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High efficiency wall-mounted gas-fired boilers Cazane murale pe gaz cu randament ridicat

Installers and Users Instructions Instruc^iuni de utilizare si instalare

BAXI S.p.A., one of the leading European enterprises to produce central heating and hot water devices for domestic use (wall-mounted gasoperated boilers, floor-standing boilers, electrical water-heaters and steel heating plates) has obtained the CSQ certificate of conformity to the UNI EN ISO 9001 norms. This certificate guarantees that the Quality System applied at the BAXI S.p.A. factory in Bassano del Grappa, where your boiler was produced, meets the standards of the UNI EN ISO 9001 norm, which is the strictest and concerns all organization stages and operating personnel involved in the production and distribution processes.


BAXI S.p.A., unul dintre liderii europeni in produc^ia de centrale termice si accesorii pentru uz casnic ( boilere de perete, de pardoseala, nclzitoare electrice de apa) a ob^inut certificatul de calitate QSC conform normelor UNI EN ISO 9001. Acest certificat garanteaz ca Sistemul de Calitate aplicat de BAXI S.p.A. fabrica din Bassano del Grappa, unde cazanul a fost produs, este conform standardelor UNI EN ISO 9001, care sunt stricte si se refera la toate procesele tehnologice si la tot personalul implicat in produc^ie si distribu^ie.

Dear Customer, We are sure your new boiler will comply with all your requirements. Purchasing one of the BAXI products satisfies your expectations: good functioning, simplicity and ease of use. Do not dispose of this booklet without reading it: you can find here some very useful information, which will help you to run your boiler correctly and efficiently.

Stimate client Suntem convin`i ca noul produs BAXI va veni in ntmpinarea cerin^elor dumneavoastr. Cumpr<nd un produs BAXI asteptarile dumneavoastr vor fi satisfcute: func^ionare buna, simplu si u`or de utilizat. Citi^i aceste instruc^iuni cu aten^ie: ve^i gsi aici informa^ii foarte utile, care va vor ajuta sa porni^i si sa utiliza^i cazanul corect si eficient.

Do not leave any parts of the packaging (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) within childrens reach as they are a potential source of danger.

Nu lasati par^i de ambalaj (plastic, polistiren etc) la indemana copiilor at<t timp cat acestea pot fi considerate periculoase.

BAXI S.p.A. attests that these models of boiler bear the CE mark in compliance with the basic requirements as laid down in the following Directives: - Gas Directive 90/396/CEE - Performance Directive 92/42/CEE - Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/CEE - Low Voltage Directive 73/23/CEE

_ Centrale termice (cazane) murale cu combustibil gaz Centrale termice (cazane) de podea cu combustibil gaz nclzitoare electrice de apa nclzitoare pe gaz de apa Accesorii de baie din inox

_ _ _

Instructions pertaining to the user
Instructions prior to installation Instructions prior to commissioning Commissioning of the boiler Room temperature adjustment DHW temperature adjustment Filling the boiler Turning off the boiler Prolonged standstill of the system. Frost protection (central heating system) Gas change Safety Device Indicators-Activation Servicing instructions 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7


Instruc^iuni pentru utilizator

Instruc^iuni nainte de instalare Instruc^iuni nainte de punerea in func^iune Punerea in func^iune a cazanului Reglarea temperaturii in ncpere Reglarea temperaturii apei calde menajere Umplerea cazanului Oprirea cazanului Neutilizarea o perioada ndelungata. Protec^ia la inghet (circuitul de nclzire) Schimbarea gazului Dispozitive si elemente de siguran^a Instruc^iuni de intretinere 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7

Instructions pertaining to the installer

General information 8 Instructions prior to installation 8 The template to fix the boiler on the wall 10 Boiler size 10 Installation of flue and air ducts (models 240 Fi) 11 Connecting the mains supply 16 Fitting a room thermostat 16 Connecting a programming clock 16 Gas change 17 Control operation devices 19 Positioning of the ignition and flame sensing electrode 20 Check of combustion parameters 20 Output / pump head performances 21 How to purge the DHW system from limestone deposits 21 How to disassemble the DHW heat exchanger 22 Cleaning the cold water filter 22 Boiler schematic 23-24 Illustrated wiring diagram 25-26-27 Connecting the water heater 28 Technical data 32

Instruc^iuni pentru instalator

Informa^ii generale 8 Instruc^iuni nainte de instalare 8 ~ablonul de fixare a cazanului pe perete 10 Dimensiunile cazanului 10 Instalarea co`ului de fum si tubulaturii de aer pentru combustie11 Conectarea la alimentarea cu energie electrica 14 Termostatul de camera 14 Conectarea unui programator 14 Schimbarea gazului 15 Elemente de siguran^a si control 17 Pozi^ionarea electroduli deaprindere si sesizare flacra 18 Verificarea parametrilor de combustie 18 Performantele pompei 19 Curatarea circuitului de apa calda menajera de depuneri 19 Scoaterea schimbtorului de cldura 20 Curatarea filtrului de apa rece 20 Schema cazanului 23-24 Diagrama electrica 25-26 Normative 30 Date tehnice 32

Instructions pertaining to the user - INSTRUCIUNI PENTRU UTILIZATOR

Instructions prior to installation

This boiler is designed to heat water at a lower than boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure. The boiler must be connected to a central heating system and to a domestic hot water supply system in compliance with its performances and output power. Have the boiler installed by a Qualified Service Engineer and ensure the following operations are accomplished: a) accurate purging of the whole pipework in order to remove any deposits. b) careful checking that the boiler is fit for operation with the type of gas available. For more details see the notice on the packaging and the label on the appliance itself. c) that the terminal is not obstructed and that no other appliance exhaust gases are expelled through the same flue duct, unless the flue is especially designed to collect the exhaust gas coming from more than one appliance, in conformity with the laws and regulations in force. d) careful checking that, in case the flue has been connected to preexisting flue ducts, thorough cleaning has been carried out in that residual combustion products may come off during operation of the boiler and obstruct the flue duct thus engendering dangerous situations.

Instruc^iuni nainte de instalare

Acest produs este conceput pentru nclzirea apei la o temperatura mai mica dec<t cea de fierbere, la presiunea atmosferica. Centrala termica trebuie conectata la sistemul de nclzire si la alimentarea cu apa calda menajera in concordanta cu puterea si performantele lui. Echipamentul trebuie sa fie instalat de personal calificat si tot odattrebuie ndeplinite urmtoarele condi^ii a) curatarea tuturor ^evilor pentru a ndeprta toate impuritatile; b) centrala sa fie alimentat cu tipul de gaz adecvat. Pentru mai multe detalii vede^i ambalajul precum si eticheta de pe produsul in sine. c) Co`ul de fum trebuie sa fie situat in apropiere, sa nu fie obturat si sa nu existe ie`iri ale altor aparate cu gaz pe acela`i cos, dec<t in cazul in care co`ul este proiectat special pentru evacuarea gazelor / fumului de la mai multe echipamente, in concordanta cu regulile si legile in vigoare. d) Daca centrala se conecteaz la o evacuare mai veche, curatarea acestuia trebuie fcuta cu grija pentru ca reziduurile combustibile pot ajunge, in timpul func^ionarii, la boiler si sa obtureze canalul de fum conduc<nd la situa^ii periculoase.

Instructions prior to commissioning

Initial lighting of the boiler must be carried out by a licensed technician. Ensure the following operations are carried out: a) compliance of boiler parameters with (electricity, water, gas) supply systems settings. b) compliance of installation with the laws and regulations in force. c) appropriate connection to the power supply and grounding of the appliance. Failure to observe the above will render the guarantee null and void. Prior to commissioning remove the protective plastic coating from the unit. Do not use any tools or abrasive detergents as you may spoil the painted surfaces.

Instruc^iuni nainte de punerea in func^iune

Prima aprindere a boilerului trebuie executata de ctre un tehnician autorizat. Nerespectarea urmtoarelor instruc^iuni atrage dup sine pierderea garan^iei. a) parametrii boilerului (electricitate, apa, gaz) trebuie sa corespunda cu sistemul de alimentare existent; b) instalarea sa fie conforma cu legile si normele in vigoare; c) alimentarea cu energie sa fie aproape si sa existe impamantarea. Verificrile care preced punerea in func^iune trebuie efectuate de personal autorizat in acest sens. Punerea in func^iune de personal neautorizat conduce la pierderea garan^iei. nainte de punerea in func^iune Indepartati plasticul protector de pe echipament. Nu folosi^i scule sau detergen^i abrazivi pentru a nu zg<ria suprafe^ele vopsite.

Commissioning of the boiler

To correctly light the burner proceed as follows: 1) provide power supply to the boiler; 2) open the gas cock; ) or 3) turn the selector switch (1) to set the boiler on summertime ( ) operation; wintertime ( 4) turn the central heating (5) and domestic hot water (6) adjusting controls in order to light the main burner. To increase temperature values turn the control clockwise and anticlockwise to decrease it. ) the main burner and the pump When on summertime operation ( will start running only when there is a call for hot water.

