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201 references referring to the Games teaching approaches inspired by the TGfU idea

List compiled by Tim Hopper and Richard Light. 8/14/2007 Alexander, K., & Penney, D. (2005). Teaching under the influence: Feeding games for understanding into the sport education development-refinement cycle. Physical Education &amp; Sport Pedagogy, 10(3), 287 - 301. Alexander-Hall, J. (1986). Please start the lesson with a game. Hockey Field, 74(2), 7273. Alison, S., & Thorpe, R. (1997). A comparison of the effectiveness of two approaches to teaching games within physical education. A skills approach versus a games for understanding approach. The British Journal of Physical Education, 28(3), 9-13. Almond, L. (1986a). Asking teachers to research. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 35-44). Loughborough: University of Loughborough, Nene Litho. Almond, L. (1986b). Games making. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 67-70). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Almond, L. (1986c). Primary and secondary rules. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 73-74). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Almond, L. (1986d). Reflecting on themes: A games classification. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 71-73). Loughborough: University of Loughborough. Armstrong, S. (1988). Games for understanding -- breaking new ground. Bulletin of Physical Education, 24(3), 28-32. Asquith, A. (1989). Teaching games for understanding. In A. Williams (Ed.), Issues in physical education for the primary years (pp. 76-90). London: The Falmer Press. Atack, M. (1985). There has to be a better way. Bulletin of Physical Education, 21(2), 4144. Australia and the USA. R. Light (Ed) An international perspective on Teaching Barrett, K., & Turner, A. (2000). Sandy's challenge: New game, new paradigm <a correspondence>. Journal of teaching in physical education, 19, 162-181. Bean, D. (1990). A fresh look at games teaching: Making games more appropriate for the learner. RUNNER, 28(1), 20-23. Bean, D. (1991). A fresh look at games teaching. RUNNER, 29(4), 19-23. Bean, D. (1992a). Improve your outdoor games teaching by using a grid. RUNNER, 30(3), 25-27. Bean, D. (1992b). Without the game, what's the point? RUNNER, 30(2), 25-26. Belka, D. (1994). Teaching children games. Oxford, Ohio: Human Kinetics. Bell, R., & Hopper, T. (1999a). A 't.A.C.T.I.C' approach to teaching territory games. Wolfville, Nova Scotia: CAHPER '99 national conference.

Bell, R., & Hopper, T. (2003). Space the first frontier: Tactical awareness in teaching games for understanding. Physical and Health Education Journal, 69(1), 4-7. Bell, R., & Hopper, T. F. (1999b). Let's get the play back into the game. Wolfville, Nova Scotia: CAHPER '99 national conference. Berkowitz, R. (1996). A practitioner's journey: From skill to tactics. JOPERD, 67(4), 4145. Blomqvist, M., Luhtanen, P., Laakso, L., & Keskinen, E. (2000). Validation of a videobased game-understanding test procedure in badminton. Journal of Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 19(3), 325-337. Booth, K. (1986). An introduction to netball - an alternative approach. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 27-31). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Brooker, R., Kirk, D., Braiuka, S., & Bransgrove, A. (2000). Implementing a game sense approach to teaching junior high school basketball in a naturalistic setting. European Physical Education Review, 6(1), 7-26. Brown, S., & Hopper, T. (2006). Should all students in pe get an 'a'? Game performance assessment by peers as a critical component of student learning. The PHE, 72(1), 1421. Brunton, J. A. (2003). Changing hierarchies of power in physical education using sport education. European Physical Education Review, 9(3), 267-284. Buck, M., & Harrison, J. (1990a). An analysis of game play in volleyball. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 10, 38-48. Buck, M., & Harrison, J. (1990b). Improving student achievement in physical education. JOPERD, 62(7), 40-44. Bunker, B., & Thorpe, R. (1986a). The curriculum model. In R. Thorpe, Bunker, D., & Almond, L (Ed.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 7-10). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Bunker, D. (1983). Taking an understanding approach to the teaching of cricket: An example of a fielding game. Bulletin of PE, 19(1), 20-26. Bunker, D., & Thorpe, R. (1986b). From theory to practice. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 11-14). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Bunker, D., & Thorpe, R. (1986c). Is there a need to reflect? In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 25-34). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Burrows, L., & Abbey, W. (1986). A teacher's reactions. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 45-51). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Butler, J. (1996a). Teacher responses to teaching games for understanding. JOPERD, 67(9), 17-20. Butler, J. (1997). How would socrates teach games? A constructivist approach. JOPERD, 68(9), 42-47. Butler, J. (2003). Starting a majors' club. JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 74(3), 33. Butler, J. I. (1996b). Teacher responses to teaching games for understanding. JOPERD: The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 67(9), 17.

