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Credit Card Comparison Sheet 1

Credit Card Comparison Sheet

Denis Panayotov 03.12.2010

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 2

When talking about credit cards, the first thing that comes to mind is usually the interest rate and credit limit they have. The following research is a bit more complex than that and its aimed towards finding the medium value or statistical mean for all the revolving credit cards on the Bulgarian market. The purpose of this research is to compare the products of one company with the medium value for their category. The hypothesis is that the products of iCard are better than the statistical mean, in their respected credit card class. The requirement for entering the research is for a company to offer a revolving, international credit card that operates in at least two currencies. The initial search, supported by information from,, and led to the conclusion that there are 18 main companies that offer the credit cards needed for the research. The search also dictates that there are five different companies that produce and manage credit cards: MasterCard(MC), Visa, American Express(AMEX), Diners, and Transcard. Each of the companies listed below works with at least one of these firms. After gathering all the required information, 18 different categories of statistics began to form. They are about comparing the credit cards in the research by their:

nterest rates (both)

eekly limit purchase T

otal credit limit

o-Branding Company D

aily limit - cash

nual service fee D

aily limit - purchase

nual service fee - additional card W

eekly limit - cash

ithdrawal tax ATM

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 3

ithdrawal tax POS

race Period

Each of these categories is presented in a two-part table below. All categories are presented in two 17x18 tables. The total number of credit cards is 104. iCards products are not included in any table, because their presence may affect the outcome of the research. A legend on how to read some of the symbols in the tables is included at the top of page 9.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 4

Master Card Standar t 15,75 18 17,8 17 17,9 15 15,75 17,5 17,9 18 18,64 19,2 18,64 19,2 18,64 19,2 18 17,5 18,4 17,57 16,81 18,60 17,70 17,54 16,8 18,4 16,93 18,4 18,55 20,40 19,00 17,60 17,27 19,00 18,50 17,64 15,75 14,49 17,52 17,9 16,9 18,64 19,2 18,64 19,2 20,4 19 17 18 19 17,64 17,64 18,64 19,2 15,75 16,5 17,9 16,9 18,5 15,75 14,75 16,5 14,75 Master Card Planitu m 17,95 AME X Classi c Master Card Cobrand 17,95 14,75 11,75 13,8 13,8 17 18

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Classic

Visa Gold 17,95

Visa Platinu m 17,95

Visa Electro n

Maste r Card Gold 17,95 14,75 18 16,8 14 15,9

Diners Classi c

Diner s First Lady

AME X Gold

AMEX Platinu m

Amex Eurolin e

Diner s Cobrand

Visa Cobrand

Visa Busines s Classic

15,75 18 17,8 17 17,9 17 15,75 16,5 17,9 18 18,64 19,2 19

14,75 18 16,8 14

Figure 1.1: Comparing credit cards by their interest rate for purchases.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 14,82 17,26 15,64 17,95 17,95 17,95 17,95 21,95 15,75 16,75 16,75 18,4 18,5 18,50 15,7 15,70 18,5 18,50 18,5 18,50 15,7 15,70 15,7 15,70 15,64 18,64 19,2 15,64 16 14 14,75 18 15,8 Visa Business Gold Master Card Business Standart Master Card Business Gold Visa M-tel Silver 17,95 Visa M-tel gold 17,95 Visa Galax y 17,95 Master Card Galaxy 17,95 Maxi Card 21,95 15,75 16,75 16,75 Smart Portfe l ING Visa classic ING Visa Gold Transcar d classic Transcar d Gold Transcard MasterCard Unembossed Transcard MasterCard Standart Transcard MasterCard Gold Transcar d JCB Gold

