin paying in foreign lands. If Malefic As seuenthtordtnfluenctngfourttt,bh,aoa: You may not have the benefit of high academic

Yearly Predtctions


qualification. Your education may not begin paying in foreign Iands. As etghth lord influencing fourtlt. bhaua:If Benefic Your education may go smooth. As eigluthLordznfluenci,ng fourth bltaua: If MaLefi,c Your education may not go smooth. As ntnth Lord" influencing fotrih bh,aua: If Beneftc get You will be learned. You may foreign education. As ni,nth Lordinfluenctng fourtltbhaua: If Malefic You may not be learned and may not get foreigh education As tenth lord influenci,ngfou,rth bhatsa: If B enefic You will be highly learned in. various subjects.You will be famousfor your Iearning. As tenth lord influencing fourth bhaua:If Malefrc You may not be highly learned in various subjects. You may not be famous for your learning. As eleuenth, Lordtnfluencing fowth bhaua:If Benefic You will be renowned for your learning and scholarship of varied subjects. You will acquire excellent education. You will get awards and distinetions. As eleuentlt,lord influencingfourth bhatsa: If Malefic You may not be renowned for your learning and scholarship of varied subjects. You may not acquire excellent education. You may not get awards and distinctions. As twelftlrlord influenctngfourthbhaua: lf Benefic You may have a ehanceof foreign education.


How to Read,a Horoscope

If Matefic As tw etfth lord influencing fourth bhanta: You may not have a chanceof foreign education. ' LandedPropertyand Meansof Conveyance Houses, As first Lordinfluencing fou,rlhblnua: If Benefic You will acquire considerable landed properties especiallythrough rnaternalsources.You will possess houses and lands and vehicles. You will construct a new house. As first fourth.bhaua: lf Matefic You may not acquire considerablelanded properties especially through maternal sources. You may not possesshouses and lands and vehicles. You may not constructa new house. As secondLordinfluencing fourth bhaua: lf Benefic You will have vehicles, houses. You may inherit property from mother or maternal grand-father. As secondLordinfluenctn4 fourth blwua: lf Maleflc You may loseyour vehiclesand lands. lf B enefic As thi,rd lord influencing fourth bh.aua: You will acquire vehicles. As thtrd Lordi,nfluencrng lf Malefic fotorth,bh,aua: You may lose your lands and may have to live in houses of others, As fi.fth Lord, influencing fourth bhatsa: If Beneflc You will acquire new conveyanceand rmmovable property. a: lf Malefic As fi.fth Lord. influencingfourth bhnu You may not acquire new conveyanceand immovable property.

Yearlg Predicttons


As sirth Lordinfluencing fottrttt bhaua: If Beneflc Your ancestral property may not be involved in ,debts. Your immovable properties may not be auctionedor lost to enemies. i.nfluenci,ng As sirth Lord, fourthbhaua: If Matefzc Your ancestral property may be involved in debts. Your immovablepropertiesmay be auctionedor lost to enemies. As seuenthLordinfluencing four-th blmua: If Benefic You will own many vehiclesand obtain cars. As seuenthLordinfluenci,ngfourth bh.aoa: If MaLefi,c problems may You run into on accountof vehicles. As ei.ghthlord influencing fourth bhaua:If Benefic , You may not be beset with problems regarding your house, land and conveyance. Your lands and immovableproperty may not slip from your hands due to circumstances beyondyour control.Your conveyance may not get lost or be destroyed. As ei.gltth.Iord fourth bhaua:If Maleflc You may be beset with problems regarding your house, land and conveyance. Your lands and immovable property may slip from your hands due to circumstancesbeyond your control. Your conveyance may get lost or be destroyed. As ni.nth lord influencing fourth bhaua: If Benefic You will have landed properties and beautiful bungalows. You will inherit father's immovable properties.You will acquire many vehiclesand lands. As nm,th Lordinfluencing fourth bhaua: If MaLefi,c You may not have vast landed properties and beautiful bungalows. You may not inherit f'ather's


immovable properties. You may not acquire- many' vehiclesand lands. As tenth Lordinfluencingfourth bhaua:If Benefic \ You will have immovable properties, lands and buildings. As tenth Lordinfluencing four-th bhaua: lf Matefic You may lose your lands. As eleuenthlordinfluencingfourthbttaua: lf Benefi.c You will get profits through landed estates, rentals, and products of earth. You will gain through lands, vehiclesand houses. As eleuenthlord. influencittgfourth bhaua:If Malefic You may not get profits through landed estates, rentals, and products of earth. you may not gain throughlands,vehiclesand houses. As twelfth Lordinfluencingfourthbhaua: If Benefic You will have substantial immovable property and you may own your own conveyance. As twelfth Lord, i,nfluencing fourth bhaua:If Malefic Your conveyance may give trouble. you may get trouble on account of properties which may get lost or be destroyed. Happiness As first lord influenci,ng fourthbhaua: lf Benefic You will get respect from friends and will have acquaintance with learned men and discussionwith them. You will form new friendships. You will be rich. You will get happinessfrom parents. You will be happy.

How to Read q Horoscope ,t

Yearly Predictions


As fi.rst Lordinfluenci.ngfout'th bhaua:lf Matefic You may not constructnew houses. You may not get respect from friends and relatives. You may not have acquaintance with learned men and discussion with then. You may not form new friendships.You may not be very rich. You may not get much happiness from parents.You may not be happy. tnfluencingfourth bhaua:if Benefic As secondLord" You will get unexpected wealth through mining, lotteries, competitions and unexpected sources. You will be benefited by yonr sisters and by learning fine arts, music or dancing. You may earn well as an automobile dealer or agentor agriculturist or landlord agent.You will be benefitedby maternal or commission uncles.You will get moneythrough mother or maternal grandfather.You will have inheritance, acquisition of lands, cars, houses and financial advantages through literary and intellectual activities. As secondLordtnfluenctngfourth bhaua:If Malefi.c You may get losses through dealings in lands, vehicles,lotteries etc. As thirdlord. influencingfour-thbhaua:If Benefic You will be learned and rich. Your brothers will shine well. You will become head of political or You will havevehicles.Life will scientific organisation. be happy on the whole. As thirdLord influencingfourthbh.aua:If Malefic You may lose lands and property and your crops may be destroyed. Your partner may not be even-tempered. Your brothers may cause unpleasarrtness and losses. Your family may break up and brothers may separate. You may sustain an accidentby falling from a vehicle. As fi.ftLt. Lordonfluenctngfourth, bhaua: If B enefr.c " You may becomean adviserto ruler or his preceptor.


How to Read.a Horoscope

You will get happinessfrom ruling class.Your mother may live long. You may have a few sons. you will acquire political power. As fifth Lord" influencingforurthbhnua:If Matefic You may face wrath of ruler and.suffer displeasure. You may not have any sons and may be conferred with only daughters.There is likelihood of loss of issues or separationfrom children. As siath Lordinflu,encing fowth bh,aua: If Benefic You may not have breaks in education and you may not fail in examinations. You may live in a good building. You may not quarrel with your mother or may separatefrom her. Your ancestralproperty may not be involved in debts.You may work in good position and lead a very comfortable life. You may not have a troublesome home and your domestic affairs may be smooth. You may not get troubles through servants. Your immovableproperty may not be auctionedor lost to enemies.You may not meet with accidentsby falling from vehicles.Your mother may not suffer. As si.rtlt.lord, influencing fourthbhaua: If Malefic You may have breaks in education and you may fail in examinations. You may not live in a good building. You may quarrel with your mother or may separate from her. Your ancestral property may get involved in debts. You may not work in good position. You may not lead a very comfortable life. You may have a troublesome home and your domestic affairs may not be smooth.You may get troubles through servants.your immovable property may be auctioned or lost to enemies.You may meet with accidents by falling from vehicles.Your mother may suffer. As seuenth,Lord infltrcncingfourthblntsa: lf Beneftc You will have a lucky and happy mamied life with good partner, children and comforts. You will have

Yearlg Pred.ictt'ons


domestic harmony. You will celebrate auspicious events like marriages, engagementetc. You may have benefit of high acatlemicqualification' Your education may begin paying mostly in foreign lands. You may obtain vehicles. As seuenthLordt'nfluenct'ng fourtlt' bhaua:If Malefic Your domesticharmonymay be spoiledon accountof immature partner. Your partner's temperament may not be good. Your mother may pass through a crisis' You may run into problemson accountof vehicles' t'nfluenctngfoutxh bhaua:lf B enefr'c As ei,ghthLord" You may not have domestic bickerings' Your financial and other problems may not increase Your mother'shealth may not suffer and causegreat concern' You may not be beset with problems connected with house, land and conveyance.Your pets may not get or die. You may not be forced to seek fortune diseases you may not meet with all sorts of where abroad troubles and losses.You may not have displeasure of in profession. superiors and As etghth lord influencing fourth, bhaua:If Malefi,c You may have domestic bickerings. Your financial Your mother'shealth and other problemsmay increase. may suffer and causegreat concefn.You may be beset with problems connected with house, land and or die. You may Your pets may get diseases conveyance. be forced to seek fortune abroad where you may meet You may have displeasureof with troubles and losses. profession. superiorsand reversesin tnfluencingfourth bhaua:If Benefic As nr.nthLord, You may have landed properties and beautiful bungalows. You may earn through estate and land dealings. Your mother may be rich and fortunate' You may inherit father's immovable properties. You may acquire means of conveyance and lands. You may


How to Read a Horoscope

become a president or ruler of a country. you will be learned and may become head of centre of learning or research. You will be vely happy. As ninth Lord influencing fourtlt bltaua: If Matefic You rnay have domestic unhappiness. your life niay be clossed by miseries due to hard-hearted father or disharmony between parents. your mother may be living separately from your father. As tenth lord influ,encing fourth bhatsa: If Benefic You may be lucky and'highly learned in various subjects. You will he famous both for your learning and generosity. You will be respecteclwherever you go and receive loyal honours and favour. you will wield'great political authority as president or head of governrient. You will get income from lands and buildings. you may head an educational or research organisation. you wiil gain fame through immovable properties. you will enjoy mental happiness. As tenth lord influencing fourth bltaua: If Malefic You may lose your lands and be forced to take to life of servitude. You may take wrong decisions which n-ray affect your reputation adversely. you may have mental vacillation. As eleuenth Lord influencing fourth bh,aua:If Benefic You will profit through landed estates, rentals and products of earth. you will be renorvned for your learning and scholarship of various subjects. you rvilr Iive in comfort and enjoy all joys in life. you will have devoted and charming partner. you will acquire excellent education. You will become famous andrvill get many awards and distinctions. you will gain through lands, vehicles. and houses. you will have domestic harmony and bliss. you will be very happy.

Predictions Yearlg


As eleuenthlord fow-th bhaua:if Malefic You may not profit through landed estates,rentals and products of earth. You may not be renowned for your learning and scholarshipof various subjects.You may not live in comfort and enjoy all joys in life. You may not harredevoted and charming partner. You may not acquire excellent education.You may not become famousand rnay not get many awardsand distinctions. You may not gain through lands, vehicles,and houses. You may not have domestic harmony and bliss. You may not be very happy. As twelfth Lordinfluenctngfourth, bhaua:If Benefic You may own irrrmovableproperty and conveyance. Y o u m a yb e h a p p y . As twelfth Lordinflu,enctng fourth bhaua:If MaLefic Your mother may suffer some crisis in life. You may worry. You and tlnnecessary have mental restlessness may have enmity with your relatives. You may be suffering constantharassmentfrom landlord. You may but it may give trouble. You own your,own conveyance may get trouble on account of property which may get lost or destroyed. (V) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING FIFTH BHAVA Children i.nfluencingfifth bhaua: lf Benefi,c As first Lord. There will be birth of a child. As first Lordi.nfluenci,ng fifth bhaua:If Malefi,c from children. You may not have much happiness i,nfluencr,ng As secondLord fxfihbhaua: If Benefic Your children will prosper and you will get their help and financial assistance.


How to Read a Horoscope

As secondLordinfluencing fxfih bhaua: lf Malefic You may be hating family. You may not be spending moneyeven on children. As thirdtord influencingfifthbhatsa: If Benefic Much pleasure may be derived from children. Friction will not prevail in domestic life. As third lord influencing fifth bhaua: lf Malefic Much pleasure may not be derived from children. Friction may prevail in domesticlife. As fourthlord influencingfi,fthbhaua:If Benefic You will be loved and respectedby children. As fourth lord influencingfifthbhaua: If Matefic You may not be loved and respectedby children. As sirth lord influencingfifth bhouo'If Benefi.c Your children may not frequently suffer ill health. You may not developenmity'withyour children. ' As strthlord influencingfifthbhaua: If Malefzc Your children may suffer ill health. You may develop enmity with your children. As seoentlt.lordinfl.ucncingfifth bhaua: If Benefi.c Your children will be happy and wealthy. As seaenthLordinfluencirWfifth bhaua:U lrtabfic There may be no children or mishapsmay befall on your children. You may have female progeny. You may get into crisis throughthe conductofyour partner. As eighth lord influencing fl.fthbhauo:If Benefic Your children may not get into rrouble and they may not commit some crime and invite situations that could

Yearly Predicti,ons


affect your reputation. Your child may not fall sick and suffer thereby. As eighth lord i, If Mal"efic fiftll bho,ua: Your children may get into trouble and they may commit some crime and invite situations that could affect your reputation. Your child may fall sick and suffer thereby causinggrief'to you. As ninthlord i.nfluencing fifihbltaua: Ii Benefic Your children may be very fortunatein life and enjoy success and distinction.Your children will distinguish themselvesin academicsand bring much happinessto you. Your children may becomevery famous and earn governmental patronage. your children will also prospervery well and enjoy all kinds of luxuries. As ninth Lordi,nfluencingfi,fr,hbhaua:lf Malefic Your children may not be very fortunate in life and enjoy successand distinction. your children may not distinguish themselvesin academicsand bring much happinessto you. Your children may not become very famous and earn governmental patronage. your children may not also prosper very well and enjoy all kinds of luxuries. As tenth Lordinfluencingffih bhaua:If Benefic You will have goodchildren. As tenthLordi,nfluencing fifthbhaua: If Malefi,c You may not have gc,od children. As eleuenthLordinfluencingfift,h bhaua:lf Benefi,c You will have children who will comeup well in life. As eleuenthlord bhaua:If Malefic fxft,lL You may have mental anguish, anxiety and monetary loss on accountofyour children.


How to Read a HoroscoPe

As twelfthlord influenctngfifthbh,aua:If Benefic You may not expect either difficulty to beget progeny or unhappinessfrom children. Your children may not face trouble and you may not suffer much pain on their account. As twetfth tord tnflircncina fifttt bh'aua:lf Malefzc. You can expect either difficulty to beget progeny or unhappinessfrom children. Your children may face trouble and you will suffer pain on their account.

(vr) asDIFFERENT ifirtltl9lot



sirth bhaua:If Benefic As first Lordi,nfluencing You may not suffer from physical ailments. You may not get wounds and may not have physical distress. a: If Malefi'c As first lord influencing sirth bhau You may suffer from physical ailments such as wounds and may have physical distress sometimes. sinth'bhaua:If B enefic As secondLordinfluencong diseasesor defects in arms from You may not suffer and thighs. If MaLefic bhatsa: As secondLordtnfluenci'ng si^rth You may suffer from defects in arms and thighs sometimes. As thirdLordinfluencingsirthbhaua:If Beneftc You may not fall ill and suffer from diseases.You may not get ear trouble. As thirdLordtnfluencing strthbhaua: If MaLefic You rhay fall ill and suffer from ear trouble sometimes.

