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Guideline for Detailed Feasibility Studies of Prospective Micro-hydro Projects

These guidelines are intended for use in conducting detailed feasibility studies for proposed micro-hydro plants. To use this form a preliminary feasibility study should have already been done and the form accompanying the guidelines developed for the preliminary study should have been completed and be included with this report. The guidelines have been prepared to take a surveyor through the process of collecting all necessary information through questions on the left hand side with space for providing needed information. Notes pertaining to the questions are included to the right of the questions.




Name of Scheme Chilli Khola II MHP. Location: VDC Kolki... Village Simlegau.
This information is needed for future reference only. Give a name to the scheme which will identify it for the future. Provide last date of site visit. If only one surveyor fill in the Surveyors name only. If more than one add as Assistant and Others. Include names of main local people who contributed to the information on the survey in the table provided. Sufficient information should be given so that further contact can be easily made if necessary. Note the elevation in metres (from a reference benchmark which may be taken at powerhouse or intake) of the main components of the MHP, ie. the intake, forebay and power house. Calculate the available head for the turbine, H, as shown, ie. the forebay elevation, X, minus the power house elevation, Y. Common heads for turbine types are: Crossflow up to 50 m Pelton above 40 m Note the source flow rate measured, Qx. If this is not the minimum for the year, estimate how much more than the minimum flow it is, eg. if the measured flow is 1.5 times the minimum dry season flow, write 150 % at U. Calculate the minimum flow rate as shown. (Note if the measured flow rate is the minimum dry season flow enter it directly at Qmin. Note if there are other users of the water source which will limit the water available for the MHP project and estimate the quantity of water needed (or guaranteed by right) for these uses. Sum the total non MHP flows and deduct from the available minimum flow as shown to give the flow available for the MHP, Q, as shown. Estimate the power available from the source flow, P, as shown. The value of should be taken from the turbine manufacturers data for the turbine to be selected. If a turbine has not been selected the following values can be used:Crossflow turbine 0.5 Pelton turbine 0.6

District Lamjung.

Date data collected 20/4/2007 Signature ..... 2. ......

UC Chairman / owner / contact person: Gum Bahadur Gurung Study team leader Dinesh Kandel Team members: 1.

Persons Interviewed Gum Bahadur Gurung Meg raj Gurung Lal Bahadur Gurung Bir Bahadur Gurung Purna Bahadur Gurung

Title UC Chairman Social Worker UC Member Ex Army Ex Army

2. Technical Specifications Elevations: proposed intake 760. metres .. Forebay, X 755. metres . Powerhouse, Y 730.. metres . Head on turbine, H = X - Y 25.. metres .... Comments Measured flow rate, Qx = 86.10 litres / second on (19/4/2007) Is this dry season flow? Yes No .. How much larger than the minimum flow is it, U = 21 % of minm flow Minimum flow rate, Qmin = Qx/U = 69.75 litres / second .. Other uses of the source water Drinking Other Comment Flow Needed (lps) Irrigation No Yes During Mansoon only
No Yes .. . No Yes .. .

Total Non-MHP Flows

Qo .

Available flow for MHP, Q = Qmin - Qo = 80litres / second Estimated available power, P = x (H x Q)/100 = 10. kW

Guidelines prepared by DCS under a joint program by Development and Consulting Service, PO Box 8, Butwal Ph. (071) 40391, 42363 email: and Energy Sector Assistance Programme, PO Box 6332, Kathmandu Ph. (01) 539390, 539391 email:

List the villages and number of households of all other villages within a radius of C km of the a power house, ie. list village 2 also Draw sketch of the proposed scheme ineven though it is not connected. cluding the approximate layout of the x Farthest village source, the headrace canal, the forebay, the penstock, the power house, the tailrace , 1x the main transmission and distribution lines and the main load centres (villages) x2 x3 Power house

Diagram of scheme

4x x 5

Total the number of households in villages in the circle of electrification which are not participating in the scheme, An and add this to the number totalled in Ai to give the total electrification market, Ae. Note the average number of people per household in the market area (district averages vary from 5 to 6 with the national average being approximately 5.5) and multiply this by the number of households in the market area, Ae, to give the approx. total population of the market area, E. Estimate the load likely to be subscribed by the average household, F, and calculate the total probable, G, and possible, I, domestic loads on the system as shown.

