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WOC Mares

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Assignment

The Purpose Throughout your high school and college careers, the skill of developing an argument will be invaluable to you. Whether you are writing an 8-page research paper for a history class or simply having a friendly debate at the lunch table, you will need to be able to support your argument with evidence. During our reading of TKAMB, we have been developing our critical analysis skills. We reviewed the structure of an analysis, completed several double entry journals, and held class discussions about quotes from the novel. In addition, you wrote a short MEAT-Con paragraph analyzing Atticuss parenting style. As our reading of the novel concludes, you must show your knowledge and mastery of the reading through the following writing assignment. The Assignment Write a logical and compelling argument based on one of the prompts on the back of this sheet. Your essay will be 5-paragraphs, composed of three smaller MEAT-Con body paragraphs. Open the paper with a funnel introduction and close it with a pyramid conclusion. The Requirements Loosely MEAT-Con format Use at least 3 quotes per paragraph from the novel to support your argument Write AT LEAST 2-3 sentences of analysis for each quote Each quote is preceded by necessary context from the story and a proper lead-in indicating the speaker of the quote Each quote is followed by a correct MLA in-text citation Example of a direct quote with context, lead-in, and in-text citation: During his closing remarks at Tom Robinsons trial, Atticus attempts to win the jury over in favor of acquitting Tom of his crime. Atticus argues, But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal -- there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court (146). No first or second person (I or you) Double spaced, Times New Roman 12, 1 margins, with a proper header Title that includes both the title of the book and the focus of your essay o Ex: Crucial Good Teachers in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay is submitted to on the due date of the paper

Due Dates Outline: _____________________ Sample Body Paragraph: ______________________

WOC Mares Final Draft: __________________________ The Prompts 1. Choose one of the social injustices that we have been analyzing in our DEJs and discussing in class. Trace this theme throughout the novel, analyzing how characters have been affected by it and how it perpetuates the plot of To Kill a Mockingbird. Possible social injustices: gender, race, social class, education, or religion. 2. Choose one of the life lessons (empathy or respect) that Jem and Scout learn throughout the novel. Analyze how, when, and from whom they learn this lesson. In addition, elaborate on how this lesson changes Jem and Scouts perceptions and actions. 3. Elaborate on our essential question for the unit. Argue how social injustices shape our identities and give specific examples of how we see this in characters in the novel. 4. Throughout the novel, we discuss how prejudice and racism are Maycombs usual disease. Analyze how prejudice is spread and how it affects a community. You may use our secondary sources, such as The Death of Emmitt Till song and the Flag Salute poem, to support your answer.

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