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Brussels, 26/03/2013 The office of MEP Adrian Severin is empowered to declare the following: On the 10th of April 2013, Member of the European Parliament Adrian Severin will launch 'The Causes of Euro-Scepticism, a topic framework within which he will be hosting a number of events. The first is a hearing that will try to answer the question 'Is there a German debt towards Romania?' and will take place on the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels, room PHS 07C050, from 13:00 to 15:00. The European Union progress towards deeper political integration faces the criticism and resistance of Euro-scepticism. While rejected by the European federalists, that Euro-scepticism nevertheless has its explanations, which should not be ignored. Among the Euro-sceptic arguments one could find: EUs democratic deficit or the alleged impossibility of building a trans-national democracy, discrimination against certain member states or their citizens, hegemonic temptations of the main European national protagonists, oligarchic character of the Euro-bureaucracy, lack of a true trans-national solidarity, unfairness of the most developed European nations towards the less developed ones, distrust induced by unsettled historic debts etc. Such arguments are worrying for the future of the European Project. Hence, we are offering a platform for presenting and debating such issues. This is not intended to promote Euro-scepticism, but rather to place the plea for more Europe and for a political Europe within a better-informed and more realistic context.

In this first conference, the guest speakers will present their findings and opinions on Germanys attitude towards Romania, with special regard to the financial debt Germany might have towards Romania. Is this a valid cause of Euro-scepticism? This chain of conferences does not express MEP Adrian Severin's Eurosceptic orientation, nor does it imply that he necessarily shares the views of the guest speakers; its sole purpose is to assess the reasons of Euro-scepticism and to address them in a rational and effective way. The hearing 'Is there a German debt towards Romania?' will be open to the press and public. For accredited access within the European Parliament premises, please contact the office of Adrian Severin at:

Office of Adrian Severin MEP

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