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The Four Astrological Groupings


(Group1) Angular, Succedent and Cadent houses. (Group 2) Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.

The natal chart is a map of the heavens showing the exact position of the Sun, Moon and planets in the zodiac at the time, date and place of birth. The Earth is at the centre of the astrological chart around which the twelve signs of the tropical zodiac form a circle. Each of the twelve signs occupies an arc of 30 degrees and these arcs are divided into twelve equal houses starting from the ascendant. The ascendant is the degree on the ecliptic rising over the eastern horizon at the time of birth and it is the strongest point of chart interpretation. The effect of the ascendant has been described as that of dawn when the rising light of the Sun begins to energise the Earth; likewise the rising light of the Sun magnetises the ascendant and each house cusp according to its angular distance, or aspect to the ascendant. The twelve houses relate to the magnetic fields of Earth which characterise the environment of each house. The twelve house-cusp signs relate to the tropical zodiac and they are characterised by the magnetic fields of their ruling planets. Around the fifth century BC, the Greek astrologers made use of their undoubted mathematical genius. In order to calculate the relationship between everything they saw in the heavens to the meaning of existence on Earth, they took all the interrelating factors into consideration and presented us with a complete astrological system. It was to this end that they divided the tropical zodiac into four groupings which are still being used by astrologers today. THE FOUR GROUPINGS ARE (Group 1) The twelve houses are divided into groupings of three: Angular, Succedent and Cadent. (Group 2) The twelve signs are divided into groupings of three quadruplicities or qualities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. (Group 3) The twelve signs are divided into groupings of four ELEMENTS- Fire, Earth, Air and Water. (Group 4) The twelve signs are divided into two POLARITIES - Positive and Negative. Positive polarities:- Aries/Libra, Gemini/Sagittarius, Leo/Aquarius. Negative polarities:- Taurus/Scorpio, Cancer/Capricorn, Virgo/Pisces.

ANGULAR HOUSES - CARDINAL SIGNS The four angular houses: first, fourth, seventh and tenth are ruled by the four cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The four angular houses and cardinal signs traditionally correspond to the beginning of each season spring, summer, autumn and winter and they are the four strongest houses in the natal chart.

Angular in Latin: angularis means placed at an angle. Cardinal in Latin: cardinalis means that on which something depends. Keywords: personal drive, self-assertive and active. FIRST HOUSE The first house and Aries represent your personal view, identity, will and action when dealing with immediate problems. FOURTH HOUSE The fourth house and Cancer represent your attitude to family tradition, security, family values, roots and heredity SEVENTH HOUSE The seventh house and Libra represent your approach to other people. The way in which you reach out to other people determines their expectations of you. TENTH HOUSE The tenth house and Capricorn represent your standing, position and status in the outer world which determines your public recognition. Cardinal signs - Grand Cross When the four cardinal signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form the Cardinal Grand Cross If you have a Cardinal Grand Cross in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the cardinal signs.


You do not like others interfering with your activities and projects because you prefer to act independently. If others try to control you where your ambitions and goals are concerned, you can become irritated. This may result in ego-conflicts. It is difficult for you to cooperate with people when things are not going your way because you need to be in control and you find it difficult to operate under the dominance of others. You do not like subordinate positions and you do not like being patronised. You tend to take a direct approach in most situations, with the exception of Cancer, who tends to withdraw from confrontation; otherwise you confront problems as they arise with a view to resolving them quickly. You can get discouraged and blame yourself when things go wrong. If this happens, you will try to resolve the situation; if you fail you will seek the support of those who know you well. When you are placed in situations outside your control, you can feel you are carrying responsibility with little recognition for the support you give. SUCCEDENT HOUSES FIXED SIGNS The four succedent houses: second, fifth, eighth and eleventh are ruled by the four fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.Succedent in Latin: succedere means come close after. The fixed signs by definition mean resolute and yielding.

The four succedent houses and fixed signs traditionally correspond to the middle of each season, and they are the four central houses in the natal chart. Keywords: purposeful, determined, immovable and dependable. SECOND HOUSE The second house and Taurus represent your skills, talents and personal resources which determine your sense of self-worth. FIFTH HOUSE The fifth house and Leo represent the honeymoon stage of love, romance and children. Speculation in the pleasure of life shapes your activities, pursuits and interests. EIGHTH HOUSE The eighth house and Scorpio represent your approach to changing fortunes, joint ventures and shared resources which determine mutual trust, evolvement and transformation. ELEVENTH HOUSE The eleventh house and Aquarius represent your connections and participation in wider community interests and goals. Your participation and cooperation in wider community goals determine your social success and/or social failure. THE FIXED SIGNS GRAND CROSS When the four fixed signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form the Fixed Grand Cross. If you have a Fixed Grand Cross in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the fixed signs.


