Bangla Trac

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American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)

An Affiliation Report On
Customer Care Service of Bangla Trac Communication Ltd.

An Internship Report Presented to the Faculty of Business Administration in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

Supervised By:
Shahjahan Bohi
Faculty, School of Business Administration Department of Accounting and Finance

Submitted By:
Faisal, Md. Tanvir
08-11588-2 Accounting &Finance

An Affiliation Report On Customer Care Service of Bangla Trac Communication Ltd.

Date of Submission: 05.12.2012

Letter of Transmittal
05, December, 2012 Mr. R. Tareque Moudud, FCMA,
Director, Office of Placement & Alumni (OPA), American International University-Bangladesh Banani, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of the report on Customer Care Service On Bangla

Trac Communication Limited.

Dear Sir, With due respect, I tried to give my honest and outmost effort in this report. I have prepared my internship working report on Customer Care Service On Bangla Trac Communication Limited. which was assigned to me as a requirement for the completion of Bachelor of Business Administration. Throughout the study I have tired with the best of my capacity to accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tired to follow the instruction as you have suggested. I tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible. I would like to thank you for giving me such an opportunity to prove my ability in making a quality report. As you will note, this report is an accumulation of data regarding the Customer Care Services On Bangla Trac Communication Limited.

With thanks Sincerely,

.. Bachelor of Business Administration Major in Accounting & Finance 3

Letter of Endorsement

The Internship Report entitled Customer Care Service On Bangla Trac Communication Limited. Has been submitted to the Office of Placement & Alumni, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in Accounting & Finance, Faculty of Business Administration on 14 August, 2012. The report has been accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Committee for evaluation. (Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report. The University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).


Shajahan Bohi
Internship Supervisor

As a requirement for the fulfillment of our BBA program, in the Faculty of Business, American International University Bangladesh I have to perform three months internship. As a student of BBA I have gathered enough theoretical knowledge, and now I want to put my potentiality in the practical field. Bangla Trac Communication Ltd has given me the opportunity to commence my internship. During the internship program, students are required to prepare a report on the organization where they have been attached. Bangla Trac Communication Ltd. And all the officials always encourage and welcome the students for their internship program. I have tried my best to properly apply my potentiality and theoretical knowledge to make the report reliable and information worthy. My honest effort will be regarded as successful if this dissertation fulfills the objective of the program. Customer care service is one of the most important parts of Bangla Trac Communication. Customer care services are the major activity of this company. All companies try to satisfy their customers and try to make all of them as a regular customer. Though my major is Finance and Accounting I think that my major can not help my day to day intern activities , but I can learn some new things that I can use it in future. In Bangla Trac Communication I am in the customer care service unit. As Bangla Trac Communication is a service provider company so, customer care service is a vital part of this company. In Bangla Trac Communication we have to know the customers problem and try to give them a solution. Without having a proper customer care service centre the company cannot run their business process and will not be able to make any kind of profit.

Bangladesh is a developing country of southern Asia. There are so many people who lived in abroad. Sometimes they need to talk to their relatives who lived in Bangladesh. The number of Calling is increasing day by day. It is a very attractive market for the international mobile connection providers. Presently Bangla Trac Limited is the leading company in this sector. Bangla Trac Limited (conducting business under the name Bangla CAT) was appointed the dealership for Caterpillar engines and equipments in the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on the 11th of October 2004. Bangla Trac Communication Limited company is the sister concern company of the Bangla cat company. The main activity of the company is to provide the international call providing to the Bangladeshi mobile operator line. However, the company collects a huge amount of money by providing this service. In this report the main focus is the customer service providing conditions and problems of this company. The analysis found that Bangla Tracs main strength is that the company has no competitor as big as they are. They provide most of the international call service in the country. They also provide some other services which are their other business sector. And they collect a huge amount of profit from their other sector also. Customers are more or less satisfied with the facilities they are offering with this product. Their main focus is to increase customer service so that it can reach all parts of the country. But they can improve their position by offering subscribers with more facilities especially they need to consider about the call charge per minute.