Punerea in func^iune a cazanului

Pentru aprinderea arztorului proceda^i astfel: 1) centrala sa fie conectata la sistemul de alimentare cu energie electrica; 2) Robinetul de alimentare cu gaz trebuie sa fie in pozi^ia deschis ) adic 3) roti^i butonul (1) pentru selectarea pozi^iei de vara ( numai apa calda menajera (soarele pe panou) sau pozi^ia de ) adic apa calda menajera si nclzire (stelu^a pe iarna ( panou); 4) roti^i butoanele 5 (pentru nclzire) si 6 (apa calda menajera) pentru a putea aprinde arztorul principal. ) arztorul se va aprinde si pompa va fi in In pozi^ia vara ( func^iune numai daca se cere apa calda.

figure 1


The control panel on the boiler model 1.240 Fi is not equipped with knob (6) for the regulation of domestic water temperature. In the event of installing a BAXI boiler, also refer to the instructions provided with the appliance.

Panoul de comanda pentru cazanele model 1.240 Fi, nu exista butonul (6),

Warning: During initial lighting, until the air contained in the gas pipes is not released, the burner may fail to light immediately and that may cause a blockage of the boiler. Under such circumstances we recommend you repeat the ignition procedure until gas is delivered to the burner, and and set knob (1) briefly to ( ) (also see figure 4).

ATENIE: In timpul primei aprinderi, datorita aerului existent in ^evi este posibil ca arztorul sa nu se aprind imediat, ceea ce poate conduce la un blocaj al boilerului. In aceste circumstan^e va recomandam sa roti^i butonul 1 in pozi^ia ( ) (reset) de cate ori este nevoie pentru ca arztorul sa se aprind fig. 4.

Room temperature adjustment

The system must be equipped with a room thermostat (see the relevant regulations) to control the temperature in the rooms. In case there is no room thermostat, during initial lighting it will be possible to control the room temperature by turning control (5). To increase temperature values turn the control clockwise and anticlockwise to decrease it. Electronic modulation of the flame will enable the boiler to reach the set temperature by adapting the gas supply to the burner to the actual heat exchange demand.

Reglarea temperaturii in ncpere

Sistemul trebuie echipat cu un termostat de camera care sa controleze temperatura in ncperi. In cazul in care in ncpere nu exista termostat, in timpul aprinderii ini^iale este posibil sa controla^i temperatura in ncpere rotind butonul5. Pentru cre`terea temperaturii roti^i in sensul acelor de ceasornic si pentru descre`tere roti^i in sens invers. Modula^ia electronica a flcrii permite centralei sa ating temperatura setata adapt<nd alimentarea cu gaz a arztorului la cerin^ele de transfer termic.

DHW temperature adjustment

For models 240 i and 240 Fi The gas valve is provided with an electronic flame-modulating function, which operates depending on the DHW temperature adjusting control (6) settings and on the quantity of water drawn from the taps. This electronic device allows to keep the water coming out of the boiler at a constant temperature also when small quantities of water are drawn. To ensure energy saving and economical management of your boiler, we recommend you place the switch adjusting the hot water temperature on --comfort-- (see figure 2). In wintertime it will be necessary to increase the DHW temperature according to needs.
figure 2

Reglarea temperaturii apei calde menajere

Valva de gaz este prevzuta cu un sistem de electronic de modula^ie a flcrii, care opereaz in func^ie de temperatura aleasa cu ajutorul butonului (6) precum si in func^ie de cerin^ele de apa calda. Acest dispozitiv electronic permite ca la ie`ire temperatura apei sa fie constanta chiar si c<nd se folosesc cantitati mici de apa. Pentru economisirea energiei va recomandam sa utiliza^i pozi^ia confort pentru apa calda fig. 2. In timpul iernii este necesar sa cresteti temperatura apei calde menajera in func^ie de cerin^e.

Filling the boiler

Important: Regularly check that the pressure displayed by the pressure gauge (7) is 0.5 to 1 bar, with boiler not operating. In case of overpressure, open the boiler drain valve. In case the pressure is lower open the boiler filling tap (figure 3) for models 240 i and 240 Fi. The boiler filling tap on the model 1.240 Fi, is fitted by the installer on the lower section of the unit (see ref. 9 figure 17 on page 23). We recommend you open the tap very slowly in order to let off the air. In case pressure drops occur frequently have the boiler checked by a Qualified Service Engineer.

Umplerea cazanului cu apa

IMPORTANT: Verificati regulat daca presiunea arata de manometru (7) este intre 0.5 1 bar, c<nd boilerul nu functioneaza. In caz de suprapresiune, deschide^i valva de drenaj. In cazul in care presiunea este mica deschide^i robinetul de umplere (fig. 3) pentru modelele 240 I si 240 Fi. Recomandam sa deschide^i robinetul de umplere foarte ncet pentru a permite evacuarea aerului. In cazul in care presiunea scade frecvent boilerul trebuie verificat de ctre un tehnician autorizat.

Figure 3

Boiler filling tap

Boiler drain valve

The boiler is supplied with a hydraulic differential pressure sensor, which blocks the boiler in case water is lacking or the pump is blocked.

Centrala este dotata cu un presostat hidraulic diferen^ial, care nu va permite func^ionarea cazanului in cazul in care exista scurgeri sau pompa este blocata.

Turning off the boiler

To turn off the boiler turn the selector switch (1) on (0); you will thus isolate the electrical supply to the boiler.

Oprirea cazanului
Pentru nchiderea boilerului roti^i butonul (1) in pozi^a 0, astfel alimentarea cu energie electrica a cazanului va fi ntrerupta.

Prolonged standstill of the system. Frost protection (central heating system)

We recommend you avoid draining the whole system as water replacements engender purposeless and harmful limestone deposits inside the boiler and on the heating elements. In case the boiler is not operated during wintertime and is therefore exposed to danger of frost we suggest you add some specific-purpose anti-freeze to the water contained in the system (e.g.: propylene glycole coupled with corrosion and scaling inhibitors).

Neutilizarea o perioada indelungata. Proteia la inghet (sistemul de nclzire centrala)

Recomandam sa evita^i evacuarea totala a apei, deoarece aceasta poate cauza depunerea de calcar in interiorul boilerului si pe elementele de nclzire. In cazul in care boilerul nu functioneaza in perioada de iarna si de aceea exista pericolul de inghet va recomandam sa introduce^i in apa o substan^a anti inghet (ex: propilena glicol combinata cu inhibitori corozivi si de depuneri)

Schimbarea gazului
Cazanul poate fi alimentat at<t cu gaz metan cat si cu GPL. Schimbrile privitoare la tipul de combustibil cu care se alimenteaz cazanul trebuie executate numai de personal calificat si autorizat.

Gas change
These boilers produced for natural gas can be converted to work with LPG. Any gas change must be effected by a Qualified Service Engineer.


Safety device indicatorsactivation

1 2 3 4 Summer-Winter-Reset selector Flame presence indicator (gas valve electrical supply) Gas block indicator Voltage presence indicator

Dispozitive si elemente de siguran^a

1 2 3 4 selector Vara-iarna Reset semnalizare prezenta flacra semnalizare blocaj gaz semnalizare prezenta tensiune electrica

The boiler is fitted with the following safety devices which prevent operation if activated: * safety thermostat: this device shuts off gas flow to the main burner in the event of heating circuit temperature overload. Press the pushbutton shown in figure 5 to restore normal operating conditions and check the value on pressure gauge (7) (see circuit filling chapter on page 6). * flue thermostat (for boiler model 240 i only) this device shuts off gas flow to the main burner in the event of total or Figure 4 partial obstruction of the flue and/ or lack of draught. Press the pushbutton shown in figure 6 to restore normal operating conditions. Deactivation of the safety or flue thermostat is strictly prohibited.

* termostat de siguran^a care ntrerupe alimentarea cu gaz a arztorului in cazul in care temperatura in circuitul de nclzire este foarte mare. Se apas butonul de resetare fig. 4 pag. 7- pentru revenirea la o func^ionare normala. * Termostat de fum (pentru modelul 240 I) acest dispozitiv ntrerupe debitul de gaz la arztor in cazul in care canalul de evacuare a fumului este obturat par^ial sau total, sau/si lipse`te tirajul. Se apas butonul de resetare fig. 5, pag. 7

Figure 5

Figure 6

* flame detection electrode: indicator (3) is activated by a flame detection electrode in the event of gas delivery failure or incomplete main burner ignition. In these conditions the boiler is set to safety block status. Rotate knob (1) briefly to position ( ) to restore normal operating conditions. If safety device activation is repeated contact the authorised Technical Assistance Services.

* Electrod sesizare flacra semnalul (3) este activat, prin intermediul unui electrod de sesizare flacra, in cazul lipsei alimentarii cu gaz sau a aprinderii incomplete a arztorului, dispozitivul de siguran^a va bloca centrala. Roti^i butonul (1) in pozi^ia R (reset) pentru revenire la o func^ionare normala. Este interzisa dezactivarea ORICRUI sistem de siguran^a.

Servicing instructions
To maintain efficient and safe operation of your boiler have it checked by a Qualified Service Engineer at the end of every operating period. Careful servicing will ensure economical operation of the system. Do not clean the outer casing of the appliance with abrasive, aggressive and/or easily flammable cleaners (i.e.: gasoline, alcohol, and so on). Always isolate the electrical supply to the appliance before cleaning it (see section Turning off the boiler on page 6).

