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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SOUTHERLY RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY PROJECT Program System Integration Management and Programming Services

PSIM-28 WBS: CIP.TP.S.281235 January 2010 This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being sent to interested engineering firms for undertaking the duties of the SOUTHERLY RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY PROJECT, Program System Integration Management and Programming Services, PSIM-28. Proposals for providing these services will be received until the close of business (4:30 P.M.) on February 18, 2010. Proposals shall be no more than 60 printed pages and the font size shall be equivalent to Times New Roman 12 pt or larger (See Section 3.0). Proposals are to be delivered to: Julius Ciaccia, Executive Director Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District 3900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115-2504 Attn: Kellie Rotunno, Director of Engineering and Construction, Contract PSIM-28 Late submittals will not be considered. A mandatory (for candidate firms that will propose as prime) pre-proposal meeting will be held at 1:00 P.M. on February 2, 2010 in the 3rd Floor Conference Room of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Districts (District) George J. McMonagle Building, 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to Scott Sander at the pre-proposal meeting or until 10 days before the proposal due date by calling (216) 641-3200, ext. 4317 or contacting

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The following attachments are included in this RFP. Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Project Invoice Standards Project Data Standards & Requirements District SBE Information District Equal Employment Opportunity Form Task and Hour Summary Form NEORSD Cost Summary Form NEORSD Non-Disclosure Agreement

The following exhibits are included in this RFP. Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project Control System Workshop Summary of Findings and Recommendations Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project, Contract 28 Design Specifications and Plans Table of Contents and section 13401 Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project, Contract 28B Design Specifications and Plans Table of Contents and section 13401 NEORSD Plant Automation - Standards and Conventions Manual

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The Renewable Energy Project for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Districts (NEORSDs) Southerly Wastewater Treatment Center consists of the construction of a new Renewable Energy Facility that includes a biosolids conveyance system, nine high-solids centrifuges, three fluidized bed incinerators, a steam turbine generator system that will produce electricity from the excess heat in the incinerator exhaust gases, and a new instrumentation and controls system. There are 20 to 25 processes in the new facility that will require automation. After the new facility is placed into service, the plants four existing multiple hearth incinerators, sludge thermal conditioning system and associated equipment/systems will be phased out. In addition, the Centers current monitoring and control facility will be relocated from its existing location to the new Renewable Energy Facility. Southerlys Renewable Energy Project consists of six separate construction contracts. Of those, two have monitoring and control systems. The new fluidized bed incinerators and associated equipment were procured under Southerly Contract 28B, which was awarded to Infilco Degremont in November 2008. Southerly Contract 28 (Renewable Energy Facility Project) was awarded to Walsh Construction in December of 2009. Under this contract, Walsh will construct the new Renewable Energy Facility, procure and install all required equipment and install the fluidized bed incinerators and ancillary equipment procured under Contract 28B. The notice to proceed for Southerly Contact 28 will be issued to Walsh in February 2010 and the scheduled contract completion period is 39 months. Given the complexity and overall importance of this project, there is the need to ensure coordination and integration between Contract 28B and Contract 28 to minimize risk and to ensure that the final system meets the Districts needs and the requirements specified by the District and its design consultants. To accomplish this, it was agreed that the level of automation for this project warrants the services of an independent Program System Integration Manager (PSIM) to oversee the implementation of the proposed automation systems and to help develop additional enhancements that can be gained through coordinated process control. 1.2 PROJECT PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS

The following information summarizes the project performance requirements on which the candidates can base their proposed technical approach. These requirements were derived from the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project Control System Workshop Summary of Findings and Recommendations referenced as Exhibit A and from the Plans and Specifications for Contracts 28 and 28B which are referenced in Exhibits B and C. The District will be evaluating each candidate team on their approach to the project and in addition, the District will also consider alternative creative approaches that provide value to the District for this project.

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For the purpose of this RFP, the "Project" will be the services proposed as those for the PSIM as described below.


