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1) Introduction :

Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web to deliver marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, blogs, rich media Ads, social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam. Many of these types of ads are delivered by an ad server. Research has proven that online advertising has given results and is growing business revenue. For the year 2012, Jupiter research predicted $34.5 billion in US online advertising spending.

2) Statement of the Problem


3) Justification of the Problem / Need and Relevance of the

The importance of studying consumers attitude of e-advertising because online advertising is on rise. Advertising by means of electronic means of communication is most the popular way of advertising. One can cover a wide range of audiences of all ages, color and gender by using this mean. Television viewers are in every home. If one is advertising on TV the brand would be introduced in almost every house. Advertising on internet is getting more popular with time. It is the most viable platform available till date, for advertising, sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached to every corner of the world.

4) Objectives of the Research/ study:

a) To explore the purpose of using Internet. b) To identify the various categories of Demographic factors and variables impacting online shopping behaviour of consumers in India. c) To study the impact of Demographic factors on consumers perception towards EAdvertising.

5) Hypotheses of the Study:

a) Age of consumer significantly impacts consumers attitude towards e-advertising. b) Gender of consumer significantly impacts consumers attitude towards e-advertising. c) Income of consumer significantly impacts consumers attitude towards e-advertising. d) Occupation of consumer significantly impacts consumers attitude towards eadvertising e) Education of consumer significantly impacts consumers attitude towards eadvertising.

6) Review of Literature :
Eighmey, 1997; Bezjian, 1998; Chen & Wells, 2000, The Internet has become a proven medium for advertising and has become a viable alternative to traditional media such as television and billboards. Of interest is the continuing and steady rise of online traffic well after the subsiding of enthusiasm associated with the dot-com craze. Although current figures fail to meet previous expectations ,the online environment has established itself as a unique venue for commerce that has high growth potential. Audience behaviour towards the advertising can be indicated through consumers favourable or unfavourable response towards a particular advertisement (MacKenzie and Lutz, 1989). According to Mehta (2000), consumers attitude towards advertising is one of the influential indicators of advertising effectiveness because consumers cognitive ability towards the advertising are reflected in their thoughts and feelings and subsequently will influence their attitude towards advertising (Mackenzie and Lutz, 1989).

7) Research Methodology :
Exploratory cum Descriptive

8) Methods and Tools of Data collection :

Primary and Secondary

9) 10) 11) 12)


15 questions and close-ended

Sample Size : 150 size Sample Unit: Internet users in Haryana Pilot Study: 10 Respondents


Statistical Techniques Used:

Anova, chi square test etc.


Limitations of the Study:

Time Small sample


Chapterization :
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2:Review of Literature Chapter 3:Research Methodology Chapter 4:Analysis and Interpretation Chapter 5:Conclusion and Suggestion


References :

name of books (related with the area of problems, at least 5

books), journals ((related with the area of problems, at least 5 research papers mentioned in review of literature) etc.
Examples: Books: Kotler, P., Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning Implementation & Control 9th Edition, 1998, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi Journals: Name of the Author, Title of the Paper, Name of the Journal, Volume No., Month and Year, pp. Magazines & Newspapers: Name of article - Business Today, 15 22 May, 2007 Name of article - The Times of India, Mumbai, 21st May 2007 Internet:, accessed on date., accessed on data..

(Signature of the Student).

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