Butler, J., & McCahan, J. (2005). Teaching games for understanding as a curriculum model. In L. Griffin & J. Butler (Eds.), Teaching games for understanding: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 33-54). Windsor: Human Kinetics. Butler, J., Griffin, L., Lombardo, B., & Nastasi, R. (Eds.). (2003). Teaching games for understanding in physical education and sport. Reston: NASPE an Assocuation of AAHPERD. Capel, S. (1991). Teaching games as interactive activities. International Journal of Physical Education, 27(2), 6-9. Casbon, C. (1991). The place of games in the physical education of children. British Journal of Physical Education, 22(1), 7-10. Chandler, T. (1996a). Reflections and further questions. JOPERD, 67(4), 49-51. Chandler, T. (1996b). Teaching games for understanding: Reflections and further questions. JOPERD, 67(4), 49-51. Chandler, T., & Mitchell, S. (1990). Reflections on "models of games education". JOPERD, 61(6), 19-21. Coakley, J. (1986). What coaches can learn from children. RUNNER, 24(4), 16-19. Collier, C. (2005). Integrating tactical games and sport education models. In L. Griffin & J. Butler (Eds.), Teaching games for understanding: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 137-148). Windsor: Human Kinetics. Collier, C., & LaVine, M. (2003). Potential of net/wall games in elementary physical education. Journal of Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 14(2), 28-30. CSC. (2005). Canadian sport for life: Through long-term athlete development. Curtner-Smith, M. (1996). Using games invention with elementary children. JOPERD, 67(3), 33-37. Dollman, J., Boshoff, K., & Dodd, G. (2006). The relationship between curriculum time for physical education and literacy and numeracy standards in south australian primary schools. European Physical Education Review, 12(2), 151-163. Doolittle, S. (1986). Reflecting on an innovation. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp. 53-55). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough. Doolittle, S. (1995). Teaching net games to low skilled students: A teaching for understanding approach. JOPERD, 66(3), 18-23. Doolittle, S., & Girard, K. (1991). A dynamic approach to teaching games in elementary pe. JOPERD, 62(4), 57-62. Dyson, B. (2005). Integrating cooperative learning and tactical games models: Focusing on social interactions and decision making. In L. Griffin & J. Butler (Eds.), Teaching games for understanding: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 1-18). Windsor: Human Kinetics. Dyson, B., Griffin, L., & Hastie, P. (2004). Sport education, tactical games and cooperative learning: Theoretical and pedagogical considerations. QUEST, 56, 226240. Earl, L. (2003). Assessment as learning. Californa: Corwin Press. Ellis, M. (1983). Similarities and differences in games: A system for classification: Paper presented at the AIESEP conference, Rome, Italy. Ellis, M. (1985). Decision-making: The key to success in games. RUNNER, XXIII(3), 24-28.

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Haslam, I. (1989). A movement approach to the variability of practice hypothesis. International Journal of Physical Eduation, 25(1), 13-16. Hastie, P. A., & Curtner-Smith, M. D. (2006). Influence of a hybrid sport education&mdash;teaching games for understanding unit on one teacher and his students. Physical Education &amp; Sport Pedagogy, 11(1), 1 - 27. Holt, J. E., Ward, P., & Wallhead, T. L. (2006). The transfer of learning from play practices to game play in young adult soccer players. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 11(2), 101 - 118. Holt, N., Strean, B., & Garcia Bengoechea, E. (2002). Expanding the teaching games for understanding model: New avenues for future research and practice. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 21(2), 162-167. Hopper, T. (1990). Practical assessment in physical education. The Bulletin of Physical Education, 26(1), 23-34. Hopper, T. (1994). Can we play the game? RUNNER, 32(2), 21-22. Hopper, T. (1998). Teaching games for understanding using progressive principles of play. CAHPERD, 27(1), 1-5. Hopper, T. (2002). Teaching games for understanding: The importance of student emphasis over content emphasis. JOPERD, 73(7), 44-48. Hopper, T. (2003). Four r's for tactical awareness: Applying game performance assessment in net/wall games. Journal of Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 4(2), 16-21. Hopper, T. (2005, December 14-17). Learning to read - learning to play: An assessment process to teach the interdependance of skill performance and tactical understanding (abstract). Paper presented at the The III teaching games for understanding international conference, Hong Kong. Hopper, T. (2007). Teaching tennis with assessment for/as learning: A net/wall example in tgfu. The PHE, (In Press). Hopper, T., & Bell, F. (2001a). Can we play the game again? STRATEGIES, 15(1). Hopper, T., & Bell, R. (1999). A 't.A.C.T.I.C' approach to teaching net/wall games. Wolfville, Nova Scotia: CAHPER '99 national conference. Hopper, T., & Bell, R. (2000). Lets put the play back into the game: Net/wall games. Geneva Park, Ontario: CAHPERD/OPHEA national conference. Hopper, T., & Bell, R. (2001b). A tactical framework for teaching games: Teaching strategic understanding and tactical awareness. Physical and Health Education Journal, 29(4), 14-19. Hopper, T., Wiley, B., K, W., Myles, J., & Marinucci, C. (2006, February 14, 2006). Learning to read, learning to play: Insights on tgfu from games units taught in local schools. Paper presented at the 3rd annual Greater Victoria Physical Education association conference, Spectrum High School, Victoria, BC. Howarth, K. (2005). Introducing the teaching games for understanding model in teacher education programs. In L. Griffin & J. Butler (Eds.), Teaching games for understanding: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 91-106). Windsor: Human Kinetics. Jackson, S. (1982). Teaching for understanding in invasion games. BAALPE, 18(1), 2728.

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