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The Poem Beginning the Transcription... (in Mturd Aqdah)
By Sirj al-Dn al-sh Translated by Ramon Ibrahim Harvey

)*+"-."! (' #$%"

)*KL*+M I$%( '8H#=*


)*+"-.) (' G 'F1* #E<

This servant says about the oneness [of the Lord of the worlds], Whilst beginning the transcription of a poem like pearls:

+4V* +U+( #U#"

2. Eternal is our Master, the God of creation, And described with all the qualities of perfection.

I<'S +@-.#" Q0R* O*

KL\*' E4* Q7* #X

3. He is Ever-Living, the Arranger of every matter, He is the Real, the Apportioner, Possessing Majesty.

;" YM ;('4*) 7* #X

+74*+( ab;< `8* 2V*

4. He wills the good and the evil most foul, But is not pleased with the latterimpossible!

_8FE*; *^; 8R*";<'

+hB@ #9 ;8A -.

286 ef8* O0* +BU

The Attributes of God are neither the same as His Essence, Nor other than Him, so that there could be separateness.

l* +@#h" +4<'S
6. Are protected from leaving existenceever.

;k +1G-. j* +BU

The Attributes of the Essence and Actions, altogether,

)*+r ef* +pq 26 +o

7. We name God an entity, but not like other entities, From the six directions, His Essence is entirely free;

+8>-.+M -. +n8> O0*) 4f@

; 8r ;8hF* YX*'

a4f40* ;8A I9-.` 8*

And the [Divine] Name is no other than Who is named, For the people of inner-sight, the best community acclaimed.

+4=> w1( YM -.
9. My Lord is neither a material body, nor its particles, Neither a complex structure, nor the parts of it all.

Ifq; () X#q +"

)*+r 2( +< l\=* yU KL(

10. (Yet, rational minds establish particles existable,

lq #M QH +X-.) G

Such that they are not described as further divisible.)

+E4*` %q 26 *;KLM
11. The Quran is not created; but rather transcendence separates the Lords speech from human utterance.

a*+1o +S#0R" ;E* +"

+ho 2V4=* yU KL(

12. And without attributing settlement or connection.

2V* ;1* #G ;1*

The Lord of the Throne is above it [without direction]

a*+X-. +%U 26 2hG

13. There is no similitude for al-Ramn in any regard, Protected from this are Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamat.

+pq 24H;0* O8F^=* +"

+7( #H +"
14. Time does not pass the Requiter by, Nor ages and states seen with the mortal eye.

eS +<'* a06 )4< -.

+q +@ -.
15. My God is beyond need of anyone: Wives or childrendaughters or sons;

+f@ 26 )p* 2=f"

)*+14* KL\*; Bo
16. Likewise, all those oering assistance or victory, Singular is the Possessor of Majesty and Sublimity.

;h@ #6 YM 26 jM

+hR* QG a06 Ip<l\8G

17. He gives death to the creation by His authority,

)87< I ;pS Q0R* e84<

Then returns them to life, requiting by their qualities.

+V%*( ) +BV0*
18. For the rejectors of faith, degrees of punishment!

a41@ +%q ;8R* YX-.

For the people of goodness, Paradise and ennoblement,

+E=@ YX +4X#0X -.
19. Heaven and Hell are never to cease, And their inhabitants are never to leave.

+%\* -. I87\* a%B< -.

+5" 2" ;b
20. The believers will see God, without modality, Perceptual limits, or image struck metaphorically.

y8M ;8( #%"4*<;

l=6-. YX; fr +8G

21. Forgetting their Paradisial blessings, when He is seen, So woe upon you O [denying] Mutazils!

I81%* #f%8G

.+%* +EFk #V8G 4q #pG ! Rf@ )G ( )

)*+1=*' E4* +p* a06

22. Doing the best for His servants is not obligated Upon the Guide, the Holy, the One Exalted.

=;G_ 0U Y1G +"

#%*+( ;M KL"
23. It is necessary to arm the prophetic emissaries, And the noble angels, [divine] beneciaries;

Y9 Q<'ho -. ;G

+4q ) 4>+X )F@

24. The Hshim Prophet complete in his perfection;

a014*' h*+( #9;* I=r

And the seal of the Messengers, the rst in creation,

KL=r KL( +8BU-. +o

25. The leader of the prophets without controversy, And the crown of the saints without deciency.

KL=r KL( +8F@-. +"

+7o"! +8E* #< a*

26. His revealed law persists in every era, Until the Day of Resurrection after our departure.

eS YM )G O6;> +(

)*#6 +Fr @ O8BG

27. The Heavenly Ascension was a reality and truth, Reports of high authority provide ample proof.

'U; 1" ;" QH

+F\*+M ;+FV* +7U-.

28. The intercession of the pious is the fervent hope Of those carrying mortal sins like crushing stones.

;8r YX! 6+B> #q;"

l1@' 46 +8h1* 26
29. The prophets are certainly protected From wilful sin and being deselected.

+" aB* +8F@-.

+1=G R> ' F6 -.

30. Never once has a prophet been a female, And neither a slave, nor a teller of tall tales.

a5@ S +8F@ e@+M +"

'q 26 jH+G +4E* jM

31. Dhul-Qarnayn was never known as a prophet, The same for Luqmn, so be warned of argument!

+8F@ ;1< I* 28@;E*

+Fr ) E> +q'*

32. One day s shall come and bring destruction To the wretched Dajjl, sower of corruption.

#=< I )o+< #9 af86

#%* YX IpG #M +p*

33. The miracles of the saintly in the worldly abode Are real, because they are a people bestowed.

+8@ (' a*#* +";M

+7=@) G -.#9 +8F@

34. Yet never can a saint in all of times measure, be presumed better than a prophet or messenger.

;X S )* YB< I*

+4=H; 8A 2" +7U-. a06

35. [Ab Bakr] al-Siddq has an excellence manifest Over the other companions without doubtfulness.