YearlgPredicti,ons si,rth bhaua:If Beneftc As fourth Lord, inflcL,encing You may not suffer from diseases.


sixth bhaua:lf Malefic As fourth lord i,nfluenci,ng You may suffer from physicalailmentssometimes. As fifth Lord, influencing sirthbhaua: If Beneflc You may not have any diseases. If Malefi'c sixthbh.aua: As fifthlord rnfluenci,ng You may suffer frorn ailments sometimes. If Benefic influencing sirth bho,ua: As seuenth Lord You may not suffer from impotency and other Your partner may not be sickly. diseases. influenc'ingsirth bhaua:If Maleflc As seuenth.Lord . .You may suffer from impotency sometimes. Your iartner may be sickly. If Benefi,c As elghtlt Lordtnfluenclngsi,rthbhaua: from health. ill You may not suffer As elghth lord influen cing stnth bhaua:If Mal,efic You may suffer from ill health sometimes. As ninth lord influencing sirth, bhaua:If Benefic You may not have a sickly father. influencing sirth bhaua:If Matefzc As ninth Lord, You may have a sickly father. sirth bhaua:If Benefic As tenth Lordir,"fluencing generally healthy. You will be As tenth l"ordi,nfluencingstrth bhaua:If MaLefi.c You may not be generallyhealthy.


How to Read,a Horoscope

As eleuenthLmdinfluencing sirth bhaua: If B enefic You will be generallyhealthy As eleuenthLordinfluencing siath bhaoa: If Malefi.c You may not be generallyhealthy. As twelfth Lordinfluencing sirth blnua: If Benefic You will be healthy and you will have handsome physique. As twetfthlord,influencin4 sitthbhaua: lf Malefic You may not be healthy and you may not have physique. handsome Enenties As fzrst lord znfluenci,ng sirth bhaua: If Benefic You rvill vanquishyour enemies.You will succeedin litigation. As first lord i,nfluencingsirth bhaua:If Malefic You may have enmity with rulers understandingswith cousins.

and rnis-

As second, Lordinfluencing sitth blnua: lf Beneflc You may get income from enemies and earn through litigation. As secondLordinfluenci,ngsinth blmua: If Mal.efic You may incur enmity of may have misunderstandings and troubles with friends and relatives.You may haveexpenditurefrom enemies. As th.trd lord influ,encing sinthbhaua:If Benefic You rvill be benefitedby maternal uncles. As ttttrd Lordinfluenctng sirth bhaaa:If Malefic Your brother may becomeenemy.You may hate your

Yearlg Predicttons

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brothers and relatives and may get difficulties them. As fourth si,rth bhaua:If Benefic You will get happinessfrom mother.

As fourth Lord, str;thbhaua:If Malefic You may have enmities of rulers and mother. you may have troubles from authorities. your short temper, evil thoughts and intentions may increase your enemies. As fifth Lordinfluencing sirtlt bhnuo.: lf Benefic You may get benefitsfrom maternal uncles. As fr.fth Lordinfluencing si,rthbhaua: If Malefic You may have enmity with your children. you may be a victim of ruler's wrath. As seoenthLordinfluencing sieth bhaua:If Benefi.c You may not have troubles from law suits. your wife may not be jealous by nature, denying happinessfrom marriage. As seaentlt,Iordi.nfluencing sinth,bhaua:lf Malefic You may have troubles from law suits.your partner may be jealous by nature, denying happiness from marriage. As eighth lord, influencingsirth,bhaua: If Benefic You will be able to overcome all troubles and enemies.Attempts made by ill-wishes of enemies may not harm you. As eighth lord influencing stnth bhaua:lf Malefic You may get into trouble from courts and police.


How to Read a HoroscoPe

lf Benefic As ni,nthlordinfluencingsr'rthbhaua: Your attempts to make your fortune may not be frustrated through litigation involving your father' You may not be drawn into endlesslitigation. As ninth Lordinfluenctng st'rth bhaua: lf Malefic Your attempts to make your fortune may be frustrated through litigation involving your father. You may be drawn into endlesslitigation. As tenth lord tnfluencingsirth bhaua:lf Beneflc You may not be exposedto criminal actionsand fae jmprisonment. If Malefic bhazta: influenctng sia;tlt' As tenth,Lord" You may be exposed to criminal actions and face imprisonment. a : If B eneflc enth tord influencing sirth' bhau As eleu You may gain money through litigations.No amount of skill or treachery on part of ill-wishes of your c a n d o y o u a n yh a r m . enemies Lordinfluencing sirt,hbhaua:If Mal'efic As eleue'nth You may not gain money through litigations' Some amountof skill or treacheryon part of ill-wishesof your enemiesmay causeyou harm. influencingsirthbhaua:If Beneflc As tweLfthtord You will vanqttish your enemies.You may become involvedin litigation which may come to an end to your advantage, As tuetfth lord influencing sirth bhaua: If Malefic You may have troubles by adverse criticism and enemies.

Yearl.y Predtcti.ons


Debts d influencing sirth bhaua: lf Benefi'c As fi r"stLor Your debts will be liquidated. If MaLefic influenct'ngst'rtlt'bhaua: As first Lord" personal purpose your You may take loans for sometimes. influenci'ng si*tlt,bhaua: If Benefic Lord. As second, You may not be indebted due to expenditure from enemies. As secondLordi,nfluenct'ngsintlt'bhaua:lf Mal'efi,c You may be indebted due to expenditure from enemies. As tlnrd lord tnfluencing si'rth bhaua: lf Beneflc You may not get into debts due to your younger brothers or sisters. As third Lordinfluenct'ngsirthbhaua: If Matefi,c You may have debts due to your younger brothers or sisters. As fouttlt, Lordinfluencing st'rth bhaua:If Benefic You may not get into debts due to your house, property or vehicles. As fourth Lordtnfluenct'ngsitth bhaua:If Matefic You may be indebted due to your house,property or vehicles. sirthbhaua: If Benef"tc As fi,ftlt,lordtnfluencr'ng You may not be indebted due to your children. As fi.frh Lordinfluencing sirth bh'aua:If MaLefic You may have debts due to your children.


How to Read.a Horoscope

As seuenth lord influencing sirth bhau a : If B enefic Your debts nray not crop up due to trouble from law suits. You may not have loises through theft and deceit. As seu enth lord influencing sixth bhau a : lf Malefic Your debts may crop up due to trouble from law suits.You may have losses throughtheft and deceit. As eighth lord influencing sirth bhaua: If Benefi.c You may not suffer loss of money through theft and trouble through court and police and you may not land in debts. As eighthlordinfluencing sirthblnua: If Malefic You may suffer loss of money through theft and trouble through court and police and youmay land in debts. As ninth lord influencing sirth bhaaa:If Benefic Your attempts to make fortune may not be frustrated through litigation involving your father or debts contractedby him. you may not contract debts and be drawn into endlesslitigation. As ninthtord. influencing sitthbhaua: If Matefic Your attempts to make fortune may be frustrated through litigation involving your father or debts contracted by him. you may contract debts and be drawn into endlesslitigation. As tenth lord inflwencing strth bhaua:If Benefic You nay not have debts for your professional purpose. As tenth Lordi.nfluencing sirthbhansa: If Matefi,c You may have debts for your professionalpurpose.

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Yearlg Predtctions


As eleuenthLordi.nfluencingsi.rtlt, bhaua:If Benefi,c You may not be indebted due to expenditure on medical bills and law may not have debts due to your elder brothers or sisters. As eleuenthlord i.nfluencing sirth bhaua:If Malefic You may be indebted due to expenditure on medical bills and law suits. you may get into debts due to your elder brothers or sisters. As twelfth lord influenczngsirtlt bhaua:lf Benqfic You may not be indebteddue to expenditure. As twelfth,Lordinfluencing sirth bhaoa:lf Malefi,c Y o u m a y b e i n d e b t e dd u e t o e x p e n d i t u r e . (VII) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING SEVENTII BHAVA Marriage And Marital Relationship As first lord influenc,ing seuenthbhaua: lf Benefic You may have rnarriage, if unmarried As first Lordznfluenc'ing seuenth,bhaua: If Matefic Your partner may suffer. you may a puppet in the handsof parent-in-law. As second, lord,influencing seuenth bhau a: If B enefi,c You will benefit by contactwith will gain after marriage. You will get good wealth from fathei_inlarv. As secondLordinfluencing seuenthbltaua:If Matefic Laxity of good temperamentmay mark your partner. There may be loss from sickness of partner. As thi.rdlord i.nfluenci,ng seuenth,bhaua: If Benefic Your marriage union may not be unfortunate. you


How to Reud a HoroscoPe I

may not land-in secondmarriage. seuenthbhaua:If MaLeft'c influencm,g As third Lord Your marriage union may be unfortunate' If Benefic As fourth'lord"influenct'ngseuentlt'bhapa: haPPY. You will be generallY If Malefi'c bhatsa: i,nfluencingseuenth' As fourtlt, Lord, haPPY. You maYnot be generallY seuenthbhaua:If Benefic As ffih. tord i,nfluencing You may have a charming personality and marriage may take ptuce if not already married and a new family may be set uP. influencing seuenthbhaua:If Malefle As fr,fth Lord. You may not have a charming personality and marriagemay not take place,if not alreadymarried' a : lf B enefi'c enth bhau As strth Lordinfluencing sets You may marry a personfrom relations'family' As sirth Lordinfluencing seuenthbhaua: If Malefic Your partner's temperamentmay not be good' You may havl a sickly partner. There may be troubles from disrespectfulPersons. If Benefi'c As etghth lord influencing seuenthblt'aua: health. Your partner may not suffer ill lf Malefzc As eighthlord.influencing setsenthbh,aua: Your partner may suffer ill health. If Beneftc As ntntlt,lord tnfluenctngseuenthblt'aua: You may get a noble and lucky life partner' You may get every kind of sensual pleasures. Fortune booms

Yearl.y Pred,tcttons

363 r

after marriage.Your partner may hail from a rich and respectablefamilY. If Malefic influencutgseuentlt'bhaua: As ntnthLord" life partner' You lucky You ma5'not get a noble and pleasures' Fortune may not get every kind of sensual partner not may may not boom after marriage. Your family. hail from a rich and respectable If Benefi'c seuenthbhaua: As tenthLordi,nfluencing You may get a mature married partner who may assistyou in your work bhaua:lf Malefic seuenth' As tenth Lordi'nfluencuug You may not get a mature married partner who may assistyou in your work If Beneft'c blt'aua: Lordinfluencing seuentlt' As eLetsenth person' You may marry a rich and influential If MaLefic influencingseuenthbhaua: As eleuenthl.ord You may marry more than once. You may carry liaison with persons of ill-repute. You are likely to indulge in immoral activities. You and your partner may seek to earn money by questionablemeans' Your partner may desertYou. a: If B en'efic As tw elfth Lordinfluencing seuenth bhau Your partner maYsurvivea crisis. As twetfth tord influencing seuenthbhaua:If Malefi'c Your partner tnay not come from a rich family' Your married tife may not be very happy or may end in separation and later on you may take to asceticism' Your partner may have to face some danger or the other. Your partner may live abroad.Your married life talk. may be marred by slanderous


How to Reada Horoscope

(VIII) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING IGHTH BHAVA Longevity As fr,rstLord. influenctng ezghth bhaua:If Benefic You may have a peacefuland suddenend. As fi.rst Lordi.nfluencing eighthbhaua:If Malefic You may not have a peacefuland suddenend. As third lord influenctngei.ghth bhaua:lf Beneftc You may not have trouble on accountof disease. As third Lordinfluencing etghthbhaua:If Matefic You may have trouble on account of disease sometimes. As fourth Lordinfluencing eigltthbhaua:tf B enefi.c There may not be a likelihood of suffering. As four-th lord influencing ei,ghthbhaua:If Malefi.c There is a likelihood of suffering. As fifth Lordinfluencing eighth bhaua: If B enefic You may not have lung troubles and you nlay not be peevish. As fifthlord influencing eoghthbhaua: If Malefic You may have lung troublesand you may be peevish. As sirth,lordinfluencingetghthbhaua: If Benefic You will have redemptionfrom ailmentsand you will have goodspan oflife. As sirth. Lordinfluencing eighth bhaoa: If Malefic You will have disease and distressof mind.

Yearlg Predi,ctions


As seuenthlord i.nfluencing ei.ghthbhaua:If Benefi.c You may not meet with an accident. You may not suffer at a distant place. As seuenthlord influencing eighth bhaoa:lf Malefic You may meet with an accident.You may suffer at a distant place. As nlnthLord i,nfluencingeighthbLr,aua: If Benefic You may have good life span. As ninthlord htfluencing eighthbhaua:If Malefic You may not have very good long life span. As tenthlord influencing eighthbhaua:lf Benefic You may have goodlife span. As tenth lord influenclng eighth bhaua:If Malefic You may not have goodlong life span. As eleuenthlord influencing eighth blmua:If Benefoc You may have goodlife span. As eleuenthLord influencing eighthbhaua:If Malefic You may not nave very goodlong life span. As twelfth lord lnfluenctng ei,ghth bhaua:If Benefi,c You may have goodlife span. As twelfth Lordinfluencing eighth bhaua:If Malefic You may not have very goodlong life span.


a Horoscoqe Howto Read

(IX) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING NINTH BHAVA ProsPeritY As fi.rst lord influencing nt'nthbhaua:If Benefic You will be generally fortunate. You will be protectorof others.You will be a good orator' You will get happiness on accountof wife and children' You will good ancestraland paternal property' You will inherit be rich. Your father will be famous,philanthrophic and god fearing. Your father will be happy. You will do religious acts and will be devotedto your parents and elders.You will have influx of wealth and expenditure causes. on desirableand deserving As fi,rst Lordinfluenctngninth bhaua:If Malefic There may be You may develop atheistictendencies. litigation with regard to ancestral property. ni'nthbhaua:If Benefi'c As second.Lord You lvill have wealth and become happy' You will have good inheritance. There will also be benefits You will have financial gains throrrghdifferent sources. from father, voyagesand shipping. Your father will have very good fortune. You will be skilful. You will earn righteously.You will cultivate the friendship of learned men and will have the opportunity of holding with them. intellectual discussions influencing ninth' bhaua: lf Maleflc Lord" As second, You may have ill health sometimes but you may recover. lf Benefic influencing ninth bhatsa: Lord. As th,ird. Your fortune will improve after marriage. Your brother will inherit ancestralproperty and you yourself will get benefited by your brother. Your brother will

Predictions Yearlg


become fortunate and prosperous. Your father's property will increase. You will becomereligious. As thi,rd [ord i.nfluenctngnzntlt,bhaua: lf Ma.Lefi'c with your father. You may have misunderstandings As fourth Lordtnfluencing ntnth bltaua: If Beneft'c You will be generally fortunate,favouringhappiness in regard to father and prosperity. You may get sudden fortune and wealth. As fourth Lordinfluencing ninth bhaua:If Maleflc You may get contrary and unfavourable results pertainingto your prosperityagainstyour expectations: lf Beneft'c tnfluencing ninth bhatsa: As fifth.Lord. You may become a teacher or preceptor. You may renovate ancient temples, wells, choultries and gardens. One of your sons may attain distinction as orator or an author. You will have happiness from father during childhood. There will be inheritance of paternal or ancestral property. You may get a good administrativeor honorary post. Your father will be in th.e good books of the ruling classes.There will be unexpected dawn of properity and fortune' You may become author of books. There will be acquisition of wealth through a new administrative job, your own occupationor through female sources. As fi.fth tord infl,uenctngni'nth bhaua: If MaLefic You may earn the divine wrath and consequent destruction of fortune. As sirth Lordtnfluenung ninth bhatta:If Benefic Your father may become a judge. Your maternal uncle will become highly fortunate. There will be benefitsfrom cousins.