3. Electricity Market - Domestic 3.1. Villages to be Electrified

Name Location from MHP Site No. of Houses No. to be incl.

Simlegau Simlegau Bhanjyang

1.1 kM from proposed PH 1.4 kM from proposed PH 1.7 kM from proposed PH

30 28 30 16

30 28 30 16

Sadhi-4,Khasredada 1.6 kM from proposed PH

List details of existing businesses operating in the electrification area which will take more power than a normal household, eg. hotels, lodges, mills, shops, small industries. List the type of business (eg. hotel, grocery shop etc.), which village the business is in and the estimated power the owner wishes subscribe neNote hereto the name of to. the Comment villages to if be incessary. cluded in the scheme, their distance and direction from the site of the power house in metres or kms, the total number of houses in each village, and the number wanting to be joined to the electrification distribution lines. Calculate the total power to be subscribed, J, and divide by 1000 to produce kilowatts. List details of proposed new businesses likely to start up if electricity becomes available which will take more power than a normal household, eg. photocopying, grill industry, other small industries etc. List the type of business (eg. grill, watch repair etc.), which village the business is in, the estimated power the owner wishes to subscribe to and the date (year) the business will probably begin operating. Comment if necessary.

Households in included villages, Total of households to be included in MHP

Ai = 104 B= 104

Village farthest away from power house Bhanjyang Distance of this village to power house, C = 1.7 km Daily electricity supply time: from 4 am to 7 am 6 pm to 12 am. Total hours/day: 9.. Other Villages

Total the household population of all vilCalculate the total power to be subscribed, lages wanting to be in the electrification K, and divide by 1000 to produce kilowatts. scheme Ai, and the number of households in these villages which want to join, B. Note the village farthest away from the power house and the distance in km, C.




Name Bakot Rithebot

Location from MHP Site ~2.5 kM ~1.7 kM

No of Houses 57 25

Total houses in non-participating villages in market,

An =


Total households in electrification market = An + Ai = Ae = 186. Average household population, D = 8 people / household Population of market area, E = D x Ae = 1488 people Average subscribed power, F = 95 watts/house 3.3. Domestic Loads Total probable domestic load = (F x B)/1000 = G = 9.88. kW Total possible domestic load = (F x Ae)/1000 = I = 17.67. kW
Comments ....... ...

4. Electricity Market - Business 4.1. Existing Businesses

Type of Business Location Power Operating Comments (watts) time None

Total 4.2.

J =

/1000 = . kW

Probable Businesses
Power (kW) Date Operating time Comments

Type of BusiLocation ness Huller Mill by direct mechanic- Simlegau al power

7 am-6pm

Total K =


/ 1000 = 5.0 kW




Possible Businesses
Power (kW) Date Operating time Comments

Type of Location Business

Total L = 0

/ 1000 = kW


Total System Loads

Total probable load on system = G + J + K = M = 14.88 kW Total possible load on system = I + J + K + L = N = 22.67.. kW Pick load on the system = Mp = 9.88 kW Design plant capacity of the project = Mp + 0.25Mp = Md = 10.. kW Comments ....... ... ..... ..... ..... 5. NEA Electrical Grid Nearest NEA grid point Gauda Distance from site 8 km Plans to extend the grid in this direction in the next 5 years No Yes To where? How far from site . km Source ... Comment ..... . 6. Other MHPs in Area
Size (kW) 5 8 Distance (km) Mnthly Tariff (Rs./watt) 50W-35/Mnt 100W70/Mnt 1 Comments
Gharedhunga MHP, funded by KADOORI Lankhar MHP