Figure 1.2: Comparing credit cards by their interest rate for purchases. Most of the companies offer different interest rates for withdrawals and purchases.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 18,43 17,49 19,20 18,70 18,60 17,78 19,90 20,40 19,00 18,27 17,27 19,00 18,90 19,44 17,25 15,94 18,76 Visa Classic Visa Gold 17,95 16,75 18 16,8 16 15 15,75 18,5 18,9 19 20,44 19,2 20,44 19,2 Visa Platinu m 17,95 18,75 18 17,8 19,4 17,9 15,75 18,5 Visa Electro n Master Card Standar t Maste r Card Gold 17,95 16,75 18 16,8 16 15,9 15,75 18,9 20,44 19,2 18 17,5 22 20,44 19,2 20,44 19,2 20,4 19 17 16,9 18 19 18,9 19,44 19,44 20,44 19,2 Master Card Planitu m 17,95 Diners Classi c Diner s First Lady AME X Classic AME X Gold AMEX Platinu m Amex Eurolin e Diner s Cobrand Master Card Cobrand 17,95 11,75 17,8 16,75 18 19,4 Visa Cobrand Visa Business Classic

18,75 18 17,8 19,4 17,9 17 15,75 18,5 18,9 19 20,44 19,2 19


14,75 18,5


16,8 22

18,9 22


Figure 2.1: Comparing credit cards by their interest rate for withdrawals.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 5

Master Card Business Standart Master Card Business Gold Maste r Card Galax y

Company Name

Visa Busines s Gold

Visa M-tel Silver

Visa M-tel gold

Visa Galax y

Maxi Card

Smart Portfe l

ING Visa classic

ING Visa Gold

Transcar d classic

Transcar d Gold

Transcard MasterCard Unembossed

Transcard MasterCard Standart

Transcard MasterCard Gold

Transcar d JCB Gold

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 6

DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 16,72 18,31 17,44 17,95 17,95 17,95 17,95 21,95 18,75 17,75 17,75 17,95 16,75 18 15,8 16 17,95 17,95 17,95 21,95 18,75 17,75 17,75



20,44 19,2


22 18,5 18,50 15,7 15,70 18,5 18,50 18,5 18,50 15,7 15,70 15,7 15,70

Figure 2.2: Comparing credit cards by their interest rate for withdrawals.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 10231 36000 106667 8000 10950 38889 106667 ####### ###### 10000 40000 150000 10000 #DIV/0! 8750 21750 32000 Visa Classi c Visa Gold 120000 20000 50000 20000 20000 20000 20000 10000 6000 10000 20000 60000 50000 150000 Visa Platinum 120000 20000 10000 3500 6000 10000 20000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 ! ! 20000 60000 50000 150000 ! ! 10000 50000 20000 150000 10000 ! 10000 50000 50000 Visa Electron Master Card Standart Master Card Gold 120000 20000 50000 20000 20000 20000 20000 Master Card Planitum 120000 Diners Classic Diners First Lady AME X Classi c AME X Gold AMEX Platinum Amex Euroline Diners Co-brand Master Card Cobrand 7000 50000 7000 20000 20000 20000 Visa Cobrand Visa Business Classic

20000 10000 7000 6000 10000 5000 20000 10000 10000 5000 10000 10000 10000


11000 10000


! !

10000 !

50000 !

Figure 3.1: Comparing credit cards by their credit limit in leva.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 50000 30000 50000 12000 120000 120000 120000 7000 20000 10000 50000 Visa Business Gold Master Card Business Standart 20000 20000 20000 50000 Master Card Business Gold Visa M-tel Silver 12000 Visa M-tel gold 120000 Visa Galaxy 120000 Master Card Galaxy 120000 Maxi Card 7000 20000 10000 50000 Smart Portfel ING Visa classic ING Visa Gold Transcar d classic Transcar d Gold Transcard MasterCard Unembossed Transcard MasterCard Standart Transcard MasterCard Gold Transcard JCB Gold



50000 50000


! 8000 8000 8000 8000 1000 1000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000

Figure 3.2: Comparing credit cards by their credit limit in leva.

