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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is trying to examine the consumer behavior of buying goods and services according to their

needs and desires which varies from one individual to another. Todays market is based on segmentation where consumer influenced by various factors either its internally or externally. In my these study I focused on internal factor of consumer behavior and I take Lifestyle as one determinant for that and elaborating that to various examples and basically focusing on Fast Fashion in todays trends which affect the market segmentation. In todays modern era this understanding is very important for marketers as lifestyle now changes individuals role, status and their image in society as well in outer world . Firstly, the report describes the introduction with small concepts from practices and related to today market about Consumer Behavior. It states the habit or tendency of consumer to look their specific products and buying to fulfill their needs. Secondly, the Black Box model is kept under considerations which describes the factors affecting the consumer for buying any products and from how the decision making process takes place. In further, the description of internal and external influence which is the factors of consumer buying behavior is describe for understanding the topic in Broad manner. Next part, describes the one determinant which is Lifestyle influence of segmenting market. By taking analysis with literature review and relating to the product of Clothes industry and Fast fashion we can see it how consumer reacted and what they need in that. Lastly, I conclude the observation I find by studying the topic and the limitations of research which I felt which is one of the key issue to look for. Also, the next part gives the future research for that and recommendations which I felt are good according to my knowledge. Atlast, the conclusion part is written which summarized the whole part of the study and needs of the customer.

Todays world where we called as a modern era, where the users and as well as providers have vast perspectives and also different strategy for their product to sell or to buy or the service support therefore its obvious that the competitive level for managing their marketing is very major issue to look up then what it has in past eras. The marketing person nowadays focusing the behavior of the customer what they look for, whats their need, when they will buy and other factors what they want. So, always for the company the most concerned issue is the consumer where they can achieve their profits, goals and objectives.

Consumer behavior is the practice to predict and analysis the need for them which take place according to their needs and satisfy them simultaneously. Consumer is the only source where marketer focuses and earns revenue from that. So, the behavior of consumer their thoughts, desires and all things need to be concentrate by the industry. Generally, the consumer during their consumption process there are mainly three stages which are prepurchase issues, purchase issues, postpurchase issues and for this each issues there is also marketers perspectives for each of them. All this issues are from two perspectives one is from consumer and second is from marketers. Like if customer want any goods or products they have thought like when they need that and from where they get and also they want some information about the product where if we see from marketer point of view it is something like what are products best for them or suits them or how their attitudes changed with the product, situational factors such as time ,pressure or something like whether the customer will satisfy with the product or not and if they purchase or not.

(Consumer Behavior, 2012)

This leads to consumers impacts in global marketing strategy for marketers who think that understanding consumers needs and desires is a good business and thus firms must satisfy their needs. So, the marketers break the market into small parts and thus a process came into account which is known as Marketing segmentation. This identifies the consumers who are directly or indirectly similar to one another in some extent. So, for consumer behavior there are only two influences which is internal and another one is external such as attitudes, personality, perceptions, motivations, cultural and social factors, and many others.

Black Box Model

(Author, 2012) The black Box Model represents the communication of consumer characteristic, stimuli, decision making process and consumers feedback. This model can be classified with two parts such as, Interpersonal Stimuli and Intrapersonal Stimuli. The Black Box Model is connected with Black Box consumer behaviorism theory which is not showing the consumers inside process but it is displaying the connection between the stimuli and the response of consumer. The Black Box Model represents the factors of buyer characteristics, buyer decision making process and the feedback from consumers. Black Box Model considers the consumers feedback as a result of conscious which is stated that consumers recognized a problem at the buying time of product. In practical, sometimes decision is not made by intentionally which create a problem on buying decision process. It is also assumed that when consumers understand the problem, they tried to found the information about product and services which can help to solve the problem. Black Box Model acknowledges many steps of consumers decision making process which helps to predict the consumer behavior.
(Aquino, 2012)

1.2 Internal and External influences of Consumer Behavior Companies can gain vast knowledge and so that implement their marketing strategies by this theory of consumer behavior. But often it has been noticed that they are fail to do so and implement their marketing strategies without knowing the needs and specifications of consumer goods and products. So marketer need to understand the consumer behavior before developing their marketing strategies and competing with their competitors. Thus, the influences came into this for buying behavior of customer which is external and internal depends on what they want and also very vast theory to understand for the marketers.


