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Annotated Bibliography: Article 1 Title: Natural gas: Should Fracking stop? By Robert W.

Howarth This article is a data oriented analysis of the possible environmental effects of fracking in the United States. It focuses on the flaws in the methodology of fracking and exposes the different propaganda and misinformation that is circulated within the media and public. Howarth shows that Fracking, even though for a good cause is still in need of major improvement before it is universally accepted. I plan to utilize this article as reference for its detailed representation of the method of fracking and the potential environmental and human health risks associated with it. Annotated Bibliography: Article 2 Title: The Rush to Drill for Natural Gas: A Public Health Cautionary Tale. By Madelon L. Finkel, PhD, and Adam Law, MD This article raises the question of how far the United States government can go with fracking while balancing the issue of public health. The authors mention that the rich natural gas deposits in the Midwest can supply the United States with energy for over 45 years. Energy independence is essential to a growing economy and that the need for more efficient and environmentally friendly sources of energy is critical to the climatic issues we face today. The growing popularity of fracking, developing technology, and the potential of great economic profit from natural gas draws many organizations to natural gas but public health risk is put in the back seat. This article presents the issue of fracking in an objective manner, showing both the positive sides of the innovation and the need to address public health risks. I will use this article to highlight the exciting technology that is, fracking.

Annotated Bibliography: Article 3 Title: The politics of Fracking: Regulating natural gas drilling practices in Colorado and Texas by Charles Davis This article focuses on the politics of regulating natural gas fracking operations in Colorado and Texas. Between-state differences in the economic importance of natural gas production, political traditions, environmental impacts of drilling activities, and local governmental responses to risk reduction, and entrepreneurial activities are discussed in relation to policy-making initiatives. I plan to use this article to shine light on the political aspects of fracking and the different approaches taken by different states to manage and efficiently produce natural gas while addressing all the issues that underlie the very controversial method of energy retrieval. Annotated Bibliography 4: Article 4 Title: All they are saying is Give Fracking a Chance By Steve Everley The article reports on opposition to the plans of New York to develop natural gas from shale. The state has cited scientific conclusions which indicated that hydraulic fracturing can be effectively regulated. However, several opponents including artist Yoko Ono, have made claims against hydraulic fracturing. Some of their claims include groundwater contamination, water depletion and production of greenhouse emissions. This article shows the counter side of the argument, as in the approaches some states are taking to fracking as opposed to states such Colorado and Texas (mentioned in previous source)

who have embraced the technology. This article also touches on the effects of the media on how the public reacts to fracking. Annotated bibliography 5: Article 5 Title: Rigorous evidence slim for determining health risks from natural gas fracking By Mike Mitka This article is concerned with the lack of regulation on fracking and how different laws and regulations do not allow for extensive studies on the health effects of fracking and water contamination. It mentions that organization which profit from fracking, have successfully been able to hide the chemical composition of the solutions they use during fracking and this has become a major deterrent in public health research. I plan to use this article to foreshadow how the lack of research on the effects of fracking on public health can prove to be dangerous and reckless in the future despite the anticipated profits.

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