16 Annexure

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ANNEXURE - I Questionnaire for the Bank

1. Name of the bank:-------------------------------2. Bank has been started in the Year :-----------3. Total number of branches :---------In Maharashtra In Pune City Outside Pune City Description Apr.03 Mar 04. Advances Deposits Apr.04 Mar 05. : : : ---------------------------------Apr.05 Mar 06. Apr.06 Mar 07. Apr.07 Mar 08.

4. Please provide year wise details of total Advances and Deposits of the bank:

5. Does the bank website exist?



6. If yes, please specify web site address:-------------------------------7. When did the banks web site become active? (Year) :-------8. Where is the banks website hosted ? : In house In house a) Back office Computerization b) Total Bank Computerization (TBA) c) Core Banking Solution (CBS) Off site Outsourced 9. Who is maintaining / Updating the Banks Website :?-----------------10. Please specify the type of the computerization done in the Bank :


11. Please specify the year in which following computerized solutions are implemented: a) Back Office Application :-----------b) Total Bank Application c) Core Banking Solution :-----------:------------

12. Which of the following transactions are fully/partly computerized : Sr. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Transactions Fully Computerized Partly Computerized

Bank Overdraft Bills Collection Locker Facility DD/MT/MICR/CHEQUE transactions Deposits (Term/FD/RD) Investment transactions General Account Transactions Government Business / Transactions

13. Which of the following e-banking products/services are offered ? : i) ATM facility? Yes No When did the bank begin offering ATM Services? (Year):---------Number of ATMs of the bank: --------Number of ATMs in the Pune City:-----Number of customers using the ATM facility:---------Which software is being used for it?: ---------------What is cost of the software?: -------------In your opinion, are customers satisfied with ATM transaction? (Yes/No):-------ii) Telephone Banking Yes No - When did the bank begin offering Telephone Banking?(Year):-------- How many branches provides this facility?:------------ How many customers are using this facility?:-----------194

- Which software is being used for it? ---------------- What is cost of the software?-------------iii) PC Banking Yes No When did the Bank begin offering PC Banking? (Year):----------How many branches provides this facility?:-----------How many customers are using this facility? : -------Which software is being used for it? ---------------What is cost of the software? -------------Yes No When did the Bank begin offering Internet Banking? (Year):-----How many branches provides this facility?:-----------How many customers are using this facility? : -------Which software is being used for it?: ---------------What is cost of the software? -------------Yes No

iv) Internet Banking

v) Mobile Banking

- When did the bank begin offering Mobile Banking?(Year):----- How many branches provides this facility?:------------ How many customers are using this facility?:------------ Which software is being used for it? ---------------- What is cost of the software? -------------vi) Video Conferencing Yes Yes -------17. Total cost of the Bank computerization : Software Hardware :------------:------------No No Yes No 14. Is the Banks website reviewed internally? 15. Are security measures in place to secure the banks website?: 16. How often is the virus protection software updated on servers and workstations?-------


18. How many customers are still using traditional way of banking transaction? a) 25% b) Below 50% c) 50% & Above d) 75% e) Above 75% 19. In your opinion what was the reaction of customers regarding service efficiency after the bank computerization : Positive Computerization, please tick ( ) it. 1. Duplication of Work (Manual Data Entry as well as PC data entry is required) 2. No benefits to the customer (Does not provide any quick services to the customers.) 3. Only certain departmental functions are made available to computer like SB / TD interest calculations, Loan interest calculations / salary of the employees etc. 4. Any other (please specify) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21. If any of the following problem/s were faced by the bank while transferring from back office to Total Bank Application, please tick ( ) it. 1. As a human nature / tendency of the staff has to be changed 2. Communist movement problem 3. Unemployment problem 4. Y2K technical problem 5. Data backup (daily / monthly) 6. Antivirus updation to each and every node. 7. LAN VS UNIX system is used so limitations on number of services provided by the bank 8. Lack of knowledge to staff about computer systems, so customer get harassed because no timely service 9. Data Conversion Problem Negative Cant Say 20. If any of the following problem/s were faced by the bank during Back office


10. Any other (please specify)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22. If any of the following problem/s were faced by the bank while implementing Corebanking solution, please tick ( ) it. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Huge investment in infrastructure More dependability on outside service providers i.e. (MTNL/BSNL) lease line, Cisco, CMS etc. Very complex software and Hardware are used in this system Highly qualified professionals are to be employed due to this salary burden increases. Difficult to detect the problem from number of stages Customers were not ready to use core banking services. Any other(please specify) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23. How many branches provide computerized / e-banking products / services? Please provide year wise data in the following table. Also write total number of branches of the bank during that year in the bracket. Services 2003-04 ( ) Back Office Application Total Bank Application Core Banking Solution ATM Internet Banking Mobile Banking Telephone Banking PC Banking Number of branches 2004-05 ( ) 2005-06 ( ) 2006-07 ( ) 2007-08 ( )


24. Please provide the data about the software Packages used for the following computerized services: Computerized Services Back office Application Total Bank Application Core Banking Solution ATM Internet Banking Mobile Banking Telephone Banking PC Banking Name :---------------------------------Designation :---------------------Signature:---------*** Thank you very much for your help. *** Software Name Company name Cost


ANNEXURE II Questionnaire for the employee of the banks

1) Name :-------------------------------------------------2) Gender 3) Age : : Above 30 and below 45 Above 45 MALE FEMALE

Below 30 4) Qualification : Post Graduate



Below 10th

5) Name of the bank where currently working :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Total years of service in banking organization :-------------------------7) What was your first reaction when you heard about banks computerization? Positive Cant say 8) Rigorous training is required for the bank employee for handling computerized transactions. Strongly agree No Opinion Strongly Disagree 9) Was the training provided by the bank to you enough to handle computerized transactions? YES NO Cant Say Agree Disagree Negative


