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TOPICAL TEST 1 : Whole Numbers

PAPER 1 This question paper consists of 25 questions. Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. 1 When 43 806 is partitioned according to its digit value, it becomes A 40 000 + 3 000 + 80 + 6 B 40 000 + 3 000 + 800 + 6 C 40 000 + 80 + 6 D 40 000 + 800 + 6 2 0.61 million = A B 6 100 61 000 C D 610 000 6 100 000 12 4 253 002 314 926 209 3 250 = A B 3 934 617 3 935 617 C D 3 943 617 3 953 617

13 2 943 030 4 326 6 = A B 488 784 489 784 C D 2 942 309 2 952 309

14 8 026 400 + 3 000 + 1 600 = A B 8.031 million 80.31 million C D 803.1 million 8 031 million

3 Which of the following numbers has the biggest value? A B 344 826 348 426 C D 348 624 384 426

15 4 470 (10 + 5) = A B 289 298 C D 425 452

4 What is the place value of digit 5 in the number 4 659 821? A B Hundred thousands Ten thousands C D Thousands Hundreds

16 (3 158 50) + (92 500 100) = A B 2 504 2 540 C D 158 825 158 852

5 Round off 4 386 975 to the nearest million. A B 4.0 million 4.3 million C D 5.0 million 5.2 million

17 Diagram 1 shows the number of red and black pens in two boxes.

6 2 400 000 + 17 287 + 49 + 4 801 = A B 2 412 137 2 422 137 C D 2 512 137 2 522 137
Diagram 1

7 3 700 000 308 17 209 = A B 3 783 493 3 682 493 C D 3 783 483 3 682 483

A headmaster buys 98 boxes of black pens and 135 boxes of red pens to be given to his teachers. How many pens does the headmaster buy? A B 20 600 26 500 C D 21 340 794 800

8 17 983 48 = A 853 184 B 852 184 9 3 344 702 79 = A B 42 328 42 329


862 184 863 184


42 338 42 339

18 4 736 erasers are divided equally and put into 8 containers. How many erasers are there in 28 similar containers? A 15 676 B 15 567 C 16 576 D 16 675 19 Encik Ali had 213 436 pencils. After selling some pencils, he had 33 493 left. How many pencils did he sell? A 170 943 B 179 943 C 180 943 D 197 943 2

10 1 301 501 87 321 5 = A B 864 896 864 986 C D 6 070 900 6 170 900

11 431 + 3 042 705 283 748 + 74 = A B 2 849 462 2 859 462 C D 2 749 462 2 759 462

20 Jawal needs 44 112 bricks to build a store. He has 24 288 bricks. How many dozens of bricks does he need to buy? A B C D 826 1 652 19 824 19 834

24 Table 1 is incomplete. It shows the number of pupils in 3 classes.

Class Number of boys Number of girls

Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang

20 20 20
Table 1


21 Diagram 2 shows two number cards. 364 912 87 023

Diagram 2

Find the sum of the value of digit 6 and the value of digit 7 in the two numbers. A 67 B 6 700 C 67 000 D 670 000 22 Suria Bakery bakes 3 826 cup cakes and 431 muffins every day. How many cup cakes and muffins are baked from Monday to Friday? A 5 891 B 5 981 C 21 258 D 21 285 23 A bookshop sold 30 480 books in September. If the sales was the same every day, how many books were sold in a day? A 1 016 B 1 106 C 1 601 D 1 610

Class Gemilang has 9 more girls than Class Cemerlang. The total number of pupils in the three classes is 152. How many pupils are there in Class Terbilang? A 31 B 41 C 51 D 61 25 Table 2 shows the numbers of reading materials selling in a bookstore.
Number of Science 427

Number of


reference books

Table 2

384 732 628

Which of the following statements is true? A There are 2 174 books altogether. B The total number of Science books is more than the total number of English books C The total number of textbooks is more than the total number of reference books. D The difference between the total number of textbooks and the total number of reference books is 559.

PAPER 2 This question paper consists of 10 questions. Answer all questions. Write your answer clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. Show your working. It may help you to get marks. 1 State the value of digit 3 in the number 823 016. [1 mark]

2 Write five million forty-three thousand and six in [1 mar numerals. [1 mark]

PNI Neuron (M) Sdn. Bhd. (554690-H)

3 6 8 5 4 Form a four-digit whole number with the place value of hundreds as 4 by using all the digits above. [1 mark] 8 The total number of apples in 4 boxes is 324. Each box holds the same number of apples. What is the number of apples in 12 similar boxes? [2 marks] 4 3 748 + 1 009 765 + 10 = marks] [2

5 528 68 4 = marks]


9 Table 1 is incomplete. It shows the number of pupils in three uniform groups.

Uniform group P Q R

Number of pupils

1 623
Table 1


The number of pupils in R is 3 times the number of pupils in Q. Find the total number of pupils in P and R. [3 marks] 6 378 + 42 1 000 = marks] [2

7 Muthu sells 3 844 magazines a day. How many magazines can he sell in March and April? [2 marks]

10 The number of blue balls in a box is 30 while the number of red balls in a box is 20. Azman bought [2 mar 120 boxes of each of them. Find the total number of balls bought by him. [3 marks]

PNI Neuron (M) Sdn. Bhd. (554690-H)

PNI Neuron (M) Sdn. Bhd. (554690-H)

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