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GeneralAwareness (ExamHeldon1652010)
(A)15thJanuary,1947 (B)15thAugust,1947 (C)15thAugust,1950 (D)15thOctober,1947 Ans:(B) 2.Despotismispossibleina (A)Onepartystate (B)Twopartystate (C)Multipartystate (D)Twoandmultipartystate Ans:(A) 3.Marxbelongedto (A)Germany (B)Holland (C)France (D)Britain Ans:(A) 4.WhichoneofthefollowingistheguardianofFundamentalRights? (A)Legislature (B)Executive (C)Politicalparties (D)Judiciary Ans:(D) 5.SarkariaCommissionwasconcernedwith (A)AdministrativeReforms (B)ElectoralReforms (C)FinancialReforms (D)CentreStaterelations Ans:(D) 6.TheSpeakeroftheLokSabhahastoaddresshis/herletterofresignationto (A)PrimeMinisterofIndia (B)PresidentofIndia (C)DeputySpeakerofLokSabha (D)MinisterofParliamentaryAffairs Ans:(C) 7.Awantbecomesademandonlywhenitisbackedbythe (A)Abilitytopurchase (B)Necessitytobuy

(C)Desiretobuy (D)Utilityoftheproduct Ans:(D) 8.ThetermsMicroEconomicsandMacroEconomicswerecoinedby (A)AlfredMarshall (B)RagnerNurkse (C)RagnerFrisch (D)J.M.Keynes Ans:(C) 9.Duringperiodofinflation,taxratesshould (A)Increase (B)Decrease (C)Remainconstant (D)Fluctuate Ans:(A) 10.WhichisthebiggesttaxpayingsectorinIndia? (A)Agriculturesector (B)Industrialsector (C)Transportsector (D)Bankingsector Ans:(D) 11.Economicsiswhatitoughttobe.Thisstatementrefersto (A)Normativeeconomics (B)Positiveeconomics (C)Monetaryeconomics (D)Fiscaleconomics Ans:(A) 12.Theexcessofpriceapersonistopayratherthanforegotheconsumptionofthecommodityiscalled (A)Price (B)Profit (C)Producerssurplus (D)Consumerssurplus Ans:(C) 13.Silverhalidesareusedinphotographicplatesbecausetheyare (A)Oxidisedinair (B)Solubleinhyposolution (C)Reducedbylight (D)Totallycolourless Ans:(B) 14.TetraEthylLead(TEL)is (A)Acatalystinburningfossilfuel (B)Anantioxidant (C)Areductant

(D)Anantiknockcompound Ans:(D) 15.Curiepointisthetemperatureatwhich (A)Matterbecomesradioactive (B)Ametallosesmagneticproperties (C)Ametallosesconductivity (D)Transmutationofmetaloccurs Ans:(D) 16.Theisotopeusedfortheproductionofatomicenergyis (A)U235 (B)U238 (C)U234 (D)U236 Ans:(A) 17.Theaccelerationduetogravityattheequator (A)Islessthanthatatthepoles (B)Isgreaterthanthatatthepoles (C)Isequaltothatatthepoles (D)Doesnotdependontheearthscentripetalacceleration Ans:(A) 18.Whichofthefollowingisnotanucleon? (A)Proton (B)Neutron (C)Electron (D)Positron Ans:(C) 19.Thematerialusedinthemanufactureofleadpencilis (A)Graphite (B)Lead (C)Carbon (D)Mica Ans:(A) 20.Angleoffrictionandangleofreposeare (A)Equaltoeachother (B)Notequaltoeachother (C)Proportionaltoeachother (D)Noneoftheabove Ans:(A) 21.Processorsspeedofacomputerismeasuredin (A)BPS (B)MIPS (C)Baud (D)Hertz

Ans:(D) 22.Clanguageisa (A)Lowlevellanguage (B)Highlevellanguage (C)Machinelevellanguage (D)Assemblylevellanguage Ans:(B) 23.Whathappenstoapersonwhoreceivesthewrongtypeofblood? (A)Allthearteriesconstrict (B)Allthearteriesdialates (C)TheRBCsagglutinate (D)Thespleenandlymphnodesdeteriorate Ans:(C) 24.NISstandsfor (A)NationalInfectiousdiseasesSeminar (B)NationalIrrigationSchedule (C)NationalImmunisationSchedule (D)NationalInformationSector Ans:(C) 25.Ifallbulletscouldnotberemovedfromgunshotinjuryofaman,itmaycausepoisoningby (A)Mercury (B)Lead (C)Iron (D)Arsenic Ans:(B) 26.Ringwormisadisease. (A)Bacterial (B)Protozoan (C)Viral (D)Fungal Ans:(D) 27.Pituitaryglandissituatedin (A)Thebaseoftheheart (B)Thebaseofthebrain (C)Theneck (D)Theabdomen Ans:(B) 28.Whodiscoveredcement? (A)Agassit (B)AlbertusMagnus (C)JosephAspdin (D)Janseen Ans:(C)

29.AccordingtoRBIsReportonthetrendandprogressofbanking,theNonperformingAssets(NPAs)inIndia for200809forIndianBanksin2008havestoodat (A)23percent (B)26percent (C)35percent (D)52percent Ans:(B) 30.Windows7,thelatestoperatingsystemfromMicrosoftCorporationhasIndianlanguagesfonts. (A)14 (B)26 (C)37 (D)49 Ans:(B) 31.TRIPSandTRIMSarethetermsassociatedwith (A)IMF (B)WTO (C)IBRD (D)IDA Ans:(B) 32.APresidentialOrdinancecanremaininforce (A)Forthreemonths (B)Forsixmonths (C)Forninemonths (D)Indefinitely Ans:(B) 33.WhichofthefollowingIndonesianregionswasavictimofmassiveearthquakein2004? (A)IrianJaya (B)Sumatra (C)Kalibangan (D)Java Ans:(B) 34.ThefirstnonstopairconditionedDURANTOtrainwasflaggedoffbetween (A)SealdahNewDelhi (B)MumbaiHowrah (C)BangaloreHowrah (D)ChennaiNewDelhi Ans:(A) 35.Whichamongthefollowingagenciesreleasedthereport,EconomicOutlookfor200910? (A)PlanningCommission (B)PMsEconomicAdvisoryCouncil (C)FinanceCommission (D)ReserveBankofIndia Ans:(B)