Role of the Program System Integration Manager (PSIM) The PSIM will be a management entity that is established to provide guidance, direction and oversight to the District and the Renewable Energy Facilitys design engineers, manufacturers, and contractors for the system integration work. The PSIM will perform the coordination role with clear responsibilities and authorities related to implementing the system integration. A further breakdown of the role and requirements for the PSIM is defined in Section 2.0 of this RFP, Scope of Services. In general, at a higher level, the Program System Integration Manager would perform the following: Coordinate and lead control system integration meetings with District, and its design engineers, Contractors, subcontractors, equipment manufacturers, etc. Coordinate automation integration of all parties on the project, including I/O lists, communication transfers, documentation, data mapping and addressing assignments, and related activities Monitor loop checks, startup and testing of automation systems Ensure compliance with District standards throughout project Coordinate system integration work with Contract 28B, Contract 28, Southerly Operations personnel, District Automation Group, and District Engineering personnel Facilitate and coordinate all system integrator work Document final system architecture configuration and settings Address sequencing of contracts and impact to the system-wide Wonderware HMI deployment

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System Integration It is important to maintain clear lines of responsibility for implementation of Contract 28B and Contract 28 instrumentation and control systems, so that each integration effort has a clearly defined scope. In general, this coordination effort involves major package and ancillary equipment coordination for: Device/Component Installation Hardwired and Soft Interlocks Soft I/O (Input/Output) Communication Control logic development and implementation Operator Interface Terminal (OIT)/Local Operator Station (LOS) and HMI (POS) configuration Factory Testing Loop checking, startup and commissioning


Project Goals It is the goal of the District to achieve a fully automated monitoring and control system for the Renewable Energy Facility that will integrate the systems being supplied by Walsh under Southerly Contract 28, the systems being supplied by Infilco Degremont under Southerly Contract 28B with the Districts new Wonderware Industrial Application Server HMI software that is being installed by the District at Southerly and throughout the Districts other facilities. In general, the PSIM will provide assistance in the: Implementation of a new system that integrates automatic control into the operations of Southerlys new Renewable Energy Facility and associated systems. Construction of a sustainable automation system that can be easily and cost-effectively utilized by District operations, maintenance, and management staff. Upgrade of Southerlys plant HMI (Human-Machine Interface) systems from Cimplicity to Wonderware. The procurement and installation of the Wonderware System Platform 3 software will be provided by the District

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and by the contractors as specified. Related training and support services associated with the upgrade to the new Wonderware platform will be provided as part of a contract with the Wonderware vendor. It will be the responsibility of the PSIM, however, to ensure there is coordination between the systems which make up the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project Contracts 28 and 28B and the new District-wide Wonderware system architecture. Creation of a system that seamlessly integrates across 28 series contract work areas and District-upgraded facility areas with a common look and feel.

Each of these points is defined in greater detail in Section 3 of Exhibit A, Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project Control System Workshop Summary of Findings and Recommendations 1.2.4 Available Information If the Candidates wish to examine any documents not already provided as an Attachment or an Exhibit to this RFP, the District will determine if such documents will be made available to all candidates. For document requests, contact Scott Sander by calling (216) 641-3200, ext. 4317 or by contacting no later than 10 days before the proposal due date. Documents listed as attachments and exhibits of this RFP will be distributed at the pre-proposal meeting. Meeting attendance is mandatory for prime proposers and recommended for all candidate firms. Submission of a signed non-disclosure form is required to receive the attachments and exhibits.

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2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of work for the PSIM shall generally consist of the tasks as outlined below. The tasks as described are the means and methods developed by the District and its consultants and intended as the basis of scope of the Candidate proposals. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES: The District will provide office space for a maximum of two PSIM personnel at a trailer located at Southerly. The District will provide standards and practices, and other required documentation. The District will discuss and detail goals and provide guidance for this project. PSIMS RESPONSIBILITIES: The PSIM shall provide a full complement of professional services that will assist the District in managing the implementation of the monitoring and control system for the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility. These services will be referred to as Program System Integration Management and Programming Services. The PSIM shall work with the Districts Engineering & Construction Department and Operation & Maintenance Department, and design consultant personnel who will indicate system needs and assist in achieving the Districts desired scope of work. The PSIM shall carefully consider the input by the District, design consultants, contractors and manufacturers personnel, but manage based on their own experience and ability. The PSIM shall be responsible to oversee the implementation of a complete and workable monitoring and control system in accordance with the requirements of the scope of work. The PSIM should be familiar with the Districts requirements and design standards as discussed in Section 1.0 and included in this RFP as Exhibit D. This would include understanding the requirements identified to meet the performance and operational objectives of this essential control facility. For the purposes of proposing and presenting on the basic services identified in Section 2.1 below, the candidate should consider the Project identified in Section 1.0. 2.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR PROJECT The scope of work for the Program System Integration Management and Programming Services Project should include the following tasks: 2.1.1 Project Management Plan Within 30 days of the Notice-to-Proceed the Consultant shall provide a detailed Project Management Plan that includes critical processes and management