List details of possible new businesses which could start based on the raw materials available in the area, eg. fruit growing areas could produce fruit drying and juice industries with electrically heated dryers and pasteurisers. Areas with an excess of wheat could encourage a bakery industry or noodle making industry. Are there any possibilities of end uses from forest products or minerals available in the area? List the type of business (eg. fruit drying, bakery etc.), which village the business is in the estimated power the owner wishes to subscribe to, and the date (year) the business will probably begin operating. Comment if necessary. Calculate the total power to be subscribed, L, and divide by 1000 to produce kilowatts. Calculate the probable and possible full loads on the system, M and N. Unless there is abundant water (and investment funds) and a vision for expand-ing the system to encourage local industry, the design plant capacity shall be calculated as follows: Pick load on the system shall be calculated by load optimisation. The plant capacity (Md) shall be calculated by adding 10% transmission loss and 15% for projected future requirement. Compare Md with the available power, P, on page 1. If Md is greater than P the system needs to be re-designed and either the available power, P, increased, or the probable load, M d, decreased. Note the end point of the NEA grid nearest to the site and the direct distance (not the walking distance) to this point from the site. Also comment on any known proposals to extend the grid in a direction which brings it closer to the site planned for the next 5 years, how close this will bring it to the scheme site, and the source of the information. If possible verify this information at the nearest NEA office. Otherwise, it should be verified by the VDC office. Comment, if necessary on the reliability of this information. List other micro-hydro plants in the region together with the size of the plant (turbine), the direct distance (not the walking distance) to the site of this scheme and the monthly tariff charged for electricity. If the tariff is a multi-level tariff note the rate common to the greatest number of consumers and provide details of other rates in the comments section. Add up the number of MHPs and enter into the box marked, Oe. Also add up the tariff values to produce a total, Re. Calculate the average tariff of all local MHPs, R, as shown. Calculate the monthly income from electricity for a scheme based on the probable maximum load, Se, or a scheme based on the possible maximum load, Te, as shown and depending on design selection.

Location Illampokhari Illampokhari

No. of MHPs, Oe =

Total, Re= 3

Average tariff of all local MHPs = Re / Oe = R = 1.5.... Rs./watt/month Comment ..... 7. Estimated Electrical Income Probable electrical income = R x M x 1000 = Se = 22320.. Rs./month Possible electrical income = R x N x 1000 = T e = 34005.. Rs./month Comment ..... .....



8. Agro-processing Market Is milling to be provided in this MHP scheme Yes No 8.1. Agro-processing Mills in Area
Oilseed Wheat Distance (min.) SourceEnergy Charge Rate, Rs./pathi Maize Millet Rice

If milling is to be provided as part of the MHP scheme, either immediately or later, tick the Yes box and complete this section. If milling is not planned to be provided skip this section and go on to section 9.




List all mills, whether diesel or water powered, within a 5 km radius or 2 hour walk of the power house. Note the distance from the MHP power house to the mill in approximate minutes of walking time for an average local person carrying a load of grain, eg. 30 mins, 45, 60, 90 etc. Note also the energy source for the mill, eg. diesel or water, and the charge rates for each of the grains processed in the mill. Wherever possible the rates should be in Rs./ pathi so as to provide a uniform basis of comparison. Comment only as necessary. Count the number of mills and enter the total number as Om where shown, then sum all the charge rates for all the mills and enter the total in the boxes at the bottom of each column as shown. Divide each of these totals by Om to give the average charge rate across all mills for rice hulling, Rr, maize grinding, Rm, wheat grinding., Rw, millet grinding, Rl, oilseed expelling, Ro, and other processing, Rx.

No. of Mills, Om =

Totals R

Average Charge Rates, Rs. / unit Parameter designations Rr Rw Rl Ro Rx



Annual Milling Throughput

DisNo tanc . e of (min HH ) Quantity to be milled, (pathi / year) Oilseed Wheat Maize Other Millet Rice Notes

Village / Area Name

List the villages from which grain will be brought to this MHP for hulling, grinding or expelling. Consideration must be given to the effect of other mills nearby and the likelihood that existing mills will continue to be patronised unless the proposed MHP is more convenient or offers cheaper milling rates. Customers of existing mills may come to this mill when the mill closest to them breaks down and this should be also taken into consideration when estimating milling quantities. Note the number of households in the villages (used for assistance in estimating grain production from the village only), then estimate the quantity of rice, maize, wheat, millet, oilseed and any other local grains (eg. buckwheat) that is likely to be taken to the proposed mill per year. Note that this may not be the entire production from the village as some may be processed in peoples homes using traditional techniques and some may be taken to other mills. Estimates should be as accurate as possible. Total the number of households in all villages, Am and note that this is the milling market and will not be the same as the electrification market, Ae. Quantity calculation example: Quantity of rice to be milled = nos of HH x (quantity of rice to be milled by an average HH per week) x 52 Total the production likely to go to this mill from all villages, Vr, Vm, Vw, Vl, Vo and Vx. These are the totals which will be used to estimate milling income of the scheme.