36.IndiaandU.S.havedecidedtofinalizeagreementsrelatedtowhichofthefollowing? (A)TradeandInvestment (B)IntellectualProperty (C)TraditionalKnowledge (D)Alloftheabove Ans:(D) 37.WhichoneofthefollowingstatesdoesnotformpartofNarmadaRiverbasin? (A)MadhyaPradesh (B)Rajasthan (C)Gujarat (D)Maharashtra Ans:(B) 38.WhichofthefollowingcountrieshasrecentlybecomethethirdlargestmarketforTwitter? (A)China (B)India (C)Brazil (D)Indonesia Ans:(A) 39.Theexchangeofcommoditiesbetweentwocountriesisreferredas (A)Balanceoftrade (B)Bilateraltrade (C)Volumeoftrade (D)Multilateraltrade Ans:(B) 40.Soilerosiononhillslopescanbecheckedby (A)Afforestation (B)Terracecultivation (C)Stripcropping (D)Contourploughing Ans:(A) 41.WhocoinedthewordGeography? (A)Ptolemy (B)Eratosthenese (C)Hecataus (D)Herodatus Ans:(B) 42.WhichofthefollowingiscalledtheecologicalhotspotofIndia? (A)WesternGhats (B)EasternGhats (C)WesternHimalayas (D)EasternHimalayas Ans:(A)

43.Theartandscienceofmapmakingiscalled (A)RemoteSensing (B)Cartography (C)Photogrammetry (D)Mapping Ans:(B) 44.TheageoftheEarthcanbedeterminedby (A)GeologicalTimeScale (B)RadioMetricDating (C)Gravitymethod (D)Fossilizationmethod Ans:(B) 45.ThemonkwhoinfluencedAshokatoembraceBuddhismwas (A)VishnuGupta (B)UpaGupta (C)BrahmaGupta (D)Brihadratha Ans:(B) 46.ThedeclarationthatDemocracyisaGovernmentofthepeople,bythepeopleforthepeoplewasmade by (A)GeorgeWashington (B)WinstonChurchill (C)AbrahamLincoln (D)TheodoreRoosevelt Ans:(C) 47.TheLodidynastywasfoundedby (A)IbrahimLodi (B)SikandarLodi (C)BahlolLodi (D)KhizrKhan Ans:(C) 48.Harshavardhanawasdefeatedby (A)Prabhakaravardhana (B)PulakesinII (C)NarasimhavarmaPallava (D)Sasanka Ans:(B) 49.Whoamongthefollowingwasanilliterate? (A)Jahangir (B)ShahJahan (C)Akbar (D)Aurangazeb Ans:(C)

50.WhichGovernorGeneralisassociatedwithDoctrineofLapse? (A)LordRipon (B)LordDalhousie (C)LordBentinck (D)LordCurzon Ans:(B)

PaperI(HeldOn16.09.2012) QuantitativeAbilities
1.Thereare200questionsona3hourexamination.Among200questions,50areScience.Hespenttwice,as muchtimeoneachMathematicsquestionsasforeachotherquestion.Howmanyminutesdidhespendon Mathematicsquestions?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

100 60 36 72

2.Theremainderwhen919+6isdivided8is 5 7 2 3

3.Theleastfivedigitperfectsquarenumberwhichiddivisibleby3,4,5,and8is 10800 10201 14400 32400

4.Whichofthefollowingnumbersdoesnotfitintotheseries? 14,19,29,40,44,51,59,73 44

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

29 59 51

5.Whatwillbetheremainderwhen19100isdividedby20? 3 1 19 20

6. A toy factory manufactured a batch of electronic toys. If the toys were packed in boxes of 115 each, 13 boxes would not be filledcompletely.Iftheboyswerepackedinboxes of 65each,22 suchboxeswouldnotbeenoughto pack all of them. Coincidentally, in the end, the toys were packed n in boxes containing n toys each, without any remainder.Thetotalnumberoftoyswas

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1444 1454 1424 1434


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

391 421 481 511

9. A woman sells to the first customer half her stock of apples and half an apple, to thesecondcustomerhalf an apple and half of her remaining stock and so also to a third and to afourthcustomer. Shefindsthatshehasnow 15applesleft.Howmanyhadsheatfirst?

1. 2. 3.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

255 250 155

10. Aand B can complete a job in 24 days 1 working together. A alone can complete it in 32 days. Both of them workedtogetherfor8daysandthemAleft.ThenumberofdaysBwilltaketocompletetheremainingjobis 64 128 16 32

11.Ina factory, there are equal number of women and children. Women workfor6hoursa dayanchildrenand4 hours aday. During festival time, the work load goes up by 50%. The government rule does notallowchildrento work formorethan6hoursaday.Iftheyareequallyefficientandtheextra workis donebywomen,thenextrahours ofworkputinbywomeneverydayare

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

4 9 5 3

12.Aand B eachworkingalonecandoaworkin15daysand25 daysrespectively. Theystartedthe worktogether, butBleftafter some time and A finished the remaining work in 7 days. After how many days from the start did B leave?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

7 9 3 5

13.Aand B started a business with Rs. 20,000andRs.35,000respectively.They agreedtosharetheprofitinthe ratio oftheircapitalCjoinsthepartnershipwiththecondition and laysRs.2,20,000 aspremiumforthis,beshared betweenAandB.ThisistodividedbetweenAandBintheratioof

1. 2. 3. 4.

9 10

:10 :9

5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

10 1

:1 :10

14.Acancompleteaworkin20daysandB30days.Aworked alonefor4 daysandthe B completedtheremaining workalongwithCin18days.Inhowmanydayscanworkingalonecompletethework? 72 90 12 68

15.Apipe can fill a cistern in 12 minutes and another pipe can fill itin15 minutes,but thirdpipe canemptyitin6 minutes. The first two pipes are kept open for 5 minutes in the beginning and then the third pipe also opened. Numberofminutestakenemptythecisternis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

42 45 38 22

16.Brothers A and B had somesavingsintheratio4:5.Theydecidedtobuy agiftfortheir sister, sharingthe cost in theratio3:4.Aftertheybought,Aspenttwothirdofhisamountwhile B isleftwith Rs. 145.Them thevalueofthe fitis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

140 175 70 105

17.The taxi charges in a city contain fixed charges and for adistanceof upto 5 km and additional charge/km thereafter.Thecharge for adistanceof10kmisRs.350andfor25kmisRs. 800.Thechargeforadistanceof30kmis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rs. Rs.