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activities that ensure compliance with the project schedule, risk and budget requirements. Included in the management plan will be: Team integration organize a project management team consisting of the PSIM, District staff, Contract 28 Project Manager, Contractor, etc. and discuss the project management team responsibilities, assigning of activities, and integration of the programming team to meet project objectives and program standards. Schedule management include description of task tracking activities, critical path scheduling format, and tracking for the integration of software under the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project. This will include the identification of the scheduling system consistent with the program work breakdown structure in Primavera P6. Progress reporting - include project management instructions for measuring performance and reporting completion status including a look back, look forward and critical issue resolutions. QA/QC description of the project quality assurance and quality control systems recommended to manage quality related problems and/or owner reviews of proposed submittal documents and deliverables. SBE subcontracting plan include the process description for analyzing subcontracting work opportunities for small businesses once the project elements are defined. See section 3.5 Risk management include a description of the candidates risk management plan(s) considering all project related risks and mitigation measures to alleviate those risks. This should include confirmation that the candidate understands program management risk register requirements and method for developing and maintaining this register as a main program support tool.


Project Kick-Off Meeting Within 30 days of the Notice-to-Proceed the PSIM shall schedule a project kickoff meeting with all relevant stakeholders. This shall include appropriate NEORSD personnel, project design, and construction staff. The PSIM shall provide agenda, facilitate meeting, and record and distribute meeting minutes.


Preliminary Program Schedule The PSIM must provide a schedule that meets the milestone requirements described in Section 4.0 of this RFP.

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Coordination and Progress Meetings The PSIM shall attend all Coordination and Progress Meetings described in section 13401 of Exhibits B and C, and all pertinent weekly construction contract progress meetings. The PSIM shall conduct additional System Integration Review Meetings as necessary to maintain overall programming coordination and to receive and review comments regarding the monitoring and control system integration. These meetings should incorporate appropriate District staff, Contractor personnel and members of the programming team and include identification of work last period, work to be completed next period, critical action item status, and responsible parties to complete actions. Budget or schedule problems shall be identified and corrective actions noted. The PSIM shall provide a summary of the meeting and meeting minutes that the PSIM shall issue to all participants. The PSIM and key lead staff representing the various areas of discussion shall be in attendance for the review. The PSIMs QA/QC review staff shall be available by phone to answer any questions regarding their review.


Monthly Progress Report The PSIM shall submit a monthly Program System Integration progress report which shall clearly delineate the current status of the system integration portion of the project, what has been accomplished to date, what work is remaining and the planned activities for the next two months. Prior to submittal of the report, the QA/QC team shall review and provide comments as required according to the approved Project Management Plan. The report shall be referenced against the ongoing project schedule and budget and shall identify any added risks to the project that might have developed since the last report. Monthly progress reports shall include financial reporting information that the District can review and recommend approval or rejection of progress payments. See Section 2.1.9 The monthly reports shall be delivered to the District on or before the 21st day of the following month. The consultant may be required to submit separate monthly reports for individual tasks as determined by the District. The Consultant shall be responsible for maintaining the list of actionable items, issues, and risk logs and related documentation.

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Task Coordination One of the fundamental responsibilities of the PSIM will be to supervise the coordination of the software implementation between all programming entities. This task shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Lead the coordination effort among all parties involved for implementing District standards and vision Lead workshops for control system narrative reviews, graphic HMI development reviews, and other mandatory coordination workshops identified in paragraph 1.4 of section 13401 of Exhibit B. Provide guidelines for means and parameters for historical data logging Attend all Factory Testing involving control systems. Overseas travel is not anticipated. Oversee and assist in coordination of testing, training, commissioning, submittals, O&M manuals, hardware & software, workshops, and programming. Provide oversight in the integration of the new systems into the existing plant HMI/PLC/OIT systems as well as the interfaces/integration of all instrumentation, signals, and communication between all contracts during construction. Also see item 2.1.11 Coordinate with the Districts in-house project to transition from GE Cimplicity to Invensys Wonderware System Platform 3 Provide input regarding parallel operations during installation and commissioning of Contract 28 and 28B equipment and software. Provide coordination between contractors for data logging and alarm & event logging Maintain a complete, current set of coordinated ISA instrumentation specification forms (ISA TR20), loop checkout sheets, PLC I/O mapping, PLC logic, Panelview configurations and communications, Devicenet configurations, EDS (Electronic Description) files, Ethernet device network settings, switch configurations, HMI point and object configurations, logging settings, and alarm and event information. Prepare documentation above for insertion into the Districts IAS (Information Access System) application database.

