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The main theme of Aristotles Metaphysics I understand is the study Being.

Since every sensible thing is constantly changing or is subject to change, knowledge is impossible1. However, every sensible thing also has some underlying characteristics that are unchanging and of which knowledge is possible2. In this paper I will analyse the passage how will knowing exist, if there will not be some one thing about the many 3 and argue Aristotles concept of universals which solves many irregularities of Platos concept of many participating in one form that is external and real, and I will also highlight some problems with the principle of universals. There are many categories that falls is into one and the many. First there is one body with many parts. Second divisible and indivisible as some bodies can be divided into parts till the body no longer functions as a unified body with breath of life in it. Third we have inanimate objects like bed and tables4 where they have many sizes and shape but one function. Fourth we have animate objects like human being and animals, where many humans partake in one human being and likewise for animals and species. Fifth we have mathematical objects like triangles and square that exists in many objects in reality and can be understood conceptually. And finally we have immaterial things like justice that is universal indifferent of the cultures.

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Metaphysics 1.987b1 John Shand, Philosophy and Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophers (London: UCL Press, 2003), 38. 3 3.999b27 4 Platos Republic (596)

Aristotle trying to critique Plato fails to see the constancy of the universals in sensible things from generation to generation. All tables have something is common which exist for many generation. All bees are known to gather honey from the flowers and that process aids pollination of the flowers and the honey gathered shape their hives as hexagons and spiders weave webs whose marvellous shapes amaze the geometer in their circularity.5 Bees and spiders do not have the mind to think or reason like humans and have no mathematical understanding of perfect shapes and sizes, yet their designs are universal and far more perfect and efficient that human beings with understanding. Is there some

intelligent design that governs the universal principles? Aristotle fails to see what is the essence of universality.6 In conclusion, there are universal concepts that are unchanging and consistent that exists only in particulars. Since there are consistencies of the universals, knowledge of the universals is possible by abstraction from the particulars and science therefore is possible. However, the concept of the universals does not answer why certain things behave in a consistent manner like bee hives and spider web are unique, efficient and much precise than human engineering with reason. Platos theory of forms that exists in reality does not answer one and the many of all categories mentioned. If one accepts the concept of an intelligent design, then we can apply Platos Ideas in the mind of the intelligent being that makes Aristotles universals existing in the particulars possible and answers why bees and spiders can and other creatures have such consistent nature.

Jon McGinnis, David Reisman, Classical Arabic Philosophy: An Anthology of Sources (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc, 2007), 259

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