Learn Psychology - Psychology Theories, Quizzes and Resources

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Learn Psychology - Psychology Theories, Quizzes and Resources


Learn Psychology
Learn About the Basics of Psychology
By Kendra Cherry, About.com Guide

Do you want to learn psychology? Today, there are plenty of great ways to learn more about the human mind and behavior such as taking a college course, signing up for a free online class or self-studying using online resources. Explore the links below to find the tools, resources, quizzes and information you need to learn more about the wide world of psychology. Introduction to Psychology When learning something new, it's always a good idea to start out with the basics. Learn more about what psychology is and its history. What Is Psychology?1 A Brief History of Psychology2 Branches of Psychology3 10 Things You Should Know About Psychology4 Research Methods In Psychology How do researchers study human behavior? Any student of psychology must have a basic understanding of the research methods used by psychologists to learn more about how and why people behave as they do. An Introduction to Research Methods In Psychology5 The Scientific Method6 How to Conduct a Psychology Experiment7 Human Development Not so long ago in human history, many people believed that children were simply small versions of adults. Not until fairly recently did researchers began to realize that childhood is a unique and important part of life. What Is Development?8 Theories of Child Development9 Big Questions in Developmental Psychology10 An Overview of Early Childhood Development11 How Genetics Influence Development12 How Experience Shapes Development13 Behaviorism Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, was a major school of thought during the 20th-century. Many behavioral principles are still widely used today in areas including therapy, education and animal training. What Is Behaviorism?14 An Introduction to Classical Conditioning15 An Introduction to Operant Conditioning16 Schedules of Reinforcement17 What Is Reinforcement?18 What Is Punishment?19 Important Theories in Psychology Some of the most famous thinkers in psychology including Freud, Erikson and Piaget have proposed theories to explain various aspects of development, behavior and other topics. While some theories are no longer popular, it is still important to study the effect that these ideas had on psychology. Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development20 Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development21 Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development22 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs23 Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development24 The Big 5 Theory of Personality25 Personality Our personality makes us who we are. What factors influence how our personalities form? Is personality fixed or can it change? Learn more about some of the research on personality. Personality Defined26 Trait Theory of Personality27 Personality Psychology Study Guide28 Social Psychology
Learn about psychology! Photo by lauren-janelle

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Learn Psychology - Psychology Theories, Quizzes and Resources


Why do people sometimes act differently in large groups? Social psychologists seek to understand social behavior, including how we interact with others and how other people influence our own behavior. What Is Social Psychology?29 Basics of Social Psychology30 The Bystander Effect31 Attitudes32 Person Perception33 Psychology Quizzes Testing yourself on the information you have studied can be very helpful when you are trying to learn psychology. Challenge yourself with some of these academic quizzes on a variety of psychology topics. Psychosocial Development Quiz34 Psychosexual Development Quiz35 Cognitive Development Quiz36 Research Methods Quiz37 Personality Psychology Quiz38 Developmental Psychology Quiz39 Are You Ready to Learn More? You'll find tons of information and resources on the rest of the About.com Psychology website. Start by signing up for the weekly psychology newsletter40 to get all the latest articles and news delivered right to your inbox. Also, be sure to sign up for the free Introduction to Psychology e-course41 .
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