Pentru men^inerea func^ionarii continua si in siguran^a trebuie sa fie verificat de ctre personal calificat la sfarsitul fiecrei perioade de func^ionare. Service-ul efectuat cu aten^ie va asigura func^ionarea economica a sistemului. Nu curatati carcasa cu solu^ii abrazive, agresive chimic sau u`or inflamabile (gazolina, alcool etc). ntotdeauna izola^i cablurile electrice nainte de curatare.


Instructions pertaining to the installer - INSTRUCIUNI PENTRU INSTALATOR

General information
Warning: When the selector switch (1) is set on Wintertime operation ( ) it may be necessary to wait some minutes at each intervention of the central heating temperature adjusting control (5). To relight the main burner immediately place the selector switch (1) on (0) and then again on ( ). No waiting is needed when the boiler is in the DHW mode on models with this option.

Informa^ii generale

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ATENIUNE: C<nd selectorul (1) este pe ) , poate fi operare perioada de iarna ( necesar sa asteptati c<teva minute la fiecare interven^ie a dispozitivului de reglare a nclzirii (5). Pentru reaprinderea arztorului imediat pune^i selectorul (1) in pozi^ia 0 si apoi din nou in pozi^ia functionare in ) . Pentru perioada perioada de iarna ( de vara nu trebuie sa asteptati. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The following remarks and instructions are addressed to Service Engineers to help them carry out a faultless installation. Instructions regarding lighting and operation of the boiler are contained in the Instructions pertaining to the user section. Note that installation, maintenance and operation of the domestic gas appliances must be performed exclusively by qualified personnel in compliance with current standards. Please note the following: * This boiler can be connected to any type of double- or single feeding pipe convector plates, radiators, thermoconvectors. Design the system sections as usual though taking into account the available output / pump head performances, as shown on page 20. * Do not leave any packaging components (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) within childrens reach as they are a potential source of danger. * Initial lighting of the boiler must be effected by a Qualified Service Engineer. Failure to observe the above will render the guarantee null and void.

Urmtoarele instruc^iuni se adreseaz personalului specializat pentru a ajuta si evita gre`elile in instalare. Instruc^iunile privind aprinderea si func^ionarea cazanului se gsesc in capitolul Instruc^iuni pentru utilizator. Normele romane`ti in vigoare pentru instalarea, punerea in func^iune, intretinerea si condi^iile de utilizare sunt urmtoarele: Note: - acest tip de cazan poate fi conectat la orice tip de corpuri de nclzire una sau cu doua ^evi, convectoare, radiatoare, termoconvectoare. - Nu lasati par^i de ambalaj(plastic, poliester, etc.) la indemana copiilor at<t timp cat acestea pot fi periculoase. - PRIMA PORNIRE (PUNEREA IN FUNCIUNE) TREBUIE EFECTUATA DE PERSONAL CALIFICAT SI AUTORIZAT. Cazanul este prevzut cu un filtru special pentru interferente unde radio.

Instructions prior to installation

This boiler is designed to heat water at a lower than boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure. The boiler must be connected to a central heating system and, on models withis option, to a domestic hot water supply system in compliance with its performances and output power. Before connecting the boiler have the following operations effected: a) careful checking that the boiler is fit for operation with the type of gas available. For more details see the notice on the packaging and the label on the appliance itself. b) careful checking that the flue terminal draft is appropriate; that the terminal is not obstructed and that no other appliance exhaust gases are expelled through the same flue duct, unless the flue is especially designed to collect the exhaust gase coming from more than one appliance, in conformity with the laws and regulations in force c) careful checking that, in case the flue has been connected to preexisting flue ducts, thorough cleaning has been carried out in that residual combustion products may come off during operation of the boiler and obstruct the flue duct thus engendering dangerous situations.

Instruc^iuni nainte de instalare

Acest produs este conceput pentru nclzirea apei la o temperatura mai mica dec<t cea de fierbere, la presiunea atmosferica. Centrala termica trebuie conectata la sistemul de nclzire si la alimentarea cu apa calda menajera in concordanta cu puterea si performantele lui. Echipamentul trebuie sa fie instalat de personal calificat si tot odat trebuie ndeplinite urmtoarele condi^ii a) centrala sa fie alimentat cu tipul de gaz adecvat. Pentru mai multe detalii vede^i ambalajul precum si eticheta de pe produsul in sine. b) Co`ul de fum trebuie sa fie situat in apropiere, sa nu fie obturat si sa nu existe ie`iri ale altor aparate cu gaz pe acela`i cos, dec<t in cazul in care co`ul este proiectat special pentru evacuarea gazelor / fumului de la mai multe echipamente, in concordanta cu regulile si legile in vigoare. c) Daca centrala se conecteaz la o evacuare mai veche, curatarea acestuia trebuie fcuta cu grija pentru ca reziduurile combustibile pot ajunge, in timpul func^ionarii, la boiler si sa obtureze canalul de fum conduc<nd la situa^ii periculoase.

To ensure correct operation of the appliance and avoid invalidating the guarantee, observe the following precautions 1. Hot water circuit: if the water hardness is greater than 20 F (1 F = 10 mg calcium carbonate per litre of water) install a polyphosphate or comparable treatment system responding to current regulations. 2. Heating circuit 2.1. new system Before proceeding with installation of the boiler, the system must be cleaned and flushed out thoroughly to eliminate residual threadcutting swarf, solder and solvents if any, using suitable proprietary products. 2.2. existing system: Before proceeding with installation of the boiler, the system must be cleaned and flushed out to remove sludge and contaminants, using suitable proprietary products. To avoid damaging metal, plastic and rubber parts, use only neutral cleaners, i.e. non-acid and non-alkaline (e.g. SENTINEL X400 and X100), proceeding strictly in accordance with the makers directions. Remember that the presence of foreign matter in the heating system can adversely affect the operation of the boiler (e.g. overheating and

Pentru o funcionare corect `i pentru a beneficia de perioada de garanie a aparatului, este absolut necesar s se respecte urmatoarele msuri de precauie: 1. Circuit sanitar: dac apa are o duritate mai mare de 20 oF (1 oF = 10 mg de carbonat de calciu la un litru de ap) se reacomand instalarea unui dozator de polifosfai sau a unui sistem care s produc acelea`i efecte, n conformitate cu normele legale n vigoare. 2. Circuit de nclzire 2.1. instalaie nou: nainte de a monta boilerul, instalaia trebuie s fie perfect curat, n scopul de a elimina reziduurile rezultate n urma filetrii `i a sudurii, `i eventualii solveni, folosind produse adecvate disponibile pe pia. 2.2. instalaie existent: nainte de a monta boilerul, instalaia trebuie s fie perfect curat de nmol `i de substane contaminante, folosind produse adecvate disponibile pe pia. n acest scop trebuie folosite produse non-acide `i non-alcaline, care s nu atace metalele `i prile de plastic sau de cauciuc (de ex. SENTINEL X400 `i X100), iar pentru utilizarea lor trebuie respectate instruciunile furnizate mpreun cu produsul. V reamintim c prezena depunerilor n instalaia de nclzire poate duce la probleme n funcionarea boilerului (de ex. supranclzire sau schimbtor zgomotos).

The template to fix the boiler on the wall

Decide upon the boiler location, then tape the template on the wall. Connect the pipework to the gas and water inlets prearranged on the template lower bar. We suggest you fit two G3/4 stop cocks (available on demand) on the central heating system flow and return pipework; the cocks will allow to carry out important operations on the system without draining it completely. If you are either installing the boiler on a pre-existent system or substituting it, we suggest you also fit settling tanks on the system return pipework and under the boiler to collect the deposits and scaling which may remain and be circulated in the system after the purge. When the boiler is fixed on the template connect the flue and air ducts (fittings supplied by the manufacturer) according to the instructions given in the following sections. In the case of installkation of of boiler model 240 i connect the boiler to the flue by means of a mteal pipe diameter 120 mm with resistrance to normal mechanical stress over time, heat and action of combustion products and relative condensation.
240 i 240 Fi, 1.240 Fi

~ablonul de fixare a cazanului pe perete

Decide^i asupra locului de amplasare a cazanului, apoi lipi^i pe perete `ablonul livrat, peste care fixa^i cazanul folosind `uruburile. Efectua^i conectrile aferente ^evii de gaz, de alimentare cu apa rece. Recomandam sa instala^i doi robineti de oprire G` pe turul respectiv returul circuitului de nclzire, la ie`irea / intrarea din cazan, care vor permite efectuarea de opera^ii de intretinerea si service fara ca instala^ia de nclzire sa fie complet golita. Daca instalarea cazanului s-a efectuat la un circuit de nclzire existent recomandam sa amplasa^i in dreptul returului, sub cazan, un vas de colectare a depunerilor si resturilor care pot ramane in instala^ie si pot fi vehiculate in sistem dup purjare (curatare). C<nd cazanul este fixat pe `ablon, conecta^i tubul evacuare a gazelor de ardere (co`ului) si tubului de aport ser pentru combustie, conform cu instruc^iunile din capitolul urmtor.



