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Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

Poor Little Timothy 1 ! No one would ever suspect what little 7-year-old Timothy Dockwell had going on

at home. At school, he was a bright, happy little boy. He got good grades, got along well with others, and had friends, many friends, as he was a fairly popular person. His friends never came over to his house, though. He said it was because his father wouldnt let them, which was true. No one suspected just why. ! You see, little Timothys father, Allan Dockwell, was an alcoholic. A very extreme

alcoholic. He had been ever since Timothys mother left him. She left because he was a trucker, who worked long hours, so he was never there. He came home as a surprise one day to see her and Timothy, and instead found a note on the kitchen table, explaining she was leaving and why. After she left, he quit his job. Started drinking. Too much. Their house went to hell. His life was more or less over. Timothys mom was the only thing that really held Allan together. Three years later, she died. It was a freak thing, she was accidentally killed by a mugger on a business trip to New York. Allan never even knew it happened until much later. ! It all started one night when Allan demanded that Timothy got him another beer.

When Allan said this, it upset Timothy. He was young, but old enough to know his father drank too much. ! ! Why have you got to drink so much daddy? He asked. Because, your mother ruined my life, you little bastard, He screamed in his

face. This verbal abuse was all too common recently. ! It wasnt her fault, daddy! You were gone all the time! Timothy said.

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

Dont you talk to me like that ever again! he bellowed as he smacked Timothy

across the face. He fell to the cold, hardwood oor with a thud and started crying. ! ! Why, daddy! I didnt do anything! Whyd you hit me? Because you deserve it for back-talking, thats why. Now, go to bed. And when I

wake up, you better be on your way to school, or you wont have a very fun morning! He screamed in Timothys face. His breath reeked of whiskey. Timothy got up off the oor and ran to his room, crying. 2 ! The next day, Timothy woke up at 6 a.m. and got dressed. He was very happy to

see that his father was not awake yet. He quickly ate some cereal for breakfast, got his school bag, and started running to school. He didnt want to wait for the bus, because he was afraid his father would wake up and catch him. ! As one might expect, poor little Timothys life went in to a downward spiral. He

started failing school. His father kept abusing him, worse and worse each day, and drinking more and more. Timothy became very hostile, and, in effect, lost all his friends. By the time he was 13, he had had enough of his miserable life. He was GOING to get back at his father for the last few years in hell. ! After school one day, he approached his teacher, Mr. Darden. He told him the

entire story. Everything that had happened within the last six years with his father. ! And just why should I believe a word you just said? You have been an extremely

problematic student for six years, ever since kindergarten, and you think Ill believe that? Is this just an excuse for your behaviour or something? ! This really made him angry.

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

I have to put up with all my fathers shit for all this time and all you say is that

you dont believe me? That Im... Im just fucking lying? Are you kidding me? he shouted. ! You watch your mouth young man! You get a detention for this Friday after

school. Hope you have fun. Now get out of my room! Mr. Darden replied. ! I cant really cant believe anyone would be so ignorant. Youll get what you

deserve, eventually. Ill make damn sure of it. ! He then stormed out of the room and slammed the door as hard as he could

upon leaving. 3 ! He had made up his mind. His father was going to pay for this. He went to the

local shopping mall. He stole a knife from a pawn shop and went and bought some rope. This was the beginning of the end. ! Now, at this point, you might wonder, why today? What was so special about that

one certain day? The night before, something had happened that was unusual. Even for Timothy. Allan had told Timothy that if he kept being bad, then he would kill him. Of course, Timothy was never really bad, Allan just used this as an excuse in his own head to beat him. This may not seem too unusual, but it was something that never had happened before in all of the six years this had been going on. Timothy was, for the rst time in six years, afraid. He was never afraid before, he had barley had any emotions at all since it started. He wasnt afraid of what Allan would do that night, he was simply aware that it would be very bad. He decided if nothing happened, Allan just might do that. He might ACTUALLY kill him. He wasnt afraid of death, no, he was simply afraid of