(Giaglis, 2004)

1.2.1 Internal Influences

The internal influences of consumer behavior also known as psychological influences. Basically the human thoughts and feelings for any products and goods. This can be an added knowledge for imaging the tendency for buying any products. These influences the consumer interactions, after recognize their feelings, marketers analyze information, formulate thoughts and opinions, and take action. The following are the sections for better understanding of these influences: Motivation and emotion Motivation and emotions are promising aspects within the customers which generates different unusual and usual behavior for the market. Motivation basically a long-term goals for

buying their goods and whereas emotions is the sudden change for this motive part of consumer behavior. They also many times come together to change the behavior of buying. Motivation and emotion have the vast impact on marketing strategies by changing their behavior. Like every individual has their different needs and desires which motives them to buy any product available best according to their thoughts which turns to some emotions for buying that specific product for their satisfactions. Perception Perception is basically the selection, organizing and interpreting knowledge in a manner so that it produces the added advantage for experiencing this world. A perception is unique in consumers which changes their thoughts for buying any products. Different customers have different perception towards any brands or goods so it is very important to predict this issue so that firm can improve and delivers the best to them. After having this knowledge the markets can use this as marketing stimulus and attracts the consumers either through ads or promotions or whatever required in those situations. Therefore, for this three proves is mainly involved which are selective attention, distortion and retention. Attitudes and beliefs Consumer behavior very much depends on attitudes towards brands and quality of the product so marketers are very much interested in experimenting new things according to the generation and demand of the consumer. Attitudes sometimes lead to change in behavior of the consumer by launching specified products according to demand and also special campaign. The marketers can easily find the perception of consumer by identifying the consumer negative and positive attitude towards brands or product. Self- concept and Lifestyle Self- concept and lifestyle both we can take together as the self- concept decides the persons lifestyles. Broadly, if we are saying the lifestyles influenced by both internal and external manner of consumer buying power. Lifestyle refers to the way how they live in the society, what are the capabilities of person to buy, if he /she can afford the price or not. The self- concept and lifestyles is very broad and always in the mind of marketers before launching any product. 1.2.2 External Influences Consumers faced various external influenced when they focused on the markets and thus sometimes known as social factors which includes social norms, roles of their family, cultural factors influenced by the trend, generation as well a from environment. The following are the some factors in that:

Culture and Subculture Cultural is one of the factors which are also the part of the society and important aspects of persons motives and behavior. The culture varies from place to place so marketers have to very cautious in analyzing their groups, regions and their norms. Subculture is the part of the cultural factors such as religions, nationalities, geographic regions, racial groups, etc. The marketers can easily appeal for their customer to buy their product when they understand both cultural and sub cultural factors and target them more efficiently. Reference groups It has the potential in persons attitude or buying behavior and the impact of this varies across products and brands. For example, if the persons want some products like car, dress, shoes, clothes, etc then the expectation of reference group will be high to influence. Reference groups includes opinior leader who have the ability to influence other by their special skills, talent, knowledge or other characteristics.

Family roles The family roles are influenced by the members of family. For that marketers are trying for finding the roles and also the influence by the husband, wife, and children. Here if the marketer predicts that the wife is dominant in the family then they plan accordingly to get the women in their advertisement and encouraging her either by promotion or campaigning.

` LIFESTYLE A TOOL FOR UNDRSTANDING BUYER BEHAVIOR The Lifestyle of individuals has always been a great interesting topic for the marketers to implement their marketing strategies. They generalizes all this factors as well as attitudes, interests, desires and also the feedback so that they can adapt the things and implement their

