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Overview of Biometrics for Secure Identity Verification

Deepali P. Chaudhari1, Prof. Nareshkumar D.Harale2 1 PG student, Department of computer, M.G.M.C.E.T.Kamothe, Navi Mumbai 2 Head Of Department, Department of computer, M.G.M.C.E.T.Kamothe, Navi Mumbai
Abstract: As online security threats continue to spread, protecting valuable data becomes one of the security challenges businesses face in todays business-tocustomer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce. Biometrics technology shows increased promise in enterprise network security. It will play a vital role as system developers fortify the security apparatus of its organization. In this paper, we analyze biometrics technologies and describe techniques that can be utilized to decrease the probabilities of online attacks.

Key Words: - Biometric, Filter Based, Gabor Based Introduction:

Biometrics based personal authentication systems that use physiological and/or behavioral traits (e.g. fingerprint, face, iris, hand geometry, signature, voice, etc...) of individuals have been shown to be promising candidates for either replacing or augmenting these traditional systems. They are based on entities (traits) that are actually bound with the individual at a much deeper level than, for Eg. passwords and ID cards. As a result, they are more reliable since biometric information can not be lost, forgotten, or guessed easily. They lead to increased user convenience there is nothing to remember or carry. They improve the authentication accuracy. Single biometric may not be able to achieve the desired performance requirement in real world applications. One of the methods to overcome these problems is to make use of multimodal biometric authentication systems, which combine information from multiple modalities to arrive at a decision. Studies have demonstrated that multimodal biometric systems can achieve better performance compared with uni-modal systems.

Any aspect of human physiology or behavior that can be accepted as a biometric should satisfy five properties described by Clarke which are as follows: a) Universality: Every person should have the biometric characteristic. b) Uniqueness: No two persons should be the same in terms of the biometric characteristic c) Permanence: The biometric characteristic should be invariant over time. d) Collectability: The biometric characteristic should be measurable with some practical sensing device. e) Acceptability: The public should have no strong objection to the measuring or collection of the biometric.

Components of Biometric system

Fig. 1. Components of Biometric System 1) Capture the chosen biometric (requires an appropriate capture device) 2) Process the biometric and extract and enroll the biometric template 3) Store the template in a local repository, central repository, and/or portable token such as a smart card 4) Live-scan the chosen biometric 5) Process the biometric and extract the biometric template

6) Match the scanned biometric against the stored templates 7) Provide a matching score and interface with applications 8) Record a secure audit trail with respect to system use

Types of Biometrics:
A wide variety of systems require reliable personal recognition schemes to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services. Examples of such applications include secure access to buildings, computer systems, laptops, cellular phones and ATMs. In the absence of robust personal recognition schemes, these systems are vulnerable to the wiles of an impostor. Biometric recognition, or simply biometrics, refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. Biometrics is the study of distinguishable physical, biological or behavioral characteristics used for the identification of humans and animals. Physical characteristics include items such as fingerprints, hand geometry, iris or retina patterns, and facial features. Biological characteristics would include DNA and specific fluid or tissue chemistries. Behavioral characteristics include things such as a signature, voice and speech patterns. Both behavioral and physical characteristics can change over time, but usually, physical features have been found to be more reliable, changing only in the long term. In the simplest terms, biometrics technologies rely on measuring one or more of these distinguishable characteristics and determining if they belong to an individual whose Characteristics have been previously stored in a database. More specifically, biometrics is defined as the automatic identification or identity verification of an individual using computer technology in a noninvasive way to match patterns of live individuals in real time against enrolled records. Physical characteristics include items such as fingerprints, face, Iris, hand geometry, signature, and voice. We first focus on: 1. Fingerprints recognition 2. Face recognition 3. Iris patterns
Fig 1: Biometric system components and flow diagram.

1) Fingerprints recognition:In the fingerprint-based scheme, during enrollment the user presents her finger F to the sensor, whose output Fs (e.g., fingerprint image) is passed through a feature extractor to arrive at the template Ft, which, along with the identity I of the user, is saved in a database (note that this database can be central, such as a law enforcement database or local, such as a smart-card issued to an individual). During verification, the user's fingerprint is captured again, and the generated template Fv; t is matched against the database template Ft corresponding to the claimed identity I. If these two representations are close enough", the matcher outputs a Yes" decision. This decision is generally based on a similarity (dissimilarity) measure: if the similarity (dissimilarity) score between two representations is higher (lower) than a specific threshold T, a Yes decision is output, otherwise, a No decision is output. Conversely, during identification, the user's template generated online, Fi; t, is matched against all the database templates. If there is a match, the matcher outputs the associated identity I of the user. Four technologies are in use to extract fingerprint images. These are as listed below a) Optical Sensors: These sensors capture visual image of finger surface. Finger touches the surface of a prism and LEDs provide a light source. Image is captured after its total internal reflection in the prism, by a Charge Coupled Device IC (CCD-IC) or CMOS Camera. Optical sensors are reliable and inexpensive. b) Capacitive Sensors: These sensors scan surface of finger using dielectric measurements to distinguish ridges and valleys. Higher dielectric constant of ridges results in higher capacitance than that of valleys which contain air. Capacitive sensors