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

the fact that he would be dead but his father would go on living, struggling through his sad existence. And, of course, he felt the same for his teacher now. ! As he began walking home, he was wondering, What will happen to me after

this is all over? What will I tell the police? In his heart, he knew it didnt really matter. There were millions of thoughts ying around in his mind. He was actually going to kill his own father. He knew he deserved it. His awful father deserved to die. Many, many people deserved the same fate, but they didnt all get it. At least one, maybe two would. ! He was now approaching his dark blue home. He ung open the door, and went

in to the kitchen, where his father was drinking, like usual. ! Where the where errr. Where the... FUCK were you? He eventually

managed to get out. ! Ive been out with friends. Im going to my room now. he said as he turned to

leave the room. ! The hell you are! Tell me where you ah where you really were you you

dont HAVE any any any friends! his father yelled as he got up and grabbed Timothys shoulder. He had been prepared for this. This is when everything would begin. He took the knife from under his jacket and lunged at his father, plunging the it into his shoulder. He stumbled backwards into his chair. He looked rather shocked, as if he didnt expect this day would eventually come. He only had a few seconds to get this done He then grabbed a frying pan hanging from the ceiling above the counter, and smashed Allan in the head with it, knocking him unconscious. He dropped the pan as he tied him to the chair.

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

4 ! As his father regained consciousness, he started wildly thrashing around in his

chair. He started to vomit. Timothy had gotten his .45 cal Colt M1911 off his fathers dresser. Aiming it at him, he said ! Keep moving around like that, and Ill end this right now, as he pulled the

hammer back. You have done nothing but scream at me and beat me and drink since mom left. You know what I think? he asked, I think she was right to. You worked too much, didnt care about your wife or son or what went on in- His father cut him off, ! ! Shut up or Ill Ill Youll What? Kill me? Yeah, right. There is nothing you can do. He said,

pointing the gun at him. You are just a drunk. A useless asshole. A waste of space. Thats the reality of it. You dont deserve to even be on this Earth, and you know what? You wont be after today. And now, you, quite simply, are fucked. So just shut up, youll make this easier on yourself. Im going to bed. In the morning, when you are sober, we will nish this. But just remember one thing: I can put a bullet through your head at any time. He said as he walked in to his bedroom. He sent the .45 down on his nightstand and went to sleep. He would hear his father screaming and thrashing around, but eventually he just fell over and shut up. --5 ! He woke up the next morning and took the gun off his nightstand, and walked out

into the kitchen. There was his father, tied to the chair, tipped over, asleep, and snoring loudly. He couldnt even call this man his father anymore. He had been Timothys role

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

model when he was little, before he became a trucker. He couldnt stand to be away from him. Now, he was going to kill him. It was the right thing to do, he told himself. People that did things like this, especially to their own family, certainly did deserve to die. All the rapists, murderers, abusive parents, they all deserved it. ! He then kicked the chair his father was tied to. He screamed. And in the process

woke himself up. ! ! Boy, what are you what are you going to do to me? he stuttered. I see you are nally sober. Isn't this a rare thing. And dont call me boy." Timothy

said as he pointed the gun at him. Has been for wow... six years since you started drinking and abusing me. Why is that? Timothy said. ! Its your mothers fault! Ask her! It was HER job to take care of you, and SHE

just LEFT! This can not POSSIBLY be my fault! Allan screamed. ! She WAS right to leave you. Maybe, just maybe, if you had cared about you

family, just even a little bit, this wouldnt have happened. But, too bad. You didnt. You blew your chance. Shes been dead for 3 years. You didnt even know that, did you? Not really much of a surprise, though. ! What? No youre lying! Untie me right now! Your just making it worse on

yourself! ! ! ! Allan was very angry now. Timothy chuckled. Im making it worse for myself? Thats funny. I dont think so. I have an idea,

though. One you wont like very much. He untied Allan, but kept the gun on the back of his head.

