Diseases As Per Nakshatra Placements

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Diseases as per Nakshatra placements.









Sun Eruptive fevers, irritability

Highly Anemic , temperamental Low BP, Pessimistic. giddiness

Neuralgia migraine

Jaundice Liver Gall bladder

Burning Urination Cystitis Pruritus Itchy vulva VD Delicate health

Low BP

Menta Defic dullne

Moon Carefree jovial temperamental Robust health

Mars Anemia

Skin disease

Skin disease, Hemorrhage Blood in urine Robust health.

Health worries

Robust health

Mental diseases


Mental aberration

Robust health

VD Suicidical Gonorrhea tendency

Suicid Perve

Mercury neuralgias

Highly imaginative Worrying.

Headache, mental aberration.

Self confidence Good mental power Flatulence Piles tumor

Great stamina


Mental Timid aberrations Inferi comp

Jupiter Loss of appetite

Robust health

Colic pains, gall stones

Good health

Giddiness, Chronic jaundice, diseases sex weakness Sexual diseases

Colic Dysen anore

Venus Eye disease

Vaginal problems

Sex perversions

Leucoderma Weakness Good Gonorrhea In sex health Pigmentation, jaundice urinary problems

Nymp mania

Saturn-eye disease, spleen ,T.B, fractures, infective fevers

Menstruation Troubles, melancholia, Fear of future, Hard labour.

Eruptive fevers boils, tumors, colic Blood diseases

Despondency Poor memory Nervousness Rheumatism

Laziness, Sleeping sickness Jaundice Liver Glandular Diseases.

Sex Bladder or eye diseases

Robust health

Undia disea Impot

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