Didactic Unit

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1 .- TITLE. THE TERTIARY SECTOR : Services, Tourism, Trade and Transport. 2. REASONS FOR SELECTING THIS ISSUE: We consider this topic to be very important because it implies a great variety of professional activities, some of them, such as Health and Education directly contribute to the welfare of the population. The highest % of the population works in this economical sector in the developed countries and it is nowadays a sign to know the countries development. The development of this sector is linked to the new technologies and as far as tourism is concerned, our country has a relevant economical importance. 3. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL TO WHICH THIS TOPIC APPLIES TO: Secondary School 3rd ESO 4. SUBJECT TO WORK WITH. a) The subject is to be given in English due to the fact that this is a bilingual level, but we sometimes need to use another language, when there is a lack of linguistic competence : Galician as a compulsory language in this subject , b) The conceptual contains, refer to an economical sector which is part of Geography in 3RD ESO. The Unit is included in the official curriculum of Social Sciences for Compulsory Secondary Education. 5. TIMING: We consider this must be adapted to the different class forms, according to their own characteristics. To start with this project weve decided to dedicate five sessions to the unit. At the beginning of each session students will be asked questions on the issue to know their knowledge on the subject and try to use it to make the class as much interactive as possible. First session: The tertiary sector activities. Second session: A basic social service: Health Service. Third session: Tourism Fourth session: Trade Fifth session: Transport

6.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES USED: -Computers. -Projectors -Digital blackboard -Power points. -Blogspot and activities on the Internet: check our blog http://ourbilingualclasses.blogspot.com.es/

There you can find: Presentations: http://ourbilingualclasses.blogspot.com.es/p/slideshares.html Reinforcement actrivities: http://ourbilingualclasses.blogspot.com.es/p/scribd-

documents.html Our glogster: http://ourbilingualclasses.blogspot.com.es/p/glogster.html And a shorter way to this unit clicking on "GEOGRAPHY"

7. BASIC COMPETENCES TO BE USED: 1. Oral expression is meant to be very important, to make them know how important a correct oral interaction is. 2. Maps, graphics, pictures, and texts are essential in all the social science subjects. 3. The synthesis training: They are told to define briefly a number of words related to the subject. 4. The written expression. 5. Concentration when colleagues or teachers are talking. 8. GOALS: a) LINGUISTIC GOALS: 1. Strengthen the use of English through geographical contains. 2 Use the appropriate vocabulary related to the subject. 3 Express themselves in oral and written English accurately. 4 Understand oral and written English. b) NON-LINGUISTC GOALS: 1. Number the general characteristics of the tertiary sector. 2. Classify the activities included in the topic. 3. Identify the productive or non-productive activities. 4. Explain which activities are good for the economical development and which ones contribute to the social welfare. 5. Number the activities corresponding to the most important service industries. 6. Analyze the social indicators in some countries in the world. 7. Identify the main areas in the worldwide tourism 8. Know the positive and negative impact caused by the touristic activities. 9 Explain why trade is one of the main economical development in the world. 10 Elaborate a map with the main international trade flow nowadays. 11 Find a map with the main raw material flow, manufactured products and investments. 12 Number the different types of measures used to analyze a country economy. 13 Number the characteristics of the main transport media. 14 Know the importance of transport in the worldwide trade

15 Analyze the impact of the information technology in the world economy. 9.-CONTENTS: a) LINGUISTIC 1. Give the students school materials in English to develop the subject. 2. Give the students, when necessary , English synonyms to make comprehension easier. b) NON-LINGUISTIC. I The tertiary sector activities. 1.1 The tertiary sector definition. 1.2 The diversity in the tertiary sector. 1.3 Services and the recent social changes. II A social basic service : Health service.

III Tourism.

III.1 Causes of the tourism development III.2 The tourism movements. III.3 The economic importance of tourism. III.4 The effects of tourism. IV Trade and transport IV.1 The trade activity. IV.2 The international trade nowadays. IV.3 Flows and commercial blocks. IV.4 The transport function. IV.5 Transport by land IV.6 Air and sea transport. 10.- EDUCATION IN VALUES: Positive attitude towards the social services which better contribute to the population welfare, such as education and health service. Critical attitude against the negative impact produced by tourism, such as environmental impact from building, coast damage, and human beings exploitation Valuation of the touristic activities respecting the cultural, architectonic ,and natural heritage in the countries. Critical attitude against the unfair trade exchanges between the raw material exporting countries and the ones importing manufactured products. Active participation against the transport media which do not respect the environment.

11.- DIVERSITY ATTENTION: Special needs students will be given easier activities or they will be helped in the more difficult ones. They will be asked for easier definitions trying to reinforce their self-esteem. Minimum contains will be chosen by the Department. Their learning capacities will be developed trying at the same time to integrate them in the classroom.

12.- EVALUATION CRITERIA: a) Linguistic: 1. Value the correction and the oral and written expression2. Use the adequate vocabulary. 3. Have into account the comprehension degree of contains b) Non linguistic: 1. Identify the tertiary sector activities. 2. Make a difference between the activities of the social industries directed to the economical development and the ones aiming to the population welfare. 3. Explain how health and education have a great influence on the population welfare. 4. Contrast the social indicators between the developed and the developing countries. 5. Explain which the essential elements for the trade to be made are. 6. Know the different types of market according to the merchandise, the periodicity the geographical area and the supply and demand type. 7. Identify the favorable and adverse factors in each kind of transport. 8. Distinguish between the different kinds of transport, talking about its advantages and disadvantages. 7. Recognize the changes the information media have influenced on the social industries. 8. Summarize the geographical information on the terciary sector through layouts, maps, commentaries, texts, data, graphics and pictures. 9. Classify the developed degree of a country according to the quantity of population implied in the primary, secondary and social industries factors.

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