Every company dictates its own credit policy and credit limits. The numbers above represent the maximum possible limits for each credit card, but that doesnt mean that every customer gets the maximum possible credit limit.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Visa Classic Visa Gold 1000 3200 5000 3000 6000 Visa Platinu m 5000 3000 2000 1500 3000 3000 Visa Electro n Master Card Standar t Maste r Card Gold 1000 3200 5000 3000 6000 5000 Master Card Planitu m 5000 Diners Classic Diners First Lady AME X Classic AME X Gold AMEX Platinu m Amex Eurolin e Diners Cobrand Master Card Cobrand 400 50000 1500 3000 4000 3000 Visa Cobran d Visa Business Classic

3000 2000 1500 3000 3000


Credit Card Comparison Sheet 7

Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 3246 5970 25000 2700 4500 6720 20750 ###### # ##### # 700 2000 #DIV/0! 400 #DIV/0 ! 2725 16875 13600 700 4000 5000 1000 1000 10000 4000 4000 1500 6000 5000 400 4000 20000 10000 50000 20000

4000 5000

6000 1000 2000 % % 400 %

4000 5000


10000 4000 10000 % 4000

20000 10000

50000 20000


50000 8000

% 8000

400 8000


Figure 4.1: Comparing credit cards by their daily withdrawal limit in Bulgaria.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Business Gold

Master Card Business Standart 3000 4000 2500

Master Card Business Gold

Visa M-tel Silver 1000

Visa M-tel gold 1000

Visa Galaxy 1000

Master Card Galaxy 1000

Maxi Card 400

Smart Portfel

ING Visa classic

ING Visa Gold

Transcar d classic

Transcar d Gold

Transcard MasterCard Unembossed

Transcard MasterCard Standart

Transcard MasterCard Gold

Transcard JCB Gold

3000 2000 5000




5000 8000


4000 % 5500 4643 5000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 3000 2000 5000 #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0!

Figure 4.2: Comparing credit cards by their daily withdrawal limit in Bulgaria.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Classic

Visa Gold 9000 8000 % 6000 10000 5000 14000

Visa Platinu m 25000

Visa Electro n

Master Card Standar t 6000 % 2500 5000 1000 3000 10000

Maste r Card Gold 9000 8000 % 6000 10000 10000 14000

Master Card Planitu m 25000

Diners Classi c

Diner s First Lady

AME X Classic

AME X Gold

AMEX Platinu m

Amex Eurolin e

Diner s Cobrand

Master Card Cobrand 5000

Visa Cobrand

Visa Business Classic

6000 % 2500 5000 1000 3000 3000 10000 10000 5000 10000 10000 6000


50000 2500

6000 % 5000

10000 6000 10000 20000 20000 50000 40000

3000 10000 10000 50000 % % 10000 100%


10000 10000 10000 % 6000

20000 20000

50000 40000




50000 26000

% 12000 12111

% 16000 32750 1 1 10000












Figure 5.1: Comparing credit cards by their daily purchase limit in Bulgaria.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank Visa Business Gold Master Card Business Standart 3000 4000 2500 6000 Master Card Business Gold Visa M-tel Silver 1000 Visa M-tel gold 1000 Visa Galax y 1000 Master Card Galaxy 1000 Maxi Card 400 3000 2000 5000 Smart Portfe l ING Visa classic ING Visa Gold Transcar d classic Transcar d Gold Transcard Master Card Unembossed Transcard Master Card Standart Transcar d Master Card Gold Transcar d JCB Gold



5000 8000


Credit Card Comparison Sheet 8

ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 5500 4643 5000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 3000 2000 5000

4000 % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0!

Figure 5.2: Comparing credit cards by their daily purchase limit in Bulgaria.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Classic

Visa Gold % 6800 35000 5000 12000 10500 16000

Visa Platinu m %

Visa Electro n

Master Card Standar t 5000 14000 2500 6000 2000 4000 5000

Maste r Card Gold % 6800 35000 5000 12000 10000 16000

Master Card Planitu m %

Diners Classi c

Diners First Lady

AME X Classi c

AME X Gold

AMEX Platinu m

Amex Eurolin e

Diners Cobrand

Master Card Cobrand %

Visa Cobrand

Visa Business Classic

5000 14000 2500 6000 2000 4900 4000 5000 7000 5000 10000 7000 6000


50000 2500

5000 24000 6000

5000 2800 10000 20000 10000 50000 30000

4000 5000 7000 14000 % 1500 2800 %


10000 7000 10000 % 6000

20000 10000

50000 30000



50000 14000

% 14000 14311

% 16000 32000 2100 ##### # 7000









#DIV/0 !