900 950

6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Rs. Rs.

800 750

18.The marks of 3 students A, B and C are in the ratio 10 : 12 : 15. If the maximum marks ofthe paperare 100, thenthemarksofBcannotbeintherangeof 70 80 20 40 80 90 30 50

19.Theaverageofthetestscoresofaclassofmstudentsis70andthatofnstudentsis91. Whenthe scoresof boththeclassesarecombined,theaverageis80.Whatisn/m? 10/13 10/11 11/10 13/10

20. The average salary per head of all workers of an institution is Rs. 60. The average salary per head of 12 officers is Rs. 400. The average salary per head of the rest is Rs. 56. Then the total number of workers in the institutionis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1062 1060 1030 1032

21.Acricketer played 80 innings and scored an average of 99 runs. His score is inthelast inning iszero run.To haveanaverageof100attheend,hisscoreinthelastinningsshouldhavebeen 60 80 10 1 runs runs runs run

22.Aman spends an average of Rs. 1,694.70 per monthforthe first7 monthsandRs.1,810.50 permonthforthe next5months.HismonthlysalaryifhesavesRs.3,084.60duringthewholeyearis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2.

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

1,000 2,000 2,400 3,000

23.Aand B undertake to do a piece of work for Rs. 2,200. A alone can do it in8 days,while B candoitin6days. WiththehelpofC,theycompleteitin3days.FindCsshare. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 150 100 450 300

24.Byselling an article at 80%ofitmarkedprice,atradermakesalossof10%.Whatwillbetheprofit percentage ifhesellsitat95%ofitsmarkedprice? 5.9 12.5 6.9 5

25.Byselling an umbrellaforRs.30,ashopkeepergains20%.During aclearancesale, theshopkeeperallowsa discountof10%ofthemarkedprice.Hegainduringehsaleseasonis 8 9 7 7.5

26.Whatis the maximum percentage discount (approximately) that a merchant can offer on his marked priceso thatheendsupsellingatnoprofitorloss,ifheinitiallymarkedhisgoodsupby40%? 33.5%

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

28.5% 60% No discount

27. Ashopkeeper marks the prices at 15% higher than the original price. Due to increase in demand, he further increasethepriceby10%.Howmuchpercentageprofitwillheget? 20 24.5 25 26.5

28.Froma vessel containing 100 l of wine, 10 l are drawn out and an equal amount ofwater isadded.Fromthe mixture,10lisagaindrawnoutandsamequantityofwaterisadded.Whatisthefinalratioofwineandwater? 91 81 80 90 :9 :19 :20 :10

29. From each of two given numbers, half the smaller number is subtracted. After such subtraction, the larger numberis4timesaslargeasthesmallernumber.Whatistheratioofthenumbers? 4 4 5 1 :1 :5 :2 :4

30.Men, women and children are employed to do a work in the proportion of 3 : 2 : 1 and theirwages as5:3:2. When90menareemployed,totaldailywagesofallamountstoRs.10,350.Findthedailywageofaman. Rs. Rs. Rs. 115 75 45

7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



31.AsellsanarticletoBmakingaprofitof1/5ofhisoutlay.Bsellsitto C, gaining20%. IfCsellsitforRs.600and incursalossof1/6ofhisoutlay,thecostpriceofAis Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 720 800 600 500

32. A man had a certain amount with him. He spent 20% of that to buy an article and 5% of the remaining on transport.ThenhegiftedRs.120.IfheisleftwithRs.1,400,theamounthespentontransportis Rs. Rs.80 Rs. Rs. 76 61 95

33.The population of a town is 3,11,250. The ratio between women and men is 43 : 40. If there are 24%literate amongmenand8%literatureamongwomen,thetotalnumberofliteraturepersonsinthetownis 56,800 99,600 41,800 48,900

34.Inan examination, 52%ofthecandidatesfailed inEnglishand43%failedinMathematics. If17%failedinboth thesubjects,thenthepercentageofcandidates,whopassedinboththesubjects,was 25 22 23 21

35.Ina electiontherewereonlytwocandidates.Oneofthe candidates secured40%ofvotesandisdefinedbythe othercandidateby298votes.Thetotalnumberofvotespolledis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1490 1500 745 1460

36.Pand Q are 27 km away. Two trains with speeds of 24 km/hr and 18 km/hr respectivelystart simultaneously fromPandQandtravelinthesamedirection.TheymeetatapointRbeyondQ.DistanceQRis 48 36 126 81 km km km km

37.Aboat covers 12 km upstream in 3 hours, while it covers 36 km upstream and 24 km downstream inhours. Whatisthespeedofthecurrent? 2 2.5 1.5 1 km/hr km/hr km/hr km/hr

38. Average rainfall on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is 420.5 cm and average on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday andFridayis330.5cm.IftheratioofrainfallforMondayandFridayis20: 21,find therainfall incmonMondayandFriday.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1700, 1682, 1800, 1600,

1740 1762 1890 1680

39. The average of 5 consecutive integers starting with m is n. What is the average of 6 consecutive integers startingwith(m+2)?

40. A manufacture sells an article to a wholesale dealer at a profit of 10%. The wholesale dealer sells it to a shopkeeper at 20% profit. The shopkeeper sells it to a customer for Rs. 56,100 at a loss of 15%. Then the cost priceofthearticletothemanufactureis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

50,000 55,000 25,000 10,000

41.Alossof19%getsconvertedintoaprofiton17%whenthesellingpriceinincreasedbyRs.162.Thecostprice ofthearticleis Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 360 540 450 600

42.Aman purchased 150 pens at the rate of Rs. 12 per pen. He said 50 pens atagain of 10%.Thepercentage gainatwhichheselltheremainingpenssoastogain15%ofthewholeoutlayis

43.Adealer sold two types of goods for Rs. 10,000 each. On one of them, he lost 20% and the other hegained 20%.Hisgainorlosspercentintheentiretransactionwas

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

4% 4% 2% 20%

gain loss loss gain

44.Thecostpriceof40articlesisthesameatthesellingpriceof25articles.Findthegain% 15% 75% 65%

8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.


