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LESSON PLAN YEAR 3 Subject: Class: Theme: Topic: Focus Skill: Learning Standards: texts by: (a) answering

simple Wh-questions Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) talk about a picture. answer Wh-questions. recite a jazz chant. match the pictures with the hobbies English Year 3 World of Knowledge Hobbies Listening and Speaking 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral

Cross-curricular elements: Constructivism Teaching Aids: Steps: Pre-Listening 1. Pupils are shown a picture of different types of hobbies. 2. Pupils are guided to talk about the picture. Ask questions: Eg: What can you see in the picture? Can you name the type of hobbies in the picture? While-Listening 3. Pupils listen to the jazz chant. 4. Chant and get pupils to chant along. 5. Repeat the whole chant and ask pupils to replace the words (Eg: reading, gardening, fishing, etc) 6. Ask pupils questions on the jazz chant. jazz chant audio, picture, worksheet

Eg: What are the hobbies in the jazz chant? What is your hobby? Why do you like ........? Post-Listening 6. In groups, pupils look at a worksheet and try to guess the hobbies. 7. They present their answers to the class.

1 1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

Jazz Chant Reading, gardening, fishing Reading, gardening, fishing.

I like reading, I like reading, I like reading. I like fishing, I like fishing, I like fishing. I like gardening, I like gardening, I like gardening.

Reading, reading, Gardening, gardening, Fishing, fishing.

Reading, gardening, fishing Reading, gardening, fishing.

Name : ______________

Class : _______

Name the hobbies according to the pictures.

Subject: Class: Theme: Topic: Focus Skill:

English Year 3 World of Knowledge Hobbies Reading 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences. Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance: (a) non-fiction By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (i) read the text.

Learning Standards:



(ii) (iii)

pronounce the targeted words correctly. answer Wh-questions. Thinking Skills

Cross-curricular elements: Teaching Aids: Steps: Pre-Reading 1. 2.

reading text, worksheet

Recite the jazz chant learnt the day before. Talk about the type of hobbies mentioned in the jazz chant.

While-Reading 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Teacher reads a text (My Hobby). Difficult words are highlighted to the pupils. Pupils are asked to read the text (drilling). Pupils answer simple questions on the paragraph orally. Pupils complete simple worksheet.

Post-Reading 7. Get pupils to talk about their favourite hobby.

My Hobby My name is Raj. My hobby is playing drums. I spend a lot of my free time playing drums. I started to play drums when I was 9 years old. My parents bought me a drum set and I started playing every day after school. It was very loud, but my mother never

complained. I play drums in a band with my friend Ali. I like to play drums because it is fun.

Read the passage above and answer the questions below.

1. What is Rajs hobby? A. playing drums B. singing C. playing guitar

2. When Raj started to play drums? A. eight years old B. nine years old C. twelve years old

3. Who bought the drums for Raj?

A. father and mother

B. uncle

C. teacher

4. Who does Ali plays drums with? __________________________________________________________.

5. Why Ali likes playing drums? __________________________________________________________.

Subject: Class: Theme: Topic: Focus Skill:

English Year 3 World of Knowledge Hobbies Writing 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance: simple sentences

Learning Standards: (a) Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (i) (ii) write simple sentences. write a paragraph.

Cross-curricular elements: Constructivism

Steps: Pre-Writing 1. Get pupils to name the different types of hobbies learnt in the previous lesson. 2. Revise the difficult words learnt previously.

Writing 3. Pupils are asked to write simple sentences using words provided.

4. In groups, pupils are asked to write sentences using a substitution table to form a paragraph. Feedback 6. Pupils are picked at random to read their paragraphs.



Write five sentences using the words given below.





drawin g

1. My hobby ____________________________________________. 2. _____________________________________________________. 3. _____________________________________________________. 4. _____________________________________________________. 5. _____________________________________________________.



Write 1sentences using the substitution2table provided below.

1 . 1 .

grandfather. This is my He is She is planting cooking grandmother.

He She is in the



likes gardening. likes cooking.

kitchen. She

some plants. fish curry.

He is wearing She is wearing

a hat. an apron.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Subject: Class: Theme: Topic: Focus Skill: English Year 3 World of Knowledge Hobbies Language Arts

Learning Standards: 4.1.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: (a) jazz chant 4.3.2 Able to perform with guidance based on jazz chant: (b) jazz chant Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (i) (ii) prepare jazz chant in a group. perform jazz chant creatively.

Cross-curricular elements: Multiple Intelligence - Kinaesthetic Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pupils are asked to recite the jazz chant learnt previously. In groups, pupils practice the jazz chant with suitable actions. In groups, pupils are asked to replace the hobbies and create their own jazz chant. Pupils are asked to perform the jazz chant that they have created. Award a prize to the best group.

Jazz Chant Reading, gardening, fishing Reading, gardening, fishing.

I like reading, I like reading, I like reading. I like fishing, I like fishing, I like fishing. I like gardening, I like gardening, I like gardening.

Reading, reading, Gardening, gardening, Fishing, fishing. Reading, gardening, fishing Reading, gardening, fishing.

(Replace the words reading, gardening and fishing with other hobbies)

Subject: Class: Theme: Topic: Focus Skill:

English Year 3 World of Knowledge Hobbies Grammar 5.1.3 Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately:

Learning Standards:

(b) simple present tense (c) simple past tense


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (i) (ii) complete a worksheet to identify simple past tense write the present tense words of past tense identified in the text

Cross-curricular elements: Thinking Skills Teaching Aids: reading text, worksheet Steps: Activities: 1. Pupils are asked to talk about their hobbies. 2. Teacher explains briefly on simple present and past tense. 3. Pupils are asked to read a text on hobbies. 4. Pupils are asked to identify the past tense words (orally). 5. Pupils are asked to circle the past tense words in the text. 6. Pupils are asked to change the past tense identified in the text to present tense.

My Hobby My hobby is collecting stamps. I started collecting stamps when I was five years old. My uncle sent me a letter from Canada, and I really liked the stamp. I began collecting more and more stamps, and now I have more than 100! Last week,

I read a book about collecting stamps. I saw a picture of a beautiful stamp. This hobby is very interesting.

1. Read the text above and circle the past tense words.

List the past tense words circled and write the present tense in the table below.

Past Tense Started

Present Tense Start

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