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Chapter 5: Defining and

mplementing Multiscreen
Previews and Media Queries
It is a multi-media world. What we mean by that is, people experience and interact with Web
content with a variety oI media, ranging Irom large-screen projections oI Web sites to hand-held
devices. This presents speciIic challenges Ior Web designers.
One oI those challenges revolves around designing pages that are accessible, inviting, and
Iunctional at extremely diIIerent sizes. A page with centered content, leIt and right side sidebars,
and text Ilowing around images may be inviting on a laptop, but a jumbled mess on an iPhone.
With the advent oI HTML5, and its companion, CSS3 (the latest iteration oI Style Sheets), it is
possible to design pages that detect the size oI a viewing device, and to present pages customized
Ior that device. So, Ior example, you can create three alternative views oI a page one Ior cell
phones, one Ior tablets, and one Ior Iull-sized monitors.
In this chapter, we`ll learn to design pages in Dreamweaver that detect media automaticallv using
Dreamweaver-generated Media Queries, and present appropriate page designs tailored to the
visitor`s viewing environment.
In the course oI that we will:
1) Introduce CSS3 the companion to HTML5
2) Use Dreamweaver CS5`s Multiscreen Preview
3) Customize Multiscreen Preview Ior speciIic devices
4) Create multiple styles Ior diIIerent sized viewing devices with Dreamweaver CS5`s
Media Queries
5) Trouble-shoot Media Queries Ior Apple`s i-gadgets
Web Design for a MuIti-Media Web WorId
Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
As noted in the introduction to this chapter, recent times have seen an explosion in the variety
oI media through which people interact with Web sites particularly the explosion oI 'smart
phones and tablets. And, as noted, a Web page design that is appropriate, nay necessary Ior a
wide-screen experience, is oIten inappropriate, overly cluttered, or just plain dysIunctional in
a tiny screen.
The solution is Media Queries a new element oI CSS Style Sheets introduced with CSS3.
But beIore we examine new media Ieatures in CSS3, it will be helpIul to understand the basic
evolutionary path that led to CSS3 Media Queries. That background will be useIul both in
getting our hands around the concepts involved, and because, in the crazy Wild-West state oI
browsing environments these days with emerging and yet-unresolved standards conIlicts
designing Ior the widest range oI media requires combining new CSS3 Media Queries with
older CSS Media detection tools. We`ll see how this plays out in real liIe near the end oI this
chapter, when we examine particular challenges oI creating Media Queries that can detect an
Apple iPhone, Ior example.
So. stepping back in time a bit: The current (pre CSS3) version oI CSS alreadv can detect
media, and enable diIIerent style sheets depending on the media. And Dreamweaver CS5 (and
CS4 and CS3) provide very nice, intuitive support Ior these Ieatures.
The way this works in Dreamweaver, is, when you click the Attach Style Sheet icon at
the bottom oI the CSS Styles panel (with a Web page open in Dreamweaver`s Document
window), the Attach External Style Sheet dialog appears.
The Media popup in the dialog allows you to attach a style sheet speciIically designed Ior
print, aural (to be read out loud by reader soItware), Braille, handheld devices, and other
output options, as shown here.
Insert Image 7948_05_01.png

Chapter 5
So, to summarize the evolutionary path, detecting media and providing a custom-designed
style Ior that media is not new to HTML5, its companion CSS3, and support Ior those Ieatures
in Dreamweaver CS5. Detecting and synchronizing styles with deIined media has been
available in Dreamweaver.
But what is new is the ability to detect and supply deIined style sheets Ior speciIic screen
si:es. And that new Ieature opens the door to new levels oI customized page design Ior
speciIic media.
CSS3 and Media Queries
With CSS3, Media Queries have been expanded. Now, we can deIine all kinds oI criteria Ior
selecting a style sheet to apply to a viewing environment, including: orientation (whether or
not a mobile phone, tablet, etc is held in portrait ('up and down) or landscape ('sideways)
view whether the device displays color, the shape oI the viewing area, and oI most value
the width and height oI the viewing area.
All these options present a multitude oI possibilities Ior creating custom style sheets Ior
diIIerent viewing environments. In Iact, they open up a ridiculous array oI possibilities. But
Ior most designers, simply creating 3 appropriate style sheets, one Ior laptop/desktop viewing,
one Ior mobile phones, and one Ior tablets, is suIIicient.
In order to deIine criteria Ior which style sheet will display in a set environment, CSS3 allows
us to use 'iI-then statements. So, Ior example, iI we are assigning a style sheet to tablets,
we might speciIy that iI the width oI the viewing area is greater than that oI a cell phone, but
smaller than that oI a laptop screen, we want the tablet style sheet to be applied.
Dreamweaver CS5`s Media Query tools generate such criteria and coding automatically!
And, as we will see, Dreamweaver CS5 suggests appropriate criteria Ior diIIerent viewing
StyIing for MobiIe Devices and TabIets
While a Iull exploration oI the aesthetic dimensions oI creating styles Ior diIIerent media is
beyond the scope oI our mission in this book, it is worth noting a Iew basic 'dos and don`ts
vis-a-vis styling Ior mobile devices.
In a word, the challenge is: simpliIy.
In general this means applying many or all oI the Iollowing adjustments to your pages:
Smaller margins
Larger (more readable) type
Much less complex backgrounds, no image backgrounds
No sidebars or Iloated content (content around which other content wraps)
OIten no containers that deIine page width
The HTML5 page layout we created in the previous chapter is a positive example oI this kind