45.Waterflows at a rate of 10 meters per minutefromacylindricalpipe5mmindiameter.Howlong willittaketo fillupaconicalvesselwhosediameteratthebaseis40cmanddepthis24cm? 48 55 51 52 mins15secs mins mins12secs mins1sec

46.The three perpendicular distances of three sides of an equilateral triangle from a point which lies insidethat triangleare6cm,9cmand12cmrespectively.Theperimeterofthetriangleis 552 cm

533cm 422cm 453cm

47. The area of arightangled triangle is 34 cm2 and one of the sides containing the right angle is 6cm. The altitudeonthehypotenuseis 5.2 12 3.6 4.8 cm cm cm cm

48. A cost of cultivating a square field at a rate of Rs. 135 per hectare is Rs. 1,215. The cost of putting a fence arounditattherateof75paisepermetrewouldbe Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 900 1,800 360 810

49.The area of a trapezium is 384 cm2. IF its parallel sides are in the ratio 3 : 5 and theperpendicular distance betweenthemis12cm,thesmalleroftheparallelsidesis

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

30 36 20 24

cm cm cm cm

50.The perimeter of the triangular base of a right prism is60cmandthesidesofthe base areintheratio5:12: 13.Thenitsvolumewillbe(heightoftheprismbeing50cm) 5400 9600 6000 6600 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3

51.If the length of a rectangular parallelepiped is 3 timesofitsbreadthand5 timesofitsheightanditsvolumeis,thenareaofthetotalsurfacewillbe

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.

4320 5320 2420 3320

52. The capacities of two hemispherical bows are 6.4 litres and 21.6 litres respectively. Then the ratio of their internalcurvedsurfaceareaswillbe

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2: 16 4 2 :31 :9 :3

53.Aman can row at 10 kmph in still water. If it takes a total of 5hoursfourhimtogo to aplace24kmawayand return,thenthespeedofthewatercurrentis (a)1/2kmph (b)1kmph (c)2kmph

(d)3kmph 54.Aman started 20 minutes late and travelling at a speed of 3/2 timesofhis usualspeedreaches hisofficein time.Thetimetakenbythemantoreachhisofficeathisusualspeedis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

1 30 40 1

hour minutes minutes hr20minutes

55.Divide Rs. 15,494 A and B so that As share at the end of 9 years may be equal to Bsshareatthe endof11 years,compoundinterestbeing20%perannum.ThenAsshareis Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 9144 9414 8000 9140

56.TheprincipalamountwhichyieldsacompoundinterestorRs.208inthesecondyearat4%is Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 13000 6500 5000 10000

57.Anamountisinvestedinabankatcompoundrate of interest,afterfirst and thirdyearisRs.1200 and Rs. 1587 respectively.Whatistherateofinterest? 12% 15% 10% 3.9% Rs. 76.50

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Rs. Rs. Rs.

76 76.25 76.75

59. A solid consists of a circular cylinder with exact fitting right circular cone placed on the top. The height of the coneish.Iftotalvolumeofthesolidisthreetimesthevolumeofthecone,thentheheightofthecircularcylinderis 4h 3h/2 2h 2h/3


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

50 20 25 52

sq.units sq.units sq.units sq.units


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2034 2340 2304 2430

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2/a 2/a 2 a/2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2.

1 1 2 2

67.232(2+1)(221)(24+1)(28+1)(216+1)isequalto 2 216 0 1

68.Iftheexpressionx+809436809438beaperfectsquare,thenthevalueofxis 809436 809438 0 1

69.IfOistheorthocenteroftheAND=80O,thenmeasureofis 120o

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.

90o 80o 100o

70.LetAandBbetwosolidspheressuchthatthesurfaceareaofBis300% higherthanthesurfaceareaofA.The volumeofAisfoundtobek%lowerthanthevolumeofB.Thevalueofkmustbe 90.5 87.5 85.5 92.5


2. 3.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1 2 1

: :1 :2

72.Froma circular sheet of paper of radius 10 cm,asectorofarea40%is removed. Iftheremaining partisused tomakeaconicalsurface,thentheratiooftheradiusandtheheightoftheconeis 3 4 1 1 :4 :3 :2 :1

73.If the area of the circular shell having inner and outer radii of 8 cmand12cmrespectively isequal to thetotal surfaceareaofacylinderofradiusR1andheighth,thenh,istermsofR1willbe

74. A well or radius 3.5 m is dug 16 m deep. The earth removed is spread over an area of 400 m2 to form a platform.Heightoftheplatformis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

7.7 77 1.57 154

m m m m

75.The ratio of the number ofsidesoftworegularpolygonsis1:2.Ifeachinteriorangleofthefirstpolygonis 120o,thenthemeasureofeachinteriorangleofthesecondpolygonis 150o 160o 140o 135o

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2 5 0 1

77.Twopostsare x meters apart and the height of one is doublethatoftheother.Iffromthemidpointofthe line joining their feet, an observer finds the angular elevations of their tops to be complementary, then the height(inmeters)oftheshorterpostis



2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

less equal equal

than1 to2 to1

greater than1

82.Anaeroplane when flyingataheightof5000mfromthegroundpassesverticallyaboveanotheraeroplane ataninstant, when the angles of elevation of the two aeroplanes from the same point on thegroundare60o and45orespectively.Theverticaldistancebetweentheaeroplanesattheinstantis

83. The angles of a triangle are in Arithmetic Progression. The ratio of the latest angle in degrees to the numberofradiansinthegreatestangleis60:.Theanglesindegreesare

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

40o, 40o, 30o, 35o,

50o,90o 55o,85o 60o,90o 55o,90o

84.Suppose be a rightangled triangle where = 90o, and AD BC. If =40cm2,=10cm2andAC=9cm,then the lengthofBCis 4 6 12 8 cm cm cm cm

85.Twocircles toucheachotherexternallyatP.ABisadirectcommontangenttothetwocircles,AandBare pointsofcontactand=35o.Thenis 65o 75o 35o 55o

86.The length of the common chordof twointeresting circles is 24 cm. If thediametersofthecirclesare30 cmand26cm,thenthedistancebetweenthecentresincmis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.

