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PCSB Residency fraud investigations for school year 2012-2013 (as of Feb 25, 2013) are as follows: LEA/

campus name Achievement Preparatory PCS AppleTree PCS - Riverside campus AppleTree PCS Amidon campus # of cases 1 case 1 case Status Case pending Case closed Additional Context Investigation still in progress The investigation is complete, student found to be non DC resident; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action The investigation is complete, student found to be non DC resident; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action Investigation still in progress The investigation is complete, student found to be non DC resident; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action Investigations still in progress The investigation is complete, student found to be non DC resident; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action Investigations still in process Investigations still in process Investigations still in process Investigations still in process The investigations are complete, 6students found to be non DC residents and 3- students found to be DC residents; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action Investigations still in process

1 case

Case closed

Cesar Chavez PCS Early Childhood PCS

1 case 2 cases

Case pending One case closed

EW Stokes PCS

5 cases

One case pending One case closed

Friendship- Tech Prep PCS Friendship-Woodridge PCS IDEA PCS MM Bethune PCS

1 case 1 case 2 cases 18 cases

Four cases pending Case pending Case pending Cases pending Nine cases closed

Nine cases pending

Options PCS Perry St. Prep PCS

1 case 2 cases

Case pending One case closed

SEED PCS Shining Stars PCS Two Rivers PCS

1 case 1 case 9 cases

Onc case pending Case pending Case pending Two cases closed

Washington Yu Ying PCS

1 case

Seven cases pending Case pending

Investigations still in process The investigation is complete, student found to be non DC resident; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action Investigations still in process Investigations still in process Investigations still in process The investigations are complete, 1student found to be non DC resident and 1-student found to be a DC resident; awaiting feedback from the review committee before taking further action Investigations still in process Investigations still in process

DC Public Charter School Board process for conducting residency fraud I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Allegation submitted to PCSB via Residency Fraud link or OSSE (tip line) Review Committee reviews the allegation Case is submitted to contracted investigator to conduct investigation Investigator provides findings to review committee Review Committee reviews the findings, then submits a notice to parents and the LEA Informal meeting is held if a parent chooses to contest the findings The review committee will meet to go over the results of the informal meeting Final results from review committee are submitted to Parents LEAs, and OSSE, should further hearings be warranted.

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