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FIREPROOF is a movie about a

firefighter, his wife, and a marriage worth rescuing. In reality, every marriage matters, because marriage comes from the hand of God. God brings a man and a woman together to love and support each other. The Catholic community believes marriage happens with the help of the Lord and is a relationship that parallels the love of Christ for his people. It is a lifelong commitment to one person and a dwelling place of Gods spirit. As Caleb Holt learns in FIREPROOF, marriage is a lasting covenant. The movie also reminds us that Christian marriage is a demanding vocation that needs the support and encouragement of the entire community. We believe that the well being of all society is closely tied to the healthy state of marriage and family life.

Marriage is sacred and worth fighting for. We believe that FIREPROOF will offer hope to many couples in difficult marriages, and it will help couples that have grown complacent to renew their commitment.
Tony and Cathy Witczak United States Secretariat Team Catholic Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Fireproof is awesome! We recognized our own marriage struggles coming to life right there on the screen. Finally, a movie that promotes marriage as it should be: a Christ-centered, lifelong commitment. Thank you, Fireproof.
Frank and Julie LaBoda, Coordinators, Retrouvaille International for additonal Catholic Marriage Resources, visit

His job is to rescue others. But is he too late to rescue his wifes heart?

In Theaters 9.26.08

Catholic Marriage Ministry Resources

FIREPROOF is an action-packed, entertaining, pro-marriage movie that will appeal to husbands and wives. Its funny, realistic and will inspire couples to cherish their marriages. Kim Hagerty, Editor, Catholic Couples magazine



The Catholic Church cares about marriage. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is working to make marriage a priority with a National Pastoral Initiative for Marriage, a project to communicate the meaning and value of married life for the Church and for society. This Initiative brings together Catholic teaching with pastoral practice, social science research, and the experience of married couples. It offers guidance and resources, including a pastoral letter, to promote and strengthen marriage. Be sure to visit

Research shows that marriage education and enrichment are important for marriages to stay healthy. Your marriage needs renewal
and support. This can be done in simple and spontaneous ways, or it can involve more structured and long-term planning. Success in marriage comes from deliberate attention to your spouse. Daily efforts to recognize how special your relationship is can make your marriage a good one.

Ask yourself this question: What have I done for my marriage today? Here are some ideas to get you started.
Say hello and goodbye with a ten-second kiss (time it!). Go to Mass together and hold hands during the homily. Before going to sleep, ask your spouse to forgive you for anything you have done to hurt them that day. Say a prayer together. When you argue, avoid stonewalling, avoidance, disengagement, contempt, criticism, or the silent treatment. Agree to disagree on some issues and then stop bringing them up. Be willing to take the rst step to make up after an argument. Celebrate anniversaries. Write a love letter to your spouse once a month, or at least send a love email! Light candles at the dinner table. Make sure you eat dinner together a few nights a week.

FAMILY LIFE OFFICES around the country

provide marriage preparation, Natural Family Planning training, help for troubled marriages, and programs and resources for couples to strengthen their relationships and build lifelong marriages. Find your local Family Life office at or by calling your local diocese. The FAMILY MINISTRIES OFFICE of the Archdiocese of Chicago has worked for more than sixty years to help couples attain the lifelong marriages they seek. Find marriagestrengthening resources and ideas at
FIREPROOF 2008 Sherwood Baptist Church of Albany Georgia, Inc. All rights reserved.


Lord, may our marriage parallel the love Jesus has for his people. Deepen and support our love, so it will grow stronger and endure for decades to come. Remind us to say thank you and pray to you who makes all things possible through your own love. Help us grow in our own marriage in the Lord. Amen.
In this day and age when marriage seems to be coming under attack from all sides, its heartening to see a movie that shows that problems in marriage can be successfully overcome through faith, trust in God, and hard work. Frank P. Hannigan, Director, Family Ministries, Archdiocese of Chicago

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