Simelgau Bhanjyang Sadhi-4

~15 ~30 ~30

50 24 12

575 443 382 295 191 148

59 39 20

Totals Parameter ignations desAm Vr Vm Vw Vl Vo Vx




Monthly Milling Income 2 Monthly Milling Volume Vr/12 = 1148 Vm/12 = 886 Vw/12 = Vl/12 = 118 Vo/12 = Vx/12 = 3 Rate Rs./ Paathi Rr =6 Rm =7 Rw = Rl = 8 Ro = Rx = Sm = 14034 Rs. 944 4 Mnthly InComments come 2x3 6888 6202 5

Colu mn Grain Rice Maize Wheat Millet Oilseed Other

Enter the annual milling volumes from the table above, ie. Vr, Vm, Vw, Vl, Vo and Vx, divided by 12 to give an average monthly rate. Enter the average milling rates calculated in the table on page 5 in column 3 of the table and multiply columns 2 and 3 to give the expected monthly income of the scheme from milling of grain. Comment only as necessary.

Total all the individual grain milling incomes to give a total monthly milling income, Sm.

.. Total milling income,

Comment ..... ........ sales, Se, 9. Estimated Total Income Total probable monthly income of MHP, St = Se + Sm = 36354 Rs. Comment .. ... ......... 10. Enabling Environment Excellent V. Good Good Fair Poor
Rate the interest and understanding of plant owner / UC chairman / local project lead person, have in micro-hydro plants in general. Also rate: the general understanding of the dangers of electricity and precautions needed to be taken, eg. repair only by qualified tradesmen, keep children away, dont touch wires together, use proper plugs the concept of paying for electricity consumption (ie. the need to cover the costs involved in producing electricity operators salary, repair and maintenance, depreciation etc.) the proposed tariff structure, ie. do people understand that different levels of electricity subscription will have different rates and why the understanding of the need to establish an equipment maintenance fund to cover recurring maintenance, future repairs and eventual replacement of machinery the local interest in end use possibilities (milling, small industries such as metal fabrication, noodles, fruit drying, bakery etc.) rather than being satisfied with lighting only Comments should be made whenever interest or understanding is rated Excellent, Fair or Poor. Add the monthly income from electricity from section 7 on page 4 to the milling income, Sm, to give a total estimated monthly income for the scheme, St.



General interest in MHP in this place Understanding of dangers of electricity Understanding about paying for electricity Understanding about tariff structure Understanding of need for repair fund Understanding about end use possibilities

Other Comments ..... .. 6\17





Note the type of ownership proposed for the scheme; Private means the local equity is totally provided by an individual and the individual also organises any loan component, the MHP will be operated as a business for profit; Company means a group of private individuals organising together to operate the MHP as a business for profit, ie. includes private partnership or co-operative; Community means a group representative of the community to be served by the MHP collects the equity and organises the financing of the MHP and will operate it on behalf of the community; Government means a local or district or central government body organises funding and plans to operate the scheme for a period after completion. Also include proposed name of managing organisation if known. List the key people involved in the project, their occupation, local socio-economic status (Status), aptitude (Apt.), commitment to the project (Com) and influence in decision making (Infl). Rate each person as below:N Stat. o. Apt Com Infl

11. Management 11.1. Proposed ownership Private Company Community Govt. Other .. Proposed Name Upper Chilli MHP.. Comment ..... 11.2. Key People Name Gum Bdr Gurung Meg Raj Gurung Purna Bdr Gurung Rana Bdr Gurung Arjun Gurung Occupation Stat Apt.
VDC Chairman Social Worker

Co m V V G G G

Infl V G G A A




Ex. Army Ex. Army Ex. Army


Probable organisational structure

MHP Board


Highly practicVery ExcelExcel1 al & restro lent lent sourceng ful PracticVery al & re- Very Stro 2 good source- good ng ful 3 Good Average Good Mild Obeys 4 Fair Fair Poor only ImpracNon 5 Poor Poor tical e MHP Manager Draw a simple sketch of the proposed organisationalManagement structure, eg. Board Elec. Operator Mill Operator