15 16 13 14

87.In,DandEarepointsonABandACrespectivelysuchthatDE|BCandDEdividestheintotwopartsofequal areas.ThenratioofADandBDis

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

1 1

: :1


8. 1 : 2 1 88.Theareaofthesquareinscribedinacircleofradius8cmis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
128 125 256 250

89.Xand Y are centres of circles ofradii9cmand2cmrespectively,XY=17cm.Zisthecentreof acircle of radiusrcmwhichtouchestheabovecirclesexternally.Giventhat=90o,thevalueofris 9 8 13 6 cm cm cm cm


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.

140o 110o 130o 120o

91.If the radii oftwocirclesbe6cmand3cmandthelengthofthetransversecommontangentbe8cm,then thedistancebetweenthetwocentresis

2. 3.


4. 5.


6. 7.


8. 140cm 92.The ratio between the number of sides of two regular polygons is1:2andtheratiobetweentheirinterior anglesis2:3.Thenumberofsidesofthesepolygonsisrespectively 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
4, 7, 6, 5, 8 14 12 10

93.TheminimumvalueofSin2+cos2+sec2+cosec2+tan2+cot2is 5 7 1


Directions:Thebarchartgivenbelowshowsthepercentagedistributionoftheproductionofvariousmodelsof amobilemanufacturingcompanyin2007and2008.Thetotalproductionin2007was35lakhmobilephones andin2008theproductionwas44lakh.Studythechartandanswerquestions96100.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4.

2,25,000 1,75,000 3,55,000 2,70,000

97.IfthepercentageproductionofAtypemobilesin2008wassameasthatin2007,thenthenumberofAtype mobileproducedin2008wouldhavebeen 11,70,000 10,50,000 14,00,000 13,20,000

98. If 85% of the D type mobile produced in each year were sold by the company, how many D type mobiles remainedunsold? 1,18,500 1,22,500 76,500 93,500

99.TotalnumberofmobileofmodelsA,BandEmanufacturedin2007was 21,00,000 19,25,000

5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

24,50,000 22,75,000

100.Forwhichmodelswasthepercentagevariationinproductionfrom2007to2008themaximum? D A B C andE andB andC andD

CombinedGraduateLevelExaminationTierIIExam (EnglishPaper2010) 1.Topinonesfaith (a)Tobesureofsomebodysfavour(b)Tobeunsureoffavour (c)Tobotherforfriends (d)Tobotherforonesrelatives 2.Toplayfastandloose (a)Tobeundependable (b)Tocheatpeople.(c)Tohurtsomebodysfeelings(d)Totrustothers 3Toplayonafiddle (a)Toplayanimportantrole (b)Toplayuponamusicalinstrument(c)Tobebusyovertrifles (d)Tobebusyoverimportantmatter 4.AlmaMater (a)Mothersmilk (b)Mothersconcernforthechild (c)Thelearningthatonereceivesfrommother (cl)Institutionwhereonereceiveseducation 5.Tobeontheapex (a)Toscaleapeak (b)Tobeatthehighestpoint (c)Topunishsomebody (d)Tobeatsomebody 6.Atonesbeckandcall

(a)Toclimbtheback (b)Tocallfrombehind (c)Tobealwaysatonesserviceorcommand (d)Nottocareforanybody 7.Atoneswitsend (aCompletelyconfused (b)Tobeverywitty (c)Tohavenosenseofhumour (d)Toconfuseothers 8.Anaxetogrind (a)Toputanaxeintheenemysterritory (b)Toputanaxeintheground (c)Nottohaveanyselfishmotive (d)Tohaveaselfishmotive Direction(918): Read the following paragraph and answer: Edmunde Burke called the press the Fourth Estate of the realm. I think he did not use this title for the Press thoughtlessly as social ruling group or class. The three Estates or Realms (in England)LordsSpiritual(i.e.,theBishopsintheHouse of Lords), the temporal, (i.e. other Lords) and Commons, i. e., the common people). The Press has been rightly called the Fourth Estate as it also. constitutes a ruling group or class like the Lords and Commons. It cannot be denied in a free country that the Press exercises good deal of influence in shaping public opinion and pointing out the weaknessesordefectsofsocietyorofGovernment,andin general bringing to light all those good or bad things in society which would have otherwise remained unnoticed. The power is not limited or put under any check. The Press, insteadof,beingcontrolledby anyonecontrolslifeandthoughtofanation:HencethePressconstitutesanEstatebyitself. Obviously. thus power which the Press in an:) countrywieldsdepends upon thenumberofnewspaper readers. The opinions . and comments of newspapers can influence. the life of a nationonlywhenthey are read, by People. Reading in turn, requires that the general mass of people should be educated. Thus, the spread of education determines the extent of the newspapers. Where readers are few newspapers must necessarily be few. Their influence, in that casecanextendonlytoasmallminorityof population. In a country like India, the percentage of literacyisverylowandthe standardofjournalism isn9tveryhigh.SoPresshastoplaytheroleofateacherhere. 9.EdmundeBurkecalledthePress (a)InstrumentofPublicOpinion (b)Distributorofnews (c)TheFourthEstate (d)LordTemporal 10.ThetermFourthEstatestandsfor

(a)Anareaofland (b)LandedProperty (c)Socialrulinggrouporclass (d)InstrumentofPower 11.OutofthefollowingtheonewhichisnotincludedintheThreeEstatesis (a)LordsSpiritual (b)JusticesofPeace (c)LordTemporal (d)Commons 12.TheFreepressdocsnotperformthefunctionof (a)Shapingpublicopinion (b)Supportingatalltimestheofficialpolicy (c)CriticisingGovernment (d)Exposingsocialabuses 13.HowmuchpowerdoesaFreePres!possess? (a)OnlythatmuchpowerwhichisallowedbytheGovernmentofthethecountry (b)Unlimitedpowerwithoutanycheck (c)Unlimitedpowersubjecttothemaintenanceoflawandorderandpublicmorality (d)Nopoweratall 14.ThesecretofthePressis (a)themoneywhichthenewspaperownerscanwield (bThenumberofnewspaperreaders (c)theextenttowhichitsupportsofficialpolicy (d)ThepatronageenjoyedbyitoftheGovernment 15.Thenumberofnewspaperreadersisdeterminedby (a)Thelowpriceofnewspapers (b)Thepatronageextendedtoitbythemoneyedpeople (c)Educationofthegeneralmassofpeople (d)Theavailabilityofnewsprint. 16.ThePressexercisespowerby (a)Enlistingthesupportofthepeople (b)KeepingwatchovertheactsoftheGovernment (c)Controllinglifeandthoughtofanation (d)Becauseitisagreatmoneyedconcern 17.ThestateofjournalisminIndia (a)isuptothemark (b)isratherlow