MR: G3/4 heating flow US: G1/2 domestic hot water outlet GAS: G3/4 gas inlet to the boiler ES: G1/2 cold water inlet RR: G3/4 heating return MR : tur nclzire G3/4 US: ie`ire apa calda menajera G1/2 GAS : intrare alimentare gaz G3/4 ES: intrare apa rece G1/2 RR : retur nclzire G3/4

Figura 7

Boiler size
240 i

Dimensiunile cazanului
240 Fi 1.240 Fi
143 minimo


Figura 8




Installation of flue and air ducts

Models 240 Fi - 1.240 Fi We guarantee ease and flexibility of installation for a gas-fired forced draft boiler thanks to the fittings and fixtures supplied (described below). The boiler is especially designed for connection to an exhaust flue / air ducting, with either coaxial, vertical or horizontal terminal. By means of a splitting kit a twopipe system may also be installed. Exclusively install fittings supplied by the manufacturer.

Instalarea co`ului de fum si tubulaturii de aer pentru combustie


Pentru modelele de cazane cu tiraj for^at se furnizeaz si conductele de evacuare a fumului si de aport aer pentru combustie. Cazanul este conceput pentru conectarea la evacuare fum / aer proaspt cu conducte coaxiale, verticale sau orizontale. De asemenea exista si posibilitatea instalrii a doua conducte separate una pentru evacuare fum alta pentru aport aer proaspt. Se vor utiliza in exclusivitate accesoriile furnizate de productor.

Flue duct terminal

Max. length of flue duct

Each 90 bend reduces the duct max. length by 1m 0,5 m 0,5 m Cu o curba la 90 lungimea conductei se reduce cu 1m 0,5 m 0,5 m

Each 45 bend reduces the duct max. length by 0,5 m 0,25 m 0,25 m Cu o curba la 45 lungimea conductei se reduce cu 0,5 m 0,25 m 0,25 m

Flue terminal diameter 100 mm 133 mm Diametru conductei de fum 100 mm 133 mm -

Outer duct diameter 100 mm 80 mm 80 mm Diametru conductei exterior 100 mm 80 mm 80 mm

Coaxial Vertical two-pipe Horizontal two-pipe Tip de Conducta Coaxial Verticale separate Orizontale separate

5m 15 m 30 m Lungime maxima a conductei 5m 15 m 30 m

...coaxial flue - air duct (concentric)

... conducte coaxiale (fum / aer) Acest tip de conducte permite evacuarea gazelor arse si in acelasi aportul de aer necesar pentru ardere sau in cazul tipului de cos de fum LAS. Cotul de 90 permite conectarea la conducta de evacuare in orice direc^ie se dore`te, put<nd fi rotit 360. Mai mult poate fi suplimentar si combinat cu cot la 45.

This type of duct allows to disengage exhaust gases and to draw combustion air both outside the building and in case a LAS flue is fitted. The 90 coaxial bend allows to connect the boiler to a flue-air duct in any direction as it can rotate by 360. It can moreover be used as a supplementary bend and be coupled with a coaxial duct or a 45 bend.

Securing clamp clema prindere Restrictor (*) obstructor (*) Concentric outlet tuburi concentrice

Seal garnitura


(*) The restrictor must be removed in case the flue duct length exceeds 1,5 m. If the flue outlet is placed outside, the flue-air ducting must protrude at least 18mm out of the wall to allow alluminium weathering tile to be fitted and sealed to avoid water leakages. Ensure a 1 cm downward slope per each metre of duct length. A 90 bend reduces the total duct length by 1 metre. A 45 bend reduces the total duct length by 0.5 metre.

Daca cosul de fum are o lungime mai mare de 1.5 m elementul de obturare trebuie scos. Daca iesirea tubului de evacuare este amplasata afara, tubul coaxial trebuie sa fie in afara peretelui cu cel putin 18 mm pentru a permite inelului de aluminiu sa fie fixat si etansat pentru evitarea scurgerilor. Lasati cate 1 cm panta pentru scurgeri (condens) la fiecare metru din lungime conductei. Curba la 90 reduce lungimea conductei cu 1 m. Curba la 45 reduce lungimea conductei cu 0,5 m.


Horizontal flue terminal installation options

Optiuni de instalare orizontala ale conductei de evacuare gaze arse

L max = 5 m

L max = 5 m

L max = 4 m

L max = 4 m

LAS flue duct installation options

Op^iuni de instalare cu canal LAS

L max = 5 m




Vertical flue terminal installation options This type of installation can be carried out both on a flat or pitched roof by fitting a terminal, an appropriate weathering tile and sleeve, (supplementary fittings supplied on demand).

Op^iuni de instalare verticala a canalului de fum Instalarea conductei de evacuare a gazelor vertical: se poate utiliza at<t pentru acoperi` tip terasa cat si tip `arpanta (accesorii suplimentare pentru etanseizare se livreaz la cerere).

L max = 4 m

L max = 4 m

L max = 2 m

L max = 3 m

For detailed instructions concerning the installation of fittings refer to the technical data accompanying the fittings. ... Conducta de evacuare a gazelor de ardere separata de cea de aer separated flue-air ducting This type of ducting allows to disengage exhaust flue gases both outside the building both into single flue ducts. Comburant air may be drawn in at a different site from where the flue terminal is located. The splitting kit consists of a flue duct adaptor (100/80) and of an air duct adaptor; the latter may be placed either on the left or on the right of the flue terminal according to installation requirements. For the air duct adaptor fit the screws and seals previously removed from the cap. The restrictor must be removed in case you install separated flue and air duct terminals. Acest tip de conducte permite evacuarea gazelor de ardere direct afara sau intr-un cos de fum. Conducta de aer pentru combustie trebuie orientata in alte direc^ie dec<t conducta pentru evacuarea fumului. Acest sistem consta dintr-un adaptor (100/80) pentru conducta de gaze si un altul pentru conducta de aer; ultima poate fi amplasata in st<nga sau in dreapta canalului de evacuare a fumului in func^ie de condi^iile existente. Pentru adaptorului conductei de aer fixa^i `uruburile si garniturile scoase in prealabil. Obturatorul trebuie scos in cazul in care terminalele de evacuare fum si aport aer sunt separate.

Intake air duct adaptor

flue duct adaptor


The 90 bend allows to connect the boiler to flue-air ducting regardless of direction as it can be rotated by 360. It can moreover be used as a supplementary bend to be coupled with the duct or with a 45 bend.

Cotul de 90 permite conectarea la conducta de evacuare in orice direc^ie se dore`te, put<nd fi rotit 360. Mai mult poate fi suplimentar si combinat cu cot la 45.



A 90 bend reduces the total duct length by 0.5 metre. A 45 bend reduces the total duct length by 0.25 metre.

Curba la 90 reduce lungimea conductei cu 0,5 m. Curba la 45 reduce lungimea conductei cu 0,25 m.

Separated horizontal flue terminals installation options IMPORTANT: Ensure a minimum downward slope of 1 cm toward the outside per each metre of duct length In the event of installation of the condensate collection kit, the angle of the drain duct must be directed towards the boiler.

Exemplu de instalare orizontala a conductelor separate Important: Lasati cate 1 cm panta pentru scurgeri (condens) la fiecare metru din lungime conductei.


(L1 + L2) max = 30 m

(L1 + L2) max = 30 m

NB: For C52 types, terminal for combustion air suction and combustion product extraction must never be fitted on walls opposite the building.

The maximum length of the suction duct must be 10 metres. If the flue duct exceeds 6 m, the condensate collection kit (supplied as an accessory) must be fitted in the vicinity of the boiler.

In cazul in care canalul de fum depaseste lungimea de 6 m, este obligatorie izolarea conduictei si a coturilor pentru reducerea pierderilor de temperatura cat mai mult posibil. Pentru acest tip de instalare nu este obligatoriu ca cele doua tipuri de conducte sa iasa prin doi pereti opusi.

L max = 10 m




Separated vertical flue terminals installation options

Exemplu de instalare verticala a conductelor separate

L max = 15 m

L max = 14 m

Important: if fitting a single exhaust flue duct, ensure it is adequately insulated (e.g.: with glass wool) wherever the duct passes through building walls. For detailed instructions concerning the installation of fittings refer to the technical data accompanying the fittings. Split flue air control adjustment The adjustment of this control is required to optimise performance and combustion parameters. The air suction coupling which may be mounted on the left or right of the flue duct can be rotated to adjust excess air according to the total length of the flue and intake ducts for the combustion air. Turn this control clockwise to decrease excess combustion air and anticlockwise to increase it. To improve optimisation a combustion product analyser can be used to measure the CO2 contents of the flue at maximum heat output, gradually adjusting air to obtain the CO2 reading in the table below, if the analysis shows a lower value. To properly install this device, also refer to the technical data accompanying the fitting.