Operator 1

Operator 2
Write a brief description of the managements plan for the MHP into the future, eg. to provide lighting electricity only - or to expand into milling and small industries. Estimate the level of entrepreneurial ability of the management compared with other business people of the area. Assess the anticipated level of community participation in the MHP scheme, ie. is the community involved in setting the tariff rate, making policy decisions such as how to punish payment defaulters etc. Comment as necessary. Note the availability of local people or people who are currently living away from the area but willing to return if a suitable opportunity arises with managerial and/or business operation experience, eg. have successfully operated a small business. Note if a person has already been selected to manage the scheme and the type of experience they have had. If someone has not already been selected comment on how they will be selected. Comment should also be provided if Poor or None is checked for the availability question. As for managerial skills note any people of local origin with technical / mechanical repair experience, eg. service in the Indian army in mechanically

Vision for the future Entrepreneurial spirit level - HighMedium Low... Planned community participation level - High Medium Low None 11.4. Availability of local people:- With managerial / business skills - GoodFair PoorNone Manager already selected No How? By community discussions.

Name ......

Experience ... - With technical/mechanical repair skills - Good Fair Poor None




Operators already selected No How? By community discussions.

YesName ..

Experience ...
YesName ..

oriented duty. Com-ment should be provided if Poor or None is checked. Note also if operators have already been selected, their names and experience, and how they will be selected if they have not already been.

Experience ... 12. Environmental Factors Is there a landslide exposure risk to:intake area HighMedium Low ... headrace route power house tailrace route
HighMedium Low ... HighMedium Low ... HighMedium Low ...
Rate any landslide risks which may occur either because of natural topography or as a result of project excavation work and which could effect any part of the MHP. Comment on the nature of the risk and what can be done to reduce it or eliminate it, eg. resiting a structure, installation of stabilising structures, covering canals or biological stabilisation.

transmission lines HighMedium Low ... What can be done to reduce / eliminate the risk .. Is there a flood exposure risk to:intake area HighMedium Low ... headrace power house
HighMedium Low ... HighMedium Low ...

transmission lines HighMedium Low ... What can be done to reduce/eliminate the risk . . Will tailrace & overflow be routed so as to not cause erosion damage
Yes No....

Rate any flood risks which may occur with particular attention to past history of floods. If any past flood would have caused damage to any of the proposed MHP structures listed, check the High or Medium box and comment. Comment also on what can be done to reduce it or eliminate the flood risk, eg. installation of gabions to re-direct flood flows, resiting of a structure to take it out of the path of flood flows. Note if tailrace water or any overflow spill from the headrace canal, desilting basin or other structure will cause erosion to adjacent land. Comment on any other potential environmental problem, preferably with a proposed solution. List the main products of the area, both agricultural and natural. Some of the main agricultural products common to rural areas of Nepal are already listed - for these note the annual production of the product in the market area and the units being used, eg. muri, pathi, kg., litres. Note conversion factor of pathi into kg in the area. Compare the annual production figures of this table with those of the table in section 8.2 on page 5. The values here should not be less than those of the table on page 6. If they are, the figures should be re-checked with the source. Example for production calculation: Annual rice production = (nos of HH coming for rice hulling) x (average annual rice production in average HH) Add any other agricultural products or natural resources of the area and note also the annual production of these.

Other environmental problems ..... . 13. Socio-economic Details 13.1. Agricultural Products / Natural Resources Annual Product Units Comments Prod. Rice Muri 16 Per HH Maize Wheat Millet Oilseed Buckwheat Potatoes ... ... ... ... ... Note: 1 pathi (local) = ~4 kg 19 21



13.2. Education Level

Education Level No. of HH HH Members

University Plus two SLC Pass Trade Secondary School Primary School Literate Illiterate Total

4 20 1 21 37 474 158

Total SLC pass records of the area to date 13.3. Energy Source Energy Source Firewood Seedoil Kerosene 13.4. Facilities
Facilities Y N Distance from MHP Comments

Unit Bhari Litre Litre

Rs. per Unit 120 60

Mont Coo Ligh hly king ting Comments Use % % 12 3 3 x 95 100

Per HH/Month

" "