Table of Contents

Sl. No. Cover page Title page Letter of Transmittal Letter of Endorsement Acknowledgement 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.1.a 3.1.b 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 Table of content INTRODUCTION


Page number 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 8 9 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 8 19 20

Rationale for Selecting the Report Background Objectives ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN Work Related Activities My Head Office Work Activities My Daily Activities Organizational Wide Other Relevant Activities CONSTRAINTS/CHALLENGES AND PROPOSED COURSE OF ACTION FOR IMPROVEMENT
Identified in the Organization Academic Preparation


Implications to Organization Implications to Universitys Internship Program Others


References Appendix

2. Introduction
2.1 Rationale for Selecting the Report:
As a requirement for the fulfillment of our BBA program, in the Faculty of Business, American International University Bangladesh i have to perform three months internship. As a student of BBA I have gathered enough theoretical knowledge, and now I want to put my potentiality in the practical field. Bangla Trac Communication Ltd has given me the opportunity to commence my internship. During the internship program, students are required to prepare a report on the organization where they have been attached. Bangla Trac 9

Communication Ltd and all the officials always encourage and welcome the students for their internship program. I have tried my best to properly apply my potentiality and theoretical knowledge to make the report reliable and information worthy. My honest effort will be regarded as successful if this dissertation fulfills the objective of the program. Customer care service is one of the important parts of any business organization and I am busy in this organization by doing that part. However, I provide the services in this organization and I am learning how to satisfy a customer in proper way so that the customer is pleased on the company and for this the company can get a good reputation. And when a company gets a good reputation in the market rather its comp etitor then the company survives in the market as a better position. So I am learning in this company that how a company can give a better customer care service. Dealing with various kind of customer is not same all the time, sometime they behave with us very badly which is very awful situation. And some of them behave with us in a very friendly attitude, so dealing with them is not tough at all. By take care all of them is the ultimate work that I done in this company. So by giving the service in this company I learned a lot of things that I do not find in the book, but face that sort of situation and learn those things.

2.2 Background:
Bangla Trac Limited (conducting business under the name Bangla CAT) was appointed the dealership for Caterpillar engines and equipments in the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on the 11th of October 2004. Bangla CATs management brings with it over thirty years of experience in marketing Caterpillar products in Bangladesh. Globally Largest Electric Power Generation (EPG) Dealer for Caterpillar in Asia Pacific Among the Top 5 Caterpillar EPG Dealers Globally Largest Gas Engine Dealer

Bangla CAT also brings with it the commitment to improve the already high level of service and coverage that Caterpillar customers receive. With a corporate Office located 10

in the heart of Dhaka in 4, Mohakhali Commercial Area and a Service Centre in the highly industrialized region of Vulta on the easily accessible Dhaka-Narshingdi highway, Bangla CAT will provide unparalleled nationwide customer access. Starting with an impressive fleet of dedicated servicing vehicles, Bangla CAT also aims to expand its facilitates to a fleet of servicing vehicles capable of providing round the clock support, a regional office in the Chittagong region and a fully-equipped Service Workshop north of Dhaka by mid-2005. This expansion will result in unparalleled service coverage, access and most importantly, customer satisfaction. Bangla Tracker is a premium quality prepaid pin less calling service for making low cost international calls. A Bangla Tracker customer does not have to enter any PIN to make a call. Pin less service saves one from the hassle of entering the lengthy pin number prior to calling your destination number. Using Bangla Tracker pin less service one can make low cost international calls to 10,000+ destinations across the world without any compromise on voice quality. All calls originating from Bangla Tracker are powered by Bangla Trac Communications Ltd, a legal VoIP operator in Bangladesh thus ensuring Crystal Clear Voice Quality for a clearer conversation and Caller Line Identification (CLI) to help the person whom you are calling to identify your number.