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Provide training as required for overall integrated systems Provide coordination and prepare data transfers of all project logged data points from the contract-provided Wonderware historian to a Districtowned Oracle database. Document final system architecture configuration and settings and prepare record drawings. Determine overall business and technical requirements for project-provided HMI system and CEMS system and integrate with District business process model and data requirements. Maintain in electronic format. Track and manage budget and schedule compliance for work implemented under this contract


HMI Configuration and Programming Configure and program HMI machines designated for Owner programming as noted below:

Name Biosolids Handling HMI Server, Incinerator HMI Server (2) Biosolids Handling HMI, Incineration HMI, Central Plant HMI (4) Video Projection PC/HMI Programming Laptops (10) Workstation (spare/training) (4)

Location Communication Room Biosolids Handling and Incineration Control Room Biosolids Handling and Incineration Control Room Communication Room Communication Room

Programming/ Configuration Owner

Application software HMI SERVER

Configuration requirements 1,2,3,4,5,6

HMI CLIENT Owner HMI CLIENT Owner HMI Development, RS Logix5000, RS View ME HMI Client 1,5,6 1,2,3,5,6

Owner Owner

1,2,5,6 1,5,6

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Number 1 2 3 4 5 6

Notes Network addressing, operating system configuration, establishing operator profiles, security, addressing Development of District compliant HMI graphics, merging galaxies, combining applications for consistency, mapping data addresses HMI development, configuration, and application. Server configuration, galaxy configuration, Hardware configuration Loading HMI applications

Related subtasks include: Train NEORSD staff on operation and monitoring via the HMI graphics provided Train technical staff on PLC and HMI configurations provided


Existing Control System Standards and Conventions NEORSD Plant Automation - Standards and Conventions Manual is included in this RFP as Exhibit D. The PSIM shall become very familiar with the contents of this manual in order to address the various aspects of the programming effort and to offer assistance in the generation of new standards being developed by the District.


Project Management Project management is a critical activity to be included within the execution of all tasks identified above. The District is implementing Phase 2 of its Capital Improvement Plan Program Management contract that will provide project management guidelines that build on past practices and augments these practices with enhanced project management procedures, guidelines, and tools. The District project manager as well as the PSIMs project manager will be expected to utilize these procedures and tools in the execution of the PSIM-28 project. These procedures will be related to cost estimating, scheduling, project documentation, risk management, QA/QC, and others required to enhance budget, scope and time management. In order to ensure that this improvement project is successfully completed in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the District, the following project management items are being included in the scope of work for this project:

Page 12 of 26 Monthly Project Summary Report The PSIMs project manager shall prepare a monthly project summary detailing the following items (items that are required as part of the standard invoice need not be duplicated for the monthly reports): 1. A listing of work performed during the month and a listing of anticipated work during the next two months. Information shall be broken down by Tasks and Subtasks. 2. PSIM person-hours utilized to date, along with total person-hours allocated. This shall be done for each Task and Subtask. 3. Sub-consultant hours, including SBE person-hours utilized to date, along with total person-hours allocated for each Task and Subtask. (The person-hours shall be broken out separately for each of the Sub-consultants) 4. PSIMs Direct Labor, Indirect Costs, Other Direct Costs and Profit expended to date, along with the negotiated Direct Labor, Indirect Costs, Other Direct Costs and Profit for each Task and Subtask, along with current balances. 5. The percentage of Direct Labor on which local taxes have been paid to member communities (those serviced directly by the District). 6. An updated, cost-loaded CPM schedule in Primavera P6 format.