List the distribution of education level across the market area with both the number of households and the total number of individuals at each level. Levels are: University - completed a degree course Plus two has passed plus two or intermediate level. SLC Pass - has passed SLC exam. Trade - has recognised trade for which they have studied or been apprenticed, eg. auto mechanic, machinist, electrician, goldsmith, tailor Secondary school - has completed some years of secondary school Primary school - completed primary schl Literate - can read and write Illiterate - cannot read and write - includes infants below school age. The total households will not be the same as Ae because most households will have more than one education level. The total number of household members should be approximately the same as the total population of the market area, E. Note also the total number of recorded SLC passes in the market area up to the present date. List the total monthly consumption of major energy sources of the entire market area only. Also note the units used, eg. bari for firewood, litre etc. and the average cost per unit for the resource in the market area, ie. includes transport costs into the area. Comment also on usage, ie. % for cooking and % for lighting only.

Post Office Primary School Lower Sec. School Plus Two School Health Post Bank Police post VDC office Telephone Agric. Assistance Other ... Other ...

Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y N Ph. No. 066-590218 Type ....

Check Y or N (for yes or no) against the facilities found in the market area and note the distance from the MHP power house. Add any other important facilities in the area.

Higher Sec. school Y

If there is a bank, write the type of bank in the comments section, eg. ADB, RBB.

If there is a phone in the region list the phone number in the place provided.

13.5. Miscellaneous Average household land holdings in area 10. ropanies Number of households migrated into the area in last 12 months None Reasons Number of households migrated out of the area in the last year None Reasons

Note the average landholdings for households in the market area. The figure should include khet, bari and kharbhari. Note the number of households that have migrated into the market area in the previous 12 months. List the reasons why they chose to come to this area. Note the number of households that have migrated out of the market area in the previous 12 months. List the reasons why they chose to move out of this area.



Major infrastructure lacking in Road, Electricity, Drinking Water Supply.. How could it/they be developed? . . NGOs or GOs in area COPPADES . What are they doing Cooperative, Income Generation, Poverty Alleviation . Possibility of conflicts on water rights No .. . Possibility of conflicts on land use No ... .

Comment on any obvious major infrastructure that the market area lacks and which is necessary for the development of the area, and any suggestions for development of that infrastructure. List any Govt. Organisations or NGOs working in the area, eg. CBED, REDP, and note the type of work they are doing, eg. drinking water installation, non-formal education, community development etc. Comment on any possibility of conflicts on the MHP, eg. water rights issues, political division conflicts, land ownership, etc. Comment on the status of women in the market area and what roles they occupy in community life. Note any prominent leadership positions by women.

Note also the general interest shown by women in the coming of a MHP - are they supStatus and role of women More or Less active .... portive? Why or why not. on strengths or skills in the com.... Comment munity which are underutilised or can be used more for community development. Interest of women in the MHP . Sufficient .....

.. Note if there is any tourism potential for the

area and comment as necessary.

Local strengths / skills . Sufficient . Tourist potential in area, No Yes . . Other Comments, if any . . 14. Estimated Project Cost 14.1. Local Material Rates Description Sand Block stone Bond stone Wood Unskilled labour Mason Carpenter Technician Kerosene Diesel Unit

Note here any other comments related to socio-economic matters which could affect the project or be useful as baseline information in determining the impact of the project on the community in 10 years time. Note the local rates for construction materials, and the units which apply to the rates, eg. per cubic metre, per kg. Use the rates applying to other construction sites in the surrounding area, if possible. If the rates from the pre-feasibility study are available they should be checked again locally and not merely entered here without checking. as the accuracy required of the pre-feasibility study is less than that required of this study. Comment on the quality of the available building materials if significant. For sand, name the sand pit site and river. Note the labour rates (per commonly used in the area. The rate should exclude provision of food. Comment if other benefits are included in the noted rates. A mason is a skilled worker working on masonry and RCC works. A carpenter is a skilled worker working with wood A technician is a worker skilled in electrical and mechanical work. Note the local cost of diesel and kerosene and comment on how it is transported to the area and on year round availability. Add other important rates in the space provided if considered necessary.