Bangla Trac Communication Ltd. Services Bridging the Communications Divide:

Bangla Trac is a premium telecom service provider driven by innovation and commitment to quality. Since its inception, as one of the pioneer International Gateway (IGW) Service Providers, we have diversified our portfolio well beyond our core business of premium quality voice termination to Bangladesh. Our wide range of innovative products and services are designed to enable our local and international partners to realize their full potential in target markets.

International Gateway:
For Bangladesh termination we have always focused on developing a highly scalable and robust network with multiple redundancies, considering the constraint of 11

single submarine cable. As a result we have been able to provide premium quality voice termination to Bangladesh with maximum uptime. We have 280 plus direct interconnect with major Tier1 and Tier2 carriers of all major continents and carried over 4 billion paid minutes in 2011. Recently we were awarded interconnection exchange license ICX, which will give us more control over the value chain of Bangladesh termination.

Wholesale Voice:
B-Trac international, our Singapore affiliate, is offering A to Z routes with special focus in Asia-Pacific, South Asia, Africa and Middle East. Our technical expertise, existing robust network, and vast number of direct interconnects made our transition to wholesale rather seamless and ensured rapid growth within a very short span of time.

Data Services:
Our International Internet Gateway (IIG) license will facilitate deeper access into IP landscape of Bangladesh. It will enhance the experience of the customers through cutting edge innovation in line with supreme quality of services.

Multiple PoPs:
We have three working Point of Presence at Epsilon, Equinix and HK Colo for routing all call based on regions.

Other Services:

Interconnection Exchange Wholesale Bandwidth Bandwidth Exchange SaaS & Cloud Services Enterprise Solutions Mobile Value Added Services Turnkey Power & Logistic Solutions Business Process Outsourcing

We add value to our stakeholders by 12

Using our expertise to understand their needs Providing innovative solutions Actively encouraging a culture of continuous improvement Developing and utilizing our people, technology and capital efficiently and effectively.

We make progress possible through excellence in technology, integrity & best in class customer services.

Customer Service First Teamwork Integrity Innovation Leadership Through Excellence Quality Ownership Mentality

2.3 Objectives:
In this company I am in the customer care section where I need to be gently behaved with the customer. So that I am learning the actual way to giving customer care service to the customer. Beside of this service sometime I have to give some managerial decision for the company. So in this case I am getting the management knowledge from this job. B y doing the customer care service provider I am also covering up some more departments work of this company, suppose I am covering up the marketing, planning, purchasing, production etc department work. 13

The main objective to prepare the report is that I am learning the practical field knowledge with my theoretical knowledge. And by preparing this report I am also learned about the communication comp anys actual business policy and plan. I think it will be help me in my job sector in future.

3. Activities Undertaken
M y Internship was from October 1 s t and still continuing. My supervisor was Mr. Mohd. Mannan Islam, officer of Bangla Trac. The following are the activities undertaken by me:

International call receiving:

The most time I am involved in the office is to receive the international call. The main job is to hear the compliment of the phone caller and give him a good solution or give the easiest way to solve his problem, and that is of course our company related issues.


Wholesale voice providing:

Sometimes the migrant people of Bangladesh want to call to their relatives who lived in Bangladesh in that case when he call from another operator from another country the main thing is to do that I have to connect the line with Bangladeshi operating line. Because, Bangla Trac is one of the biggest wholesale voice provider company of Bangladesh.

Data services to the corporate offices:

Most of the biggest companies of Bangladesh are using the internet line of Bangla Trac Company. So in that case I have to take care of the line of those companies who take the service from this company. And sometimes I have to receive the call from the service taker of this comp any and give them the easiest solution to them.

Mobile value added services:

Some of the customer calls us to take value added service of mobile. In that case I have to forward the call to the specialist of this sector.

Trunkey power and solution:

Some customer want to take the Trunkey power and solution service. So in that time I have to tell to the customer of the rate of this service and if they are interested to take the service I have to give them the location of our office. Mostly I cover this type of work in this company. And sometimes I have to take care of the customers who come to our company to take some of our services.

