Objective Methodology Resources People in Charge Evaluation: Cauilan, Krizzamarie P

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KALAWIS ANTIPOLO CITY CORE GROUP Contents Methodology Resources People in charge evaluation

after 2 hours of interaction to the core group, the members of the core group will gain knowledge and correct information about community organizing and developing and answers: - What is community organizing and developing? - Who will work for the community?

the contents of community organizing and development: I. Identification of the community organizing and developing. II. The objectives of the community organizing and developing. III. The strategies in community organizing and developing.

the methodology use are: - Health teaching - Lecture - Activity related to the lecture - Role playing related to the lecture.

the resources use are: - Cartolinas - Manila papars - Pentel pens - Tapes - Scissors - Colored papers - Bond papers

the people in charge are: - Cauilan,

after 2 hours of interaction to the core group, the goal was met, the members of the core group gained knowledge and correct information about community organizing and developing and answers: - What is community organizing and developing? - Who will work for

Krizzamarie P- for
the lecturing the identification of the community organizing and developing - Marquez Jr.,

Romeo A.- for

lecturing the objectives of the community organizing and

- Why it is necessary to organize and develop the community? - When and where we should organize and develop the community? - How could we organize and develop the community?

IV. The steps of community organizing and developing. V. What should and shouldnt be done in organizing and developing the community.

developing. - Cuarez, Sherielyn B. - for the lecturing of strategies in community organizing and developing - Pagulayan, Efren

the community? - Why it is necessary to organize and develop the community? - When and where we should organize and develop the community? How could we organize and develop the community?

C.- for lecturing of

The steps of community organizing and developing and what should and shouldnt be done in organizing and developing the community.

Barlis, Katrina B. Bustamante, Ma.Bernadette T.

Del Rosario, Princess Anne S. Diaz, Mary Edsel T.

- for the role playing, activities and crowd and children control.

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