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
oI layout, and you can reIer back to that, with our new understanding oI the challenges oI
designing Ior mobile devices in mind.
The Iollowing screen, Ior example, shows a page in a laptop browser window that includes
a number oI elements, including a sidebar, that should be reconIigured Ior display on a 320
pixel wide mobile device.
Insert Image 7948_05_02.png
In the Iollowing Iigure, the background Ior the header has been removed, the navigation
elements have been moved Irom a sidebar to the top oI the page, and the color scheme has
been simpliIied making it easier to navigate the site with a mobile device.

Chapter 5
Insert Image 7948_05_03.png
Design advice online: II you search Ior 'css Ior mobile devices you`ll Iind thousands
oI articles with diIIerent perspectives and advice on designing Web pages that can be
easily accessed with handheld devices.
Previewing with MuItiscreen Preview
Dreamweaver CS5`s Multiscreen Preview provides an instant (iI not precise) preview oI how an
open Web page will look in three diIIerent viewing environments.
To view an open page in Multiscreen Preview, either click the Multiscreen Preview button in the
Document toolbar (iI not visible choose View ~ Toolbars ~ Document), or by choosing Window
~ Multiscreen Preview Irom the Document window menu. When you do, the Multiscreen Preview
window opens, with three views, as shown below.

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
Insert Image 7948_05_04.png
Multiscreen Preview is a Iorm oI Live view. You can`t edit content here, just preview it.
You can, however as we shall see edit the Stvle Sheets associated with each view, and observe
the eIIect in Multiscreen Preview.
The three, preset Viewport sizes in the Multiscreen Preview window provide a pretty widely
applicable set oI screen sizes Ior previewing how an open page will look in a cellphone, a tablet,
and on a desktop (or Iull sized laptop, with a screen width oI 1024 pixels or more). In particular,
the width settings are a good, general way to preview how your page will look in diIIerent media.
On the other hand, iI you are designing Ior a speciIic viewing environment, you can customize
these settings. To do that, click the Viewport Sizes button in the upper right corner oI the
Multiscreen Preview window. That opens the Viewport Sizes dialog. You can change the width
(and, in the case oI phones and tables, the height) oI any oI the three available views by changing
the values in the Wdith or Height boxes, and clicking OK.
The most useIul adjustment you make in Viewport Sizes might actually be the height oI the Phone
preview. By making that value a bit larger, you can get more oI a sense oI how pages will look in
smartphones with longer viewing screens. In the Iigure below, the height oI the Phone preview
window is being changed to 400 pixels.