Figure 6.1: Comparing credit cards by their weekly withdrawal limit in Bulgaria.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Business Gold

Master Card Business Standart

Master Card Busines s Gold

Visa M-tel Silver %

Visa M-tel gold %

Visa Galaxy %

Master Card Galaxy %

Maxi Card %

Smart Portfel

ING Visa classic

ING Visa Gold

Transcar d classic

Transcar d Gold

Transcard MasterCard Unembossed

Transcar d Master Card Standart

Transcar d Master Card Gold

Transcard JCB Gold

5000 24000 4000 12000

5000 14000 35000



50000 14000


6000 % 31000 16429 50000 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 5000 14000 35000 #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0!

Figure 6.2: Comparing credit cards by their weekly withdrawal limit in Bulgaria.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 7333 17000 55000 8000 7600 18250 44667 1 1 10000 50000 #DIV/0! 10000 1 6000 21000 25500 Visa Classic Visa Gold % 10000 % 10000 16000 20000 20000 10000 6000 10000 20000 30000 50000 60000 Visa Platinu m % 8000 % 4000 8000 4000 4000 10000 Visa Electro n Master Card Standar t Maste r Card Gold % 10000 % 10000 16000 20000 20000 10000 10000 10000 10000 % 8000 20000 30000 50000 60000 100% 100% % 50000 % % 10000 100% 10000 50000 36000 Master Card Planitu m % Diners Classi c Diner s First Lady AME X Classic AME X Gold AMEX Platinu m Amex Eurolin e Diner s Cobrand Master Card Cobrand % 50000 4000 8000 % 8000 Visa Cobrand Visa Business Classic

8000 % 4000 8000 4000 5000 4000 10000 10000 5000 10000 10000 10000


4000 10000


% 20000

% 24000

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 9 Figure 7.1: Comparing credit cards by their weekly purchase limit in Bulgaria.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Business Gold

Master Card Business Standart 8000 % 8000

Master Card Business Gold

Visa M-tel Silver %

Visa M-tel gold %

Visa Galax y %

Master Card Galaxy %

Maxi Card %

Smart Portfe l

ING Visa classic

ING Visa Gold

Transcard classic

Transcar d Gold

Transcard Master Card Unembossed

Transcar d Master Card Standart

Transcard Master Card Gold

Trans card JCB Gold

8000 % %




50000 36000


8000 % 33000 21000 50000 #DIV/ 0! #DIV/ 0! #DIV/ 0! #DIV/0! #DIV/ 0! 8000 #DIV/ 0! #DIV/ 0! #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/0! % #DIV/ 0!

Figure 7.2: Comparing credit cards by their weekly purchase limit in Bulgaria.

All the numbers stated from table 4.1 to table 7.2 are dictated by the credit department of the respected company and are subject to change.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 22 50 117 13 23 57 139 30 100 41 91 308 15 25 15 44 29 Visa Classic Visa Gold 45 50 50 44 12 50 98 12,5 12,5 50 50 50 125 100 Visa Platinum 125 20 25 20 15 20 24 24 Visa Electron Master Card Standar t Master Card Gold 45 50 50 44 12 50 98 22,5 20 25 19 23,25 36 50 50 125 100 30 100 77 60 154 308 15 25 17,5 20 50 Master Card Planitum 125 Diners Classi c Diners First Lady AMEX Classic AMEX Gold AMEX Platinum Amex Euroline Diners Cobrand Master Card Cobrand 15 125 22 30 30 15 Visa Cobrand Visa Business Classic

20 25 20 15 20 20 24 24 22,5 22,5 20 25 25


12 19


80 96

22,5 204


Figure 8.1: Comparing credit cards by their annual service fee in euro.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value 43 37 50 10 10 20 20 0 30 50 25 Visa Business Gold Master Card Business Standart 30 30 35 35 Master Card Busines s Gold Visa M-tel Silver 10 Visa M-tel gold 10 Visa Galax y 20 Maste r Card Galax y 20 Maxi Card 0 30 50 25 Smart Portfe l ING Visa classic ING Visa Gold Transcar d classic Transcar d Gold Transcard Master Card Unembossed Transcar d Master Card Standart Transcard Master Card Gold Transcar d JCB Gold