7. Cash Flow projections: baseline, actual, and updated projection including SBE cash flow Invoices for the period covered in the report will not be paid until the monthly report is delivered to and approved by the District. Project Meetings The PSIMs Project Manager shall meet, in person, with select District personnel weekly to review the progress of this project and to discuss any outstanding issues and potential problems. It is also recommended that the PSIMs and the Districts Project Manager hold telephone discussions on a weekly basis. Monthly Invoices The PSIM shall submit to the District monthly invoices detailing costs incurred in conjunction with this project. Each invoice shall cover a period of one calendar month (or a four-week time period) and shall be submitted to the District within six weeks after the end of each billing cycle.

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Prior to the start of this project, the PSIMs Project Manager shall meet with District personnel to review the Districts invoicing requirements and format. In the event that work is not progressing in a manner which is satisfactory to the District, monthly progress payments may be reduced. The recommended Project Management hours should be included in each of the specific tasks previously mentioned. 1.2.10 Additional Services The District may require additional services from the PSIM for items not specifically included in the aforementioned Tasks. These services may consist of, but not be limited to, additional programming or configuration services. It is the Districts intent to include $200,000 as an addition to the amount proposed by the candidate for Additional Services. The funds contained within this task will only be used with the written authorization of the Director of Engineering and Construction. The District will negotiate the actual scope of work and cost requirements for the additional work with the PSIM on an as-required basis. 2.1.11 HMI Galaxy Integration It is critical to the Districts long-term success to migrate all of the contractprovided systems into the Districts overall automation system. Provide assistance and tools to migrate contractor-provided Wonderware HMI systems into the overall system at the end of construction. This includes the following sub-tasks: Coordinate contractor naming of HMI objects such that duplicate object names are avoided Coordinate contractor provided galaxy area naming to fit into the Districts hierarchy Prepare plan for migrating contractor-provided HMI systems into the Districts overall galaxy Document objects to be migrated, including variables and sub-object settings Provide software checking tools to validate imported objects against the Districts system, such as SafeMerge or scripted object comparison.

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Provide personnel to migrate contract-provided systems and assist District staff in verifying correct operation of imported objects, including data logging and trending. Provide personnel and assistance to transfer or otherwise incorporate historical data from contractor-provided systems into the Districts HMI historian database, and provide assistance in configuring data transfers of that data to the Oracle reporting system database. Specifically, this includes translation table preparation from object-level tags to reporting point tags for ODMS use. After transition, archive contractor-provided HMI systems


TRANSFER OF RECORDS It is the intent of the District that the work effort be conducted in a manner that maximizes the Districts flexibility regarding follow-up studies or design related efforts and other District projects. Software and software programs that would be necessary to achieve this shall be made available to the District. Utilization of proprietary software, which cannot be made available to the District at the end of this project will not be allowed. All records (project reports, meeting notes, data files, project data, electronic files, etc.) generated shall be the property of the District and shall be turned over to the District upon completion or as directed. All deliverables shall be required to be delivered to the District in hardcopy and electronic (original software and PDF) format. Depending on the size of the electronic deliverables, the PSIM may be required to provide and utilize portable hard drive(s) for delivery.

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3.0 PROPOSAL CONTENT AND FORMAT Each candidate shall submit one original and seven (7) copies of the qualifications and technical proposal. All material submitted shall have a font size equivalent to Times New Roman 12 pt or larger, and proposals shall be printed on double-sided recycled paper. Proposals shall be no more than 60 printed pages and the font size shall be equivalent to Times New Roman 12 pt or larger. The page count includes all submitted information including project team rsums. An 11x17 page shall count as two pages. The following information shall be included in the technical proposal: 3.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


QUALIFICATIONS Because of the critical nature of the work described within this Request for Proposals, the District wishes to obtain services from highly experienced and qualified firms. Required qualifications of the firm include: A demonstrated record of prompt positive response to field failures. A record of prompt deliveries in accordance with contract obligations required for previous projects Demonstrated experience record of successful installations for a minimum of three years. For all Rockwell and Rockwell partner equipment and software, the PSIM shall be a Rockwell listed and certified Solution Provider. Secondary preference shall be given to Rockwell listed System Integrators. Versed in the ContolLogix and CompactLogix hardware. The PSIM shall be versed in the use of RS Logix 5000. Familiar with RSNetWorx for Ethernet and DeviceNet configuration. Knowledgeable in the use of FactoryTalk AssetCentre. Shall have used either FactoryTalk View (preferred) or RSView32 for PanelView configuration. Shall be a Wonderware solution provider. Individuals to be proposed for the Work shall be Wonderware System Platform 3 certified. ISO 9001 certification. If System Integrator does not have this certification, then they shall demonstrate their quality processes and procedures to the District. PSIM shall be subject to a quality management audit by the District or the Districts representative.