produce better image quality over wider operating conditions. However they are expensive, consume more power and also do not work well with dry fingers. c) Thermal sensors: These sensors consist of contiguous arrangement of heating elements and thermal sensors and capture images based on differentials in heat emission between the ridges and valleys. Heat map is converted to an optical image of ridges which are cooler due to presence of sweat pores and valleys which are warmer. Thermal sensors are compact and inexpensive. But they consume more power and are ineffective on warm days. d) Radio Frequency Sensor: These sensors scan subsurface to get a true image of the finger. They use reflected RF beam to create an image of the layer. RF sensors are not affected by dirt or other impurities, have improved accuracy and reliability. Also, it is very difficult to fake the finger with this sensor as it takes subsurface image. 2) Face Recognition:Face recognition has become one of the major areas of biometric research because of its noninvasive nature and because it is a persons primary method of personal identification. Face image acquisition is done in the following ways a) Single image: This consists of digital photographs obtained using cameras or scanners. b) Video Sequence: This is obtained from surveillance cameras. However, due to low spatial resolution, it is not very useful for face recognition. c) 3D Images: This is based on skin/skull geometry and requires 3D images of the face instead of 2D images .Newer face recognition techniques such as Stereo, structured light and phase based ranging are used for capturing 3D images. The fundamental principle of face recognition is to use a special mathematical model to measure the dissimilarity of features in the face. These algorithms can use features, such as distance between eyes, nose, and lips, as parameters. Structured light is used to acquire the 3-D geometry of the face. Then, 3-D reconstruction algorithms are used to formulate the 3D mesh surface and the surface of the face, which is then used for identification. Face Recognition Approaches:

Digital Face Images:The face image of a person can be obtained from a passport document by capturing a digital image of the photograph page via a digital camera or a scanner. Then these photos can be compared against live face photos of the same person acquired using a high resolution digital camera. The methodology proposed for passport facial matching is illustrated in Figure 2. The salient stages of the proposed method are listed below: 1) Face Detection 2) Channel Selection 3) Normalization 4) Watermark Removal 5) Feature Extraction and Classification 3) Iris pattern :When a subject wishes to be identified by iris recognition system, their eye is first photographed, and then a template created for their iris region. This template is then compared with the other templates stored in a database until either a matching template is found and the subject is identified, or no match is found and the subject remains unidentified. It is

Fig 2: Overview of the methodology used when passport mug-shots are used to test the system

composed of iris image acquisition, image preprocessing, and feature extraction and classifier design. The algorithm for iris feature extraction is based on texture analysis using multi-channel Gabor filtering and wavelet transform. Compared with existing methods, our method employs the rich 2-D information of the iris and is translation, rotation, and scale invariant.

Iris image acquisition is done in two ways a) Daugman System: In this system, an LED based point light source is used along with a standard video camera. The system captures images with the Iris diameter between 100 to 200 pixels from a distance of 15 to 46cm using 330mm lens. John Daugman at the university of Cambridge computer laboratory developed Gabor wavelet based Iris recognition algorithm which is the basis for almost all commercially available Iris recognition systems b) Wildes system: This system images the Iris with approximately 256 pixels across the diameter from 20cm using 80 mm lens and is area based i.e. it captures the iris as part of a larger image which also contains data derived from the immediately surrounding eye region. Iris recognition based on John Daugmans algorithms, is used by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Interior for recognizing foreigners entering the UAE, at 35 air, land, and sea ports. Each traveler is compared against about a million Iris codes on a watch-list through internet links; the time required for an exhaustive search through the database is about 1 second. On an average day, about 12,000 arriving passengers are compared against the entire watch list i.e. about 12 billion comparisons per day.

between two points in a texture pattern . It is calculated from the normalized iris image using pixels as primary information. b. Multi-channel Gabor filtering:The multi-channel Gabor filtering technique is inspired by the psychophysical findings that the processing of pictorial information in the human visual cortex involves a set of parallel and quasiindependent mechanisms or cortical channels which can be modeled by band pass filters. Comparison of Biometrics methods
Table A: Comparison of Biometric Technologies Biometri cs Fingerprin t Hand Geometry Retinal Scanning Iris Scanning Facial Recogniti on Dynamic Signature Per Perfor man manc ence e H H M M H M L M H H L L Uniq uene ss H M H H L L Acce ptabi lity M M L L H H M H

Fig 3: Block diagram of a typical iris recognition System

Feature Extraction:The feature extraction problem can be reduced to applying a frequency band filters which are circularly symmetric in nature for the extraction. a. Non filter based technique:Instead of using Gabor Filters, to extract the textural features from the image we propose the use of a non filter based technique that depends on second order statistics of the pixel intensities. The cooccurrence matrix estimates the joint probability distribution function of gray level pairs in an image. The technique uses the GLCM (Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix) of an image and it provides a simple approach to capture the spatial relationship

Keystroke L L L Dynamics Voice L L L Recogniti on H= High, M= Medium, L= Low

Selection criteria for Biometric types

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Economic Feasibility or Cost Risk Analysis Perception of Users Techno_Socio Feasibility Security

6. User friendly and social acceptability 7. Legal Feasibility 8. Privacy

This study has shown that biometrics is the most accurate and secured representation of what an element is. Its technology can isolate false positive results, misrepresentation or creation of false identity during an identification process. We have discussed the usefulness of biometric technology in protecting enterprise network systems from unwanted online intruders. We have also identified the possible features and characteristics of an object that can be used in biometric technologies. Furthermore, an enterprise authentication process that uses a combination of traditional password and biometric fingerprint identification methodology is described.

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