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AP BIOLOGY UNIT TEST 1 Homework DUE: An Overview of Life Chapter 1 1. Analyze Table 1.1.

What are the themes of Biology? Why do Biology courses build their content around themes and major concepts? 2. A topic that you will be able to recite and understand at will by the end of the year (hopefully sooner) . . . what is the primary mode of regulation in biological systems? 3. Life is divided into three domains. Describe them and explain why they are used. 4. List and describe the characteristics of life (use the pictures throughout the chapter to guide you). 5. How does biology account for the unity and diversity of life? Provide evidence to support this statement. 6. Science is an evolving process of discovery. Examine Figure 1.29 and describe what aspects of science are depicted. The Chemistry of Life Chapter 2: The Chemical Context of Life (This chapter is a review of basic chemistry we will be going through this chapter very quickly. If you have any problems see me ASAP!) 1. What are the 8 most common elements of life? Give an example of their use in biological systems. 2. a) Compare and contrast covalent vs. ionic bonds. b) How can one identify non-polar vs. polar covalent bonds? 3. What is an isotope and what is special about radioactive isotopes? Explain Figure 2.5 in your answer. 4. Based on the reading, what is an example, in a living system, of how molecular shape is critical? The Chemistry of Life Chapter 3: Water & the Fitness of the Environment 1. For at least 7 of the properties of water, define the property and then explain how waters polar nature and polar covalent bonds contribute to that special property. Include an example in nature of each property also. 2. Label the diagram below to demonstrate the dissociation of the water molecule and then relate this diagram to pH.

3. Why are apparently small changes in pH so important in biology? 4. What is a buffer and write and explain the carbonic acid buffer system in human blood yes we are back to the equation AGAIN!

AP BIOLOGY UNIT TEST 1 Homework DUE: The Chemistry of Life Chapter 4: Carbon & the Molecular Diversity of Life 1. Describe Figure 4.7 Provide an example of each type that is different from the one in the figure. 2. Why are enantiomers of biological interest? 3. Create a table of the 6 main functional groups: after each functional group draw the structure, name the compound, write the formula, give an example (different from the book), note at least one functional property & create an easy way for you to remember each! (doesnt this look like great quiz material?) The Chemistry of Life Chapter 5: The Structure & Function of Macromolecules 1. a) Describe the processes in Figure 5.2 b) Examine Figure 5.5 - What is a glycosidic linkage and what do the numbers 1-4 and 1-2 relate to? How is this figure related to Figure 5.2? 2. Create a table for the four macromolecules: describe basic structures of each making sure to note major functional groups of each, examples of functions in biological systems, and key biological monomer and/or polymers of each. 3. Explain the four levels of protein structure. 4. a) How does the characteristics of an amino acid nonpolar, polar, acidic or basic relate to the issue of tertiary and quaternary structure? b) What does denaturation mean and why is it important?

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