How to Read, a Horoscogte

As sirth Lordinfluenci.ngninth bhaua: If Malefic There may be misunderstandings between you and your father. You may be ungrateful towards preceptors and engage in irreligious deeds. you may h"u" misfortunesthrough may do siniul acts. You may not be very rich. As seuenthlord influencing ninth bhaua:lf Beneftc Your father may live abroad while you make fortune in foreign lands. You will get an accomplished partner who rvill enable you to lea.d a righteous life. your fortune comes through marriage. you rvill undertake pilgrimages and give away much money in charities. There will be inclination to be pious and will, amass a fortune through just and honest means. You will acquire property and enjoy every kind of comfort. Your married partner will be a noble person and lead you on a righteous path. your work will prosper abroad.Fame and distinction will follow you. As seuerfihlordinflu.enci,ng ninthbhaua: If Matefic Your father may suffer. you married partner may drag you from right course of life and you may waste away your wealth. Your partner may lead you astray and away from your duties. you may harbour ill_wili and hatred for others and indulge in wicked deeds.Evil results may be intensified. As eightlt. Lordi,nfluencing ninth bhaaa:lf Benefic You will acquire father's property. your relations with your father will be harmonious. As eighth, Lordinfluencing nintlt bhaua:lf lvlalelic You [1a1, lose your father's property. Mis_ understandings with father may arise. your father mav suffer. You may suffer all kinds of hardships, rnise$ and unhappiness.your friends and kinsmen may deseri you while your superiors may find fault with you.

Yearlg Predi,cttons


As tenth Lord influencm4 ninth bhaua: If Benefic You will become a spiritual stalwart and you will be a beacon of light to spiritual seekers. You will be generally fortunate and well-to-do. You will follow a hereditary profession as that of a teacher, preceptor or healer. Your father will have great influence on you. You will be dutiful and do many charitable deeds. You will lead a righteous life. You will earn by fair means and will become well-known for your sense of fair play and justice. You may embark on a life of spiritual sadhana (exercise to attain perfection). You will work for government or take up medical profession. You may work as an auditor, banker in government or in some big undertaking. You may acquire immovable proper(y from your father. You may go abroad for education and do research. You will prosper along with your father. You may get gold, precious stones, conveyance and all kinds of comforts. You may head an industrial or other concern employing labour. As tenth Lord influenci,ng ntnth bhaua: If Malefic You may be forced to work in a low position. As eleuenth Lord influencing ninth bhaua: If Benefic You will inherit a large paternal fortune. You will be very lucky in life. You will possessmany houses, neans of conveyance and every other kind of luxury. You will disseminate religious and religious-minded be literature. Yotr will be charitable and set up charitable institutions. You will have an exalted and aristocratic father and background. You will hail from a rich family and will continue the family business extending it beyond expectations. You will have a colourful social Iife and rnove on equal terms with rulers and other dignitaries. Your regard for religion will itlcrease and you will be victorious and of good couduct. Foreign collaborations will bring you both distinction and money.


How to Read,a Horoscope

As elpuenthLord, i,nfluencingninth bhansa: If Mateflc paternal You may not inherit a large fortune. You may not be very lucky in life. You may not possess many houses,means of conveyanceand every other kind of luxury. You may not be religiously minded and disseminate religious literature. You may not be charitable and set up charitable institutions. You may not have an exalted and aristocratic father and background. You may not hail from a rich family and may not continue the family business extending it beyond expectations. You may not have a colourful sbcial life and move on equal terms with rulers and other dignitaries. Your regard for religion may not increasenor will you be victoriousand of goodconduct. Foreign collaborations may not bring you both distinction and money. As tw eLfthLordinfluencin4 ninth bhau a :.If Beneflc You may reside abroad and get prosperous. You may acquire much'property in foreign lands. You will be honest, generous and large-hearted. You will be interested in physical culture. You will have a steady career. You will have interest in piety and lead a virtuous life. As twelfth Lordinfl,uencin4ninth bhansa: If MaLefic You may not have any spiritual leanings.You may not be liking your partner, friends and preceptors. You are likely to separate from your father. You may have a loss of job and luck. Your material prosperity may be on a low keel.

Yearlg Predi,cti,ons


(X) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDS INFI,UENCING TENTH BHAVA Profession As fi.rst lord.znfluencingtenthbhaua:lf Benefic You will have professionalsuccess. You may be a researchscholaror specialistin a branch ofknowledge. As fi,rst lord influencing tenth bhaua:lf Malefic You may not have professional success. You may not be a research scholar or a specialist in a branch of knowledge.. As second Lordinfluencing tenth bLtaua: If Benefic your You will earn by own exertions.You will take to number of avocations. You will do or take to agriculture and also engageyourself in philosophical lectures and dissertations and thereby benefit financially. You will get governmentfavours.You will secure high political or administrative position and emolumentsconsistentwith office. You will earn huge profits as a business person. You may become a diplomat. You will be well-versed in intrigue and hypocrisy. As second tord tnfluencing tenth bhaua:lf Malefrc You may have loss from every source.You may abuse your position and causepain to others.You may exhort money by way of bribes. You may have reversalsand losses. As thi.rd,lord influencingtenthbhaua:lf Benefie You will gain from journeys connected with profession. Your brother may attain distinction in political fields. You may becomerich.


How to Read a Horoscope

As third lord influencing tenth bhaua: If Malefic You may meet with frustrations and disappoint_ ments.your daily mode of life may be upset.t;; ;ry become immoral and commit sins. your brothers may take to questionable meansof earning money. As fourth lord influencing tenth bhaua:If Benefic You will have political may be an expert chemist. you_will vanquish your enemies and make your personality felt bV the world. you may become a minister or high-pla""a iouu.rrment servant. There will be access to wealth through tr"Ou arrA business. As fourth tord influencing tenth bhaua:If Matefic There is a possibilityof lossof your reputation. As flfthlordinfluencing tenthbhaua:If Benefin you .You will earn goodwill of rulers or government. will constructtemples and perform religious ,".rifi"". You may join the crime will. acquire kingdom or becoire treaO of state or a minister politician or ma). reach the lf trigiresi positi.onif in " wiil have palmy days as a businessman. If agriculturist,you will earn;r;;;;;; profits in your own avocations. As fzfth lord onfluencing tenth bhaua:If IVatefic You may face wrath of rulers or government. you may get contrary results regarding your prosperity bevond your expectations.yil;;i not be generaily very prosperous. As sirth lord influencing tenth bhaua:lf Benefic Evil results regarding your prosperity will you may be moO-eratetv lessened. piosperous.


Yearlg Predictions


As sirth Lordinfluenci,ng tenth bhaua: If Matefic Your day to day professional activities may be dislocated. You may have low life. You may take to occupationsconsidered low and degradingby current social values.You will incur displeasureof government or your superiors.You may becomea victim of calumny (defamation and scandal). g tenth bhaua:If B enefi,c As seuenthlord influenci:rt You may flourish in a profession abroad or your career may involve constant travelling. Your married partner will also be employed and contribute to your income and may help in the advancement of your career. You will gain much fame and reputation abroad.Your professionwill flourish well and you will obtain distinction in your field of your activity. As seuenthLordinfluencing tenth blwua: If Malefic Your married partner niay be avaricious and overambitious but without sufficient capacity and consequently your career may suffer and deteriorate. You may expect contrary results in respect of profession. tenthbhnua: If Benefi,c As You may have unexpectedgains due to the death of the superiors or elders. Evil influences on your prosperitywill be greatlyreduced. tenthbhaua:lf Malefi'c As eighthlord i,nfluencing in your career.You You may have slow advancement may face obstaclesand impedimentsin your activities. and your You may be supercededby your subordinates merit may go unnoticed.You may resort to deceit and unrighteous means to gain your ends. Your thinking may be clouded and your actions may invite the wrath of the government or the law. Your reputation may suffer.


How to Read a HoroscoPe

As nintlt,tord infl'uencingtenthbhaua: If Beneft'c You will become famous and powerful. You will be generousand occupy posts of authority. You will earn wealth and acquire every kind of comfort and luxury' Your meansof livelihood would be righteous'You will be a law-abiding citizen. You will be settled in your life. You will do charitable careerand lead a successful through your service wealth much deeds.You may earn many times. honoured be rvill You to government. influenczng tenth bhaua: lf MaLefic As ntnth Lord" you may earn You may lose your job. If in profession, the wrath of people and may be forced to close down your practice. You may lead an unrighteous life and You may seekto earn through illegal and shady means. You may suffer punishmentby the ruler or government. not havevery goodProsPeritY. If Benefi'c lord influencing tenth bh'aua: As eleuenth your businessand will earn You will prosper well in good profits. Your elder brother may also help you in your business. You will earn someprize moneyfor your original contribution to the subject of your study or profession. You will earn through fair means.You will and distinguishedcareer.You hat'e a highly successful will havemore than one occupation. influencing tenth,bhaua:lf Malefic Lord' As eleuenth' You may earn through foul means.You may become powerful and rich but you may be unscrupulous, indulging in every kind of despicable act to achieve You may iose your ends.You may suffer repercussions. your wealth and Power. influencing tentlt'bhaua:If Beneflc As tueLftlt,Lord You may reside abroad and prosper. You may be interestedin physicalculture.

YearLE Predictions


As tw elfth Lordinfluencing tenth bhaua:lf Matefi,c You may be detached and you may develop spirituality. (XI) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING ELEVENTH BHAVA Gains and Income If Benefi'c As ftrst tord utfluencing eleuentlt'bhnua: You will you will gain in business. If a businessman not experience financial straits. You owe your prosperity to your elder brother. You wilt earn enormousbusinessprofits. You will get much gain from trade. bhaaa:If Mal'efi'c As flrst Lordi.nfluencm'geLeuenth you may not gain in business.You If a businessman, may experience financial straits. You may not owe your prosperity to your elder brother. You may not earn enormous business profits. You may not get much gain from trade If Benefic As secondlord influencing eLeuenthblwsa: You will earn considerable wealth. You rnay earn by lending money or as a banker or by running a boarding house.You will gain from different means. lf Matefic As Secondlord influencing eletsenthblwua: You may not earn considerable wealth. You may not earn by lending money or as a banker or by running a boarding house. You may not gain from different means. As th:trd Lordinfluencing eleuenthbltaoa:If Bencfic You will have earnings without efforts. Generally favourable results will be provided.


a Horoscope Howto Read

If Malefic influenctngeleuentltbh,aoa: As thi,rdLord You may not have earningswithout efforts.Generally favourableresults may not be provided. If Benefic As fourthLordinfluencingeleuenthbhaua: You rvill be selfmade. You will have success in selling and buying cattle and lands. You will earn in trade and commerce. If Maleftc As fourthlord influencing eleuenthbhaua: not You may have success You may not be selfmade. may not cattle and lands. You in selling and buying in trade and commerce. earn lf Benefic bh,aua: As fifttt lord influencing eLeuenth in all You may get benefitsfrom children and success your undertakings. You will become rich and learned. You may have children. You may become an author. You may acquire riches and gain from business.You will gain through sea products or ship-building.You will gain through your children or governnent sources or elder brother. You may acquire a new job. You will have immensewealth and fortunewill flow in. If Matefic As fi,fihlord influencing eLeuenthbhaua: Y o u m a y g e t l o s s e s i n b u s i n e s s .Y o u m a y h a v e reversalsin official life. You may get disappointments, and upheavals. financial troubles,misunderstandings bhaua:If Beneftc As sirtlt,Lordinfluencing eteuenth gain from maternaluncle. You will bhaua:I.fMaLefr,c As sirtlt,Iord influencing eleuenth You may not be very rich and may not have comfortable life. You may be suffering on account of agricultureor your Your gainsin business, convictions. occupationin generalmay be below normal.

Yearlg Pred,i,ctions


As seuentlt.lord influencing eleuenthbhaua:If Benefic Your married partner will hail from a rich background o r b r i n g i n m u c h w e a l t h .Y o u w i l l f a r e w e l l in trade and partnership business.Your businessmay expandwell and even spreadabroad. As seuenthLordi,nfluenc'ing eLeuenth, bhaua:If Malefic Your married partner may not hail from a rich backgroundor bring in much wealth. You may not fare well in trade and partnership business. Your business may not expand well and spread abroad. As lord i.nfluenct ng eleu enth bhau a: lf B enefi.c get You will help from friends and elder brother to overcome troubles. As eighth lord influencing eleuenthbhaua:lf Malefic Your businessmay suffer lossesand run into debts. As ninthLord influencing eLeuenth bhaua:If Benefic You will be rich. You will have powerful and influential friends. Your father will be a well-known and well-placed man. You will prosper in family business. As ninth lord influencing eleuenthbhaua:If Malefic Your unfaithful friends may destroy your wealth through selfish schemingand fraud. You may be forced to beg for survival. As tenthl,ordinfluencingeLeuenthbhaua: If Benefic Y o u w i l l e a r n r i c h e s .Y o u w i l l b e f o r t u n a t ei n e v e r y r e s p e c t .Y o u w i l l d o m e r i t o r i o u sd e e d s .Y o u w i l l g i v e e m p l o y m e nt o m a n y p e r s o n s a n d w i l l b e e n d o w e dw i t h a high senseof humour. You will have many powerful friends in government and upper classes.You will becomerich and prosperous. You rvill have many kinds of business and all your ventures will turn out


How to Read aHoroscope

successful.You will be a popular figure in social circles. You will have men at your will possess many mansions. As tenth Lordinfluencing el,euenth bltaua:lf Maleftc Your friends may turn out enemies and cause you everysort ofhardship and worry. As twelftLt.Iord onfluenczng eleuenthblnnsa: If Benefic You may earn through trading in pearls, rubies and other preciousstones. As twelfth Lordinfluencing eleuenthbltaua: lf Malefic You may engagein businessbut may not make much profit. You may have few friends and many enemies. Your funds may dwindle on account of invalid and extravagantbrothers. You may have financial setbacks. Your trade may bring losses.You may have loss of money through theft, fire or accident. If you are in business,you will have loss due to misunderstanding with elder brother or partners who are in business. Your wealth may be dissipatedby children. (XII) AS DIFFERENT BHAVA LORDSINFLUENCING TIryELFTII BHAVA Losses and Expenditure As fi,rst Lordinfluencing tw elft,hbhaua : If B enefic You will be learned and interestedin will take pride in helping others. you will have a nurnberof friends. You will be religiously inclined and vrill have a peacefuland suddenend. You will visit holy places. You will spend inherited riches on charities and other deserving causes.You will be emotionally balancedand rvill dedicateyourselfto public weal. As f;crstLordinfluenctng twelfthblnnsa: Ii Malefi,c You may have gamblingtendenciesand many losses. You may not have success in businessenterprises.