Once you start on any project, you focus with great determination. You can be single minded and persistent in your objectives. You may include others in your aims but you can come up against brick walls where your trust can be challenged through other peoples values and objectives which you will strongly resist. You probably tread the path of power games, jealousy and possessiveness. This can be destructive and cause deep pain. You do not like being cornered and if pressurised, you will set up strong resistance which may not be obvious, but it will be effective. You are not adaptable, you prefer a stable environment where you feel secure enough to work at your own pace and concentrate on the task at hand. If others try to change you, you will dig your toes in and resist their demands. This can lock you into power games of the most destructive kind (with the exception of Aquarius who will detach and try to break the cycle of destruction). You can feel insecure and threatened if people interfere with your preconceived goals and ideals because it is hard for you to change direction once your mind is made up. People who break planned arrangements can affect your sense of trust which can make it difficult for you to trust them again. Should this happen, you will either detach and walk away or refuse to make any further arrangements with them. Your desire for closeness and your independent spirit can destabilise relationships which can lead to controlling power games, loss of trust, detachment, estrangement and separations, and especially if you are made to feel trapped, dependent and obligated in any way.

Your desire for deep involvement, love and security is in conflict with your desire for independence and freedom. CADENT HOUSES MUTABLE SIGNS The four cadent houses: third, sixth, ninth and twelfth are ruled by the four mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Cadent in Latin:cadens means falling away or descending. The mutable signs by definition mean adaptable. The four cadent houses and mutable signs traditionally correspond to the old season falling away to the new one, and they are the four most flexible and adaptable houses in the natal chart. Keywords: resilient, changeable, flexible and adaptable. THIRD HOUSE The third house and Gemini represent your day-to-day communications, ideas and opinions and the way you extract information to learn and inform others. SIXTH HOUSE The sixth house and Virgo represent stress related health conditions, standards of work and service and your attitude to co-workers, work and service. NINTH HOUSE The ninth house and Sagittarius represent knowledge, higher education, intellectual expression and expansion. The information you receive from others broadens your intellect and widens your understanding. TWELFTH HOUSE The twelfth house and Pisces represent inner suffering and self-sacrifice. With transcending knowledge the spirituality of life is clear in the oneness of creation. THE MUTABLE SIGNS GRAND CROSS When the four mutable signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form the Mutable Grand Cross. If you have a Mutable Grand Cross in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the mutable signs.


You are capable of chopping and changing your mind according to the weather. You are versatile and adaptable but you can waste time scattering your energy through constant overload, trying to do too much and running against the clock. This can lead to mental and physical exhaustion. You assume different roles to suit different situations, people and occasions, therefore you can be all things to all people, but you may not always be consistent in the duplicity of dialogue which can trip you up. You are curious and inquisitive and you learn through communication. The knowledge that you gain will be used to inform others; however you have a tendency to exaggerate, speak out of turn and jump to conclusions. This can lead to confusion of the facts, mind games and misjudgement of which you can be the loser. Although you intend to take the angle of honesty and truth, you can twist the facts if it serves a purpose. On the other hand you can be the harbinger of great understanding and lift the spirits of

those who have fallen on hard times.You enjoy stimulating and educational conversations with people who are witty, knowledgeable and inspiring. But on the flip side, you can analyse and criticise people with derogatory comments, false statements and exaggerated facts. It is in the inconsistency of dialogue that the truth can trip you up.

The Elements
The Elements:- Fire, Earth, Air and Water

Keywords: optimistic, assertive and energetic. The three Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. When these three signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form a Fire Grand Trine. If you have a Fire Grand Trine in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the Fire element.


Your energy level is high and you have an enthusiastic spirit with the emphasis on independence and freedom. You are active and reactive, and you live life to the full. You initiate new ideas and you need to creatively express, pursue and act on them. You are fun-loving and entertaining and you enjoy most forms of entertainment. You can be confrontational because you release energy easily which positively clears the air. You are generous, kind- hearted, warm, loving and affectionate and you radiate enthusiasm wherever you go; life is for living. You lift the spirits of those who are downcast with your humour and spontaneity which attracts affection, therefore others will follow your lead and support your enterprises. You have definite views and opinions which you state in a decisive way. You like to be independent and free to do the things you want to do when you want to do them, but you can act before you think when fired by enthusiasm. However, you do not cry over spilt milk because you consider it to be a weakness and you like to appear strong.

Keywords: practical, productive and persevering. The three Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. When these three signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form an Earth Grand Trine. If you have an Earth Grand Trine in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the Earth element.