My first work after entering the office:

The head office of Bangla Trac Communication limited is situated in Dhaka at Banani-11. M y office started from 9.30 A.M. I entered into the office within 9.20 A.M. After entering the office at first I sign in the Register Book of the office. 15

Check out the mails and reply:

After giving sign I go to my seat and turn on my P.C. M y first work is to check the e-mails. If there is any e-mail in the inbox than immediately I reply it. Basically in this company I am working in customer care service section. So, after checking all the e-mails I need to contact with the customer and try to give them a solution or give them a suggestion so that they can overcome their problem.

After joining the company what I have done:

I had joined this company from 1st October, 2012. After I had joined in Bangla Trac Communication limited I have to take care of the customer care section. In this section I need to talk with the customer who called me and I have to give them a guideline. Suppose some of them called me to know the price of our offered product, so in that case I need to inform them the price of the product. Some of the customers want to take the service to overcome their products problem. In that case I need to tell them the free time of our mechanics time table. So daily I have to do this sort of things.

After all day long, along with my duty what I have done:
After all day, long I need to inform the manager that how many calls I have received and what are the customers opinion. So I need to mak e a report of all of my calls that I have received. And at the end of the day I just give my report to the manager. And when I submit my report to the manager then I leave the office.

3.2 Organizational Wide

In order to handle the customer care, Bangla trac has many divisions.

3.3 Other relevant Activities


Some time I have to visit in the market to do a survey. I went in the mark et visit once. I had a questionnaire with me. The companys service related customer fill the questionnaire. Then I have to submit the questionnaire to the manager of the company.

4. Constraints and proposed course of action for improvement:

4.1 Identified in the organization:
The following are the problems observed in the organization: Beside of the companys well reputation on this sector this company has some problems which need to be corrected. Suppose the company cannot provide their service firstly according the customers need, sometime the customer need to wait a long to get their services which is painful for them. Though in this sector there has no other big company so that the comp any takes the advantage of this. The companys other problem is that they recruit their employees mostly among their relatives so that other general people cannot get job in here properly.


To prepare a report on the achieved practical experience in a short duration (only three months) is not an easy task. In preparing this report some problems and limitation have encountered which are as follows: Time frame for the affiliation was very limited. Large-scale of knowledge was not possible to gather due to constraints .In many cases, up to date information is not published. The information regarding the competitors is difficult to get. Time was one of the concerns for not having the exact scenario. And it is my first work, and inexperience was a problem.

4.2 Academic preparation:

The theoretical experience and the practical experience are not same. From this internship I have gathered a lot of practical knowledge. In my academic life I have learned how a company can satisfy their customer but in real there is some difference between them. Suppose in some courses in our B.B.A program we learned how to talk with them, how to approach when a customer want to buy the companys product, and how to give them services after the companys product sale. But in real life the things are not same as we learn; I think a company can get a better position by giving the proper service to the customer so that they will be pleased on the company. And the company takes the chance to make their profit as much as possible.

5. Lessons learned from the Internship Program:

5.1 Implication to company:
B y doing the internship I have gathered a lot of practical knowledge. Beside from this I have also learned how to behave in the corporate life. After starting my internship I had to work in Microsoft Office a lot. So that now I can do any work very swiftly in Microsoft office. And this mak es my job easier. The following are the things that I learned from the internships: 1. Communication w ith customers: I learned how to handle, speak with and deal with customers. I also learned how to respond to different customers 2. Organization culture:


I learned how an organization works and the work environment. I learned about the right attire and the right mode of communication in an organization. I learned how reporting is done and whom to report. 3. Time managem ent: All tasks need to be done on time and thus I learned how to set my priorities and thus was able to manage time. 4. Deal w ith international custom ers: During my internship I not only had to handle Bangladeshi customers. Some of my calls were also international calls so I learned how to connect to and handle international calls 5. Anger m anagement: I learned how to handle tough situation and control anger and manage customer anger. Sometimes customers become furious and complain on different issues, so I learned how to handle such situation.