20 50


48 12 12 18 18 18 18 25 25 50 50 30 30

Figure 8.2: Comparing credit cards by their annual service fee in euro.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 10

Master Card Standar t 20 12,5 10 20 20 Master Card Planitu m 75 60 24 30 15 Master Card Cobrand

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Classic

Visa Gold 25 50 17,5 25

Visa Platinu m 75

Visa Electro n

Maste r Card Gold 25 50 17,5 25 50

Diners Classi c

Diner s First Lady

AME X Classic

AME X Gold

AMEX Platinu m

Amex Eurolin e

Diner s Cobrand

Visa Cobrand

Visa Business Classic

20 12,5 10 20 10


10 10 10 18

5 25 25 35 75 75 10 18 25 35 75 75 20 100

10 38

20 77 20 20 35

10 36 13 28 75 5 18 96 40 204 107 20 100 19









Figure 9.1: Comparing credit cards by their additional card annual service fee in euro.

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

Visa Business Gold

Master Card Business Standart 30 15 46

Master Card Busines s Gold

Visa M-tel Silver 0

Visa M-tel gold 0

Visa Galaxy 10

Master Card Galaxy 10

Maxi Card 0

Smart Portfel

ING Visa classic

ING Visa Gold

Transcar d classic

Transcar d Gold

Transcard Master Card Unembossed

Transcar d Master Card Standart

Transcar d Master Card Gold

Transcard JCB Gold

30 8 16


20 35


48 50 32 50 0 0 10 10 0 30 8 16 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Figure 9.2: Comparing credit cards by their additional card annual service fee in euro.

Most of the credit card holders dont actually use their cards or use them in a way that doesnt generate interest. This and the service costs are the two main reasons why companies have developed the annual service fee. The additional credit card is a card that shares the same credit limit as the main one, and in some of the cases shares the fee as well. Legend: ! value is calculated individually % value is calculated on the basis of the credit limit Grey Cell undetermined or not applicable #DIV/0! or ##### mid. value cannot be calculated

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 11

Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value

branded for the company 1. + 3% 2 . 3% 1,50% 2 . 1. + 1% 1,50% 2 . 3% 3% 3. +1% 3. +1% 3. +1.5% 4 . + 1% 1.5% 1 . 2 . 2 . + 1% 1.44 . + 1,28%

branded for another company 2. + 3% 6. + 1,5% 3% 1,50% 4 . 2. + 1% 1,50% 2 . 3% 3% 3. +1% 3. +1% 6. +1% 4 . + 1% 1.5% 2 . 6. +1% 5 . + 3% 2.50 . + 1,83%

An ATM Abroad 10. + 3% 6. + 1,5% 3% 3% 6 . + 1% 5. +1% 3% 6. + 1% 3% 3% 10. +1% 10. +1% 7. +2,5% 10 . + 1% 3% 5 . +2% 6. +1% 5 . + 3% 4,78 . + 3,39%

Figure 10: Comparing credit cards by their fee for cash withdrawals from ATM devices.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value POS branded for the company 1. + 3% 1% 3% 1,50% 1% 1. + 1% 1,50% 1% 3% 3% 3. +1% 3. +1% 3. +1.5% 4 . + 1% 1.5% 5 . +2% 1% 2 . + 1% 1,22 . + 1,61% POS branded for another company 10. + 3% 6. + 1,5% 3% 1,50% 1% 10. + 1% 1,50% 6. + 1.5% 3% 3% 3. +1% 3. +1% 6. +1% 4 . + 1% 1.5% 5 . +2% 10. +1.5% 10 . + 3% 4,06 . + 2,11% A POS abroad 10. + 3% 6. + 1,5% 3% 3% 6 . + 1% 10. + 1% 3% 6. + 1.5% 3% 3% 10. +1% 10. +1% 7. +2,5% 10 . + 1% 3% 5 . +2% 10. + 1,5% 10 . + 3% 5,56 . + 2,11%

Figure 11: Comparing credit cards by their fee for cash withdrawals from POS devices.
Company Name DSK Bank Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Statistical Mode: Grace Period 45 45 45 45 45 45 0 60 45 50 50 45 45 45 45

45 45 45

Figure 12: Comparing credit cards by their grace period for purchases. The grace period is not appearing in the final comparison table, but its just as important and defining as the other categories.
Company Name DSK Bank Total Number of Cards

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 12

Allianz Bank Pireos Bank Raiffeisenbank MKB Unionbank Cibank Emporiki Bank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank Eurobank Alpha Bank First Investment Bank Unicredit Bulbank ProCredit Bank TBI Credit Societe Generale Invest Bank Transcard Mid. Value Total Number of cards
7 9 7 6 3 2 7 4 5 2 17 8 1 1 4 4 6

5 103

Figure 13: Comparing total number of cards offered by the companies.