(c)isinitsinfancy (d)isnotveryhigh 18.ThePresshasthegreatestchancesofflourishingina (a)Monarchy (b)Aristocracy (c)Democracy (d)LimitedDictatorship

19.ShehasDotrecoveredfullytheshockofhisfailure. (a)off(b)of(c)from(d)against 20.Themasterdispensedtheservicesofhisservant. (a)of(b)with(c)off(d)for 21.Ilookhimasmyclosefriend. (a)OD(b)up(c)after(d)to 22.Myfriendisreallyverygoodcricket. (a)on(b)at(c)in(d)over 23.Hehasgreataffectionme. (a)with(b)on(c)for(d)in 24.Healwaysconniveswithhissuperiorsagainsthiscolleagues. (a)on(b)with(c)about(d)at 25.Ihavebeeninformedthatthetwobrothershavefallen. (a)upon(blthrough(c)in(d)out 26.Yourfriendhasbeenconvictedthechargeofmurder. (a)upon(b)for(c)on(d)of Direction:2731:Eachwordorphraseisfollowedbyfourwordsorphrases.Choosethewordor phasewhichismostnearlythesame 27.Pragmatism (a)Appearance(b)Obscurantism(c)Practicality(d)Reversion 28.Expeditiously (a)Rapidlyb.easily(c)Vividlyd.noneofthese 29.Precarious (a)Hugeb.uncertain(c)Dangerousd.valuable 30.Vagrant (a)Wanderingb.Notclear(c)Futiled.Noneofthese 31.Valediction (a)ValidB.Farewellspeech(c)Judgementd.Noneofthese

Directions:Eachquestionisfollowedbyfouralternatives.Picktheonewhichbestdescribethe statement. 32.Capableofbeingapproached (a)Accessory(b)Easy(c)Accessible(d)Adaptable 33.Onewhoislikedbypeople (a)Samaritan(b)Popular()Philanthropist(d)Misanthropepist 34.Nolongerinuse (a)Impracticable(b)Obsolete(c)Absolute(d)Useless 35.Achildbornafterthedeathofhisfather (a)Posthumous(b)Bastard(c)Kiddy(d)Stepson. 36.Onewhoispresenteverywhere (a)God(b)Omnipotent(c)Omnipresent(d)Visible 37.Anofficewithoutsalary (a)Honorary(b)Slavish(c)Sinecure(d)Voluntary 38.Adocumentwrittenbyhand (aScript(b)Autobiography(c)Manuscript(d)Autography 39.Governmentbyofficials (a)Oligarchy(b)Bureaucracy(c)Autocracy(d)Democracy 40.Aspeechmadeoffhand (a)Extempore(b)Maiden(c)Lecture(d)Gibberish Answer:1.a,2.a.3.c,4.d,5.b,6.c,7.a,8.d.9.c10.c,11.b,12.b,13.c,14.b,15.c,16.c, 17.d,18.c.19.c,20.b,21.a,22.b,23.c,24.b,25.d,26.c,27.c,28.a,29.c,30.a31.b,32.a, 33.b,34.b,35.a,36.b,37.a,38.c,39.b,40.a
1.Topinonesfaith (a)Tobesureofsomebodysfavour(b)Tobeunsureoffavour (c)Tobotherforfriends (d)Tobotherforonesrelatives 2.Toplayfastandloose (a)Tobeundependable (b)Tocheatpeople (c)Tohurtsomebodysfeelings (d)Totrustothers 3Toplayonafiddle (a)Toplayanimportantrole (b)Toplayuponamusicalinstrument (c)Tobebusyovertrifles (d)Tobebusyoverimportantmatter

4.AlmaMater (a)Mothersmilk (b)Mothersconcernforthechild (c)Thelearningthatonereceivesfrommother (d)Institutionwhereonereceiveseducation 5.Tobeontheapex (a)Toscaleapeak (b)Tobeatthehighestpoint (c)Topunishsomebody (d)Tobeatsomebody 6.Atonesbeckandcall (a)Toclimbtheback (b)Tocallfrombehind (c)Tobealwaysatonesserviceorcommand (d)Nottocareforanybody 7.Atoneswitsend (aCompletelyconfused (b)Tobeverywitty (c)Tohavenosenseofhumour (d)Toconfuseothers 8.Anaxetogrind (a)Toputanaxeintheenemysterritory (b)Toputanaxeintheground (c)Nottohaveanyselfishmotive (d)Tohaveaselfishmotive Direction(918): Read the following paragraph and answer: Edmunde Burke calledthe pressthe FourthEstateof the realm. I think he did not use this title for the Press thoughtlessly as social ruling group or class. The three Estates orRealms (in England) Lords Spiritual (i.e., the Bishops in the House of Lords),the temporal,(i.e.other Lords) and Commons, i. e., the common people). The Press has been rightly called the Fourth Estate asitalso. constitutes a ruling group or class like the Lords and Commons. It cannot be denied in a free country that the Pressexercises good deal of influence in shaping public opinion and pointing outthe weaknessesordefectsof society or of Government, andingeneralbringingtolightallthose goodorbadthingsinsociety whichwouldhave otherwise remained unnoticed. The power is not limited or put under any check. The Press, instead of, being controlledbyanyonecontrolslifeandthoughtofanation:HencethePressconstitutesanEstatebyitself. Obviously. thus power which the Press in an country wields depends upon the number of newspaper readers. Theopinions .andcommentsofnewspaperscaninfluence. thelife of anationonlywhen theyare read,byPeople. Reading in turn, requires that the general mass of people should be educated. Thus, the spreadofeducation determines the extent of the newspapers. Where readers are few newspapers must necessarily be few. Their influence, in that case can extend only to a small minority of population. In a country like India, the percentage of literacyisverylowandthestandardofjournalismisn9tveryhigh.SoPresshastoplaytheroleofateacherhere. 9.EdmundeBurkecalledthePress (a)InstrumentofPublicOpinion (b)Distributorofnews (c)TheFourthEstate