Rs./unit Comments

1 Pathi = ~4kg

chatta 800

10 700 150 200 200 300 60 70

Coarse aggregate pathi



Md Md Md Md litre litre


Rates entered here should not merely be transposed from the pre-feasibility study without checking but should be carefully verified locally before entering in this ____________________________________________________________________________________________ table. Note that the transport rate for a truck or tractor is to bring material/equipment from 14.2. Transportation Rates the nearest major supply town to the roadhead. Give rates per kg. if possible Rs./uni porters the rates given Type Unit For mules and Comments t should be for transport from the roadhead to the MHP site. Note different rates for Truck/tractor Kg 2 easy and difficult loads if a local distinction is made. If possible, rate units Mule - easy load 5 should also be kg here. Kg From Bhotewodar Rates for plane and helicopter transport - difficult 13 should only be given if this is the most inexpensive form of transport to site, or Porter - easy load 5 are special circumstances, eg. reKg there moteness, unrest. Comment as needed. - difficult 13 Add other important rates in the space provided if considered necessary. Plane


Nearest major supply market for the project: Paudi All weather road-head of the project site: Kathmandu-Paudi Fair weather road-head of Estimating the project Kathmandu-Paudi_Pyarjung the site: cost of the project is one of the most important factors in determinTransportation blocking months: Ashadh-Bhadra .. ing feasibility so should be done with as much accuracy and details as Season possible. .. Cause for transportation blockage: .. Rainy Follow technical design and estimation ... guideline for calculating detailed cost of the project. 14.3. Project Cost Summary Description Mechanical works Electrical works Civil works Spare parts Tools Transportation Training Installation Commissioning Huller Grinder Expeller Other end uses Preliminaries Margin money Sub-Total VAT 13% on non local cost Contingencies 5% Total Project Cost, =2385.91 2050.89 221.40 113.61 W
See BOQ for details

Rs. (000) 505.00 supervision and electro-mechanical 698.34 20.00 647.15 foundations,
Installation cost includes cost for project technicians. End use machine costs include stand, drive system and installation. Preliminary expenses include the survey and design costs.

90.40 Margin money is

operating fund).

for working capital (the

55 35

VAT is applicable on taxable items only. Contingency allows for additional items. Total all component costs to give a total project cost, W.



Proposed financing: Please refer main report for detail.

15. Estimated Recurring Annual Costs

Component Rs. (000) Comments

Note the percentage of the projects total cost which will be provided through equity (whether private, company or community), loans through a bank or other lending institution, and through the Government subsidy for MHPs. Equity includes cash and kind contribution. Multiply these percentages by the total project cost to give the rupee amounts for each category.

Salary operator1 Salary operator 2 Salary Manager Repair & maint. Office expenses Miscellaneous

36 36 18 70 10 10

Full Time Full Time Part Time About 3% of total project cost LS LS
List the annual costs of the project: all salaries of people employed by the MHP - manager, operators, accountant etc. To estimate these, the salaries paid to similar employees of other nearby MHP plants should be compared and an average figure used. Repair and maintenance - generally 3 to 5% of the total project cost. Office expenses - between Rs. 2,000 and 10,000 depending on plant size, ie. 10 kW plant 2,000; 25 kW - 10,000. Miscellaneous - Rs. 1,000 to 10,000 depending on plant size. Sum all the above entries to give a total estimated annual operating cash outflow. Interest - not included as a cash outflow because it is not included in the IRR calculation - calculated at the current bank interest rate, eg. 16 - 17%

Total Operating Cash outflow, O


Depreciation - simplest form is to use straight line method for an economic life of 15 years, i.e., annual depreciation is 1/15th of project cost. Total all above costs for annual cost total.