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

Get in the car. Now. In the passenger seat. I dont need you trying anything from

behind me. Timothy said. ! Okay, okay, Im going. He did just what Timothy asked. When Allan was in the

seat, he wrapped the rope around his torso and the seat several times, and rmly tied it behind. ! Boy, you cant drive! Ill get in trouble! Then be even more pissed off than I am

now! He screamed. ! ! Shut up, and dont fucking call me boy. Timothy replied. No! I will not shut up! If you dont let me-- Timothy cut him off by aiming the gun

at him. ! Stop talking. Now. Or Ill just end this all right now and throw your lifeless body

out of the car on the highway. Allan shut up. He was a coward who, deep down inside, hated himself for his life, and most of all, for driving his wife away. He knew it too, as did Timothy. All he wanted was a normal life, with a normal mom and dad, normal friends, and maybe even a normal girlfriend. But that was all just fantasy now. 6 ! ! ! ! ! They were just pulling into their destination, the town dump. What are you doing boy? His father raged at him. Youll see. And quit calling me boy, for the last time. He then pulled in to the car-crusher, and got out. Youve done nothing but beat on me and scream at me and drink for six years,

and now, I will get my revenge. Hope hells hot. Timothy said to him.

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

He walked around to the lever. Timothy put his hand on it. He was scared and

sweating, and heard Allan screaming and crying to let him go, and making empty promises, saying he would turn himself around, give him a normal life. It was too late for that. Pulling it, he heard the mechanism moving, down, crushing the car, a scream, and a sickening crunch. Blood sprayed all over the crusher. That was the end of that. Now, what to do about Mr. Darden. --7 ! Timothy was now running towards the school, only a block away. Mr Darden was

who he was after. He wouldnt be so careful with his work this time. So many thoughts were racing through his head as he ran, mostly of his mother. All of the time he spent with his mother while she was still there, all of his birthday parties that she was there for while his dad was gone. The Christmas mornings she spent with him while his father was off on another job. He started to do something he never thought he would - he started to cry. Deep down inside, all he was was a little boy who missed his mother. He was approaching the school now. He put his gun away, dried his eyes, and entered the school. ! ! And just where might you be going, Timothy? asked the secretary. I just need to see Mr. Darden for some help on a paper. Is he still here? he

responded. ! ! Yes he is, but hes leaving shortly. You should hurry. And hurry he did. He ran down the hall into Mr. Dardens room. He ung open the

door, entered, and shut it.

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

His teacher was sitting at his desk, writing on a piece of paper, and said,

Timothy? What are you doing back? You need to go home to your dad. ! Hes dead. I killed him. You could have stopped me. All you had to do was

believe me, try to help me, he said pulling out the M1911, but you didnt. I am here, he said pointing the gun at him, to nish the job. ! ! No no Dont! Please! Ill Ill believe you! Ill do anything! Just dont- He was cut off by a loud bang. Timothy had pulled the trigger, hitting him right

between the eyes. The chair he was sitting in ipped over, and he spilled out onto the ground. ! ! One of the schools two janitors came rushing in. What was that noise? he yelled at him. Timothy didnt respond. The janitor

already knew the second he saw Mr. Darden, on the oor, in a pool of his own blood. ! You you killed him! the janitor said. He was too frightened to even move, let

alone run away. At that moment, Timothy dropped the magazine out of the gun, and threw the gun to the ground. He then fell to his knees, and started crying again. ! I I just I didnt know what to do! He, he choked out, pointing at Mr. Darden,

wouldnt believe me, my mother is dead, I had no one! My own father, MY OWN FATHER, was beating me. Bad. For six years. I couldnt do ANYTHING! I was stuck, I just I just I didnt know At that point, he fainted from exhaustion. Epilogue ! Timothy woke up in a hospital. After they checked him out, and he left, the

policeman brought him to the police station and sat him down in a little room with white walls after they had searched the broken familys house. They found a letter, which had

Poor Little Timothy!

Duncan Mains

been from the day Timothys mom left. The note said bad things about Timothy, and they learned that she was a Schizophrenic. She didnt mean it, but they speculated that Alan had not told Timothy to spare the boys feelings. He would do the same. ! He asked Timothy to tell him the whole story, and after it was over, he was faced

with a difcult decision. Here he had a little boy, who was being brutally abused, that had snapped and killed two people. On the inside, he agreed with the boy. If he was in the situation, he would have done the same thing. But, the boy killed two people. If convicted, he would be tried, as an adult. What could he do?


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