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1 Underline the correct word(s) in each sentence.

Example: Are / Is / Do you John Jackson? 1 Where A. they are /B. are they / C.theyre from? 2 A Is she American? B No, A. she not / B. she isnt / C. is not. 3 A What are your childrens names? B A. Their / B. Our / C. Your names are Mark and Jenny. 4 I have a sister. A. His / B. Her / C. She name is Harriet. 5 Where is A. Jack / B. Jacks / C. Jacks father? 6 They are very A. expensives / B. expensivs / C. expensive watches. 7 Its A. a nice bag / B. a bag nice / C. nice bag. 8 Hes A. old man / B. a old man / C. an old man. 9 A. Do / B. Is / C. Does she like tea? 10 Mark and Jane A. teach / B. teachs / C. teaches German at school. 11 Anne A. doesnt / B. dont / C. do not eat meat. 12 Where A. they work / B. work they / C. do they work? 13 He A. has / B. have / haves pasta for lunch. 14 I A. drink never wine / B. never drink wine / C. drink wine never. 15 Alex A. studys / B. studyes / C. studies Italian at home. 16 A. You can / B. Can you / C. Can you to play football tomorrow?

4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Example: Nice to meet you. Hello meet excuse 1 Ana is from _______. A. Spanish B. Mexican C.Brazil 2 Joe and Susie have three _______. A. child B. childs C.children 3 The opposite of slow is _______. A. fast B. short C. cheap 4 My grandmother is ________ years old. A. seven-sixty B. sixty-seven C. six-seventy 5 Mrs Jones has two children a son and a _______. A. daughter B. sister C.wife 6 I always _______ coffee in the morning.

A. eat B. cook C.drink 7 At the weekend on Saturday and _______ I always get up late. A. Thursday B. Monday C.Sunday 8 Jenny is _______ she works in an office. A. a teacher B. an administrator C.a doctor 9 In the morning, I always _______ the radio. A. watch B. read C.listen to 10 What _______ is it? A. time B. hour C. clock 11 Nurses usually work in _______. A. hotels B. schools C. hospitals 12 Jerry doesnt _______ Portuguese. A. speak B. live C. make 13 I go _______ work by bus. A. to B. at C. on 14 In the evening, I watch _______. A. magazines B. television C.gym 15 In the winter, in the north, its often very _______. A. hot B. cold C.tired 16 Im _______. Can I open the window? A. cold B. light C. hot

1 Read the text and choose the correct answer to the questions.
Bob Wright and his wife Diane are from London but they live in Cardiff with their 24 year-old twin daughters Gina and Molly, and their 19-year-old son Jack. Bob has four coffee shops in the cities of Cardiff and Swansea. People go to Bobs coffee shops to drink coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, eat sandwiches, and read newspapers and magazines. He makes sandwiches, with cheese and salad but not with meat or chicken. His big sandwiches are very popular with students. Bob isnt the only person in his family in the restaurant business. He has two business partners and they are his daughters! Gina is an accountant, and she is good at numbers, says Bob. She doesnt work in the coffee shops. She works in the office. Molly is good with people. She goes to our coffee shops and speaks to our customers. My daughters work long hours. They start work at half past seven in the morning and they finish late at night.

Bobs son is a student and he doesnt work in the family business. He studies medicine at Cardiff University and wants to be a doctor. His dad says, My son Jack isnt interest ed in the restaurant business, but he works here at weekends. Hes a waiter in one of our coffee shops.

Example: What is Bobs surname? A Wright B Molly

C Coffee

1 Where do Bob and Diane live? A in Swansea B in Cardiff C in London 2 How old is Molly? A nineteen B twenty C twenty-four 3 Where are Bobs coffee shops? A in London and Cardiff B in Swansea and Cardiff C in Swansea and London 4 What do people drink in Bobs coffee shop? A coffee and hot chocolate B tea and wine C beer and coffee 5 What do people eat in Bobs coffee shops? A chicken sandwiches B chocolate C cheese sandwiches 6 Why do students like Bobs coffee shops? A his coffee is good B his chocolate is fantastic C his sandwiches are big 7 Where does Gina work? A in the office B in the coffee shops C in the magazine business 8 When does Molly start work? A at 7.15 B at 7.30 C at 7.45 9 What does Jack study at Cardiff University? A medicine B business C doctor

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