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Work Instruction Number SL-16 CLC.

REG Page 1 of 2 Date Issued Subject: 04/05/2005 CIVIL LIABILITY CONVENTION CERTIFICATE PROCEDURE Supersedes Rev 4



Review 03/19/2009

/ Effective Date 03/20/2009

1. Purpose To establish procedures for issuance of 1992 CLC insurance certificate for ships under Sierra Leone and ships under a non state party. 2. Definitions 2.1 - State Party : Are the countries which have ratified the International Convention on Civil
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC)

2.2 - Non State Party: Are the countries which have not ratified International Convention on Civil
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC)

2.3 - Blue card: It a certificate furnished as evidence of insurance Pursuant to the Article VII of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992. 2.4 - Pollution damages: Loss or damage caused outside the ship by contamination resulting from the escape or discharge of oil form the ship, wherever such escape or discharge may occur, provided that compensation for impairment of the environment other than loss of profit from such impairment shall be limited to cost of reasonable measures of reinstatement actually undertaken or to be undertaken. 3. Scope 3.1 - Article VII of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC) makes insurance compulsory for ships carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo. Such ships must carry a certificate issued by a State as proof of compliance with this requirement SL-08 CLC.REG Issued by: Leslie Mezzich Rev. 4 03/19/09 Page 1 of 3

Since 30 May 1996, two versions of the CLC have been in force simultaneously: The original Convention of 1969, and that Convention as amended by the Protocol

of 1992. 3.2 - Article VII of the 1969 CLC only makes explicit provision for each State Party to issue certificates to ships registered in that State and for their mutual recognition by other States Parties. 3.3 - Article VII of the 1992 CLC makes clear that States Parties can issue certificates to ships registered in non-party States, and that these must be recognized by other States Parties. 1992 CLC State Parties cannot issue certificate to another 1992 CLC State Party. Sierra Leone has signed this convention 1992 CLC. 3.4 - From 16 May 1998, the owners of ships registered in a State Party to the 1969 CLC will need to have obtained a 1969 CLC certificate from their flag State and a 1992 CLC certificate from a State Party to the 1992 CLC. 3.5 - States Parties to the 1969 CLC accept CLC certificates issued by States Parties to the 1992 CLC as proof that a ship has insurance cover as required by the 1969 CLC. 4. Responsibility and Authority Maritime Registrar (MR) MR has the authority to issue CLC as and when necessary on receipt of application directly. MR shall be responsible for review of all documentation submitted by the applicants/Regional Registrars/ Regional Registrar-(RR) and Registration Officer (Reg. Off.). Do not have the authority to issue CLC insurance certificate 5. CLC Certificates - Process 5.1 - RR/MR should send a quote to client SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE once client accepted quote; acceptance of quote SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE should be send to MR. 5.2 - RR shall review the documents and send to MR request for authorization Number 5.3- MR will authorize the same providing with a CLC number certificate SLCLC AUTHO# and RR will issue the CLC certificate SL CLC and forward a copy of the certificate issued to the MR within 24 hours 5.5 MR should save requirements documents in Vessel folder or if ship does not belong to Sierra Leone flag then a new flag folder should be open and a sub folder with ship name should be open in CLC folder and save documents there.

6. Validity of CLC Certificates CLC insurance certificate is valid for the validity of Blue Card only. SL-08 CLC.REG Issued by: Leslie Mezzich Rev. 4 03/19/09 Page 2 of 3

In event of withdrawal of insurance coverage, the CLC certificate is automatically invalid. P& I club and insurance companies must be advised that in the event of a withdrawal of insurance coverage they must notify us immediately. 7. Documentation to be submitted for C LC 7.1 - Requirements for issuance of CLC Convention certificate for ship under our flag: Original Blue card issued for this particular CLC Conventions. Blue card should mentioned Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 which must be stapled to the CLC. 7.2 - Requirement for issuance of CLC certificate for ship under non state party Original Blue card issued for this particular CLC Conventio ns. Blue card should mention civil liability for oil pollution damage, 1992 Certificate of registry for those ships that belongs to another flag other than Sierra Leone.

8. Related Acts, Procedures and other Documents - International Convention on Civil Liability for oil pollution damage 1969 - International Convention on Civil Liability for oil pollution damage 1992 -SL HOLOG PROC Hologram procedure


Description of Document Certificate of Insurance Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage. CLC Authorization Number Acceptance of quote

End of procedure


Issued by: Leslie Mezzich Rev. 4 03/19/09

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