Chapter 5
Insert Image 7948_05_05.png
Most likely, when you Iirst preview a page, you won`t like the way it looks in the phone and tablet
preview windows. At that point, you can do one oI two things: You can a) elect not to worry about
how the page looks, and works in mobile devices under the assumption that this mobile device
thing is a passing Iad that will soon go away; or, b) you can use Dreamweaver to generate a Media
Query to present more inviting, accessible content in mobile devices.
Assuming you chose 'b above, let`s move on to explore how to create style sheets Ior phone and
tablet display, and to apply these style sheets in the appropriate environments.
Generating a Media Query in Dreamweaver CS5
There are a number oI valid approaches and possible protocols you can use to generate sets oI
styles Ior a Media Query in Dreamweaver CS5. BeIore walking through one that works well, let`s
survey what it is we`re trying to accomplish.
Essentially, we need three sets oI style sheets one Ior phones, one Ior tablets, and one Ior Iull-
sized monitors. Both because Iull-sized monitors are still, at this point, a 'standard in terms oI
how Web content is viewed, and because the phone and tablet styles will likely have less complex
styles, it makes sense to start by creating a style sheet Ior a Iull sized page.
In other words, the Iirst step is to create a basic CSS Style Sheet that works well with the page
when it is opened in a Iull-sized desktop or laptop monitor. Then, variations on that page can be
generated with simpliIied layouts that work on phones and tablets.
BuiIding AIternative StyIe Sheets
As noted, Irom a style and accessibility perspective, it makes sense to start with a 'Iull-sized Web
page style, and then build permutations oI that style that work with phones, and on tablets.
There is also a technical reason to use that workIlow. Keep in mind that all three CSS Style Sheet
Iiles will be providing styling rules Ior the same page. That means that all three alternative CSS
Iiles have to provide rules Ior the same set of HTML elements and tags.
For example, iI a <div> tag deIines a main container on a page, then the style sheets Ior all three

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
media (phone, tablet, desktop) have to deIine how that <div> tag should appear. The rules Ior the
phone CSS might include a narrower width, a simpler background color, and other attributes. But,
the point is, all three style sheets will have rules Ior this main container div. And that must be the
case Ior all the layout elements, whether HTML5 layout elements, <div> tags, or some combination
oI the two.
A 3-Step ProtocoI for Preparing to Generate a Media Query
One eIIective protocol Ior preparing to generate a Media Query is to have three CSS Iiles ready to
assign to diIIerent media.
A simple protocol Ior doing that is as Iollows:
1. Create a basic CSS Iile Ior your page that works Ior desktop/laptop sized monitors. II you
are generating pages Irom Dreamweaver CS5`s HTML5 layouts, you can use the CSS Iile
that comes with the respective layout as this 'main layout.
2. Save the 'main CSS Iile with a Iile name like 'queryIullsize.css, and then resave it
twice, with two diIIerent Iile names (like queryphone.css and querytablet.css), creating
three identical style sheets.
3. With the three alternative style sheets saved, you can cusotmize them right in the
Multiscreen Preview menu.
With three alternative CSS Iiles available Ior assignment and editing, you`re ready to deIine
Media Queries. We`ll walk through that process next.
Assigning StyIes to Different Media
The best way to avail ourselves oI Dreamweaver CS5`s new HTML5/CSS3 tools Ior building
Media Queries is work in Multiscreen Preview mode. Remember, this means we will not be
editing content as we adjust styles. But that constraint is something we can deIinitely liIe with, and
in Iact, as a general approach, adjusting content and style should be thought oI and approached as
distinct processes.
So, our scenario is that we`ve opened Mulstiscreen Preview Ior an open Web page. And, that we
have at the ready three diIIerent CSS Iiles the ones discussed in the '3-step protocol identiIied
just a bit earlier chapter.
With the three CSS Iiles saved as part oI your Dreamweaver Site, and with a Web page open in
Multiscreen Preview, Iollow these steps to deIine custom styles Ior each view.
1. Click the Media Queries button to open the Media Queries dialog.
We`ll start with the 'Desktop view, which will Iunction Ior us as a desktop/laptop
view aimed both at desktops and Iull sized laptops, but also those tiny netbook
computers, since their normal 1024 pixel wide screens Iall within the scope oI 'Iull
sized screens Ior most design purposes.

Chapter 5
2. Choose Use Existing CSS File Irom the popup, in the Large (Desktop) row. Click on the
Iolder icon as shown below.
Insert Image 7948_05_06.png
3. The Select File dialog opens. Navigate to the CSS Iile you prepared to display the Iull-
sized version oI your Web page. Navigate to and choose the CSS Iile you prepared Ior
Iull-sized devices.
A couple notes here: First, just to be clear, we are operating on the assumption
that you have prepared three CSS Iiles to apply to the Iull sized, phone, and tablet
versions oI your site. To review the point oI that and how to do this, you can jump
back to the '3-step protocol discussion a bit earlier in this chapter. The other point
to emphasize is that at this point in the process, we are not at all worried about how
each version of our site will look. All we want to do at this stage oI the game is assign
separate CSS Iiles to each oI the 3 target screen sizes. We will Iormat these styles
4. Similarly, attach the CSS Iiles you prepared Ior tablets and phones in the Media Queries
dialog. Your completed screen will look something like the one below (with your own
Iile names oI course).
Insert Image 7948_05_07.png
5. Similarly, attach the CSS Iiles you prepared Ior tablets and phones in the Media Queries
dialog. Your completed screen will look something like the one below (with your own