Important : conducta singura de fum trebuie izolata aastfel incat sa nu vina in contact cu peretii.pentru instru Reglarea evacuarii gazelor arse Reglarea este necesarar pentru otpimizarea performantelor si a parametrilor de combustie. Cuplajul de pe aspiratia de aer poate fi montat in stanga sau in dreapta canalului de evacuare a gazelor arse poate fi rotit pentru a regla aportul de aer in functie de lungimea totala a canjalului de fum si conductei de poart aer pentru combustie. Pentru micsorarea cantitatii de aer pentru combustie rotiti in sensul acelor de ceasornic si invers pentru cresterea cantitatii de aer. Pentru imbunatatirea combustiei se poate folosi un analizor de gaze pentru masurarea continutului de CO 2 In gazele arse la capacitate maxima, ajustati aerul gradual pentru a obtine valorile din tabelul de mai jos, daca analiza arata valori mai mici.



Figure 9


Pozitie regsitru
015 1530 1 2 3








Connecting the mains supply

Electrical safety of the appliance is only guaranteed by correct grounding, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Connect the boiler to a 230V monophase + ground power supply by means of the three-pin cable supplied with it and make sure you connect polarities correctly. Use a double-pole switch with a contact separation of at least 3mm in both poles. In case you replace the power supply cable fit a HAR H05 VV-F 3x0.75mm2 cable with an 8mm diameter max.

Conectarea la alimentarea cu energie electrica

Securitatea instalatiei electrice este data de respectarea normelor locale privind efectuarea impamantarii. Tensiunea de alimentare este de 220-230 V, monofazic, cablu cu trei fire. Folositi un intrerupator bipolar cu o separare de 3 mm intre contacte. In cazul in care inlocuiti cablul folositi cablu HAR H05 VV- F, 3x0.75 mm cu un diametru maxim de 8 mm.

access to the power supply terminal block isolate the electrical supply to the boiler by the double-pole switch; unscrew the two screws securing the control board to the boiler; rotate the control board; unscrew the screw securing the lid and gain access to the wiring (Figure 10). A 2A fast-blowing fuse is incorporated in the power supply terminal block (to check or replace the fuse, pull out the black fuse carrier). (L) = (N) = ( ) = (1) (2)= Live brown Neutral blue Ground yellow/green room thermostat terminal

... Accesul la cutia electrica a cazanului -Opriti alimentarea cu energie electrica din intrerupatorul bipolar ; -rotiti bordul de control -desfaceti cele doua suruburi care fixeaza capacul pentru a avea acces la parte electrica fig. 10.

Siguranta rapida 2A este incorporata in cutia electrica (pentru a verifica sau pentru a o ilocui trageti de terminatia neagra.
(L) = maro (viu) (N) albastru (neutru) ( ) = galben/verde (impamantare) (1) (2) terminatii termostat de camera

Figura 10

Fitting a room thermostat

gain access to the power supply terminal block (Figure 11) as described in the previous section; remove the jumper placed on terminals (1) and (2); insert the duplex cable through the core hitch and connect it to the two terminals.

Conectarea termostatului de camera

- Accesul la cutia electrica se realizeaz ca in paragraful anterior fig. 11 - Indepartati regletele de pe terminalele (1) si (2) - Introduceti cablul duplex in agatatori si conectati la cele doua terminale

Figura 11

Connecting a programming clock

* remove the two screws securing the control board to the boiler and hinge it downward; * remove the 2 screws fixing the control board cover and hinge it upward; * connect the programming clock motor to the main PCB M3 connector (terminals 18 and 20); * connect the programming clock switch to the M3 connector terminals (17 and 19) and remove the jumper. In case you are fitting a battery-operated programming clock do not connect the M3 connector terminals (18 and 20).

Conectarea unui programator:

- desfaceti cele doua suruburi care apara panoul de comanda - desfaceti cele 2 suruburi care fixeaza panoul de comanda - conectati motorul programatorului la conectorul A3 al conform schemei electronice (conectati intrerupatorul programatorului la terminalele 1 si 3) - conectati contactele in deviatie (2 si 4). - Daca programatorul este de tip baterie, fara alimentare lasati libere legaturile 1 si 3.


Gas change modalities

A Qualified Service Engineer may adapt this boiler to operate with natural gas (G. 20), with liquid gas (G. 30, G. 31). Carry out the following operations in the given sequence: A) substitute the main burner injectors; B) proceed with a new max. and min. setting of the pressure adjusting device. A) Substitute the main burner injectors carefully pull the main burner off its seat; substitute the main burner injectors and make sure you tighten them fast to avoid leakage. The nozzle diameters are specified in table 2 on page 17. B) Pressure adjusting device setting B1) Adjustment to rated output connect the positive pressure test point of a differential (possibly wateroperated) manometer to the gas valve pressure test point (Pb) (Figure 12); connect, for sealed chamber models only, the negative pressure test point of the manometer to a T fitting in order to join the boiler adjusting outlet, the gas valve adjusting outlet (Pc) and the manometer. (The same measurement can be carried out by connecting the manometer to the pressure test point (Pb) after removing the sealed chamber front panel); If you measure the pressure of burners by different means you may obtain an altered result in that the low pressure created in the sealed chamber by the fan Figure 12 would not be taken into account. open the gas tap and rotate knob (1) to set the boiler to the Winter setting ( ); open a hot water tap to reach a minimum 10 l/minute flow rate or ensure that maximum heating requirements are set; remove the cap from the valve and adjust the pressure regulator screw (Pmax) in figure 12 to obtain the pressure values as specified in table 1 on page 17; check that boiler feeding dynamic pressure, as measured at the inlet gas valve pressure test point (Pa) (Figure 12) is correct (30 mbar for G.30, 37 mbar for G.31, 20 mbar for natural gas); re-fit the cap on the valve.

Modalitati de schimbare a gazului

Cazanul poate fi adaptat sa functioneze cu gaz metan (G20, combustibil lichid (G 30 sau G31) numai de personal autorizat si calificat in acest sens. Functionarea cu gaz G 30 nu este prevazuta pentru modelele 310 Fi si 1.310 Fi. Modalitatea de modificare a regulatorului depinde de tipul cu care este dotat cazanul (Honeywell sau Sit) figura 12. Operatiunile ce trebuie efectuate sunt urmatoarele, in aceasta ordine : A) inlocuiti injectoarele arzatorului B) alegerea maximei si minimei la regulatorul de presiune A) Inlocuirea injectoarelor arzatorului - scoateti arzatorul de la locul lui ; - inlocuiti injectoarele cu cele dorite si strangeti bine pentru a evita scurgerile de combustibil

B) Inlocuirea elementului de reglare a presiunii

B2) Adjustment to reduced heat output: Set Winter/Summer selector (1) to position (0); Disconnect the NTC probe; set selector (1) to Winter and ensure heating activation; connect the NTC probe; adjust screw (Pmin) on the gas valve (figure 12) to obtain the pressure value set for minimum power (table 1 on page 17). This operation must be performed within 25 second after which the boiler resumes normal operation.

B1) Reglarea la capacitatea nominala - Lega^i polul de presiune pozitiva al unui manometru diferen^ial, daca se poate unul func^ional cu apa, la polul de presiune (Pb) al valvei de gaz fig. 12; Conecta^i , numai pentru modelele cu camera de ardere etan`a, polul negativ al manometrului la fiting T permitand astfel legarea mpreuna a polului de compensare a cazanului, la polul de compensare a valvei de gaz (Pc). (O alta msurare se poate efectua conect<nd monometru la polul de presiune (Pb) si senzorul camerei de ardere.) - Msurarea presiunii la arztor , efectuata cu metode diverse dec<t cele descrise anterior pot conduce la rezultate false si care vor conduce la depresiune in camera de ardere etan`a, creata de ventilator. - Deschide^i robinetul de gaz si roti^i butonul 1 in pozi^ia iarna. - Deschide^i robinetul de alimentare cu apa calda menajare pentru un consum maxim de 10 l/min; - Scoate^i capacul si actionati asupra `urubului de pe regulatorul de gaz Pmax din figura 12 pana obtineti valorile din tabelul 1; - Verificati ca presiunea dinamica de alimentare a cazanului msurata la polul de presiune (Pa este cea corecta (30 mbar pt. gaz butan, 37 mbar pentru gaz propan si 20 mbar pentru gaz natural) - Remonta^i capacul B2) reglarea la capacitate redusa: - pune^i selectorul vara/iarna in pozi^ia 0. - Deconecta^i sonda NTC - Pune^i butonul 1 in pozi^ia iarna - Conecta^i sonda NTC. - Actionati asupra `urubului (Pmin) al regulatorului fig. 12- pana se ajunge la o presiune4 corespunztoare capacitatii reduse tabelul 1). Aceasta opera^ie trebuie efectuata intr-un timp de 25 de secunde. B3) verificri concluzive: - aplica^i eticheta cu noul tip de gaz si cu valorile maxime si minime. - Sigila^i regulatorul in cazul func^ionarii cu gaz GPL.

B3) Final checks apply the additional dataplate, specifying the type of gas and settings applied; seal the cap on the pressure regulator in the event of use with LPG.


