Basic Money Indicators

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Basic Money Indicators: Money Houses

1.2 Money Houses

If you really get down to detail, you can discern how every single house might relate to money. But there are four houses that are strong and important money indicators. Those we'll call the money houses, and they are houses 2, 5, 9, and 11. These are important not only because we'll check the condition of these houses (and what they influence and what influences them), but their lords become money indicators in themselves and will play an important part in financial analysis. (We'll talk about their lords in part 2.1.)

The Houses and Their Meanings

These houses each have a lot of meanings, many not related to finances at all. But of all the houses, these are the ones that have the strongest role to play with regard to finances. Here's how and why. 2nd House This is a material or artha house, and is the house of accumulated wealth in general. It shows movable possessions (i.e. "things" you own) and other liquid assets as well as income, especially from profession or self-effort. It can also show a money-oriented business such as banking or accounting, or sometimes just business in general. It's a house of buying and selling. 5th House This is a very fortunate house. It's the house of purva punya, or "the fruit of the good karma you've earned" in past lives. And just like your payback from the good deeds you've invested toward earning good karma, it represents income from investments. It can show earnings from speculation, the stock market, or earning from a related profession such as a broker. As the house of sports and play, there's an element of fun and even risk, so earnings from various types of gambling (which is how some use the stock market) might be indicated here. This house can also show windfalls. As 11th from the 7th, this house can show gains from a partner, whether it's a spouse or business partner.

9th House This is a most fortunate house, and represents luck, blessings, general affluence, and opportunity of all kinds, including financial. Being the 5th from the 5th it represents much of what the 5th represents, but it's a little bit more expansive and more integrated with one's dharma (whereas the 5th is usually more light-hearted and fun). This is the house of the good karma you earn in this life. 11th House This is a house of desire, or a kama house, and is the house of gains in general and of meeting your goals and aspirations. It shows income, acquisitions, ancestral property, vehicles (along with the 4th), and profits and returns. It can show the ability to earn money easily, or even the acquisition of easy money or gifts, and it shows luxury items and jewelry. It can show the regaining of things previously lost. It's an expansive house and is indicative of prosperity on a big scale. In that sense, a good 11th house can act as a multiplier for other good financial indicators.

What the Money Houses Can Tell You

For the most part, you'll look at each of these four houses like you would any other, and see if it's strong or if it's afflicted. You'll also look at all the nuances of any influences on it and what it influences. (This analysis isn't particular to financial astrology and as already stated, we can't cover basic jyotish analysis here.) From that, you can easily see open or closed money channels, i.e. where someone's money is likely to come from and where they'll have problems. For example, they may have an excellent 2nd house but an afflicted 5th. This would show they can earn well on the job, but that they may suffer losses if they invest their earnings in the stock market. Of course you also want to look at the natural money planet, Jupiter, to see where their wealth may come from (like we've already discussed in section 1.1), and there are other indicators we'll cover in upcoming sections as well. So these four houses don't tell the whole story, but they provides some revealing pieces of the puzzle. You can also get a sense of someone's wealth in general by the strength or affliction of these houses as a group. If these houses are mostly strong, they're likely to be fairly wealthy, and if these houses are mostly afflicted, then they either struggle or they have very little. The main idea here was to show which houses are most related to money, and why. Right after the next section 1.3, we'll use this information as we learn how to glean the best

information of all by working with the lords of these money houses.

1.1 Natural Money Planets

Each planet has a benefic or a malefic influence, and as you know, they have a natural influence (their intrinsic nature, the same in everyone's chart) and a functional influence (as a function of the Ascendant, or rather, of which houses that planet rules). We'll talk about the functional money planets in section 2.1. First we'll talk about those planets that naturally indicate money. At the top of our list and the star of our show has to be Jupiter, the planet that is naturally the great benefic and the greatest natural money planet of all. Jupiter always shows wealth and prosperity in a chart. Even if it's also a functional malefic, that does not destroy its beneficence. In that case, it has a mixed influence, but its positive indications still exist.