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
Iile names oI course).
One more option: II, Ior some reason, you want to tweak the target screen sizes Ior the
phone and tablet styles, you can do at this point. II you do so, however, Dreamweaver
will make sure you do not leave any 'gaps in the sizing. So, Ior example, iI you up
the Phone Max Width value to 480, Dreamweaver will change the Tablet Min(imum)
Width to 481.
6. At this point, you`ve completed the Iirst part oI deIining a Media Query Ior your page.
You`ve identiIied the CSS Iiles to link to the page. Click OK. Dreamweaver will
generate HTML code that diverts diIIerent browser sizes to diIIerent CSS Iiles. You can
examine that code in Split or Code view in the Document window. The code generated
code will be something like that below:
<link href="query_phone.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-width: 0px)
and (max-width: 320px)" >
<link href="query_tablet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-width: 321px)
and (max-width: 768px)" >
<link href="query_fullsize.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (min-width: 769px)"
In the example code above, the three CSS styles are queryphone.css, querytablet.css, and
With the criteria Ior each style sheet deIined, and the links created, we can now edit each oI the
three CSS Iiles.
Formatting CSS FiIes for Media Queries
With a Media Query deIined Ior an Web page, we can interactivelv create and adjust the styles Ior
each targeted browsing environment. To do that, we`ll re-open the Multiscreen Preview Ior the
Wait! You might exclaim, how can we edit the page in Multiscreen Preview, when that window
Iunctions like Live view in the Document window locking out any content editing. A thoughtIul
concern, but here we will be only editing the CSS styles, not the page content. And that we can do
in Multiscreen Preview.
To edit styles in Multiscreen Preview, view the CSS Styles panel (Window ~ CSS Styles). The
three attached styles, along with parenthetical notes helping us remember which style is which,
appear in the top halI oI the CSS Styles panel. You can expand any oI those three styles by
clicking the triangle next to the style name in the top halI oI the CSS Styles panel. In the Iigure
below, the queryphone.css style is expanded. And clicking on a style rule within the style (in this
case the body tag style) reveals the parameters Ior that style in the bottom halI oI the CSS Styles

Chapter 5
Insert Image 7948_05_08.png
Caution: Don't DeIete Style Rules
You can edit the parameters Ior diIIerent rules within each style sheet. To take one very simple
example that helps illustrate how this works, in the Iigure below, a diIIerent background color has
been applied to the <body> tag Ior each style sheet white Ior the phone, gray Ior the tablet, and
black Ior Iull-sized browsers.

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
Insert Image 7948_05_09.png
As pointed to earlier, the art oI designing styles Ior mobile devices is . an art. And, as suggested
earlier, there are tons oI online resources opining and advising on what to include in phone and
tablet styles. But beIore highlighting a Iew widely agreed on elements oI mobile device styling, it
is important to issue a warning: Don`t delete style rules Irom any oI your style sheet Iiles.
Our protocol Ior creating the three alternative style sheets Ior a Media Query started with one style
sheet, Irom which we created two copies. Those style sheets 'came into the world with identical
sets oI style rules.
StyIing for MobiIe Devices
It is fine and necessary to change the parameters oI those style rules. Youc an have different
Iormatting Ior containers, Ior text, Ior backgrounds, and so on in your phone style than you have
in your tablet style. No problem. But keep in mind that all three oI your styles have to mesh with
the same HTML Iile, with the same CSS style names used to deIine Iormatting and layout tags and
As Ior styling mobile devices, the Iollowing techniques are widely applicable:
Keep type large
Keep links easy to Iind. Underlined links are passe in Iull-sized Web pages, but helpIul
on cell phones
Use nice large margins and / or padding in containers to make it easy Ior big stubby
Iingers to select tiny content on cell phone screens
Avoid sidebars (don`t use the Iloat attribute)
Use visibility: hidden to hide non-essential elements in phone styles. In the image below,
visibility has been set to hidden Ior the header in the phone style, and the height oI the
header reduced to 1 pixel so as to not occupy precious space on a cellphone screen.