Table of burner pressures - heat output- Tabel cu presiunea la arztor si cu puterile aferente

240 Fi - 1.240 Fi
mbar G.20 2,5 2,8 3,2 3,7 4,1 4,9 5,6 6,5 7,4 8,3 9,3 10,4 11,5 12,2 mbar G.30 5,3 5,8 6,7 8,1 9,6 11,3 13,1 15,0 17,1 19,3 21,6 24,1 26,7 28,3 mbar G.31 6,4 7,2 8,5 10,3 12,3 14,4 16,7 19,2 21,8 24,7 27,6 30,8 34,1 36,2 kW 9,3 10,5 11,6 12,8 14,0 15,1 16,3 17,4 18,6 19,8 20,9 22,1 23,3 24,0 kcal/h 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 20.600 Reduced heat output- Putere redusa

240 i
mbar G.20 1,9 2,2 2,5 2,9 3,4 4,0 4,6 5,3 6,0 6,8 7,6 8,5 9,4 10,0 mbar G.30 4,4 5,3 6,6 8,0 9,5 11,1 12,9 14,8 16,8 19,0 21,3 23,7 26,3 27,9 mbar G.31 5,9 6,8 8,4 10,2 12,1 14,3 16,5 19,0 21,6 24,4 27,3 30,5 33,7 35,8 kW 9,3 10,5 11,6 12,8 14,0 15,1 16,3 17,4 18,6 19,8 20,9 22,1 23,3 24,0 kcal/h 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 20.600

Rated heat output- Putere nominala

1 mbar = 10,197 mmH20 Table 1 - Tabelul 1

1 mbar = 10,197 mmH20 Table 1 - Tabelul 1

Consumption table - burner injectors - Tabel injectoare arztor

boiler model - Tip cazan Gas used - Tip gaz main injector diameter (mm) - Diametru injector no. of injectors - Bucati injectoare Table 2 - Teblul 2 240 Fi - 1.240 Fi G.30 0,77 12 240 i G.30 0,69 15

G.20 1,28 12

G.31 0,77 12

G.20 1,18 15

G.31 0,69 15

boiler model - Tip cazan Consumption 15 C - 1013 mbar Consum gaz Rated heat output - Putere nominala Reduced heat output- Putere redusa p.c.i. Table 3 - Tabelul 3

240 Fi - 1.240 Fi - 240 i G.20 G.30 G.31 2,78 m3/h 2,1 kg/h 2,0 kg/h 1,13 m3/h 0,9 kg/h 0,8 kg/h 34,02 MJ/m3 45,6 MJ/kg 46,3 MJ/kg


Control and operation devices

The boiler has been designed in full compliance with European reference standards and in particular is equipped with the following: Central heating temperature adjustment potentiometer This potentiometer sets the central heating flow max. temperature. Its temperature range goes from 30 C min. to 85 C max. To increase the temperature turn knob (5) clockwise and anticlockwise to decrease it. Domestic hot water temperature adjusting potentiometer (not fiited on model 1.240 Fi) This potentiometer sets the domestic hot water max. temperature. Its temperature range goes from 35 C min. to 65 C max according to the water inlet flow rate. To increase the temperature turn knob (6) clockwise and anticlockwise to decrease it. Air pressure switch for models 240 Fi and 1.240 Fi This switch allows the main burner to switch on provided the exhaust flue duct efficiency is perfect. In the event of one of the following faults: the flue terminal is obstructed the venturi is obstructed the fan is blocked the connection between the venturi and the air pressure switch is not active the boiler will stay on stand-by. Flue thermostat for model 240 i This device has a sensor positioned on the left section of the flue extraction hood and shuts off the gas flow to the main burner if the flue duct is obstructed or in the event of draught failure. Under such conditions the boiler is blocked and relighting (by means of button in Figure 6 page 7) will only be possible after the cause of the anomaly has been removed. Overheat thermostat Thanks to a sensor placed on the heating flow, this thermostat interrupts the gas flow to the main burner in case the water contained in the primary system has overheated. Under such conditions the boiler is blocked and relighting (by means of button in Figure 5 page 7) will only be possible after the cause of the anomaly has been removed. It is forbidden to disenable this safety device Flame ionization detector The flame sensing electrode, placed on the right of the burner, guarantees safety of operation in case of gas failure or incomplete interlighting of the main burner. Under such conditions the boiler is blocked. Rotate selector (1) briefly to position ( ) to restore normal operating conditions. Hydraulic differential pressure sensor This pressure sensor, fitted on the hydraulic assembly, allows the main burner to light provided the pump head is as required and protects the flue-water exchanger from possible lacks of water or blockings of the pump. Hydraulic safety valve (heating circuit) This device is set to 3 bar and is used for the heating circuit. The safety valve should be connected to a siphoned drain. Use a a means of draining the heating circuit is strictly prohibited.

Elemente de siguran^a si control

Cazanele sunt construite pentru a satisface toate prescrip^iile Normativelor Europene aferente, si in particular sunt dotate cu: - Poten^iometru pentru reglare in timpul func^ionarii de iarna (nclzire); - Acest dispozitiv define`te temperatura maxima a apei pe circuitul de nclzire, temperatura ce are un minim de 30 C si o maxima de 85 C. Pentru cre`terea temperaturii in circuit roti^i butonul 12 in sensul acelor de ceasornic si roti^i invers pentru mic`orarea temperaturii. - Poten^iometru pentru reglarea temperaturii apei calde sanitare (1.240 I ) acest dispozitiv define`te temperatura maxima a apei calde sanitare. Temperatura minima 35 C si o maxima de 65 C. Pentru cre`terea temperaturii in circuit roti^i butonul 13 in sensul acelor de ceasornic si roti^i invers pentru mic`orarea temperaturii. - Presostat pentru modelul cu tiraj natural.- Acest dispozitiv permite aprinderea arztorului numai in cazul in care sistemul de evacuare a fumului este in perfecta stare de func^ionare. Daca una din anomaliile de mai jos exista atunci centrala va ramane in stand by: Canalul de fum este obturat Sistemul de ventila^ie este obturat Ventilatorul este blocat Conexiunea dintre canalul de aer de dup ventilator si presostat este ntrerupta (semnalizatorul 4). - Termostat de fum pentru modelul 240 i Acest dispozitiv, al crui senzor este pozi^ionat in partea st<nga a convectorului de fum, ntrerupe debitul de gaz la arztor in cazul in care canalul de fum este obturat sau lipse`te tirajul. In aceste condi^ii centrala va ramane blocata si numai dup ndeprtarea cauzei de obturare si apsarea butonului de resetare 1 este posibila repetarea aprinderii arztorului - Termostat de siguran^a acest dispozitiv, al crui senzor este pozi^ionat deasupra circuitului de nclzire, ntrerupe debitul de gaz la arztor in cazul supranclzirii apei in circuitul primar. In aceste condi^ii centrala va fi blocata si numai dup ndeprtarea cauzei si resetarea prin rotirea butonului 1 in pozi^ia ( ) . - Detector al flacarii ionizate- electrodul de detectare a flcrii, amplasat in partea sting a arztorului, garanteaz operarea in siguran^a in cazul in care nu exista flacra sau arztorul nu se aprinde complet. In aceste condi^ii sistemul se va bloca. E necesara rotirea butonului (1) in pozi^ia ( ) . - Presostat diferen^ial hidraulic - - acest dispozitiv, montat pe sistemul hidraulic, permite aprinderea arztorului numai daca pompa indeplineste condi^iile de pornire, si totodat acest sistem protejeaz pompa de eventuale scurgeri din schimbtorul apa fum sau blocaje. Se roteste butonul 1 in pozi^ia ( ) . - Valva de siguran^a hidraulica (circuitul de nclzire) acest dispozitiv, setat la 3 bar, deserve`te sistemul de nclzire centrala. Se recomanda conectarea acestui dispozitiv la un sistem de drenaj. Este absolut interzisa folosirea acestui dispozitiv pentru golirea totala a instala^iei. Este interzisa dezactivarea ORICRUI sistem de siguran^a. Recomandam conectarea valvei relief de presiune la un punct de drenaj. Este absolut interzis ca acest punct de drenaj sa fie utilizat pentru golirea instala^iei de nclzire.


Positioning of the ignition and flame sensing electrode

Pozi^ionarea electrodului de aprindere si sesizare flacra

Figure 13

Check of combustion parameters

To measure combustion performance and hygiene levels of combustion products, the forced draught boiler models are equipped with two test points on the tapered coupling specifically designed for this purpose. One of the two test points is connected to the exhaust flue duct to allow measurements of the combustion products hygienic standards and combustion efficiency. The second test point is connected to the comburant air inlet duct to check possible combustion products circulation in case of coaxial ducts. The exhaust flue duct test point allows measurements of the following: combustion products temperature; concentration of oxygen (O2) or, alternatively, of carbon dioxyde (CO2); concentration of carbon monoxyde (CO). The comburant air temperature must be measured at the test point connected to the air inlet duct.

Verificarea parametrilor de combustie

Cazanul este dotat cu doi poli pentru msurarea gazele arse emise. Unul din este conectat la co`ul de fum si permite msurarea eficientei combustiei si toxicitatea fumului. Al doilea pol este conectat la tubul de aer necesar arderii pentru verificarea posibilei recirculari a gazelor arse sc<ntei . Polul situat pe co`ul de fum msoar: - temperatura gazelor arse - concentra^ia de oxigen (O2), sau alternative de dioxid de carbon (CO2) - concentra^ia monoxidului de carbon (CO) Temperatura aerului de combustie trebuie msurata, in cazul conductelor coaxiale, la polul conectat la intrarea aerului in conducta.