Yearly Predictions


As second lord influencing tw elfth bhaua: If B enefi'c You will become a respectableperson.You may be a government servant. Your income may be through dealingsconnectedwith churches. twelfth bhaua:If MaLeftc As secondLordhr,fluencing You may bd deprived of the happiness of elder brother. You may lose money through churches.Your domestic affairs may take an unfortunate turn apart from financial losses. As thi.rd Lordtnfluenct ng tw eLfthbhaua: If B enefi'c You will get fortune through marriage. As third Lordinfluencing twelfth bhaua:lf Malefr,c You may get sorrow through relatives. You would like to have seclusion. You may face great ups and downs. You may not have a prosperousfather. Your youngestbrother may not be of good temperamentand you will suffer becauseof him or your younger brother may suffer. You may meet a series of misfortunes.You may have fear from enemies. You may have ear You may have to sell or mortgage all your diseases. jewels.There may be mental affliction also. As fourth influenci.ngtwelfth bhaua:lf Benefic You may not be deprived of properties and happiness.Your mother may not suffer. You may not have bad finances atrd generally you may not have a rniserableexistence.You may not have mental worry. You may not get losses of cattle. You may not bring misfortunesto mother and involvementin troubles. As foutltt, tnfluencing twelfthbhaua: If ll[.alefic You may be deprived of properties and happiness. Your mother may suffer. You may have bad finarrces and generallyyou may not have a comfortablelife. You may have mental worry. You may get loss of cattle. You


How to Read a Horoscope

may bring misfortunesto mother and involvement in troubles. As ftfth. tord influencing twelfth bhaua:lf Benefi,c Your quest for knowing the ultimate reality will be pronounced.You will lead a life of non-attachment. You will becomespiritual. You will move from place to place and ultimately attain Moksha (enlightenment). You will becomewiser and spend money on deserving causes. As ftfth lord influencong tuelfthbhaua: lf Malefi.c Your children may suffer. There may be mental afflictions, almost bordering on lunacy. Misunderstandingsmay arise with father and children. You may incur the displeasure of the rulers or the government. influencingtwelfthbhaua:If Benefic As sirth Lord You will be all-right and no untoward things may happen. As sirth Lordinfluencing tu)elfthbhaua:If Mateftc You may get difficulties and sorrows through your destructivenature. You may causeharm to others.You may not have a very comfortable existence.You may suffer from troubles, losses and destruction in your hands.You may becomeimmoral. enemy's irtfluencingtwelfth,bhaua: As seuenthLord If Benefic There may not be more than one marriage in your life. You not may marry a second time clandestinely while the first partner is still alive or may not marry a secondtime after losing the first partner by death or separation.You may not suffer while travelling. Your marriage partner may not hail from a low family. You may not be generally poor. You may not be lacking marital happiness. You may not go abroad and may not be unhappythere with constant troubles and worries.

Yearly Predzctions


As seuenth Lord influencing twelfth bh,aua:If Malefic There may be more than one marriage in your life. You may marry a second time clandestinely while the first partner is still alive or may marry a second time after losing the {irst partner by death or separation. You may suffer while travelling. Your marriage partner may hail from a low family. You may be generally not very rich. You may be lacking marital happiness.You nlay go abroad but may be unhappy there with constant troubles and worries. As eighth Lord i.nfluencing tweLfth bh.aua:If Benefic You will get Rajayoga (all-round improvement). You will gain in religion and piety. Some post or seat of authorrty may be thrust on you with all its attendant paraphernalia. As eigttth Lord tweLfth bh,aua:If Malefic Treachery of friends may result in many problems and grief. Unexpected expenditure may arise and tliere may be pecuniary losses. You may resort to various clandestineacts. As ni.nth Lordtnfluencing tw elfth bh,au a: lf B enefi c p u r e You will lead a and honest lif'e. You will be religious and noble. You wilt be spiritually inclined. You will spend your wealth in charity. As ninth Lord tnfluen cing twelfth bhaua: If Mal.efic You may have a poor background. You may suffer much and may have to work very hard in life and even then success may not come to you. You may always be in want. Your father may leave you penniless or you may be living far away from father. You may lose money through foolishly investing it. You may be robbed of your valuables in a dacoity. You may lose your ancestral lands and money


How to Read a Horoscope

twelfth.bttaua: If Benefic As tenthlord r,nfluencing You rvill pursue your spiritual inclinationswith zeal. You will become a spiritual seeker. You may head a medical institution or prison or a remand house. lf MaLefic As tenth Lordinfluencing tweLfihbh.aua: You may have to work in a far-off place. You may wander about without success.You may indulge in nefarious activities. You may lack comforts and face many difficulties in life. You may be separatedfrom your family. There may be sorrow for the family and relatives.You may have humiliation.You may lose your job and if in businesslossesmay accrue to you. You may have unconventionalprofessionsand people may revile at you. You may wander aimlessly with no domesticpeace. As eleuenth Lordinfluencing twetfth bhaua:lf Benefic You may not suffer lossesin business.You may not i n c u r m u c h e x p e n d i t u r eo n a c c o u n to f i l l n e s s o f y o u r elder brother. You may not have to pay fines and penalties and you may not be burdened with many . ou may not land in losses d o m e s t i cr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e sY through varied expenditure.Your wealth may not be Your elder brother may not passthrough a squandered. troubled phase, suffering from much monetary loss. You may not run into debts. As eleuentlt.Iord influencing twelflh.bhaua:lf Malefzc You may suffer lossesin business.You may incur much expenditure on accountof illness of your elder brother. You may have to pay fines and penalties and you may be burdened with many domestic You may land in lossesthrough varied responsibilities. expenditure. Your wealth may be squandered.Your elder brother may pass through a troubled phase suffering from much monetary loss. You may run into debts.


Model Horoseope
The model horoscope given is taken out of a computer print-out specially programmed for this benefic and malefic analysis of planets and bhavas along with predictions. The complete Vimsottari Dasas tables of main, sub- and inter-period planets are not given in the model horoscope to restrict the number of pages in this book, though the computer print-out gives all detailed tables of all Dasas upto the full cycle of 120 years of the Vimsottari Dasa System. The reader can calculate these tables from any standard book on astrology. The model horoscope gives the Planetary degrees, Rasi chart, Navamsa chart, Bhava chart, Planetary Relationships, Benefic and Malefic Analysis of Planets and Bhavas, Broad Life Predictions, Yearly Predictions of Current, Main Period Planet, Sub-period Planet in the Main Period Planet and Inter-period Planets in the Sub-period Planet. The results of the subsequent periods are not given due to space restrictions. The intention of the model horoscope is to give an idea of the application of this new theory of Benefic and Malefic Analysis of Planets and Bhavas and subsequent reading of the predictions accordingly.


How to Reud a Horoscope

INTRODUCTION We, at Bharathi Jyothishi Centre <Qto Y. Bharati Rayvdtr, 6? Vinayanagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500659. Indra. Phone:527354), have studied the various computer software packages available on Hindu astrology in India and formulated our own software package based on south Indian style of Hindu astrology with our past non-professional, service crriented research experience of about twenty-five years. The software utilises the Raman's 110-years ephemeris along with the Lahiri's Ayanamsa for calculation part. It works out the Rasi chart, Navamsa chart, Bhava chart, Vimsottari dasa tables of main, sub- and interperiocls of the planets, general life readings and yearly predictions. Compared to the other softwares available, the uniqueness of our software is that it distinguishes m a t h e m a t i c a l l y e a c h p l a n e t a s b e n e fi c o r m a l e f i c towards the horoscope in study with analysis checking the various aspects of astrological principles as normally done by any serious astrologer and then proceeds to apply these benefic or malefic tendencies while giving the predictions. In the general reading of the horoscope the significations of all the tu'elve bhavas covering all the important aspects of life are given' In the yearly predictions all the different results of the main period, sub-period and inter-period of planets are given. The aspects covered in the predictions are body, health, temperametrt, personalitl', wealth, courage, education, houses, landed, property, conveyance' diseases, enemies, debts, happiness, children, marriage, marital relationship, longevity, prosperity, profession, gains, income, losses and expenditure. The results attributable to your social, economical, circumstantial and environmental factors are only to be taken.



It may be appreciated that the results based on the basic horoscopeof Rasi chart and Navamsachart and the detailed horoscope covering many other varga charts may differ since more conditions will be in the detailed horoscope. considered It may also be appreciated that the horoscope available with you may differ from our casting due'to the differencesin Ayanamsaand Ephemeris.Also the periods of the planets,that is, the timing of the events It may may vary upto six months to one year sometimes. also to be noted that the transit results of the planets are not given which may influence the predictions to some extent. The accuracy of the calculations and predictions depends upon the accuracy of the birth time, which is not alwaysavailablewith high degreeof accuracy. Also astrological predictions cannot be sinply based upon strict hypothetical prineiples or but a certain amount of intuitive capacity vagueguesses must be brought to bear upon such attempts. The various rules given for future predictions are As such,this centre merely intended for your guidance. guarantee the certainff of the results nor own does not any responsibility for your decisions based upon the indications and any claim or cause of action for any damagesor otherwise against this centre shall not be entertained. BASIC BIRTH DATA P.V.R.Rayudu Name Male Sex Vizianagram Placeof birth Andhra Pradesh State India Country 0? Sep.,1938 Date of Birth Wednesday Day of tsirth Time of Birth (I.S.T.) Longitude 09:03:<14 East 083:26:00


Hont to Read a Horoscope

Latitude Lunar Thithi Lunar Paksha LS.T.To L.M.T.Correction Time Birth (L.M.T.) Siderial Time at Birth Ayanamsa Tenth House Ascendant (Lagna) Birth Rasi (Moon Rasi) Birth Star (Moon Star) Balance of Dasa at Birth

018:07:00 North l3 Shukla 00:03:43 09:07.27 0B:09:41 O22:59:4O Cancer 07:14:44 Libra Capricorn ShravanaPada - 4 Moon2years3months 15 days

Planet Rasi Dqrees Retro Exaft Star 20:57:0 No 06:33:2 No Mars Leo 06:07:5 Yes Mercury Leo Jupiter Aquarius 0 2 : 0 8 : 1No 06:59:5No Venus Libra Satum Pisces 2 3 : 5 1 : 3Yes 27:57:4 Yes Rahu Libra 27:57:,4Yes Ketu Aries Moon Capricom 20:'16:4 No 07:39:5No Libra Ascendant
Poorvaphalguna Magha Magha Dhanistha Svati Revati Vishakha Krittika Sravana Svati

Pada Rlord St. lord 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 4 1 Sun Ketu Sun Ketu Satum Mars Venus Rahu Jupiter Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Moon Venus Rahu

Model Horoscope

387 Rasi Chart



Jutits (x)
Rcsi Moon

(R) lzercnry Sun Mars


Vauts Rnhu






,\scst{mt VaflsKeuL

Swt Juyttn


How to Read a Horoscope


Bhava thava






I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt 12

Virgo 22:35:46 Libra 22:35:46 S c o r p i o n Libra ScorPio'1 T2:27:21 Saginarius 22:18:56 Capricorn Sagittarius Capricorn 22:18:56 Aquarius Aquarius 22.,27:21 P i s c e s Pisces 22:35:46 Aries Aries 22:35:46 Taurus Taurus 22.,21.,21Geqini Gemini 22:18:56 C a n c e r Cancer 22:18:56 Leo 22:,21.,21 Virqo Leo

Rahu 07:39:59S'iati AnuradhaSaturn 07:31:34 07:23:09Moola Ketu Sun 07:14:44Uttara Rahu 07:23:09Satabhisha 07:31:34Unara Saturn Ketu 07:39:59Asvini 07:31:34Krittika Sun Rahu 07:23:09Ardra 07:14:44 Pushya Saturn 07:23:09Magha Ketu Sun 07:31:34Uttara

Bhava Chart
Saturn(R) Ketu


tvtercury(R) Mors


Asczndant Vcnus Ra{tu i42n{hfraao


Model Horoscope



Planet Friends

Neutrals Mercury



Venus Saturn Ketu Rahu Mars Sun Moon Juoiter Venus Ketu Saturn RahuMercury Mercury Sun Venus Ketu Rahu Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Saturn Ketu Rahu Venus Mercury Venus Mercury Saturn Ketu Rahu Mars Jupiter Moon Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Ketu Rahu Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Rahu Venus Saturn Mars Jupiter Sun Moon Merury Ketu Ketu Venus MarsJupiter Saturn Sun Moon . Mercury Rahu Moon Sun Mercury MarsJupiter Rahu Ketu
Venus Saturn

Moon Mars Jupiter

Functional Relationship
Planet Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Moon
Friends Venus Rahu Venus Rahu Moon Ketu Saturn Mercury Mars Ketu Jupiter Merury Mars Saturn Jupiter Jupiter Venus Satum Enemies

Merury Saturn Ketu Ketu Mercury Saturn Mars Ketu Jupiter Saturn Rahu Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Sun Jupiter Mars Sun Mars


Balance of M00N Dasa at birth: 02Yrs03mons 15days Current dateis:07Sep1990 Current mainperiod: Saturn from 2U1U1981 to 2U1A20[0 Current subperiod: Venus from 13/10/19S8 to 13/l?l99l Current interperiod: Jupiter from 2U05l1990 to 24110/1990 givenbelow are for the full cycle of 120yearsof /Vote.' Periods of planets Vimsottari dasa.However, it doesnot determine the longevity of the horoscope. The datesshowthe beginning of dasa. All the datesare in the formatof date/month/year.