Jupiter as an Indicator of Wealth

Because it's the great benefic and it's a money planet, Jupiter is the most important planet to check first when you are looking for sources of wealth in a chart. It shows your capacity to earn as well as to gain or accumulate money, as it's essentially an indicator or karaka of all the money houses (which are covered in the next Section 1.2).

Jupiter's Location
Just as with any of the other money planets we'll be discussing, Jupiter's location is of utmost importance. In Section 3.0 of this series we'll go through each of the locations in detail with an eye toward what it can mean in relation to sources of wealth. But for now, it's enough to know that you want to check Jupiter's location first. Pay special attention to its: 1) House 2) Sign 3) Nakshatra

These will indicate in what area of life or in what manner the person's wealth might originate. For example, if Jupiter's in the 3rd house, their wealth could come from writing, communications, or even brothers. If the 7th, then from partnerships, spouse, or clients. (Note that these are just to name a few possibilities.) If that house is an air sign, then they likely use their mind to accrue wealth, etc. As I said, we'll go into how to use the location in much more detail later.

Jupiter's Influence
Besides its location, it's important to check Jupiter's influence on planets or other houses that it aspects, rules, or otherwise influences (e.g. via an exchange of signs, or a parivartana yoga). These also can become sources of wealth.

Influences on Jupiter
You also want to check how other planets influence Jupiter, because they will add a certain quality to how it operates and thus how wealth is accrued. We'll talk in more detail about planets influencing each other in Section 2.2 of this series

Jupiter Transits
Just as you want to look at Jupiter in a chart (with respect to everything I just mentioned) you can also look at transiting Jupiter with respect to all these same things. It will add a secondary, temporary influence that can be folded in to your interpretation.

Venus as a Lesser Natural Money Indicator

It's not as strong an indicator as Jupiter but one other natural benefic that can sometimes act as a money indicator is Venus, the lesser benefic. Wherever you see Venus, especially if it's connected to other wealth indicators (yet to be covered), it will often show wealth, but usually the type of wealth that relates to Venus' nature such as beautiful, luxurious, sensual, decadent, etc. You can look at Venus in much the same way as I outlined for Jupiter above; just don't give it nearly as much weight.

Basic Money Indicators: Difficult Houses

1.3 Difficult Houses (Dusthanas) and How to Work With Them
There are a few houses in Jyotish known as dusthanas that are big bug-a-boos. And with good reason, since they can be difficult. But they each have other, more neutral or even positive indications as well, and the positive doesn't cancel the negative (or vice versa). Instead, a mixture of positive and negative effects will likely show up.

Positive or Negative?
"But which ones will predominate, and when?", you may ask. Well, that's part of general analysis but in short, It will require seeing if the houses (including their rulers) or the planets therein are: 1. Afflicted or especially malefic (in which case you'll likely get negative effects), or 2. Well disposed and benefic (in which case you'll likely get more positive effects). (And be sure to consider their placement in related harmonic charts.) But here's an important point. Planetary energies are going to manifest one way or another. I think of it as a remedial measure to try to use the placement in a positive way so that it doesn't "need" to manifest negatively. So here, if one takes action to exercise a planet's energies positively, then it may not need to manifest as negatively. As to the "when", look primarily to the dasa periods of the relevant planets.

The Dusthanas
When money planets are placed in these houses, then they can cause difficulty related to finances. But they can also show possible sources of money, and the means will be related to the house meanings. So let's take a look at each of the dusthanas and their indications specific to finances and prosperity, including possible careers or sources of income. Note: This list is not exhaustive! It's more to spark your own ideas about how to apply these "negative" meanings in a positive way. Also, there are other, important meanings to these houses as