(d)LordTemporal 10.ThetermFourthEstatestandsfor (a)Anareaofland (b)LandedProperty (c)Socialrulinggrouporclass (d)InstrumentofPower 11.OutofthefollowingtheonewhichisnotincludedintheThreeEstatesis (a)LordsSpiritual(b)JusticesofPeace (c)LordTemporal (d)Commons 12.TheFreepressdocsnotperformthefunctionof (a)Shapingpublicopinion (b)Supportingatalltimestheofficialpolicy (c)CriticisingGovernment (d)Exposingsocialabuses 13.HowmuchpowerdoesaFreePres!possess? (a)OnlythatmuchpowerwhichisallowedbytheGovernmentofthethecountry (b)Unlimitedpowerwithoutanycheck (c)Unlimitedpowersubjecttothemaintenanceoflawandorderandpublicmorality (d)Nopoweratall 14.ThesecretofthePressis (a)themoneywhichthenewspaperownerscanwield (bThenumberofnewspaperreaders (c)theextenttowhichitsupportsofficialpolicy (d)ThepatronageenjoyedbyitoftheGovernment 15.Thenumberofnewspaperreadersisdeterminedby (a)Thelowpriceofnewspapers (b)Thepatronageextendedtoitbythemoneyedpeople (c)Educationofthegeneralmassofpeople (d)Theavailabilityofnewsprint. 16.ThePressexercisespowerby (a)Enlistingthesupportofthepeople (b)KeepingwatchovertheactsoftheGovernment (c)Controllinglifeandthoughtofanation (d)Becauseitisagreatmoneyedconcern 17.ThestateofjournalisminIndia (a)isuptothemark (b)isratherlow (c)isinitsinfancy(d)isnotveryhigh 18.ThePresshasthegreatestchancesofflourishingina (a)Monarchy

(b)Aristocracy (c)Democracy (d)LimitedDictatorship 1926Fillintheblanks: 19.ShehasDotrecoveredfullytheshockofhisfailure. (a)off(b)of(c)from(d)against 20.Themasterdispensedtheservicesofhisservant. (a)of(b)with(c)off(d)for 21.Ilookhimasmyclosefriend. (a)OD(b)up(c)after(d)to 22.Myfriendisreallyverygoodcricket. (a)on(b)at(c)in(d)over 23.Hehasgreataffectionme. (a)with(b)on(c)for(d)in 24.Healwaysconniveswithhissuperiorsagainsthiscolleagues. (a)on(b)with(c)about(d)at 25.Ihavebeeninformedthatthetwobrothershavefallen. (a)upon(blthrough(c)in(d)out 26.Yourfriendhasbeenconvictedthechargeofmurder. (a)upon(b)for(c)on(d)of Direction: 2731 :Each word or phraseisfollowedbyfourwordsorphrases.Choosethewordorphasewhich ismostnearlythesame 27.Pragmatism (a)Appearance(b)Obscurantism(c)Practicality(d)Reversion 28.Expeditiously (a)Rapidlyb.easily(c)Vividlyd.noneofthese 29.Precarious (a)Hugeb.uncertain(c)Dangerousd.valuable 30.Vagrant (a)Wanderingb.Notclear(c)Futiled.Noneofthese 31.Valediction (a)ValidB.Farewellspeech(c)Judgementd.Noneofthese Directions:Eachquestionisfollowedbyfouralternatives.Picktheonewhichbestdescribethestatement

32.Capableofbeingapproached (a)Accessory(b)Easy(c)Accessible(d)Adaptable 33.Onewhoislikedbypeople (a)Samaritan(b)Popular()Philanthropist(d)Misanthropepist 34.Nolongerinuse (a)Impracticable(b)Obsolete(c)Absolute(d)Useless 35.Achildbornafterthedeathofhisfather (a)Posthumous(b)Bastard(c)Kiddy(d)Stepson. 36.Onewhoispresenteverywhere (a)God(b)Omnipotent(c)Omnipresent(d)Visible 37.Anofficewithoutsalary (a)Honorary(b)Slavish(c)Sinecure(d)Voluntary 38.Adocumentwrittenbyhand (aScript(b)Autobiography(c)Manuscript(d)Autography 39.Governmentbyofficials (a)Oligarchy(b)Bureaucracy(c)Autocracy(d)Democracy 40.Aspeechmadeoffhand (a)Extempore(b)Maiden(c)Lecture(d)Gibberish

1.a,2.a.3.c,4.d,5.b,6.c,7.a,8.d.9.c10.c,11.b,12.b,13.c,14.b,15.c,16.c,17.d,18.c.19.c,20.b,21.a, 22.b,23.c,24.b,25.d,26.c,27.c,28.a,29.c,30.a31.b,32.a,33.b,34.b,35.a,36.b,37.a,38.c,39.b,40.a

CombinedGraduateLevelExaminationTierIIExam (EnglishPaper2010) 1.Topinonesfaith (a)Tobesureofsomebodysfavour(b)Tobeunsureoffavour (c)Tobotherforfriends (d)Tobotherforonesrelatives 2.Toplayfastandloose (a)Tobeundependable

(b)Tocheatpeople.(c)Tohurtsomebodysfeelings(d)Totrustothers 3Toplayonafiddle (a)Toplayanimportantrole (b)Toplayuponamusicalinstrument(c)Tobebusyovertrifles (d)Tobebusyoverimportantmatter 4.AlmaMater (a)Mothersmilk (b)Mothersconcernforthechild (c)Thelearningthatonereceivesfrommother (cl)Institutionwhereonereceiveseducation 5.Tobeontheapex (a)Toscaleapeak (b)Tobeatthehighestpoint (c)Topunishsomebody (d)Tobeatsomebody 6.Atonesbeckandcall (a)Toclimbtheback (b)Tocallfrombehind (c)Tobealwaysatonesserviceorcommand (d)Nottocareforanybody 7.Atoneswitsend (aCompletelyconfused (b)Tobeverywitty (c)Tohavenosenseofhumour (d)Toconfuseothers 8.Anaxetogrind (a)Toputanaxeintheenemysterritory (b)Toputanaxeintheground (c)Nottohaveanyselfishmotive (d)Tohaveaselfishmotive Direction(918): Read the following paragraph and answer: Edmunde Burke called the press the Fourth Estate of the realm. I think he did not use this title for the Press thoughtlessly as social ruling group or class. The three Estates or Realms (in England)LordsSpiritual(i.e.,theBishopsintheHouse of Lords), the temporal, (i.e. other Lords) and Commons, i. e., the common people). The Press has been rightly called the Fourth Estate as it also. constitutes a ruling group or class like the Lords and Commons. It cannot be denied in a free country that the Press exercises good deal of influence in shaping public opinion and pointing out the weaknessesordefectsofsocietyorofGovernment,andin