How to Read aHoroscope


241U1%3 Rahu2?12/1947 Jupiter Moon 07/09n938Mars 22t1211940 Ketu 2U1U2011 Yenus221142024 Saturn ?U1U1981Mercury22112120W 2U142044 Sun

Planets Sub-periods
Moon-Ketu 07i09/1S38Moon-Venus 2ulryl$8 Moon-Sun 2206/1940 Mars-Jupiter07/06/1942 19/05/1941 Mars-Mars ?UlU$An Mars-Rahu 1943 Mars-Mercury 2a0f,l$44 Mars-Ketu 19/06/1945 Mars-Saturn l3/05i Mars-Moon W0511947 16/01/1947 l/1945 Mars-Sun Mars-Venus 16/l Rahu-Rahu 2U1U1941 Rahu-Jupiter 04/09/1950Rahu-Saurn 2U0l/1953 2206/1958Rahu-Venus tU07/1959 04ilUl955 Rahu-Ketu Rahu-Mercury Rahu-Mars 0l/121964 Rahu'Moon 04/06/1963 10/07/1962 Rahu-Sun 2208/1970 2UlU1965 Jupiter-Saturnl0/0?/1968Jupiter-Mercury Jupiter-Jupitet Jupiter-Venus 04nlil973 Jupiter-Sun 04/07/1976 Jupiter-Ketu 2811111972 ?f/0711979 l9i8 Jupiter-Rahu Jupiter-Mars 2?08i Jupiter-Moon 2U0411977 251lU1984Saturn-Ketu 0{/09/1987 2alUB81 Saturn-Mercury Saturn-Saturn zVl'l/1992 Saturn-Venusl3/10/1988 Saturn-Sun l3/lLll$,! Saturn-Moon l0/06/1998 Saturn-Jupiter Saturn-Mars 25/06/1994Saturn-Rahu 04/08/1995 l6/05/2{M ZU 1U2000 Mercury-Ketu 19/05/2003Mercury-Venus ury-Mercury Merc ??[f,lzUd9 Mercury-Mars Mercury-Sun l6/8n007 Mercury-Moon2A0112008 l3/04/2015 Mercury-Saturn 01 10112013 l9/06/2010 Mercury-Jupiter Mercurv-Bahu 19/07/2019 Ketu-Sun 2U1U2011 Ketu-Venus 19/05/2018 Ketu-Ketu Ketu-Rahu ?f/11ru20 2510f,12020 I l/2019 Ketu-Mars Ketu-Moon 25i Ketu-Mercury N1??IJ,23 Ketu-Jupiter l0ll?202l Xetu-Saturn 1611112022 2UUlm28 Venus-Moon ??y'04n029 Venus-Venus 2a1U2024 Venus-Sun ?Z0U!xl;s Vsnus-Mars 241U2030 Venus-Rahu 2a0Um32 Venus-Jupiter 2A1U2040Venus-Ketu 2Ul0l2043 Venus-Saturn 2A$P031 Venus-Mercury Sun-Mars 10/10/2045 10/04/2045 24142044 Sun-Moon Sun'Sun Sun-Sahrn NWm47 Sun-Jupiter 10/01/2047 16/02/2046 Sun-Rahu 16/08/2049Sun-Venus UIUN$ Sun-Mercury l0/,|0/2048 Sun-Ketu

PlanetsInter Penods
lUl0/1988 16/08/lS8 Saturn'Vsnus'Venus |90ff198SSaturn-Ketu-Mercury Saturn-Ketu-Saturn 2549/1989 saturn-venus-Mars 20/06/19E9 saturn-venus-Moon 4ro4/19S9 Saturn-Venus.sun 24/10n990 Saturn'Venus-Srurn 2?05/1930 0litUl989 Saturn-Venus.Jupiter Saturn-Venus-Bahu lVlulggl Saturn-Sun-Sun 05/10/1991 Saturn'Venus'Ketu 24/04nSgl Saturn.Vanus-Mercury Note; The other inter-periods are intentionally deleted to save space though the computer print-out gives all the inter-periods from the beginning ofthe birth upto 120 years'

Horoscope Model NATURAL AND LONDSHIPSBENEFICS ANI) MALEFICS Nattl'rll Benefics forYour Chart Jupiter Venus Moon Natural Maleficsfor Your Ctwft Saturn Sun Mars Rahu Ketu Mercury Lordship Berufi,cs for Your Clnrt Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Lordshtp Malefics fw Yotn Chart Sun Moon Jupiter Rahu Ketu.


BENEFIC AND MALEFIC ANALYSIS OF PLANEfiI Note: The following analysis takes into aecount various influencesthat the planetsare subjected to in your horoscope and assigns suitable weightages while giving the benefic and malefic percentages. lYsisof sun Beneficdue to is in own sign is in lordship benefic'sstar is in natural benefic's star associated with lordship benefic aspectedby natural benefic as lordship maleficin 6th, 8th or l2th bhavas. Malefic duc to is a natural malefic is a lordship malefic


How to Read aHoroscope

with functional enemy is in association with natural malefic is associated is aspected by lordship malefic as a natural maleflc in 3, 6, lO or I I bhavas in debilitation in navamsa Net benefic percenta ge:5+.55olo Net malefic percentage: 45.45o/o Analysis of Mars due to Benefi.c lordship benefic tord is a funcationalfriend of ascendant with lordship benefic associated aspectedby natural benefic as a natural malefic in 3,6, l0 or 11bhavas as lordship benefic not in 6, 8 or 12bhavas is in functional friends sign in navamsa. Maleftc due to is a natural malefic is in lordship maleficssign is in natural maleficssign is in functional enemiesstar is in lordship maleficsstar is in natural malefics star is in associationwith functional enemy

Model Horoscope with lordship malefic is associated is associated with natural malefic is aspectedby lordship malefic. Net benefic percentage: 40.00Vo. 60.00%. Net malefic percentage: Analysis of Mercury due tto Benefi,c lordship benefic lord is a functional friend of ascendant with lordship benefic associated by natural benefic aspected as a natural malefic in 3, 6, 10 or 11bhavas as lordship benefic not in 6, 8 or 12bhavas is in functional friend's sign in navamsa. Maleftcdne to ' is a natural malefic is in lordship malefic'ssign is in natural malefic'ssign is in lordship malefic'sstar is in natural malefic'sstar with functional enemy is in association with lordship malefic is associated is associated with natural malefic is aspectedby functional enemy is aspectedby lordship malefic. Net benefic percentage 40.00Vo. Net malefic percentage:60.007o.



How to Read, a Horoscop,,

Analysis of Jupiter Beneficdue to natural benefic is in functional friend's sign is in lordship benefic'ssign is in lordship benefic'sstar by lordship benefic aspected as a natural benefic not in 12 bhava. Malefrcdue to i s a l o r d s h i pm a l e f i c is in natural malefic sign is in natural malefic star lord is a functional enemyof ascendant by functionalenemy is aspected by lordship malefic is aspected is aspectedby natural malefic as a lordship malefic not in 6, B or 12bhavas is in functional enemiessign in navamsa. Net benefic percentage:44.00Vo. Net malefic percentage:56.$Mo. Analysis of Venus Beneficdue to natural benefic l o r d s h i pb e n e f i c is in own sign I i I

Model Horoscope


aspectedby natural benefic as a natural benefic not in 12bhavas as lordship benefic not in 6, B or 12bhavas.

Maleficdue to is in lordship malefic's star is in natural malefic'sstar ' with lordship malefic is associated is associatedwith natural malefic is aspectedby functional enemy is aspectedby lordship malefic is in functional enemiessign in navamsa. Net benefic percentage: 44.44Vo. Net malefic percentage:55.56Vo. Analysis of Saturn Beneficdue to lordship benefic is in functional friend's sign natural benefic'ssign is in lordship benefic'sstar aspected by Iordship benefic as lordship benefic not in 6, B or 12bhavas in own sign in navamsa. Malefic due to is a natural malefic is in lordship malefic'ssign is in natural malefic'sstar is aspectedby functional enemy


How to Read a.Horoscope

is aspectedby natural malefic as a natural malefic not in 3. 6. 10 or 11bhavas. Net benefic percentage:6I.lLVo.

Ieri'o" Netma

" ""^ll,:::t:;*r"

Beneflc due to is in lordship benefic'ssign is in natural benefic'ssign is in natural benefic'sstar with lordship benefic associated associated with natural benefic aspected by natural benefic is in functional friend's sign in navamsa. Malefic due to is a natural malefic is a lordship malefic is in functional enemies'star is in lordship malefic'sstar is aspectedby functional enemy is aspectedby lordship malefic as a natural malefic not in 3, 6, 10 or 11bhavas as a lordship malefic not in 6, 8 or 12bhavas. Net benefic percentage:45.00Vo. Net malefiCpercenta ge:55.Wo.

Model Horoscope


Analysis of Ketu Beneficdue to is in lordship benefic'ssign by lordship benefic aspected aspectedby natural benefic as lordship benefic in 6, B or 12 bhavas is in functional friend'.ssign in navamsa. Maleficdue to is a natural malefic is a lordship malefic is in functional enemy's sign is in natural malefic'ssign . is in functional enemy's star is in lordship malefic'sstar is in natural malefic'sstar as a natural malefic not in 3, 6, 10or 11bhavas. Net benefic percentage:47.06Vo, Net malefic percenta ge:52.94Vo. Analysis of Moon Beneficdue to natural benefic ' is in functional friend's sign is in lordship benefic'ssign is in own star as a natural benefic not'in 12 bhavas in own sign in navamsa.

How to Read a Horoscope

MaLeficdue to is a lordship malefic is in natural malefic's sign as a lordship malefic not in 6, B or 12 bhavas. Net benefic perc e nta ge: 69.23Vo. Net malefic percenta ge: 30.77Vo. BROAD LIFE PREDICTIONS I rnp ort a'rfi I nfor m,ation The general characteristics of the Ascendant (Lagna) you are born in are given. The various planets influencing your various bhavas are analysed with respect to their benefic and malefic tendencies and the net effect of the bhavas are given with due weightages. When the bhava percentage is between 50Voto 55Vo malefic, moderate results of the bhava are given. When the percentage of the bhava is SOVIor more benefic, benefic results of the bhava are given. When the percentage of the bhava is55Voor more malefic, malefic results of the bhava are given. In general the twelve bhavas represent the various aspects of your life covering body. health, temperament, personality, wealth, education, landed property, conveyance, happiness, children, diseases, enemies, relationship, longevity, debts, marriage, marital prosperity, profession, gains, income, losses and expenditure. Broad general reading of the above aspects are only given rvhich will indicate the overall effects in your life in general. The various planets influencing your various aspects will, however, give the special effects pertaining to their characteristics during their operating periods.

Model Horoscope


GEI{ERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LIBRA ASCENDANT (LAGNA) Bodg You may have middle-sizedstature or sometimes tall and lean body. You nray have a handsomeappearance with broad face and fine eyes. Your features may be regular with broad chest and prominent nose.You may have a youthful appearance. Health You will have a sensualdisposition.You will suffer in some limb. You may get setbacksin health due to but you will easily recover. slight causes Temperament and Personalitg You will be idealistic, quickwitted, vindictive, forceful and positive. You will be a keen observer of human nature. You will have sensualdisposition.You will have keen foresight and reason out things from the standpoint of your own views. You will love justice, peace,order and you will be an agreeableperson.You will be intelligent, clean, very active and devoted to gods and brahmins. You will be ambitious.You will be firm in convictionsand unmovedby mean motives.You will be somewhat susceptible to feelings of others' minds. You will be more idealist than realist or practical person and often contemplateupon schemes like building castles in the air. You will be clever in purchaseand sale of goods.You will be skilful and act impartially as arbitrator. You will not be sensitive to what others say of you. You will erert tremendous influence over the masses as political leaders and religious reformers. Sometimes your zeal and enthusiasmmay go to such a high pitch that you will force your views upon others of opposite thought not realising the baneful after-effectsof such a practice. You will not hesitateto sacrifice evenyour living at the altars of freedom and fair play. You will love


a HoroscoPe Howto Read

excitement.You will not be easily amenableto reason You will be a great lover of music' You will sometimes. have special liking for trust and honesty' ANALYSIS OF BHAVAS esents: F ir st Bhaua RePr Complexion, Body, Health, Temperament and PersonalitY. Influencing You'r Ftrst Bhaua: PLanets Planets in First bhava:Venus Lord of First bhava:Venus First bhava:JupiterSaturn Planetsaspecting Lord of the First bhavacusp star:Rahu with First bhavalord: Rahu Planetsassociated First bhava lord: Jupiter Plarietsaspecting Karakasof First bhava:Sun Thus planetsinfluencingyour First Bhavaare: Venus,JuPiter, Saturn,Rahu, Sun'

ThenetbeneficmaleficanalysisofyourFirstbhava: e: 46.ZVo Benefic Percentag e: 53.BVo Malefic Percentag The net analysisof the planets influencingyour First i'e' it can be and malefic 53'8Vo, bhava is benefic 46.2Vo taken as Moderate' General Effectsof First Bhatta Signiflcations You are likely to have medium body structure' You may not expect very good heatth' Your temperament and personalitymay be of moderatenature' Similarly other Bhavasare anaiysed' : sents a RePre Second BLwu FamilY,Food' Wealth,SPeech, The net analysis of the planets influencing your i'e. it Secondbhava is benefic M.Svoand malefic 55.7vo,



can be taken as Malefic. GeneraL Effects of SecondBhaua Signifi,cations You may not be wealthy. Your speech may not be good. You may have a troubled family. Your face and eyes may not be attractive. You may not be able to enjoy good food. Tlur d B haua Represents: Courage, Younger brothers and sisters, Relatives, Friends, Communications. The net analysis of the planets influencing your Third bhava is benefic 43.3Vo and malefic 56.7%. i.e. can be taken as Malefic. General Effects of Tltird BLtauaSigni,flcations You may not be courageous. You may not have younger brothers and sisters or your relations with them may not be good.There may be problems in your throat, arms and shoulders. You may not be good at communicating with others. You may no{ have many friends and relatives. F otrth B a Represents Education, Mother, Houses, Landed Property and Conveyance, Happiness. The net analysis of the planets influencing your Fourth bhava is benefic 5L.9Vo and malefic 48.LVo, i.e. it can be taken as Benefic. General Effects of Fourth, Bhaua Signtfi,cations You will get goodeducation.You will possess houses, Ianded property and conveyance. You will have a good mother. Your chest and heart will not give problems. You will enjoy goodgeneralhappiness.


How to Read aHoroscope

Fif th B hat:a Repi esents: Children, Wisdom,Intelligence. The net analysis of the planets influenoing your Fifth i.e. it can be bhava is benefic 46.2%and malefic 53.BVo, taken as Moderate. GeneralEffectsof Fi'frh Bhma Si4ntflcatinr* You may have limited chitdren. Your wisdom and intelligence may be satisfactory. Your stomach may function in a moderate fashion. ents: a Repres Sietll B ha.u Enemies,Debts. Diseases, The net analysis of the planets influencing your Sixth i.e. it can be and malefic 54.OVo, bhava is benefic 46.OVo taken as Moderate. Si4nifications of Si.rthBhansa General Effects Your diseasesmay not give you much trouble. You may have limited enemies or you may be able to deal with your enemies. Your debts may be moderate and under control. : a Represents Seuenth Bltnns Marriage,Wife/husband,Marital Relationship' The net analysis of the planets influencing your i.e. it and malefic 53.LVo, Seventhbhava is benefic 46.9Vo as Moderate. taken be ean Blnoa Stgrnfi'cations General Effectsof Seaentlt' Your partner may be just normal and your marital retationship may be satisfactory. You may have in your businesspartnership. moderate success sents: Eighth B haoa Repre Longevity,Legacies.