goods and products according to the consumer. A lifestyles is a marketing approach where marketers came recognize that people nowadays divided them into small groups according to their convenience and the things they wish to do with, also predicts how they like to spend their leisure time and how they will going to do with the money for buying their desired products. In the late 1950s, some researchers only point towards the significance in understanding, with little bit of predictions with some explanation about consumer behavior. In 1963, William Lazer came to the concept of lifestyle influence which also shows the relationship with the marketing. He defined it as system concepts which refer the standard of living of individuals, way of living in a society and their attitudes and natures towards thinking their desires. The collective manner of buying products and the manner how they use that thing is shows the lifestyle of individuals. Then late in 60s Moore came with theory with some modifications in it with lifestyle package which shows inter relationship of consumer with markets and also says that a patterned phenomenon way how individual fit the specific products or resources. Todays market which is based on segmentation the lifestyle is treated as an important concept and at the other hand helped in understanding target customer which is not predicted by understanding demographics alone. Many researchers now focused on the lifestyle of their customer and the individual groups so that they can implement efficient strategy for their firm. The marketers are getting worried about segmenting the markets as demographics alone unable to give the whole behavior of consumer which restricts them to their activities to their best potentials. Through the recent practice it is being seen that the characteristics like age , income and employment status which is demographics in nature can be a misconception in segmented markets . Though income is highly influenced the buying behavior but not completely came into considerations factors such as activities, age, and health in segmenting the market. Therefore, understanding lifestyle segmentation concept has been a useful knowledge for advertisement planner and the marketers in the firm. By Psychographics which means the information related to both psychology and demographics, the marketers can understand more precisely the needs and the time when they want the products which help them for analyzing the behavior of the customer. The basic motto for the marketer to understand lifestyle research which is a basic premise for them to understand what customer wants so the marketers know more and can communicate with them properly and serve them effectively. More the marketers know about lifestyle pattern more they can work nicely in segmenting the markets.

(Engelberg, 2005) LITERATURE REVIEW Many researchers have been most interested in focusing the lifestyle which also tells the attitudes and buying behavior in segmenting the market. Firstly, Plummer in the year 1971 predicts the lifestyle of individual profiles by their credit card transactions. Then followed by this in 1977 Richard and Sturman segmented the market influenced by lifestyle by analyzing Swimwear Branded apparels consumers. (Sturman, 1977). In other to build the profile of lifestyle of a single segment like working women and its shopping behavior (Wortze), 1979) it becomes very important to use and analyses the lifestyle of an individual. (Foxman), 1988). Reynolds and Wells in 1978 practiced the behavior of their existing market and came to know about differences between women with modern thought and women with traditional thoughts and then applied the most appropriate marketing strategy for the development of their product for market segmentation. (Reynolds, 1988).

Forrest and Blumberg in 1981 came as lifestyle as a principle because demographics concept have proved insufficient for segmenting the market, this principle thus allowed the marketers to describe the relevant market segment for their product. (Blumberg, 1981). It changes the whole population and groups of people into smaller groups according to their convenience basically into a few simple groups. in 1983 came with analysis of lifestyle which can observe changes in the population. (Talarzyk, 1983). The clear knowledge of lifestyle analysis provides the fresh insights which give more three dimensional view of the segmented markets which can analyses the view of target customers. The marketing high officials for the firm developed and improved their views on market segments, introduce new products, obtain better support for the product, improved advertising communications of the target customer which improves the overall strategies of the firm and work more efficiently.

Though the whole studies done on view of the global world for the segmented markets in the lifestyle for buying the goods and products. The fast changing in demographics, generations , environment, traditions and supply of goods with quality assurance as a added benefit it can lead lifestyle as key eye for viewing and analyzing this so that they can communicate and get feedback to their products.

LIFESTYLE INFUENCE TOWARDS FASHION CLOTHINGS Lifestyle is now the standard of people living in the society, their status, their spending time with other people and the money they want to invest for their satisfactions of their desires. It reflects the individuals activities, interests and opinions (AIOs). (Engel, 1995). If we compare with the traditional consumer theory with the modern one their theory is different to one another. The traditional consumer theory, the individual difference compose one dimension which come from their lifestyles along with lifestyles and values, but for in todays modern world lifestyle is much more close to fast fashion consumers, and it is more contemporary than personality and more comprehensive and values. (Engel, 1995). Therefore, we only focus in lifestyle influences in fashion clothing according to todays consumer behavior. Consumers often choose their products, goods, services, and their particular activities as they are belong with a certain lifestyle. So, lifestyle influence internally in buying behavior of the individual. For example, say one respondents Sam is youth and his interests are cloths and home styling, and he like to live in a comfortable way, like he love to wear T-Shirts, Jeans and comfortable cushions, so he intends to buy causal and comfortable wear but in workplace his designations is managerial post, so in that case he need to be in formals to deal with his clients colleagues and officials. Therefore, he needs some formals sets of uniform which is not so expensive but meets with his post and requirements in workplace. So, often he can go to purchase formal uniforms as well as buying his casual wear which is his choice of living. In other hand if we choose Helen as a respondent as a teacher who initially wears formals in weekdays and she did not go to purchase for causal wears but now according to her job culture she can wear casual wear due to change in her lifestyle, so she shops in ARROW more often than before. The need of people whether to wear causal of formal is also a part of their lifestyle, and it influences the buying behaviour of an individuals. The following table shows the relationship between the fast fashions with the lifestyle influence.

