Researchchartquest 10

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Name: Jessica Krebs Social Class: Knight

Middle Ages Webquest #10 Mongols/Black Death Research Chart


Answer (Your research):

Source Information: (*more than web address *author, date of access, copyright/update date) Mr. Pennington and Mr. Holman. March 18, 2013. March 2013. How Would You Survive in the Middle Ages? New York Fiona Macdonald 1997

1. Who are the Mongols?

The Mongols are a group of people that come from Mongolia and that started the Black Death by catapulting severed heads over castle walls. In China and in the Middle East, the Mongols attacked and invaded villages, towns, and manors. The Mongols controlled land when they were at their largest. The Mongols are important to Europe because when the Mongols attacked, the European rulers forgot their disagreements and joined together to defend against the attacking Mongols. The goods that traveled along the silk road to Europe in 1354 are silk, gold, jewels, and other luxurious items. One negative factor that was traded along the silk road is the Black Death.

2. What did the Mongols do in China and the Middle East? Why are they important in regards to Europe?

3. What goods traveled along the silk road to Europe in 1354? What was one negative thing traded along the silk road? 4. Describe what happened when you caught the Black Death? ver/silk.html. March 26, 2013. 1992.

When someone caught the Black Death, Video side chat #10 with they got buboes that were usually under Mr. Pennington and Mr. the chin that was very swollen and within Holman. days of catching the Black Death, the person would die. Mr. Pennington on March 19, 2013.

5. How did the The Black Death changed your daily life Black Death change because if you caught the Black Death,

your daily life?

you would not feel good and you would soon die so you could not do what you would normally. The Black Death affected the Feudal System because a lot of knights and peasants (and others) were dying so they started demanding pay for work because if there wasnt a lot of people to do work, the peasants and knights could say no if they wanted to be paid. This created what today is called the middle class. The Black Death affected the power of the Church because people who got the Black Death went to the church for help but the church couldnt help so people didnt believe in the church as much so the church lost some of its power. Three factors that led to the end of the Middle Ages are the Mongols, the Black Death, and the knights and peasants wanting pay for their work. Mr. Pennington on March 19, 2013.

6. How did the Black Death affect the Feudal System?

7. How did the Black Death affect the power of the Church?

Mr. Pennington on March 19, 2013.

8. Identify three factors that led to the END of the Middle Ages.

Mr. Pennington on March 19, 2013.

Vocabulary 1. Mongols- A group of people coming from Mongolia. 2. Silk Road- A trade route that goes from central China to the eastern Mediterranean. 3. Plague- A disease that is very contagious and has certain characteristics like the buboes. 4. Cultural diffusion- When customs, beliefs, technology, and ideas are spread throughout cultures and regions. 5. Death Macabre- Something that has to do with death; The topic is something gruesome. 6. Genghis' Khan- Was the leader of the Mongol empire. 7. Kublai Khan- Was a Mongol emperor of China and led to the conquest of China. 8. Buboes- A swollen section of skin cells that in the Middle Ages, usually came up under someone's chin.

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