Model Horoscope


The net analysis of the planets influencing your i.e. it and malefie 52.2Vo, Eighth bhava is benefic 47.BVo Moderate. can be taken as Effects of Ei.ghthBhaoa Signtfi.cations GeneraL You may have normal life span. You may inherit legacies of moderate nature. You may have to guard ofyour secretorgans. againstdiseases : a Repre s ents Ninth B h,au Prosperity, Father, Devotion to God,Long travels. The net analysis of the planets influencing your i.e. it and malefic 55.2Vo, Ninth bhava is benefic 44.BVo can be taken as Malefic General, Effects of Ntnth, Bh,auaSigniftcations You may not expect overall good prosperity.You may not have highly prosperous father. You may not be You may not interestedin gods or religious preceptors. have long journeys often. You may suffer in your hips and thighs Tm,tlt,B haua Repr esents: Profession, Respect, Travels, Status, Position, Life, Activity. . The net analysis of the planets influencing your i.e. it and malefic 44.9Vo, Tenth bhava is benefic 55.LVo can be taken as Benefic. Gmer aLEffects of Tenth Bhaua Stgnificatiorrc You will have a good profession. Your status and position will increase.You will be respected. You can expect good travels. Your life and activity wiil be jubiliant. You will have strong knees and back. sents: enth,B haua Repre ELeu Income, Elder brothers and sisters. Gains and


How to Read aHoroscoPe

The net analysis of the planets influencing your i.e. and malefic 56'LVo, Eleventh bhava is benefic 43.9Vo it can be taken as Malefic. General Effectsof Eleuenth Bhaua Significations You may not expect much gains and income.You may not have elder brothers and sisters or you may not maintain good relations with them. The calves of your legs may be weak. a Represents: Twelfth B h,o:o Losses and Expenditure, Moksha, Foreign Travels, Sexual Enjoyment, ConfinementAmprisonment. The net analysis of the planets influencing your i.e. it and malefic 54.2Vo, Twelfth bhava is benefic 45.8Vo Moderate. as be taken can GeneralEffects of Twelfth BlwntaStgniflcatt'wt's You may have tolerable expenditure aird losses.You may expect to get Moksha (enlightenment). You may have a chance of foreign travels. Your sexual enjoyment may be normal. There may be a chance of being confined or imprisoned. You may have decay of teeth.

Stgniftcator Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Moon

Blnuas 01234567891011 t2345681011 L23456891011 01234567891011 0367 013456?8911 01478 267 LO 39

Note.' "0" rdlpresents the First bhava, "1" represents the the Third bhavaand so on. Secondbhava,"2" represents

Model Horoscope

YEARLY PREDICTIONS lmportont The planets during their main periods, sub-periods and inter-periods give benefic or malefic results pertaining to the affairs they rule depending on the extent of their benefic or malefic nature towards your horoscope. If the planets are towards the benefic nature, the maximum good results come to pass and the evil results are not felt or are at their minimum. Conversely, if the overall malefic influence of the planets is more, the good effects are felt at their minimum and unfavourable ones are at their maximum. Ttrus both the benefic and malefic results are felt but only the extent of the effect will vary depending on the percentages of the benefic and malefic tendencies of the planets. It is also to be noted that in the main period of a benefic planet, sub-period of a benefic planet, interperiod of a benefic planet you will get excellent results. Similarly in the main period of a malefic planet, subperiod of a malefic planet, interperiod of a malefic planet you will experience intense malefic results. The results vary as per the extent of the nature of benefic and malefic tendencies of the planets of the main period, sub-period and inter-period. When the period is more than 55Vo maleflc only, the malefic results have been given. However, you are cautioned to note that when malefic results are given, some benefic results may also occur. Similarly, when malefic results are given, some benefic results may also occur. Almost all the possible results that a planet may give under the circumstanceshave been given and some of them may not suit you. You are therefore advised to pick and choose the results depending on your social, economical, circumstantial and environmental factors.


How to Reada HoroscoPe

Current date is:07 September 1990 to 2211212000 From 2211211981 C u r r e n tm a i n p e r i o d :S a t u r n to 13/12l1991 From13/10/1988 C u r r e n ts u b p e r i o d :V e n u s to 24110/1990 From 22105/1990 Currentinter period: Jupiter

MAIN PABIOD OF SATURN 22/12/1981to 22/12/2000 From 38.8fA 6l.l l%, Netmolefic Netbenefrc Body good looking. You may be Health You will be strong-minded and will maintain good health. Temperamentand PersonalitY Your dispositionwill Your moral stability is an asset. be calm. You will be strong-tninded exploring, methodical, industrious and self-confident.You will have much consideration for the welfare of the others. You may be thrifty. in Pisces: Bei,ng You will be endowedwith many good qualities such as clever, pushful, gifted, good diplomat and good manners. You will comnrand respect and trust in government. As fourth tord influencr,ngfirst bhat:a: You will be learned As fifth Lordinfluencin4flrst bhaua: You may take to somereligious or asceticorder. You may command a ndmber of servants.Temperamentally you would like to behave in such a manner to make others feel happy.

Model Horoscope


Wealth You will gain wealth by success in estate, mines, investment, coal, lead or refrigeration. You may get wealth by dealing in gambling, oils, seeds,pots, woollen fabrics, iron, cereals, atmosphere,air, mountains, hills, forest regions, sapphire, elderly people, black grain, barley, astringent, jails, bricklaying, negroes, architecture or vehicles. You can expect gains in wealth from western direction. Being in Pisces: You will have wealth. As fourth Lordinfluencuq secondbhatsa: property You may inherit from maternal grandfather's side. You may earn wealth by your courageous nature and also by your successin selling and buying lands. You will be highly fortunate. secondbhaoa: As fifrh Lordi,nflu,enci.n4 You will have aquisition of riches and gains from business.You may get money from a new job. You may gain in your wealth from government or king, children, speculation. You may get your riches by being learned, a good astrologer and author. Education You may get education connected rvith mines, oils, woollen fabrics, architectural skill, iron, lead, atmosphere, air, mountains, hills, forests, mass leadershipor labour. Being in Pisces: Your education may lead you to becomea diplomat. As fourttllord in seaenth,bhaua: You will have good education, rrV be abroad.


How to Read aHoroscope

As fourth lord tnfluenctng fourtlt bhnua: You may be religiously inclined and may have good education. a: As fi.fth tord influencing fiftLl,bhau education. You will have successful Houses,Landed property, Conveyance You will have conveyance. As fourth seuenthbhaua: You will commandhousesand lands. As fourth Lordznfluencingfottrth bh,aoa: You will becomerich. d influencing fourth bhaua: As fi.fth Lor You will acquire new conveyanceand immovable ProPertY' Happiness You will have good patrimony.You will succeedin foreign countries.You will have conveyance. You will gain through oilseeds or black grains. You may get treasure. Bei,ng i,n Pisces: partner. You will go on You will have a good-married pilgrimageto sacred shrines and holy places.You will become chief and get respect from your friends and relatives. You will have good children. You may becomethe head of an institution,village or town. You will comrnand respect and trust in government. You will be happy. As fourthLord in seuentLt,bhaua: You will commandhousesand vehicles.You will be generally happy.

Model Horoscope


As fourth Lordi,nfluencingfourth bhaua: You will be religiously inclined and will respected. You will be rich and happy.


As fifth Lordcnfluenclngfourth bhaua: You may becomean adviserto ruler or his preceptor. You will acquire new conveyance and immovable property. You will get happiness from ruling class. Your mother may live [ong. You may have a few sons. You will acquire political power. Children You may have children. You may not get still born child or there might not be premature death of a child. There may not be abortions or ill health of children or their death. You may not adopt a child. You may not suffer for want of sons. You may not have troubles connected with children. As flfth l,ord, in seuenthbhaua: You may have children. Your children may live abroad and attain distinction, wealth and fame. You will be benefited by your childrens' trip to and residence in foreign countries. a: As fourih Lordinfluenctng fr.fth bhats You will be loved and respectedby children. a: d influenci.ngfi.fth As fzfth,Lor There may be birth of children. Diseases You will maintain gooddigestivepower As fourth Lordinfluencntg sirth bhaua: You may not suffer from diseases. As fifth si,rthbhaua: You may not have any diseases.


How to Reqd aHoroscope

Enemies You will triumph over enemies and you will get victory over them. As fourth Lordznfluencingsirthbhaua: You will get happinessfrom mother. As fi,fth Lordinfluencing sirth bhaoa: You may get benefits from maternal uncles. Debts You may not be indebted due to loss through animals and poultry. You may not incur debts due to servants. As fourth Lordinfluenctng sirth bhaua: You may not get into debts due to your house, property or vehicles. As fi.fttt.Lordtnfluencinq sirth bhaua: You may not be in debt due to your children. Marriage and Marital Relationship You will be steady in your affections.You will have stablemarriage. As fourth lord influencing seuenthbhotsa: You will be generallyhappy. As fifth, Lordinfluencin4 seuenthbhats a: You may have a charming personality and marriage may take place if not already married and a new family may be set up. Longevity You will have good digestive parts and you will have long life. Being tn Pisces: You will have a good end to life and peaceful death.

Model Horosccpe


znfluenci,ngetghtlt,bhaua: As fourth Lord, There may not be a likelihood of suffering. As fifth Lordtnfluenccngetghtttbhaua: You may not have lung troubles and you may not be peevish. Prosperity You will be founder of charitable institutions. You will be thrif'ty in domestic life. You will renovate temples.You will be fbnd of occult studies.You will get legal success. You will be successful in geology, You will be minerology,occult subjectsor metaphysics. get happiness from will also rich and happy. You philosophical turn of mind. will have a children. You You may possess emerald.You may get prosperity from westerndirection. Being in P,iilces: You will be happy. You will have a good-married partner. You may be a good jeweller or diplornat. You will be a chief among friends and relatives. You will have good children. You may become head of an institution, village or town. You will cornmandrespect and trust in government.You will be wealthy. ninth bhaua: As fourth Lordznfluencong You will be generally fortunate favouring happiness in regard to father and prosperity. You may get sudden fortune and wealth. runth,bhaua: As fifttt.Iohdi,n i.nfluenctng You may become a teacher or preceptor. You may renovate ancient temples, wells, choultries and gardens. One of your sons may attain distinction as orator or an author. You will have happiness from father during chilhood. There will be inheritance of paternal or ancestral property. You may get a good administrative or honorary post. Your father will be in


How to Read q,Horoscope

the good books of the ruling classes. .There will be unexpected dawn of prosperity and fortune. you may become author of books.There will be acquisition of wealth through a new administrative job, your own occupation or through femalesources. Profession You will be a great worker. you will be good farmer. You will have professional successand you will get promotions. You will be successful in your undertakings. You will get position of authority. you will have works connected with agriculture or products derived from the bowels of earth such as mineials, oils etc. You will occupy a high position in life. you will be head of an institution or at the helm of affairs in your sphere of activity. You will get speedy promotion to high level. You will be head of religioui institution. You will becomea ruler or minister. you will work for you will be judicious and work down-troddenmasses. in the capacity of a judge. you will become ascetic in later life. Your work may be connected with oils, woollen fabrics, architecture, iron, lead, atmosphere, air, mountains, hills, forests regions, coal and fuel of every kind, petrol, real estate business, leather goods farm or factory labour. you may be miner, ciaftsman, architect, building contractor, philosopher, agriculturist, artisan, mechanic, compositor, mill worker, brick layer or massleader. Being in Pisces: You will be a good diplomat. . As fourthlord. influencing tenthbhaua: You will have political rnay be an expert chemist. You will vanquish your enemies and make your personality felt by the world. you may become a minister or high placed government servant. There will be access to wealth through -trade and business.



As fifth lord influencing tenth bhaua: You will earn goodwill of rulers or will constructtemples and perform religioussacrifices. You may join the crime investigationdepartment.You will acquire kingdom or become head of state or a minister, if a politician or may reach the highest position, if in government.You will have palmy days as a businessman. If an agriculturist, you will earn enormousprofits in your own avocations. Lossesand Expenditure You will be learned in occult science.You will be dexterous. You u'ill be attracted toward Yoga in later life. You will have less expenditure and enemies.You will have good longevity. As fourth Lordinfluenci,ng twelfth bhaua: You may not be deprived of properties and happiness. Your mother may not suffer. You may not have bad finances and generally you may not have a miserable existence. You may not have mental worry. You may not get losses of cattle. You may not suffer misfortunes of mother and involvement in troubles. As fi.fih Lordinfluencing tw elfth bltaua: Your quest for knowing the ultimate reality will be pronounced. You will lead a life of non-attachment. You will becomespiritual. You will movefrom place to place and ultimately attain Moksha (enlightenment). You will become wiser and spend money on deserving causes. To mitigotre ony evil influencing or lro shengfhen the benefic ospects of this periodof Soturn,you ore odvised troproy to God Venkoteshworo, weqr sopphire, usedqrk colourond/oi operotre on number 8.


Howto Read a Horoscope

SUB-PERIODOF VENUS IN THE MAIN.PERIOD OF SATURN Froml3/10/1988to I3/12/1991 Nerbenefic 52.78%, Nel molefic 47.22% Note:The following resultsof the sub-periodplanet are in addition to those given under the main period planet. Body You will have magnetic power and handsome appearance. You may improvecomplexion. Being in liibra: You may be handsome. Health Your health will improve and your body will get energised. and Presonality Temperament You will be ambitious,bold, practical, affectionate, intelligent, poetical and persevering.You will have a pleasing and charming personality. Power of attracting others will be an important asset. Being of cheerful temperament and responsive to emotional side of nature you will generallybe liked . You will have liking for scentsand flowers.You are fond of dressof various colours.You will be of Rajasikatemperament, that is, you are fond of pleasuresof the senses, moneyand gay life. You will be easygoingand of accommodating type. Being in Libra: You will be liked and respected by society and state due to your statesmanly, generous, philosophical, intuitive faculties.You will be clever in defendingand protecting your interest and active in work even in difficult times through your strong and fearless nature. You may be devotionalto Godsand Brahmins.You will get good reputation and becomefamous.You will have a handsomepersonality.

Modet Horoscope


As first Lordinfirst bhaua: You may live by your own exertions and independent spirit. As first lord influencing first bhaua: Your spirit of independencewill lead you to live by your own exertions. As eighth lord influencing ft rst bh,au a: Your constitution may not be weai<and you may not suffer from bodily complaints, Your behavioural pattern may not lead to the displeasure of your superiorsand higher ups. Education You will be learned and successful in your educationalpursuits.You will acquire new knowledge. You are likely to be interested in music. You may be fond of scientific education.You may be successfulin education connected with poetical faculty, singers, musicians, dress, fine arts, actors, artists, botanists, authorship, rains, dancings, lakes, sugarcane, trade, medicine,rvool,silk or cotton,computers. inLibra: Your interest may be in poetry. As first Lordinfluencing fourth bhaua: You will have acquaintancewith learned men and discussions with them. You will get goodeducation. As eighth lord influencing fourth, bhaua: Your education may go smooth. Houses,Landed Property, Conveyance You will easily get inheritance. You will possess estates and own cars. You will have acquisition of houseand vehicles.


How to Read a Horoscope

Being in Libra: vehicles. You will possess As frrst Lordinfluenci,ng fourthbhaua: You will acquire considerable landed properties especially through maternal sources. You will You will possess command a number of conveyance. houses and lands and vehicles. You will construct a new house. Lordi,nfluenci,ng As ei,gltth. fou,rth bho.tsg: You may not be beset with problems regarding your house, land and conveyance. Your lands and immovableproperty may not slip from your hands due beyondyour control.Your conveyance to circumstances may not get lost or be destroyed. Happiness You will be learned and successfulin educational pursuits. You will have an affectionate mother. You will be endeared by relatives and friends. You will vehicles,property and cattle. You will acquire houses, have perfect domestic harmony.You will get friendship with good people and gain through them. You will have good ornamentsand clothes.You will be successfulin of your desires.You will get good position achievement and become famous and popular. You will lead a comfortable life. You will easily get inheritance. You will get plenty of milk and milky products.You will be respected. Betngin Libra: You will gain wealth from royal patronage or government. You will get all comforts and enjoyments marriage and there in life. You will have a successful will be matrimotrialfelicity. You will be respected. You will get a good name due to devotion to gods and brahmins. You will be liked well in society and the state. You will possessvehicles. You will get great reputation. You will be wealthy.