well but right now we'll just discuss those that are typically seen as problematic. We'll cover other finance-related meanings in a later segment (3.1) where we cycle through all the houses. 6th House Negative The 6th can show challenges related to health and legal issues. It can also be a house of servitude. Positive That means this house could show earning in fields related to health (or disease), the legal system, or through serving as in being employed by someone else (instead of working for oneself). 8th House Negative Sudden and unexpected calamity or upset; death. Chronic issues. Loss. Positive Anything related to death/rebirth. This can include such obvious vocations such as working in a slaughterhouse or at a funeral home, but also includes transformation-related careers. These would be professions that provide counseling or therapies (long term as similar to chronic vs. one-time consultations), especially those that go very deep such as psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. It could show work related to the "occult". Careers related to kundalini oriented practices such as a yoga teacher or certain types of meditation would apply as well. This house also shows money through inheritance, or "other peoples' money", i.e. "unearned money" in general. This could include money from a one-on-one relationship (spouse, clients, or partnership, as 2nd from the 7th), or money from investments especially in land (5th from 4th) since it can show mortgages. Or it can show earning and working but with other peoples' money such as being an accountant, a banker, a real estate broker, or a tax advisor. 12th House Negative Loss, uncertainty, imprisonment, endings. Positive Usually, this house does show some financial loss, but sometimes it can be more of a spending than an outright loss. So here it can show how one uses their resources rather than earns them.

It can show income related to endings, such as hospice work or helping people make transitions. Also, because of its nature of imprisonment or institutions, i.e. being hidden away, it can show someone working in any kind of institution (such as prison or hospital work) or even just a place where they're tucked away from the public eye. Or it can show a career that's carried out "behind the scenes". This could indicate a lot of professions: writing (especially ghost writing, speech writing, etc.), directing, and working from home to name just a few. Here again, you'll need to look at the whole chart to determine which of these indications is most likely. For example, how these will manifest will depend upon what you see about that person's ascendant and personality, their career house and dasamsa, their physical health and well being, etc. And of course, influences on the relevant money planets will give further clues as well. So now we've covered Basic Money Indicators, including the Money Houses and we'll move to the next section on Money Planets & Yogas. That's where the real "meat" of financial analysis lies.

Planets and Yogas (combinations)

We've covered natural money planets that represent money in everyone's chart. We've also covered which houses are money houses. In this section we're going to cover the two most reliable indicators of financial prosperity in a chart.

Which planets represent money dependent on a chart's rising sign. How planets and houses combine to indicate wealth or problems with wealth. Some of these combinations are known as "yogas".

We'll also look at determining whether an influence is lifelong or temporary.

2.1 Functional Money Planets & Dhana Yogas

One of the unique features of Jyotish that strongly contributes to its power and accuracy is the important concept of yogas. Yoga means "to join" or "union" and in Jyotish it's a specific planetary disposition that's capable of yielding specific results. It doesn't always just mean two planets combined in the normal sense of being together (conjunct), but the combinations can include certain houses or signs as well.

Yogas are especially important when it comes to examining a chart for financial indications. Since they rely on the money houses and on planets that act as money planets in any given chart, let's first see how to determine what those planets are that are involved in financial yogas.

2.1.1 Functional Money Planets

Figuring out which planets will act as money planets in any given chart is easy. They're simply the lords of the money houses. We've already learned that the money houses are houses 2, 5, 9, and 11 . Since sign/house pairs are determined by the sign of the Ascendant, the money planets are different for each Ascendant. They represent money only because of how they function due to their lordship of particular houses rather than because of their intrinsic nature. For that reason, these money planets are called "functional" money planets. So for example, the functional money planets for a Libra Ascendant would be Mars (as lord of the 2nd), Saturn (as lord of the 5th), Mercury (as lord of the 9th), and the Sun (as lord of the 11th).

How to Use Functional Money Planets

In section 2.2 we'll look at more specific situations and examples of applying and interpreting these planets as indicators of wealth. But as I said in my introduction, you really just have to get creative with the indications. Mix it up. Play with the house and planet and sign indications. A money planet (except Sun and Moon) rules two houses so include its other house in the mix too. So as one example, if a Libra Ascendant with Mars as a money planet has Mars in the 10th house (Cancer), then their career might be most lucrative if they include some Mars energy in it. With Cancer often showing healing or nurturing energies, they may use the physical side of Mars and earn well as a massage therapist. This matches the 2nd house of earning being Scorpio too, since Scorpio can show therapy. A debilitated Mars can often be used to "fix" situations, so massage therapy is a great match there too. Having clients fits with a Libra Ascendant (since Libra is the 7th sign, showing one-on-one relationships much like the 7th house), and Mars' other rulership (besides the 2nd) is the 7th house which can also show clients.