5.2 Implication to Universitys Internship Program :

AIUB had arranged a job fair for the internee student. AIUB also arranged an Internship Clinic seminar. Which help us a lot to make the report easily. The following things I learned because of the internship: How to write a formal report Organize my activities How to present activities in a report

5.3 Others:
In the internship period my supervisor Shahjahan Bohi had helped me a lot. I could contact her whenever I face problem to make the report. I am so glad to have such a great supervisor like her.


6. Concluding Statements:
6.1 Recapitulation:
Bangla Trac Communication Ltd. Is one of the leading communicating companies in the industry because of its effective Customer care service and successful strategic plans. Their allocation of resources for the departments is very effective and their productivity is increasing. It would be better for the company if it developed the operation of the marketing activities because there are many people in the society who are ignorant of the companys regular activities. Again the company should adopt their internal management system and need to develop their customer relation. Though the company is in a better position in the market then a year ago, to remain in the same position or to go ahead, the much-needed technological advancements can be a useful tool. But apart from these problems, Bangla Trac Communication Ltd. is enjoying a steady growth and sustainable profit rate because of its efficient performance and maintenance of regular functions.

6.2 Recommendation for future strategic action

In order to enhance the quality of affiliation following are the reco mmendations: University can arrange educational trips so that students can come to know about corporate life. Some corporate people can be invited as guest lecturers so that they can share corporate experience Students should try to enhance their fluency in English so that they can communicate properly. Emphasis should be made on presentation so that students dont become nervous in the internship. Students should come to office during internship on time so that their image does not get hampered. Students should maintain good relation with colleague so that they will be willing to help.


7. Suggestions for improvement or course of action:



Resume of
Faisal Md. Tanvir
C/O: Md. Nazrul Islam Mailing Address: 724/1 North Kafrul, Dhaka-Cantonment, Dhaka 1212.

Cell: 01924013973, 01672039341. E-mail: Career Objective:

Intend to work in a challenging and competitive environment where sense of responsibility and commitment is required, where dignity of work provides job satisfaction and the place of work provides potential avenues for learning, growing and achieving success in life and of the organization as well. 23

Academic Records:
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Major: Accounting & Finance CGPA: 3.22 out of 4.00 scales Credits Completed: 123 out of 126 credits (Last Semester Appeared) Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C) Dhaka City College; Board: Dhaka Group: Business Studies. GPA: 4.30 out of 5.00 scales. Session: 2005-06 Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) National Bank Public School and College; Board: Dhaka. Group: Business Studies GPA: 4.50 out of 5.00 scales. Session: 2003-04

Language Skills:
Excellent command in both Bengali and English.

Computer Skills:
Excellent skills in dealing with Operating Systems and Internet Browsing Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel

Good organizing and leading skill. Dynamic and self-motivated. Capable in adapting in any kind of environment.

Training Programme:
Participant of the Seminar Inspiring the Future Minds; Session By: Prof. Philip Kotler.

Personal Details:

Name: Nick Name: Fathers Name: Mothers Name: Date Of Birth: Nationality: Religion: Blood Group:

Faisal Md. Tanvir

Tanvir Md. Nazrul Islam Parul Akter 17 March, 1989 Bangladesh Islam B+


Name: Mohammad Zakaria Masud, ACMA Designation: Assistant Profesor & Head, Name: Dr. Md. Dulal Miah. Designation: Assistant Professor & Head.

Dept. Of Accounting, Faculty of Business Administration, AIUB. Phone: 8820865, 9890804, 9894641, Ext-150. Mobile: 01552-410177 E-mail:

Dept. of Finance, Faculty of Administration, AIUB. Phone: 9887934, 8814462, Ext- 524 Mobile: 01675987957 E-mail:




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