Model Horoscope


As first lord i,nfluencingfourth bltaua: You will acquire lqnded propertiesspeciallythrough maternal will constructnew will get respect from friends and relatives. you will have acquaintance with learned men and discussion with them. You will form new friendships. you will command a number of conveyance. you will be rich, You will get happiness from parents, you will be happy. As eighth bhaua: _ You may not have domestic bickerings. your financial and other problems may not increase.your mother's health may not be bad and cause great concern. You may not be beset with problems connectedwith house,land and conveyance. iour pets may not get diseasesor die. you may be forced to seek fortune abroad where you may not meet with all sorts of troubles and may not have displeasure of superiorsand reversesin profession. Marriage and Marital Relationship You will have happy marriage and domesticharmony with loving and devoted partner. you will get a good beautiful partner. you will have stability irimarrl"g". Both you and your partner will be successful distinguishedin your occupations. you will have good "-rra marital relations. Being in Libra: You will have a successful marriageand matrimonial felicity. As fi.rst lord influencing seuenthbhaua: You may have mamiage,if unmarried As eigttth Lordi,nfluencing seuenthbhaua: Your partner may not suffer ill health.


How to Read.a Horoscope

Longevity You may not have diseasesof urinary tract and you may not have trouble in mind. You may not suffer from muscular rheumatism. You may have long life. Lordtn fi.rst bh'aua: As er.ghth . You may not suffer bodily complaints such as disease and disiiguration. Your constitution may not be weak. You may have bodilY comforts. As ftrst lord influencing eeghthbh'aoa: You may have a peaceful and sudden end. a: As etgltth lord tnfluencing eightlt'bLt'au You may have goodlife sPan. the benefic or lio slrengthen To mitigoteony evil influences oi thit period of Venus,you ospects -useore odvised io proy to colourond/or lokshmi,weor diomond, voriegoted Goddess 6. on number operole OF INTER.PERIODOF JUPITER IN THE SUB.PERIOD OF SATURN VENUS AND IIIAIN-PERIOD 22/05/1990 to 24/10/1990 From Netmolefic50.15% 49.85%, Netbenefrc Note: The following results of the inter-period planet are in addition to thosegiven under the main- and sub-periodplanets. Botly You will have magnetic appearance, good body, abundant life force, attractive and adorable face' You will practise exercisesthat build-up your constitution and health.You may improveyour complexion' Health You will have good health. You may practise exercises that build-up your constitution and health. You will have abundant life force.



Temperament and Personality You will have a will be of Satwika temperament, that is, you will have pure thoughtsand will be inclined to acts of religious merit. You will have optimistic spirit, jovial disposition, pleasant manners and would like to execute any work after matured deliberation, that is, after considering pros and cons. you will be wio, mild, knowledgeable, charitable,diplomatic. you will like to commandrespect. Being i,nAquarius: You will become popular being compassionate, sympathetic, amenable, prudent, active qnd humanitarian. You may develop meditative and philosophical temperament.Whateveryou do you may be acting intentionally. As third lord influencing first bltatsa: Due to your bold nature you want to stand on your you are own feet and earn livelihood by self-exertion. likely to becomean expert in fine arts. As sirth lord influencing fi.rst bhaua: You will have a commandingpersonality. Wealth You may get wealth through essence of your knowledge,wisdom, intellect and may acquire silver and topaz. You may get wealth from children, sons,grandsons, learned men, grandfather or through your position as minister or adviser. you may become wealthy by dealing with banks, insurance companies, scriptures, benzion, quick silver, tin or eardamoms.Your wealth will increase by possessing lands, estates,buildings and will engage in trade, commerce, good btrsiness and succeisful career and becomewealthy through your perseverance and vitality. In general, your financial position will improve. You can expect wealth from north-eastern direction.


Hou to Read,o Horoscope

As tlnrd Lordinfluencing second bhaua: You will get wealth with effort. You may make advances on the wealth of others. There will be a likelihood of getting wealth from the sourcespertaining to your brothers and sisters. a: As sirth brd onfluencmgsecond bhms You may become wealthy through your enemies and sometimeswhile suffering from diseases.You may get money by doing service and by getting loans. Courage You wilt get gains through ybur courage having mental calibre and leadershiP. As thi.rd lord in fi.fth bhaua: You may be courageous. As ftrst Lordi,nfluencuWthi'rdbhaua: You will be highly bourageous. As sirth, Lmdi.nfhrcncin4third bhapa: You may not lose self-confidence. Education and educated.You will have read wellYou will be You will have great knowledge. new of acquisition philosophical and spiritual advancement.You will have success in education connected with Vedas, Vedangas,legal affairs, diplomacy, proficiency in arts and sciences, law, philosophy, asceticism, bankers, philanthrophists, restaurants,hotels, insurance, travel or researchand academicinstitutions. Being in Aquarut"s: You will be learned. As tturd, Lordinfluenctng fourth bhaoa: You may be learned or interested in science or politics.



As si,rthLord, influenci.W fourxh bhaua: You may not have breaks in education and you may not fail in examinations. Houses,Landed property, Conveyance You will have successful estates. you will be in possession of will gain irom lands. You will have good "or,u"yurr.". As third lord influencing fourth bhaua: You will acquire vehicles. As sirth lord influencing fourth bhan: a: Your ancestral property - may not be involved in debts. your immovible prop".ii". may not be auctionedor lost to enemies. Happiness You will hrve good inheritance, eonveyanee, buildings, sueeessfulestatesano iains rrom tanas. y;" will be wealthy. you will have suc-cess in education and -or you will be weil-read. you will be a rou"Jer charitable institution. you wilr have a good mother and friends. You will get fame and prosperity. you will lead a comfortable life. you will porres, fivour of rutirrg class.You will be a terror to your will be religiouslv inclined. you will be ro.t"""tu -'"ia respected. you will have a peaceful Oo_eiii" environment and great spiritual ad.vancement. you will get gains you parents. will get happin"r. in -from respect of mother, friends, servants, p"airr", agricultural products. you wiil have a happy "nA ""a. Being in Aquarius: You will become head of your group. you will be much respected. As th.ird lord influencing fowth bhant a: You will be learned and rich. your brothers will


How to Read a HoroscoPe

political or shine well. You will become head of Life will vehicles' have You will scientificorganisation. be happyon the whole. d,tnfluencing fowth bhnua: As strttt' I'or you may You may not have breaks in education and notfailinexaminations.Youmayliveinagood or may building. You may not quarrel with your mother not be may property ancestral r"parxl from her. Youi and position good in work may iniotveO in debts. You have not may You life' -a i""A a cornfortable be may affairs your domestic lroublesome home and servants' smooth. You may not get troubles through or lost auctioned be not may prope.ty Vou, immovable falling by accidents rvith meet not You may to enemies. Your mother may not suffer' from vehicles. Children will be There will be a number of children and they your children' with good.You will be happy As third"lord'influencingfifth bhaua: Much pleasure may be derived from children' Friction will not prevail in domesticlife' influencingfifrh blnu a: As sirth Lord Your children may not frequentlv suffer ill health' You may not developenmity with your children' Diseases You will maintain good health and may not fall -sick' you Vou muy gain during unhealthyperiods'If disposed will be well-attended. influencingfl'fthbhaua: As strth Lord' may not suffer ilI health' children Your As third' tord influenctng slrih' bhaua: You You may not fall itl and suffer from diseases' may not get ear trouble'

Model Horoscope


As sirth lord i,nfluencing sirth bhaua: You will generally not get any diseases. Enemies You will have successover enemies and overpower them. You will be. free from wilf have victory in elections. As sirth Lordin fifth bhaua: You may not have enmity with your children. As third" lord, influen cing strth bhaua: You will be benefitedby maternal uncles. As sirth lord i,nfluenctngsirth bh,aua: You may not have enemies. Debts You may not get into debts due to children, sons, grandsons and grandfather. you may not expect to get money from learned men as debts. As sirth Lordtnfluencingfifth bhaua: You may not be indebted due to children. As th,ird lord znfluencing sinth bhaua: You may not get into debts due to your younger brothers or sisters. As sirth lord, sirth bhaua: You will not have any debts. Marriage and Marital Relationship You will have good,virtuous,good looking and chaste partner. Your partner will be well_behaved and truthful. You will gain through your partner. you will have a happy partner.


How to Read aHoroscoPe

As thi,rd,Lordinfluencing seuenth'bhaua : Your marriage union may not be unfortunate' You may not land in secondmarriage. d'influencing seoenthbhnua: As sr,rthLor You may marry a person from a relative's family' LongevitY You will live long. As third Lordcnfluencingeighthbh'ona: You may not have trouble on account of disease' As strth l,ordinflucnct'ng eighth btt'ona: You will have redemptionfrom ailments and you will have goodspan of life. ProsperitY You will have goodchildren.You will have long-lived and fortunate father. You will be successful in your undertakings. You will occupy position in life as adviser or minister or consultant' You will have associationwith learned men and worship gods and brahmins. You may have associationwith foreigners also.Youwillbeperformingreligiousausterities.Youl wiltacquirewealth.Youwillgetreputationandwillbe famous. You will have correct intuition and clear thought.You 'rvillhave goodtravels' You may becomea rirotig leader. You will possessgood knowledge and wisdom.You may acquire topazand silver' You may get prosperity from sons' grandsons, children or get prosperity from north-eastern gt"ndfutn"r. You ma-y direction Being in Aquanusj You will be learned. You will become head of your group.You will get much resPect'

Horoscope Mod,el


As thrrd Lordi'nfluencing nt'nth bhaua: Your fortune will improve after marriage' Your brother will inherit ancestoral property and you Your yourself -brother will get benefited by your brother' prosperous' Your will become fortunate and become will father's property will increase. You religious. influencing ninth bhnua: As sixth Lord. Your father may become a judge. Your maternal uncle wilt become highly fortunate. There will be benefits from cousins. Profession You will have good relations with higher officials' You will do meritorious deeds.You may become head You will of a village. You will commandmany servants' good agriculturist' a get timely promotion. You will be lou will get successin business.You witl be a high official in government. You will head research, academic and educational institution. You will have Yo-ut-y9tk political life. You will be a sportsperson' affairs, legal Vedangas, will be connectedwith Vedas, philosophy, asceticism, diplomacy, arts and science, hotels, travel, research, law and ,"it",lr".rit, You may be a preceptor' minister, lawyer, academies. counsellor, lecturer, philonthrophist, banker, agent, priest and travel publisher, writer, astrologer, philosopher, cashier, iemple trustee, official, historian, grocer, tobacconist, literateur, astronomer' doctor, mathematician, scientist, psychologist,psychoanalystor judge. Betngtn Aquanus: You may be a philosopher.You may becomehead of your group. As thtrdl,ord lnfluenct'ngtenth bhaua: You will gain from journeys connected with profession. Your brother may attain distinction in

Hotrsto Read a Horoscope

political field. you may becomerich. As sirth lord" influencing tenth bhaua: Evil results regarding your prosperity will reduced.You may be moderatelyprosperous.


Gainsand IncomeYou will be a lover of music. you will be wealthy. You will have accumulated funds. you will Ao gooa deeds.You will have many friends. you will trave"gain and accumulationof wealth. you wiil get birth oi g-ooa children. You will acquire good house,conveyance etc. You will be respectedby people from high position and authority.You will have a large will have servants.You will have good friends. you will gain you will realise your ambiti"ons. through social success. You will learn music and master it. you will enjoy att comforts. You rviil be weil-placed in rife. you *iir u" able, statesmanly, god fearing, charitabte, influenliat, philanthrophic, famous,bold ind will be long lived. You will gain from your wisdom,tno*fuOg", intellect and will get topazand silver. You will gain from children. you may gain as minister and adviser and from insurance may gain from north-eastern direction. As third lord influencing eleu enth bhau a: You will have earnings without efforts. Generally favourableresults will be provided. As sirth lord influencing eleu enth bltaua: You will gain from maternaluncle. Losses and Expenditure . You will be honest and pay taxes and tolls properly. Y o u w i l l g a i n t h r o u g hl a w ,m e d i " i n e s ,o c c u l t , u U j " . t . o. service in public institutions. you will visit h;.pi;"i; gnd asylums. you will have connections with will be pious and in the end oiiif" Vou will attain Moksha (enlightenment).you wiil ue aevoiJ

HoroscoPe Mod,eL


in the of attachment. You will be inclined to ascetism a travel will You you taste. will have artistic iater fife. get will You in speech' lot. You will be eloquent be happiness on account of children' You will You benevolence' and tuiigioutfv inclined to chastity wili accumulate money' You will have good wealth' children and Profession. a: d influenct'ng tw elfth blt'au As thir d Lot' You will get fortune through marriage' influenctng tweLflh blwua: As si,rth Lord" You will be atright and no untoward things may happen. To mitigote ony evil influencesor to shengthen the benefic God orp*tr ot'ni, puiiod of Jupiter,.youqre odvised.toproy to on operole ond/or colour Brlhmo, weor lopoz, usi yellow number3' rR srTR-PnRroD oF INTER-PI'RIOD OF SATURN IN THE SUB-PERIOD O] VENUS AND MAIN-PERIOD OF SATURN From24/tO/1990 to 24/Oa/1991 55'56%,Netmo/efic44'44% Nel benefic planet Note: The following results of the inter-period and mainthe given under are in addition to those sub-Period Planets. The results of this inter-period of Saturn will be similar to those already given earlier under the mainperiocl of Saturn except for the change in the benefic and malefic Percentage. INTER-PERIOI) OF MERCURY IN THE SUB-PERIOD OF VENUS AND MAIN-PERIOD OF SATURN From24/04/tqgt to 05/10/1991 51'48% Net mo/efic Net benefic48.52%, planet Note: The following results of the inter-period and mainthe given under are in addition to those sub-Period PIanets.

How to Ree"d, a Horoscope

Wealth You may get wealthy by dint your of intelligence and gains through teaching, writing or by advertising, stationery or books. you may "orn', Ue"ome wealthy by dealing with mercantile activity, l.uAu, imports and exports,industries,architecture, *"uui"g, vegetation, base metals,beter reaveis, edible oils, nuts, limestone, green grams, emerald, lead, oil ,""Ar-o, alloys. You may get money by being an accountant, mathematician,orator, bookseiler, publi.h"., Urtt poet or through your shrewdness "., andintellect.'Vo" la' expect wealth from your maternal uncles, m"t"r""t grandfather or paternar relatives. you may jain w""rir, from commerce,aerial and landed journeys,churches, schools,parks, gambling dens or by being a aoctor o. tradesman. your wealth may come from northern direction. Being in Leo: You can expect acquisition of wealth from various countries. As ninth lord influencing secondbhanta: Y.ou may acquire wealth through your family . business or property. ' As twelfth lord influencing secondbhaua: You will have financial stability. you may earn well by trading in pearls, rubies and other precious stones or yo-u may acquire such precious stones. you will rlg."d your money for goodcauses. The evil inOications of financial losseswill be greaily reduced.

Courage When once a work is undertaken,you will do it to finish and will never be discouraged. iou will Ue Urave and powerful with your power of JpeechanA etoque.rcei

ModelHoroscope As ni.nth Lord tnfluenct'ng thw d blt'aua: You will be brave. As tu elfth Lord utfluenct'ng tLnrd bhau a: You may not be timid and quiet.