Of course you have to look at the entire context. There are so many other factors and this depends on the rest of the chart as well. But this should give you an idea of how to work with functional money planets. Another great way to learn how to apply this is to look at charts of people you know. Check out where their money planets are and see how it applies to where their money comes from. I bet you'll find some interesting connections.

2.1.2 Dhana Yogas

Yogas that indicate wealth or prosperity are called dhana yogas. These occur when two financial indicators -- money planets or money houses -- combine. Dhana yogas are one of the most powerful tools in a Jyotishi's toolbox for determining financial results. You'll want to look for these right away. We've already covered the elements that play a role in dhana yogas:

Money houses are the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th Money planets are Jupiter and the lords of the money houses

Dhana Yogas
A dhana yoga can occur in several ways: 1. A money planet that rules two money houses is a special indicator of money called a dhana yoga karaka. It becomes a dhana yoga all by itself.

Example: For a Leo Ascendant, Mercury rules two money houses (2 and 11) and thus becomes a dhana
yoga. 2. Two money planets are in close relationship or sambandha

In conjunction In mutual aspect (if only one aspects the other, you'll get partial effects)

Example: For Aries Ascendant, if the Sun (lord of the 5th) and Jupiter (lord of the 9th and a money
planet in its own right) oppose each other, they are in mutual aspect. Thus Jupiter and Sun create a dhana yoga.

In an exchange of signs or parivartana yoga

Example: For a Taurus Ascendant, if you have Mercury (a dhana yoga karaka) in the 11th house Pisces
(Jupiter's sign), and Jupiter (a money planet by nature and also as ruler of the 11th) in the 2nd house Gemini (Mercury's sign), you have two money planets in an exchange of signs (called a mutual reception in Western astrology) or a parivartana yoga. Thus Jupiter and Mercury create a dhana yoga. 3. A money planet is in a money house

Example: For a Cancer Ascendant, Venus (a money planet as ruler of the 11th) in any of the money
houses (2nd/Leo, 5th/Scorpio, 9th/Pisces, or 11th/Taurus) would create a dhana yoga. In the case of dhana yogas, we can also include one more money planet: the Lord of the Ascendant. So in any of these combinations, you can count it as a money planet because it connects the individual to money so strongly. Similarly, a money planet in the Ascendant is a positive financial indicator as well.

A Cumulative Effect
Sometimes you will have a dhana yoga that occurs in more than one way, making it even stronger. As an example, look at the parivartana example above with the Taurus Ascendant. Mercury isn't just the lord of the 2nd. It rules the 5th too so even all by itself it's a dhana yoga. And Jupiter isn't just the lord of the 11th, but is also a money planet by nature. Even if it didn't rule the 11th, Jupiter in the 2nd house would be a dhana yoga. As another twist, if you moved Jupiter from Gemini to Virgo (the 5th house), you would add yet one more combination to the mix: a mutual aspect. You would have: 1. Jupiter as a natural money planet in a money house 2. Jupiter as lord of a money house in a money house 3. Mercury as a dhana yoga karaka (lord of 2 money houses) 4. Mercury as lord of a money house in a money house 5. Mercury in a parivartana yoga with Jupiter 6. Mercury in a mutual aspect with Jupiter So these two planets create 6 dhana yogas, and the effects are multiplied accordingly. On top of that, if other planets create dhana yogas in the chart, they all add up for a better likelihood of good financial results.

Some Final Words

Keep in mind that these yogas operate best when the planets and houses involved are strong and unafflicted. And even when that's the case, they'll often require other supporting factors such as a strong Lagna to be really effective. No one thing in a chart ever stands completely on its own. In the next article, we'll look more in-depth at how the different planets and houses involved with money indicators might play out. I'll see you then! - See more at:

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