10) In your opinion what are the employee problems due to computerization of the bank (Please tick if you are agree with the statements given below): 1) Lack of thorough knowledge of technology 2) Lack of confidence in handling automated transactions 3) No direct interaction with the customer 4) Fear about the job security. 5) Any other :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* * * Thank you very much for your help.* * *


ANNEXURE III Questionnaire for the customer of the bank

1) Name :-----------------------------------------------------2) Occupation :---------------------3) Educational Qualification :Post Graduate Below 10th 4) Gender :5) Age Below 25 Above 50 6) For which of the following transactions you visit to the bank? Withdrawal Pass Book Updation Investment (RD / FD) Repayment of Loan Deposit Cheque Bill Payment None of these Balance Enquiry Demand Draft Money Transfer Above 25 and below 50 MALE Graduate Illiterate FEMALE 10th Pass

7) For which of the following transactions you use e-banking services? Withdrawal Pass Book Updation Investment (RD / FD) Repayment of Loan Deposit Cheque Bill Payment None of these Balance Enquiry Demand Draft Money Transfer


8) Which of the following e-banking services are used by you? ATM Internet Banking Telephone Banking None of these Online Banking Mobile Banking PC Banking

9) Which of the following e-banking services you are comfortable with? ATM Internet Banking Telephone Banking None of the above 10) Computerization has helped me to reduce the waiting time for any transaction in the Bank. Strongly agree No Opinion Strongly Disagree 11) Computerized transactions are secured transactions. Strongly agree No Opinion Strongly Disagree 12) Service efficiency is increased due to bank computerization. Strongly agree No Opinion Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Online Banking Mobile Banking PC Banking


13) In your opinion what are the problems of e-banking services (Please tick if you are agree with the statements given below): 1) Limited scope for personal advice on banking transactions. 2) No direct communication with the bank 3) Sometimes Problematic for transactions 4) Fear about security of the transactions 5) Lack of knowledge about computerized transactions 6) Any other ---------------------------------------------------------------------14) What is your opinion about Bank computerization (Please tick if you are agree with the statements given below): i) Service efficiency is increased iii) Reduces waiting time iv) Any other ---------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Thank you very much for your help. * * * due to computerization

ii) It provides 24x7, anywhere, anytime services



(Hypotheses Testing Formulas)

H5 :- A number of problems in application of computerization are faced by the cooperative banks. H0 : = 7 (Bank faced on an average 7 problems.) H1 : < 7 (Bank faced less than 7 problems.) t test is used as n is less than 30. _ ___ ( x -) n t = S _ (xx)2 S= n-1

S =


S = 3.31 (7 6.05) 18 t = 3.31 (.95) X (4.24) = 3.31 = 1.216

Since 1.216 less than 1.74 therefore H0 is accepted that bank faced on an average 7 problems. (Table value for degree of freedom 17 at 5% level of significance for one for one tail test is 1.74 and 1.216 < 1.74)


H1 :- Computerisation improves the quality of service in banking sector. ASPECT 1 :- Reduction in waiting time. H0 : P0 = 95% people feel that there is reduction in waiting time due to computerisation. H1 : P1 < 95% people feel that there is reduction in waiting time due to computerization. Z test is used because sample size is greater than 30. pq S.E. = n ( p = 95, q = 5 , n = 169 ) 95 X 5 S.E. = 169 = 1.676 Diff. Z = S. E. 96.44 - 95 = 1.676 = 0.859

Calculated value of Z is 0.859 which is less than 1.64 hence we accept H0 i.e.95% people feel that there is reduction in waiting time due to computerisation.


H1 : Computerisation improves the quality of service in banking sector. ASPECT 2 : Computerised transactions are secured transactions. H0 : P1 = 85% people feel that computerized transactions are secured transactions. H1 : P1 < 85% people feel that computerized transactions are secured transactions. pq S.E. = n ( p = 85, q = 15 , n = 156 ) 85 X 15 S.E. = 156 = Z = S. E. 85 82.05 = 2.858 = 1.032 8.17 Diff.

Calculated value of Z is 1.032 which is less than 1.64 hence we accept H0 i.e. 85% people feel that computerised transactions are secured transactions.


H2 : There are more problems faced by senior citizens than that of youngsters, while availing e-banking services. ASPECT 1 : Fear about transaction security. H0 : There is no difference between young people and senior citizens with respect to problem of security. H1 : Young people face fewer problems than that of senior citizens with respect to problem of security. H0 : P1 = P2 H1 : P1 < P2 Two proportion Z test is used. Diff. Z = S. E. S.E. = pq ((1/n1) + (1/n2)) n1p1 + n2p2 n1+n2 66.67 64.42 Z = 7.80 Z = 0.5448

Calculated value of Z is 0.5448 which is less than 1.64 therefore H0 is accepted that There is no difference between young people and senior citizens with respect to problem of security.


H2 : There are more problems faced by senior citizens than that of youngersters, while availing e-banking services. ASPECT 2 : Lack of knowledge. H0 : There is no difference between young people and senior citizens with respect to lack of knowledge. H1 : Young people face fewer problems than that of senior citizens with respect to lack of knowledge. H0 = P1 = P2 H1 = P1 < P2 Two proportion Z test is used. Diff. Z = S. E. S.E. = pq ( (1/n1) + (1/n2)) n1p1 + n2p2 n1+n2 76.47 25.50 Z Z = 7.89 = 6.46

Calculated value of Z is 6.46 which is greater than 1.64 therefore H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted that is Young people face fewer problems than that of senior citizens with respect to lack of knowledge.


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