)0q +7q Q<'h0*

)*+6 2<#%* +456 a06

36. [Umar] al-Frq has an excellence and grace Over Uthmn Dhul-Nurayn, ranked in high place.

YG +7q +B0*

+=E* yU )G ;V* 2"

37. And, with certainty, the good of Dhul-Nurayn,

;8r +M +EH 2<#%*

Precedes [Al], returner to the battle lines again and again.

a*+Fo -. ;k +8A-. a06

38. Yet this keen returner, has a grace after these three men, Ahead of all others, so [against him] do not contend!

jX '1( YG ;V0*

KLR* w1( )G ;Xl* a06

39. Know that, in some aspects, [Aishah] al-Siddqah Has a degree of excellence over [Fimah] al-Zahr

I06+G +7q;*! E<'h0*

)*+A ;A -.) G +5V4* #9

40. No-one would have cursed Yazd after his death, Except for the incitement of garrulous extremists.

#" '1( <'l< 210< ()I*

+h%*+M Y-.'* #@+(

41. To the simple faith of the believer attention is paid, Due to many types of evidence like trenchant blades.

+F=6' 0E4* +4<

)*+6-. YG+9-. KLR(

42. Yet, the person of intellect has no excuse at all, For ignorance of the Creator of the great and small.

Yp\( YE6 j* j6 +"

+5="-.' EB* #FE4(

43. The sudden faith of a person in their death throes Is not accepted, as it is merely a forlorn hope.

+( +H R> +4< +"

+U#*; B" +4< -. 2"

44. The actions of good are not to be reckoned As part of faith, but are obliged from its connection.

+fH )G ;8r +1G +"

.2* !Rf@ )G ( )

l=r Y=E( ; p1(

45. And not to be judged with disbelief or apostasy, Are the fornicator, the killer, and the seizer of property.

'o; BV( aE< -.

KLf@ QH 2< 26;h<

46. Yet, he who intends apostasy after a period of time, Becomes from the true religion secretly declined.

;X' 1( 'o #%< 2"

+B=A+( 2< #(
47. And freely uttering disbelief without believing it, Leads to the loss of religion through heedlessness.

+E=6; 8A 2" ;BV* B*

+\o+( #0< jp< +4(

48. speaking delirious nonsense o the top of their head.

;V9 +H ;BV( IV7< -.

Though disbelief is not judged for the one intoxicated,

KLp* 24< )G -. OEB*

49. The non-existent is not seenit is not anything, This is evident to one insightful, immersed in blessing.

+n8> +8;" '14* +"

+7=M-. jr 2<#V=*"
50. What is created is not the same as the act of creation, They are distinguished, so receive illumination!

^)M -. #V4*; 8A

)*+S YM )*+E" ;V<

51. The lawful and unlawful are both Gods provision, Even if my words bring about hateful derision.

YH Y5" e7f*

f*+( R> YM a0F89

52. In the graves, a question will be brought

)(' 8H#o 26 'q-.) G

To every personregarding the oneness of my Lord.

+1B* #9 2" ;FE* j6

53. Disbelievers and sinners have punishment prescribed In the graves, deserved on account of their evil lives.

aE< +fB* +BV0*

+"-. YX +< 24H;* 2"

54. Entry into Paradise is an act of mercifulness, From the Most Merciful, O people of hopefulness.

YG +%\*) G +%* #r

+( 26 ;7=*+( #@#VG

QH 1F*' 1( +%* +fH

In truth, mankind will be accounted after resurrection, So, from engaging in sins you must seek protection.

+4^*; p #7@ +1(

56. The books will be given to some in the right hand, And others behind the back and in the left hand.

a%4< #7@ +1( =V* a1<

+F=X KL( ;h* 2=" a06

57. A realitywithout lieis the weighing of the deeds,

;q +46 QH

And running on the back of the Bridge at varying speeds.

+F\*+M ;+FV* +7U-.

58. The intercession of the pious is the fervent hope Of those carrying mortal sins like crushing stones.

;8r YX! 6+B> #q;"

KL* +7U O8B%< 'S

59. Supplications carry a penetrating inuence, Those negating this are people of misguidance.

80( ;8+o #6'0*

j=q+( 49+G #V* I<'6

60. Our world is created from nothingness, Primordial matter was never in existence.

a*#8p*'< H +@+8@

)*#r #H "; +p806

61. The Gardens and Fires are already created, Countless years have passed while they have waited.

#M ;8%* +%\0*

+1=>) G @j*(^
62. The possessor of faith will not forever dwell Through the misfortune of sin, in the realm of Hell.

+48E" aEF< -. +4< -.

KL7*; 7f*+M YV^*('<

63. I have clothed [the subject of] unicity in poetry, Of wondrous form, like legitimate [verbal] sorcery;

+4$@ '8H#=0* efF*' E*

-.l* +4*+M ) *;87<

64. And revive the spirit like waters sweet purity;

^; (;F*+M 0E*) 0f<

To give solace to the heart like glad tidings of security

+%4* +%U` %q #*+%o

65. So plunge into it with memorisation and strong faith, Attaining from that each and every type of grace.

+E=6 +$BH O8G #b#RG

66. Be of assistance to this poor servant when you can,

By mentioning good at the time of your supplication.

+4*) G +1f* O81<

67. Perhaps God will pardon him by His generosity, Then, as a nal consequence, grant him felicity.

YB( #B1< O0* Y1*

)* +6' S +"#< ;8R*+( 24*

68. And the most expansive facilityall my life I pray

)19 O%M #6; X'*@)

Will be granted to whoever prayed for me a single day.

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