Education You will be successfulin your educationalpursuits' You are inclined to pursue literary activities'You may have taste for music and for, other fine arts' You may Your educationmay lead have proficiency in astrology. or diplomat' You may as educationist you to shine well research, science, with connected fields te educatedin mathematics, energy' atomic inspection of accounts, electrical/electronic engineering, currency, aIIoys, water reserviors, poetry, business management' mercantile activity, journalism, commerce' weaving, aerial and land iourneys or vegetation. Being tn Leo: You will have goodprogressin knowledge' As ninth Lordinfluencuvgfourth bhaua: You witl be learned.You may get fbreign education' As twelft.hI'ordinfluencingfourth bhaua: You may have a chanceof foreign education' Houses,LandedProperty,Conveyance You rvitl gain from landed property and estate' a: As ntnth Lordtnfluenct'ng fourth bhans You will have landed properties and beautiful bungalows. You will inherit father's immovable properties.You will acquire many meansof conveyance and lands.


How to Read a Horoscope

As twetfth Lord. influencing foutthbhaua: You will have substantial immovable property and you may own your own conveyance. Happiness You will have robust health. You will have success in your educational pursuits. You will be learned and held in great esteem. You will have good mother and bring happiness to her. You will gain new friends. you will cbmmand good conveyance,material comforts and you will gain from landed properties. you will get promotion in profession or gains in pt' will have prosperity and happiness in domestic life. you will get happiness from relatives. You will have princely appearance. You will acquire emarald. you will have good education with your intellect, wisdom and shrervdness. You will have power of speech and eloquence. You will have good enjoyments. you will possessor live in palatial buildings. You will have good your maternal uncles, maternal relations with grandfather and paternal relatives and you may gain from thenl. You will be good at poetry and may become a good poet. You will be happy. Being in Leo: You will have a remunerative profession. There will be elevation in your position. You will acquire wealth from various countries. You will get progress in knowledge and great reputation. You will be married. A s ninth, tor d influencing fourth bhaua: You may have landed properties and beautiful bungalows. You may earn through estate and land dealings. Your mother may be rich and fortunate. you may inherit father's immovable properties. you may acquire conveyances and lands. You may become a president or ruler of a country. You will be learned and may become head of centre of learning or research. You will be very happy.



Lord, influencingfourtlt' bhaua: As tweLftLt, You may own immovable property and conveyance. You may be happy. Children You will have good and intelligent children. There will be number of children. As nwuthlord m,fluencr'ng fi'fth bhaua: Your children may be very fortunate in life and enjoy and distinction. Your children will distinguish success themselvesin academicsand bring much happinessto you. Your children may become very famous and earn governmental patronage. Your children will also prcsper very well and enjoy all kinds of luxuries Lord. uufluencing As tweLft,h flfrh tord': either difficulty to beget progeny You may not expect Your children may not from children. or unhappiness you much pain on their not suffer may and face trouble account. Diseases You will study hygiene and may take preventive not to get diseases. measures d inflnenctng sirth bhaua: As ninth Lor You may not have a sickly father. surth bhaua: As twelfth lord mflu.enctng You will be healthy and you will have handsome physique. . Enemies You may be a terror to enemiesand there may not be anyenemies. As nm,th Lordinfluencing sinth bhaua: Your attempts to make your fortune may not be frustrated through litigation involving your father. You may not be drawn into endlesslitigation.

How to Read a Horoscope

As twelfth lord znfluenci,ng sirth bhaua: You will vanquish your enemies. you may become . involved in litigation which may come to an end to your advantage. Debts You may get debts from maternal uncles, maternal grandfather and paternal relatives but you may not be in debt due to them. As ni,nth Lordi.nfluencing sisth blwu a: Your attempts to make fortune maj not be frustrated through litigation involving your father or debts c_ontracted by him. You may not contract debts and be drawn into endlesslitigation. Marriage and Marital Relationship - You may'have an early marriage. your partner may good looking. you may gain through your partner. b_e Your marriage may be with a wealtly p"rrorr. your partner may be more intelligent and shrewd, younger and may be employed.your marriage may take plice due to advertisement. Beingin Leo: You are likely to have early marriage. As ninth lord i.nfluencingseuenthbh,aua: You may get a n_oble and lucky life partner. you may get every kind of sensual pleasures. Fortune boomi after marriage. Your partner may hail from a rich and respectable family. As twetfth Lord, influencing seuenthbhaua: partner Your may survive a crisis. Prosperity You will be studious, scientific-mindedand highly 'r'crr educated. will be lover of music and literat"eui. You will do virtuous acts. you may be author of books



or work in diptomatic service' You will have high position in life. You will be popular, well-knoY" "19 'respected by pubtic' You will be endowed with chiidren and wealth. you will have a fortunate father. You will have you -"y engagein trade and commerce' places' You io.""rrin tong journeys and life in foreign *itt U" su"cessiul in all kinds of work' You will have happiness and prosperity. You may acquire emerald' You-may get properiy from maternal uncles' maternal You will harie J*"ai-it Er ind- paiernal retations. furr"r,"y. You mly get prosperity from northern direction. Betngzn Leo: Youwillhaveremunerativeprofession.Youwillget elevation in your career.You will acquire wealth from various sources.You will get married, if not married' You rvill get great reputation and fame' bhatsa: As nm,thI'ordin el'euenth rich' You rvill have powerful -Your Yc'u will be exceedingly father rvill be a welland in{'lttential friends. will prosper in the You matl' known and well-placed f a m i l yb u s i n e s s ' As nm,th Lordi'nflu'encingntnth' bhaua: You may have a long-liverl and prosperous.fatJt-er' You You will be religiouslyinclined and charitable' distinction will travel abroid ancl earn money and very thereby. You will be lucky' You will marry a invest will and good-natured partner' You "figinfL wiJely itr father's business and expand it beyond win u*p".t"tions. You will earn great wealth' You may Your acumen' in electionsand becomea great political will father may become famoui in foreign lands' You parents' your becomepious and dutiful towards os: ntnth bhau d znfluencr'ng As tw el'fthLor You-may prosperous' get You may reside abroad and will be You lands' acquire much property in foreign


How to Reada Horoscope

honest, generous and large-hearted. You will be interested in physical culture. You will have a steady career. You will have interest in piety, and lead a virtuous life. Profession You will succeed in long journeys. You will take additional charge of duties. You may be engaged in public life. You may work as reporter, electriciair or in railways. You will succeed in profession and business. You will get promotion. You will get involved in religious activity and spiritual evolution. You will have success in education. You will be interested in research or antiquities. You may be a copyist or proof reader. Your profession may be connected with currency, alloys, water reservoirs, poetry, authorship, mercantile activity, trade and trading association, commerce, aerial and land journeys, weaving, vegetation, inferior or base metals, accounts, schools, parks, science, research, inspection of accounts, business management, atomic energy, mathematics, electrical/electronic engineering, documentation and recording and all jobs connected with such work like teaching, writing, radio or communication media. You may be a journalist, accountant, mathematician, orator, public speaker, ambassador, bookseller, merchant, publisher, stationer, grocer, printer, manufacturing representative, architect, correspondent, interpreter, reporter, historian, scientist, philosopher, doctor, astronomer, psychologist, psychoanalyst, judge or lawyer. ----\ Bei,ng tn Leo: You will have a remunerative profession. You may have work connected with various countries. You may be a mountaineer. As nm,th Lord znfluencing tenth bhaua: You will become famous and powerful. You will be

Model Horoscope


generous and occupy posts of authority. You will earn wealth and acquire every kind of comfort and luxury. Your means of livelihood would be righteous. You will be a law-abiding citizen. You will be settled in your career and lead a successful life. You will do charitable deeds. You may earn much wealth through your service to government. You will be honoured many times. As twelftll Lord i, tentlt, bhaua: You may reside abroad anci prosper. You may be interested in physical culture. Gains and Income You will be wealthy and happy. You will hav'e mathematical faculty. You may be a good astrologer. You will have many friends among famous men. You will possess many lands. You will be logical and scientific. You will succeed in trade. There will be influx of wealth in large scale. You will lead a prosperous and contended life. You will do virtuous deeds and rvill be respected. You will be famous. You will be truthful and you will have a number of obedient servants. You will be endowed with various worldly comforts. You will get happiness in respect of children. You will triumph over enemies. You will own much property. You will have increased wealth. You will have many acquaintances but only a few permanent friends. You will associate with yougsters. You will be generous and charitable. You will be prosperous and respected. You will be good in mathematips or astrology. You will gain from dealings connected with commerce, chemistry, green grams, emerald, [ead, oilseeds, edible oils, intellect, education, authorship, power of speech and eloquence, currency or palatial buildings. You may gain as doctor or tradesperson. You may gain also from maternal uncles, maternal grandfather and paternal relations. You may gain from northern direction.


How to Read aHoroscope

Being in I*o: You will be wealthy As ninth lord i,nfluencin4 elnoenth blnn:a: You will be rich. you will have powerful and influential friends. Your father will be a well-known and well-placed man. you will prosper in family business. As twlefth lnrd i,nflu,ercin4 eletsenthblnua: .You may earn through trading in pearls, rubies and other precious stones. Lossesand Expenditure You-$Lillbecome philosophical, intelligent, -wili obliging, 'a gifted, and religiously inclined. you hai , pleasing personality. You will speak sweeily. you will spend on good deeds.You will acquire new skills. Being inI*o: You will acquire wealth from various countries. As twelfth,lardin eleoenthblwnsa: You may earn well by trading in pearls, rubies and other precious stones.You may spend much money on religious and charitable deeds even at the cost ofyour own well-being. As ni;nth lor d tnfluencin4 tw elfth bhaoa: You will lead a pure and hOnest life. you will be religious and noble. You will be spiritually inclined. You will spend your wealth in charity. As twetfttt.Iordinfluencin4 twelfth blwua: You will be always engagedin spiritual thoughts and talks. You will lead a comfortable life. you wiil spend

Model Horoscope


much on religious and righteous purposes. You will have good eyesight. You will enioy pleasures of couch. You may be engaged in agriculture and get much wealth. You will not have untoward things. You will incur honourable expenditure. You will be religiously inclined. You will feed many holy men and seek their company. To miligote ony evil influencesor tro shengilhcnthe beneftc ospectsof this period of Mercury,you ory odvisedio proy to lhe.' on God Vshnu, weor emerold,usc greencobur qnd/or oPerrde \ 5. number INTER.PERIOD OF KETU IN THE SUB.PERIOD OF VENUS AND MAIN-PERIOD OF SATURN From 05/10/1 991 to I 3/l 2/l 99 49. | 3% 50.872,Net molefic Net benefrc Note: The following results of the inter-period planet are in addition to those given under the main- and sub-period planets. Courage You will be adventurous, courageousand will have much fighting. Marriage and Marital Relationship may not be passionate and may not have You unworthy persons. There may not be with eonnections ill health to your partner. You may not suffer danger or your partner. Your partner may from from separation You may not have or not short-tempered. not be sickly partner. You may get You may a shrewd vitality. loss of marriage. unhappy not have an Longevity You may be long-lived. Gains and Income You will be wealthy. .You will gain in all your attempts. You will have increased earnings. You will


How to Reqd a Horoscope

get success over your enemies.You will perform good deeds and command respect. You will engage perseveringly in work. You will be humorous, witty, intelligent, influential, popular, famous, luxurious, learned, contended and industrious. You lvill have a excellent position for inflow of money. You may gain with fire, flame or mining.You from dealingsconnected can expectto gain from your paternal grandfather. To mitigoteony evit influences or lo srengrhenthe benefic of this periodof Ketu,you ore odvisedto proy to the God ospects weqr col's eye, usedeepred colour ondlor operoteon Gonesho, number 9.

- GeneralPredictions18 Ascendants Bhavas- Benefic and Malefic Analaysislb GeneralPredictions30 B o d y1 8 , 3 0 Different Planets in First Bhava 40 Planetsin different rasis 114 Broad Life Predictions17 Children 33 Different Planets in Fifth Bhava 68 Planetsin different rasis 203 Fifth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas 2gg Different Bhava Lords influencing Fifth Bhava 351 Courage 31 Different Planets in Third Bhava 55 . Planetsin different rasis 167, Third Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas290 Different Bhava Lords influencing Third Bhava 339 Debts 33 Different Planetsin Sixth Bhava76 Planetsin different rasis 215 Sixth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas30? Different Bhava Lords influencing Sixth Bhava 359

How to ReadaHoroscoPe

33 Diseases Different Planets in Sixth Bhava 70 Planets in different rasis 205 Sixth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas 302 Different Bhava Lords influencing Sixth Bhava 354 Education 32 Different Planets in Fourth Bhava 57 Plartetsin different rasis 170 Fourth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas292 Different Bhava Lords influencing Fourth Bhava 341 Enemies33 Different Planets in Sixth Bhava 74 Planets in different rasis 209 Sixth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas304 Different Bhava Lords influencing Sixth Bhava 356 Fundamentals2 Gainsand Income36 Different Planets in Eleventh Bhava 100 Planets in different rasis 261 Eleventh Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas323 Different Bhava Lords influencing Eleventh Bhava375 32 Happiness Different Planets in Fourth Bhava 63 Planets in different rasis 181 Fourth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas296 Different Bhava Lords influencing Fourth Bhava 346


Health 2L,30 Different Planets in First Bhava 43 Planets in different rasis 122 Houses,Landed Property & Means ofConveyance32 Different Planets in Fourth Bhava61 Planets in different rasis 1?B Fourth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas 2g4 Different Bhava Lords influencing Fourth Bhava 344 Longevity 34 Different Planets in Eighth Bhava g2 Planets in different rasis 221 Eighth Bhava Lord influencingother Bhavas312 Different Bhava Lords influencing Eighth Bhava 364 Lossesand Expenditre 36 Different Planets in Twelfth Bhava 10? Planets in different rasis 2?2 Twelfth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas32? Different Bhava Lords influencing Twelfth Bhava 3ZB Marriage and Marital Relationship 84 Different Planets in Eleventh Bhava?9 Planets in different rasis 216 Eleventh Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas308 Different Bhava Lords influencing Eleventh Bhava 361 Model Horoscope3BB Planets-ownership, relationships 2 Benefic and Malefic Analysis 9


How to Read a HoroscoPe

Predictions of Bhava Lords on different Bhavas283 Predictionsof different BhavaLords on other Bhavas333 Predictions of Planets in different Bhavas 40 Predicionsof Plants in different rasis 114 Profession35 Different Planets in Tenth Bhava 91 Planets in different rasis 252 Tenth BhavaLord influencing other Bhavas319 Different Bhava Lords influencin$ Tenth Bhava 371 35 ProsperitY Different Planets in Ninth Bhava 85 Planets in different rasis 228 Ninth Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas313 Different Bhava Lords influencing Ninth Bhava 366 and Personality 23,30 Temperament Different Planets in First Bhava 45 Planets in different rasis 130 First Bhava Lord influencing other Bhavas283 Different Bhava Lords influencing First Bhava 333 Wealth31 Different Planetsin SecondBhava50 Planets in different rasis 158 SecondBhavaLord influencing other Bhavas286 Different BhavaLords influencing SecondBhava336

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