For natural draught models a hole should be drilled on the flue exhaust duct at a distance from the boiler that is twice the internal diameter of the duct. This hole enables readings of the following values: combustion product temperature; concentration of oxygen (O2) or alternatively of carbon dioxide (CO2); concentration of carbon monoxide (CO). Measurements of the combustion air temperature must be taken in the vicinity of the boiler air inlet. The hole, to be made by the head of the system on initial unit set-up and must be closed off to guarantee comnbustion product extraction sealing efficiency during normal operation.



Output / pump head performances

This is a high static head pump fit for installation on any type of single or double-pipe heating systems. The air vent valve incorporated in the pump allows quick venting of the heating system.

Performantele pompei
Pompa utilizata este cu inaltime de pompare mare si poate fi folosita pentru instala^ie de nclzire cu sau cu doua tevi. Ventilul de aer incorporat in pompa permite aerisirea rapida instala^iei de nclzire.

240 i - 240 Fi

1.240 Fi



OUTPUT l/h Graph 1 - Graficul 1 Graph 2 - Graficul 2



How to purge the DHW system from limestone deposits

(Not applicable on model 1.240 Fi) To clean the DHW system it is not necessary to remove the DHW heat exchanger if the assembly is equipped with the appropriate taps (supplied on demand) placed on the hot water outlet and inlet. To carry out the purge it is necessary to: close the cold water inlet drain the DHW system from the water contained therein by means of a hot water tap close the DHW outlet unscrew the two stop cocks caps remove the filters.

Curatarea circuitului de apa calda menajera de depuneri

(mai pu^in modelele 1.240 Fi)

Pentru curatarea circuitului de apa calda de depuneri nu este necesara scoaterea schimbtorul de cldura apa-apa daca ansamblul este prevzut cu un robinet (livrat la cerere) amplasat pe ^eava de ie`ire apa calda. Pentru purjare trebuie sa: - inchideti robinetul intrare apa rece in cazan; - utiliz<nd robinetul pentru apa calda lasati sa curg toata apa din circuitul de apa calda menajera - inchideti ie`irea circuitului de apa calda menajera; - desface^i cei doi robinet de oprire - scoate^i filtrul

In case the appropriate tap is not supplied it is necessary to disassemble the DHW heat exchanger, as described in the following section, and do the purge aside. We recommend you also purge from limestone deposits the DHW heat exchanger seat and the NTC sensor fitted on the DHW system. To purge the exchanger and/or the DHW system we suggest the use of Cillit FFW-AL or Beckinser HF-AL.

Daca ansamblul nu este livrat cu robinet este necesara scoaterea schimbtorului apa-apa pentru purjare. Recomandam curatarea suportului schimbtorului si senzorul NTC al sistemului.



How to disassemble the DHW heat exchanger

(Not fitted on model 1.240 Fi) The stainless steel plate-type DHW heat exchanger is easily disassembled with a screwdriver by operating as described below: drain, if possible, only the boiler system, through the drain tap; drain the DHW system from water; remove the two screws (right in front of you) securing the DHW heat exchanger and pull it off its seat (Picture 14).

Demontarea schimbtorului de cldura apa-apa

(mai pu^in modelele 1.240Fi ) Schimbtorul de cldura apa-apa in placi din inox este u`or de scos prin utilizarea unei surubelnite, astfel: - ave^i grija la robinet - scurge^i apa din circuitul sanitar - scoate^i cele doua `uruburi, vizibile dup scoaterea panoului de comanda a cazanului, care fixeaz schimbtorul in loca`ul sau figura 14

flow sensing securing nut


DHW heat exchanger securing screws Figure 14

Cleaning the cold water filter

(Not fitted on model 1.240 Fi) The boiler is equipped with acold water filters placed on the hydraulic assembly. To clean it do the following: drain the DHW system from water; unscrew the nut on the flow sensing assembly (Figure 14); pull out the flow sensing device and its filter; remove the impurities. Important: in the event of replacements and/or cleaning of the O-rings on the hydraulic unit, do not use oil or grease as lubricant but exclusively Molykote 111.

Curatarea filtrului de apa rece

(mai pu^in modelele 1.240i 1.240 Fi) Cazanul este dotat cu un filtru de apa montat pe circuitul hidraulic. Pentru curatarea lui proceda^i dup cum urmeaz: - scurge^i apa din circuitul sanitar - scoate^i `urubul de fixare al senzorului de debit (figura 15) - scoate^i senzorul mpreuna filtrul - curatati filtrul Important: in cazul nlocuirii piuli^ei OR al grupului hidraulic utiliza^i ca lubrifiant numai Molycote III


Boiler schematic
model 240 i
Key: 7 pressure gauge 8 gas service cock 9 cold water inlet on/off valve and filter 10 diverter valve assembly 11 DHW flow priority assembly 12 hydraulic differential pressure sensor 13 flow sensor with filter 14 automatic by-pass 15 plate-type DHW heat exchanger 16 boiler filling tap 17 boiler drain point 18 pressure relief valve 19 DHW flow priority microswitch 20 hydraulic differential pressure sensor microswitch 21 pump and air separator 22 automatic air vent 23 DHW NTC sensor 24 overheat thermostat 25 expansion vessel 26 gas valve 27 burner injector 28 main burner 29 ignition electrodes 30 flame sensing electrode 31 flue-water exchanger 32 flue hood 33 flue thermostat For references from 1 to 6 see figure 1 on page 5 (control board)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Manometru Robinet gaz Robinet intrare apa cu filtru Valva cu trei cai sistem siguran^a apa calda menajera presostat hidraulic diferen^ial senzor debit apa cu filtru by-pass automat schimbator de cldura in placi apa-apa robinet de umplere boiler robinet drenaj boiler vlava de presiune de siguran^a microintrerupatator apa calda menajera micro presostat hidraulic diferen^ial pompa cu separator de aer ventil de aerisire automat sonda NTC apa incalzire centrala termostat de (supraincalzire) siguran^a vas de expansiune valva de gaz injectorul arzatorului arzator electrod pentru aprindere electrod sesizare flacara schimbator de caldura apa-fum canal fum termostat fum


heating inlet

domestic water outlet


domestic water inlet

heating return

Figure 15



Boiler schematic
model 240 Fi

model 1.240 Fi


heating delivery

domestic water outlet


domestic water inlet

heating return heating delivery gas domestic water inlet heating return

Figure 16

Figure 17

Key: 7 pressure gauge 8 gas service cock 9 cold water inlet on/off valve and filter 10 diverter valve assembly 11 DHW flow priority assembly 12 hydraulic differential pressure sensor 13 flow sensor with filter 14 automatic by-pass 15 plate-type DHW heat exchanger 16 boiler filling tap 17 boiler drain point 18 pressure relief valve 19 DHW flow priority microswitch 20 hydraulic differential pressure sensor microswitch 21 pump and air separator 22 automatic air vent 23 DHW NTC sensor 24 overheat thermostat 25 expansion vessel 26 gas valve 27 burner injector 28 main burner 29 ignition electrode 30 flame sensing electrode 31 flue-water exchanger 32 flue hood 33 fan 34 air pressure switch 35 positive pressure point 36 negative pressure point 37 flue adaptor For references from 1 to 6 see figure 1 on page 5 (control board)

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Manometru Robinet gaz Robinet intrare apa cu filtru Valva cu trei cai sistem siguran^a apa calda menajera presostat hidraulic diferential senzor debit apa cu filtru by-pass automat schimbator de caldura in placi apa-apa robinet de umplere boiler robinet drenaj boiler vlava de presiune de siguran^a microintrerupatator apa calda menajera micro presostat hidraulic diferential pompa cu separator de aer ventil de aerisire automat sonda NTC apa incalzire centrala termostat de (supraincalzire) siguran^a vas de expansiune valva de gaz injectorul arzatorului arzator electrod pentru aprindere electrod sesizare flacara schimbator de caldura apa-fum convector fum ventilator presostat aer intrerupator punct presiune pozitiva punct presiune negativa adaptor concentric la evacuare



borne de alimentare

termostat ambiental

KEY - LEGENDA M3 = programming control connector conector programator MAX.R. = central heating output adjustment reglare putere incalzire MIN. G. = minimum power electronic control reglare electronica putere minima T. OFF = heating in standby time selection connector timp de asteptare pe pozitia iarna
pompa borna de impamantare


Illustrated wiring diagram model 240 i


sonda NTC


presostat hidraulic diferential

termostat de siguran^a

240 I
termostat de siguran^a fum

comutato /I/D resetare



electrod detectare flacra

Diagrama de conectarea

GR = G= B=

light blue - albastru brown - maro black - negru red - rosu yellow/green - galben / verde grey - gri yellow - galben white - alb


borne de alimentare

termostat ambiental

KEY - LEGENDA M3 = programming control connector conector programator MAX.R. = central heating output adjustment reglare putere incalzire MIN. G. = minimum power electronic control reglare electronica putere minima T. OFF = heating in standby time selection connector timp de asteptare pe pozitia iarna
pompa borna de impamantare


Illustrated wiring diagram model 240 Fi

siguran^a fuzibila

sonda NTC

presostat hidraulic diferential

termostat de siguran^a

240 Fi
presostat diferential

comutato /I/D resetare



electrod detectare flacra

Diagrama de conectarea



C= M= N= R= G/V = GR = G= B=

light blue - albastru brown - maro black - negru red - rosu yellow/green - galben / verde grey - gri yellow - galben white - alb

Illustrated wiring diagram model 1.240 Fi

KEY - LEYENDA M3 = programming control connector conector programador MAX.R. = central heating output adjustment regulao potncia de aquecimento MIN. G. = minimum power electronic control regulao electrnica mnima potncia T. OFF = heating in standby time selection connector conector escolha do tempo de espera de aquecimento

CABLES COLOURS CORES DOS CABOS C = light blue - celeste M = brown - castanho N = black - negro R = red - vermelho G/V = yellow/green - amarelo/verde GR = grey - cinza G = yellow - amarelo B = white - branco


Connecting a water heater

for model 1.240 Fi The boiler is designed for connection to a water heater for the production of domestic hot water. The boiler unit can be supplied on request or alternatively another boiler unit available commercially can be used.