Company Name DSK Bank Raiffeisenbank Central Cooperative Bank United Bulgarian Bank First Investment Bank Pireos Bank TransCard Co-brand card M-Tel Billa Avon Office 1 Superstore Bulgaria Air Globul Vivacom Golf Club Players Transcard MasterCard Card Type MasterCard Visa Visa MasterCard Visa/MasterCard Visa/MasterCard MasterCard Visa/MasterCard Visa MasterCard

Figure 14: Co-branded credit cards in Bulgaria. After completing the main part of the research, its time for the most important one. Comparing the medium value, estimated in the tables above with the actual products of iCard.

Data Inputs Interest Rate for Purchases Interest Rate for Cash Withdrawals Credit Card Limit Daily withdrawal limit Daily Purchase limit Weekly Withdrawal limit Weekly Purchase Limit Annual Service Fee Additional Card Service Fee Fee for cash withdrawals from ATM Fee for cash withdrawals from POS

iCard MC Classic 18,00 20,5 10000 1000 4000 3000 7000 20 0 2. + 3% 2. + 3%

Mid. value for MC Classic 17,54 18,60 10950 4500 6350 6500 7600 23 18 2.50 .+ 1,83% 4,06 +2,11%

Icard MC co-brand 17 20,5 20000 1000 4000 3000 7000 20 0 2. + 3% 2. + 3%

Mid. value for MC co-brand 15,75 17,25 8750 2725 5125 3833 6000 15 21 2.50 .+ 1,83% 4,06 +2,11%

iCard MC Gold 17 20,5 100000 10000 15000 15000 20000 40 0 2. + 3% 2. + 3%

Mid. value for MC Gold 16,93 17,78 38889 6720 12111 14311 18250 57 40 2.50 .+ 1,83% 4,06 +2,11%

iCard MC platinum 16 20,5 200000 20000 35000 25000 40000 100 0 2. + 3% 2. + 3%

Mid. value for MC Platinum 18,55 19,90 106667 20750 32750 32000 44667 139 107 2.50 .+ 1,83% 4,06 +2,11%

iCard MC business 18 20,5 50000 10000 15000 15000 20000 50 0 2. + 3% 2. + 3%

Mid. value fo MC business 17,26 18,31 30000 4643 16500 16429 21000 37 32 2.50 .+ 1,83% 4,06 +2,11%

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 13

Figure 15: Comparing iCards products with the medium value for their class. iCard has several more products, that are unique for the whole Bulgarian market and cannot appear on this table, or the following charts.

Interest Rate for Purchacing

19,0 18,5 18,0 17,5

Interest Rate

17,0 16,5 16,0 15,5 15,0 14,5 14,0 Classic Co-Brand Gold Platinum Business

Credit Card Type iCard Medium Value

Chart 1: Interest Rare for Purchasing The first chart shows the difference in the interest level for purchasing via POS devices. The numbers for iCard are in blue and the statistical mean or mid value for the same products of MasterCard are in red and yellow. It is obvious that iCard has higher interest rate than the medium for the respected class in four out of five cases. The difference varies from 0.07% to 1.25% in favor of the mid value. The difference in favor of iCard however is 2.55% for the platinum credit card product. The best product in this chart would have the lowest interest rate for its class.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 14