Note the discount rate, k, to be used in the financial analysis. REDP uses 12%. Notes on completing the table:Annual Incoming cashflow, Ia - enter the income from the total income, St, calculated in section 9 on page 6. % of Annual Incoming cashflow, I%, - estimate the percentage of the total income earned in this year, eg. in year 1 income may be only 60% of the full potential income because the electrical scheme is not at full capacity and the mill will not have attracted all the customers it ultimately will. After year 2 or 3 this should be close to 100%. In year 0 it will be 0%. Actual Incoming cashflow, Iy, - multiply the annual ICF, Ia, by the % of annual incoming cashflow, I%, to give the actual expected cashflow for the year, Iy. Annual Outgoing cashflow, Oa, - enter the total cashflow estimated in section 15 on page 12. For year 0 the OCF will be the total project cost after the subsidy has been deducted, ie. W - Ws from section 14.3 on page 11. % of Annual Outgoing cashflow, O%, - if the annual expenses will vary in the early years of the project note the percentage here as for the incoming cashflow. If expenses will not vary this column should read 100% for all years. Actual Outgoing cashflow, Oy, - multiply the annual OCF, Oa, by the % of annual outgoing cashflow, O%, to give the actual expected cashflow for the year, Oy. For year 0 Oy will equal Oa. Net cashflow, Cy, - deduct the actual outgoing casflow, Oy, from the actual incoming cashflow, Iy, to give the net cashflow, Cy. This will be the total project cost as a negative value in year 0 and it may continue to be negative in the next few years. Cumulative cashflow, C, - for each year add the present years net cashflow to the previous years cumulative cashflow, ie. in year 0 it will be the total project cost (negative), in year 1 it will be the total project cost (negative) plus the net cashflow for year 1 (Cy1 ), for year 2 it will be the cumulative cashflow for year 1 (C1) plus the net cashflow for year 2 (Cy2) etc. For year 15 it will be the same as the total of all the net cashflow column. Net Present Value divisor, Dy, - this is a factor used to bring future amounts back to present values and uses the discount rate, k, entered at the beginning of this section, eg. if k = 12%, Dy for year 1, Dy1 = (1 + 0.12)1 or 1.12; Dy2 = (1 + 0.12)2 or 1.25; Dy3 = (1 + 0.12)3 = 1.40 etc.

16. Financial Analysis Discount rate, k = 6 % Please refer Annex 4 , Financial analysis for detail

Net Present Value, N, - the present value of a future amount, given by dividing the cashflow in any year by the NPV divisor for that year. Net Present Value at 10%, 15%, 20% etc., N10, N15, N20 and N30, - the net present value for a discount rate of 10%, 15%, 20% and 30%. Totals - Total the actual ICF, Iy, actual OCF, Oy, and net cashflow, Cy, columns. The total of Cy column, Cy, should equal Iy- Oy . Payback period - is determined by the year in which the cumulative net cash, C, becomes positive, ie. if C in year 10 is -12.3 and C in year 13 is 5.8, the payback period will be approximately 12.5 years. If C remains negative for the entire life of the project it doesnt pay itself off in the life of the project and should be regarded with caution financially. Write the payback period in the space below the table. Total NPV, N, - this should be positive for the project to be considered viable financially, ie. the net present value of all cashflows over the life of the project should be greater than zero. Enter the sum of the NPV of all cashflows, N, into the space below the table. Determination of Internal Rate of Return, IRR - the NPV of all cashflows over the life of the project at increasing values of discount rate should be determined until a positive NPV results. In the table it has been done for 10%, 15%, 20% and 30%. The IRR of the project will fall between the first of N10, N15, N20 and N30 to be positive and its predecessor, eg. if N20 is 13400 and N15 is -7300 the IRR of the project will be between 15 and 20%. A more closer approximation of the value can be obtained by interpolating between the two figures, or by recalculating the NPVs using a closer approximation of the IRR as the discount rate. Write the calculated IRR in the space provided at the bottom of the table.



17. Appendices List below the items appended to the study 17.1. Photos No Brief Description . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Birds eye view of site Catchment area of river Intake and weir site Canal route Powerhouse site Forebay site Penstock route Crossings in headrace Landslide area Comments Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y

List the photographs appended to this study, eg. site views, source views, canal route, power house location, with a brief description of each and any comments necessary for further clarification. Photographs for birds eye view of the project should cover village and powerhouse site in one photograph.

10 Transmission line route

Photographs for transmission route should be birds eye view. The transmission route should be indicated by a pen.

11 Meetings with community N 17.2. Itinerary Date 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM Time From 18/4/2007 19/4/2007 20/4/2007 21/4/2007 To 8:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 12:00 PM Reached to site Technical Survey & Flow Measurement Conducted Socio Economic Survey Moved to next site
Describe means of travels, e.g., by plane, office vehicle, taxi, bus, etc. Write names of key persons, if you are working with focus groups. Write complete itinerary of field survey days.

Work Description





17.3. Other Items No Brief Description Comments


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