It is preferred that the PSIM be a member in good standing of the Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) or endorsed by other industry organizations. Certified members of CSIA are preferred. .

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The firms must be able to staff this project with qualified individuals who shall be committed to this work from inception through completion. The candidate shall describe the availability and the commitment of resources for this project. A discussion of the commitment and availability of key project personnel (proposed PSIM and designated task leaders) shall also be included. The candidate must honor their proposal in that all proposed individuals must be assigned to the project. Substitutions will not be made or allowed for the convenience of the candidate. In the event a proposed individual becomes unavailable then the firm must propose in writing a substitution. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposed substitutions. The candidate must demonstrate within their statement of qualifications that they have staff available to assume the responsibilities of the proposed Program System Integration Manager, proposed key engineers and resident experts, proposed key programmers, and proposed financial administrator in the event that the proposed individuals become unavailable. 3.2.1 Project Team Qualifications Include the rsum and office location of the proposed PSIM and their proposed time commitment to the project. The District reserves the right to approve the proposed PSIM, and if that individual leaves the firm during the project, to subsequently approve their replacement. Rsums of key staff members and/or subconsultants proposed to work on the project as well as the guaranteed back-up personnel. The roles proposed for each subconsultant as well as their qualifications in that area shall also be identified in the proposal. The District fully expects that personnel included in the proposal will be assigned to the project. Any personnel added to the project team or changes of personnel in significant roles shall be subject to advance approval by the District. The individuals proposed by the candidate for the management, programming, contract administration, and other professional services must meet all the requirements as outlined within this RFP or their submission shall be eliminated from consideration. The candidate shall provide a list of projects where key staff have functioned in their proposed role. The information for these projects shall include, at a minimum, the following: project description, key staff role, client, client contact, construction cost, and year completed. This information shall be provided for the following key positions: Proposed Project Manager

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The candidates proposed PSIM project manager must be experienced in large multi-disciplined projects of the magnitude and complexity of the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project. The candidates proposed PSIM project manager must have within the last five years managed a project that included instrumentation, HMI and PLC programming integration and oversight and covering a range of disciplines identified in Paragraph below. It is expected that the candidates proposed PSIM would manage the team within its local Cleveland office and be available for frequent personal onsite interaction with the District project management team. It is preferred that the candidates proposed project manager be a Registered Professional Engineer. The project manager must have a technical background in process controls. Proposed Key Team Members The candidates proposed key team members must be experienced in large multi-disciplined projects of the magnitude and complexity of the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project. The candidates proposed programming team members must also have within the last five years lead tasks within their area of expertise covering a range of software programming similar to the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project. The candidates proposed field work team members must also have within the last five years lead tasks within their area of expertise covering a range of field work similar to the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project. The following capabilities must be demonstrated in the candidates response to the RFP: Instrumentation and control HMI software implementation PLC software implementation Networking

The candidates proposed key experts must be very familiar with the Wonderware System Platform and Allen-Bradley ControlLogix programming platforms and have utilized their experience with these vendors products within the last five years for a minimum of two projects with similar scope and nature to the Southerly Renewable Energy Facility Project. 3.2.2 Project Experience

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The prime firm proposing this work must meet all the requirements as outlined within this request for proposal or their submission shall be eliminated from consideration. The candidate must be experienced in system software integration. The candidate shall provide a description of three (3) projects completed in the last ten years. A statement of the candidate's team qualifications, including a description of three (3) of the most recent projects/programs/efforts that included similar scope of work for the prime firm (and relevant subconsultant experience) must be provided. The following information shall be included for each project:
1. Project title 2. Firm name 3. Role of firm 4. Proposal team members involved 5. Facility description 6. Project description 7. Client name 8. Client contact (address, phone, e-mail) 9. Year completed 10. Total consulting fee ($) 11. Construction cost at time of completion ($)



The candidate shall prepare a technical approach section with the proposal that covers the task descriptions for the Project discussed in Section 2.1 of this RFP. The technical approach shall be consistent with the detailed descriptions of the project scope presented in Sections 1.0 and 2.0 of this RFP.