Chapter 5
The Iigure below shows three style sheets applied to the same page in Multiscreen Preview. The
tablet view only required a Iew adjustments basically reducing the widths oI the layout elements
(the main container, the sidebar, and the header). The phone style sheet took more trial-and-
error experimentation, including removing all Iloat attributes and reducing the width oI diIIerent
elements. DiIIerent color schemes were applied to each style sheet as well, with a very basic color
scheme (black and white) applied to the cell phone style.
Insert Image 7948_05_10.png
As they say in the commercials Ior weight-loss products, 'your results may vary. Meaning, here,
that tweaking a style sheet Ior a phone does require some trial and error. But again, the basic rule
is: Simpler. Eliminating Iloats (so no content appears in a second column) is usually the Iirst step.
TroubIe-Shooting for AppIe i-Gadgets
Every element oI Web design, including working with HTML5 and CSS3, has its bugs,
exceptions, and things that just don`t work right. Our aim here is to provide tools, approaches,
and techniques so that you can dissect and solve as many oI those issues as possible, without
addressing every likely hurdle speciIically.
However, Apple`s iPhone is both the dominant and deIining player in the smart phone realm, and
as you might have guessed, the resolution-based media query technique that we`ve explored here
and that is supposedly 'standardized in CSS3, does not work on iPhones.
The reason is, put somewhat over-simply, Apple has decreed that the tiny screen on an iPhone
is actually a Iull-sized screen. Here`s the math behind that assertion: A typical laptop computer
might display something like 130 pixels per inch (ppi). Resolutions vary signiIicantly, but that 130
pixels per inch standard is a useIul mean Ior understanding the iPhone challenge Calculated by
screen resolution in this range, the 320 pixel wide cutoII point that Dreamweaver deIines as the
deIault width oI a phone screen is pretty reasonable about a quarter the width oI a laptop screen.

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
However, small devices like iPhones have smaller pixels. According to Apple, the resolution oI
the screen on an iPhone 4 is 326 ppi, and so the entire screen width Iigures out to be the same
measured in pixels as a regular laptop screen.
The problem, oI course, is that those tinv pixels on the iPhone screen are. tinv. Thus, even iI
an entire Web page designed Ior a Iull-sized monitor fits on an iPhone screen, the content is still
likely to be too small to be accessible, much less inviting.
In short, in designing Ior iPhones, we Iace this problem: Media Queries based on monitor width in
pixels will interpret an iPhone screen as a Iull-sized screen, and display content with style sheets
designed Ior Iull-sized monitors, but content designed Ior a cell phone will be more accessible and
deIinitely more inviting Ior iPhone browsers.
In various niches oI cyberspace, cutting edge designers are debating how to handle his challenge.
One emerging solution is to go back, beIore CSS3 Media Queries, and create Media Queries based
not on screen width in pixels, but on the tvpe oI media.
iPhones and iPads use weird ways oI counting screen resolution to show Iull sized screens, so you
have to detect them speciIically. Here`s how:
Within the <head> and </head> tags (and typically aIter the <title> and </title> tags, enter the
Iollowing code:
<link href="full.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 960px)" href="ipad.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /
<link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="iphone.css" type="text/css"

This code displays an attached style sheet (Iull.css) unless either oI the Iollowing two criteria are
met. II a invokes older Media Query criteria to identiIy iPhones, and display the iphone.css style,
or iPads, the ipad.css style.
Ever Changing Challenges: There are varieties oI this code online, and as Apple
upgrades its phones, you`ll Iind new solutions by searching Ior 'media query iphone
4 (or 'media query iPhone 5 when that comes out, and so on).
By the way, when you 'code your own media queries, the display in the Multiscreen Preview
window will be unreliable, and editing Media Queries with the Media Queries button in
Multiscreen preview will be disabled. Below, you can see that Ior the code we just noted, the
tablet style sheet (white type on black background) is supported in Multiscreen Preview. So is
the tablet style sheet (black type on a gray background). The hand-coded iPhone Media Query,
however, is not supported in Multiscreen Preview, and the Media Queries button is blocked.

