Iota Xi Chapter: in Attendance

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Iota Xi Chapter

February 05, 2009

In attendance
Professor Nicole Stokes-Du Pass
Maria Conneran
Diana P. Gonzalez
Sheila Casey
Megan Andrade
Rachel Pribish
Joseph Eulo
Robert W. Fernandez
Ana M. Lopez
Daina Regueiferos
Ivan Morocho

1. Upcoming Conference Events

• Regional Convention: will take place from February 19-22 and

6 PTK officers will be attending

• National Convention: will take place April 16-18 and 3 of our

PTK officers will be attending

2. Membership and Orientations

• Orientation: Orientation for new members will take place on

Thursday, February 12 and Saturday, February 14 in room L-302.

PTK officers will be required to at least attend one of the

meetings to meet the new members. There was a good turnout

on the amount of responses of future PTK members.

• Induction Ceremony: The induction ceremony will take place

on Friday, March 6. The induction set-up will be at 5pm.

• Springs Honors Luncheon: The Spring Honors Luncheon will

take place on March 7 from 12.30pm -2.30pm. PTK officers will

arrive at 11.30am to set-up.

3. Fundraising &Service Projects

• Saint Valentine’s Bake Sale: The bake sale will take place all day

from February 12-13. Flyers were put on the PTK bulletin board to

advertise for the bake sale.

• Spring Book Sale: Set-up for the book sale will take place on

Sunday, February 22 anytime from 7.30am to 10.30am. The Book

sale will take place all day from February 23-27. There will be

bookmarks used which will help contribute to the Book sale.

• Relay for Life: The Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the cancer

society. It will take place on May 9 and June 6. PTK has not signed

up yet, but will soon. PTK officers voted on a fundraising

minimum of $100. PTK officers will need to appoint a team leader

for the event.

• Sponsoring Walk for Suicide Foundation: PTK officers discussed a

possible event they might sponsor. This event raises money for
suicide prevention and awareness through the sponsorship of a

20-mile walk.

4. Other Announcements

• T-shirts Logo: PTK discussed the color for the shirts they ordered.

Joseph passed out flyers on the different colors for possible shirts:

white, blue, or black. The majority vote ended up voting for the

black T-shirts. A minimum of 16 customized PTK-IOTA XI UNION

COUNTY COLLEGE t-shirts were ordered. The total price of the

shirts was an estimated cost of $267.39. Each shirt will be

purchased at a sold-per price basis for $10 for PTK members only.

The finance for the shirts will be taken half from the Chapter and

the other half from the members. PTK shirts will be worn at the

next meeting in order to advertise it for new members. The goal

of purchasing these shirts is to bring awareness of PTK; officers

will be wearing them.

• Newsletters: PTK officers discussed about contributing to the

newsletter. New officers and committee members will submit a

blurb in order to introduce themselves to the new members as

well as discuss their committees. The deadline will be every

second Monday of each month.

• Next Meeting: During the next meeting, sign-up sheets will be

distributed for the blood drive, induction, honors luncheon, and

for the book sale. The blood drive will be on March 4th. Half of the
fundraising will be given to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for

Breast Cancer.

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 19, 2009 from 12:30 pm

to 1:30 pm in the alumni conference room in the

Nomahegan building.

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