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LOCAL PARTICIPATION For the purposes of this RFP, local shall be defined in accordance with SBE determinations; Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, and Summit counties. A summary of the proposed percentage of the work to be performed by personnel located locally shall be presented by the candidate. The Districts goal for local participation for this project is 50% Include the locations of the office(s) where the professional services are to be performed. The level of staffing dedicated to a local office shall be clearly stated.


SBE PARTICIPATION The candidate shall provide a summary of the proposed percentage of Small Business Enterprises (SBE) participation in the project. The Districts goal for SBE participation is 0%, however, participation is encouraged. The scope of SBE participation shall not include Additional Services tasks. The proposal shall include a statement indicating: Portions of the project to be assigned to SBE businesses in a responsible role; Other portions of the project that will involve contribution by SBE firms; Statement of the overall percentage of SBE involvement; and Principal contact information for each SBE firm.

The SBE firms proposed as part of this project team shall be certified with the District at the time of proposal. Questions regarding the Districts SBE program shall be addressed to Ms. Tiffany Jordan, the Districts Contract Compliance Manager at (216) 881-6600 Ext. 6640. Information about the Districts SBE program is included as Attachment C. 3.6 SCHEDULE

The candidate shall include a description of its critical path logic in delivering this project on time and within the budget identified in their respective proposals. The candidate shall include a preliminary schedule in the section and include the methodology for maintaining and updating the schedule as this project progresses. The schedule provided must be in Primavera P6 and comply with the schedule requirements described in Section 4.0 of this RFP.



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Provide Task and Hour Summary Forms (Attachment E) for each Task and Subtask outlined in Section 2.0 of this RFP. An electronic file spreadsheet in Excel format of the Task and Hour Summary Forms accompanies the RFP for the firms to use in the proposal. An electronic file in Excel format of the Task and Hour Summary Forms completed by the Candidates shall be submitted with the proposal. Candidates shall break the project down by the top-level tasks identified in the Scope of Work. The total of the hours for all tasks shall reflect the total estimated effort needed to perform the entire project as outlined in the RFP. Hours in all tasks shall be identified by labor category for each activity. Note that these forms do not count against the 60-page limit of the proposal. As described above, the candidate will need to propose hours for the Project scope identified in Section 2.0 for the purposes of comparing all proposals in a consistent format. All proposed subconsultants shall also have a Project Team Task and Hour Summary Form in the proposal. The District will use this and the other forms to assist in evaluation of the proposals. The District reserves the right to request additional Task and Hour Information. A prompt response of one (1) working day shall be adhered to in these requests. Firms may prepare their own task and hour forms as long as the tasks are identified and the labor classifications and associated hours are clearly listed. The Districts estimate of probable effort anticipates two field personnel for approximately 42 months. The PSIM project management is anticipated to require half time. Factory test participation, database work, or other tasks may or may not require effort beyond that amount of hours. However, this estimate should not be construed as a proposal recommendation; the candidates should propose effort based on their experience and understanding of the scope such that the Districts goals are met in an effective manner. Do not provide attachment F with the proposal. Costs and fees will be negotiated with the successful candidate following selection. 3.8 CERTIFICATION FORMS The candidate shall provide a statement indicating that the Candidate has examined background reports and data and agrees to acquire the additional information needed to perform all aspects of the work as outlined in this Request for Proposal. The candidate shall provide statements confirming that no personal or organizational conflicts of interest are known to exist. The candidate shall provide in this section of the proposal a notarized copy of the Districts Bidders Equal Opportunity Report.

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The candidate shall provide in this section of the proposal an executed copy of the Districts Non-disclosure Agreement.

Note that these forms do not count against the 60-page limit of the proposal.



The candidate shall provide in this section all resumes in addition to the key personnel described in the proposal Section 3.2 description above.