Chapter 5
Insert Image 7948_05_11.png
Recipe: Define a Media Query for a CeII Phone
In this recipe, we`ll take our old Iriend, the Ilexible and highly useIul 2-column HTML5 layout,
and create a Media Query to display this two-column content in a layout more appropriate Ior cell
phones without columns or sidebars.
As always, the starting assumption is that you are working in a Dreamweaver site (reIer back to
Chapter 1 iI that doesn`t register). With a site deIined, the Iollowing steps will produce a nice,
appropriately minimalist layout Ior your page in a cell phone.
1. Choose File ~ New. In the New Document dialog, select the Blank Page category.
Choose HTML Irom the Page Type column; and choose the Iirst HTML5 layout, the 2
column Iixed. layout Irom the Layout column. In the New Document dialog, leave the
Layout CSS popup selection at Create New File. Make sure there are no Iiles selected in
the Attach CSS File box (iI there are, use the Trashcan icon to delete them). With these
settings in place, click Create.
2. The Save Style Sheet File As dialog opens. Change the saved style sheet name to
Iullsize.css, and click Save to save the style sheet to your site Iolder.
3. The Web page opens in the Dreamweaver Document window. Let`s make one edit to
the content. Delete the rather long link '-
That link is inappropriately long, particularly Ior a cell phone. II (in real liIe) we wanted
to link to a site with a long URL, we could assign the link to much shorter text using the
Insert ~ Hyperlink menu option.

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
Customizing content Ior layouts: For an in-depth exploration oI customizing the
content in a Dreamweaver-genreated layout, see Chapter 2: Customizing HTML5
Layout -- Content and Look.
4. Choose File ~ Save to save the edited HTML page as 2views.html.
5. Next, we will create an empty CSS Iile to build Irom to display content in a mobile
device. Choose File ~ New. In the New Document dialog, choose CSS Irom the Page
Type list, and click the Create button. Choose File ~ Save, and save the new, blank CSS
Iile as mobile.css.
6. Return to the 2views.html page in the Document window. You can do that either by
clicking on the Iile in the Iiles tab bar at the top oI the Document window, or using the
Window menu.
7. Click the Multiscreen button in the Document window. Click the Media Queries button in
Multiscreen Preview to open the Media Queries dialog.
8. In the Small (phone) row oI the Media Queries dialog, select Use Existing CSS File in
Folder Irom the popup. Use the Iolder icon in the Iirst row to navigate to and select the
mobile.css Iile.
9. For tablets and Iull-sized computer, Ior the sake oI this recipe, we will simply display the
already attached CSS Iile (Iullsize.css), so use the same routine you used in the previous
step to assign the Iullsize.css Iile to both oI these viewports. Then click OK to see the
results in Multiscreen Preview.
Insert Image 7948_05_12.png
10. Viewing our page layouts in Multiscreen Preview, the layout Ior the phone viewport is
not bad. It`s clean and simple. But probably a bit too simple. We can do a bit oI editing
to make it more inviting. View the CSS Styles panel right in Multiscreen Preview by

Chapter 5
choosing Window ~ CSS Styles. Select mobile.css in the CSS Styles panel, and click
the New CSS Rule icon in the toolbar at the bottom oI the panel. In the New CSS Rule
dialog, choose Tag Ior the Selector Type, Body (already selected) as the Selector Name,
and leave the Rule DeIinition popup set to mobile.css. Click OK to open the CSS Rule
DeIinition Ior Body in Mobile.css dialog. From the Font-Family popup, choose the
Verdana Iamily. From the Font-size popup, choose Large (Ior easier viewing on cell
phones). Click OK to survey the results, which will look something like the one below.
Insert Image 7948_05_13.png
11. We`re close! Add the Iollowing tags to the mobile.css style sheet, with the Iollowing
parameters, as shown below:
a. h1, with Iont-size:smaller
b. ul, with list-style-type: none; and margin-leIt: -40px

Creating HTML5 Sites with Dreamweaver CS5
Insert Image 7948_05_14.png
The smaller Iont size Ior Heading 1 reduces the size oI headings in the page, solving
the problem oI the horizontal scrollbar that appeared. Removing a list style Irom the
unordered list tag removes the bullet-point symbols, and the negative leIt margin
undoes the indenting that comes with the list.
12. That`s it! There`s more tweaking we could do, but remember, in designing Ior mobile
devices, less really is more. Exit Multiscreen Preview (Choose Window ~ Multiscreen
Preview to deselect this view). Save your page with changes to the CSS.
Older versions oI HTML and CSS allowed Ior Media Queries to identiIy output devices including
printers, Braille readers, and audio reader devices. New additions in HTML5 and CSS3 allow
Media Queries to detect screen size (in pixels) as well as other more esoteric properties oI a
browsing environment.
Dreamweaver CS5`s Multiscreen preview and Media Queries dialog work together to preview,
and edit how the same HTML page content will display differentlv in a smart phone, a tablet, and
a Iull-sized monitor.


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