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Packet 9 Your #

Name ---------------- Group# __

473 446 113 789

x 41 x 84 x 55 x 81

591 280 874 204

x 68 x 37 x 58 x 35

28 42 66

96 '3 552
1 !1

C;"ec 1/(.:
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12 inches = 1 foot / 3 feet = 1 yard
1 yard = 3 feet x 12 inches = 36 inches

1. 36 inches = -- 2. 48 feet = --

3. 25 yards = feet 4. 67 feet = _

5.8 yards = __ 6. 120 inches = --

8. 53 yards = __

9. 120 yards = __ 10.3 yards = _

11.186 feet = yards 12. 60 yards = _

Name _ Date _

What time will it be in 1 hour and 30


What time was it 2 hours and 45

minutes ago?

How much time will pass between

now and 12:00?

What time will it be in 2 hours and 15


What time was it 1 hour and 45

minutes ago?

How much time will pass between

now and 1:15?

What time will it be in 1 hour and 45


What time was it 3 hours and 15

minutes ago?

How much time will pass between

now and 3:00?

What time will it be in 2 hours and 15


What time was it 1 hour and 15

minutes ago?

How much time will pass between

now and 11:OO?
Name Date _

Label each angle acute, obtuse or right.

Try these "not so snappy" story problems. They require you
to useBvariety of P~pbl~I1l~~I~ingstrategies including
makil'lg.alist, gue§s~BdcheCk,w()rkiDg backward~./~nd
dra'IVing~dia~rarn .• gemember, answers in story problems
are Written in>~icorn.pletesentence.

1. Sammy spent Saturday collectir1gse€lsq~lI~by the

seashore. He ga~e half of whC3cthecollect~dto his
prather. He thentpok half of'iVhatremaineq and put
thefTI in his aquarium. If Sammy then had 16 seashell~left, howmanydid he
collect at the seashore?

2. A candy bar cost sixty-eight cents at the corner store. Sarah-Jane went to the
store with a pocket full of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. What is the
fewest number of coins she can use to pay for one candy bar? If she decides to
buy two bars, which coin will she not need to use?

3. A ship.rn~nf()fstuffed animals is being used a~ prizE;~atalocal toy store. The

prizes are§toreeinthreestacksoffifteen box~sE;~ch.lfeach box contains two
toys, how many stuffed will the storei:>e giving away?

4. The sword smith can forge 6 swords in two days. How many swords could he
make in 11 days?

5. Fourkids§to()diinHnewhilewaitingfortheit.~chool bus. Susan was behind

Timothy. Chris was between Susan~nq Timothy. Susan was in front of Colin.
Who wasatthe backoftheline?

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