general bringing to light all those good or bad things in society which would have otherwise remained unnoticed. The power is not limited or put under any check. The Press, insteadof,beingcontrolledby anyonecontrolslifeandthoughtofanation:HencethePressconstitutesanEstatebyitself. Obviously. thus power which the Press in an:) countrywieldsdepends upon thenumberofnewspaper readers. The opinions . and comments of newspapers can influence. the life of a nationonlywhenthey are read, by People. Reading in turn, requires that the general mass of people should be educated. Thus, the spread of education determines the extent of the newspapers. Where readers are few newspapers must necessarily be few. Their influence, in that casecanextendonlytoasmallminorityof population. In a country like India, the percentage of literacyisverylowandthe standardofjournalism isn9tveryhigh.SoPresshastoplaytheroleofateacherhere. 9.EdmundeBurkecalledthePress (a)InstrumentofPublicOpinion (b)Distributorofnews (c)TheFourthEstate (d)LordTemporal 10.ThetermFourthEstatestandsfor (a)Anareaofland (b)LandedProperty (c)Socialrulinggrouporclass (d)InstrumentofPower 11.OutofthefollowingtheonewhichisnotincludedintheThreeEstatesis (a)LordsSpiritual (b)JusticesofPeace (c)LordTemporal (d)Commons 12.TheFreepressdocsnotperformthefunctionof (a)Shapingpublicopinion (b)Supportingatalltimestheofficialpolicy (c)CriticisingGovernment (d)Exposingsocialabuses 13.HowmuchpowerdoesaFreePres!possess? (a)OnlythatmuchpowerwhichisallowedbytheGovernmentofthethecountry (b)Unlimitedpowerwithoutanycheck (c)Unlimitedpowersubjecttothemaintenanceoflawandorderandpublicmorality (d)Nopoweratall 14.ThesecretofthePressis (a)themoneywhichthenewspaperownerscanwield

(bThenumberofnewspaperreaders (c)theextenttowhichitsupportsofficialpolicy (d)ThepatronageenjoyedbyitoftheGovernment 15.Thenumberofnewspaperreadersisdeterminedby (a)Thelowpriceofnewspapers (b)Thepatronageextendedtoitbythemoneyedpeople (c)Educationofthegeneralmassofpeople (d)Theavailabilityofnewsprint. 16.ThePressexercisespowerby (a)Enlistingthesupportofthepeople (b)KeepingwatchovertheactsoftheGovernment (c)Controllinglifeandthoughtofanation (d)Becauseitisagreatmoneyedconcern 17.ThestateofjournalisminIndia (a)isuptothemark (b)isratherlow (c)isinitsinfancy (d)isnotveryhigh 18.ThePresshasthegreatestchancesofflourishingina (a)Monarchy (b)Aristocracy (c)Democracy (d)LimitedDictatorship

19.ShehasDotrecoveredfullytheshockofhisfailure. (a)off(b)of(c)from(d)against 20.Themasterdispensedtheservicesofhisservant. (a)of(b)with(c)off(d)for 21.Ilookhimasmyclosefriend. (a)OD(b)up(c)after(d)to 22.Myfriendisreallyverygoodcricket. (a)on(b)at(c)in(d)over 23.Hehasgreataffectionme. (a)with(b)on(c)for(d)in 24.Healwaysconniveswithhissuperiorsagainsthiscolleagues. (a)on(b)with(c)about(d)at

25.Ihavebeeninformedthatthetwobrothershavefallen. (a)upon(blthrough(c)in(d)out 26.Yourfriendhasbeenconvictedthechargeofmurder. (a)upon(b)for(c)on(d)of Direction:2731:Eachwordorphraseisfollowedbyfourwordsorphrases.Choosethewordor phasewhichismostnearlythesame 27.Pragmatism (a)Appearance(b)Obscurantism(c)Practicality(d)Reversion 28.Expeditiously (a)Rapidlyb.easily(c)Vividlyd.noneofthese 29.Precarious (a)Hugeb.uncertain(c)Dangerousd.valuable 30.Vagrant (a)Wanderingb.Notclear(c)Futiled.Noneofthese 31.Valediction (a)ValidB.Farewellspeech(c)Judgementd.Noneofthese Directions:Eachquestionisfollowedbyfouralternatives.Picktheonewhichbestdescribethe statement. 32.Capableofbeingapproached (a)Accessory(b)Easy(c)Accessible(d)Adaptable 33.Onewhoislikedbypeople (a)Samaritan(b)Popular()Philanthropist(d)Misanthropepist 34.Nolongerinuse (a)Impracticable(b)Obsolete(c)Absolute(d)Useless 35.Achildbornafterthedeathofhisfather (a)Posthumous(b)Bastard(c)Kiddy(d)Stepson. 36.Onewhoispresenteverywhere (a)God(b)Omnipotent(c)Omnipresent(d)Visible 37.Anofficewithoutsalary (a)Honorary(b)Slavish(c)Sinecure(d)Voluntary 38.Adocumentwrittenbyhand (aScript(b)Autobiography(c)Manuscript(d)Autography 39.Governmentbyofficials (a)Oligarchy(b)Bureaucracy(c)Autocracy(d)Democracy 40.Aspeechmadeoffhand (a)Extempore(b)Maiden(c)Lecture(d)Gibberish Answer:1.a,2.a.3.c,4.d,5.b,6.c,7.a,8.d.9.c10.c,11.b,12.b,13.c,14.b,15.c,16.c,

17.d,18.c.19.c,20.b,21.a,22.b,23.c,24.b,25.d,26.c,27.c,28.a,29.c,30.a31.b,32.a, 33.b,34.b,35.a,36.b,37.a,38.c,39.b,40.a

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