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Five Color Magic

Standard spell lists reorganized into five schools This is a list of spells from all four standard classes combined. Duplicates are removed and reversed versions are now separate spells. The spells have been sorted into five colors representing spheres or schools of magic; a sixth colorless school represents basic magical functions that wizards of any color can use. Magic-user characters must be aligned with one specific color and can cast only those spells and the colorless spells.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Detect Magic Erase Identify Light Mending Message Read Magic Scribe

Cause Fear Cause Light Wounds Dark Destroy Water Detect Good Protection from Good Putrefy Food and Drink Shrink Sleep Summon Familiar Unseen Servant Wall of Vapor

Auditory Illusion Color Spray Create Water Dancing Lights Doppelganger Feather Fall Hold Portal Magic Aura Pass Without Trace Phantasmal Force Purify Water Refraction

First Level Spells

Animal Companion Charm Person Divine Weather Enlarge Entangle Find Snares & Pits Invisibility, Animal Locate Creature Sanctuary Shillelagh Speak with Animals Spider Climb


Allure Breaking Burning Hands Command Contaminate Water Faerie Fire Jump Manipulate Fire Obscure Languages Resist Cold Shield Shocking Grasp

Comprehend Languages Cure Light Wounds Detect Evil Detect Illusion Detect Invisibility Floating Disc Hypnotism Jarring Hand Magic Missile Protection from Evil Purify Food and Drink Remove Fear

Second Level Spells

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Arcane Lock Continual Light Know Alignment Locate Object Amnesia Blindness Blur Continual Darkness Curse Deafness ESP Obscure Charm Silence, 15 Radius Stumble False Gold False Trap Hypnotic Pattern Invisibility Magic Mouth Mirror Image Obscuring Mist Phantasmal Force, Greater Reveal Charm Scare Barkskin Charm Person or Mammal Find Plant Find Traps Fog Cloud Knock Snake Charm Stinking Cloud Warp Wood Web Feign Death Fire Trap Heat Metal Misdirection Produce Flame Pyrotechnics Ray of Enfeeblement Resist Fire Shatter Strength Augury Bless Chill Metal Delay Poison Hold Person Holy Chant Levitate Rope Trick Spiritual Weapon Ventriloquism

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dispel Magic Dispel Phantasm Illusory Script Infravision Summon Monster I

Animate Dead Cause Blindness Clairvoyance Glyph of Warding Hold Animal Non-Detection Prot. from Good, 10' Rad. Speak with Dead Suggestion

Blink Clairaudience Fear Gust of Wind Hallucinatory Terrain Invisibility, 10' Radius Paralyze Spectral Force Tree Shape

Third Level Spells
Animal Growth Cause Disease Fly Plant Growth Poison Protection From Fire Slow Snare Stone Shape

Call Lightning Explosive Runes Fireball Flame Arrow Garble Haste Prayer Prot. from Normal Missiles Striking

Cure Blindness Cure Disease Insect Swarm Lightning Bolt Neutralize Poison Prot. from Evil, 10' Radius Tiny Hut Tongues Water Breathing

Fourth Level Spells

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Create Food & Water Dampen Fire Detect Lie Divination Extend Duration I Mnemonic Enhancer Move Earth, Lesser Arcane Eye Bestow Curse Cause Serious Wounds Dimension Door Fumble Implant Emotion Prot. from Electricity Wall of Fire Conceal Lie Hallucinatory Terrain Massmorph Phantasmal Killer Phantasmal Monsters Polymorph Others Polymorph Self Speak with Plants Charm Monster Hold Vegetation & Fungus Minor Creation Passplant Repel Vermin Sticks to Snakes Summon Animal I Summon Sylvan Beings Confusion Enchant Arms Fire Shield Flame Charm Flash Fire Illusory Stamina Summon Monster II Temperature Control Invisibility, Greater Cure Serious Wounds Exorcise Globe of Invulnerability, Less. Ice Storm Remove Curse Snakes to Sticks Wall of Ice

Fifth Level Spells

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Atmosphere Bubble Extend Duration II Passwall Reduce Animal Shadow Evocation Cause Critical Wounds Control Winds Dispel Good Magic Jar Summon Shadow Telekinesis Transmute Mud to Rock Transmute Rock to Mud True Seeing Animal Growth Cone of Cold Feeblemind Phantasmal Door Phant. Monsters, Greater Project Image Secret Chest Teleport Wall of Force Commune With Nature Contact Other Plane Hold Monster Insect Plague Major Creation Plane Shift Summon Animal II Tree Stride Wall of Stone Anti-Plant Shell Cloudkill Commune Confusion, Greater False Seeing Interposing Hand Slay Living Summon Monster III Wall of Iron Atonement Cure Critical Wounds Dispel Evil Faithful Hound Flame Strike Maze Quest Raise Dead Remove Quest

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