You are realistic and practical. You are not interested in abstractions you need to see, hear, feel, touch and taste; then it exists. You can bring other peoples ideas into reality, but you tend to deal with the

tried and true. You are patient and you prefer long-term projects that give you a sense of purpose, order and routine. You feel secure when working in reliable situations without disruption. You have a good sense of discipline with a strong focus on detail, and you will concentrate on projects until they are completed. You are logical and you resolve most problems with your common sense approach. However, you do not like sudden surprises; you prefer routine and order in your life. You have an ambitious and disciplined approach to service, duty and status with a high regard for ethically correct methods and procedure. You focus on practical solutions and good results, and because you are conscientious, patient, practical, steadfast and dependable you have a better than average chance of achieving the goals you set yourself.

Keywords: objective, intellectual and sociable. The three Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. When these three signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form an Air Grand Trine. If you have an Air Grand Trine in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the Air element.


You have a quick and active mind and you are a trend-setter who enjoys a variety of experience. You are mentally stimulating and constantly on the move. You are humorous, and you are able to find humour in most situations therefore you create a good impression wherever you go. However, you are a free spirit and you need your space. You have the ability to think and reason clearly and objectively because your emotions do not interfere with your reasoning powers, or your judgement. You operate on an intellectual level and you may find it easy to study intellectual subjects. You are a good communicator and you believe in fair play which can make you a good counsellor or mediator in situations that require objectivity. You are fascinated by other peoples problems and you will give a great deal of time intellectualising solutions. You do not think in terms of emotion because you understand life on an intellectual level. You are popular and entertaining, you live according to the code and you resolve conflict to restore friendship.

Keywords: intuitive, sensitive and emotional. The three Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. When these three signs are within an eight degree orb of aspect to each other they form a Water Grand Trine. If you have a Water Grand Trine in your chart, then you will be strongly influenced by the Water element.


Your feelings run deep and you are sensitive to emotion. You merge with the feelings of others and if they need your understanding you will give it. You are deeply aware of the undercurrents of emotion, and when emotions become too harsh you tend to withdraw, but you can penetrate the core of emotional disturbance and calm troubled waters because you understand the highs and lows of feeling and emotion, your own emotion and other peoples emotion. You can intuitively and accurately sense hidden emotions, all of which can have a strong effect on you. If you feel you have hurt someone you can be filled with remorse and it takes quite a while for you to release your inner hurt. Basically, you are a private and conservative person who gains inner security through the reassurance of familiar surroundings. However, if you choose to reach out to others in friendship, you tend to test the waters first because trust does not come easily and trust is very important. It is only when you know you can trust that you know you have a friend. Your sensitivity, empathy and feeling towards others make you one of the most desirable people to have around.

The Polarities
The Polarities: Positive and Negative Signs in Opposition. Each zodiac sign has a positive (electropositive) or negative (electronegative) magnetic field which energises its polar opposite (polarity) through lines of force. There are six positive signs and six negative signs in the zodiac. The six positive signs are associated with the elements fire and air. Keywords: fire/active, air/objective. The three positive air signs are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The three positive polarities are: Aries-Libra, Gemini-Sagittarius and Leo-Aquarius. The six negative signs are associated with the elements earth and water. Keywords: earth/receptive, water/passive. The three negative earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The three negative water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The three negative polarities are: Taurus-Scorpio, Cancer-Capricorn and Virgo-Pisces. In order for us to understand the symbolism of the positive and negative signs and their polarities we must understand the polarities. The polarities are the electromagnetic lines of force or electric charges of the Earths magnetic field which have opposite electromagnetic lines of force or electric charges. Each polarity is either positive or negative and each polarity is connected by its electropositive or electronegative line of force In human terms, the polarities create a seesawing effect until a mediatory point is reached. Early perceptions are learned through polarisation: hot-cold; hard-soft; more-less; wet-dry, love-hate, gentle-harsh etc. However, extremes are necessary for us to achieve equilibrium. Each polarity energises its polar opposite and concludes more together than either could apart. It is only when we recognise each polar opposite as extreme by comparison that we can achieve centre

balance. The challenge is one of integration.


The Aries-Libra, first house/seventh house polarity: self needs vs. others needs. Keywords: self-interest vs. shared interests. The Aries-Libra first house/seventh house polarity shows where we are attempting to balance personal will, desires and needs (Aries) with the desires and needs of others (Libra). We must integrate the opposing forces between self-supportive (Aries) vs. supportive (Libra). We can fluctuate between taking too much from others (Aries) and giving too much to others (Libra). The challenge is to find the balance between the two extremes: assertion (Aries) vs. agreement (Libra). The Aries-Libra polarity connects selfish taking with selfless giving.