Connecting the boiler to a BAXI water heater (also refer to instructions supplied with the water heater)





Short circuit the two red wires with a faston MM Curto-circuitar os dois fios vermelhos com um faston MM For the connection between terminals 20-22 use the jumper removed from the boiler terminal board Para a ligao entre os bornes 20-22 utilizar o Ponte tirado da caixa de terminais da caldeira





Connecting the boiler to a water heater not supplied by BAXI




Diagram for reference if using 3-way valve without bypass contact Esquema a adoptar no caso de utilizao da vlvula a trs vias priva do contacto em desvio









domestic water snitario heating aquecimento


domestic water snitario heating aquecimento

Punerea in functiune a instalatiei E interzisa instalarea unor instalatii de gaz cu densitatea relativa mai mare de 0,80 in localuri cu pardoseala sub planul campiei. Nu e admisa punerea in operare a tuburilor de gaz in contact cu conductele de apa. Este intezisa interventia in regulatoarele integrate aparatului, in calibrarea injectoarelor si a arzatorului principal, modificarea formei sau dimensiunilor oricarei piese care are influenta asupra randamentului termic al aparatului. Daca contorul este situat in exteriorul locuin^ei e necesara inserarea unui robinet analog in interiorul locuin^ei. Recipientele cu gaz LPG trebuie asezate astfel incat asupra lor sa nu actioneze direct surse de caldura capabile sa le aduca la o temperaturi mai mari de 500C. Fiecare local in care se gaseste un recipient cu gaz LPG trebuie sa fie aerisit prin ferestre, usi sau alte deschideri in exterior. In orice local destinat locuirii, cu suprafata de pana la 20 m3, nu trebuie tinut mai mult de un recipient pentru gaz, cu un continut de 15 kg. In locale cu suprafata de pana la 50 m2 nu trebuie instalate mai mult de 2 recipiente cu un continut complementar de 30 kg. Instalarea recipientelor cu un con^inut global superior a 50 kg trebuie fcuta in exterior. Cazane cu tiraj for^at Distantele minime pentru sec^iunile de eflux in atmosfera sunt indicate in prospectul urmtor: Pozi^ia terminalului distanta aparate intre 16-35 kW Mm 600 600 300 300 400 600 300 300 300 2500 1500 1000

Sub fereastra A Sub deschiderea aerisirii B Sub strea`ina C Sub balcon D De la o fereastra adiacenta E De la o deschidere a unei aerisiri Adiacente F De la tuburile de descarcare G De la un colt al edificiului H De la o intrare a edificiului I De la sol L Intre 2 terminale in verticala M Intre 2 terminale in orizontala N De la o suprafata frontala Fara deschideri si terminale, intr-o raza de 3 m de la gura de ie`ire a aburilor O Idem, dar cu deschideri si terminale P

2000 3000

Ventilarea spatiilor pentru aparatele de tip B E indispensabil ca in localurile in care sunt instalate aparate pe gaz sa poata exista un flux de aer necesar pentru reglarea combustiei. Afluxul de aer trebuie sa vina pe o cale directa prin; deschideri permanente care dau in exterior conducte de ventilare, simple sau colective, ramificate. Deschiderile pe peretii externi ai localului care trebuie ventilat trebuie sa corespunda urmatoarelor cerinte: sa existe o sectiune libera de trecere de cel putin 6 cm patrati pentru fiecare kW de putere termica instalata cu un minim de 100 cm patrati. Sa fie protejate cu zabrele, plase metalice astfel incat sa nu fie redusa sectiunea utila indicata mai sus Sa fie realizate in asa fel incat gurile deschiderii, atat in interior cat si in exterior, sa nu poata fi obstructionate.


Technical data
Rated heat input Reduced heat input Rated heat output Reduced heat output Rated direct efficiency Direct efficiency at 30% of output Central heating system max. pressure Expansion vessel capacity Expansion vessel pressure 240 i - 240 Fi DHW system max. pressure DHW system min. dynamic pressure DHW system min. output DHW production at T=25 C DHW production at T=35 C Specific output (*) 240 Fi - 1.240 Fi Concentric flue duct diameter Concentric air duct diameter 2-pipe flue duct diameter 2-pipe air duct diameter Max. flue mass flow rate Min. flue mass flow rate Max. flue temperature Min. flue temperature 240 i Flue duct diameter Max. flue mass flow rate Max. flue temperature Type of gas used Natural gas feeding pressure Butane gas feeding pressure Propane gas feeding pressure Power supply voltage Power supply frequency Rated power supply 240 i Rated power supply 240 Fi-1.240 Fi Net weight 240 i Net weight 240 Fi Net weight 1.240 Fi Dimensions height 240 i height 240 Fi-1.240 Fi width depth kW kW kW (kcal/h) kW (kcal/h) % % bar l bar bar bar l/min l/min l/min l/min mm mm mm mm kg/s kg/s C C mm kg/s C mbar mbar mbar V Hz W W kg kg kg mm mm mm mm 26,3 10,6 24 (20.600) 9,3 (8.000) 90,3 88 3 8 0,5 8 0,2 2,5 13,7 9,8 10,5 60 100 80 80 0,020 0,017 146 106 120 0,021 120 natural gas or LPG 20 30 37 230 50 110 170 34 38,5 36,5 803 763 450 345 IP X4D

Caracteristici tehnice
Incarcare termica nominala Incarcare termica redusa Capacitate termica nominala Capacitate termica redusa Randament maxim Randament minim Presiune maxima apa in circuitul termic Capacitate vas expansiune Presiune vas expansiune KW KW KW KCal/h KW Kcal.h % % bar l bar 26.3 10.6 24 20.600 9.3 8.000 90.3 88 3 8 0.5

240i 240 Fi Presiune maxima in circuitul sanitar bar Presiune minima dinamica in circuitul sanitar bar Cantitate minima apa sanitara l/min l/min Producere apa sanitara dT = 250C Incarcare specifica (EN 625) l/min 240 Fi 1.240 Fi Diametru conducta gaze arse concentrica Diametru conducta aspirare aer combustie Diametru conducta gaze arse Diametru conduca aspirare aer combustie Cantitate maxima fum Cantitate minima fum Temperatura maxima fum Temperatura minima fum 240 I Diametru conducta de fum Cantitate maxima fum Temperatura maxima fum Tipul de gaz Presiune de alimentare gaz metan Presiune de alimentare gaz butan Presiune de alimentare gaz propan Tensiunea de alimentare Frecventa de alimentare Putere electrica nominala eco 240i Putere electrica nomicala 240 Fi 1.240 Fi Greutate neta 240i Greutate neta 240 Fi Greutate neta 1.240 Fi Dimensiune inaltime 240i Inaltime 240 Fi si 1.240 Fi latime adancime Grad de protectie la umezeala si Etanseitate la apa

8 0.2 2.5 9.8 10.5

mm mm mm mm kg/s kg/s 0 C 0 C

60 100 80 80 0.020 0.017 146 106

mm kg/s 0 C

120 0.021 120

mbar mbar mbar V Hz W W kg kg kg mm mm mm mm

20 30 37 220 50 110 170 34 38.5 36.5 803 763 450 345 IPX4D

Protection-limit against humidity and water leakages (according to EN 60529) (*) according to EN 625

BAXI S.p.A., in its commitment to constantly improve its products, reserves the right to alter the specifications contained herein at any time and without previous warning. These Instructions are only meant to provide consumers with use information and under no circumstance should they be construed as a contract with a third party.

BAXI S.p.A., na constante aco de melhoramento dos produtos, reserva-se a possibilidade de modificar os dados expressos nesta documentao em qualquer momento e sem pr-aviso. A presente documentao constitui um suporte a nvel de informao e no pode ser considerado como contrato relativamente a terceiros.



36061 BASSANO DEL GRAPPA (VI) ITALIA Via Trozzetti, 20 Tel. 0424 - 517111 Telefax 0424/38089

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