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4.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE Time is of the essence in the implementation of the SOUTHERLY RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY PROJECT Program System Integration Management and Programming Services Contract. It is anticipated that the PSIM have two staff people on-site on or before May 1, 2010, and that the construction will finish in 2013. It is further anticipated that the HMI Galaxy Integration task (2.1.11) and closeout may take up to 6 additional months. Related Contracts: Contract 28B Notice to Proceed: January 19, 2009 Initial Submittals: 120 days from Notice to Proceed Detailed Submittals: 180 days from approval of all initial submittals Delivery of PLC Programming: 210 days from approval of all detailed submittals Equipment Delivery: 625 to 1,000 days from Notice to Proceed, subject to approval of all detailed submittals within 390 days from Notice to Proceed Contract 28 Anticipated Notice to Proceed: February 2, 2010 Completion of Contract 28: 1170 days from Notice To Proceed The candidates SOUTHERLY RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY PROJECT Program System Integration Management and Programming Services project schedule must comply with these milestone dates. Creative ideas that add value to the Districts implementation of the SOUTHERLY RENEWABLE ENERGY FACILITY PROJECT Program System Integration Management and Programming Services must also consider that these dates are set in the master program schedule.

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Once all Qualifications and Technical proposals have been received, the following steps will be followed to select the PSIM: 1. The written Qualifications and Technical Proposals will be evaluated and scored by a District Selection Committee utilizing the following criteria: Written Qualifications (30% of Total Score) Project Team 5 points Proposed PSIM Project Manager 5 points Experience of proposed team and staff on similar projects 5 points Clarity and organization of proposal 5 points Local Participation 5 points SBE Participation -5 points (0 points are awarded for meeting the goal of 0%, up to 5 points awarded for exceeding the goal) Written Technical Approach (40% of Total Score) Project Understanding 15 points Proposed methods to accomplish scope of work 15 points Ability to meet proposed schedule 10 points 2. Upon completion of the scoring and ranking of the written submittals, the District may select up to three (3) of the top ranked firms to deliver a presentation and provide further clarification of their approach. The District will prepare and submit a list of questions to each of the short-listed firms to address during their interview. The District may allot up to 90-minutes for the presentation and interview, including a 30minute question and answer period. Key project personnel will be expected to take the lead in presenting and answering questions regarding the technical proposal. Upon completion of the presentations, the District selection committee will score each firm according to the following criteria: Presentation and Interview (30% of Total Score) Quality and clarity of presentation 5 points Project Managers ability to communicate project understanding 10 points Identification of project-specific risks and plan to manage them 10 points Adequacy of Response to District Questions 5 points 3. The scores for the Presentation and Interview will be combined with the scores from the evaluation of the written submittals to determine the overall ranking of the shortlisted firms.

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4. The District will enter into negotiations with the highest ranked firm to develop a final and mutually agreed-upon scope and fee. The District will require that the fee include a fee of 10% and a fee at risk of 5% dependent on successfully meeting key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs would be mutually agreed upon as part of the negotiations and may include, but not be limited to, items such as meeting schedule requirements, submission of fully detailed operational strategy and PLC logic flowcharts, submission of accurate as-built documentation, including PLC wiring drawings, loop drawings, and ISAcompliant instrumentation documentation, implementation of integrated tag and object naming across contract and District systems, and related activities. If agreement cannot be reached with the highest ranked firm, the District may initiate negotiations with the next highest ranked firm. 5. Upon reaching agreement on the scope and total not-to-exceed fee for the project, the Selection Committee will make a recommendation to award to the Districts Consultant Review Committee (CRC) for review. 6. Upon approval by CRC, District Staff will report to the Board of Trustees and make a recommendation to enter into a contract based on the outcome of the negotiations. The selected firm cannot commence work on any aspects of the project prior to the Board approval and subsequent execution of the Districts standard professional services contract.

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6.0 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS One original and seven (7) copies of the technical proposals are to be delivered to: Julius Ciaccia, Executive Director Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District 3900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2504 Attn.: Kellie Rotunno, Director of Engineering & Construction, Contract PSIM 28 Deadline for submission of proposals is 4:30 P.M., February 18, 2010. Late submittals will not be considered. A mandatory (for candidate firms that will propose as prime) pre-proposal meeting will be held at 1:00 P.M. on February 2, 2010 in the 3rd Floor Conference Room of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Districts (District) George J. McMonagle Building, 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. All questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to Scott Sander by calling (216) 641-3200, ext. 4317 or by contacting Questions will be accepted until 10 days before the proposal due date.

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