The Taurus-Scorpio, second house/eighth house polarity: personal values, possessions, security and trust vs. joint values, shared resources, security and trust. Keywords: personal resources vs. shared resources and support. The Taurus-Scorpio second house/eighth house polarity shows where we are attempting to balance personal values and resources (Taurus) with shared values and resources (Scorpio). We must integrate the opposing forces between mine (Taurus) and ours (Scorpio). We can fluctuate between using personal resources for personal security (Taurus) vs. shared resources to gain shared security (Scorpio). The challenge is to find the balance between the two extremes: personal resources in support of others interests and sense of self-worth (Taurus) vs. shared resources in support of self-interest and a sense of power and control. (Scorpio). The Taurus-Scorpio polarity connects personal interests and resources with shared resources and interests.

The Gemini-Sagittarius, third house/ninth house polarity: knowledge for its own sake vs. knowledge for a higher purpose. Keywords: the elementary mind vs. the intellectual mind. The Gemini-Sagittarius third house/ninth house polarity shows where we are attempting to balance the detailed narrow framework (Gemini) with the overall wider framework (Sagittarius). We must integrate the opposing forces between elementary learning: communicating with and relating to the people in our locality (Gemini) vs. higher education: our quest for knowledge, truth and wisdom (Sagittarius). We can fluctuate between localised communications: a variety of day-to-day information (Gemini) vs. the ever widening horizon for knowledge, wisdom and understanding (Sagittarius). The challenge is to find the balance between the two extremes: the elementary mind (Gemini) and the intellectual mind (Sagittarius). The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity connects learning with knowledge and understanding.


The Cancer-Capricorn, fourth house/tenth house polarity: family nurturing, care and protection vs. authority, status and public recognition. Keywords: family protection and care vs. public respect and control. The Cancer-Capricorn fourth house/tenth house polarity shows where we are attempting to balance family support and protection (Cancer) with public recognition and status (Capricorn). We must integrate the opposing forces between the time and energy we devote to family care, support and protection (Cancer) and the time and energy we devote to our career, public recognition, status and control (Capricorn). We can fluctuate between providing a caring and protective home environment (Cancer) vs. public advancement, achievement, respect and recognition (Capricorn). The challenge is to find the balance between the two extremes: family care and protection (Cancer) and public advancement, respect, recognition and control (Capricorn).The Cancer-Capricorn polarity connects the mother with the father.

The Leo-Aquarius, fifth house/eleventh house polarity: individual expression vs. group expression. Keywords: individual enjoyment vs. other peoples involvement. The Leo-Aquarius fifth house/eleventh house polarity shows where we are attempting to balance interaction between our own personal interests in the enjoyment of life (Leo) as opposed to our interaction with others and their interests and social goals in life (Aquarius). We must integrate the opposing forces between personal interests and enjoyment (Leo) and others social interests and goals in life (Aquarius). We can fluctuate between our individual creative enjoyment where others social interests and goals do not apply (Leo) vs. others social goals and interests where our own personal interests in the enjoyment of life do not apply (Aquarius). The challenge is to find the balance between the two extremes: personal creative enjoyment (Leo) and others social interests and goals (Aquarius) The Leo-Aquarius polarity connects our own personal interests with others social goals.

The Virgo-Pisces, sixth house/twelfth house polarity: hard practical work vs. inspiration and imagination. Keywords: reality vs. idealism. The Virgo-Pisces sixth house/twelfth house polarity shows where we are attempting to balance work (Virgo) and sacrifice (Pisces). We must integrate the opposing forces between practical service (Virgo) and compassionate service (Pisces). We can fluctuate between being the realist, working for our daily bread (Virgo) and sacrificing for the ideals of others (Pisces).The challenge is to find the balance between the two extremes: taking the

practical approach and working in service to others (Virgo) and taking the idealistic approach and giving in sacrifice to others (Pisces). The Virgo-Pisces polarity connects practical service with compassionate service. There are extremes in every polarity. However, extremes are necessary for us to find the centre balance. The ancient Greek astrologers connected each house and sign of the zodiac to represent a complete astrological system as follows: House One: Aries, Positive, Cardinal, Fire and Angular. Keyword: "I am" House Two: Taurus, Negative, Fixed, Earth and Succedent. Keyword: I have House Three: Gemini, Positive, Mutable, Air, and Cadent. Keyword: I think House Four: Cancer, Negative, Cardinal, Water and Angular. Keyword: I feel House Five: Leo, Positive, Fixed, Fire and Succedent. Keyword: I will House Six: Virgo, Negative, Mutable, Earth and Cadent. Keyword: I analyse House Seven: Libra, Positive, Cardinal, Air and Angular. Keyword: I balance House Eight: Scorpio, Negative, Fixed, Water and Succedent. Keyword: I desire House Nine: Sagittarius, Positive, Mutable, Fire and Cadent. Keyword: I see House Ten: Capricorn, Negative, Cardinal, Earth and Angular. Keyword: I use House Eleven: Aquarius, Positive, Fixed, Air and Succedent. Keyword: I know House Twelve: Pisces, Negative, Mutable, Water and Cadent. Keyword: I believe

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