(Wang, 2010) Lifestyle also changes from age groups, occupation and income of the individuals or the family and ones desired wish. Consumers frequently use the products and goods as they are associated with lifestyle in the world as well in their society which may be their profession, quality and price. Occupation also influences the purchasing power of an individual in garment sector. It can be related each person how he or she possesses in the society depending upon their way of living, their status, clubs, family groups and friends groups. For example if a lady work as a finance manager in the firm so he need to be wear good and expensive may be some branded apparels for her as he is in managerial position whereas in home her work and role is different she is mother in their so she need to be wear causal or informal garments as T-shirts or something very comfortable to her. This leads the branded organization to work in this segmenting market and satisfy their needs.

Fig. HOLISTIC VIEW OF FAST FASHION COMPONENTS OF FAST FASHION The concept of this fast fashion came in early 1990s when the innovative retailers such as ZARA entry into global environment which challenges the whole existing firms and need to focus more to compete with the consumers desires. (N, 2004) In spite of this concept of Fast Fashion infancy and various debates takes place in academic sight and also in literature of this fast fashion over consumer. This leads to three opposing perspectives have emerged. One says the supply chain process, second says exclusively consumer driven process towards fast fashion. While third is very interesting and says about the fast fashion view which represents the uniqueness in the relationship supply chain elements and the consumers desires.

Fig. Theoretical perspectives of Fast Fashion Fast fashion thus describes the strategies in it with two aim must fulfill according to the segmented market. First it meets the consumer demand according to their needs and desires where second says the manner they meet their goods and products in their preferred time. For that they specific requirement of consumer for fast fashion retailing are Supply, Quality, Brand image and Renewal cycles. Additionally this leads to consumer frequency to visits and also their purchase of products which affects the behavior of customer.

The fashion cycle, or fashion life cycle, comprise the introduction, acceptance, culmination, and decline of the acceptance of a certain style as shown in Figure (Rabolt, 2009 ) .

Fig. A General Fashion Cycle Model (Kaiser, n.d.)

Limitations of Research There are some limitations in the study when comparing the customer to one determinant of market influence. Firstly, the lifestyle concept which is the one determinant cannot be understand by talking alone as attitude, behavior and several factors are need to be in consideration for more understanding of segmenting market. Secondly, for lifestyle of an individual which affect the consumer buying behavior can be more be understand by demographic idea not only in one country or region but by focusing globally. A large number of samples as well as research and analysis is needed to focus where the consumer as well the market is facing this influence. As the study examined the consumer behavior based on lifestyle of segmenting market, it could be more be examined by the study of choice for the product, choice of store behaviors exhibited by the consumers on the same influence.

Future Research For further study of consumer behavior of segmenting market one can focus to geographic coverage by extending them may be focusing globally, then they can more understand the demographic concept, cultural difference as well as ethnic view of fast fashion consumer behavior. Based on the observations, it is also been seen that the price and renewal cycle is also

affecting to brand image so need to be kept in considerations in intelligent manner. This increase the visits of their customer to their stores which increase their sales of products and also gains profit certainly. As nowadays where consumers are varies to modern and traditional thoughts according to their age groups, way of living and interest so marketers always need to be understood their basic needs and need to adapt the changes they want according to global environment need. These findings would suggest the retailer of Fast Fashion which provides the customer products with a frequently changed manner, also their needs to todays environments and trends in a cost effective manner. Also, the study identified the branding and their image towards their consumers, specific country and after sale service and feedback fro the customer must be explored. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it can be said that characteristics of lifestyle have a high impact on all purchase behavior. At the time of absorption environment, when a person chooses a product or brand, it is possible to define about their lifestyle statistic. In opposite, it can be said that when a person create a selection in a consumption environment in address to describe or recognize their lifestyle through the product or brands selection. It can be said that consumers individual behavior can be predicted when they understand how they represent it to own self, even if they known about the details of their life style definition, selection about products and brands, consumption on individual purchase, then they can easily recognize their life style identity. Therefore, this assumption supports the motion where the effect is very casual on the consumers individual assumption on lifestyle behavior.

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