Interest Rate for for Withdrawals

21,0 20,0 19,0

Interest Rate

18,0 17,0 16,0 15,0 Classic Co-Brand Gold Platinum Business

Credit Card Type iCard Medium Value

Chart 2: Interest Rare for Withdrawals The second graph follows the same logic as Chart 1, but it regards the interest rate for withdrawals from ATV devices, branded for another company. This attribute was chosen because iCard doesnt have any branded ATMs. The chart shows that the medium value is lower than the numbers for the iCard products in all five cases. The difference varies from 0.15% to 2.2% for a card. The best product in this chart would have the lowest interest rate for its class.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 15

Credit Limits



100000,0 50000,0 0,0 Classic Co-Brand Gold Platinum Business

Credit Card Type iCard Chart 3: Credit Limits The second attribute that is crutial for every credit card is its credit limit. Again the products of iCard are in blue and the medium value is in red and yellow. This time the chart shows that iCard wins in four out of five product categories. The difference ratio varies from 11,250. to 93,333. The difference between the numbers for the Classic Credit Card is 950. in favor of the MasterCad mid value. The best product in this chart would have the highest credit limit for its class. Medium Value

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 16

Annual Service Fee

160 140 120

Service Fee

100 80 60 40 20 0 Classic Co-Brand Gold Platinum Business

Credit Card Type iCard Medium Value

Chart 4: Annual Service Fee

The fourth attribute is the yearly tax, that the customer pays the company for servicing his credit card. In this chart iCard has numbers lower than the medium ones in three out of five cases. The difference varies from 3 to 17 in favor of iCard and from 5 to 13 in favor of the medium value for the attribute. The best product in this chart would have the lowest annual service fee for its class.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 17

Additional Card Service Fee

45 40 35 30

40 32 23 18 21

Service Fee

25 20 15 10 5 0






Credit Card Type iCard Medium Value

Chart 5: Annual Service Fee for Additional Credit Cards This chart shows the difference between the values for the annual service fee for having and additional credit card, sharing the limit of the main one. Again the values for iCards products are in blue and the ones for the MCs medium value are in red and yellow. It was necessary to use the show values option on the chart, because of the huge difference in the numbers. The medium value for MC varies from 18 to 40 , while iCard offers this service for free. I think that there is a clear winner in all five categories, regarding this chart. The best product in this chart would have the lowest additional card annual service fee for its class.

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 18

Annual Service Fee

160 140 120

Service Fee

100 80 60 40 20 0 Classic Co-Brand Gold Platinum Business

Credit Card Type iCard Chart 6: Withdrawal fees This chart compares the difference in taxation for withdrawals from POS and ATM devices. The graph is divided in two instead of five, because the company taxation policies are the same for all credit cards. Regarding the ATM taxes, the fixed amount of money charged for every withdrawal is lower for iCards products. The MC medium value however takes the lead when it comes to taxation in percentages of the withdrawn sum. It is a tie in this graph. The best product in this chart would have the lowest taxation fee and percentage. Now that the comparative part of the research is done it is time to prove or disprove the hypothesis. The hypothesis was that iCard offers products with better statistics than the medium value for their class. The outcome of the final table was displayed in 6 charts, in Medium Value

Credit Card Comparison Sheet 19

order to visually see the difference between the numbers in the categories. The outcome of these charts is shown in Figure 16. Figure 16: Research Outcome.
Category Interest Rate for Purchases Interest Rate for Cash Withdrawals Credit Card Limit Annual Service Fee Additional Card Service Fee Fee for cash withdrawals from ATM Fee for cash withdrawals from POS Classic MC MC MC iCard iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard Co-Brand MC MC iCard MC iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard Gold MC MC iCard iCard iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard Platinum Business iCard MC iCard iCard iCard MC MC iCard MC iCard Leader in Category MC MC iCard iCard iCard

MC/iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard MC/iCard

The outcome of the research shows that iCard has better attributes than the MC medium value in 3 out of 5 categories, and equal results in another 2. Overall the iCard products have proven to be better than the medium value for their class. Another fact that should be mentioned is that iCard has several more unique products on the Bulgarian market, that take the lead by default. If they were included in the research it would add an additional 5 product categories in which iCard would definitely win. This proves the hypothesis that iCard has better products than the medium value for their class in Bulgaria. Comparing all the different categories and their medium value with iCards statistic has proven the hypothesis in a clear and non-biased way.


Credit Card Comparison Sheet 20

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